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Welcome to the DX7 II FD/D, the newest members of the growing family of FM digital
synthesizers from Yamaha. Using the industry-standard DX7 as its starting point, the DX
II offers a number of important new features, such as improved sound quality, two-layer
voice programming, additional FM features, new performance options, an expanded
front-panel LCD display, and on-board disk storage (on the DX7IIFD).
Since there is so much material available on the DX7 family of synthesizers (and on the
theory of FM digital synthesis), this manual will not be an FM tutorial. Instead, it has
been designed to be a users manual in the truest sense it's goal is to help you make
music with your new DX7IIFD as quickly as possible.
If you are already familiar with the operation of the original DX7, this manual will help
you make the transition to the DX7IIFD in short order. On the other hand, if this is your
first FM digital instrument, this manual will guide you into the operation of your new
synthesizer with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and explanations.
After you are comfortable with the operation of your new synthesizer, you may want to
explore the fascinating world of FM digital voicing. If so, consult the extensive list of
reference works on FM synthesis listed in the bibliography at the back of this manual.
Tips The DX7 I I FD/D has been designed for years of trouble-free use. In order to ensure that
it remains a healthy member of your family of musical instruments, please keep the
following tips in mind:

When setting up the DX in your home or studio, avoid exposure to direct sunlight or other
sources of heat. Environments with excessive dust, cold, dampness, or vibration can also
damage your instrument. Even though the DX is electronic, you should treat it with the
same kind of care you would lavish on any other musical instrument.
Also, since the DX is electronic, you should make sure not to set it too close to equipment
(such as a television set) that generates electromagnetic fields. Such proximity could
cause both malfunctions in the synthesizer's digital circuitry and interference noise in the
other unit.

When you move your DX, make sure to insert the head protection sheet into the disk drive
the magnetic head of the drive is very sensitive to vibration, and needs this protection
if it is to survive road work.

The DX is sturdy, but it can do without rough handling. Don't subject it to sudden jolts
(such as dropping it), as this can damage the internal circuitry. If you plan to travel with it,
be sure to use a road case. Also, make sure not to apply excessive force to any of the keys,
buttons, or other controls.

To clean or dust your DX, use nothing more than a clean, slightly damp cloth. Using
chemical solvents will damage the finish, and using too much water may do considerable
damage to the internal circuitry.

AC Power & Other Equipment:

When you are using the DX with an amplifier or mixer that has unbalanced outputs,
connect both units to the same AC outlet to avoid hum.
If you use a number of electronic instruments in your setup, you may want to consult an
electrician, who can make sure that your system does not overtax the available power.
AC Power & Down Time:
Whenever the DX will not be used for an extended period of time, it is best to protect it
from potential disaster. Electrical storms and other natural or man-made disasters can give
rise to power surges, which may damage the digital circuitry of your DX even if the
power is turned off. Either unplug your instrument when not in use, or invest in power
strips with surge protectors to safeguard all of your electronic equipment.

Service & Your Warranty:

The DX contains no user-serviceable parts. Opening it up or tampering with it in any way
will void the warranty, and may also lead you to experience some nasty electrical shocks.
If you have a problem with your instrument, please take it to ah authorized Yamaha
service center.

Modifications & Your Warranty:

Unless you are assured to the contrary in writing, you should assume that any
modifications made to your DX will void the original product warranty. Therefore, you
should make sure that you receive a warranty (or some other kind of guarantee) from the
person or company that is responsible for the modification.
Playing the DX7 II FD/D

Contents 3 Getting Started
3 Making Audio Connections
4 Turning On the DX
5 Setting the Volume Slider
5 Setting the Pan and Poly/Mono Buttons

6 Exploring The New Performance Library

6 Selecting the Internal Performance Memories
7 The Internal Performance Memories
8 Selecting the Cartridge Performance Memories
9 The Cartridge Performance Memories

10 Exploring The New Voice Library

10 Selecting the Internal Voice Memories
11 The Internal Voice Memories
12 Selecting the Cartridge Voice Memories
13 The Cartridge Voice Memories

14 The Play Modes

14 Voice Modes and Performance Mode
14 Using the 1 ~ 32/33 ~ 64 Button
14 Using the A/B Button
14 Using the Poly/Mono Button

15 Using Controllers with the DX

15 Pitch Bend Wheel
15 Modulation Wheel
15 Aftertouch
15 Breath Controller
16 Foot Controllers 1 and 2
16 Footswitches 1 and 2
16 Continuous Sliders 1 and 2

Contents 1 Section 1: Playing the DX7 II FD/D
3 Getting Started
6 Exploring The New Performance Library
10 Exploring The New Voice Library
14 The Play Modes
15 Using Controllers with the DX

17 Section 2: Creating and Storing New Sounds

19 Creating New Sounds
24 Saving New Sounds

27 Section 3: Using the New Performance Features

29 Performance Edit Buttons
32 Basic Performance Parameters
36 Pan
38 Controllers
40 Micro Tuning

43 Section 4: Using the New Voice Features

45 Voice Edit Buttons
50 Basic Voice Editing Functions
51 New Voice Parameters
53 Controllers
54 Fractional Scaling

57 Section 5: Memory Functions

59 Utility Buttons
62 Memory Layout
63 Memory Types
65 Memory Storage Types
67 Basic Utility Functions
68 Cartridge Memory Functions
71 Disk Memory Functions (FD Only)

75 Section 6: MIDI Functions

77 MIDI Buttons
79 System Setup
81 MIDI Data Communications

82 Appendix 1: Supplemental Information

83 Appendix 2: Bibliography
84 Appendix 3: MIDI Implementation Chart
85 Blank Voice Data Chart
86 Blank Performance Data Chart
Getting You can begin to enjoy your new DX immediately, without poring through a lot of
complicated electronic theory. All you have to do is take the instrument out of it's box and
Started proceed as follows:

Making Audio Connections

There are three different ways to connect the DX to sound reinforcement equipment. The
one you choose will depend on your situation:
1. If you have a monophonic (single input) amplifier such as a guitar amp, connect the
DX's A/Mix output to the amp's input (using a standard 1/4" cable).

Connecting the DX
to a single input

2. If you are using a multi-channel mixer, connect the DX's two back-panel audio outputs
(A/Mix and B) to two of your mixer's inputs (using two 1/4" cables).
3. If you are using a set of standard stereo headphones, plug them into the DX's Phones

Using stereo headphones

with the DX.

Turning On the DX
After you have made the audio connection of your choice, turn the DX on by pressing the
Power switch located on the right side of the back panel. This is the first display you will
see on the main panel:

The DX's "welcome" display.

After a few seconds, this welcome display will be replaced by the last Play Mode
display selected before the DX was turned off:

The DX's next

initial display.

Setting the Volume Slider
Since the volumes of the various voices differ, start with a setting in the middle of the
slider's range; adjust later to suit your taste, depending on the voice or voices being

Volume Slider


Setting the Pan and Poly/Mono Buttons

Before you begin to play your new DX, make sure that the settings of the Pan and
Poly/Mono buttons are correct for your situation:

To ensure that you are listening to the voices just as they were created,
make sure that this light is OFF. If it is ON, press the POLY/MONO button to
turn the light OFF. (The reasons for this will be explained later in this manual.)

If you are using stereo outputs or headphones,

make sure that this light is lit.
If it is not, press the PAN button to turn the light ON.

If you are using a single (mono} output,

make sure that this tight is not lit.
If it is, press the PAN button to turn the light OFF.

and Pan Buttons

Exploring The Performance Mode is a completely new feature for the DX7. It allows you to play two
different voices at once, and offers a number of other useful performance-oriented
The New features. These features will be explained in detail in Sections 2 and 3 of this manual. For
Performance now, though, just follow the steps below, and explore the richness of the Performance
Mode by playing through all of the new sounds available in the Internal and ROM
Library Cartridge memories.

Selecting the Internal Performance Memories

This portion of the LCD
This portion of the LCD
displays the name and number displays the location and number
of the selected Performance memory. of the voice or voices used to create
the selected Performance memory.

