Microphone Handbook, Vol. 1 - Theory (Bruel & Kjaer, 1996) PDF
Microphone Handbook, Vol. 1 - Theory (Bruel & Kjaer, 1996) PDF
Microphone Handbook, Vol. 1 - Theory (Bruel & Kjaer, 1996) PDF
Microphone Handbook
Vol. 1: Theory
Brel&Kjr B K
BE 1447 11
Microphone Handbook
Volume 1
July 1996
The aim of this volume is to promote a full understanding of measurement microphones and
to provide sufficient background information for customers to get the best out of these prod-
ucts. It also gives adequate information for customers to be able to make informed and
qualified decisions about the microphone products which are most suitable for their meas-
urement requirements. These products are described in detail in more specific literature,
such as Volume 2 of this handbook and in product data sheets.
Chapter 1 gives a brief history of microphone development at Brel & Kjr and provides an
insight into the research and development invested in microphone products. An overview of
the production of microphones is also given.
Chapter 2 gives a general introduction to microphone theory and explains the decisions that
are made about the design and construction of microphones.
Chapter 3 provides more detailed information about the characteristics of microphones with
the aim of allowing an informed view on the specifications applied to microphone products.
Chapter 4 introduces the main characteristics of preamplifiers and explains the categories of
information given in Volume 2.
Chapter 5 provides information on the selection criteria commonly used to identify the most
suitable microphone for different applications and also the most applicable accessories that
should be used.
Chapter 6 discusses the requirement for the calibration of microphones and offers an over-
view of calibration methods.
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 1 1
1.1 Historical Background to Microphone Development at Brel & Kjr ..................... 1 2
1.2 Development of Microphone Products........................................................................ 1 5
1.3 Production of Microphones at Brel & Kjr .............................................................. 1 9
1.4 Product Support ........................................................................................................ 1 11
4. Characteristics of Preamplifiers...................................................................... 4 1
4.1 Introduction to Characteristics of Preamplifiers....................................................... 4 2
Definition of a Microphone Preamplifier............................................................... 4 2
Selection of a Microphone Preamplifier ................................................................ 4 2
Contents of this Chapter ........................................................................................ 4 2
4.2 Frequency Response.................................................................................................... 4 2
Low Frequency Response ....................................................................................... 4 2
High Frequency Response...................................................................................... 4 3
4.3 Dynamic Range ........................................................................................................... 4 5
Upper limit of Dynamic Range .............................................................................. 4 5
Maximum Voltage .................................................................................................. 4 6
Maximum Current.................................................................................................. 4 6
Maximum Slew Rate .............................................................................................. 4 7
Lower Limit of Dynamic Range ............................................................................. 4 8
4.4 Phase Response ......................................................................................................... 4 11
4.5 Effect of Temperature ............................................................................................... 4 11
4.6 Effect of Magnetic Fields .......................................................................................... 4 13
4.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility................................................................................. 4 13
The European EMC Directive.............................................................................. 4 13
The CE label ......................................................................................................... 4 13
EMC Test Facilities at Brel & Kjr................................................................... 4 14
4.8 Monitoring and Calibration Techniques .................................................................. 4 15
Insert Voltage Calibration ................................................................................... 4 16
Charge Injection Calibration ............................................................................... 4 17
CIC Input Signal Requirements .......................................................................... 4 19
6. Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 6 1
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6 2
6.2 Calibration of Microphones......................................................................................... 6 4
6.3 Field Calibration ......................................................................................................... 6 4
6.4 Laboratory Calibration ............................................................................................... 6 5
Primary Calibration Laboratories ......................................................................... 6 6
Accredited Calibration Laboratories ..................................................................... 6 6
Calibration at the Brel & Kjr Factory............................................................... 6 7
6.5 Calibration Hierarchy, Traceability and Uncertainty .............................................. 6 8
6.6 Calibration Methods ................................................................................................... 6 9
Reciprocity Calibration Method........................................................................... 6 10
Substitution method............................................................................................ 6 11
Comparison Method ............................................................................................. 6 11
Sound Pressure Calibrator Method..................................................................... 6 12
Actuator method................................................................................................... 6 12
Insert Voltage Calibration Method ..................................................................... 6 13
Charge Injection Calibration Method ................................................................. 6 14
From this beginning, Brel & Kjr gained an increasingly good reputation amongst
users of microphones, both in the acoustics industry and in the field of academic
research. This was achieved as a result of providing a high standard of service and
reliable, well built products. The product range was also enhanced by a programme
of research and development that ensured continuous improvements in the accuracy
and performance of new instruments. Today, this approach continues to deliver in-
novative measurement instrumentation, including a comprehensive range of meas-
urement microphones in sizes from 1/8 to 1. Together these microphones cover all
aspects of measurement microphone usage.
By the early 1970s, Brel & Kjrs strong presence in the measurement microphone
field had become firmly established with the development of high sensitivity 1/2
microphones. These microphones benefited from new techniques allowing less ten-
sion in the diaphragm, leading to an increase in sensitivity of approximately 12 dB.
During this period Brel & Kjr also improved techniques to accurately measure
and document the performance parameters of their measurement microphones and
supplied this information in the form of calibration charts. Microphones could sub-
sequently be relied upon according to certain stated parameters.
Calibration equipment was also made, such as reciprocity equipment for laboratory
calibration and the pioneering hand-held pistonphone. This convenient calibration
device effectively improved the accuracy of everyday microphone usage by allowing
users to check measurement accuracy in the field.
In 1973 Brel & Kjr consolidated their position as the leading microphone produc-
er by meeting a request from Western Electric to supply 1 microphones to replace
their successful but ageing WE 640AA microphone. The Brel & Kjr solution took
the form of the classic Type 4160 microphone. The 4160 together with the 4180 (the
2 version) were quickly established as reference microphones for laboratory stand-
ard use, due mainly to their stability and accurately documented performance pa-
frequency response and allows for measurements in places where access for stand-
ard measurement microphones is difficult.
Improvements have continued into the 1990s with the introduction of highly accu-
rate yet robust microphones (the Falcon RangeTM) and a microphone unit specially
designed for permanent outdoor use. These microphones have proven their ability to
perform effectively in harsh measurement environments.
Throughout the history of Brel & Kjr, a collaborative approach with customers
has led to improvements in the design, performance and reliability of measurement
microphones. In addition, Brel & Kjrs response to customer requirements has
created several innovations in the related acoustic measurement field, including:
Sound intensity microphones, phase-matched for accurate, low frequency meas-
urements see Section 2.3.7.
Sound intensity calibrator, simulating a free-field environment for calibration of
sound intensity equipment.
Charge injection calibration (patented) for verification of complete measurement
systems see, Section 4.8.
Feedback calibration (Multitone calibrator) allowing calibration of microphones,
up to 16 kHz.
New intensity measurement microphones with patented pressure equalisation
vent system giving much improved low frequency response.
At Brel & Kjr the more theoretical aspects of microphone development involve
both mathematical modelling and measurement techniques using an anechoic
chamber with the most recent technology available. Research and development
work also encompasses a number of areas that reflect the different aspects of micro-
phone design and construction, in particular, where highly accurate measurements
need to be performed. These include:
acoustic measurements, such as pressure and free-field reciprocity calibration
mechanical engineering, for example, when controlling small mechanical toler-
electrical engineering, such as frequency analysis and capacitance measure-
environmental testing, such as measurement of resistance to humidity and tem-
perature tests.
Development skills and knowledge are also applied in research into the optimum
choice of materials and to devise effective forms of testing microphones before they
go into full production. These tests include resistance to shock, vibration, tempera-
ture, humidity and in the case of preamplifiers, resistance to electromagnetic fields
is also tested. Bump tests in which the microphone is subjected to repeated knocks
simulate everyday use, while shock tests reproduce the possible effect of impacts
received in transport (typically up to the equivalent of 1000 m/s2). Additionally, mi-
crophones are tested for severe impacts by a drop test from a height of one metre
onto a wooden block. The tested microphone must show less than 0.1 dB variation
in sensitivity after the fall.
As temperature and humidity are both factors which pose the greatest threat to the
performance of condenser microphones, pre-production microphones are thoroughly
tested for resistance to these influences, typically in temperatures from 20 to
+70C and in humidity of up to 90% at 40C. Finally, microphones are also tested
for resistance to corrosion, as proven by the most recent range of condenser micro-
phones which have been found to be very robust in harsh measurement environ-
It is these skills, knowledge and experience acquired over more than 50 years of
development work, that allows the Brel & Kjr to handle all the tasks necessary to
develop new products, from first specification to final calibration.
Fig.1.6 Aerial Photo of the Brel & Kjr Headquarters, Nrum, Denmark
Two components which receive a lot of attention during production are the micro-
phone diaphragm and backplate. During production the surfaces of these compo-
nents are made extremely smooth as a very high electrical field strength must exist
across the diaphragm to backplate gap. Any unevenness in the surfaces can lead to
arcing. All surfaces must also be thoroughly clean to avoid contamination from dust
and dirt that would accentuate the detrimental effect of humidity and in turn the
performance of the microphone. A very precise and clean construction environment
as well as rigorous quality control are therefore employed. This includes assembly
in a clean-room environment where potentially harmful particles of dust in the air
are kept to a minimum.
Another critical area of production is the distance between the microphone dia-
phragm and backplate which must be constructed to very small mechanical toler-
ances. Typically this is set to 20 , with a tolerance of 0.5 . The required distance is
monitored and then implemented precisely, once the correct tolerances have been
adjusted. Similarly, the tension of the diaphragm is closely monitored and computer
All such measures play an important part in achieving the renowned reliability and
accuracy of Brel & Kjr microphones. This reliability is based on the known per-
formance parameters of the microphone. These parameters are measured at the end
of production using highly accurate calibration equipment. The results are recorded
on individual calibration charts and data diskettes which are supplied with micro-
phone products.
Microphone Theory
Sound pressure has always been the sound field parameter of the greatest interest
because sound pressure is what the human ear detects. Measurement microphones
have therefore been widely used for analysis and recording of sound pressure. This
still applies today, even though modern technology has made it possible for sound
intensity and particle velocity measurements to be quite easily and commonly per-
Sound pressure as well as particle velocity, sound intensity and their respective
levels relative to defined references are thus the sound field parameters which are
measured and stated in most measurement reports today. The levels are expressed
in decibels (dB).
p2 p
L p = 10 log ---------- = 20 log ---------- dB where p ref = 20Pa
p ref p ref
Sound Pressure and Sound Pressure Level generally refer to the Root Mean Square
(RMS) value of the pressure. The RMS value is considered if no specific reference is
stated. A pressure equal to the reference value is thus equal to zero dB while 1 Pa
equals 94 dB (93.98 dB). The zero dB value corresponds to the threshold of hearing
at 1000 Hz for a young person with normal hearing ability. The pressure has no
direction and is thus a scalar.
The Air Particle Velocity, or just Particle Velocity (v) is the velocity of a small
volume of air (particle). The dimensions of the volume regarded should be very
small in comparison with the wave-length. The unit of particle velocity is metres
per second (m/s). The particle velocity depends on the sound pressure and on the
sound field conditions. Today, the recommended (ISO1683) reference for Particle
Velocity Level is one nano-metre per second (1 nm/s or 109 m/s). However, fifty
nano-metres per second (50 nm/s) is also used, as this number was the commonly
applied reference in the past. To prevent any misunderstanding, the reference value
should therefore be stated together with velocity measurement results. The Particle
Velocity Level (Lv) is defined by the formula below:
v v
L v = 10 log ---------
- = 20 log ---------- dB where vref is 1 nm/s (alternatively 50 nm/s).
v ref v ref
Particle Velocity and Particle Velocity Level generally refer to the Root Mean
Square (RMS) value of the velocity. This is considered if no reference is stated
specificly. In the propagation direction of a plane progressive sound wave, the veloc-
ity level is practically 34 dB above the pressure level when the reference velocity is
1 nm/s, while it is approximately equal to the pressure level, if 50 nm/s is applied.
This is valid for normal ambient conditions i.e. for a static pressure of 101.325 kPa,
a temperature of 23C and for 50% Relative Humidity.
In the propagation direction of a plane progressive sound wave, the sound intensity
level is practically equal to the pressure level. This is valid for normal ambient
conditions, i.e. for a static pressure of 101.325 kPa, a temperature of 23 C and for
50% Relative Humidity.
2.1.5 Pressure-field
Pressure fields may be found in enclosures or cavities which are small compared to
the wave-length. Such fields occur in couplers applied for testing of earphones or
calibration of microphones. They also occur in most types of sound level calibrator
and in pistonphones.
The pressure-field conditions of small cylindrical couplers have been carefully ana-
lyzed because such couplers are specificly used for primary calibration of micro-
phones by the reciprocity technique. This technique, which can be used to achieve
very high calibration accuracy, is applied by most national calibration laboratories.
2.1.6 Free-field
A free sound field, or just a free-field may be created where sound waves can
propagate freely i.e. in a continuous medium without any disturbing objects. In this
document it is considered that a free-field is made up by a plane wave which propa-
gates in one defined direction. Microphone Free-field Sensitivity refers to this type
of field.
Ideal free-fields are difficult, if not impossible, to realise. However, in practice, free-
fields which are applicable for instrument verification and calibration may be creat-
ed either in anechoic rooms, or outdoors away from reflecting surfaces. A small
sound source (point source) may create a satisfactory plane wave at the measure-
ment position, provided that it is placed sufficiently far away.
The distance between the source and the measurement site should be at least five
to ten times the largest dimension of the source and of the microphone or object
which is to be placed in the field.
In practice, sound fields which can be regarded as being free-fields may be found at
a distance of approximately one to two metres from a sound source. This is provid-
ed that no other sources contribute significantly to the sound pressure and that
there are no reflecting surfaces nearby.
2.1.7 Diffuse-field
A diffuse sound field exists at a given location if the field is created by sound waves
arriving more or less simultaneously from all directions with equal probability and
A diffuse sound field may be created within a room with hard sound reflecting walls
and which essentially contains no sound absorbing materials.
Diffuse-field spectra created in such rooms may deviate from that of an ideal field
due to resonances in the room and due the sound absorbtion of the air. In cases
where diffuse-fields are to be used for technical purposes, the influence of these
effects may be reduced by applying more than one sound source and by mounting
reflecting panels which are moved continuously in order to vary the dominating
room resonances.
To meet the needs of a specific microphone application, the designer can choose
between a number of different acoustic operation and transduction principles. A
microphone may either sense the pressure, the pressure gradient or the particle
velocity. These may then be converted to electrical signals in several different ways.
Pressure sensing condenser microphones are used because they detect what the
human ear detects, namely pressure. Furthermore, they can be realized with the
high quality and the predictable performance that is necessary for any type of
measurement device.
As with any other type of measurement, the sound pressure that is to be measured
should not be influenced by the microphone applied or, if this is not possible, then it
should be influenced in a controlled and known way that makes it possible to cor-
rect for the influence.
