Common Work Results For Plumbing
Common Work Results For Plumbing
Common Work Results For Plumbing
A. All conditions imposed by these documents shall be applicable to all portions of the Work under
this Division. These references are intended to point out specific items to the Contractor, but in
no way relieve him of the responsibility of reading and complying with all relevant parts of the
entire Specification.
B. The Contractor shall examine and coordinate with all Contract Drawings and Specifications, and
all Addenda issued. Failure to comply shall not relieve them of responsibility. The omission of
details of other portions of the Work from this Division shall not be used as a basis for a request
for additional compensation.
C. The specific features and details for other portions of the Work related to the construction in
progress or to the building(s) shall be determined by examination at the site.
1. Scope of work.
2. Piping materials and installation instructions common to most piping systems.
3. Transition fittings.
4. Dielectric fittings.
5. Mechanical sleeve seals.
6. Sleeves.
7. Escutcheons.
8. Grout.
9. Equipment installation requirements common to equipment sections.
10. Painting and finishing.
11. Concrete bases.
12. Supports and anchorages.
A. Finished Spaces: Spaces other than mechanical and electrical equipment rooms, furred
spaces, pipe chases, unheated spaces immediately below roof, spaces above ceilings,
unexcavated spaces, crawlspaces, and tunnels.
B. Exposed, Interior Installations: Exposed to view indoors. Examples include finished occupied
spaces and mechanical equipment rooms.
D. Concealed, Interior Installations: Concealed from view and protected from physical contact by
building occupants. Examples include above ceilings and in chases.
E. Concealed, Exterior Installations: Concealed from view and protected from weather conditions
and physical contact by building occupants but subject to outdoor ambient temperatures.
Examples include installations within unheated shelters.
F. Products and Materials: Components and assemblies for the construction of the systems as
indicated in the Documents including, but not limited to pipes, tubes, valves, and equipment.
H. Provide: The materials and equipment described shall be furnished, installed and connected
under this Division, complete for operation, unless specifically noted to the contrary. Identical to
the phrase furnish and install.
I. Furnish: The material, equipment, etc. to be supplied, but not installed by the supplier.
A. Inspection Of Site
1. The accompanying drawings do not indicate existing plumbing installations other than to
identify modifications of and extensions thereof. The Contractor shall visit the site,
inspect the installations and ascertain the conditions to be met and the work.
2. Failure to comply with an inspection of the site shall not constitute ground for any
additional payments in connection with removing or modifying any part of the existing
installations and/or installing any new work under this Division.
D. Contractor shall install, hang, support, etc. all MEP systems and equipment to satisfy all
requirements of the applicable seismic zone using performance requirements and design
criteria for project site as indicated by architect.
E. It is the intent, unless otherwise indicated, that all products and materials described and
specified under this Division, shall be provided for a complete working system irrespective of
use of the phrases install, furnish, furnish and install, or provide as described above has
been actually included.
F. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Work of every description in connection with this
Division of the Specifications.
G. The Contractor shall specifically and distinctly assume, and does so assume, all risk for damage
or injury from whatever cause to property or person used or employed on or in connection with
this Work and of all damages or injury to any person or property wherever located, resulting
from an action or operation under the Contract in connection with the Work, and undertake the
promise to defend the Owner against all claims on account of any such damage or injury.
H. The Contractor will be held responsible for the satisfactory execution and completion of the
Work in accordance with the true intent of the Documents.
I. The Contractor shall provide without extra charge all incidental items required as part of the
Work, even though it may not be specifically indicated. If the Contractor has reason for
objecting to the use of any material, equipment, device or method of construction as indicated,
he shall make report of such objections to the Owner's Representative, obtain proper approval
and adjustment to the Contract, and shall proceed with the Work.
J. Electric wiring
1. All electric wiring shall be installed under Division 26, except for such equipment items as
are prewired at their point of manufacture and so delivered to the project, and except for
the following:
a. Temperature Control Wiring and Power Wiring provided by controls contractor.
2. Prepare and submit for review wiring diagrams for all equipment furnished under this
Division. Show on these diagrams all power, interlock, and control circuits. When the
Architect takes no exception to these drawings, they shall become installation drawings
for the Contractor.
3. All domestic cold and hot water piping shall be heat traced when routed external to the
building or in areas susceptible to freezing conditions.
