Quantitative Methods (10 Chapters)
Quantitative Methods (10 Chapters)
Quantitative Methods (10 Chapters)
The aim of this chapter is to:
The objective of this chapter is to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Quantitative Methods
1.1 Introduction
The study of matrices and determinants is of immense significance in business and economics.
We find the application of matrices and determinants in various topics of economics and management such as linear
programming, theory of games, general equilibrium analysis, matrix multiplier, input-output analysis and so.
With the help of matrices and determinants, we can solve equations and system of equations.
1.2 Matrix
A matrix is simply a set of numbers arranged in a rectangular table.
It is written in either ( ) or [ ] brackets.
A set of numbers arranged in a rectangular array of m rows and n columns, of an order m x n (Read as m by
Matrix Notation:
A matrix is written with ( ) or [ ] brackets.
Do not confuse a matrix with a determinant which uses vertical bars | |. A matrix is a pattern of numbers; a
determinant gives us a single number. The size of a matrix is written: rows columns.
1.3.5 Diagonal Matrix
A square matrix having all elements zero except the principal diagonal elements is called a diagonal matrix.
Matrix elements as a11 , a22 , a33 etc are called principal diagonal elements.
Consider A, B and C are the matrices having same order.
A-B = -(B-A)
A-(B-C) = (A-B)-C=(A-C)-B
A - zero matrix = A
A A = zero matrix
Quantitative Methods
Let any non-zero scalar be Ka . and matrix
then scalar multiplication is denoted by
Consider A, B, C are matrices.
ABC = (AB)C = A(BC)
A(B+C) = AB + AC
AI = IA = A
1.5 Determinants
A determinant of a matrix represents a single number.
We obtain this value by multiplying and adding its elements in a special way.
We can use the determinant of a matrix to solve a system of simultaneous equations.
For example, if we have the (square) 2 2 matrix: then The determinant of this matrix is written within vertical
lines as follows:
If each element of a row/column of a determinant is multiplied by the same constant and then added to the
corresponding elements of some other row/column, then value of determinant remains same
If each element of a row/column of a determinant is zero, then its value is zero
Quantitative Methods
x, y are variables of the equations. a1 ,b1 , a2 , b2 are coefficients of variables c1 , c2 are constants. then the solution
can be obtained by Crammers Rule as follows:
step 1: Solve the determinant of coefficients of variables say delta
Step 2: Solve the determinant replacing constants in the place of coefficients of variable x say delta x ( )x
Step 3: Solve determinant replacing constants in the place of coefficients of variable y say delta y ( )y
Solved Examples:
1) Solve 2x+3y = 9
-x + y = -2
Using Crammers Rule
= 2+3 = 5
= 9+6 = 15
= -4+9
A matrix is defined as a rectangular array of elements.
If the arrangement has m rows and n columns, then the matrix is of order mxn (read as m by n).
A matrix is enclosed by a pair of parameters such as ( ) or [ ]. It is denoted by a capital letter.
Two matrices are said to be comparable if they have the same order.
Addition and subtraction of two matrices is possible only if they have the same order.
If two matrices A and B are of same order, then A - B = A + (- B).
Commutative law, associative law holds good for addition of matrices.
The additive identity of a matrix A of order mxn is the zero matrix of order mxn.
The additive inverse of a matrix A is -A.
The multiplication of two matrices A and B is possible if the number of columns of A is equal to the number
of rows B.
Suppose A is a matrix of order mxn and B is a matrix of order nxp, the matrix AB is of order mxp.
Matrix multiplication is not commutative, i.e., AB BA (always)
Associative law holds good for matrix multiplication, i.e., (AB)C = A(BC)
Matrix multiplication is distributive with respect to addition A(B + C) = AB + AC or (A + B)C = AC + BC
If A is a matrix of order mxn and is a scalar (real or complex) then the matrix kA is obtained by multiplying
each element of A by k.to every square matrix, a value can be associated which is known as the determinant
of the matrix.
Note that the determinant of kA where k is a scalar and A is a square matrix, is given by kn times determinant
of A.i.e., is |kA| = kn |A|
Dr. Kala, V. N. and Rana, R., 2009. Matrices, 1st ed., Laxmi Publication ltd.
Jain, T. R. and Aggarwal, S. C.,2010. Business Mathematics and Statistics, V.K Enterprises.
Jain, T. R. and Aggarwal, S. C., 2009. Quantitative Methods. FK Publication.
Bird, J. O., 2001. Newnes engineering mathematics pocket book, Butterworth and Hannmen.
Williams, G., 2009. Matrices and determinants, 7th ed., Jones and Bartlett Publications.
Poole, D., 2005. Linear Algebra, 2nd ed., Cengage learning.
Recommended Reading
McMahon, D., 2005. Linear Algebra Demystified, McGraw-hill publication.
Anton, H., 2010. Elementary Linear Algebra, 10th ed., FM Publications.