The Internal Performance Memories

Performance Name Voice A Voice B

Each Performance Name
can consist of up to 1 Warm String Section INT 1 Warm Stg A INT 49 Warm Stg B
20 characters; 2 Mallet Brass INT 63 XyloBrass INT 25 MalletHorn
3 Strinq Bass-Guitar INT 27 StringBass INT 57 GuitarBox
each Voice Name 4 Dual Clavinette INT 22 ClaviStuff INT 48 Clavinette
can consist of up to 5 Rich Grand Piano INT 9 Ebonylvory
10 characters. 6 Stereo EletricPiano INT 50 KnockRoad INT 62 HardRoads
7 Tubular Bell Wah INT 43 BellWahh A INT 56 BellWahh B
8 Electric Rock Organ INT 32 Shorgan INT 41 TapOrgan
9 Jamaica Mallet Band INT 28 SteelCans INT 21 EchoMallet
10 Mono Poly Synth INT 7 FMilters INT 35 ClariSolo
11 Dual Octave Trumpets INT 14 Trumpet A INT 24 Trumpet B
12 Angels INT 10 Whisper A INT 53 Whisper B
13 Acoustic PickGuitar INT 3 PickGuitar INT 40 Titeguitar
14 Multi Brass Ensemble INT 46 SilvaTrmpt INT 54 SilvaBrass
15 St. Elmos StringBell INT 1 Warm Stg A INT 20 ST.Elmo's
16 Phasar Whasars INT 7 FMilters INT 17 Phasers
17 Bass Piano Split INT 39 SkweekBass INT 62 HardRoads
18 Grand Harpsichord INT 64 Harpsiwire INT 52 HarpsiBox
19 Sea Songs INT 34 ElectoComb INT 51 LateDown
20 FM WireStrung Piano INT 31 WireStrung INT 5 FullTines
21 Cello Quartet INT 44 EleCello A INT 60 EleCello B
22 Touch Jazz Organ INT 12 TouchOrgan
23 DoubleHarp-SongFlute INT 11 HarpStrum INT 16 SongFlute
24 SynthBrass Ensemble INT 4 Analog-X INT 42 PitchaPad
25 Orchestral Violins INT 61 HallOrch B INT 58 HallOrch A
26 Stereo TinePiano INT 5 FullTines
27 PianoBell Ensemble INT 19 Ensemble INT 15 PianoBells
28 MultiPercussionSplit INT 23 MultiPerc INT 23 MultiPerc
29 Temple Gong - Shami INT 38 TempleGong INT 29 Koto
30 Dual Piano INT 36 PianoBrite INT 45 PianoForte
31 Stereo Vibraphone INT 18 Vibraphone INT 18 Vibraphone
32 Orchestral Whallop INT 47 Wallop A INT 55 Wallop B

Selecting the Cartridge Performance Memories

The LCD should show this display, with the cursor blinking on the arrow
next to the word BANK. If not, press button 15 until this display appears.

The Cartridge Performance Memories

Performance Name Voice A Voice B

1 Double French Horns INT 2 MellowHorn CRT 37 FrenchHorn

2 Pipe Organ CRT 3 PipeOrgan CRT 47 PuffOrgan
3 Full Electric Piano INT 5 FullTines CRT 7 HardTines
4 PickGuitar-SpitFlute INT 3 PickGuitar CRT 12 SpitFlute
5 Rotary Electro Organ INT 12 TouchOrgan CRT 21 BriteOrgan
6 SuperBass-BrightClav INT 6 SuperBass CRT 1 Clavecin
7 MariBUMba INT 13 Maribuinba CRT 38 StonePhone
8 CS 80 Brass CRT 15 HardBones CRT 34 HardTrumps
9 Organ Choir CRT 3 PipeOrgan CRT 52 FC Choir
10 Church Choir CRT 10 LadyVox CRT 57 MaleChoir
11 Celeste and Strings INT 58 HallOrch A CRT 62 Celeste
12 FatBass-HeavyMetal CRT 43 OwlBass CRT 55 YesBunk
13 Old School Harmonium INT 59 HarmoniumA CRT 53 HarmoniumB
14 Octave MultiDowns INT 51 LateDown CRT 16 OctiLate
15 Classical Strings CRT 8 Violins CRT 26 NewOrchest
16 Thunder Storm CRT 23 Thunderon CRT 61 Explosion
17 Unison Bass INT 6 SuperBass CRT 13 BopBass
18 Piano with BC Brass INT 9 Ebony Ivory CRT 27 BC Trumpet
19 Funky FingaPicka INT 33 FingaPicka
20 -In the Laboratory- CRT 60 Science
21 PluckSyn-UniSynth INT 8 Pluk CRT 22 WhapSynth
22 Good Licks CRT 4 ClaviPluck CRT 31 Plukatan
23 Dingle Bongs CRT 9 TingVoice CRT 42 RubberGong
24 StringPad-Englishorn INT 49 Warm Stg B CRT 25 Englishorn
25 SnareDrum-Piccolos CRT 20 Swissnare CRT 36 Piccolo
26 Inside the VLSI CRT 14 Glastine A CRT 33 Glastine B
27 Rubber ElectricPiano CRT 44 RubbaRoad
28 Old Upright Piano INT 45 Pianoforte
29 Tap Electronic Organ INT 41 TapOrgan
30 PizziString Section CRT 45 PizzReverb CRT 45 PizzReverb
31 Yamaha MotorCycle CRT 32 KoikeCycle
32 Initialized Memory CRT 64 INIT VOICE CRT 64 INIT VOICE

Exploring The Voices in the new DX were created using techniques like those used on the original
DX7. The new Performance Mode opens up a number of exciting possibilitiesmany of
The New the Voices in the new DX were created specifically to be used in combinations of two. In
Voice addition, there are a number of new features available in Voice mode (most of them
extensions of the Function mode in the original DX7). All of these features will he
Library discussed in detail in Sections 2 and 4 of this manual. For now, though, just follow the
steps below, and play through all of the Voices available in the Internal and ROM
Cartridge memories.

Selecting the Internal Voice Memories

*The 1 ~32/33~64 light will be off, indicating that voices 1 ~32 are currently selectable.
To select voices 33~64, press the 1 ~32/33~64 button.
The light will go on, indicating that voices 33-64 are currently selectable.

The Internal Voice Memories

1 Warm Stg A 33 FingaPicka

These are the Voice Memories 2 MellowHorn 34 ElectoComb
loaded into the DX when it is 3 PickGuitar 35 ClariSolo
shipped from the factory. 4 Analog-X 36 PianoBrite
Since these memories 5 FullTines 37 Choir
6 SuperBass 38 TempleGong
can be adjusted, 7 FMilters 39 SkweekBass
your DX's Internal Memory 8 Pluk 40 Titeguitar
may contain different data. 9 Ebonylvory 41 TapOrgan
If so, reload the Internal Voice 10 Whisper A 42 PitchaPad
& Performance 11 HarpStrum 43 BellWahh A
12 TouchOrgan 44 EleCello A
data from Bank 1 of the 13 Maribumba 45 PianoForte
supplied ROM cartridge. 14 Trumpet A 46 SilvaTrmpt
15 PianoBells 47 Wallop A
16 SongFlute 48 Clavinette
17 Phasers 49 Warm Stg B
18 Vibraphone 50 KnockRoad
19 Ensemble 51 LateDown
20 St.Elmo's 52 HarpsiBox
21 EchoMallet 53 Whisper B
22 ClaviStuff 54 SilvaBrass
23 MultiPerc 55 Wallop B
24 Trumpet B 56 BellWahh B
25 MalletHorn 57 GuitarBox
26 CongaDrum 58 HallOrch A
27 StringBass 59 HarmoniumA
28 SteelCans 60 EleCello B
29 Koto 61 HallOrch B
30 FM-Growth 62 HardRoads
31 Wire Strung 63 Xylo-Brass
32 Shorgan 64 HarpsiWire

Selecting the Cartridge Voice Memories

The LCD should show this display, with the cursor blinking on the arrow
next to the word BANK. If not, press button 15 until this display appears.