A. It shall be the Contractor's duty to perform the work and provide the materials covered by these
specifications in conformance with all ordinances and regulations of all authorities having
B. All work herein shall conform to all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations of the local
utility companies.
C. The work shall be in accordance with, but not limited to, the requirements of:
1. National Fire Protection Association
2. National Safety Code
3. City of Grand Junction Building Codes
4. Colorado Safety Code
5. Colorado Boiler Code
6. Colorado Department Of State Health Services
D. Codes and standards referred to are minimum standards. Where the requirements of these
specifications or drawings exceed those of the codes and regulations, the drawings, and
specifications govern.
E. The Contractor shall obtain permits, plan checks, connection and specification fees,
inspections, and approvals applicable to the Work as required by the regulatory authorities.
F. Fees and costs of any nature whatsoever incidental to permits, inspections, and approvals shall
be assumed and paid by the Contractor.
G. The pro-rata costs, if any, for utilities serving this property will be paid for by the Owner and
shall not be included as part of this Contract.
A. Where differences between building codes, state laws, local ordinances, industry standards,
utility company regulations and the Contract Documents occur, the most stringent shall govern.
The Contractor shall promptly notify the Owner's Representative in writing of any such
B. Should the Contractor perform any Work that does not comply with local codes, laws and
ordinances, industry standards or other governing regulations, the Work shall be corrected on
noncompliance deficiencies with the Contractor bearing all costs.
D. Where the Contract Documents exceed the above requirements, the Contract Documents shall
govern. In no case shall Work be installed contrary to or below the minimum legal standards.
A. The inter-relation of the specifications, the drawings, and the schedules are as follows:
1. The specifications provide the written requirements for the quality, standard, nature of the
materials, equipment and construction systems.
2. The drawings establish the quantities, approximate dimensions, details and location of
3. The schedules give the capacities, characteristics and components.
B. For any individual project, if there is conflict between the drawings and or specifications, they
are equivalent in authority and priority. Should they disagree in themselves, or with each other,
prices shall be based on the most expensive combination of quality and quantity of work
indicated. In the event of the above mentioned disagreements the resolution shall be
determined by the Architect.
C. Contractor is responsible to bring any conflicts in drawings and/or specifications to the attention
of the Architect, immediately, prior to any work being done.
D. Where the specifications do not fully agree with the schedules, the schedules shall govern.
Figures given on drawings govern scale measurements and large scale details govern small
scale drawings.
E. Review all construction details illustrated on the architectural and structural drawings and be
guided thereby.
A. Shop Drawings
1. Prepare shop drawings as called for elsewhere herein or directed by the Architect to
coordinate this work with the work of other Divisions, to illustrate changes in this work to
facilitate its concealment in finished spaces, to avoid obstructions, or to illustrate the
installation of a substitute equipment item. Shop drawings shall be provided for the
a. Fire Protection Systems (prepared at a minimum scale of 1/8"=1'-0")
b. Plumbing systems, including all underfloor work (prepared at a minimum scale of
1. Transition fittings.
2. Dielectric fittings.
3. Mechanical sleeve seals.
4. Escutcheons.
C. Welding certificates.
B. Where two or more manufacturers are named, only those manufacturers will be considered or
C. Manufacturers not listed will be considered for substitution prior to bid only. The substitute
manufacturer shall submit a complete copy of the appropriate technical specification section
minimum ten (10) business days prior to bid with each sub-paragraph noted with the comment,
"compliance", "deviation", "alternate" or "not applicable". In the case of non-primary, vendor-
supplied items, the name of the sub-vendor supplying said item, including model number, shall
be indicated.
1. By noting the term "compliance" or "C", it shall be understood that the manufacturer is in
full compliance with the item specified and will provide exactly the same with no
2. By noting the term "deviation" or "D", it shall be understood that the manufacturer prefers
to provide a different component in lieu of that specified. Manufacturer shall indicate all
3. By noting the term "alternate" or "A", it shall be understood that the manufacturer
proposes to provide the same operating function but prefers to do it in a different manner.
An alternate shall be fully described as to what the manufacturer proposes to provide.
4. By noting the term not applicable or N/A, it shall be understood that the specified item
is not applicable to the project.