Greub, W., 1975. Linear Algebra graduate texts in mathematics, Springer.
Quantitative Methods
Chapter II
Mathematical Logic
The aim of this chapter is to:
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will able to:
2.1 Introduction
Mathematical logic
Mathematical Logic is a tool for providing precise meaning to mathematical statements.
It includes:
A formal language for expressing them.
A concise notation for writing them.
A methodology for objectively reasoning about their truth or falsity
2.1.1 Statement
A statement/simple statement, or a proposition, is a declarative sentence that is either true or false, but not
Simple statement is basic building block of logic
Quantitative Methods
2.2.2 Disjunction:
Disjunction is the combination of statements using OR
The conjunction of two statements is true if either one component is true
It is represented as sign v
p q pvq
2.2.3 Negation:
Negation is the NOT of a simple statement
The Truth value of negation of a statement is the opposite of the truth value of the original statement
It is represented as sign ~
p -p
2.2.4 Conditional:
Conditional statement is the statement in the form, if p, then p implies q
The conditional pq is true unless p is true and q is False
It is represented as sign
p q p q
Bi-conditional is statement in the form p if and only if q or p if q
If p and q have the same value, pq is true, otherwise will be False
It is represented as sign
p q p q
p V q q V p p q q p p q q p p q q p
p V ~p T p ~p F p ~p ~p p ~p F ~p p p
Quantitative Methods
Double Negation:
~(~p) p
p V (q V r) (p V q) V r
p (q r) (p q) r
p V (q r) (p V q) (p V r)
p (q V r) (p q) V (p r)
p V (p q) p
p (p V q) p
De Morgans law:
~(p V q) ~p ~q
~(p q) ~p V ~q
Equivalence of Contrapositive:
p q ~q ~p
p q ~p V q
p q (p q) (q p)
Mathematical logic is logic relevant to the study of mathematics, logic relies on the following:
A statement (or a proposition) may be described as an assertive sentence, which is either true or false,
but not both.
The statements formed by combining two or more simple statements with logical connectives are called
compound or composite statements. True' or False' are called the truth values of a statement. If a
statement is true, then its truth value is True' denoted by T'. If a statement is false, then its truth value
is False' denoted by F'.
It is a tabular form showing the truth values of various simple and compound statements in a number
of rows and columns.
The statements are described in Negation, Conjunction, Implication, Dissjunction.etc.
Two statement patterns s and s are said to be logically equivalent if they have identical truth tables.
Tautology: A statement is said to be a tautology if it is true for all the truth value of its components.
Fulda, J. S., 1993. Exclusive Disjunction and the Bi-conditional: An Even-Odd Relationship, Mathematics
Hallie, P. P., 1954. A Note on Logical Connectives, Mind 63.
Dean McCullough, P., 1971. Logical Connectives for Intuitionist Propositional Logic, Journal of Symbolic
Wansing, H., 2006. Logical Connectives for Constructive Modal Logic.
Recommended Reading
Leidn university, 2003. Introduction Probability and Statistics [PDF] Available at: <http://www.math.leidenuniv.
nl/~redig/lecturenotesstatistics.pdf>. [Accessed 14 October 2010].
DeCoster, J. (1998). Introductory Statistics Notes [PDF] Available at: <http://www.stat-help.com/intro.pdf>.
[Accessed 14 October 2010].
Richald, Statistics: Lecture Notes [Online] Available at: <http://people.richlan,.edu/james/lecture/m170>.
[Accessed 14 October 2010].
Hon, K., An Introduction to Statistics [PDF] Available at: <http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/LaTeX/
Examples/statistics_firstfive.pdf>. [Accessed 14 October 2010].
Quantitative Methods
Set Theory
The aim of this chapter is to:
define set
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
3.1 Definition
A set is a collection of well-defined objects enclosed in curly brackets, generally denoted by capital letters.
The objects which form the set are called elements or members of the set.
3.3.1 Finite set: If the set contains a finite number of elements it is called a finite set. A= {10,20,40}
3.3.2 Infinite set: If the set contains an infinite number of elements it is called an infinite set.
A= {10,20,40,..}
3.3.3 Null set or Empty set: The set having no element is called a null set or an empty set. It is denoted by
the symbol '.
A= or A= {}
3.4.1 Belongs to () : x A : x is an element of set A If A = set of all the capital letters of the English
alphabet. X = element x has value B' then
x is one of the elements of set A and can be written as x A and read as x belongs to set A.
Quantitative Methods
3.5.1 Union (): A B: Union set of sets A and B It contains all the elements of set A as well as set B.
If A= {a, b, c, d, e}B = {d, f, g}then A B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}
Cartesian Product (x): A x B: Cartesian product of sets A and B.