The simple diaphragm system and the simple geometry of a condenser microphone
ease accurate measurement, calculation and description of the microphone proper-
ties under various sound field and environmental conditions. These are very impor-
tant features of microphones which are to be used for accurate measurements
under the many different measurement conditions which may occur.
Corrections for the influence of the microphone on the sound field may be incorpo-
rated in the microphone design. Alternatively, it may be made by post-processing of
the results.
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has worked out two standards
which prescribe performance requirements for types of Laboratory Standard and
Working Standard microphones respectively. These are IEC 1094-1 (Laboratory
Standards) and IEC 1094-4 (Working Standards). The standards are available
through national standard organisations.
2.3.1 Introduction
The pressure-sensing microphone (as introduced in the previous section) can be
designed for use in different types of sound field i.e. in a Pressure-field, Free-field
and Diffuse-field. The influence of the different design parameters is discussed in
this section. The classic design of a pressure-sensing measurement microphone is
shown in Fig.2.1.
The microphone shown in Fig.2.1 is a 1/2 microphone (12.7 mm), but microphones of
a similar design exist with housing diameters from 1/8 (3.16 mm) to about 1
(23.77 mm). A newer internal design, invented and patented by Brel & Kjr, is also
described. For both designs, the microphone properties, such as sensitivity, frequen-
cy response and inherent noise, depend mainly on the diameter and on the dynamic
properties of the microphone diaphragm system. The Brel & Kjr microphone pro-
gram is composed of a number of microphone types with properties optimised for
many different applications.
cal tension in the foil gives the diaphragm the required mechanical stiffness. The
distance between the backplate and the diaphragm is typically 20 m ( 0.8 m).
The nominal distance may vary between microphone types from about 15 to 30 m.
The thickness of the diaphragm may vary from about 1.5 to 8 m depending on the
microphone type. The tolerance is typically less than 10 % of the nominal thickness.
The diaphragm and the front of the back-plate form the plates of the active capaci-
tor which generates the output signal of the condenser microphone (see below). This
capacitance which is typically between 2 and 60 pF (10-12 F), depends mainly on the
diameter of the back-plate. The stray capacitance or the passive capacitance be-
tween the back-plate and the housing is kept as small as possible, as this makes an
undesired load on the active capacitance. The back-plate is connected to the exter-
nal contact which together with the housing make the concentric output terminals
of the microphone. An alternative, microphone design is widely applied by
Brel & Kjr. This patented design employs an integrated backplate and insulator,
see Fig.2.2. In contrast to the first mentioned conventional design of microphone
which is mainly assembled by screwing the parts together, the integrated back-plate
and insulator version is assembled by pressing the parts into each other. This de-
sign also deviates from the conventional design by applying a backplate consisting
of a metal thin-film placed directly on the surface of the insulator.
Diaphragm Diaphragm
Backplate Backplate
Housing Insulator
Insulator Housing
Fig.2.2 Cross-Sectional view of microphone types. The classic type (left) is assembled by screwing the
parts together. The new type (right) is assembled by pressing components together. The de-
sign is patented by Brel & Kjr
In practice, the first mentioned type implies more freedom for the designer to opti-
mise the frequency response, while the second is advantageous during production.
The main choice which must be made in respect to the two different design types is
one of more narrow frequency response tolerances offered by the conventional de-
sign, as opposed to reduced production costs for the alternative design.
A microphone which is to be used for measurements must be stable over time and
its properties should preferably not vary with variations in ambient temperature,
pressure and humidity. Therefore, carefully selected, high quality materials must be
used, even if they are relatively difficult to machine.
made from very fine-grained nickel foil or special stainless steel alloy. These differ-
ent diaphragm materials are used for the traditional and for the newer
Brel & Kjr microphones, respectively. As a result, only slight and insignificant
sagging occurs in the Brel & Kjr diaphragm foils.
Carefully controlled heat treatments during the manufacturing process also contrib-
ute to the high stability of the microphones. For most types of microphone the
systematic sensitivity change over time is thus predicted to be less than 1 dB in 500
years at room temperature. For information about the stability characteristics of
microphones see also 2.6 and 3.11.
The distance between the diaphragm and the back-plate is another critical parame-
ter. In order to keep this distance constant within the operation temperature range,
the thermal expansion of the back-plate must match that of the housing. Strong
restrictions are thus also related to the choice of back-plate material.
The insulator must also be mechanically stable and its electrical leakage resistance
should be as high as 1017 at normal ambient conditions. In order to match these
requirements, the insulator is normally made of either sapphire, ruby or mono-
crystalline quartz. All insulators are machined to a high degree of flatness across
the two plane surfaces (typically to within 0.5 m). All surfaces are also highly
polished to achieve the high electrical resistance that characterises Brel & Kjr
microphones. Finally, a thin and invisible layer of silicone is applied to the insulator
by a high temperature process. This ensures proper operation in tropical and other
hot and humid environments.
Due to the high field strength, the diaphragm and the back-plate must have flat,
high quality surfaces which are clean and free from particles. This is necessary to
avoid noise due to arcing within the gap. Therefore, special grinding, polishing,
cleaning and test procedures are applied to the key components. Assembly is per-
formed in a clean-room environment.
From this brief description of microphone construction, it can be seen that although
the design of the condenser microphone may appear to be very simple, the materi-
als that must be used, the mechanical tolerances and the required properties make
production of high quality microphones a task which requires significant knowledge
and experience.
However, it should be mentioned that the capacitance variations may also be con-
verted to voltage by using high-frequency circuits. high frequency conversion may
imply frequency or phase modulation and may use various types of bridge cou-
plings. In principle, such methods may work to very low frequencies (even to DC)
and may therefore be used for infra sound measurements. However, in practice the
use of the methods is rare due to their complexity, lack of stability and the relative-
ly high inherent noise levels that these methods imply.
The constant charge of the capacitance between the diaphragm and the backplate
may be applied, either from an external voltage source as employed for externally
polarized microphones or from a permanently charged polymer known as electret,
as employed for prepolarized condenser microphones. Today, the newer pre-polariza-
tion principle is widely used, especially for microphones used with hand-held instru-
ments, such as sound level meters.
Microphone Preamplifier
Diaphragm Back-plate
Pressure Voltage
Polarization Supply
Capacitor Amplifier
A A d
E C = Q0 ( E 0 + e ) ----------------- = E 0 ----------- e = E 0 -------
D0 + d D0 D 0
A = Area of capacitor plate
C = Instantaneous capacitance between plates
Do = Distance between plates at rest position
d = Displacement of moveable plate (diaphragm) from rest position
E = Instantaneous voltage between plates
Eo = Polarization voltage
e = Voltage change caused by plate displacement
Qo = Constant charge on plate capacitor
= Dielectric constant of air
Note that the output voltage of the system is proportional to the displacement of
the moveable plate. This is also the case for large displacements. In other words,
there is a linear relationship between output voltage and displacement, even if the
corresponding capacitance changes are non-linear.
The change in distance is negative for a positive pressure. Therefore, for a positive
polarization voltage which is most commonly used, the phase of the output voltage
is opposite to that of the sound pressure. A positive pressure creates a negative
output voltage and vice versa.
Electret Polarization
Image charge + + +
Frozen charge
Electret Layer
Image charge + + + + + +
Fig.2.4 Electret polarization. The electret consists of a polymer which contains a permanent or
'frozen' electrical charge. This and an image charge create the necessary field between the
diaphragm and the back-plate
The frozen charge is located near to the surface of the polymer which faces the air
gap behind the diaphragm. The frozen charge attracts an equally large image
charge of opposite polarity which is moveable. A certain fraction of this lies on the
conducting part of the backplate, while the other part is on the inner surface of the
diaphragm. The relative distribution between the positions is determined by the
ratio between the capacitance of the electret and the capacitance of the air gap.
Thus, two electrical fields are produced in the microphone. One across the air gap
and one across the electret. These fields must stay essentially constant during the
microphone operation which means that any resistance loading on the microphone
must be so high that the voltages produced by the microphone do not lead to any
significant interchange of charges.
The microphone sensitivity is a function of the field strength in the air gap. This
also applies to external polarization, see the formula above. Typically, the field
strength and equivalent polarization voltage correspond to those used for micro-
phones with external polarization, namely 200 V. The main microphone specifica-
tions do not depend on the polarization principle applied.
There are some minor exceptions. For design reasons, all prepolarized microphones
made by Brel & Kjr have a negative charge applied to the electret (the virtual
backplate), while the Brel & Kjr power supplies apply positive charges for exter-
nally polarized microphones. Therefore, the phase responses of these two types of
microphone differ by 180 degrees. Positive pressure leads to positive voltage for the
prepolarized microphones, while it becomes negative when external polarization is
The electret acts as a series capacitor for the active air gap capacitance. This ex-
plains why a prepolarized microphone has a capacitance which is typically 20 25 %
lower than that of a corresponding microphone with external polarization.
Prepolarized microphones, which are generally more complex than ordinary con-
denser microphones are mainly intended for use with battery operated and hand-
held instruments. Because this type of microphone does not require a polarization
voltage it is often selected by instrument designers who can save space and power
and make their preamplifiers simpler.
Either of the two types may be selected if it fits with the instruments available.
However, the polarization voltage switch (if any) must be set correctly. For normal
microphone types it should be set to the specified voltage (in most cases 200 V) and
for the prepolarized types to 0 V. This will place the output terminal of the micro-
phone on ground potential.
Those who make their own preamplifiers and power supplies for Prepolarized Mi-
crophones should also be aware of this fact and connect a resistor of 1 to 10 G
across the microphone terminals. This will eliminate the possibility of any unwant-
ed charge which might otherwise lead to an erroneous sensitivity.
Brel & Kjr introduced prepolarized measurement microphones in the late seven-
ties and showed by experiments and by extrapolation of measurement results, that
such microphones could be made very stable and that they could meet all the re-
quirements set for most applications.
Information about the stability characteristics of Brel & Kjr Prepolarized Micro-
phones may be found in Section 3.11 of this handbook.
The cavity stiffness depends partly on cavity volume and partly on static pressure.
Therefore, the total stiffness and the sensitivity of the microphone become a func-
tion of static pressure. To minimise the influence of static pressure on the sensitivi-
ty of the microphone, the stiffness of the cavity must be small compared to that of
the diaphragm, as defined by the following formula. A microphone with a low dia-
phragm stiffness requires a larger cavity volume than one with a high diaphragm
S ( P s ) = S ( P s, ref ) ------------------------------------------------------
( 100 F ) + --------------- F
P s, ref
S(Ps)= microphone sensitivity (a function of static pressure)
Ps = static pressure
Ps,ref = the reference static pressure at which F is valid
F = fraction of air stiffness in percent at reference static pressure (ratio
between air stiffness and total diaphragm system stiffness)
The static pressure may vary within hours or change with the measurement site
(height above sea level). The pressure variations may easily be 108 to 109 times
greater than the lowest sound pressures which are to be measured. To eliminate
the influence of such pressure variations, the microphone is equipped with a static
pressure equalisation vent. The vent, which is a narrow air channel ensures that
the static pressure of the internal cavity follows the pressure of the environment. If
no vent were present, the static pressure changes might create large and disturbing
signals (over-loads of amplifiers) and might significantly displace the diaphragm
from its proper working position. This would result in a malfunction or significant
sensitivity changes. The tiny vent channel from the internal cavity leads either to
the side or to the rear of the microphone which is named accordingly, side-vented
or rear-vented, see Fig.2.5. For certain specific applications it is important to
select the appropriate type, see Section 2.3.7 and Chapter 5.
The vent has to be very carefully controlled to equalise the static pressure varia-
tions without suppressing low frequency components of the acoustic pressure which
are to be measured. As the nature of these pressure variations is the same, this
may not always be avoided.
Sound Sound
Field Field
Vent Vent
Under general field measurement conditions the vent is exposed to the sound field.
When this is the case the vent will tend to equalise the sound pressure at low
frequencies. This reduces the pressure difference between the front and the rear of
the diaphragm and leads to a smaller diaphragm displacement and a lower micro-
phone sensitivity. The lower the frequency the more significant the effect becomes.
The sensitivity will continue to fall with frequency. At very low frequencies the
slope reaches a maximum of 20 dB per decade, see Fig.2.7, lower curve.
dB (A)
0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) 1k 950906e
Fig.2.7 Low frequency response valid for situations where the static pressure equalisation vent is
inside (B) and outside (A) the sound field
The frequency at which the response is down by 3 dB is called the Lower Limiting
Frequency of the microphone. At Brel & Kjr, 250 Hz is normally used as the Ref-
erence Frequency as this frequency lies well within the flattest and most well-
defined part of the frequency response characteristic.
The lower limiting frequency is a function of static pressure, as this determines the
compliance of the internal cavity. Generally, this effect can be ignored, but under
specific circumstances the response may change significantly. This may be the case
in pressurised tanks, diving bells and inside some aircraft. Examples of calculated
magnitude and phase responses are given in Fig.2.8 for an ambient pressure of 0.5,
1.0, 2.0 and 10 bar and for a microphone with 10% air stiffness. Note that the
calculation of the curves did not account for the heat conduction effect of the cavity
walls. The curves are therefore not exact, but still provide a good illustration of the
influence of air pressure on the low frequency response.
0.1 1 10 100 Frequency (Hz) 1k
Fig.2.8 The magnitude of the low frequency microphone response is influenced by the ambient
pressure. The responses shown are calculated and are all normalized at 250 Hz. They are
valid for a microphone which has 10% air-stiffness at nominal ambient pressure
(101.3 kPa): a) 1 bar, b) 2 bar, c) 10 bar, d) 0.5 bar
The low frequency phase response will also change with the static pressure. Phase
response changes may be more severe than magnitude changes, especially in con-
nection with particle velocity and intensity measurements.
Closely phase-matched pairs of microphone are used for such measurements. The
microphones of a pair are selected to be essentially equal and to change equally
with pressure. Their lower limiting frequencies should be the same. This also ap-
plies to the fraction of their air stiffness. Fig.2.9 shows the phase characteristics
which correspond to the magnitude responses of Fig.2.8.
For general purpose types of measurement microphone, the lower limiting frequen-
cy is between 1 Hz and 2 Hz, but other types with longer time constants are availa-
ble for measurements at lower frequencies. Microphones with higher cut-off
frequencies are also available. They may reduce possible disturbance from infra-
sound while doing low level sound measurements in other parts of the frequency
The magnitude and phase response curves which are shown on the above graphs
are calculated using a model shown in Section 2.3.10.
Fig.2.9 The phase of the low frequency microphone response is influenced by the ambient pressure.
The calculated responses shown are valid for a microphone which has 10% air-stiffness at
nominal ambient pressure (101.3 kPa): a) 1 bar, b) 2 bar, c) 10 bar, d) 0.5 bar
Sound pressure measurements are made at both very low and very high levels of
sound pressure, as well as at both very low and very high frequencies. Measure-
ments are also made in different types of sound field, preferably without disturbing
the fields.
