Design of A Bus-Station With A Facility For Wheelchairs To Board and Alight A Bus
Design of A Bus-Station With A Facility For Wheelchairs To Board and Alight A Bus
Design of A Bus-Station With A Facility For Wheelchairs To Board and Alight A Bus
3.0 Design
3.1 Design Objectives
The bus stop layout will achieve the following objectives:
allow easy unobstructed access to and from the stop
prevent/dissuade other vehicles from parking in the stop area
affordable and commensurate with the accessibility benefit
The bus should stop parallel to, and as close to the kerb as possible to
allow effective use of the bus facilities.
a. bus- stop spacing is not considered
b. bus-stop capacity is not considered
c. passenger waiting time is not considered
d. the bus stop is located at Midblock
4.0 Conclusion
Figure2: Diagram showing Ramp from a Bus onto a kerb for wheelchair