AFL Substation Bus Dampers PDF
AFL Substation Bus Dampers PDF
AFL Substation Bus Dampers PDF
Bus Dampers
Table of Contents
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
Bus Vibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
Universal Angle Bus Conductor (UABC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
Integral Web Bus Conductor (WBC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
Damper Spacing - Rigid Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
Recommended Sizes of ACSR to be Inserted in Tubular Bus
to Prevent Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Type 1706 Series Bus Vibration Dampers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
Bus Vibration Dampers - Tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
External Bus Vibration Damper for Tubular Bus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
Bus Vibration Test Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Vibration
Bus vibration is caused by a low steady wind blowing across the Bus vibration protection in the past has been by the method of
bus at approximately right angles to the span. Under certain low inserting scrap conductor in the bus but in recent years the use
velocity wind conditions, eddies will break off alternately from the of bus dampers has found increasing use of vibration protection.
top and bottom surfaces causing the bus to vibrate in a vertical When the specific size of conductor is not used by a utility and
plane. The bus will vibrate at its natural frequency provided that has to be ordered, it is no longer scrap and becomes costly,
this frequency is within the range that can be excited by the wind. particularly in the short lengths required for damping purposes.
All shapes of bus will vibrate provided the following conditions are When the cost of installation is added to the purchase cost, the
present: 1) suitable winds are present, 2) span lengths are long total cost of inserted cable becomes expensive. For this reason, the
enough to vibrate and 3) support losses are less than input by use of dampers is increasing. Dampers also have the advantage
wind. of being able to be installed in an existing station where vibration
Winds causing vibration are low steady winds under 15 mph; problems have occurred.
winds over 15 mph are generally too gusty to induce vibration. A The following tables are supplied for bus vibration references:
span that is sheltered from the wind not be as prone to vibrate 1. Maximum vibration - free span length Tubular Bus
as an exposed span. This shelter can be caused by trees around the 2. Maximum vibration - free span length UABC
station, equipment in the station or by the location of the station 3. Maximum vibration free span length IWCB
such as being in a valley. 4. Damper spacing Rigid Bus
Long spans are more prone to vibrate than short spans. In fact, 5. Recommended sizes of ACSR to be inserted in Tubular Bus to
a long span can have one, two or three (in the case of extremely prevent vibration
long spans). A loop of vibration is the portion of a vibrating
body between two node points. The node being the point of a
vibrating body that is free of vibration (a support would be a node
point). Size of the bus tube increases span length that will be
free of vibration, however, whether a bus tube is Schedule 40 or
Schedule 80 has relatively little effect with respect to determining
if a span will vibrate or not. See tables Maximum Vibration-
Free Span Lengths for maximum bus length that will require no
vibration protection.
The support losses are an indeterminable factor which depends on
support type, insulator type, structure flexibility and other related
factors. In some substations the losses are high enough to provide
adequate damping but in other stations the support losses are less
and the bus vibrates.
In general, we can only say that a span greater than some
minimum length can vibrate, not that it will vibrate (see table
Maximum Vibration-Free Span Lengths). There are too many
variables involved to definitely state that a given span will vibrate.
However, due to the fact of its length it has the potential to
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Damper Spacing - Rigid Bus
15 - 0 7 - 0 26 - 6 10 - 10 38 - 0 14 - 8 49 - 6 18 - 6
15 - 6 7 - 2 27 - 0 11 - 0 38 - 6 14 - 10 50 - 0 18 - 8
16 - 0 7 - 4 27 - 6 11 - 2 39 - 0 15 - 0 50 - 6 18 - 10
16 - 6 7 - 6 28 - 0 11 - 4 39 - 6 15 - 2 51 - 0 19 - 0
17 - 0 7 - 8 28 - 6 11 - 6 40 - 0 15 - 4 51 - 6 19 - 2
17 - 6 7 - 10 29 - 0 11 - 8 40 - 6 15 - 6 52 - 0 19 - 4
18 - 0 8 - 0 29 - 6 11 - 10 41 - 0 15 - 8 52 - 6 19 - 6
18 - 6 8 - 2 30 - 0 12 - 0 41 - 6 15 - 10 53 - 0 19 - 8
19 - 0 8 - 4 30 - 6 12 - 2 42 - 0 16 - 0 53 - 6 19 - 10
19 - 6 8- 6 31 - 0 12 - 4 42 - 6 16 - 2 54 - 0 20 - 0
20 - 0 8 - 8 31 - 6 12 - 6 43 - 0 16 - 4 54 - 6 20 - 2
20 - 6 8 -10 32 - 0 12 - 8 43 - 6 16 - 6 55 - 0 20 - 4
21 - 0 9 - 0 32 - 6 12 - 10 44 - 0 16 - 8 55 - 6 20 - 6
21 - 6 9 - 2 33 - 0 13 - 0 44 - 6 16 - 10 56 - 0 20 - 8
22 - 0 9 - 4 33 - 6 13 - 2 45 - 0 17 - 0 56 - 6 20 - 10
22 - 6 9 - 6 34 - 0 13 - 4 45 - 6 17 - 2 57 - 0 21 - 0
23 - 0 9 - 8 34 - 6 13 - 6 46 - 0 17 - 4 57 - 6 21 - 2
23 - 6 9 - 10 35 - 0 13 - 8 46 - 6 17 - 6 58 - 0 21 - 4
24 - 0 10 - 0 35 - 6 13 - 10 47 - 0 17 - 8 58 - 6 21 - 6
24 - 6 10 -2 36 - 0 14 - 0 47 - 6 17 - 10 59 - 0 21 - 8
25 - 0 10 - 4 36 - 6 14 - 2 48 - 0 18 - 0 59 - 6 21 - 10
25 - 6 10 - 6 37 - 0 14 - 4 48 - 6 18 - 2 60 - 0 22 - 0
26 - 0 10 - 8 37 - 6 14 - 6 49 - 0 18 - 4
1. Spacing based on 1/3 span length plus two feet
2. Damper may be located at either end of the span
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Vibration Dampers
Tubular bus dampers are designed to control Aeolian or wind-induced vibration in long
bus spans; the dampers have been proven both in the laboratory and in field service to
be the most effective method of controlling tubular bus vibration. The dampers are faster
and easier to install than the old method of inserting "scrap" cable into the tubular bus
runs. Also, the dampers find applications for correcting a vibration problems in existing
Determine catalog number based on the bus conductor size being used. To order a bus
vibration damper for 2 1/2" bus conductor, the complete catalog number is 1706-288.