D. It shall be understood that space allocations have been made on the basis of present and
known future requirements and the dimensions of items of equipment or devices of a particular
manufacturer whether indicated or not.
E. Any product or material offered in substitution which differs in dimension or configuration from
the Documents, the Contractor shall provide as part of the submittal a drawing, minimum 1/4 =
1-0 scale, showing that the substitution can be installed in the space available without
interfering with other portions of the work or with access for operations and maintenance in the
completed project.
F. Where substitute products or materials requiring different arrangement or connections from that
indicated is accepted by the Owner's Representative, install the equipment or devices to
operate properly and in harmony with the intent of the Documents, making all incidental
changes in piping or wiring resulting from the substitution without any additional cost to the
G. The Contractor shall pay all additional costs incurred by other portions of the work in connection
with all substitutions.
H. The Owner's Representative reserves the right to call for samples of any item of product or
material offered in substitution, together with a sample of the specific item when, in their
opinion, the quality of the item and/or the appearance is involved, and it is deemed that an
evaluation of the item may be better made by visual inspection.
I. When any request for a substitution of a product or material is submitted and rejected, the item
named in the Documents shall be furnished. Repetitive submittal of substitutions for the same
item will not be considered.
A. All Work shall be performed by properly licensed technicians skilled in their respective trades.
All materials, equipment and devices shall be installed in accordance with the recommendations
of the manufacturer and in the best standard practice to bring about results of a first class
B. Steel Support Welding: Qualify processes and operators according to AWS D1.1, "Structural
Welding Code--Steel."
C. Steel Pipe Welding: Qualify processes and operators according to ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code: Section IX, "Welding and Brazing Qualifications."
1. Comply with provisions in ASME B31 Series, "Code for Pressure Piping."
2. Certify that each welder has passed AWS qualification tests for welding processes
involved and that certification is current.
E. Wherever a UL standard has been established for a particular type of material, equipment or
device, each item of such material, equipment or device provided on this project shall meet the
requirements of the UL standard in every way, and shall be UL listed and labeled.
F. Products and materials shall be of the best quality customarily applied in quality commercial
practice, and shall be by reputable manufacturers.
G. Each major component shall bear a nameplate giving the name and address of the
manufacturer, and the catalog number or designation of the component.
H. Products and materials provided under this Division of the Specifications shall be essentially the
standard item, unless otherwise noted, of the specified manufacturer, or where allowed, an
alternate manufacturer.
A. Deliver products and materials with factory-applied end caps or heat shrink wrappings to
protect openings. Maintain opening protection through shipping, storage, and handling to
prevent damage and the entrance of dirt, debris, and moisture.
B. Store light sensitive products and materials away from and protected against direct sunlight.
C. Support products and materials at all times to prevent sagging and bending.
D. The area provided for product and material storage at the jobsite shall be clean, dry and
exposure to dust minimized.
E. Responsibility for the protection of products and materials shall extend to existing equipment,
systems, and products and materials. Erect temporary sheltering structures, provide temporary
bracing and supports, or cover existing equipment, systems, and products and materials to
prevent damage and the entrance of dirt, debris, and moisture.
F. Failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with the above to the satisfaction of the Architect,
Engineer, or eithers authorized representative shall be sufficient cause for the rejection of
products and materials in question.
A. Arrange for pipe spaces, chases, slots, and openings in building structure during progress of
construction, to allow for plumbing installations.
C. Coordinate requirements for access panels and doors for plumbing items requiring access that
are concealed behind finished surfaces.
D. Installation Drawings
1. Prepare special drawings as called for elsewhere herein or directed by the Architect to
coordinate this work with the work of other Divisions, to illustrate changes in this work to
facilitate its concealment in finished spaces, to avoid obstructions, or to illustrate the
installation of a substitute equipment item.
2. Use these drawings in the field for the installation of the work. Unless otherwise directed,
do not submit these drawings for review, but provide 3 copies to the Architect for
A. Refer to individual Division 22 piping Sections for pipe, tube, and fitting materials and joining
B. Pipe Threads: ASME B1.20.1 for factory-threaded pipe and pipe fittings.
C. All piping and tubing shall be American manufactured, unless otherwise indicated.
A. Refer to individual Division 22 piping Sections for special joining materials not listed below.
B. Pipe-Flange Gasket Materials: Suitable for chemical and thermal conditions of piping system
a. Full-Face Type: For flat-face, Class 125, cast-iron and cast-bronze flanges.
b. Narrow-Face Type: For raised-face, Class 250, cast-iron and steel flanges.