However, it is not possible to design one single microphone which can fulfil all
needs. Several types of microphone must be designed to cover the many different
Some main design parameters are the stiffness and mass of the diaphragm system.
These two parameters determine the diaphragm resonance frequency which sets
the upper limit of the microphones frequency range. The fact that the microphone
sensitivity is also a function of the stiffness, makes the stiffness an especially im-
portant design parameter.
The stiffness is mainly due to mechanical tension in the diaphragm which is perma-
nently stretched like the skin on a drum. The mass is partly composed of the
diaphragm mass itself and partly by the mass of the air in the narrow slit behind
the diaphragm. Even if the physical air mass is low in comparison with the dia-
phragm mass it is important as the air moves with a much higher velocity than the
diaphragm. The energy required to accelerate the air mass is therefore of the same
order of magnitude as that required by the diaphragm mass. The effective mass of
the diaphragm system is thus significantly greater than that of the diaphragm
itself. Typically, the air-mass makes between 10 and 50% of the total system mass.
As the air mass varies with ambient pressure, it changes the frequency response at
high frequencies. A microphone with a large fraction of diaphragm mass should be
selected for applications where large pressure variations occur, for example, in div-
ing tanks, as the frequency response of such microphones changes less with ambi-
ent pressure than that of other microphones.
Other major design parameters are the diaphragm diameter and the diaphragm
damping resistance. For condenser microphones, in contradiction to many other
types of transducer, an optimal diaphragm damping may be obtained and main-
tained over time. Therefore, such types of microphone may be used in the frequency
range around and even above the diaphragm resonance frequency.
The damping is caused by the movement of air in the slit between the diaphragm
and the back-plate. Diaphragm movements lead to air movements in the slit which
cause viscous loss. The damping resistance may be controlled by holes in the back-
plate. By changing the number and size of holes and by varying the back-plate's
distance to the diaphragm, various degrees of damping may be obtained.
100 1000 10000 Frequency (Hz) 100000
The critical damping (b, quality factor = 1) is used for pressure (pressure-field)
microphones while the high damping (c, quality factor = 0.316) is used for free-field
microphones, see 2.5.3 and 2.5.4. Low damping corresponding to the upper curve*
on Fig.2.10 (a, quality factor = 10) is used by Brel & Kjr for a microphone with
extremely low inherent noise. Microphones dedicated to the various types of sound
field are discussed later in this chapter.
The influence of the diaphragm diameter on the sensitivity and on the frequency
response is illustrated by Fig.2.11. For the calculation of these curves, the dia-
phragm tension, thickness and quality factor (Q = 1) were assumed to be constant.
The applied parameters correspond to those of typical one 1, 1/2 and 1/4 micro-
phones. The results show that the flat frequency range is extended upwards when
the diaphragm diameter becomes smaller. The upper operation frequency is inverse-
ly proportional to the diameter while the sensitivity is proportional to the square of
the diameter. Real microphone specifications confirm this.
Microphone types of equal diameter may have a different sensitivity and frequency
range. In practice, this is especially the case for 1/2 microphones. The main physical
difference between the existing high-sensitivity (50 mV/Pa) and low-sensitivity
(12.5 mV/Pa) types is the tension in their diaphragms which the designer may select
within certain limits.
100 1k 10 k Frequency (Hz) 100 k
The two upper curves of Fig.2.11 also illustrate typical sensitivities and frequency
responses which are obtainable for 1/2 microphones by using different diaphragm
*The peak on the frequency response of the low noise microphone is equalized by an electrical network.
tensions. The phase characteristics which correspond to the above magnitude char-
acteristics are shown in Fig.2.12.
(a) (b) (c)
100 1k 10 k Frequency (Hz) 100 k
The above curves were worked out by using a simple mathematical model. The
parameters of the model correspond to those valid for a series of 1 1/2 and 1/4
microphones which make a part of the Brel & Kjr program. The sensitivities and
frequency ranges therefore correspond to those valid for some real microphone
The simple models discussed have been chosen to illustrate the influence of the
main parameters which determine the microphone response. Other, less important,
parameters should be taken into account to relate the models to microphones of the
real world. In particular, 1/4 microphones generally cover a wider frequency range
than estimated from the simple models. This is because a resonance between the
diaphragm mass and the compliance of the air in the slit behind the diaphragm
may increase the response at higher frequencies and extend the frequency range of
these microphones.
The above explanation shows that the microphone size, the sensitivity and the fre-
quency range are tied together and cannot be selected separately. Very often, the
user must make a compromise when selecting a microphone. Generally, small mi-
crophones work to higher frequencies and create less disturbance in the sound field,
but they also have lower sensitivity and higher inherent noise and thus may not be
usable at the lowest sound levels of interest.
It should be noted that pressure-field sensitivity refers to the pressure at the dia-
phragm only (by definition). The free-field sensitivity and diffuse-field sensitivity are
defined for pressure applied at both the diaphragm and pressure equalisation vent.
In general, the sensitivity may be used for ranking microphones with respect to
their ability to measure low and high sound pressure levels. The higher the sensi-
tivity, the lower the sound pressure levels that may be measured and conversely,
the lower the sensitivity, the higher the sound pressure levels that may be meas-
The sensitivity is thus not only linked to the applicable frequency range as previ-
ously discussed. It is also linked to the dynamic range. The microphone designer
must work with this fact and compose a programme of microphone types which
meets the needs of the user.
Analysis of microphone system limitations at low levels shows that inherent noise
of the microphone itself must also be taken into account. This will be discussed in
connection with inherent noise of microphone systems.
Analysis of electric circuits has been a well-known and widely applied discipline for
many years. Today, very effective computer programs have become available for the
purpose. This makes the technique very interesting for both microphone designers
and for designers of acoustic systems that include microphones.
Combined acoustic, mechanical and electric constructions, like the condenser micro-
phone, may be modelled by simply connecting the acoustic and electric elements
properly under the condition that all elements are given in equivalent units. See
the table below.
Table 2.1 Acoustic and Equivalent Electric Parameters used for modelling of condenser
Microphone designers may use very complex models which take many design de-
tails into account and allow calculation of their influence on the response. For users
or designers of acoustic systems that include microphones, simpler models are gen-
erally sufficient. Models which describe the acoustic diaphragm impedance as a
function of frequency are frequently applied for determining the influence of the
microphone on the sound pressure of narrow channels or closed cavities, such as
couplers used for calibration of microphones or earphones.
The equivalent electric circuit shown in Fig.2.13 and the indicated component val-
ues explained in Table 2.2, form a model of a microphone. The example shown
corresponds to a microphone with a diaphragm system resonance of 10 kHz which is
critically damped (Quality factor, Q = 1) like the diaphragm of a pressure (pressure-
field) microphone.
Cd Ld Ls Rs Cc
Such a model may be used for calculation of the sensitivity and the frequency
response (magnitude and phase) which may be found with and without sound pres-
sure at the static pressure equalisation vent. It may also be used to determine the
complex acoustic diaphragm impedance as well as the electrical impedance. In addi-
tion, the inherent electric noise of the microphone may be calculated as this may be
referred to the noise of the resistance elements (also known as Nyquist and John-
son Noise).
This type of model is commonly used for calculation of the response of the micro-
phone, as previously described in this section. The model is also used for describing
other microphone properties. This is discussed in the following sections.
Table 2.2 Values of the microphone model elements which are shown in Fig.2.13. The model corre-
sponds to a microphone (50 mV/Pa) having a critically damped diaphragm with reso-
nance at 10 kHz
In cases where microphones are used in small cavities and narrow channels, it may
be necessary to evaluate and correct for the influence of the microphone on the
acoustic system.
This is usually done by using a model which is even simpler than that shown above
in Fig.2.13. The very simple model shown in Fig.2.14 may only be used if the
diaphragm (not the static pressure equalization vent) is exposed to the sound pres-
sure and if the microphone is essentially unloaded on the electrical terminals. Val-
ues of the circuit elements which correspond to those of the more complex model
are given in Table 2.3. Such values are often stated by microphone manufacturers
for the purpose of impedance calculations.
The values of the diaphragm system (ds) elements may be calculated from those
given in Section 2.3.10 by using the formulae below:
Cd Cc
C ds = -------------------- L ds = L d + L s R ds = R s
Cd + Cc
Table 2.3 Values of the simplified microphone model shown in Fig.2.14. The model represents the
acoustic diaphragm impedance of the microphone model shown in Fig.2.13
The diaphragm system impedance (Z ds) may by calculated by using the formula
Z ds = ----------------- +jL ds +R ds Ns/m5
jC ds
The acoustic compliance (Ca) of a volume of gas is given by the following formula:
V where
C a = -------------
= Ratio of specific temperatures of the gas (1.402 for air)
Ps = Static pressure of the gas in the cavity
V = Volume of cavity
C ds = ------------- where Ve = Equivalent diaphragm volume
The formula for calculation of equivalent diaphragm volume from diaphragm sys-
tem impedance is derived from these equations and from the general equation:
Z = -----------
V e = ---------------- where Zds = Diaphragm system impedance
jZ ds
Ve is complex as Zd is complex.
V e = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
j [ ( jC ds ) + jL ds + R ds ]
Cds = Diaphragm system compliance
Lds = Diaphragm system mass
Rds = Diaphragm system resistance
Alternatively, the complex equivalent volume may be calculated from another set of
parameters as the above equation may be written as:
2 1
f f 1
V e [ f ] = V e [ lf ] 1 ---- + j ---- Q
2 f0
Ve(lf) = Low frequency equivalent diaphragm volume
fo = Diaphragm system resonance frequency
Q = Diaphragm system quality factor
The second set of parameters may be calculated from the first set as:
1 L ds 2
V e [ lf ] = P s C ds f 0 = ( 2 C ds L ds ) Q = ---------- R ds
C ds
Both sets of parameters are used in practice. The complex equivalent volume is
especially applied in connection with the calibration of Laboratory Standard Micro-
phones and in connection with measurements made on human and artificial ears.
mm3 Ve(r)
10 100 1k 10 k Frequency (Hz) 100 k
Fig.2.15 Real and imaginary part of Equivalent Volume calculated with the values of Table 2.3.
Notice that the imaginary part is negative
To minimize the loading effect on the microphone as described at the start of this
section, the microphone is screwed directly on a preamplifier. The preamplifier has
a high input impedance which is generally described in terms of input resistance
(typically 1 100 G) and input capacitance (typically 0.1 1 pF). The electrical volt-
age gain is generally very close to unity, corresponding to 0 dB.
The preamplifier should preferably withstand loading from even very long cables.
The output resistance is therefore low (typically 10 100). As the amplifier output
is resistive and the cable loading is capacitive (typically 50 100 pF/m) the influ-
ence of the loading, if any, will be most significant at the highest frequencies. Due
to the low output impedance of the preamplifier, the input resistance and capaci-
tance of most succeeding instruments (1 M and 50 pF) can be ignored.
Modern preamplifiers are able to transfer voltages within a very wide dynamic
range, from about 1 V to 50 V, i.e. more than 150 dB.
The capacitance of the microphone which makes the electrical source may be re-
garded as being essentially constant when the microphone is used with a modern
preamplifier with a low input capacitance.
The combined electrical circuit of the microphone and the preamplifier is shown in
Fig.2.16. In addition, a set of typical circuit element values valid with a 1/2 micro-
phone is given in the table below.
Output Voltage vo 1V to 50 V
Table 2.4 Values of Electrical Circuit Elements of the simplified model, see Fig.2.16 which repre-
sents the microphone capacitance, preamplifier and cable of a typical microphone system
(1/2). The model may be used for calculation of the electrical frequency response of a
microphone system. Often, only the acoustic response is taken into account, as the electric
response is generally flat; see Fig.2.17 and Fig.2.18
Cm Ro
Voc Ci Ri Cc Vo
The electrical frequency response of the circuit is given by the formula below:
vo Cm j ( C m + C i )R i 1
-------- = --------------------- ------------------------------------------------- g ------------------------------
v oc C m + C i 1 + j ( C m + C i )R i 1 + jC c R o
G = --------------------- g
Cm + Ci
G [ dB ] = 20 log --------------------- + g [ dB ]
Cm + Ci
The magnitude and phase of a typical electrical frequency response which corre-
sponds to the values given in the table are shown in Fig.2.17 and Fig.2.18 respec-
Magnitude (dB)
1 10 100 1k 10 k 100 k 1M
Frequency (Hz) 950893e
Fig.2.17 Magnitude of the electrical frequency response calculated with the values of Table 2.4. The
response is flat within a wide range including the frequency range where acoustical meas-
urements are most commonly performed
Phase (deg.)
1 10 100 1k 10 k 100 k 1M
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.2.18 Phase of the electrical frequency response calculated with the values of Table 2.4. The re-
sponse is flat within a wide range and meets the requirements for most acoustical measure-
The constant magnitude ratio in the mid frequency range is determined by the
capacitance ratio (first factor) and by the amplifier gain (g). Their product is named
G in the Brel & Kjr calibration literature and on calibration charts. The low
frequency roll-off is determined by the input circuit and the high frequency roll-off
by the output circuit.
The measurement of infra-sound is an exception to this general rule. For this appli-
cation, proper microphones and preamplifiers must be selected because of the
acoustic roll-off of the microphone itself and the combined electrical roll-off of the
microphone and preamplifier at low frequencies.
The flat part of the electrical response may be extended at low frequencies by
mounting a capacitor in parallel with the microphone. This should be at least a few
times larger than the microphone capacitance, but it should not be too large as it
also reduces the system sensitivity. The modification corresponds to an increase in
the input capacitance (Ci), see the formula stated above.
Note that low frequency adaptors containing a capacitor are available and can be
mounted between the microphone and the preamplifier.
The measured inherent noise level depends on the bandwidth. The broader the
measurement bandwidth, the higher the noise level and conversely, the narrower
the bandwidth the lower the noise level. Filtering may therefore make it possible to
measure lower signal levels (depending on the type of acoustic signal). By using
bandwidths of 1Hz, levels of 35 to 25 dB may be measured in the audible part of
the frequency range. According to international sound measurement standards,
measurements must be performed with a signal to noise ratio of at least 5 dB. The
graph in Fig.2.19 shows how non-correlated system noise adds to the sound pres-
sure level and increases the instrument reading.
Error (S + N)/S (dB)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
S + N reading (dB) - N reading (dB)
Microphone Noise
The noise produced by the microphone is basicly due to thermal or Brownian move-
ments of the diaphragm and is thus a function of the absolute temperature. In
connection with microphone design and selection for specific purposes, noise estima-
tion or analysis may be made in a very practical way by using equivalent circuit
models. Acoustic resistances, which produce noise like electrical resistances, make
the sources of the microphone while the reactive circuit elements do not produce
any noise. There are two sources (resistances) in a microphone, see the equivalent
circuit model shown in Fig.2.13. The diaphragm damping resistance and the static
pressure equalisation resistance. The noise pressure produced by an acoustic resist-
ance is defined by the formula below.
pn = 4 k T R a f
T Absolute Temperature K
f Frequency Bandwidth s1
The pressure of each of the acoustic resistances may be calculated by using the
above formula, but their contribution to the microphone noise depends also on the
transfer function from the source location inside the microphone to the output ter-
minals. In practice, only the diaphragm damping noise is significant, as the noise
produced by the pressure equalisation vent is lower than that of the preamplifier at
any frequency.