For non-empty sets A and B, A x B is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) of
elements a A , b B
Thus, A x B = {(a, b): a A, b B}
Note that A x B B x A
Let A= {a, b, c} B = {1,2}then
A x B = {(a, 1) (a, 2) (b, 1) (b, 2) (c, 1) (c, 2) }
B x B = {(1, 1) (1, 2) (2, 1) (2, 2) } Note that (1, 2) (2, 1)
3.7 Application:
All mathematical concepts are now defined formally in terms of sets and set theoretic concepts. For example,
mathematical structures as diverse asgraphs,manifolds,rings, andvector spacesare all defined as sets having
various (axiomatic) properties
Equivalenceandorder relationsare ubiquitous in mathematics, and the theory ofrelationsis entirely grounded
in set theory
Set theory is also a promising foundational system for much of mathematics, i.e. all mathematical theorems
can be derived using an aptly designed set of axioms for set theory, augmented with many definitions,
usingfirstorsecond order logic
For example, properties of thenaturalandreal numberscan be derived within set theory, as each number system
can be identified with a set ofequivalence classesunder a suitablerelation whose field is someinfinite set
Set theory as a foundation formathematical analysis,topology,abstract algebra, anddiscrete mathematicsis
likewise uncontroversial; mathematicians accept that (in principle) theorems in these areas can be derived from
the relevant definitions and the axioms of set theory
Few full derivations of complex mathematical theorems from set theory have been formally verified, however,
because such formal derivations are often much longer than the natural language proofs mathematicians
commonly present
One verification project, Metamath, includes derivations of more than 10,000 theorems starting from
theZFCaxioms and usingfirst order logic
Quantitative Methods
Set theory begins with a fundamentalbinary relationbetween an objectoand a setA. Ifois amember(orelement)
ofA, we writeoA. Since sets are objects, the membership relation can relate sets as well
A derivedbinary relationbetween two sets is the subset relation, also calledset inclusion. If all the members
of setAare also members of setB, thenAis asubsetofB, denotedAB
There are six Concepts available in set theory. The concepts are, Union
The set A and B is symbolised by AB .That is group the values of the set A and B. Intersection
The set A and B symbolised by A B. It means we only select the common values of the set A and B.
It is represented by Ac is the all values of U that are not components of A. Difference
The sets A and B are the group of all objects. In that entity that is an element of accurately one A and B. Cartesian
A x B is the Cartesian product of set A and B. Powers Set Whose elements are all possible subsets of A is called
the power set of A
Akerkar, R., 2008. Discrete Mathematics: Set theory, 2nd ed., Dorling Kindersley Publication India, pp 109-
T. Veeraranjan, 2008. Discrete Mathematics with graph theory and Combinatorics: Set theory, 7th ed., McGraw-
Hill Publication, pp 51-64.
Lipschutz, S., 1998. Set theory and related topics, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Publication.
Recommended Reading
Waters,D., 2006. Quantitative Methods for business, Set Theory, 4th ed., Prentice Hall Publication.
Bedward, D., 1999. Quantitative methods, Set theory, Elsevier.
Slater, J, C., 2007. Quantitative Methods, Set theory, Thomson Learning.
Arithmetic Progression and Geometric Progression
The aim of this chapter is to :
The objectives of this chapter are to:
elucidate progression/sequences
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
understand the use of A.P. and G.P. in mathematics and its allied branches
Quantitative Methods
4.1 Introduction
A series in which terms increase or decrease by a common difference is called Arithmetic Progression.
The following series are in A.P.
1+2+3+4+5+.. common difference = 1
3+5+7+9+11+ common difference = 2 are series, in the first of these series, the first term is 3 and next terms
are obtained by adding 2 each time the preceding term. In the second of these series each term, beginning with the
second, is the double of the preceding term.
The nth term of A.P. is also called general term and denoted by, i = a+(n-1)d
The rule to find the common difference (d): Subtract first term from the second term.
The ratio of successive terms is usually denoted by 'r' and the first term again is usually written a.
4.4 Sequences
Sequence is explained below.
4.4.1 Definition
A sequence is a collection of numbers arranged in some order and obtained in succession according to some
definite rule
The individual numbers forming a sequence are called the terms of the sequence
Let 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, be a sequence and 2 or 4 or 6 etc. are the
terms of the sequence.
4.4.2 nth Term of the Sequence ( tn )
For a sequence we can find the nth term according to some definite rule used in that sequence.
(1) Let 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 be a sequence. Find tn .
Here, we observe that the first term is 3 (i.e.3x1),the second term is 6
(i.e. 3x2), the third term is 9 (i.e. 3x3) etc.
So, in general the nth term is 3x n that is 3n.
Therefore, tn = 3n
Quantitative Methods
(2) Let the sequence be 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26,. Find tn .
Here, tn = 2n
If the nth term of the sequence is given, we can find the terms of the sequence in succession.
(1) Let tn = 2n-1, find the sequence.
For n=1, t1 = 2(1)-1 = 1
For n=2, t2 = 2(2)-1 = 3
For n=3, t3 = 2(3)-1 = 5
For n=4, t4 = 2(4)-1 = 7
Therefore the required sequence is 1, 3, 5, 7,
(2) Let tn = 1/n, find the sequence.