*The 1~32/33~64 light will be off, indicating that voices 1-32 are currently
selectable. To select voices 33~64, press the 1~32/33~64 button. The
light will go on, indicating that voices 33~64 are currently selectable.

The Cartridge Voice Memories

Bank 1 of the supplied Bank 1 Bank 2

ROM cartridge contains the
Voice & Performance Memory 1 Warm Stg A 33 FingaPicka 1 Clavecin 33 Glastine B
2 MellowHorn 34 ElectoComb 2 SmoohBass 34 HardTrumps
loaded into the DX's Internal 3 PickGuitar 35 ClariSolo 3 Pipe Organ 35 Timpani
Memory when it is shipped 4 Analog-X 36 PianoBrite 4 ClaviPluck 36 Piccolo
from the factory. 5 FullTines 37 Choir 5 RaspySax 37 FrenchHorn
Bank 2 contains an entirely 6 SuperBass 38 TempleGong 6 MilkyWays 38 StonePhone
different set of Voice & 7 FMilters 39 SkweekBass 7 HardTines 39 Whasers
Performance data. 8 Pluk 40 Titeguitar 8 Violins 40 Fifths
9 EbonyIvory 41 TapOrgan 9 TingVoice 41 CongoClave
10 Whisper A 42 PitchaPad 10 LadyVox 42 RubberGong
11 HarpStrum 43 BellWahh A 11 Harmonica 43 OwlBass
12 TouchOrgan 44 EleCello A 12 SpitFlute 44 RubbaRoad
13 Maribumba 45 PianoForte 13 BopBass 45 PizzReverb
14 Trumpet A 46 SilvaTrmpt 14 Glastine A 46 PizzEcho
15 PianoBells 47 Wallop A 15 HardBones 47 PuffOrgan
16 SongFlute 48 Clavinette 16 OctiLate 48 ElecBrass
17 Phasers 49 Warm Stg B 17 PuffPipes 49 SpaceVox
18 Vibraphone 50 KnockRoad 18 BC Sax 50 JazzBass
19 Ensemble 51 LateDown 19 ClaviBrass 51 FC Strings
20 St.Elmo's 52 HarpsiBox 20 Swissnare 52 FC Choir
21 EchoMallet 53 Whisper B 21 BriteOrgan 53 HarinoniumB
22 ClaviStuff 54 SilvaBrass 22 WhapSynth 54 Bells
23 MultiPerc 55 Wallop B 23 Thunder on 55 YesBunk
24 Trumpet B 56 BellWahh B 24 PanFloot 56 ElectroBak
25 MalletHorn 57 GuitarBox 25 Englishorn 57 MaleChoir
26 CongaDrum 58 HallOrch A 2 6 NewOrchest 58 HardBass
27 StringBass 59 HarmoniumA 27 BC Trumpet 59 LongGong
28 SteelCans 60 EleCello B 28 LeadaPicka 60 Science
29 Koto 61 HallOrch B 29 Handrum 61 Explosion
30 FM-Growth 62 HardRoads 30 Tuba 62 Celeste
31 WireStrung 63 Xylo-Brass 31 Plukatan 63 HarmoSvnth
32 Shorgan 64 HarpsiWire 32 KoikeCycle 64 INIT VOICE

The Play Modes Now that you have an idea of some of the sound combinations available on the new DX, it
is time to take a closer look at how the various Play Modes operate. Read on:

Voice Modes and Performance Mode

As you have heard from playing through the Performance Memories, it is possible to play
two different voices at the same time on the new DX. However, you do not need to be in
Performance Mode to try out various combinations of voices. In addition to Performance
Play Mode, there are three different Voice Play Modes: Single, Dual, and Split.
Single Mode calls up one voice at a time from the DX's library of voices, as you learned
on page 10 of this manual.
Both Dual and Split involve two voices, A and B. In Dual Mode, both voices are played
together, over the entire range of the keyboard. In Split Mode, Voice A is played from the
left side of the keyboard, while Voice B is played from the right side of the keyboard.
When you are in the Voice Split Mode (rather than the Performance Split Mode), the Split
Point is always set at C3.
To enter Dual or Split Mode, simply press the appropriate Voice Mode button; the light
above the selected Voice Mode button will go on. Only one of these Voice Mode lights
can be lit at a time. (These lights also show which Voice Mode is Selected when you are in
the Performance Mode.)
Once you choose the Voice Mode you want to work with, use the 1~32/33~64, A/B, and
number buttons to select specific voices.

Using the 1~32/33~64 Button

The light above the 1~32/33~64 button tells you which set of voices can be selected: If
the light is off, voices 1~32 can be selected using the number buttons; if the light is lit,
voices 33~64 can be selected using the number buttons. This holds true for all three Voice
Play Modes.

Using the A/B Button

The light above the A/B button tells you which voice location (A or B) is active for voice
selection in Dual and Split modes: If the light is off, Voice A is active, and the voice
chosen with the number buttons will be shown as Voice A in the LCD display; if the light
is on, Voice B is active, and the voice chosen with the number buttons will be shown as
Voice B in the LCD display.

Using the Poly/Mono Button

The light above the Poly/Mono tells you (indirectly) which Key Mode is currently active
in Play Mode: If the light is off, the Key Mode remains as programmed; if the light is lit,
the opposite Key Mode will be active. Key Modes will be explained further in Section 4.

Using The DX is designed to operate with many controllers, each of which can be set to perform
one of a number of different effects. The settings for these controllers can be different for
Controllers each Voice Memory or Performance Memory. To begin your exploration of the expanded
with the DX musical possibilities available with controllers on the DX, try the examples listed below.
Many of you may already he familiar with the operation of the these controllers; for those
who are not, each section below begins with instructions on how to locate or attach the
controller in question.

Pitch Bend Wheel

The Pitch Bend Wheel is located to the far left of the keyboard. To get an idea of some of
the effects possible with the Pitch Bend Wheel, use it with Internal Voice #1 or Internal
Voice #11. Move the Wheel both quickly and slowly as you play.

Modulation Wheel
The Modulation Wheel is located to the near left of the keyboard (to the right of the Pitch
Bend Wheel). For a taste of the possibilities of the Modulation Wheel, try it with Internal
Voice #2 or Internal Voice #28.

Aftertouch is a keyboard feature that gives you extra control over a voice. It is engaged by
pushing down on the keys after they have already been depressed. To try some of the
effects available with Aftertouch, call up Internal Voice #3 or Internal Voice #19. After
you have played a group of keys, press them down into the key bed and listen to the

Breath Controller
The Breath Controller plugs into the mini-jack to the left of the Phones plug on the front
of the DX. It allows you a great deal of expressive control over the shape of the sounds
you play on the keyboard. Try using the Breath Controller in conjunction with Cartridge
Voice #18 or Cartridge Voice #27 (from Bank 2 of the ROM). With both of these sounds,
you will notice that playing on the keyboard by itself produces no sound: In order to hear
the voices, you must hold down keys and blow into the Breath Controller.

Foot Controllers 1 and 2
The Foot Controllers plug into the two Foot Controller plugs on the back panel of the DX.
They can give you continuous control over a number of aspects of the sounds. Try using
Foot Controller 1 with Cartridge Voice #47 or Cartridge Voice #52 (from Bank 2 of the
ROM). Foot Controller 2 is most often used as a volume pedal, but other effects are
possible. Play Internal Voice #4 or Internal Voice #6 while experimenting with Foot
Controller 2.

Footswitches 1 and 2
The Footswitches plug into the two Footswitch plugs on the back panel of the DX.
Footswitch 1 acts much like a sustain pedal on a piano. Try it with Internal Performance
#18 or Internal Performance #21 to get an idea of the different effects that are possible.
Footswitch 2 can be used to engage a number of effects, including that of the soft pedal on
a piano. Try it in conjunction with Cartridge Performance #27 or Cartridge Performance
#28 (from Bank 2 of the ROM).