The noise spectrum of a microphone looks like its pressure frequency response. This
may be realized from the equivalent circuit diagram. As the noise pressure genera-
tor of the diaphragm resistance is in series with the diaphragm compliance, mass
and resistance, it can be regarded as if it were connected to the acoustic input
terminals like any external signal. The flat noise spectrum of the damping resist-
ance will, therefore, lead to an output voltage noise spectrum at the microphone
output terminals that is shaped like the pressure response of the microphone.
As most acoustic measurements are made by using filters of constant relative band-
width, microphone noise data are generally presented for third octave bands, see
Preamplifier Noise
The preamplifier noise may be regarded as a noise composed of two main parts.
Namely, a low frequency noise which originates from the input circuit and is a
function of the microphone capacitance. This noise voltage is inversely proportional
to the frequency and to the transducer capacitance. The other source which is relat-
ed to the amplifier has a flat voltage spectrum over the entire operation range.
Third octave filtering of the preamplifier noise leads to a spectrum which falls by
10 dB/decade at low frequencies and raises by 10 dB/decade at high frequencies, see
re. 20 Pa
a) Complete system
c) Measurement Amplifier
8 16 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16 k 31.5 k
Frequency (Hz) 951155/1e
Fig.2.20 Equivalent levels of inherent noise (1/3 octave bandwidth) produced by the elements of a
system equipped with a 1 free-field microphone (50 mV/Pa). The microphone, the preampli-
fier and the measurement amplifier are all significant noise sources in certain parts of the
frequency range
Noise spectra valid for microphone systems equipped with free-field microphones of
different sizes are shown in Fig.2.22. For smaller and less sensitive microphones, in
sizes such as 1/4 and 1/8, only the preamplifier noise needs to be taken into ac-
count, as this dominates over the microphone noise.
A specific method of lowering microphone system noise can be applied for the de-
sign of a system with extremely low inherent noise. The method is based on the
idea of reducing the diaphragm damping resistance as this makes up the main
noise source of the microphone. This will lower the noise, but it will also create a
peak on the frequency response at the diaphragm resonance frequency. However,
this peak may be equalized by an electrical network which can be combined with
15 L
0 Combination
10 100 1k 10 k 20 k M P C
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.2.21 Third Octave Noise Spectra of a system consisting of a free-field microphone (1/2, 50 mV/Pa)
and a high quality preamplifier. The electrical preamplifier noise dominates at low fre-
quencies while Brownian movements of the microphone diaphragm create the most signifi-
cant noise at high frequencies. The columns to the right show Linear (20 Hz 20 kHz) (L)
and A-weighted (A) noise levels for the microphone (M), preamplifier (P) and combination
the preamplifier. This technique, which requires careful control with the micro-
phone resonance frequency and Q-factor, has lead to the development of a system
with an equivalent inherent noise level as low as 2 dB(A), see Fig.2.23.
2.4.4 Distortion
Both the microphone and the preamplifier may distort the output signal. The dis-
tortion which is produced by the microphone is the dominating component within
the major part of the dynamic range while preamplifier distortion may only be
detected close to the clipping limit at the highest operational levels.
re. 20 Pa
1/4" (4 mV/Pa)
8 16 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16 k 31.5 k 63 k
Frequency (Hz) 950941e
Fig.2.22 Third Octave Noise Spectra of free-field microphone systems. The larger and most sensitive
microphones should be used for low level measurements. The microphone noise is most
significant in such systems. The preamplifier noise is most significant in systems with
small and less sensitive microphones
Microphone Distortion
Microphone distortion (in the frequency range where the diaphragm displacement is
stiffness controlled), is caused by passive capacitance in parallel with the active
diaphragm capacitance. This passive capacitance is made up by the backplate-hous-
re. 20 Pa
a) Complete system
c) Measurement Amplifier
8 16 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16 k 31.5 k
Frequency (Hz) 951156e
Fig.2.23 Equivalent levels of inherent noise (1/3 octave bandwidth) produced by the elements of a
low noise system with a special 1 free-field microphone (100 mV/Pa and low diaphragm
damping). The microphone and the preamplifier (20 dB gain) which contains a frequency
response equalization network, form the main noise sources. The system noise level is 2 dB
ing capacitance, preamplifier input capacitance and to some degree by parts of the
diaphragm capacitance which are less active than others. Passive capacitance leads
to a dominating second harmonic distortion which increases proportionally with the
sound pressure and a less significant third harmonic component which increases by
the square of the pressure.
distortion does not fully follow the sensitivity reduction. This can, for example, be
seen in the sensitivity and distortion differences between a 1/2 and a 1/4 micro-
phone. The difference in sensitivity is 22 dB, while the difference in distortion is
only 15 dB.
Distortion (%)
125 135 145 SPL (dB) 155
The preamplifier distortion may generally be ignored as this is much lower than
the microphone distortion. This is the case at levels up to a few decibels below the
upper operation limit where clipping occurs and makes the system unusable, see
Fig.2.24. The results shown in the figure are obtained with a Brel & Kjr High
Pressure and Low Frequency Calibrator, Type 4221.
Most often the preamplifier has only a minor influence on the microphone distor-
tion as it only adds 0.2 to 0.5 pF to its passive parallel capacitance. However, when
a large passive capacitor is used for extending the frequency response to lower
frequencies this will have great influence on the distortion which may increase by a
factor of five or more, see Section 2.4.2.
Three different types of sound field are generally considered in connection with
acoustic measurements, namely the pressure-field, the free-field and the diffuse-
field. The influence of the microphone depends on the type of sound field, on the
microphone dimensions and to a minor degree, on its diaphragm impedance.
A pressure-field generally occurs in a small closed cavity (see Section 2.1.5) which,
for example, may make a part of an artificial ear used for the testing of telephones
or hearing aids. To measure the sound pressure in such a cavity, the microphone is
generally built into the coupler in a way that makes the diaphragm a part of the
coupler cavity wall. Because the diaphragm is not as stiff as the wall of the coupler,
it deflects due to the sound pressure and loads the cavity acoustically.
The influence of the microphone depends on the size and shape of the coupler and
on the microphone diaphragm impedance. Very often, artificial ears are used up to
such high frequencies that standing waves occur in the coupler. Depending on the
coupler cavity shape, it may be quite complicated to determine the influence of the
microphone. It is simpler in cases where the coupler makes a cylindrical cavity with
the sound source and a microphone is mounted at each end. In this configuration
the coupler acts as an acoustic transmission line which connects the source to the
microphone, see Fig.2.25. The transfer function and the microphone influence may
then be determined by the general transmission line theory by taking its character-
istic impedance, its complex propagation coefficient and its length into account, see
Fig.2.26 (a).
At lower frequencies, where standing waves do not occur, the circuit may be further
simplified to take only the compliances into account. They represent the reciprocal
Coupler Cavity
Telephone Microphone
Diaphragm Diaphragm
a) Z source
p source Z a,0, , I 0 Z ds
b) C source
p source C coupler C ds
stiffnesses of the source, the coupler cavity and the microphone diaphragm, see
Fig.2.26 (b). In such cases it is very practical to work with equivalent volumes of
the source and the loading microphone.
Most couplers are equipped with a static pressure equalisation vent. The impedance
of this should be taken into account if the model is also to be used at the lowest
The sound pressure attenuation due to the microphone is given by the following
V coupler + V e, source + V e [ lf ]
attenuation [ dB ] = 20 log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
V coupler + V e, source
Vcoupler = coupler volume
Ve,source = equivalent volume of source
Ve [lf] = equivalent volume of microphone diaphragm system
For smaller couplers with 1/2 microphones, the influence is typically smaller. The
microphone types may in practice be placed in one of two groups depending on their
equivalent volume, which may either be about 0.010 or 0.045 cubic centimetres.
Those with a low volume are most frequently applied in couplers. Here their influ-
ence is relatively less than that of the larger microphones on the above mentioned
coupler sizes.
Ideally, the diaphragm should be as stiff as the walls of the coupler within which it
is applied. As this is not possible, its influence may be estimated and taken into
account by using equivalent volume or transmission line calculations.
The ratio between the pressure at the diaphragm and that of the undisturbed
sound field is a function of the ratio between the microphone diameter and the
wavelength. Pressure ratio functions look alike for smaller and larger microphone
types, but they are shifted within the frequency range depending on the diameter of
the microphone body. This is illustrated in Fig.2.28 which shows the order of mag-
nitude of the pressure ratio valid for sound incidence perpendicular to the front of
the microphone (zero degrees) for different sizes of microphone.
Sound Field
Measurement Point
Sound Field
The resulting influence of the body of a 1/2 microphone and the protection grid is
shown in Fig.2.30 (upper curve). The influence of the microphone on the pressure of
a free-field is so great that it needs to be taken into account to avoid considerable
measurement errors.
The influences of both microphone body and protection grid differ with the angle of
1/1" 1/2"
100 1k 10 k Frequency (Hz) 100 k
sound incidence on the microphone body. For all Brel & Kjr microphones the in-
fluence is analysed and stated for a number of specific angles of incidence. There-
fore, a correction may be made for the above effect, if the angle of sound incidence
is known.
100 1k 10 k Frequency (Hz) 100 k
100 1k 10 k Frequency (Hz) 100 k
The pressure increase on the diaphragm may be used for extending the frequency
range of free-field microphone types at higher frequencies. Therefore, free-field mi-
crophones cover wider frequency ranges than equally large and equally sensitive
Pressure-field microphone types which have a flat pressure-field response. The ex-
tension typically equals one octave.
The ratio between the diaphragm pressure and the undisturbed free-field pressure
is generally expressed in decibels. This ratio is essentially the same for all micro-
phones of the same type, as their dimensions are the same, (although the ratio
depends slightly on the diaphragm impedance as well). Therefore, it is determined
in connection with the development of any new Brel & Kjr microphone type. The
measured number is generally called the free-field correction.
The free-field correction may, therefore, be used for determining the individual free-
field response characteristic of a microphone. This is done by adding the correction
to the individual pressure response or to the so called, electrostatic actuator re-
sponse. In practice, this is a great advantage as those responses are less costly to
determine. This is especially the case for the actuator response. Most Brel & Kjr
free-field and diffuse-field corrections refer to the electrostatic actuator response.
Fig.2.31 shows free-field corrections for a 1/2 microphone without protection grid.
These were measured for the angles between zero and 180 degrees in steps of
5 degrees.
The above free-field corrections may be used for calculation of the diffuse-field cor-
rection; see the bold curve in Fig.2.31.
The diffuse field correction which represents the difference between the diffuse-field
and the pressure-field sensitivity may be measured, but this is usually calculated.
The international standard Random incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound
level meters IEC 1183 prescribes how this should be done.
The calculation employs a weighted power based summing of the correction values
valid for the different angles of incidence. The weighting accounts for the non-equal
solid angles of incidence which are represented by the equally stepped angles at
which the corrections are measured.
More weight is thus put on the corrections of the angles close to the 90 degrees
than on those valid for angles close to zero degrees. IEC 1183 defines the calcula-
tion formula and the weighting factors.
1k 1.0 k Frequency (Hz) 100 k
Dedicated microphones for diffuse-field measurements are rare. A main reason for
this is that the diffuse-field correction or the pressure change created by the micro-
phone itself is so small that many pressure-field microphones also have good dif-
fuse-field characteristics.
Diffuse-field characteristics which comply with standards such as ANSI S 1.4 may
also be obtained by mounting certain devices on free-field microphones. These devic-
es which at high frequencies increase the pressure at the diaphragm might either
replace the protection grids or be mounted on them.
Depending on the type of microphone there are two parameters which can be ex-
pected to change. One is the mechanical tension of the stretched diaphragm and the
other, which is only relevant for prepolarised microphones, is the electrical charge of
the electret. Both may decay over the time. Carefully controlled artificial or forced
ageing procedures are therefore applied during production to stabilise these param-
eters. The stabilisation is not only relevant for high temperature applications but
also in connection with laboratory standard microphones which are calibrated at
room temperature to within a hundredth of a decibel. They must therefore be very
The speed of the relaxation processes which lead to permanent sensitivity changes
depends on temperature. At high temperatures the speed at which changes occur is
so high that it can be measured. Under normal ambient conditions the speed at
which changes occur is very low and is not directly measurable. The stability at
room temperature may be estimated from high temperature measurements by ex-
trapolation using an Arhenius plot. This displays stability as a function the recipro-
cal Kelvin temperature.
Within a particular type of microphone there may be a great spread between the
units. The high temperature stability of some units may be up to ten times better
than the estimated and specified value.
Very often the permanent and systematic changes which are to be expected are less
than the random changes which may occur due to mechanical shocks and heat
transients. This is especially the case for microphones with stainless steel dia-
phragms (Falcon range microphones) as they are significantly less sensitive to long
term heat exposure than the Nickel diaphragms used by other types of microphone.
Minor random changes in sensitivity may occur due to irreversible mutual displace-
ments of the microphone parts. Therefore, microphones which are used as reference
standard microphones, for example, for national standards, should always be stored
at room temperature.
For an externally polarized microphone, the diaphragm tension may change over
time. It will decrease slightly and lead to a small increase in the microphone sensi-
tivity. The rate at which this occurs depends on the temperature and follows the
general rule for a material process:
t T = k exp --------
where tT is the time for a certain charge at the absolute temperature T, Q is the
process activation energy, R is the universal gas constant and k is a constant.
Transformed to logarithmic form this gives:
log t T = K 1 + K 2 ----
where K1 and K2 are constants which characterise the material process. The equa-
tion shows a linear relationship between log tT and 1/T.
For most Brel & Kjr microphone types, the long term stability is described by the
stability valid at a Reference Temperature (see microphone type specifications) and
by a Stability Factor which is a function of temperature. The Stability Factor de-
pends on the type of material and relaxation process.
The Stability Factor is the ratio between the stability at a given temperature and
that of the Reference Temperature.
SLongTerm (T) = Long Term Stability at the temperature (T)
The Stability Factors of the Stainless Steel and Nickel diaphragms are shown in
Fig. 2.32 and 2.33 respectively.
Two Stability Factors which are valid for the electret used by the Prepolarised
Microphones are shown in Fig.2.34. The factor that is valid for dry air uses 150C
as the Reference Temperature, while that valid for humid air (90% Relative Humid-
ity) uses 50C as the reference.
The stability at the Reference Temperature should be found in the specification that
is valid for the type of microphone.