Here, the required sequence is 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4,.
(1) If Sn = 3n2 4n, find the sequence.
Let Sn = 3n2 - 4n .(1)
Sn-1 = 3(n-1)2 - 4(n-1)
= 3(n2 - 2n +1)- 4n+4 using (a-b)2 = a2 2ab+b2
Sn-1 = 3n2-10n +7 .(2)
Subtracting (2) from (1), we get tn
tn = Sn -Sn-1
Therefore, tn =(3n2 - 4n)-(3n2 -10n +7)
tn-1 = 6n- 7. For n =1, t = 6(1)-7 = -1
For n =2 t = 6(2)-7 = 5 2
For n =3 t = 6(3)-7 = 11 3
For n =4 t = 6(4)-7 = 17 4
Therefore, the required sequence is -1, 5, 11,17,..
Quantitative Methods
4.5.1 Definition
If for a sequence tn+1 - tn is constant for all n, then it is called an arithmetic sequence or arithmetic progression.
The constant difference tn+1 - tn is called the common difference of the A.P. and denoted by d.
In general, the terms of A.P. are a, a+d, a+2d,a+3d,
(1) Find the sum of n terms of A.P. -26, -23, -20, -17, ..
Here, first term = a= -26
And common difference = d = 3
Therefore, using Sn = n [ 2a + (n-1)d] we get,
(2) Sn = n/2 [ 2(-26) +(n-1)(3)]
Sn = n/2 [ n-55]
Sn = n/2 (n-55)
4.6 Geometric Progression
If for a sequence the ratio tn+1 /tn is constant for all n, then it is called a n+1 n geometric sequence or geometric
The constant ratio tn+1 /tn is called the common ratio of the G.P. and denoted by r.
In general, the terms of G.P. are a, ar, ar2, ar3,
(1) Find the nth term of 5, 15, 45, 135, ..
Since, t2/t1 = 15/5 = 3
t3/t2 = 45/15 = 3
Therefore, the ratio is constant and the given sequence is G.P.
Here, the first term = a= 5
Common ratio = r= 3
Using tn = ar(n-1) we have,
tn = 5x 3(n-1)
Therefore the nth term = tn = 5x 3(n-1)
(1) Find the sum of n terms of G.P. 5,15,45,135,.
Here, first term = a= 5
And common ratio= r = 3
Since r1 and r > 1 then
Therefore, using Sn = a (rn- 1) we get, rn - 1
Sn = 5 (3n-1)
(1) Sum of the series as n tends to infinity and r<1 is (S ) = a / (1-r)
(2) Geometric mean of two numbers is obtained as G.M.= ab
Quantitative Methods
Arithmetic progression:
An arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers such that the difference of any two
successive members of the sequence is a constant.
The following formula is used for solving the nth :
tn = arn-1
where a, the first term
n, number of terms
r, the common ratio
Geometric progression:
A geometric progression is a sequence of numbers where each term after the first is found by multiplying
the previous one by a fixed non-zero number called the common ratio
tn = arn-1
where a, the first term
n, number of terms
r, the common ratio
Points to Remember:
Arithmetic Progression:
Tn = a + (n+1)d
Sn = =
Tn = Sn - Sn-1
A.M. of a and b =
Sn = A.M. x n
Geometric Progression:
Tn= arn-1
Sn = =
Tn = Sn Sn-1
G.M. of a and b =
Product of all
Guy, R. K., 1994. Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, pp. 15-18.
Hardy, G. H. and Wright, E. M., 1979. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 5th ed., Oxford Univ. Press,
New York.
Lander, L. J. and Parkin, T. R., 1967., Consecutive primes in arithmetic progression, Math. Comp.
Nelson, H. L., 1975. There is a better sequence, J. Recreational Math, pp 39-43.
Pritchard, P. A., Moran, A. and Thyssen, A., 1995. Twenty-two primes in arithmetic progression, Math. Comp.,
pp 1337-1339.
Recommended Reading
Waters, D., 2006. Quantitative Methods for business, Progression, 4th ed., Prentice Hall Publication.
Bedward, D., 1999. Quantitative methods, Arithmetic Progression, Elsevier.
Slater, J, C., 2007. Quantitative Methods, Progression, Thomson Learning.
Quantitative Methods
Chapter V
The aim of this chapter is to:
define probability
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
5.1 Introduction
Every human activity has an element of uncertainty. Uncertainty affects the decision making process. Probably-
this word is often used by us like probably it may snow today; probably there may be a surprise test tomorrow etc.
So, there is a need to handle uncertainty systematically and scientifically. Hence, probability theory is used.