Continuous Sliders 1 and 2

The Continuous Sliders are located to the right of the Volume Slider on the left side of the
DX's front panel. They can be programmed to give you control over many aspects of the
timbre of the sounds, and can even be used to alter parameters of a voice in real time. Try
using Continuous Slider 1 with Internal Performance #1 or Internal Performance #4. Then
listen to the effect that Continuous Slider 2 has on Internal Performance #2 or Internal
Performance #5.

Creating and Storing
New Sounds

Contents 19 Creating New Sounds
19 Editing and Edit Mode
20 Entering Performance Edit Mode
20 Entering Voice Edit Mode
21 Editing Performance and Voice Data
21 Using the Cursor Buttons and the Data Entry Buttons/Slider
21 Edit/Compare
22 Edit Button Quick Reference Guide

24 Saving New Sounds

24 Memory Protection
24 Turning Memory Protect Off
24 Performance Memory
25 Storing Performance Data to Internal or Cartridge Memory
25 Voice Memory
25 Storing Voice Data to Internal or Cartridge Memory

Creating The Voices and Performance setups in the DX are stored as digital information in a
computer-like memory. And, like computer memory, the memory of the DX can be altered
New Sounds for different uses. In other words, voices do not exist as unchangeable presets (as they do
in electronic organs), but rather as streams of data. This data can be changed (edited) to
create new sounds and Performance setups. To find out how this works, read on.

Editing and Edit Mode

Editing is the process of changing various settings of a Voice or Performance memory. In
the DX, this is accomplished in Edit Mode. Usually, you will use Edit Mode to create a
new sound or Performance setup, but you can also use it to find out the parameter values
for the factory preset Voices and Performance setups.
Most of the buttons on the DX's front panel have multiple functions. You can see this by
looking at the way the buttons are labeled on the front panel. For example, the +1 button
also functions as YES and ON. On most cases, the buttons will have different functions in
different operating modes.
The 32 number buttons are no exception: In the Play Modes, they are used to call up
various Voice and Performance memories; but, in the Edit Modes, they are used to access
the various parameter values that make up a sound.

Entering Performance Edit Mode

Entering Voice Edit Mode

In both of the above procedures, you enter the Edit Mode after the Edit Button is pressed
in step #2. At that time, you can push any or all of the buttons indicated (in step #3) as
many times as necessary to make the desired edits.
It is possible - even easy - to edit Voice data in the Performance Edit Mode (or
Performance data in the Voice Edit Mode). This, however, is NOT a recommended
practice, since only Voice data is stored in the Voice Edit Mode, and only Performance
data is stored in the Performance Edit Mode.

Editing Performance and Voice Data
After entering one of the Edit Modes, use the number buttons to access the parameter
whose value you wish to change. Each number button calls up a variety of parameters,
often through the use of multiple LCD screen displays. A complete set of these screen
displays will be given at the beginning of Section 3 (for Performance Edit Mode) and
Section 4 (for Voice Edit Mode). In most cases, each LCD display gives you access to a
number of parameters.

Using the Cursor Buttons and the Data Entry Buttons/Slider

Use these buttons to position the LCD cursor next to the parameter you wish to edit.
Parameters are listed along the top row of the LCD display, and the cursor should be
positioned over the > character pointing to the parameter you wish to edit.

Once you have selected the parameter

The cursor buttons to edit (using the cursor buttons),
and the data entry use the data entry slider or the
+1/-1 buttons to change the value of the
slider/buttons. selected parameter.
The new values will appear in the
bottom row of the LCD,
and you will hear the effect
of these new values when you
play the keyboard.

Once you have started to edit a voice, you can compare your new sound to the original by
pressing the Edit/Compare button:

The Edit/Compare
LED display.

Edit/Compare only operates in Voice Edit Mode, not in Performance Edit Mode (with the
exception of Micro Tuning Edit Mode, which will be discussed in Section 3 of this

Edit Button Quick Reference Guide

Voice parameters
are discussed in
more detail
in Section 4.

Voice Edit parameters

are discussed in
more detail
in Section 4.

Performance parameters
are discussed in
more detail
in Section 3.

Utility parameters
are discussed in
more detail
in Section 5.

MIDI parameters
are discussed in
more detail
in Section 6.

Saving Once you have altered a particular Voice or Performance memory to your liking, you will
want to save your new data in one of the DX's memory locations. Single Voice memories
New Sounds and single Performance setups can be saved either to the Internal Memory or to a RAM
Cartridge Memory. To do so, proceed as follows:

Memory Protection
Each time the DX is turned on, it automatically powers up with both the Internal and the
Cartridge Memory Protect feature turned on. Before you can save data, you must turn off
this automatic memory protection.

Turning Memory Protect Off

Performance Memory
Do not try to edit Performance data while in Voice Edit Mode. If you do, you will hear
and see the Performance edits, but they will not be stored as part of memory when you
store the Voice data.

Storing Performance Data to Internal or Cartridge Memory

Voice Memory
Do not try to edit Voice data while in Performance Edit Mode. If you do, you will hear
and see the Voice edits, but they will not be stored as part of memory when you store the
Performance Data.

Storing Voice Data to Internal or Cartridge Memory

Using the New
Performance Features

Contents 29 Performance Edit Buttons
29 Button 27 LCD Displays
30 Button 28 LCD Displays
31 Button 29 LCD Displays
31 Button 30 LCD Displays

32 Basic Performance Parameters

32 Total Volume
32 Balance
32 Dual Detune
33 Split Point
33 Note Shift
34 EG Forced Damp
35 Performance Name

36 Pan
36 Basic Pan Function
36 Pan Modes
37 Pan EG

38 Controllers
38 Sustain Footswitch (FS 1)
38 Footswitch 2 (FS 2)
39 Continuous Sliders
39 FM Parameters Assignable to CS1 and CS2

40 Micro Tuning
40 Selecting a Micro Tuning
40 The Micro Tuning Presets
40 Micro Tuning Editing and Storage

Performance All of the Performance Mode parameters are adjusted via the LCD displays called up
using buttons 27 ~ 30. All of the these buttons call up multiple LCD displays. The charts
Edit Buttons below show all of the displays called up by each button, and provide a complete list of
parameters and value ranges. In some cases, the first LCD display in a chart may not he
the first one you see. You may need to cycle through the displays (by pressing the button
repeatedly) until you reach the desired LCD display.

Button 27 LCD Displays

Button 28 LCD Displays

>Voice mode
Voice Mode (single, dual, split)

>Total volume
Total Volume (0-99)

>Voice mode
Voice Mode (single, dual, split)

>Total volume
Total Volume (0-99)
Balance (-50 to +50)

>Dual detune
Dual Detune (0-7)

>Voice mode
Voice Mode (single, dual, split)

>Total volume
Total Volume (0-99)
Balance (-50 to +50)

>Split point
Split Point (C-2 to G8 by halt steps)

Button 29 LCD Displays

Button 30 LCD Displays

Basic Accessed using buttons 28 and 29, these parameters determine the basic voice
relationships in Performance Mode.
Parameters Total Volume
This parameter allows you to set an overall volume for each Performance memory. If you
desire, you can use this setting to balance the levels of your Performance memories, so
that constant Volume Slider or mixer adjustments are not necessary.

This parameter adjusts the relative volume of the two voices in Dual and Split Modes:

Dual Detune
This parameters shifts the pitch of both voices in Dual and Split Modes. Each voice is
shifted an equal amount. Voice A is shifted up, and Voice B is shifted down:

Dual Detune settings

and their effect
on Voice A and Voice B.

Split Point
In Performance Mode, the Split Point is adjustable, and is memorized as part of the
Performance Memory. The Split Point can be selected using the Data Entry Slider/Buttons
or the keyboard: The first note played on the keyboard after accessing the Split Point
parameter will be entered as the Split Point in the LCD display.

