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The Hindu Senior Secondary School.: Model Papers - Iii Mathematics Class - Xii

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Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. The question paper consists of 29 questions divided into three sections-A, B and C. Section A comprises of 10
questions of one mark each, Section B comprises of 12 questions of four marks each and Section C comprises of 7
questions of six marks each.
3. All questions in Section A are to be answered in one word, one sentence or as per the exact requirement of the
4. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in 4 questions of four marks each and 2
questions of six marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such questions.
5. Use of calculators is not permitted.

Set - I
Section - A
1. In an industrial area, the extent of air pollution due to the chimneys of x factories is
given by p(x) = 0.003x3 + 0.02x2 + 20x + 200. Find the marginal air polllution content in
the industrial area due to 10 factories. Which value is reflected in this question?
1 1
2. Find x if tan 4 cot x
2 k 3
3. For what value of k, the matrix is not invertible.
5 1
5 3 x 5 4
4. Find x, if
2 y z 12 6
5. A is a square matrix A of order 3 has A 5 , find AadjA

1 3
6. Write the principal value of cos

3 2
d 2 y dy d3y
7. What is the degree of the following differential equation? y x 3
dx 2 dx dx

8. If a and b represent the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then write the area of

parallelogram in terms of a and b
9. In a triangle ABC, the sides AB and BC are represented by vectors 2i j 2k, i 3 j 5k
respectively. Find the vector representing CA.
x2 y2 z3
10. Find the value of such that the line is perpendicular to the plane
9 6
3x - y - 2z = 7.

11. Show that the relation R in the set A x : x Z ,0 x 12, given by


R a, b : a b isdivisibleby 4 is an equivalence relation. Find the set of all elements related
to 1.

12. Solve for x : 2 tan sin x tan 2 sec x ,0 x
1 1

1 1 1 2 1 3
Prove that : tan tan cos 1
4 9 2 5
13. Let x, y and z represent the number of persons of a residential colony who take food at
home, take junk food in market and take food at hotel respectively. If x, y, z are related as
x + y + z = 600; x + 2z = 700; 3x + y + z = 1200.
Is it possible to solve the above system of equation?
Which mode of taking food do you prefer most and why?
14. If x y y x a b , find .
15. If x = a (cost + t sint) and y = b (sint - t cost), find .
dx 2
16. Find all the points of discontinuity of the function f(x) = [x2] on (1, 2), where [.] denotes
the greatest integer function
Find the value of a nad b such that the function defined by

3ax b if x 1

f (x) 11 if x 1 , is continuous at x = 1
5ax 2b if x 1

sin x cos x x x2 1
17. Evaluate dx OR Evaluate e dx
sin x cos x x 1
18. Evaluate dx
cos( x a ) cos( x b )
19. Using properties of definite integrals, evaluate 2
0 4 cos x

20. The dot product of a vector with the vectors i 3 j , i 2k and i j 4k are 0, 5 and 8
respectively. Find the vector.
21. Find the equation of the plane passing through the point (1, 2, 1) and perpendicular to the
line joining the points (1, 4, 2) and (2, 3, 5). Also find the perpendicular distance of the plane
from the origin.
Find the equations of the perpendicular drawn from the point P (2, 4, -1) to the line
x 5 x 3 z 6

1 4 9
22. OA director of selection committee is biased so that he selects his relatives for a job 2 times
as likely as others. If there are 2 posts for a job, find the probability distribution for selection
of his relatives.
Is the presence of such type of people in selection committee reasonable? Which type of
values will be demolished here?

2 1 3
23. If
A 4 1 0 find 1 and hence solve the following system of equations.

7 2 1
2x + y + 3z = 3; 4x - y = 3; -7x + 2y + z = 2.
24. If the length of three sides of a trapezium, other than the base are equal to 10 cm each, then
find the area of trapezium when it is maximum.
A given quantity of metal is to be cast into a solid half circular cylinder (i.e. with rectangular
base and semicircular ends). Show that in order that the total surface area may be minimum,

the ratio of the length of the cylinder to the diameter of its circular ends is .
25. Draw a rough sketch of the region enclosed between the circles x2 + y2 = 4 and (x - 2)2 + y2 = 1.
Using integration, find the area of the enclosed region.
26. Find the particular solution of the differential equation

xdy ydx y sin y ydx xdy x cos y , given that y when x 3 .

x x
27. Find the co-ordinates of th foot of the perpendicular and the perpendicular distance of the
points (1, 3, 4) from the plane 2x - y + z + 3 = 0. Find also, the image of the point in the plane.
28. A group of farmers has 50 hectares of land to grow two variety of rice X and Y. The profit
from variety X and Y per hectares is estimated as Rs.10,500 and Rs.9,000 respectively. To
control weeds an herbicide has to be used for variety X and Y at rate of 20 litres and 10 litres
per hectare. Further no more than 800 litres of herbicide should be used in order to
maintain the quantity of rice and protection of environment. How much land should be
allocated to each variety of rice so as to maximise the total profit of the farmers.
Is more use of herbicide dangerous for living body? If yes, justify your answer.
29. In a village there are Mohallas, A, B and C. In A 60% person believe in honesty, while in B,
70% and in C, 80%. A person is selected at random from a village and found that he is
honest. Find the probability that he belongs to Mahalla B.
Is an honest person free from corruption? If Yes, justify your answer.
A person wants to construct a hospital in a village for welfare. The probabilities are 0.40 that
some bad element oppose this work, 0.80 that the hospital will be completed if there is no
oppose of any bad elements and 0.30 that the hospital will be completed if bad element
oppose. Determine the probability that the construction of hospital will be completed. How
the hospital is necessary for village area? Justify your answer.

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