Sand Springs Elks News: Letter From The Exalted Ruler
Sand Springs Elks News: Letter From The Exalted Ruler
Sand Springs Elks News: Letter From The Exalted Ruler
Here we are in the month of February; where has this year gone. We have been through a lot this year and
have completed many projects. We still have so much more to do as always, but the key is to keep moving for-
Here are some of the things we have completed in the past month. We installed some Dutch doors in the kitch-
en. We also built some new shelves, in the old opening, in the kitchen. This will allow us to get some stuff off
the bar and make it a little cleaner looking. We have also completed some more remodeling in the mens and
womens restrooms as well as built some new bar top tables. We are getting really close to having all of our
projects in the lounge completed. We will be going live with our new point of sale system the first of this
month in hopes that this will streamline the lounge processes as well as keep them more accurate. I believe
this will help prevent any losses we have had in the past with inventory and inaccurate transaction entries.
We have a couple things on the calendar this month so please feel free to come join in with the fun. This com-
ing Sunday will be our annual Super Bowl party. This year we would like people to bring their favorite football
dish. We will be voting and the person with the best football dish will receive a prize. The District meeting
will be held on Saturday February 18th in Pawhuska. If any officers wish to go with me, please let me know.
It is also that time of year again to nominate Officers. We will be nominating Officers in the first meeting of
February. I would like to encourage you to come and nominate someone or possibly volunteer for a position in
the Lodge. It takes everyone to make this place what it is and the more help we have, the better our Lodge can
be. I would love to see some new faces in the meetings every month.
We are going to continue to work at the Lodge every weekend throughout the rest of the winter. Of course Im
sure there will be nice days where we take a break, but as long as it is cold outside we should be up there.
Braden Bush
Lodge Meetings:
3rd Thursday of each month!
6:30 pm
February 16th
Come have an evening of fun with us!
Mark your Calendars!
Feb 5 Super Bowl Party open at 4 pm
Feb 16 Bunko 6:30 pm
Thirsty Thursday every Thursday-pizza $2 slice or buy a
pizza & get a free pitcher of beer!
Pitch Tournament & Potluck Dinner Every Wed 6:30. $7
Steak Night Every Friday 6:30-8pm $20
12 oz choice rib-eye, baked potato, Salad, bread and dessert.
Daily Food Menu & Fresh made Pizza daily til 10 pm.
Come out and enjoy a fun evening with friends anytime!
Sunday Feb 5th
Open at 4 pm
Come enjoy the game
& bring your favorite
Prizes for the best!
Thirsty Thursday
Pizza $2 a slice!
or buy a Pizza and get
a Pitcher of Beer FREE!
Sand Springs Elks Lodge Dai-
ly Menu
1/3 lb Cheeseburger $4.00
Hoagie Sandwich 6.00
Chicken Tenders 5.00
Onion Rings 4.00
Homemade Fries 4.00
Fried Mushrooms 4.00
Jalapeno Poppers 4.00
Mozzarella Sticks 4.00
Burritos (homemade) 4.00
Nachos (loaded) 4.00
Sampler Plate 10.00
16 Hand Made Pizza daily $12-$18
Wednesday Nt Potluck Dinner 6:30 $7.00
Friday Steak Night 6:30-8 pm $20.00
No Orders After 10 pm
918-245-8088 4 mi N on Prue Rd off hwy 412
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
5 6 7 8 9 10 Night
Steak 11
ClosedBowl Party Closed Open Food
Food 6:30 6:30 Open Steak Night
6:30-8:00 pm Open
Open 4pm Open Open Pitch
Pitch Tournament
Tournament Open 6:30-8:00 pm Open
7:007:00 Lucky Lady
Lucky Lady 7 pm
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
12 13 14 15 16 17 Night
Steak 18
Closed Closed ElksElks Meeting
Meeting 7pm7:30pmFoodFood
6:306:30 Open Steak Night
6:30-8:00pm Party
Closed Open Happy Valentines Pitch
Pitch Tournament
Tournament Open 6:30-8:00pm Open
Day 7:007:00 Lucky Lady DD Clinic 9 am
Bunko 6:30 Lucky Lady 7 pm Pawhuska
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Closed 20 21 22 23 24 Night
Steak 25
Closed Trustee
Trustee MtgMtg
6:307pm Food
Food 6:30 6:30 Open Steak Night
6:30-8:00 pm Open
Closed Open House Committee
House Committee Pitch
Pitch Tournament
Tournament Open 6:30-8:00 pm DD Open
7pm7:30pm 7:007:00 Pawhuska 2:30
Lucky Lady 7 pm
26 27 28 29 30 31 SEPT 1
26 27 28 March 1 2 3 Night
Steak 4
Closed Closed Elks Meeting
Elks Meeting 7pm7:30pm Food
Food 6:30 6:30 Open Steak Night
6:30-8:00pm Open
Closed Open Pitch
Pitch Tournament
Tournament Open 6:30-8:00pm Open
7:007:00 Lucky Lady
Lucky Lady 7 pm