Stability Factor
Reference Point
10 2
10 4
10 6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (C)
Stability Factor
Reference Point
10 2
10 4
10 6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (C) 950896e
Note, that the above calculation method leads to a rather rough estimates of dia-
phragm and electret stability and that the stability of most microphone units are
actually several times higher than estimated.
Stability Factor
Reference Point
10 2
Reference Point
10 6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (C) 950897e
2.7.1 Introduction
However, the actuator method cannot be used for determination of the microphone
sensitivity, as its absolute accuracy is not sufficiently high. Therefore, an actuator
frequency response calibration is in most cases combined with an absolute sensitivi-
ty calibration at a reference frequency. This may be performed by using a piston-
phone, a sound level calibrator or other means.
The actuator stands on isolating studs on the microphone housing in front of the
diaphragm. The distance between the actuator and diaphragm plates is usually
between 0.4 and 0.8 mm. The actuator is perforated in order to minimize its influ-
ence on the acoustic pressure produced by the diaphragm, when this is displaced by
the electrostatic pressure, see Fig.2.35.
When an electrical voltage is applied between the parallel actuator and diaphragm
plates a uniformly distributed electrostatic force is produced across the diaphragm.
The diaphragm reacts on this electrostatic force or pressure as it would react on an
equally strong sound pressure.
C = -----------
Rearranging the parameters leads to the following equivalent sound pressure acting
on the plates:
p = ---- = --------------
A 2d
When a DC and a sinusoidal AC voltage are applied between the plates, i.e. be-
tween the actuator and the microphone diaphragm, the following expression is ob-
tained for the static and dynamic pressure components:
1 cos 2t
p = -------------2 ( E 0 + e peak sin t ) = -------------2 E 0 + 2 E 0 e peak sin t + e peak ----------------------------
2 2 2
2d 2d
2 2
p static = -------------2 ( E 0 + e rms )
p dynamic = -------------2 ( 2 2 E 0 e rms sin t e rms cos 2t )
The equivalent sound pressure produced by the actuator at the frequency of the
applied electric signal may be derived from the above formula. However, it should
be taken into account that the area of the actuator, due to its perforation, makes
only a certain fraction of the diaphragm area. The simulated sound pressure is,
therefore, reduced accordingly and defined by the following formula:
E 0 e rms
p dynamic [ rms ] = ------------------------------
- R area
The ratio of the second harmonic component and that of the fundamental frequency
e rms
d 2nd = ------------------ 100 %
2 2E 0
DC-voltage Supply 10 M
AC-voltage Supply 5000 pF
Typical voltages are 800 V DC and 30 V AC (rms). For a distance between the actu-
ator and the diaphragm of 0.4 mm and an actuator-diaphragm area ratio of 0.75, an
equivalent sound pressure of one Pascal or 94 dB will be produced. The second
harmonic distortion will make 1.3 %.
It is possible to operate the actuator without any DC-voltage. In this case the
frequency of the simulated sound pressure will be twice the frequency of the sup-
plied electrical signal, see the formula in 2.7.3 which defines the dynamic pressure.
However, this method has two disadvantages: firstly, a much lower sound pressure
may lead to an insufficient signal to noise ratio and secondly, the pressure produced
depends on the square of the supplied voltage. This may increase the uncertainty of
the measurement.
In principle, the actuator and the pressure response of a microphone are different.
In practice, the difference may be insignificant. It may vary between less than
0.1 dB and about 1 dB depending on the acoustic impedance of the microphone dia-
phragm system and on the radiation impedance which loads the outside of the
diaphragm. The higher the diaphragm impedance the smaller the difference.
For the newer and for some of the older Brel & Kjr microphone types corrections
are available for determination of pressure(-field) responses from measured actuator
responses; see examples for 1 and 1/2 microphones in Fig.2.37. As smaller micro-
phones have higher diaphragm impedances no corrections are necessary.
1 2 5 10 20
1 2 5 10 20
1 2 5 10 20
1 2 5 10 kHz 20 950936e
The reason for this is that the presence of an actuator on the microphone modifies
the radiation impedance of the diaphragm. The modification depends on the shape
and dimensions of the actuator. As the radiation impedance has an influence on the
actuator response, the use of other types of actuator may lead to responses which
differ from those valid for the published field corrections.
2.8 Conclusion
This chapter has explained the principles of microphone design and has discussed a
number of related subjects. This information is given to promote a general under-
standing of measurement microphones and in so doing to allow the reader to select
and use the correct type of microphone for a specific purpose.
Characteristics of Microphones
Similar headings are used in this chapter to provide a reference for the information
about specific microphones that is given in product-specific literature.
and individual data that applies to the microphone cartridge only, i.e. not a micro-
phone cartridge and preamplifier combination.
3.2 Sensitivity
When the microphone cartridge is connected to the preamplifier, its input voltage is
attenuated by the preamplifier input capacitance (Ci). This effect is valid over a
wide frequency range, therefore, the capacitive loading of the cartridge has no effect
on the relative frequency response.
The gain of the microphone and preamplifier combination (G) is also influenced by
the gain of the preamplifier itself (g) which is measured by connecting the genera-
tor directly to the preamplifier input. The loaded sensitivity, Sc can thus be de-
scribed using the open-circuit sensitivity, so:
S c = S o + G [ dB ]
Microphone Preamplifier
Cm Ci
G = 20 log --------------------- g [ dB ]
C m + C i
Cm = polarized microphone capacitance as stated on the microphone calibration
Ci = preamplifier input capacitance (as given in the preamplifier specifications)
G = gain of the microphone and preamplifier combination
g = gain of the preamplifier (as given in the preamplifier specifications)
The internal gain, g, of the Brel & Kjr preamplifiers is typically a little less than
unity (for example, 0.997 0.025 dB). Typical capacitance values for 1/2 micro-
phones and preamplifiers are 20 pF and 0,2 pF respectively. These values yield an
overall gain (G) of ( 0,1 dB) + ( 0,025) = 0,125 dB.
Some Brel & Kjr measuring amplifiers and analysers display their input voltage
in terms of dB re 1 V. This feature can be used for determining the sound level by
adding a correction to the displayed value.
For microphones with other sensitivities, the correction factor (K) defined below
should be added to the display reading. The correction factor K is defined as:
K= 26 Sc or K = Ko G [dB]
where K = correction factor
Sc = loaded sensitivity
Ko = open-circuit correction factor
G = gain of the microphone and preamplifier combination
The Ko factor can be found on most Brel & Kjr microphone calibration charts.
1 10 100 200 1k 10 k Frequency (Hz) 100 k
Fig.3.3 The frequency response curve is composed of an individual high frequency response and a
typical low frequency response. The curve is normalised to 0 dB at the reference frequency
For a full discussion about types of microphone designed for different sound fields,
see Section 2.5.
In general, the data related to the low frequency response given in the calibration
data is typical for the type of microphone cartridge at the reference ambient pres-
sure (101,3 kPa) only.
The 3 dB point on the low frequency response is proportional to the ambient pres-
sure; in practice the influence is insignificant because the lower limiting frequency
is below the usual frequency response of interest. Note that the stated low frequen-
cy response is valid when the diaphragm and static pressure equalisation vent are
exposed to the sound field.
For rear-venting microphones the venting takes place through the preamplifier
All Brel & Kjr microphones are tested acoustically to ensure that the lower limit-
ing frequencies are within the production tolerances. This test cannot be performed
by an actuator because an actuator does not produce any sound pressure at the
To obtain an individual high frequency response, type specific and field dependent
corrections are added to the individually measured actuator response for the micro-
phone. These actual corrections are measured during the development of each mi-
crophone type.
Fig.3.4 illustrates how all frequency responses for each of the three sound fields are
obtained for the same microphone. This is done by simply adding the type specific
correction data to the individually measured actuator response.
For a description of the electrostatic actuator and its operation, refer to Section 2.7.
The phase response curves shown in Brel & Kjr literature are normalised to zero
degrees at low frequencies. For all Brel & Kjr externally polarized microphones
(positive charge), the phase difference between the voltage and the pressure at low
frequencies is 180. For all Brel & Kjr prepolarized microphones which use a
negative charge, the shift is 0.
The 90 phase lag relative to the phase at low frequencies determines the reso-
nance frequency of the microphone.
+ = dB
100 1k 10 k 100 k
Frequency (Hz)
500 1k 10k 50k
Frequency (Hz)
Chapter 3 Characteristics of Microphones
Random-incidence Correction
Actuator Response Random-incidence Response
5 5
0 Random-incidence
dB dB
Microphone Handbook
+ =
20 20
100 1k 10 k 100 k 100 1k 10 k 100 k
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
500 1k 10k 50k
Frequency (Hz)
field, is obtained by adding the corrections, shown in bold, to the actuator response
1 20
100 1k 10 k 100 k 100 1k 10 k 100 k
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
A diffuse sound field exists at a given location if the field is created by sound waves
arriving more or less simultaneously from all directions with equal probability and
A diffuse sound field may be created within a room with hard sound reflecting walls
and which essentially contains no sound absorbing materials.
This response is often regarded as being equal to the actuator response because the
difference between them is small compared to the uncertainty related to most meas-
urements. The difference is due to the radiation impedance which loads the dia-
phragm during the actuator response measurement, see Section 2.7.
The pressure-field corrections are determined during the intensive analysis that is
part of the development of each particular Brel & Kjr microphone type.
30 60 30 60
0 0
40 kHz
90 90
5 0 5 10 15 20 25
20 15 10 5 0 5 5 0 5 10 15 20 25
20 15 10 5 0 5
270 270
0 0 0 0
24 12 24 20 kHz 12
10 kHz
5 kHz
Because the microphone cartridge is always used with a preamplifier, the inherent
noise of the combination is composed of both microphone and preamplifier noise.
L n ( Mic )
p n ( Mic ) = p ref 10 -----------------------
e n ( PA )
p n ( PA ) = -------------------
p n2 ( Mic ) + p n2 ( PA )
L n [ Combined ] = 10 log -------------------------------------------------
p ref
Ln(Mic) = cartridge thermal noise level [dB SPL]
pn(Mic) = cartridge thermal noise (Pa)
pn (PA) = equivalent preamplifier noise pressure
Ln (Combined)= combined noise level (dB SPL)
en(PA) = preamplifier noise voltage (V)
pref = p ref = 20 10 Pa
The noise data (Ln(Mic) and en(PA) are given in the respective type specifications. It
is important to note that the noise levels must be for the same frequency band-
The dynamic range of condenser microphones is so great that for most practical
situations the user will not encounter any limitation due to the maximum permissi-
ble sound pressure level.
The maximum output of the microphone is limited by the displacement of the dia-
phragm. To ensure correct operation, the microphone should not be exposed to
sound pressure levels exceeding the stated Maximum Sound Pressure Level (peak).
The microphone is always used with a preamplifier, therefore the limits for this
should also be taken into account. The maximum output voltage from the preampli-
fier depends on the supply voltage. To utilise the wide dynamic range of the micro-
phone, the preamplifier should be operated at a supply voltage of 100 V. Even so,
the preamplifier may be the limiting factor.
While the microphone has a distortion proportional to the sound pressure level (3%
distortion level is stated), the preamplifier has a very low distortion until a level of
a few dB below the clipping point where the distortion suddenly increases. The
maximum output peak level from the preamplifier is usually a few volts lower than
half the total supply voltage. The actual supply voltages are stated in the product
data sheet for the power supply.
e peak
SPL peak [ max ] = 20 log --------------------- [ dB ]
S c p ref
SPLpeak = equivalent peak sound pressure level of the preamplifier
epeak = Maximum output voltage of the preamplifier (V)
The calibrator load volume is used to evaluate and correct the loading of micro-
phones when used on calibrators and pistonphones.
3.8 Capacitance
When a condenser microphone is included in an electrical circuit, it may be consid-
ered as being a purely capacitive component.
The capacitance is determined by the distance between the diaphragm and the
backplate, and by stray capacitance between the backplate and the microphone
The capacitance of the microphone and its variation with frequency is a function of
the polarisation voltage, see Fig.3.6 . The stated values of microphone capacitance
are valid for nominal polarization voltage at 250 Hz (generally 200 V for externally
polarised microphones and 0 V for prepolarized microphones. The capacitance of the
microphone can be used for the evaluation of loaded sensitivity (Sc) lower limiting
frequency and preamplifier noise.
The stability of the microphone is closely related to its capacitance, i.e. changes in
capacitance reveal changes in microphone sensitivity and frequency response. This
relationship is exploited in the Brel & Kjr patented Charge Injection Calibration
technique for monitoring the condition of a microphone (see Section 4.8).
Capacitance (pF)
250 V
16 200 V
150 V
28 V
100 1k Hz 10k 100k
Frequency (Hz)
The microphone should not be operated at polarisation voltages higher than the
nominal value as this may result in excessive leakage or even arcing, both leading
to an unstable situation. If the microphone is operated at polarisation voltages
lower than the nominal value, the sensitivity and frequency response will change,
see the example shown in Fig.3.7 and Fig.3.8.
The sensitivity of the cartridge is essentially proportional to the charge, see Fig.3.8.
Response (dB)
28 V
150 V
250 V
100 1k Hz 10k 100k
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.3.7 Example of the frequency response dependency with polarisation voltage. The curves are
normalised to the nominal value of 200 V. This example is for a 1/2 microphone
with high sensitivity. The dependency is less for /2 microphones with lower sensitivity
Brel & Kjr instruments supply a positive polarization voltage for externally polar-
ized microphones. This type of microphone therefore produces a negative voltage for
a positive pressure.
5 10 20 50 100 200 500
Polarization Voltage (V)
polarisation voltage is the sum of the external and internal polarization voltages
which are of opposite sign.
These high values impose stringent demands on design, materials and production of
microphones. Brel & Kjr microphones are tested to these requirements at 90%
relative humidity. Note that the surface of the microphone insulator should not be
exposed to contamination, for example, from dust and hair, as this may lead to a
low leakage resistance.
3.11 Stability
The stability of a measurement microphone is a very important feature. It is one of
the features that distinguishes measurement microphones from other microphones.
Changes in the parameters of a microphone are dealt with here under Irreversible
Changes and Reversible Changes.
3.12.2 Handling
The mechanical stability of the microphone is determined by its ability to withstand
mechanical effects, for example, a force applied to the diaphragm clamping ring or
unpredictable mechanical shocks, such as if the microphone is dropped onto a hard
surface. Brel & Kjr microphones are designed and tested to withstand such ef-
fects. However, it should be noted that microphones are delicate precision measur-
ing instruments, especially those designed for laboratory use, and should be treated
Special care should be taken when the grid is removed; avoid touching the dia-
phragm as it is easily damaged by sharp points or particles. Some microphones
have screwed on diaphragms and in this case touching the clamping ring may
change the diaphragm tension causing subsequent changes in sensitivity and fre-
quency response. In addition, care should also be taken not to stress the diaphragm
by having different static pressure on the front and the back side of the diaphragm
(normally avoided by having the Pressure Equalisation Vent in the sound field).