5.2 Definition
Probability is the ratio of favorable events to the total number of equally likely events.-By Laplace
Probability is an attitude of mind towards uncertain events.-By Connor
Probabilities are associated with experiments where the outcome is not known in advance or cannot be
If a die is rolled, the sample space S is given by,
S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Quantitative Methods
5.6 Applications
Probability used in risk assessment at any organisational level, especially at top management where the crucial
decisions are taken
It is also applied to the commodity markets in trading
Governments typically apply probabilistic method in Environmental regulation where it is called Pathways
It is also applicable where consumer products, such as automobiles and consumer electronics, utilise reliability
theory in the design of the product in order to reduce the probability of failure, the probability of failure may
be closely associated with the products warranty
We define the conditional probability of event A, given that B has occurred, in case of A and B being independent
events, as the probability of event A.
P(A|B) = P(A).
This formula is derived from the formula of conditional probability of dependent events.
P(B|A) =
5.8 How to calculate the Probabilities?
Classical Probability Formula:
It is based on the fact that all outcomes are equally likely
Total number of outcomes in E
P(E) = ________________________________________________
Total number of outcomes in the sample space
Empirical Probability Formula:
It uses real data on present situations to determine how likely outcomes will occur in the future.
Let us clarify this using an example:
30 people were asked about the colors they like and here are the results:
Color Frequency
red 10
blue 15
green 5
If a person is selected at random from the above group of 30, what is the probability that this person likes the
red color?
Let event E be likes the red color.
P (E) = 10 / 30 = 1 / 3
For example,
6C3 =
Example 1:
What is the chance of getting a King in a draw from a pack of 52 cards?
The total no. of cards = 52
The total no. of Kings = 4
Quantitative Methods
Bayes Theorem:
Thomas Bayes addressed both the case of discrete probability distributions of data and the more complicated case
of continuous probability distributions.
In the discrete case, Bayes theorem relates the conditional and marginal probabilities of events A and B, provided
that the probability of B does not equal to zero.
Each term in Bayes theorem has a conventional name:
P(A) is the prior probability or marginal probability of A. It is prior in the sense that it does not take into
account any information aboutB.
P(A|B) is the conditional probability of A, given B. It is also called the posterior probability because it is derived
from or depends upon the specified value ofB.
P(B|A) is the conditional probability of B given A. It is also called the likelihood.
P(B) is the prior or marginal probability of B, and acts as a normalising constant.
Bayes theorem in this form gives a mathematical representation of how the conditional probability of event A given
B is related to the converse conditional probability of B given A.
P (A|B) = P (B|A).P(A)
P (B)
Probability theory is a branch of mathematics concerned with the analysis of random phenomena. The outcome
of a random event cannot be determined before it occurs, but it may be any one of several possible outcomes.
The actual outcome is considered to be determined by chance
The probability of an event is to find out how many times event will happen because of a research. They will
give a clearly results. The probability is the study of chance or possibility of an event to happening like straight
or not directly, probability plays a role in the all activities
As a mathematical foundation forstatistics, probability theory is essential to many human activities that involve
quantitative analysis of large sets of data
The probability of event A is the number of ways event A can occur divided by the totalnumber of possible
Discrete probability theorydeals with events that occur incountablesample spaces whereas continuous probability
theorydeals with events that occur in a continuous sample space
Grinstead, C. M. and Snell, J. L., 1997. Introduction of Probability: Probability, AMS Bookstore, pp133-137.
Mosteller, F., 1987. Probability: Probability, 1st ed., Dover Publications.
Dartmouth, Probability [PDF] Available at: <http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/teaching_aids/books_articles/
probability_book/book.pdf>. [Accessed 18 October 2010].
Math Goodies, Probability [Online] Available at: <http://www.mathgoodies.com/lessons/vol6/intro_probability.
html>. [Accessed 18 October 2010].
Britannica Encyclopedia, Probability [Online] Available at: <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/
topic/477530/probability-theory>. [Accessed 18 October 2010].
Recommended Reading
Waters, D., 2006. Quantitative Methods for business, Probability, 4th ed., Prentice Hall Publication.
Bedward, D., 1999. Quantitative methods, Probability, Elsevier.
Slater, J, C., 2007. Quantitative Methods, Probability, Thomson Learning.
Quantitative Methods
Chapter VI
Permutation and Combination
The aim of this chapter is to:
define combination
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
6.1 Introduction to principles of counting:
If one operation can be performed in m ways and And a second operation can be performed in n ways then both
the operations could be performed simultaneously or sequentially in mxn ways
Addition Principle: If One Operation can be performed in m ways and another operation can be performed in
n ways then one of the two operations could be performed in m+n ways
For Example, a person wants to borrow a book from the library. There are Five novels and Six story books
which he wants to read. He could select any one of the min m+n=5+6=11 ways
6.3 Combination
Combination means selection of things.
The word selection is used, when the order of things has no importance.
The total number of these combinations is denoted by nCr and calculated as ,
Suppose we have to form a number of consisting of three digits using the digits 1,2,3,4,
To form this number the digits have to be arranged.
Different numbers will get formed depending upon the order in which we arrange the digits.This is an example
of Permutation.