The Split Point is adjustable

in Performance Mode.

Note Shift
This parameter allows you to adjust the transposition of each voice in Dual and Split
Modes. Each voice may be adjusted up or down as much as two octaves (in halfsteps).
The original transposition of each voice is retained as part of the Voice memory, and the
the Note Shift value is added to or subtracted from that Voice setting when you are in
Performance Mode.

EG Forced Damp
Even though the DX is a 16-voice synthesizer, these voices can be used up quickly when
you are in Dual Mode (or when you use a Sustain Footswitch pedal). When you do exceed
the DX's note capacity, the first notes played will stop sounding to make way for the new
notes being played.
Under normal operating conditions, the DX considers these new notes to be continuations
of the first notes; therefore, the initial portions of the attack envelope will not be

Under normal conditions,

the DX's envelope
acts this way.

If you wish to avoid this effect, turn the Forced Damping function on. It will force the
envelope to retrigger for each new note played:
EG Forced Damping On
Using the EG Forced Damping
parameter, the envelope is
forced to retrigger itself for
each new note played.

* 17th note in the case of single play mode.

Performance Name
You can enter a Performance Name of up to 20 characters. To do so, follow the
instructions below.

Since you have a total of

twenty characters to define
your Performance Memory,
make sure that your
Performance Name conveys
the basic approach of the
specific Performance Memory

Using the left and right cursor buttons while holding the
Edit/Character button lets you to place the cursor over
a specific character position. This allows you to easily
edit any character within a name.
Pressing the Cartridge button selects UPPER CASE (capital) letters.

Pressing the Internal button selects lower case letters.

Pan The Pan features represent an entirely new class of Performance controls for the DX.
Accessed using button 30, these parameters provide control over the stereo image of the
instrument's output.

Basic Pan Functions

In order for Pan effects to operate, you must connect both of the audio outputs on the
DX's back panel. In addition, the light over the Pan button must be lit if it is not, the
Pan function is turned off. Pan can be turned on and off only in one of the Play Modes. (In
Edit Mode, the Pan button becomes one of the cursor buttons.)
There are four basic Pan Modes. Mode 0 can be used with all Voice Modes, while Modes
1 ~ 3 operate only in Dual and Split Modes.

Pan Modes

Pan Modes are operative Mode A B Type

only if you are using both 0 Pan
of the DX's audio output jacks.
1 Level
2 OFF Level
3 OFF Level

If you select Pan Mode 0, the output of the two voices in Dual or Split Modes is
combined, and the location of the sound in the stereo panorama is determined by the Pan
effect selected. If you select Pan Modes 1 ~ 3, the two voice outputs remain separated,
and the relative level of the two voices is determined by the Pan/Level effect selected.
There are three basic types of Pan/Level effects: LFO, Velocity, and Note Number. Each
one opens up a number of possibilities:
If LFO is selected, the Pan/Level effect will be controlled by the Voice LFO (the LFO of
Voice A in Dual or Split Modes). If you are operating in Pan Mode 0, the LFO controls the
position of the audio output in the stereo mix; if you are operating in Pan Modes 1 ~ 3, the
LFO controls the level of the selected voices (both, A, or B).
If Velocity is selected, the Pan/Level effect will be controlled by the force of your
keyboard touch. If you are operating in Pan Mode 0, Velocity controls the position of the
audio output in the stereo mix: Softer touches (slower velocities) will position the sound
more in output jack A, while stronger touches (faster velocities) will position the sound
more in output jack B. If you are operating in Pan Modes 1 ~ 3, Velocity controls the
output volume of the selected voices (both, A, or B).

If Key Number is selected, the Pan/Level effect will be controlled by the right/left
position of keys played on the keyboard. If you are operating in Pan Mode 0, Key
Number controls the position of the audio output in the stereo mix: Notes played to the
left of C3 will position the sound more in output jack A, while notes played to the right of
C3 will position the sound more in output jack B. If you are operating in Pan Modes 1 ~
3, Key Number controls the output volume of the selected voices (both, A, or B).
The overall depth (intensity) of these Pan/Level effects is controlled by the Range
Please note that all of these Pan/Level effects are global, rather than note by note: Each
new Velocity input or Key Number input will reposition the audio (or readjust the output)
of all notes currently sounding.

Pan EG
The Pan EG allows you to create an envelope for automatic control of Pan (Pan Mode 0)
or Level (Pan Modes 1 ~ 3):

Representative Pan Envelope

Generator shape.

Controllers The DX features a greatly expanded set of controller options. The settings for
Footswitches 1 and 2 and Continuous Sliders 1 and 2 are adjusted in Performance Edit
Mode, using button 27. (The other controller settings are accessed in Voice Edit Mode.)

Sustain Footswitch (FS 1)

Footswitch 1 is set to operate as a Sustain pedal. In Dual and Split Modes, FS 1 can be
selected to affect Voice A, Voice B, or both.

Footswitch 2 (FS 2)
Footswitch 2 is a multi-purpose pedal with four selectable functions: Sustain, Portamento,
Key Hold, or Soft.
If Sustain is selected, FS 2 operates as a Sustain pedal (just like FS 1).
If Portamento is selected, Voice Portamento effects will operate only when the pedal is
If Key Hold is selected, only notes that are being held when the pedal is engaged will
sustain. This effect is similar to a piano's sostenuto pedal.
If Soft is engaged, the pedal will soften the timbre and volume of the sound, to a degree
determined by the Range parameter.
In Dual and Split Modes, FS 2 can be selected to affect Voice A, Voice B, or both.

Continuous Sliders
The two Continuous Sliders give you access to real-time control of FM Voice parameters.
There are a total of 105 different possibilities:

FM Parameters Assignable to CS 1 and CS2


OP 6 Total level OP6 EGRate1(R1)

The Continuous Sliders provide OP1 OP1

a new avenue for exploration OP 6 AMP. MOD. SENS OP 6 OSC. detune

of real-time timbral control. OP1 OP1

OP 6 Key velocity OP 6 Frequency fine

OP1 OP 1
iOP6 EG Level 4 (L4) OP 6 Frequency coarse

OP 6 EG Level 3 (L3) Portamento time
Pitch EG Level 4
OP 1
OP 6 EG Level 2 (L2) Level 1
Pitch EG Rate 4
OP6 EG Level 1 (L1) Rate1
OP 6 EG Rate 4 (R4) PMS
OP1 Speed
O P 6 EG Rate 3 (R3) Wave
Feedback level
OP1 Algorithm
OP6 EGRate2(R2) Dual detune
PAN select
OP1 Output balance (A/B)
Total volume
No effect

In Dual and Split Modes, CS 1 and CS 2 can be selected to affect Voice A, Voice B, or

Micro Tuning Micro Tuning is another new feature for the DX. It offers the possibility of performing
music using tuning and intonation systems other than Equal Temperament (which is the
current standard tuning for both pianos and synthesizers). Micro Tuning data is accessed
using button 29. New Micro Tunings are created in Micro Tuning Edit Mode, which is
accessed using button 14 in conjunction with button 29.

Selecting a Micro Tuning

The DX is equipped with eleven preset Micro Tunings as part of its permanent memory.
In order to hear the sound of these presets, it is necessary to turn Micro Tuning on for
Voice A, Voice B, or both (using the A and B parameters in the Micro Tuning LCD
display). When Micro Tuning is not on, the DX automatically operates in Equal

The Micro Tuning Presets

1 Equal Temperament
The new DX contains eleven 2 Pure (Major)
preset Intonations, which 3 Pure (Minor)
should provide you with a good 4 Mean tone
introduction to possibilities 5 Pythagorean
of alternate intonation schemes. 6 Werckmeister
7 Kirnberger
8 Vallotti & Young
9 1/4 Shifted equal
10 1/4 Tone
11 1/8 Tone

In presets 2 ~ 5, the tuning can be adjusted according to the key of the music being

Micro Tuning Editing and Storage

If you are interested in alternate tunings and intonations, you may want to create your
own sets of Micro Tuning data. The DX provides two memory locations for this purpose:
User 1 and User 2. These two sets of data are stored as part of the Internal Memory, and
will be stored along with all other Internal data when the Internal Voice & Performance
Memory is saved to another storage medium (such as RAM cartridge or disk). In addition,
up to 63 Micro Tunings can be saved to RAM cartridge that has been properly formatted
for that purpose.