This may also happen when mounting and dismounting the microphone from a
small coupler or cavity. Here the microphone may be subjected to a large vacuum
causing heavy loading of the diaphragm. This could cause changes in sensitivity
and frequency response.
Over the lifetime of a microphone it is very likely that some minor variations in
sensitivity will occur due to thermal or mechanical shock. These changes occur due
to settling of the relative positions of the mechanical parts. However these changes
will generally not exceed 0.1 dB and are therefore negligible for most applications.
The short term stability of a microphone is very high once the microphone is accli-
matised and used in stable ambient environments. Usually the microphone will
sustain the sensitivity within 0.01 or 0.02 dB under such stable environments. This
is important when the microphone is used as a laboratory reference.
The sensitivity of the microphone is only slightly affected by the ambient tempera-
ture. It is usually not necessary to compensate for this influence, unless the micro-
phone is subjected to very high or very low temperatures. After quick changes in
temperature the microphone should be allowed to acclimatise for at least 15 min-
utes at the ambient conditions to ensure correct operation.
Response (dB)
10 C
+ 50 C
500 Hz 1k 10 k 50 k
Frequency (Hz) 950610e
Brel & Kjr specify a temperature coefficient at 250 Hz and graphs of sensitivity
variations as function of temperature. These can be used to compensate for the
deviation in sensitivity. The deviation is read directly from the graphs. The temper-
ature coefficient depends on the frequency. Fig.3.9 and Fig.3.10 show how changes
occur in the frequency characteristics at various temperatures.
300 C
Response (dB)
200 C
100 C
500 1k 10 k 50 k
Frequency (Hz)
The ambient pressure influences the sensitivity of the microphone. The microphone
sensitivity and frequency response stated is in most cases valid at an ambient
pressure of 1 atmosphere = 101.325 kPa. The ambient pressure is sometimes re-
ferred to as static pressure.
The microphone is designed with a vent to equalise the pressure inside and outside
the microphone, so it only detects deviations from the equilibrium, which is the
sound we want to measure. The output from the microphone is, however, affected by
variations in ambient pressure. This is due to changes in air stiffness and air
density which affect the impedance of the cavity behind the diaphragm.
The ambient pressure varies with altitude, and it also varies over time at the same
location. With the exception of few locations, these variations do not usually exceed
the range 80 to 120 kPa (only 20 kPa relative to one atmosphere). Those micro-
phones with the greatest sensitivity to ambient pressure will rarely give rise to a
correction of more than 0.4 dB. See microphone type specifications for more details.
1 10 100 1k
Ambient Pressure (kPa)
The graph in Fig.3.12 shows the variation in frequency response due to changes in
ambient pressure below one atmosphere. These graphs may be used to make correc-
tions of the frequency response. For small variations in ambient pressure above one
atmosphere, the change in frequency response corresponds to that below one atmos-
phere, but with the opposite sign.
Correction (dB)
1 20kPa
500 1k 10k 50k
Frequency (Hz)
Brel & Kjr microphones have been tested for effects of humidity according to
IEC-68-2-3 standard for Basic Environmental Testing Procedures.
The situations where one should be aware of humidity problems are where sudden
changes in temperature and humidity occur, for example, when going from a warm,
humid environment to a cool air-conditioned building. The opposite situation is not
so critical because any condensation that may occur will only affect the outside of
the instrument.
The vibration sensitivity of the microphone (normal to the diaphragm) is well de-
fined as it is determined by the mass of the diaphragm. The vibration sensitivity is
much smaller in all other directions. Preamplifiers and electrical adaptors and alike
may also contribute to the vibration sensitivity of the measurement channel. The
vibration sensitivity usually varies with the vibration direction. The magnitude of
this effect is of the order of 65 dB (SPL) for 1/ms2.
Characteristics of Preamplifiers
Apart from diameter, other important selection parameters include the transmission
principle, (for example, current, voltage or digital signals) system verification facili-
ties, phase characteristics, inherent noise and current supply requirements.
f 3 = -------------------------------
2 R i C m
The typical electrical low frequency responses are normally shown with capacitanc-
es equivalent to common 1/4, 1/2 and 1 microphones (typically 6 pF, 15 pF and
50 pF). While the microphone capacitance is a rather simple and well defined prop-
erty, the preamplifier input impedance can be more complex.
Fig.4.1 shows typical electrical low frequency responses for two different types of
preamplifier, one with a simple resistive input impedance and one with a complex
input impedance obtained by bootstrapping.
Also shown in Fig.4.1 is a solution for lowering the electrical cut-off frequency of
the preamplifier. This is done by simply adding stray input capacitance to the
preamplifier. Special adaptors may be used to obtain this effect, but this obviously
also has the effect of lowering the sensitivity for the system. Such a microphone
and preamplifier system is useful for measuring low frequency sound.
dB a
Fig.4.1 Electrical low frequency response of preamplifiers with various microphone and adaptor
combinations: a, preamplifier with bootstrapping; b, c and d, preamplifiers with 1st order
high pass filter. Microphone capacitance: (a) 6 pF (b) 20 pF, (c) 6 pF (d) 20 pF in combination
with a 80 pF stray capacitance adaptor
The normally mentioned Frequency Response will be considered here as the re-
sponse obtained when the dynamic properties of the preamplifier are negligible.
This response is also known as the small signal response. The opposite, large
signal response will be discussed in Section 4.3: Dynamic Range.
The small signal, electrical high frequency response of the preamplifier is deter-
mined by the low pass filter created by the output impedance of the preamplifier
and the capacitative load of the connection cable.
3 nF
300 pF
30 nF
300 nF
10 k 100 k Frequency (Hz) 1M
The dynamic range of the preamplifier is the ratio between the maximum and the
minimum output voltages. The lower limit is defined by the self-generated noise of
the amplifier and the upper limit is set by the distortion created at high output
levels due to clipping of the signal.
The remainder of this section describes some of the different mechanisms which set
the limits at both ends of the dynamic range.
parameters are the maximum output voltage, the current and the slew rate of the
The limitation set by the maximum output voltage is due to a clipping of the signal
which occurs when the peak of the output signal reaches a maximum level set by
the supply voltage, minus a voltage-drop determined by the preamplifier construc-
tion. See the specifications for the relevant preamplifier for details.
Clipping is responsible for the maximum output at lower frequencies. To make the
most of the dynamic operation range of the condenser microphones, the supply
voltage has to be quite high i.e. 100 120 V.
If the input signal exceeds the limits set by the supply voltage, an abrupt genera-
tion of harmonic distortion will result
The maximum sound pressure level that can be handled by the microphone pream-
plifier can be calculated by:
e peak
SPL peak ( max ) = 94 + 20 log ----------------- [ dB ]
Sc po
SPLpeak = peak acoustical sound pressure level in dB re 20 Pa (1Pa = 94 dB)
epeak = peak output voltage of the preamplifier in V
Sc = loaded sensitivity of the microphone in V/Pa
po = pressure level for stated microphone sensitivities = 1Pa.
Note: The peak signal is typically 3 to 10 dB higher than the RMS value (for a
pure tone 3 dB, for a noise signal typically 10 dB).
A second limitation is the maximum output current. This current is normally deter-
mined by the design of the output stage in the amplifier, however, the current
capacity of the power supply could also be a limiting factor.
The current limitation should be considered when high frequencies, long cables and
relatively high signal levels are combined. The relation between the maximum
sound pressure level, the frequency and cable load for a given current capability is
given by the following formula:
i peak
SPL peak ( max ) = 94 + 20 log ----------------------------------------------- [ dB ]
2 f C L S c p o
ipeak = maximum current capacity of the preamplifier or (if lower) of the pow-
er supply in A.
CL = total capacitative load presented by the connection cable in F. Typically
50 to 100 pF/m.
po = pressure level for stated microphone sensitivity = 1 Pa
f = applied maximum frequency.
The third limitation is due to the slew rate which is defined as the rate of change of
output voltage (i.e. de/dt). The slew rate limitation is caused by the internal cur-
rents and capacities inside the preamplifier. This is typically the limiting factor for
the output-voltage and frequency when short cables are used.
The slew rate only requires attention in special situations, for example, where com-
bined very high frequencies and signal levels occur. The limitation is described by:
de dt
SPL peak ( max ) = 94 + 20 log ---------------------------------------------- [ dB ]
2 f max ( S c p o )
de/dt = maximum slew rate, V/s
fmax = maximum frequency of interest
The influence of these three limitations (voltage, current and slew rate) are shown
in Fig.4.3. The upper limits are defined here by a distortion level of 3%. Common to
all these limitations is the fact that an excess will create a sudden rise in the
distortion level. Contrary to this, the microphone exhibits an almost linear relation-
ship between sound pressure level and distortion (see Chapter 3 for details). There-
fore, the contribution of the preamplifier to the total distortion can practically be
ignored until one of the mentioned limits occur.
Total Supply Voltage 120 V a
40 b
10 30
10 Total Supply Voltage 28 V
200 1k 10 k 100 k 200 k
Frequency (Hz) 950309/1e
The lower limit of the dynamic range of the preamplifier is set by the inherent
noise. The noise is primarily generated by two independent sources: resistor noise
NR and transistor noise NFET.
These two noise sources can be considered as being located in the passive and
active part of the preamplifiers input circuit respectively, as shown in Fig.4.4.
~ NR
The NR-noise is the thermal noise created by the high value resistors in the input
circuit (Ri). Thermal resistor noise is characterised as white noise i.e. the same
magnitude for all frequencies and is proportional with both resistance and absolute
10 4
V/ Hz
10 5
10 6
15 G, 6 pF
15 G, 20 pF
30 G, 20 pF
10 8
10 9
0.01 0.10 1 10 100 1k 10 k 100 k
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.4.5 Noise spectral density V Hz , for different combinations of microphone capacitances and
input resistances
In the frequency range where the preamplifier is used, this low pass filtering caus-
es a noise decrease when the input resistance increases due to the low pass filter-
ing effect. For this reason, modern preamplifiers are designed with high input
The input resistance is determined by two resistors; one used to establish the polar-
isation voltage for the microphone and the other, to set the DC-working point for
the preamplifier. Resistors of too high a value can give practical problems, both
with respect to DC-stability and with inconvenient long stabilisation times for the
complete measuring-system.
The second noise source, the transistor noise NFET, is related to the active part of
the amplifier input stage, which consists of a Field Effect Transistor (FET). The
FET noise has three different origins: channel noise, (creating white noise), materi-
al impurities, (creating pink noise) and leakage current, which in combination with
the input resistors creates white noise coloured by the input impedance. The in-
fluence of the leakage current will be mentioned under Section 4.6: Effect of Tem-
Under normal environmental conditions, only the white noise source is relevant.
This white noise source has the same nature as the previously mentioned resistor
noise, but here the resistance is typically 1 to 2 k. The microphone capacitance
does not have any practical influence on frequency distribution of this noise and, as
seen in Fig.4.6 , this noise component becomes responsible for the noise from about
1 kHz and above.
Due to coupling capacities (shown in Fig.4.8 as Cc), a fraction of the FET noise is
coupled forward to the high impedance input of the preamplifier, resulting in an
increase in the noise level. The noise contribution from this mechanism depends on
the capacitative attenuator formed by the microphone capacitance Cm and the cou-
pling capacities Cc. This explains why the higher frequency noise also depends on
the capacitance of the microphone.
Note that the noise spectra shown in Fig.4.6 as V Hz , which is commonly used
in electronic engineering, but not in the field of acoustics where a representation as
shown in Fig.4.7 is more usual. Here, the total noise is shown for a constant rela-
tive bandwidth (third octave) in combination with two different microphone capaci-
10 4
Thermal 20 Hz to 200 kHz (Bandwidth - 206 kHz)
V/ Hz resistor noise 20 Hz to 20 kHz (Bandwidth - 23 kHz)
Effect of
10 6 increase
in temperature
10 7
Flicker noise
Effect of increase in
(from FET)
cross coupling capacity
10 8
10 V
6 pF 20 pF
1 V
0.1 V
1.25 k
1.6 k
2.5 k
3.15 k
6.3 k
10 k
12.5 k
16 k
20 k
Fig.4.7 Typical third octave noise spectra for preamplifiers noise connected to two different micro-
phones (dummies, 6 pF and 20 pF)
All Brel & Kjr preamplifiers are designed to keep the phase of the output signal
essentially equal to the input signal, but for the reasons described in Section 4.2 a
phase deviation for low and high frequencies can occur. From about 10 Hz to above
100 kHz, the magnitude response is generally flat, whereas the corresponding phase
response is close to zero degrees from typically 100 Hz to 10 kHz, see Fig.4.8.
The low frequency phase response is determined by the microphone capacitance and
preamplifier input resistance, while the cable load in combination with the output
impedance determines the phase response at the high frequencies.
For some applications, for example, for sound intensity measurements, it is impor-
tant that the phase differences between a number of measurement channels are
very small. It is recommended that specially developed types of preamplifier are
used for this kind of measurement. By minimizing the influence of the resistive
part of the preamplifier input impedance, it is possible to obtain more closely
matched phase responses between a number of channels.
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1k 10 k 100 k 1M
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.4.8 Phase responses for two different types of preamplifier. A first order input circuit gives a 90
phase shift at low frequencies, whereas a second order input circuit (bootstrap) gives a 180
phase shift. The latter can be optimised for very low phase shift for frequencies above 10 Hz
materials that allows them to be operated at high temperatures. However, there are
always some limitations that should be taken into consideration.
Firstly, at high temperatures, the failure rate of the device increases. At tempera-
tures above 100 125 o this increase is dramatic and the preamplifier should only be
used at such temperatures for short term measurements.
Another consideration concerns the output power which causes internal heating of
the semiconductors. In combination with high external temperature, this heat can
destroy the output transistors. The preamplifier can deliver the specified current,
but if this is done for a long time at a high temperature, the heat will destroy the
Some electromagnetic disturbances have existed for many years, for example,
through electrostatic discharge, lighting transients and mains voltage fluctuations.
The recent interest in EMC, however, is due to the huge growth in the use of
electronic equipment; from microcomputers operating at radio frequencies to mobile
telephones using pulse modulation. Such devices emit electromagnetic noise at ra-
dio frequencies which can interfere with equipment that has insufficient immunity.
At the same time, electronic circuits are being integrated in all sorts of electrical
appliances, from washing machines to burglar alarms, making these products more
susceptible and vulnerable to electromagnetic disturbance.
Requirements and limits regarding the emission of radio frequencies have existed
for many years. Until recently, little attention was paid to the fact that delicate
electronic circuits are easily disturbed by strong external signals. In addition to the
emission requirements, the European Union EMC directive now makes immunity a
mandatory requirement. The directive states that electrical and electronic equip-
ment must be sufficiently immune to disturbances of various kinds. All electrical
and electronic devices must comply with the EMC directive in order that they can
legally be sold in Europe.