Now suppose that we have to make a team of 11 players out of 20 players, This is an example of combination,
because the order of players in the team will not result in a change in the team.
No matter in which order we list out the players the team will remain the same! For a different team to be formed
at least one player will have to be changed.
Quantitative Methods
Factorial n:
The product of first n natural numbers is denoted by n!
n! = n(n-1) (n-2) ..3.2.1.
5!= 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 =120
0! =1
Proof n! =n, (n-1)! Or (n-1)! = [n x (n-1)!]/n = n! /n
Putting n = 1,
We have, O!=1! /1 or0 = 1.
Note that:
An important result:
The fundamental principle of counting (F.P.C) states that if an operation can be performed in m different ways
and if for each such choice, another operation can be performed in n different ways, then both operations, in
succession can be performed in exactly mn different ways. The principle can also be generalised, for even more
than two operations.
For n N, the factorial of n is defined as n! = 1 2 3 ..... n. 0! is defined as 1.
The arrangements of a number of things taking some or all of them at a time are called permutations. The total
number of permutations of n distinct things taking r(1 r n) at a time is denoted by nPr or by P(n, r).
For 1 4 n, nPr = n(n - 1)(n - 2)...... r factors.
In particular, nPn = n(n - 1)(n - 2).....n factors.
= n(n - 1)(n - 2)...... 3.2.1. = n!
If p1 objects are of first kind and p2 objects are of the second kind, then the total number of permutations of all
the p1+p2 objects is given by
If p1 objects are of the ith kind and i = 1,2,3,.r, then the total number of permutations of all the p1+p2+p3+.......+pr
objects is given by,
The number of permutations of n different things taking r at a time when each thing is allowed to repeat any
number of times in any arrangement is given by nr.
The number of circular permutations of n different things is given by (n - 1)!.
If the number of circular permutations of n different things when an anticlockwise circular permutation and its
corresponding clockwise circular permutation are considered as same circular permutation, then the number
of circular permutations is
The selections (groups) of a number of things taking some or all of them at a time are called combinations. The
total number of combinations of n distinct things taking r(1 r n) at a time is denoted by nCr or by C(n, r).
The different arrangements of a given number of things by taking some or all at a time, are called permutation.
Number of permutation- number of all permutations of n things, taken r at a time is given by;
Each of the different groups or selections which can be formed by taking some or all of a number of objects, is
called a combination.
Number of combinations: the number of all combinations of n things, taken r at a time is;
Kumar, K. R., 2005. Discrete Mathematics, Permutation and Combination, Firewall Media, p23-47.
Rao, G. S., 2002. Discrete mathematical structure, Permutation, New Age International, pp14-54.
Pennar, R. C., 1999. Discrete Mathematics, Combination, World Scientific, pp 54-67.
Recommended Reading
Waters, D., 2006. Quantitative Methods for business, Permutation and Combination, 4th ed., Prentice Hall
Bedward, D., 1999. Quantitative methods, Permutation, Elsevier.
Slater, J, C., 2007. Quantitative Methods, Combination, Thomson Learning.
Quantitative Methods
The aim of this chapter is to:
define interpolation
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
7.1 Introduction
Interpolation is the method of statistical estimation and the word literally means making insertions.
Simply interpolation is understood by following example;
If we need to know the population of our country, for any intermediary year, say 1985, one logical approach would
be to work forward from the population of 1981, by adding births and inflow of the people into the country and
deducting deaths and outflow of people from the country during 1981-1985.
Thus the data on population of the year 1985 is required, 100% accurate figures are really not required.
7.3 Application
Interpolation is widely used by businessmen, administrators, sociologists, economist and financial analysis.
It helps in completing the incomplete, lost or destroyed records.
Eg. In financial analysis the interpolation used to find out the IRR(internal rate of return) of a project, all
investment decisions which require to use of the Present value and future value interest factor tables.
Quantitative Methods
+ + + +
Where X =
The formula is as under;
If there are n arguments and n corresponding entries, Newtons backward formula for the entry to be interpolated
for the argument x is,
Quantitative Methods
Algebraic expressions in which the variables concerned have only non-negative integral exponents are called
The standard form of a polynomial in one variable is that in which the terms of the polynomial are written in
the decreasing order of the exponents of the variable
Interpolation provides us the missing quantity of a series so that we can establish the while extrapolation are
the techniques of obtaining the most likely estimates of certain quantity under certain assumptions
Methods of Interpolation are
Graphical method, Lagranges Method, Newton-Gauss Forward Method, Newtons-Gauss Backward method.
Jain, T. R.. and Sandhu, A. S., 2006-07, Quantitative Methods: Interpolation, VK Publication, pp 7.1-7.38.
Agarwal, B. R., 2007. Programmed Statistics, Interpolation, 2nd ed., New Age International, pp 405-425.