Entering the
Micro Tuning
Edit Mode

Micro Tuning

Micro Tuning

Using the New
Voice Features

Contents 45 Voice Edit Buttons
45 Button 7 LCD Display
45 Button 8 LCD Display
45 Button 9 LCD Display
46 Button 10 LCD Displays
46 Button 11 LCD Display
47 Button 12 LCD Display
47 Button 13 LCD Display
47 Button 23 LCD Displays
48 Button 24 LCD Displays
48 Button 25 LCD Displays
49 Button 26 LCD Displays

50 Basic Voice Editing Functions

50 Operator Select
50 Operator On/Off
50 EG Copy

51 New Voice Parameters

51 Pitch Envelope
51 LFO
52 Key Modes

53 Controllers
53 Function Data and Voice Effect Data
53 Pitch Bend Modes
53 Foot Controller 1

54 Fractional Scaling
54 Fractional Scaling and Level Scaling
54 Fractional Scaling Editing and Storage

Voice All of the Voice Mode parameters are adjusted via the LCD displays called up using
buttons 7 ~ 13 and 23 ~ 26. Many of the these buttons call up multiple LCD displays. The
Edit Buttons charts below show all of the displays called up by each button, and provide a complete
list of parameters and value ranges. In some cases, the first LCD display in a chart may
not be the first one you see. You may need to cycle through the displays (by pressing the
button repeatedly) until you reach the desired LCD display.

Button 7 LCD Display

Button 8 LCD Display

Button 9 LCD Display

Button 10 LCD Displays

Button 11 LCD Display

Button 12 LCD Display

Button 13 LCD Display

Button 23 LCD Displays

Button 24 LCD Displays

Button 25 LCD Displays

Button 26 LCD Displays

Basic The new DX offers an expanded LCD display, which makes Voice editing much easier
than it was with the original DX7. A number of other basic Edit operations have also been
Voice Editing simplified, as follows:
Operator Select
The parameters accessed using buttons 8 ~ 11 are adjustable for each of the six operators.
In Voice Edit Mode, buttons 1 ~ 6 provide a quick way to move from one operator to

Operator On/Off
In order to adjust the settings for the six operators accurately, it is useful to focus on the
sound of certain operators by turning off the output of ones not being edited. In Voice Edit
Mode, buttons 17~22 provide a quick way to turn the six operators on and off.

Voice editing is much easier

on the new DX, thanks to the
expanded LCD display and the
direct operator access provided
by buttons 1 ~6 and 17 ~ 22.

EG Copy
The EG Copy function from the original DX7 is retained in the new DX, and is made
easier through the use of buttons 1 ~ 6. Once you have Envelope data you want to copy
displayed in the LCD, simply press and hold the Store/EG Copy button. You can then
choose the copy destination using buttons 1 ~ 6.

New The basic Voice of the new DX is almost exactly the same as that of the original DX7,
assuring complete compatibility between the old and new instruments. To discover the
Voice additional Voice parameters of the new DX, read on.
Pitch Envelope
The Pitch Envelope operates as it did in the original DX7, but some new features have
been added. The potential depth of the Pitch Envelope effect can now be adjusted using
the Range parameter:

Maximum Pitch
RNG Change Range
1/2 6 semitones
1 1 octave
2 2 octaves
8 8 octaves

Representative Pitch Envelope

Generator shape.

In addition, the Velocity parameter allows you to control the intensity of the Pitch
Envelope with keyboard touch.

There was only one LFO in the original DX7, so all voices were affected in exactly the
same way by the LFO settings. In the new DX, there are sixteen LFOs, one for each
voice. Even though all sixteen LFOs must have the same settings, they can now operate
independently of each other if the LFO Mode parameter is set to Multi. If Mode is set to
Single, the LFO will operate as it did in the original DX7.

- 51 -
Key Modes
The new DX offers two Unison Key Modes, which create fatter sounds. Since these
new Modes use more than one note of the DX's sixteen-note capacity, they will affect the
total number of notes available at any one time:

Key Voice Mode

Mode Single Dual Split
Polyphonic 16 8 8 + 8
Monophonic 1 1 1 + 1
Unison poly 4 2 2 + 2
Unison mono 1 1 1 + 1

In Split Mode, the actual number of voices available will depend on the settings for the
two voices involved. For example, if Voice A is set to Polyphonic and Voice B is set for
Unison poly, a total of 10 notes can be played simultaneously (8 for Voice A and 2 for
Voice B).

Controllers The new DX features an expanded set of controller options. The settings for Pitch Bend
Wheel, Modulation Wheel, Aftertouch, Breath Controller, and Foot Controllers 1 and 2
are adjusted in Voice Edit Mode, using buttons 24 ~ 26. (The other controller settings are
accessed in Performance Edit Mode.)

Function Data and Voice Effect Data

The original DX7 separated its operational parameters into two groups: Voice data and
Function data. Voice data encompassed all parameters used to create a Voice, and
Function data involved settings for the various performance Controllers. The DX7 only
had memory to store one set of Function settings, so all Controllers operated in the same
way for all Voices.
In the new DX, Function data has been replaced by Voice Effect data (adjusted using
buttons 23 ~ 26). This Voice Effect data can be adjusted as part of each Voice Memory
this means that each Voice can have its own Controller settings.
Most of the Voice Effect parameters are exactly the same as the Function parameters of
the original DX7. The new parameters are outlined below.

Pitch Bend Modes

The Pitch Bend Wheel in the new DX functions in one of four basic Modes, which
operate as follows:

Pitch Bend Modes Pitch Bend Chord notes Applied to sound

on the new DX. Mode affected sustained by foot switch?
Normal all notes yes
Low lowest note only yes
High highest note only yes
Key on all notes no

Foot Controller 1
The new DX provides memory space to set the operation of two Foot Controllers. Foot
Controller 1 also has a new parameter possibility: It can be set to control the same Voice
parameter as that of Continuous Slider 1. (For more on the available settings for CS 1, see
Section 3 of this manual.) Since CS 1 operates in Performance Mode, this use of Foot
Controller 1 is also confined to Performance Mode.

Fractional One of the most important aspects of DX7 voicing is Level Scaling, which allows
adjustment of each operator's output over the range of the keyboard. The new DX offers
Scaling the possibility of even more subtle control over operator outputs, through Fractional

Fractional Scaling and Level Scaling

Although the DX7's Level Scaling offers a great deal of interaction between timbre and
frequency, Fractional Scaling offers even greater precision: The level can be set
independently in groups of three notes, over the entire range of the keyboard. To provide
even more control, the resolution of the level settings has been expanded from 0 ~ 99 to

Fractional Scaling allows you

to adjust the output level
of each operator
for three-note groups.

Fractional Scaling Editing and Storage

Fractional Scaling
Edit Mode

Fractional Scaling

Fractional Scaling

Memory Functions

Contents 59 Utility Buttons
59 Button 14 LCD Displays
60 Button 15 LCD Displays
61 Button 16 LCD Displays

62 Memory Layout

63 Memory Types
63 Voice & Performance Memory
63 System Setup Memory
63 Micro Tuning Memory
63 Fractional Scaling Memory
63 Initialized Memory
64 Current Play/Edit Memory
64 Compare/Recall Memory

65 Memory Storage Types

65 Internal Memory
65 Cartridge Memory
66 ROM Cartridge
66 Disk Memory (FD Only)

67 Basic Utility Functions

67 Master Tune
67 Recall Edit
67 Initialize

68 Cartridge Memory Functions

68 Using Cartridge Data
69 Formatting a RAM Cartridge
70 Loading Voice & Performance Data from a RAM Cartridge

71 Disk Memory Functions (FD Only)

71 Using and Handling Disks
72 Basic Disk Drive Operations
74 Disk MDR

Utility Buttons All of the Memory functions (and related utility functions) are adjusted via the LCD
displays called up using buttons 14 ~ 16. All of the these buttons call up multiple LCD
displays. The charts below show all of the displays called up by each button, and provide
a complete list of parameters and value ranges. In some cases, the first LCD display in a
chart may not be the first one you see. You may need to cycle through the displays (by
pressing the button repeatedly) until you reach the desired LCD display.