The presence of a CE label on a product indicates that it complies with all relevant
European Union Directives. The CE label is affixed by the manufacturer (or an
authorised European representative) and indicates that product complies with the
requirements of the EMC directive and other directives as applicable. Precisely
what the relevant requirements are will depend on the product, but for all electron-
ic devices, the requirements include electromagnetic compatibility. Microphone
preamplifiers are CE labelled, but devices such as microphones and cables are pas-
Fig.4.9 GTEM (Gigahertz Transversal Electromagnetic) test cell at Brel & Kjrs EMC test labora-
tory: measuring radio frequency signals emission and immunity
sive components and therefore do not need to be CE labelled. They are however,
subjected to thorough EMC testing together with their associated equipment, for
example, cables are tested with their associated preamplifiers. In many cases, the
cables have been specially developed (for example, with braiding patterns) to obtain
the specified EMC properties as defined by the manufacturer.
In recognition that EMC requirements are now an important part of the develop-
ment of high quality electronic equipment, Brel & Kjr have invested in fully
equipped EMC test facilities. Certain tests are conducted at external, accredited
testing laboratories. Brel & Kjr products fulfil the toughest generic EMC stand-
ards for both emission and immunity. These standards are:
Detailed EMC specifications are given in the Product Data sheets for all
Brel & Kjr products.
The reasons for the sensitivity of devices to electromagnetic noise are often quite
simple to identify, but the effects can be difficult to avoid.
The connection cable can pick up signals from the electromagnetic field by acting as
an antenna while the semiconductors in the electronic circuit act as rectifiers and
demodulate the AM signal from the RF-carrier frequency. It is then very difficult to
separate this demodulated signal from the measurement signal. The best solution is
to prevent the RF-signal reaching the semiconductors. This can be done in different
ways. The most common method is a lowpass filtering of the signal going into the
electronic circuit.
It is of course, important, that both ends of the cable are connected to devices that
are able to avoid demodulation of the RF-noise. This means that connecting a
preamplifier with high immunity to an old measuring amplifier that is not con-
structed to achieve RF-immunity, will not give the expected immunity for the system.
Fig.4.10 shows the immunity improvement that can be obtained with a preamplifier
constructed to fulfil the EMC-requirements, compared to an earlier version. These
measurements show the noise signal generated in the preamplifier when it is ex-
posed to an EMC field as described in the EMC standards (a field strength of 3
10 V/m, a modulation of 80% AM and a carrier frequency of 80 1000 MHz).
dB dB
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
3 4 5 6 8 10 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 3 MHz 3 4 5 6 8 10 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 3 MHz
The Insert Voltage Calibration method is primarily intended for use in calibration
laboratories for determining the open-circuit sensitivity of condenser microphones.
The open-circuit sensitivity is the sensitivity (V/Pa) of the microphone working to
an infinitely large electrical impedance, i.e. the same as that of an ideal preamplifier.
The Insert Voltage Calibration technique may also be used to provide a field-check
of a measurement system including a preamplifier and cables. However, the method
does not account for the mechanical parameters of the microphone cartridge which
determine the acoustical properties of the measurement setup. The method is suffi-
cient to verify the electrical part of a measurement system, but it is not satisfactory
for verifying the microphone cartridge. To be able to verify the complete system,
Brel & Kjr have developed and patented a technique called Charge Injection Cali-
bration (CIC).
eo Cc
Cm Cc
= g (C m+ C i + Cc )
g eo
= g ( C C+ C )
g eo
Ci R1
Fig.4.11 Charge Injection Calibration and Insert Voltage Calibration. The formulae are valid for the
mid and high frequency range
However, the IVC technique is still the standardised system that should be used for
calibration of laboratory microphones.
tion can be used to monitor a complete acoustic system, but it only checks the
function of the preamplifier, cable and the conditioning amplifier. Therefore, Insert
Voltage Calibration is not the best choice as it does not give information about the
condition of the microphone. As an example, a short-circuited microphone would
create a change of about 0.1 dB with an Insert Voltage Calibration system, while it
would be hundreds of times greater with the charge injection calibration method
described in the following section.
The patent includes the measurement method and the practical realisation of a
high quality, stable capacitance which is built into the preamplifier.
The main applications are the monitoring of remote microphones and microphone
arrays. The principle of operation is shown in Fig.4.11. The built-in capacitance is
very small, typically 0.2 pF. This small capacitor makes an attenuator together with
the impedance of the combined microphone and preamplifier input circuit. A voltage
supplied at the CIC input will be attenuated, and can be monitored at the pream-
plifier output. The ratio between the output and input voltages can be used to
monitor the stability of the whole measurement system, including the microphone,
preamplifier and cables. A simplified formula valid in the mid and high frequency
range is given in Fig.4.11. A more general formula is given here:
eo Cc 1
----- = ----------------------------------- g 1 + -----------------------------------------------------
ei C c + Cm + Ci jR i ( C m + C c + C i )
eo = output voltage
ei = input voltage
Cc = CIC capacitance
Ci = input capacitance of preamplifier
Cm = capacitance of microphone
Ri = input resistance of preamplifier
g = preamplifier amplification 1
As indicated by the formula and as shown in Fig.4.12, the method can be used to
monitor the preamplifier input resistance at low frequencies and the microphone
capacitance in the mid and high frequency range.
With polarization voltage
1 10 100 1k 10 k 100 k
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.4.12 Measured ratio eo/ ei as a function of frequency for a 1/2 microphone (50 mV/Pa) and
preamplifier, with and without polarization voltage
The acoustical equivalent level to the signal introduced through CIC can, for the
mid frequency range, be calculated according to:
ei Cc
SPL CIC = 94dB + 20 log -------------- ----------------------
S c p o C c + Cm
Sc = loaded sensitivity for the microphone (e.g. 12.5 mV/Pa)
po = pressure level for stated microphone sensitivity (1 Pa)
Cm = microphone capacitance (e.g. 15 pF)
Cc = CIC capacitance (typically 0.2 pF)
The CIC method shows that the microphone capacitance varies with frequency. This
phenomenon is explained in Section 3.8.
2. Immediately afterwards, measure the ratio between the output and input volt-
ages of each measurement channel.
3. Store the measurement results as reference ratios and the system is ready for
5. For normal temperature and pressure, variations within 0.2 dB could be expect-
ed. Under controlled conditions, for example, in special test cells, a repeatability
of better than 0.1 dB can, and should, be obtained.
For results which vary more than expected, the system should be checked with an
acoustical calibrator. Frequent initial measurements will create a database valid for
the actual set-up on which the threshold for acceptance can be based. As experience
and confidence is built up, the interval between acoustical calibrations can be ex-
Test Level
A test signal close to the allowed maximum limit is recommended in order to obtain
a good signal to noise ratio between the attenuated calibration output signal and
the signal produced by the acoustical background noise. If available, use filters for
the measurement of the test signal to improve the repeatability of the test meas-
urement. This will lead to more stable results.
For a 1/2 microphone (15 pF) the attenuation ratio will be in the range of 35 dB to
40 dB. This means that for a test signal of 10 V, an output of 180 mV to 100 mV is
obtained. To estimate whether background noise has an influence on the results, it
is worth noting that a test signal of 10 V using a microphone with 50 mV/Pa sensi-
tivity corresponds to a sound pressure level of more than 100 dB.
There are no special requirements for the long term stability of the test level,
provided that the ratio between the output and input voltage is determined.
Test Frequencies
Even if the system has the possibility to measure over the entire frequency range,
it is recommended to limit the amount of data by only using two test frequencies.
Use one in the mid frequency range (for example, 1000 Hz) and one at a low fre-
quency, for example, 20 Hz.
Those who do the monitoring of the measurement system do not need to know the
reasons for the observed changes in the ratio between the output and the input
signals. However, those who perform the maintenance and fault finding may find
the following examples of the use of CIC helpful.
The following examples are obtained using a white noise signal as the CIC input.
Input signal
0 dB
Output signal
40 dB
Input signal
0 dB
Output signal
40 dB
Input signal
0 dB
40 dB
Output signal
Input signal
0 dB
40 dB
Selecting a Microphone
In fact, such is the versatility of Brel & Kjr microphones, that the user may be
tempted into a that one will do philosophy when selecting a microphone, simply
because a microphone comes within the required general performance parameters.
If, however, the user has a good understanding of the measurement requirement,
then it is possible to choose the optimum microphone for the measurement task in
For most uses, the type of sound field is the main parameter to consider. This
divides the possible choices into roughly two groups of microphones: free-field or
pressure-field measurements.
But first, as a prelude to any specific selection guidelines, it should be stressed that
selection considerations cannot be taken in isolation. Many of the parameters are
inter-dependent. To illustrate this point, examples of two separate, but inter-linked
considerations are given. The first being frequency response, the second being that
of dynamic range. Three diagrams illustrate this point.
1 2 4 8 10 20 40 80 160
Lower Limiting Frequency Upper Limiting Frequency
Inherent Noise, dB
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Upper limiting frequency, kHz 950747e
The above figures show that if, for example, measurements at very high frequencies
are required, this will automatically limit the choice of microphone to one with a
fairly high, lower limit of dynamic range.
Once the optimum microphone has been selected in terms of primary selection pa-
rameters, there will most probably be several other considerations which are rele-
vant to the measurement requirement, for example, the physical robustness of the
microphone for the measurement environment. This can be illustrated by compar-
ing two different types of microphone.
A 1/2 microphone for laboratory standard calibration and a 1/2 microphone for
general use may appear to have similar performance parameters on paper, but
actually have quite different physical characteristics. The mechanical design of the
laboratory standard microphone makes it very well suited for pressure reciprocity
calibration, but the almost unprotected diaphragm makes this microphone far too
fragile for general use.
With this background, the following section gives some of the main considerations
when selecting a microphone.
Although particular types of microphone are optimised for particular purposes, they
still have a wide operational range, as explained by the Frequency Response/Dy-
namic Range inter-relationship in Section 5.1. Frequency response should therefore
be considered in relation to other selection requirements such as the type of sound
A good way of narrowing down the choice of microphone is to consider the type of
sound field in which measurements are being taken.
For measurements in enclosed areas where reverberations are likely, pressure field
microphones adapted for random incidence measurements offer the best choice. This
is because the random incidence response of a pressure-field microphone is much
flatter or constant across the frequency range, than that of a free-field response
microphone. This is something that can be observed by comparing the random inci-
dence response of a pressure field with that of a free-field microphone using the
graphs in Volume 2 of this handbook. See also chapter 2 Section 2.5 for an explana-
tion of how different types of microphone are dedicated to different sound fields.
The lower limit of dynamic range is dictated by the inherent noise of the micro-
phone and preamplifier combination. The upper limit of dynamic range dictated by
the maximum sound pressure level (3% total harmonic distortion). Due to the very
wide dynamic range of the microphones, it is normally either the lower or the upper
limit of dynamic range that is of interest.
As the microphone is only able to withstand a fairly small static pressure difference
between the front and the rear side of the diaphragm, it is important to consider
the choice of side or rear vented microphone in relation to measurement situation.
There are basically two different types of static pressure equalisation channels: rear
vented, where the microphone is vented through the rear and via the preamplifier
and side vented, where the pressure equalisation channel is located on the side of
the microphone housing just in front of the thread for the protection grid.
Rear vented microphones have the advantage that they can be used with a dehu-
midifier. However for certain applications it is necessary to use a side vented type
of microphone with its pressure equalisation close to the diaphragm. This is impor-
tant when the microphone is flush mounted in an air duct where there is typically
a large static pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the duct.
Phase response should be considered when choosing microphones for sound intensi-
ty measurements and here it is not normally the absolute phase response that is
important, but the relative phase response between a pair of microphones. This is
because the phase response characteristics have to be closely matched. Special pairs
of microphones, with matched phase responses, are available.
5.2.6 Polarisation
There are two different types of microphone construction, one that employs an ex-
ternal voltage supply to polarise the backplate to diaphragm air gap (externally
polarised) and one where the polarisation charge is stored in an electret layer on
the backplate of the microphone (prepolarized).
Generally there are only small differences between the specifications for externally
polarized and prepolarized microphones, but these differences make them suitable
for different purposes.
Prepolarized microphones are used for portable sound level meters where their
lightweight and lack of a requirement for a polarization voltage supply is an obvi-
ous requirement. Prepolarised microphones also offer slightly better performance in
very humid environments (see chapter 3 Leakage resistance).
Alternatively, externally polarized microphones are generally more useful for gener-
al field and laboratory use and for high temperature measurements. Also, for spe-
cial measurements, externally polarised microphones offer a broader range to
choose from.
The standards and their associated type levels also specify the performance toler-
ances to which microphones and associated equipment must conform. This conform-
ance is stated in product literature.
Brel & Kjr microphones are designed to come within 50 to 70 % of the required
tolerances depending on the application. In the case of tolerances relating to the
use of sound level meters the effect of the sound level meter in the sound field is
also taken into account when designing and producing microphones.
5.2.8 Environment
When many microphones are to be used, for example, for spatial transformation of
sound fields, the size and price per channel are the most important parameters. For
this purpose, a specially designed microphone with built-in preamplifier can be used
as an integral part of an array.
For most types of microphones the use of appropriate accessories can effectively
extend the application range of the microphone, particularly when making outdoor
measurements. Accessories are therefore described here with respect to the two
main threats to effective microphone operation: wind, or air turbulence, and humid-
Outdoor measurements are often disturbed by wind noise. An easy way of reducing
the effect of wind noise is to mount a wind screen on the microphone (and pream-
plifier/Sound Level Meter). The wind screens are made from a porous polyurethane
foam. They will attenuate the wind noise by 10 to 12 dB at those wind speeds gen-
erally considered acceptable for outdoor testing (0 m/s to 6 m/s).
The turbulence screen is designed to attenuate noise from turbulence when measur-
ing airborne noise in situations where turbulence may occur, such as in ducts and
in wind tunnels.
5.3.4 Humidity
The microphone may be protected against humidity in different ways depending on
the type and duration of the measurements.
The function of the dehumidifier is to ensure that only dry air reaches the interior
cavity of the microphone, thus preventing condensation. This is done by allowing
air to pass to the back vent of the microphone through a cavity filled with silica gel.
The dehumidifier therefore only works with rear vented microphones.
The dehumidifier is normally used in combination with a wind screen. The assem-
bly should be mounted horizontally in order to let possible water droplets run off
the microphone diaphragm.
A special wind screen, with stainless steel bird spikes, and which allows the use of
the rain cover is recommended.
6.1 Introduction
The most important parameter for any measurement device is sensitivity. The sen-
sitivity can be defined as the ratio of the output parameter to the input parameter
(the measurand). To determine the sensitivity is to calibrate the measurement de-
vice. All the information that follows in this chapter is based on this definition.