2. AWWA C110, rubber, flat face, 1/8 inch thick, unless otherwise indicated; and full-face or
ring type, unless otherwise indicated.
C. Flange Bolts and Nuts: ASME B18.2.1, carbon steel, unless otherwise indicated.
D. Solder Filler Metals: ASTM B 32, lead-free alloys. Include water-flushable flux according to
ASTM B 813.
E. Brazing Filler Metals: AWS A5.8, BCuP Series, copper-phosphorus alloys for general-duty
brazing, unless otherwise indicated.
F. Welding Filler Metals: Comply with AWS D10.12 for welding materials appropriate for wall
thickness and chemical analysis of steel pipe being welded.
A. Plastic-to-Metal Transition Fittings: CPVC and PVC one-piece fitting with manufacturer's
Schedule 80 equivalent dimensions; one end with threaded brass insert, and one solvent-
cement-joint end.
C. Plastic-to-Metal Transition Unions: MSS SP-107, CPVC and PVC four-part union. Include
brass end, solvent-cement-joint end, rubber O-ring, and union nut.
D. Flexible Transition Couplings for Underground Nonpressure Drainage Piping: ASTM C 1173
with elastomeric sleeve, ends same size as piping to be joined, and corrosion-resistant metal
band on each end.
A. Description: Combination fitting of copper alloy and ferrous materials with threaded, solder-
joint, plain, or weld-neck end connections that match piping system materials.
C. Dielectric Unions: Factory-fabricated, union assembly, for 250-psig minimum working pressure
at 180 deg F.
E. Dielectric-Flange Kits: Companion-flange assembly for field assembly. Include flanges, full-
face- or ring-type neoprene or phenolic gasket, phenolic or polyethylene bolt sleeves, phenolic
washers, and steel backing washers.
1. Separate companion flanges and steel bolts and nuts shall have 150- or 300-psig
minimum working pressure where required to suit system pressures.
G. Dielectric Nipples: Electroplated steel nipple with inert and noncorrosive, thermoplastic lining;
plain, threaded, or grooved ends; and 300-psig minimum working pressure at 225 deg F.
A. Description: Modular sealing element unit, designed for field assembly, to fill annular space
between pipe and sleeve.
1. Manufacturers:
2. Sealing Elements: EPDM for high temperature applications and NBR for all others
unless otherwise indicated, interlocking links shaped to fit surface of pipe. Include type
and number required for pipe material and size of pipe.
3. Pressure Plates: . Include two for each sealing element.
4. Connecting Bolts and Nuts: Stainless steel of length required to secure pressure plates
to sealing elements. Include one for each sealing element.
A. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Type E, Grade B, Schedule 10, galvanized, plain ends.
A. Description: Manufactured wall and ceiling escutcheons and floor plates, with an ID to closely
fit around pipe, tube, and insulation of insulated piping and an OD that completely covers
E. Split-Casting, Floor-Plate Type: Cast brass with concealed hinge and set screw.
A. Description: ASTM C 1107, Grade B, nonshrink and nonmetallic, dry hydraulic-cement grout.
A. Install piping according to the following requirements and Division 22 Sections specifying piping
B. Drawing plans, schematics, and diagrams indicate general location and arrangement of piping
systems. Indicated locations and arrangements were used to size pipe and calculate friction
loss, expansion, pump sizing, and other design considerations. Install piping as indicated
unless deviations to layout are approved on Shop Drawings.
C. Install piping in concealed locations, unless otherwise indicated and except in equipment rooms
and service areas.
D. Install piping indicated to be exposed and piping in equipment rooms and service areas at right
angles or parallel to building walls. Diagonal runs are prohibited unless specifically indicated
E. Install piping above accessible ceilings to allow sufficient space for ceiling panel removal.
K. Select system components with pressure rating equal to or greater than system operating
L. Install escutcheons, after Architects final approval of finish, for penetrations of walls, ceilings,
and floors according to the following:
1. New piping penetrations shall be one-piece escutcheons.
2. Existing piping penetrations shall be two-piece escutcheons.
M. Install sleeves for pipes passing through concrete and masonry walls, gypsum-board partitions,
and concrete floor and roof slabs.
b. Provide concrete pipe curb in floors of mechanical equipment areas or other wet
areas 4 inches above finished floor level.