Button 14 LCD Displays

Button 15 LCD Displays

Button 16 LCD Displays

Memory Layout

Scaling Voice Performance System Setup Micro Tuning
Memory Memory Memory Memory Memory

Memory Types As you can see from the diagram on the facing page, there are many facets to the Memory
layout of the new DX. To understand all of these types of memory, study the diagram and
read the explanation below:

Voice & Performance Memory

This Memory block includes data for 64 Voice Memories and 32 Performance Memories,
plus one System Setup Memory and two User-defined Micro Tunings.

System Setup Memory

System Setup Memory contains a number of basic MIDI settings, plus Master Tuning and
Cartridge Bank number settings. System Setup is always retained in Internal Memory,
along with the Voice & Performance Memory and the two User-defined Micro Tunings.
For more information on System Setup Memory, see Section 6 of this manual.

Micro Tuning Memory

The DX contains eleven Micro Tunings as part of its permanent memory. In addition, two
User-defined Micro Tunings are stored as part of Voice & Performance Memory. Using a
RAM cartridge, it is also possible to store up to 63 Micro Tuning Memories.

Fractional Scaling Memory

Fractional Scaling data cannot be stored in the DX's Internal Memory. In order to use
Fractional Scaling data with Internal Voice Memories, the data must reside in a RAM (or
ROM) cartridge installed in the DX's cartridge port.

Initialized Memory
For those who wish to create Voice Memories or Performance Memories from scratch, the
DX provides both Voice and Performance blank Page data as part of its permanent
memory. If you want to start from ground zero (instead of working from an already-
existing Voice or Performance Memory), call up the DX's Init Voice or Init Performance
data (using button 14 in Edit Mode).

Current Play/Edit Memory
Whenever you call up a Voice Memory or Performance Memory in Play Mode, you are
actually sending it to a special location in the DX the current Play/Edit Memory. As the
name indicates, this is also the location where Voice or Performance data is edited. In
computer terminology, this memory location is often called the Edit Buffer.

Compare/Recall Memory
When you are editing a Voice and use the Edit/Compare feature, the original Voice data is
loaded into the Play/Edit Memory (so you can hear it). The edited Voice data is moved
temporarily into another memory location, the Compare/Recall Memory. In computer
terms, this memory location might be called the Compare Buffer. When you engage the
Recall Edit function for the various Internal Memory types, you are actually recalling the
last data moved to the Compare/Recall Memory.

Memory In addition to having a number of distinct types of memory, the new DX offers a number
of ways to store these various memories. To understand how the various memory storage
Storage Types possibilities interact, read on.

Internal Memory
The DX's Internal Memory holds a standard Voice & Performance Memory block, which
consists of the following: 64 Voice Memories, 32 Performance Memories, 1 System Setup
Memory, and 2 User-defined Micro Tuning Memories. Voice & Performance Memory can
also be stored in Cartridge Memory or in Disk Memory.

Cartridge Memory
A DX RAM4 cartridge can store three different types of data: Voice & Performance,
Fractional Scaling, and Micro Tuning.
The RAM Voice & Performance Memory is equivalent to the Internal Voice &
Performance Memory.
The RAM Fractional Scaling Memory holds up to 64 Fractional Scalings, which are tied
to the 64 Voices in the DX's Internal Memory.
The RAM Micro Tuning Memory holds up to 63 Micro Tunings.

Possible RAM4 Contents

The RAM4 cartridge
can he used to store one Voice & Performance Memory
of three possible kinds of data. 64 Voice Memories
2 micro tunings
1 system setup

Fractional Scaling Memory

Micro Tuning Memory

Each of these kinds of Memory can be stored from cartridge to disk (FD only).

ROM Cartridge
The supplied ROM cartridge contains 4 banks, which can be accessed using button 15 in
Edit Mode:

Contents of Supplied ROM Cartridge

The supplied ROM cartridge Voice & Performance Memory

holds a number of different 64 Voice Memories
kinds of DX memory. 32 PERFORMANCE Memories
2 micro tunings
1 system setup

Voice & Performance Memory

64 Voice Memories
2 micro tunings
1 system setup

Fractional Scaling Memory

Micro Tuning Memory*

* may all be equal tempered data

Disk Memory (FD Only)

Disk memory can be used to store the following: Voice & Performance Memories from
the DX's Internal Memory; Voice & Performance, Fractional Scaling, or Micro Tuning
Memories from Cartridge Memory; and MIDI data from an external unit via the DX's
MIDI ports.

Basic Utility Most of the basic Internal Memory Utility functions are accessed using button 14 in Edit
Mode, as follows:
Master Tune
This sets the tuning of the DX relative to its internal A-440 reference. This setting is
stored as part of the DX's System Setup Memory.

Recall Edit
These functions can be used to recall Voice, Performance, or Micro Tuning data from the
DX's Compare/Recall Memory.

These functions can be used to call up the DX's Initialized Voice or Performance
Memories, if you wish to create Voice or Performance data from scratch.

Cartridge RAM cartridges are useful storage centers for Voice & Performance data. In addition,
they are the only storage source from which Fractional Scaling data and Micro Tuning
Memory data can be accessed for immediate use with DX Internal Voice & Performance data. To
Functions understand the basic Cartridge Utility functions, read on.

Using Cartridge Data

Except for the two User-defined Micro Tunings that are part of the DX's Internal Voice &
Performance Memory, Cartridge Memory is the only location from which Fractional
Scaling and Micro Tuning data may be recalled for immediate use. Fractional Scaling data
and Micro Tuning data can be stored on disk, but cannot be used directly with Internal
Memory from disk: In order to interact with Internal Voice & Performance data,
Fractional Scaling and Micro Tuning data must reside in a cartridge plugged into the DX's
Cartridge port. If you create Voice or Performance data that involves Cartridge Memory
(for either Fractional Scaling or Micro Tuning), the DX will remind you as follows:

LCD display indicating that This symbol signifies that the indicated Voice Memory
was created with Fractional Scaling, but the RAM cartridge
required Fractional Scaling or with the necessary Fractional Scaling data is not inserted
in the instrument's cartridge port.
Micro Tuning data
is not available. When
the needed data is supplied
via a RAM cartridge,
these displays disappear.

This symbol signifies that the indicated Performance memory

was created to include Micro Tuning from a RAM cartridge,
but the RAM cartridge with the necessary Micro Tuning
data is not inserted in the instrument's cartridge port.

Formatting a RAM Cartridge

Loading Voice & Performance Data from a RAM Cartridge

*lf you answer NO, you are telling the DX to load the RAM Cartridge data with
*System Setup data. If you answer YES, you are telling the DX to load the RAM
*Cartridge without System Setup data.

Disk Memory The FD's disk drive is capable of storing any information that resides in the DX's Internal
Memory or Cartridge Memory, In order to access this data for performance, it must be
Functions loaded into the DX's Internal or Cartridge Memory the disk drive only operates as a
(FD Only) storage medium.

Using and Handling Disks

The DX7 II FD uses 3.5" micro floppy disks. These disks have a Memory Protect function
that is similar to that of the RAM4 cartridge:

Even though 3.5" disks are relatively sturdy, you should handle them with care when
inserting them into or removing them from the DX's disk drive:

Basic Disk Drive Operations

Formatting a Disk

Saving Internal Memory

to Disk

*lt is possible to store files on top of files already loaded (which will erase
the original data). Make sure to select a blank file location before moving
to the Save function.