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
Ordering Information
DIMENSIONS in inches
A B bolt size
1706-190 1-1/2 1 29.5 9.9 5/8-11
1706-238 2 1 29.5 9.9 5/8-11
1706-288 2-1/2 1 29.6 10.2 5/8-11
1706-350 3 1 29.6 10.3 3/4-10
1706-008 3 2 28.0 12.6 1/2-13
1706-009 3-1/2 2 27.8 13.2 1/2-13
1706-010 4 2 27.6 13.6 1/2-13
1706-012 5 2 26.8 15.4 1/2-13
1706-013 6 2 26.2 17.8 1/2-13
1706-014 8 O.D. 2 24.8 18.6 1/2-13 or 800-890-8878
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
TYPE 1706
Bus Vibration Dampers
Vibration dampers for universal angle bus conductor (UABC) and integral web channel bus
conductor (IWCB) are specifically designed to control Aeolian or wind-induced vibration
in long bus spans. The dampers provide a fast, economical method of damping vibration.
Installation is easy; the IWCB damper clamps to the bus by means of a bolt and clamp nut
while the UABC damper bolts directly to the bus.
Determine catalog number based on the bus conductor size being used. Ex: A bus vibration
damper for 4"x4" IWCB, the complete catalog number is: 1706-129.
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
Ordering Information
FIG. Num.
IN NUMBER A B bolt size
3-1/4 x 3-1/4 Thru
1 1706-123 15.5 5.7 1/2-13
5 x 5 UABC
4 x 4 Thru
2 1706-129 29 10.1 1/2-13
9 x 9 IWCB or 800-890-8878
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Vibration Dampers - Tube
Internal, Welded 345 kV, 500 kV, & 765 kV
Internal damper is designed to be corona-free up to 765 kV service. Damper is designed to be welded inside bus, to be corona-free, and to
present a clean appearance to the substation.
External damper is designed to be corona-free for 345 kV or 500 kV service as noted in table. Damper is designed to be bolted to outside of
tube. Damper can be installed during construction or at a later time to correct vibration problams not originally anticipated. or 800-890-8878
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
External damper is designed to be corona-free for 765 kV operation. Damper is designed to be welded to outside of bus in order to correct
vibration problems not originally anticipated.
Ordering Information: Contact AFL Technical Support for appropriate part number for this application. or 800-890-8878
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Bus Vibration Test Data
Table 1 and Figures 1 thru 3 provide information on test conducted on an outdoor test span on 4,5 and 6 inch NPS.
Figure 1 illustrates the effect of conventional support vs. wire supports on the vibration amplitude of 4 inch tubular bus in a 50 foot span. The
supporting arrangement does have some effect on the vibration amplitudes.
The test conducted on the 4 and 5 inch schedule 40 aluminum bus (ref. figures 2 and 3) were conducted on the spans supported by steel
wires to eliminate the support variable and to provide the severest condition for the bus damper tests. These tests indicate that one Cat.
1706 external bus dampers reduced the vibration amplitude to a level considered safe for the bus.
Tests were conducted at the outdoor vibration lab at Massena and represent values which eliminate such variations such as bus support
type, insulator type and structure type. The spans are supported by wire loops at each end and therefore the test conducted on the dampers
are extremely severe in relationship to that which would actually be encountered by any substation where there would be structural damping
through the insulator supports, etc.
Table 1
Frequency in Cycles Per Amplitude (inches)
NPS Size Span Length (feet)
Second Undamped Damped
One Loop
4 Sched 80 46 1.5 4.1 0.660
6 Sched 40 68 1.1 6.5 2.100
Two Loop
4 Sched 80 46 6.1 2.0 0.045
6 Sched 40 68 4.0 2.2 0.050
Three Loop
4 Sched 80 46
6 Sched 40 68 10.0 0.25 0.020
Wire Supports
5 10 15 20
Figure 1 Effective Wind Velocity - MPH or 800-890-8878
Bus Dampers
Bus Dampers
Amplitude in Inches
Undamped Span
1 Cat. 1706 Ext.
Bus Damper
5 10 15 20
Figure 2 Effective Wind Velocity - MPH
Amplitude in Inches
Undamped Span
1 Cat. 1706 Ext.
Bus Damper
5 10 15 20
Figure 3 Effective Wind Velocity - MPH or 800-890-8878