2. Install sleeves in new walls and slabs as new walls and slabs are constructed.
3. Install sleeves that are large enough to provide 1/4-inch annular clear space between
sleeve and pipe or pipe insulation. Use the following sleeve materials:
4. Except for underground wall penetrations, seal annular space between sleeve and pipe
or pipe insulation, using joint sealants appropriate for size, depth, and location of joint.
Refer to Division 07 Section "Joint Sealants" for materials and installation.
N. Exterior-Wall Pipe Penetrations: Seal penetrations using sleeves and mechanical sleeve seals.
Select sleeve size to allow for 1-inch annular clear space between pipe and sleeve for installing
mechanical sleeve seals.
1. Install steel pipe for sleeves smaller than 6 inches in diameter for above ground locations.
2. Install cast-iron "wall pipes" for sleeves 6 inches and larger in diameter for above ground
and all underground locations.
3. Mechanical Sleeve Seal Installation: Select type and number of sealing elements
required for pipe material and size. Position pipe in center of sleeve. Assemble
mechanical sleeve seals and install in annular space between pipe and sleeve. Tighten
bolts against pressure plates that cause sealing elements to expand and make watertight
O. Underground, Exterior-Wall Pipe Penetrations: Install cast-iron "wall pipes" for sleeves. Seal
pipe penetrations using mechanical sleeve seals. Select sleeve size to allow for 1-inch annular
clear space between pipe and sleeve for installing mechanical sleeve seals.
1. Mechanical Sleeve Seal Installation: Select type and number of sealing elements
required for pipe material and size. Position pipe in center of sleeve. Assemble
mechanical sleeve seals and install in annular space between pipe and sleeve. Tighten
bolts against pressure plates that cause sealing elements to expand and make watertight
P. Fire-Barrier Penetrations: Maintain indicated fire rating of walls, partitions, ceilings, and floors at
pipe penetrations. Seal pipe penetrations with firestop materials. Refer to Division 07 Section
"Penetration Firestopping" for materials.
A. Join pipe and fittings according to the following requirements and Division 22 Sections
specifying piping systems.
B. Ream ends of pipes and tubes and remove burrs. Bevel plain ends of steel pipe.
C. Remove scale, slag, dirt, and debris from inside and outside of pipe and fittings before
D. Soldered Joints: Apply ASTM B 813, water-flushable flux, unless otherwise indicated, to tube
end. Construct joints according to ASTM B 828 or CDA's "Copper Tube Handbook," using lead-
free solder alloy complying with ASTM B 32.
E. Brazed Joints: Construct joints according to AWS's "Brazing Handbook," "Pipe and Tube"
Chapter, using copper-phosphorus brazing filler metal complying with AWS A5.8.
F. Threaded Joints: Thread pipe with tapered pipe threads according to ASME B1.20.1. Cut
threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream threaded pipe ends to remove burrs and restore
full ID. Join pipe fittings and valves as follows:
1. Apply appropriate tape or thread compound to external pipe threads unless dry seal
threading is specified.
2. Damaged Threads: Do not use pipe or pipe fittings with threads that are corroded or
damaged. Do not use pipe sections that have cracked or open welds.
G. Welded Joints: Construct joints according to AWS D10.12, using qualified processes and
welding operators according to Part 1 "Quality Assurance" Article.
H. Flanged Joints: Select appropriate gasket material, size, type, and thickness for service
application. Install gasket concentrically positioned. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads.
I. Plastic Piping Solvent-Cement Joints: Clean and dry joining surfaces. Join pipe and fittings
according to the following:
1. Comply with ASTM F 402 for safe-handling practice of cleaners, primers, and solvent
2. CPVC Piping: Join according to ASTM D 2846/D 2846M Appendix.
3. PVC Pressure Piping: Join schedule number ASTM D 1785, PVC pipe and PVC socket
fittings according to ASTM D 2672. Join other-than-schedule-number PVC pipe and
socket fittings according to ASTM D 2855.
