The Pharmaceutical Company

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The pharmaceutical company El Alce de Mexico, winner of the

Jaime E. Burke 2014 award in Latin America.

Every year, the Jaime E. Burke awards, rewards El Alce for the initiatives of
marketing and communication developed in the three sectors of our
company, some of which prove to be creative and innovative solutions in
response to each necessity.

In order to choose the overall winner, leaders of the three worldwide regions
evaluate each case sent to the contest. In this edition, for the first time, the
three sectors of El Alce de Mexico were elected to the final phase. The
initiatives are:

o El Trofeo Patito World CUP visita a Mxico

o Pills Mejora del acceso a travs del Servicio de Salud Pblica
o Centros de Capacitacin EMOND

Those three initiatives proved to be a great commitment in order to improve

the quality of life among Mexican patients and also generated trust among
investors, health professionals, and consumers. Nevertheless, only one
deserved such a coveted prize: the initiative of the Capacitacin EMOND, in
the Professional Education category. (Tie)

Aim: Improve knowledge and penetration of laparoscopic surgical

procedures in Mexico, because these sorts of surgeries have a remarkable
positive impact in patients lives.

Opportunity: lack of focus on formal learning about minimally invasive

procedures, so we decided to implement a learning program in order to
motivate the adoption of laparoscopic procedures in general surgery.

Results: in collaboration with the National Autonomous University of Mexico

(UNAM), we created a formal training program specialized in minimally
invasive procedures, through which 120 third grade students were trained,
who represented 50 percent of General Surgery Residents in Mexico.

We support the UNAMs Faculty of Medicine with three laparoscopic surgery

simulators, thirty-five needle holders, surgery towers, instruments and
disposable materials for practicing the minimally invasive procedures on
biological models in order to develop among the practitioners the necessary
skills in this kind of surgery.

We make training partnerships with the most important cities and regions of
Mexico: in Guadalajara with the Civil Hospital, in Monterrey with the
University Clinic, in the south-west of the country with the University of the
Americas and the Autonomous University of Puebla,

Watch the video of this initiative clicking here.

a) Sabas que con PtP/Canvas, tendrs nuevas herramientas para generar tus reportes de manera ms rpida, por lo que tendrs ms
tiempo para realizar anlisis y tomar decisiones estratgicas que te ayuden a alcanzar los objetivos de la compaa.

b) Did you know that with PtP/Canvas you will have new tools for generating
reports more quickly, so you will have more time in order to make analysis and
strategic decisions that will help you to achieve the companys objectives?

Con PtP/Canvas tendremos un nuevo portal de compras online para nuestros clientes y distribuidores: Caring You, que brindar
a nuestros clientes y distribuidores una nueva experiencia de compra al realizar sus pedidos de productos de nuestra Compaa.

c) With PtP/Canvas we will have a new online shopping portal for our new clients
and distributors: Caring you, that will bring to our new clients and distributors a
new purchasing experience when they make their product orders from our

C) A travs del Caring You, podrn obtener informacin de productos, consultar precio, disponibilidad y dar seguimiento al estado de
sus pedidos..

Trough Caring You, you can get product data, consult prices, availability
and monitoring your order status.
D) Canvas, hagmoslo major

Canvas, lets do it better!

E) Canvas es nuestra oportunidad de iniciar de nuevo y ofrecer a nuestros inversionistas, las mejores soluciones."

Canvas is our opportunity to start again and offer to our new investors the
best solutions.

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