Bali, N. P. and Gupta, P. N., 2008. A textbook of Quantitative Techniques, Interpolation, 1st. ed., Laxmi
Publications, pp 134-145.
Recommended Reading
Waters, D., 2006. Quantitative Methods for business, Interpolation, 4th ed., Prentice Hall Publication.
Bedward, D., 1999. Quantitative methods, Interpolation, Elsevier.
Slater, J, C., 2007. Quantitative Methods, Interpolation of Polynomials, Thomson Learning.
Chapter VIII
Commercial Arithmetic
The aim of this chapter is to :
define agent
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
Quantitative Methods
8.1 Introduction
A good deal of business is done by means of agents. An agent can be defined as a person appointed to transact
business in the name and for the account of another. His remuneration is usually in the form of an allowance on
the amount of the business transacted, which is fixed by specific agreement, or in accordance with the usage of the
trade. This remuneration is generally called the agents commission and in most cases is a percentage of the amount
of the transaction.
8.4 Formulae
If the shop sells a thing for more than they paid for it, then the difference is the profit:
Profit = Selling price - Cost price
If the shop sells a thing for less than they paid for it, then the difference is the loss:
Loss = Cost price - Selling price
Both profit and loss can be expressed either in dollars, OR as a percentage of the cost price:
Profit Percentage = (Profit / Cost Price) x 100
Occasionally profit is also mentioned in terms of sales price i.e.:
Profit on selling price= (Profit / Sales Price) x 100
8.5 Interest
It is the price paid for the use of borrowed money,or, money earned by deposited funds.
Assetsthat are sometimes lent with interest includemoney, shares,consumer goodsthroughhire purchase,
major assets such asaircraft, and even entire factories infinance leasearrangements.
The interest is calculated upon the value of the assets in the same manner as upon money.
PV = present worth
C= cash flow
i= interest rate
Quantitative Methods
8.9 Insurance
Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for
Aninsureris a company selling the insurance;
Aninsuredorpolicyholderis the person or entity buying the insurance policy.
The insurance rateis a factor used to determine the amount to be charged for a certain amount of insurance
coverage, called thepremium.
Commission and brokerage
Commission/brokerage means any payment received by a person acting on behalf of another person or for any
services in the course of buying/selling of goods or in relation to any transaction relating to any asset.
Gain= SP CP
Loss = CP SP
Gain % =
Loss % =
Present Worth =
An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from
a lender.
Present Worthis the value on a given date of a future payment or series of future payments, discounted to
reflect thetime value of moneyand other factors such asinvestment risk.
The true discount is the difference between the sum due at the end of the given time and its present worth.
Sum due is calculated by adding Present Worth with True Discount.
Veena, G. R., 2006. Business Mathematics, Commercial Arithmetic, New Age International Publishers.
Aggarwal, R. S., 2008. Quantitative Methods, S.Chand Publications.
Williams, O., 2008. Commercial Arithmetic, Profit and Loss, Bibliobazar, pp 3-85.
Jackson, S., 2009. Commercial Arithmetic, Special Application.
Douglas, G. H., 2007. Modern Commercial Arithmetic, Read Books, pp34-90.
Recommended Reading
Moore, J. H., 2008. New Commercial Arithmetic, Bibliobazaar LLC.
Morgan, A. D., 1900. Elements of Arithmetic, Taylor and Walton.
Calder, F., 1852. Elementary rules of Arithmetic.
Quantitative Methods
Chapter IX
Relations and Functions
The aim of this chapter is to:
define function
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
9.1 Relation
A relation is just a set of ordered pairs. There is absolutely nothing special at all about the numbers that are in a
In other words, any bunch of numbers is a relation so long as these numbers come in pairs.
In maths Relation is just a set of ordered pairs.
Note: {} is the symbol for SET.
Example: {(0, 1), (55, 22), (3,-50)}
What is thedomainandrangeof the followingrelation?
{(-1, 2), (2, 51), (1, 3), (8, 22), (9, 51)}
Domain: -1, 2, 1, 8, 9
Range: 2, 51, 3, 22, 51
9.3 Functions
A function is a relationship between two sets of numbers.
We may think of this as amapping; a functionmapsa number in one set to a number in another set.
Notice that a function maps values to one and only onevalue.
Two values in one set could map to one value, but one value must nevermap to two values: that would be a
relation,nota function.
If we write (define) a function as:
f(x) =x2 then we say: f of x equals x squared and we have,
f( - 1) = 1
f(1) = 1
f(7) = 49
f(1 / 2) = 1 / 4
f(4) = 16 and so on.
Quantitative Methods
When we have a function f, with domain D and range R, we write:
Notice that we can have a function that maps a point (x, y) to a real number, or some other function of two
We have a set of ordered pairs as the domain.
Recall from set theory that this is defined by the Cartesian product. If we wish to represent a set of
all real-valued ordered pairs we can take the Cartesian product of the real numbers with itself to obtain
When we have a set ofn-tuples as part of the domain, we say that the function isn-ary (for numbersn=1,2 we say
unary, and binary respectively).