4. PVC Nonpressure Piping: Join according to ASTM D 2855.
J. PE Piping Heat-Fusion Joints: Clean and dry joining surfaces by wiping with clean cloth or
paper towels. Join according to ASTM D 2657.
K. Fiberglass Bonded Joints: Prepare pipe ends and fittings, apply adhesive, and join according to
pipe manufacturer's written instructions.
1. Install unions, in piping NPS 2 and smaller, adjacent to each valve and at final connection
to each piece of equipment.
2. Install flanges, in piping NPS 2-1/2 and larger, adjacent to flanged valves and at final
connection to each piece of equipment.
3. Dry Piping Systems: Install dielectric unions and flanges to connect piping materials of
dissimilar metals.
4. Wet Piping Systems: Install dielectric coupling and nipple fittings to connect piping
materials of dissimilar metals.
A. Equipment called for on the plans and not listed herein shall be provided as though it were fully
described herein.
B. Equipment called for herein shall be completely provided, whether fully detailed or not on the
plans, and/or scheduled.
C. All equipment as indicated on the plans and as described herein shall be installed per
manufacturers recommendations to allow for proper operation and maintenance of the
D. Install equipment to allow maximum possible headroom unless specific mounting heights are
E. Install equipment level and plumb, parallel and perpendicular to other building systems and
components in exposed interior spaces, unless otherwise indicated.
G. Where any piece of equipment is too large for ingress through normal building openings, it shall
be placed in its containing space before the enclosing structure is completed.
H. Install equipment to allow right of way for piping installed at required slope.
A. Damage and Touchup: Repair marred and damaged factory-painted finishes with materials and
procedures to match original factory finish.
1. Construct concrete bases not less than 4 inches larger in both directions than supported
2. Concrete bases for all equipment shall be 4 inches tall above finished floor.
A. Cut, fit, and place miscellaneous metal supports accurately in location, alignment, and elevation
to support and anchor plumbing materials and equipment.
A. Cut, fit, and place wood grounds, nailers, blocking, and anchorages to support, and anchor
plumbing materials and equipment.
B. Select fastener sizes that will not penetrate members if opposite side will be exposed to view or
will receive finish materials. Tighten connections between members. Install fasteners without
splitting wood members.
A. Mix and install grout for plumbing equipment base bearing surfaces, pump and other equipment
base plates, and anchors.
F. Place grout on concrete bases and provide smooth bearing surface for equipment.
A. The Contractor shall obtain timely inspections of the installation by the constituted authorities.
Remedy any deficiencies to the satisfaction of the inspecting authority.
B. Upon final completion of the work, obtain certificates of acceptance from the constituted
authorities. Deliver the certificates to the Architect for transmission to the Owner.
A. When any piece of mechanical or electrical equipment is operable and it is to the advantage of
the contractor to operate the equipment, he may do so with permission of Owner, providing that
he properly supervises the operation, retains full responsibility for the equipment operated, and
protects against dirt accumulations during operation. The warranty period shall, however, not
commence until such time as the equipment is operated for the beneficial use of the Owner or
until final acceptance by the Owner.
B. Regardless of whether or not the equipment has or has not been operated, the Contractor shall
properly clean the equipment, install clean filter media, and properly adjust the operation of the
equipment before final acceptance by the Owner.
A. Provide the services of competent engineers and/or technicians acceptable to the Owner's
Representative to instruct other representatives of the Owner in the complete and detailed
operation of each item of equipment or device of all the various electrical systems. These
instructions shall be provided for whatever periods may be necessary to accomplish the desired
B. Upon completion of these instructions, the Contractor shall obtain a letter of release,
acknowledged by the Owner or his authorized representative, stating the dates on which the
various kinds of instruction were given, and the personnel to whom the instructions were given.
C. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for proper maintenance of equipment and systems
until the instructions have been given the Owner's personnel and the letter of release
D. In providing the instructions to the Owner's personnel, the written operating and maintenance
manuals shall be followed in all instances, and the Owner's personnel shall be familiarized with
such manuals.
E. Operating and maintenance manuals used for instructions shall include wiring diagrams,
manufacturer's operating and maintenance instructions, parts lists (with sources identified), and
other data as appropriate for each system.