These fundamental units provide a fixed reference for the calibration of a measure-
ment device. This reference is essential as it allows measurements, including cali-
brations, to be compared - measurements which could have been made by different
people, in different locations under different conditions. The units must be referred
to in a known and agreed way. This is well defined and monitored on an interna-
tional basis. The accuracy of the calibration must also be known i.e the device and
method used to calibrate a microphone must perform the calibration with a known
If these conditions are fulfilled the calibration is called traceable because the cali-
bration can be reliably traced back through the measurement chain, ultimately to
the fundamental units of measurement. The first or highest link in the measure-
ment chain is normally a device in a primary calibration laboratory, since these
establishments usually have the most accurate measurement equipment. Normally
the establishment to which a calibration can be traced is stated as a reference for a
calibration and as already mentioned, the terms of reference are monitored between
calibration establishments. See Section 6.5 for more information on traceability.
Other Definitions
Definitions are available which may provide a variation on the above. However they
generally have some main principles in common, as seen by the following examples:
The first comes from the ISO publication, The International Vocabulary of Basic
and General Terms in Metrology:
Calibration. The set of operations that establish, under specified conditions,
the relationship between values of quantities indicated by a measuring in-
strument or a measuring system, or values represented by a material meas-
ure, and the corresponding values realised by standards.
This definition uses the word comparison to explain how something unknown is
referred to (or compared with) something known. However, the reference is clearly
defined as a measurement instrument that is high in the measurement chain and
traceable to national standards.
Why Calibrate?
A calibration is performed:
To be sure of making correct measurements.
To prove that measurement methods and equipment are accurate, for example,
to prove that a measurement complies with the requirements of national legisla-
tion, standards bodies and customers.
To verify the stability of the measurement equipment, including equipment used
to perform calibrations.
To account for local measurement conditions, for example, variations in ambient
pressure and temperature.
To ensure product quality.
To build confidence in measurement results.
Calibration is to determine the sensitivity of a measurement device.
The fundamental units of measurement (volt, ampere etc) provide the ultimate
reference for measurements, allowing different measurements to be compared.
The accuracy (or uncertainty) of the calibration must be known. Traceability is
necessary, but not sufficient.
Calibration creates confidence in the measurement result.
Devices throughout the measurement chain must be reliable and stable within a
known uncertainty.
Most Sound Level Calibrators are portable, easy-to-use and characterized by the
production of a well defined sound pressure at a single frequency, usually in the
range of 200 Hz to 1 kHz. Some calibrators are so called Multitone Calibrators
which provide a number of pure tones at single frequencies.
When using calibrators that produce a single frequency, the calibration is strictly
only valid at this reference frequency. However, microphones are generally manufac-
tured to provide a flat frequency response which means that they will give the
same electrical output at all frequencies in the flat frequency range for sound pres-
sures of equal magnitude. Therefore calibration at a single frequency is sufficient in
most situations.
See Section 2.3.9 for more on microphone sensitivity and the reference frequency.
To perform calibrations across the entire frequency range, a Multitone calibrator
may be used to check the performance of the measurement system.
The laboratory calibration methods are normally more accurate than the field cali-
bration methods. This is partly due to the type of equipment used for calibration
and partly due to the stable laboratory environments. Calibrations in the field are
especially affected by temperature variations, wind and humidity.
Not surprisingly, the most accurate calibration methods are the most difficult and
most time consuming and correspondingly the most expensive. Different calibration
and test laboratories use different calibration methods. However, for the customer,
it is not the method which is so important, but the accuracy (or uncertainty, see
Section 6.3) stated by the calibration laboratory, and of course, the price. It is also
important for the customer to consider whether traceable calibration, see Section
6.5, is sufficient, or whether an accredited calibration is required.
Brel & Kjr performs thousands of calibrations every year as part of the produc-
tion of measurement equipment. These are performed under laboratory conditions
although they are often referred to as factory calibrations because they are an
integral part of the production process. All microphones and sound calibrators (in-
cluding pistonphones) leave the factory in a calibrated state. This is documented on
an individual calibration chart stating traceability to DPLA and NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology, USA).
Open-circuit Sensitivity
Frequency Response
The frequency response relative to the sensitivity at 250 Hz is measured for each
microphone using the actuator method see Section 6.6.5. To obtain other responses,
the corresponding correction, for example the free-field correction, is added to the
actuator response.
The Lower Limiting Frequency is measured using a low frequency calibrator which
exposes the equalization vent of the microphone to the same sound field as the
diaphragm. A reference level is measured at a high frequency and the frequency is
then lowered until the output is reduced by 3 dB.
A special acoustical sound chamber has been designed to ensure exposure of equal
sound pressure level, at all frequencies, both at the diaphragm and at the equaliza-
tion vent of both microphones. The phase match of the microphones is then meas-
ured by the comparison method using a dual channel frequency analyser. The phase
response of the microphones are compared at all frequencies in the specified range
to ensure compatibility with IEC 1043 requirements.
Calibration Hierarchy
Users of
Sound and
Normally, the uncertainty decreases the higher up in the hierarchy the chain the
calibrations are performed, with absolute calibration methods based directly on the
physical units at the top of the hierarchy. This position is usually covered by na-
tional acoustical calibration laboratories such as DPLA. Calibration laboratories op-
erating at lower levels use comparison or substitution methods based on reference
standards calibrated by higher ranking laboratories.
Method Uncertainty
This is the most accurate calibration method for determination of the open circuit
sensitivity of the microphone cartridges. The sensitivity can be obtained either as a
pressure sensitivity or as a free-field sensitivity, by using a coupler (cylinder) or an
anechoic chamber respectively. Certain physical requirements of the microphone
must be fulfilled to perform the calibration in a coupler, for example, the mechani-
cal configuration as described in IEC 1094-1.
The reciprocity method is an absolute method, which means that it requires the
measurement of a number of fundamental physical units such as electrical voltage
and impedance, length, temperature, humidity and also ambient pressure. But no
reference sound pressure is required.
To obtain reliable results, clean and stable environments are required. Practice at
performing the calibration is also important. The method is described in detail in
IEC 1094-1, Pressure Calibration and IEC 1094-3, Free-field Calibration.
This method is well suited for both microphones and sound pressure calibrators. If
the measurement and reference objects are of the same type, the measurement
uncertainty is reduced due to identical measurement conditions. The measurement
capability requirements are also reduced, as only a small part of the dynamic range
is used i.e. there is no need to know the absolute level.
Any sound source used for the calibration of microphones must obviously be very
stable during the measurement and must not be affected by differences in micro-
phone configurations. In this case, the method is well suited for calibration of free-
field microphones, provided that a suitable reference microphone is available.
This method is often confused with the comparison method described below.
In the comparison method, both the measurement- and the reference objects are
present at the same time and are exposed to the same sound pressure. As a result,
a simultaneous measurement can be performed. In principle something unknown is
compared with something known. The method is often confused with the substitu-
tion method described above.
The method reduces the number of error sources, and also reduces the stability
requirements in situations where external sound sources are used. It also covers
the compressor loop principle used in a number of sound level calibrators, where a
reference microphone inside the calibrator constantly monitors the sound pressure.
In this situation the reference microphone must be very stable as it is the known
This method is also used for calibration and checking of sound intensity measure-
ment equipment, which ideally requires two identical measurement channels (both
The purpose of using a sound pressure calibrator is to get a well defined sound
pressure with a certain microphone. This makes the calibrators equally suited for
calibration of single microphones as well as entire measurement channels. In most
cases, the calibrator has only a single tone frequency in the range 200 to 1000 Hz,
at which the calibration is performed, (IEC 942 Sound Calibrators) but multitone
calibrators are also available, usually with frequencies in steps of one octave.
When using the calibrator for microphone calibration, the output from the micro-
phone is measured with the well defined sound pressure from the calibrator applied
to its front. The sensitivity is determined by dividing the output voltage by the
sound pressure.
When the calibrator is used to calibrate the entire measurement channel, the well
defined sound pressure is applied to the front of the microphone and a proper
adjustment is made to give the correct reading of the measurement display or out-
put voltage.
If the frequency of the calibrator is so high that the sensitivity in the pressure field
and free field environments are not the same, it should be noticed that sound
calibrators always establish a pressure field. As a result, a free field calibration can
only can be performed by applying a suitable correction.
The equivalent sound pressure is only applied to the diaphragm and not to the
ambient pressure equalisation vent so that the response measured at low frequen-
cies only applies when the vent is not exposed to the sound field.
The frequency responses of the microphone in pressure-, random and free sound
fields are determined by adding actuator and microphone type-specific corrections
to the individual actuator response.
The disadvantages of the method are that care is required to position the actuator,
that the system uses high voltages and that the grid must be removable.
2. It can provide a convenient means for checking in the field the electrical sensi-
tivity of a complete sound measuring system, including preamplifiers and cables.
However, the method does not account for the mechanical parameters which
determine the acoustical properties of the microphone cartridge itself.
The method requires a special preamplifier that can isolate the microphone housing
from the preamplifier housing. This makes it possible to apply an electrical signal
(the insert voltage) directly to the microphone diaphragm (housing). In the calibra-
tion the microphone is first subjected to a sound pressure of a known level and
frequency (say 94 dB at 1 kHz). This causes the microphone to generate an internal
voltage Vo (corresponding exactly to the open circuit microphone voltage) which,
when loaded by the preamplifier, produces an output voltage V at the preamplifier
output. The sound source is then switched off and the insert voltage V1 of the same
frequency is applied (such as the internal reference voltage of a measuring amplifi-
er). The level of the insert voltage is adjusted so that the voltage measured at the
preamplifier output is again V.
Provided that this voltage V is noted, when the microphone and preamplifier are
used remotely from the measuring equipment, or if for other reasons it is conven-
ient to apply a direct sound pressure to the microphone, the insert voltage method
can be used to adjust the sensitivity of the equipment. This will provide a system
calibration which relies only on the value of V remaining constant.
Preamplifier If V is same in
both cases then
When the method is used for verification of measurement channels, an initial cali-
bration is usually required, after which a reference level is measured with insert
voltage. Each time a verification of the channel is required, a new measurement
with insert voltage is compared with the reference level.
The disadvantages of the method are that the system is subject to disturbance from
electrical noise and that faults in the microphone cartridge cannot be detected.
The pin used for the CIC method must be connected to ground potential or to the
preamplifier output when the microphone is used for normal measurements. To use
the charge injection calibration facility, a test signal, for example, an electrical
broad band noise signal, is applied to the capacitor terminal, preferably with no
sound on the microphone. The preamplifier output is then measured.
Changes in the measured outputs reflect changes in the microphone and preamplifi-
er input combination. The method is very effective for detecting small changes in
microphone capacitance. See chapter 4 for details.
CIC 6 14 E
Comparison Method 6 11 Electret 2 13, 2 15
Correction Series capacitor 2 14
Angle of incidence 2 47 Electrical resistance 2 36
Microphone body 2 48 Electromagnetic compatibility 3 21, 4 13
Correction-factor 3 5 Electrostatic Actuator 2 54, 2 57
Corrections 2 45, 2 58 Pressure-field response 2 58
Coupler 2 4, 2 43, 6 10 Electrostatic actuator 2 55, 6 12
Phase response 3 7
D Response 3 7
DANAK 6 9 Electrostatic Calibration Pressure 2 55
Danish Primary Laboratory of Acoustics Electrostatic calibration pressure 2 55
(DPLA) 1 5 Electrostatic pressure 2 55
Dehumidifier 5 10 EMC 4 13
Design 2 7 EMC requirements 4 13
Description 2 7 EN 50081-1 4 14
Design parameters 2 7 En 50082-2 4 14
Diameter Environment 5 7
Sensitivity 2 22 Equivalent diaphragm volume 2 29
Diaphragm 2 8 Equivalent electric circuit 2 26
Air stiffness 2 15 Equivalent electric circuits 2 25
Damping resistance 2 21, 2 38 Equivalent sound pressure 3 12
Diameter 2 21, 2 22 Equivalent Volume 2 28, 3 13
Frequency range 2 23 Equivalent volume 2 31
Mass 2 20 Diaphragm diameter 2 31
Tension 2 9, 2 20 External polarisation source 2 11
tension 1 10, 2 51 Externally polarised microphones 3 14
thickness 2 8 Externally polarized microphones 5 6
Diaphragm material 2 9
Diffuse Field 2 49 F
Diffuse Field Microphone 2 50 Falcon Range microphones 5 7
Diffuse sound field. 3 9 Falcon range microphones 1 4
Diffuse-field 2 5 FET noise 4 9
correction 2 49 Field Effect Transistor 4 9
Diffuse-field correction 2 49, 2 50, 2 54 Free-Field 2 45
Diffuse-field measurements 2 2 Free-field 2 4
Diffuse-field response 2 58 Free-field correction 2 49, 2 54, 39
Directional characteristics 3 10 Free-Field Microphone 2 48
Distortion 2 39, 2 43 Free-field microphone 2 22, 2 38, 2 48,
Microphone Distortion 2 40 2 59
Preamplifier and microphone system 2 42 Free-field response 2 49, 39
Distortion level 3 11 Free-field sensitivity 2 4
DPLA 6 6, 68 Frequency Response 5 4
Dynamic Range 3 11 Frequency response 2 9, 2 14, 2 17, 2
Dynamic range 2 31, 2 32, 3 11, 52 32, 2 48, 5 2, 67
Limits 5 4 Electrical 2 33, 2 34
free-field 2 48
Magnitude and phase 2 22, 2 26
pressure 2 37
Dynamic range 5 2 U
Frequency response 5 2, 54 Uncertainty 6 2
Type of sound field 5 2 Use of Microphone 53
Sensitivity 2 9, 2 24, 2 45, 2 48, 2
50, 3 3, 6 2, 6 10
Ambient pressure 3 19 V
Diffuse-field 2 24 Vent position 2 17
Side-vented microphones 2 16 Vibration
Slew rate 4 4 Effect of 3 21
Small signal response 4 4
Sound field parameters 2 2 W
Sound intensity 2 2 WE640AA microphone 1 3
Sound intensity calibrator 1 4 Wind speed 5 9
Sound intensity microphones 1 4 Wind, 5 9
Sound Level Calibrator 6 4 Windscreen 5 8, 5 10
Sound pressure 2 2
Sound pressure calibrator method 6 12
Sound pressure level 2 2, 2 24
Stability 2 51, 3 17
Ageing 1 10
Electret 2 15
Short term 3 17
Temperature 2 54
Variation 1 10
Stability factors 2 52, 2 54
Stablity 2 9
ANSI S1.12 5 6
Compliance 5 6
IEC 651 5 6
Types 0 to 3 5 6
Static Pressure Equalization 2 16
Stray capacitance 2 8, 2 41, 3 13
Substitution method 6 11
System Noise Spectra 2 40
Temperature 2 51, 2 52, 57
Effect of 3 18
effect of 1 6
environmental 1 5
shock, temperature and humidity 15
Thermal resistor 4 8
Transduction principle 2 11
Transduction principles 2 11
Turbulence screen 5 8
Turbulent pressure 5 10
Type of Sound Field 5 4