NOTE: The Break Even point is the point where the revenue from sales is equal to the cost of production.
A relation is just a set of ordered pairs. There is absolutely nothing special at all about the numbers that are in
a relation.
In other words, any bunch of numbers is a relation so long as these numbers come in pairs.
The Domain is the set of all the first numbers of the ordered pairs, and the Range is the set of the second
numbers in each pair, or the y-values.
A function is a relationship between two sets of numbers.
Two values in one set could map to one value, but one valuemust nevermap to two values: that would be a
relation,nota function.
Break-even analysis is a technique widely used by production management and management accountants.
Jain, T. R., Quantitative Methods, 2nd ed., FK Publication.
Author Stream, Relation and Functions [Online] Available at: <www.authorstream.com/.../sadamava-373982-
2-1-relations-functions-ppt-relationsfunctions-powerpoint-education/>. [Accessed 10 October 2010].
Tutor Vista.Com Relation and Functions [Online] Available at: <www.tutorvista.com Math Algebra,>.
[Accessed 10 October 2010].
Purple Math, Relation and Fuinctions [Online] Available at: <www.purplemath.com/modules/fcns.htm>.
[Accessed 10 October 2010].
Recommended Reading
Waters, D., 2006. Quantitative Methods for business, 4th ed., Prentice Hall Publication.
Bedward, D., 1999. Quantitative methods, Elsevier.
Slater, J, C., 2007. Quantitative Methods, Thomson Learning.
Quantitative Methods
Chapter X
The aim of this chapter is to:
define statistics
The objectives of this chapter are to:
Learning outcome
At the end of this chapter students will be able to:
10.1 Introduction
Statistics can be referred as a subject that deals with numerical facts and figures. It is the set of mathematical tools
and techniques that are used to analyse data. The word statistics is said to have been derived from the German word
Statistik meaning political science or from Old Italian word stato meaning state or from New Latin word status
meaning of which is position or form of government or political state. Statistical analysis involves the process of
collecting and analysing data and then summarising the data into a numerical form.
Quantitative Methods
10.7 Classification
Classification refers to grouping of data into homogeneous classes and categories. A group or a class category has
to be determined on the basis of the nature of the data and the purpose for which it is going to be used.
10.9 Characteristics of Classification
The following are general guiding principles for a good classification.
Exhaustive: Classification must be exhaustive. i.e. each and every item in the data must belong to one of the
Mutually exclusive: Each item of information should fit only in one class, i.e. overlapping of items is not
Suitability: The classification should conform to the object of inquiry. For example, if the study is regarding the
economic condition of workers then classification must not be done on the basis of their religion.
Homogeneity: The items included in each class must be homogeneous; Else there should be further classification
in to sub groups.
Flexibility: A good classification should be flexible. It should be adjustable. To the new and changed situations
and conditions.
0Stability: The basic principle of classification should be retained throughout.
Tally Marks ( | ) : It facilitates counting the frequency of a value of a variate in a systematic manner. The distinct
values of the variate are written down in ascending or descending order in a column. As we go through the given
raw data, one by one a tally mark is inserted in each case against the respective value. It will be easy to count if
tally marks are arranged in blocks of five i.e. every fifth tally mark is marked by a slanting line over the preceding
four. For example for the value of variate 5 we can give tally marks as ||||, for the value of variable 13 we can give
tally marks as|||| |||||||.
Quantitative Methods
Statistics helps in creating more efficiency in the decision making process
Statistics can be said as a collection of methods for planning experiments, obtaining data, and then organising,
summarising, presenting, analysing, interpreting, and drawing conclusions
The purpose of statistics is to obtain some overall understanding of group characteristics
It is important to know how to understand statistics so that improper judgments are not made
Sharma, J. K., 2009. Business Statistics, 4th ed., Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd.
Jain, T. R. and Agarwal, S. C., 2009.10. Statistics for BBA, Statistics, VK Enterprises.
Medhi, J., 2005. Statistical Methods, Methods of Data Collection, 1st ed., New Age International Publishers,
Rajagopalan, S. P. and Sattanathan, R., 2008. Business Statistics and Operations Research, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, pp 1-6.
Recommended Reading
Leidn university Introduction Probability and Statistics [PDF] Available at: <http://www.math.leidenuniv.
nl/~redig/lecturenotesstatistics.pdf>. [Accessed 14 October 2010].
Star, Statistics http://www.stat-help.com/intro.pdf , [Accessed 14 October 2010].
Richald, Statistics [Online] Available at: <http://people.richlan,.edu/james/lecture/m170>. [Accessed 14 October
Art of problem solving, Statistics [PDF] Available at: <http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/LaTeX/Examples/
statistics_firstfive.pdf>. [Accessed 14 October 2010].
Answers.com, Statistics [Online] Available at: <http://www.answers.com/topic/statistics>. [Accessed 14 October