Good Shepherd ANCC Weekly Bulletin

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FEBRUARY 5, 2017
Mass Schedule
Saturday 5PM
Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Served by:
Fr. Anthony R. Lipari, FCM

Fr. Drew Miller

Associate Pastor

Sr. Donna Lombardi, N/FCM

Pastoral Associate

Karen Suter
Parish Administrator

Mike & Fran Krol

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place
A Shepherd's View
February 5th:
5pm people of the parish Jesus, the Good Shepherd, sees
8am benefactors of the parish that the apostles are tired out
10am Salvatore Neglia from their missionary travels.
The Savior cares about them and
February 12: cares for them, so He takes them
5pm away to a place of rest to be
close to Him. However, a crowd is
waiting there for Jesus, and He
sees that they are "like sheep without a
Franciscan Reflections shepherd," so he helps them to find pasture, to
be safe from harm, to be loved and cherished.
"And after the Lord gave me
"He teaches them many things."
some brothers and sisters, no As the Letter to the Hebrews draws to a close,
one showed me what to do; we hear in the "farewell" how we can live like a
but the Most High revealed to good flock, faithful to "the great shepherd of the
me that I was to live accord- sheep" who brings us "up from the dead by the
ing to the manner of the Holy Gospel. Blood of the eternal covenant." Grateful to the
And I had it written down in brief, sim- risen Shepherd, the good flock praises God, does
ple words, and the Lord Pope confirmed good deeds, shares what it has, and obeys its
it for me. And those who came to receive leaders. But this is NOT a blind obedience.
this life gave everything they had to the The Old Testament prophets warned us that
poor; and they were happy with one tunic bad shepherds can work against the saving plan
patched inside and out, and with a cord of God. In our world we see spiritual and moral
and breeches. And we had no desire for leaders who divide us and prod us to hate,
anything else." distrust, and fear one another; who indulge our
- The Testament of St Francis of Assisi prejudices so we keep following them; who set us
examples of being selfish and self-centered. In
the power of the Gospel and God's Grace, we
trust that Jesus our Shepherd will give us good
Saints of the Week shepherds and help us to be a good flock---all of
us caring about and for each other....THAT'S
St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH!

February 8th:
St. Jerome Emiliani (+1537) Live Jesus in our hearts,
St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin (+1947) forever!
February 10th:
St. Scholastica Virgin (+547)
Lessons from Eckhart Tolle

The continuation in our series of lessons from

Adult Faith Formation Eckhart Tolle, a great spiritual teacher. As you read
with Fr. Anthony and implement these teachings into your life, you
Will resume tomorrow, Monday 2/6/17 will not only increase the quality of your experience
Monday evenings at 7PM - downstairs of being alive but also encounter the living God.

Bible Study Lesson #3:

with Fr. Drew Accept the present and work with it.
Friday evenings 7PM Whatever state that you are in today, accept it first
DownstairsAll are welcome! and then look for what you can do about it. When
you are in a state of denial, you resist everything
Family Faith Formation that comes your way This inner resistance makes
with Sr. Donna you work against the prevailing circumstances that
Meets the 4th Sunday of each month are beyond your control. Instead, if you surrender
Our Family Faith Formation program is for all to the present moment you are working with it not
families with children. Please join us! If you have against it. Say yes to the Now. Accepting reality
any questions or want more information, see will free you to think in a creative manner. Once you
Sr. Donna after Mass or call her do this you will see how things start working in your
at 732-597-2273. favor.

Getting More Out of Mass Next weeks topic: Dont take life seriously.
(written by: Edward Sri, PhD)


The opening part of the Mass is all about getting FAMILY FAITH FORMATION
ready. We are preparing our hearts and minds to
In Jesus day, salt was very important. It was used to
encounter God in the most powerful way possible on
pay salaries. It was used to
earth. In the first half of Mass, God speaks to us preserve food. Like us,
through his inspired Scriptures in the Liturgy of the people used salt to flavor
Word. Then, in the second half of Mass, we actually food. If the salt loses its
taste, it cant be good for
receive Jesus in holy Communion his very Body and seasoning; and if the
Bloodin the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This, indeed, is disciples are not worthy followers of Jesus, they
a lot to get ready for! cant bring the message to others. By Jesus calling
them the light of the world, the disciples were
But we cant simply walk into a church, go through
being told that they should shine forth as examples
the motions at Mass, and think the liturgy will some- to others in the way that they live and how they
how magically inspire us, change our lives, and make treat people. That is why, when Jesus called his
disciples salt and light, he declared their great
us feel closer to God. We need to do our part. God
importance. What was of significant importance to
is present in the liturgy, But we need to ask our- Jesus was the enthusiasm with which the disciples
selves: Are we present to God? The opening prayers spread the Good News.
of the Mass help us transition into this sacred space
How can you let the light of Christ in you
so that we enter more fully into it.
shine for others this week?
Source: Catholic Update; January 2017 edition.
February Birthday Prayers and Wishes to
Some examples of how the ANCC differs from

the Roman Catholic Church
Grace Pawski
Eileen Carew
ANCC: believe that the Pope is a great leader
and teacher of the Church, but that in some of
my decisions on faith and moral practice, I may
differ with him. David Rasp
RC: believe the Pope is infallible in all matters of
faith and moral practice and that he has direct and a belated January Birthday to:
spiritual authority over me and all others. Ralph Aversa!

Please send your birth date (Month and

ANCC: believe that divorce is often tragic, but DAY only) to:
not an unpardonable sin and that divorced
people should be fully welcomed into the Church [email protected]
and its sacraments.
RC: believe that divorce between two Catholics is FISH and CHIPS DINNER
wrong and that the Church should never (or chicken)
recognize the divorce of a married Catholic Fat TuesdayFebruary 28th
Sponsored by :
Holiday City Berkeley First Aid
ANCC: believe that the laypeople of the Church Auxiliary
should have some voice in the Churchs catered by Argyle of Kearny
governance and that the clergy should have
some accountability to their people.
RC: believe that only the Pope and Catholic Where: Holiday City West Clubhouse
bishops should have authority in the Church 45 Cabrillo Blvd
and that lay people should not share in its Toms River
Time: Dinner served anytime between
5:30 and 7:30
Remember to take your bulletin home Cost: $17 per person (children $8) includes
dinner, dessert, coffee/tea, water, soda.
with you when you leave!

It not only contains a lot of information for you FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TICKETS CALL:
to reflect on during the week but it helps us to
MAD at 732-797-0686
keep the Sanctuary neat.

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