Saving Cartridge Memory
to Disk

Loading Internal Memory

from Disk

*lf you answer NO, you are telling the DX to load the Internal data with
System Setup data. If you answer YES, you are telling the DX to load
the Internal data without System Setup data.

Loading Cartridge Memory
from Disk

Disk MDR
The DX7 II FD's disk drive can also be used as a MIDI Data Recorder, to record MIDI
information from external instruments via the DX's MIDI ports. The DX's disk can record
external MIDI data into files of up to 20K bytes. To use this MIDI record function, make
the proper MIDI connections and follow the prompts in the DX's LCD display.

MIDI Functions

Contents 77 MIDI Buttons
77 Button 31 LCD Displays
78 Button 32 LCD Displays

79 System Setup
79 Channel Messages
79 Note On/Off
79 Program Change Transmission
79 Local On/Off
80 Immediate MIDI Program Change Out
80 Control Number
81 Other System Setup Parameters

81 MIDI Data Communications

81 MIDI Device Number
81 Receive Block
81 MIDI Out

MIDI Buttons All of the MIDI functions and parameters are adjusted via the LCD displays called up
using buttons 31 ~ 32. All of the these buttons call up multiple LCD displays. The charts
below show all of the displays called up by each button, and provide a complete list of
parameters and value ranges. In some cases, the first LCD display in a chart may not be
the first one you see. You may need to cycle through the displays (by pressing the button
repeatedly) until you reach the desired LCD display.

Button 31 LCD Displays

Button 32 LCD Displays

System Setup Since the use of many basic MIDI functions might depend on the contents of a specific set
of Voice & Performance data, the new DX provides a special memory location, System
Setup Memory, to store basic MIDI parameters and other data in conjunction with a Voice
& Performance Memory block. This System Setup Memory contains settings for the
following parameters:

Channel Messages
This LCD display allows you to set the DX's MIDI transmission channel, MIDI receive
channels (for Voice A and Voice B in Performance Mode), and MIDI Omni Mode
reception (on or off if on, the receive channel settings are inactive).

Note On/Off
This parameter is usually set to off, meaning that all keys played produce a note. Other
settings (Odd, Even) can be used in conjunction with other MIDI instruments to produce a
variety of interesting effects.

Program Change Transmission

If the new DX is connected to another MIDI instrument, various levels of MIDI
communication are possible. The MIDI Program Change Mode determines how the DX
will relate to an external MIDI instrument: If Mode is set to Off, program changes on the
DX will have no effect on the external unit; if Mode is set to Normal, a program change
on the DX will send the same Program number to the external unit; if Mode is set to
Programmable, the program changes sent will be be those programmed in the Program
Change Trans LCD display.

Local On/Off
This parameter allows you to turn the DX's internal synthesizer on and off (as part of a
MIDI system). If Local is set to Off, notes played on the DX keyboard will not engage the
DX's internal sound mechanism.

Immediate MIDI Program Change Out
If you wish to send a quick MIDI Program Change Message to an external MIDI unit, use
the following procedure:

In any of the Play Modes

(Single, Dual, Split, or Performance),
press and hold the button of the
current Play Mode (the one with the lit LED).
You will see this LCD display:

Now, while still holding the Play Mode button, type in the program change
number you desire (1~128) using the 1 ~ 1 0 number buttons (1 through 0
character buttons). All three positions in the LCD must be filled:
for example, to send program #1, type in 001.
Once you have typed in the third number, the program change you have
typed in will be sent over MIDI to the instrument connected to your DX7 II.

Control Number
These parameters set the MIDI Controller numbers for external MIDI Controllers that
may interact with the DX. The function of these Controllers is set via button 26 in Edit
In addition, these parameters set the MIDI function of CS 1 and CS 2 (as Controllers of
external MIDI instruments), and also set the Controller number of an external MIDI
Controller that can be used to control the Voice parameters connected to CS 1 and CS 2 in
Performance Mode. If Controller values of 5 ~ 8 are selected, only MIDI transmission is

Other System Setup Parameters
In addition to all of these MIDI settings, The System Setup Memory stores the Master
Tune setting (button 14) and the Cartridge Bank setting (button 15). Whenever you load
Voice & Performance data from Cartridge Memory or Disk Memory to Internal Memory,
you have the option of loading with or without the System Setup stored with the Voice &
Performance data.

System Setup Data Button

Master Tuning 14
Cartridge Bank Number 15
MIDI Trns ch, Rcv ch, Omni Mode 31
Local 31
Control Number 31
Note on/off 31
PC trans mode 31
Program change out 31

MIDI Data If you use the new DX as part of a MIDI system, there are a number of advanced MIDI
functions available for your use:
MIDI Device Number
If the DX is connected to another Yamaha product, this parameter must be used to set a
Yamaha System Exclusive Device Number for MIDI System Exclusive data reception or
transmission. This parameter is also used when the FD's disk drive is used as a MIDI data

Receive Block
This parameter allows you to set the Memory Reception block as either Internal Voices
1 ~ 32 or Internal Voices 33 ~ 64.

These LCD displays allow you to transmit various kinds of MIDI System Exclusive data
from the DX's Internal Memory to an external instrument. Obviously, these functions are
useful only if you are transmitting data to another instrument (such as another DX7 II)
that is capable of understanding and using it.

Appendix 1: As mentioned at the outset, this manual has not attempted to cover all of the functions of
the new DX in exhaustive detail. To do so would have required a manual of large scale
Supplemental and density, one in which it would have been very difficult to locate specific information
Information needed to begin using the DX.

For continuing information concerning the DX7 II FD/D, consult AfterTouch, the official
publication of the Yamaha Users Group. Many advanced functions will be discussed in its
pages in the coming months. There will also be information concerning the availability of
other material concerning more advanced applications. Some areas that will be covered in
AfterTouch or in supplemental booklets include the following:

Quick Reference Guide

Memory Management
Fractional Scaling
Micro Tuning (Basic)
Micro Tuning (Advanced)
FM Voice Programming (Basic)
FM Voice Programming (Advanced)
Real-Time Parameter Changes
Advanced Controller Usage
Advanced MIDI Applications
MIDI Technical Data & Charts

To receive a free copy of AfterTouch every month, send your request to Aftertouch, P.O.
Box 2338, Northiridge, CA 91323-2338. On your letter or postcard, be sure to indicate
that you are the owner of a DX7 II FD/D.

Appendix 2: Many of the basic functions of the DX7 II FD/D are the same as those of the original
DX7. Since there is a wealth of material available on the operation of the original DX7,
Bibliography this manual has focused on the new functions and features. For more information on the
parameters and features that the new DX shares with the original DX7, consult the

DX7 Owner's Manual. (Available through your local authorized Yamaha dealer).

The Complete DX7, by Howard Massey; published by Amsco Publications; 1986.

FM Theory and Application, by Dr. John Chowning and David Bristow; published by
Yamaha Music Foundation; 1986.

How to Understand and Program the Yamaha DX7, by Lorenz M. Rychner; published by
Alexander Publishing; 1985.

The Secrets of Analog and Digital Synthesis, by Steve de Furia; published by Hal Leonard
Publishing; 1985.

Yamaha Easy DX7; published by Yamaha Music Foundation and Hal Leonard Publishing;

Appendix 3: MIDI Implementation Chart
[ Digital Programmable Algorithm Synthesizer ] Date : 11/21, 1986
Model DX7-2 MIDI Implementation Chart Version : 1.0

Transmitted Recognized Remarks

Function ...

Basic Default 1-16 1-16 memorized

Channel Changed 1-16 1-16

Default 3 1 2 3 4 memorized
Mode Messages x POLY MONO(M=1)
Altered ************* x
Note 36 - 96 *1 0 - 127 *2
Number : True voice ************** 1-127
Velocity Note ON o 9nH,v=1-127 o v=1-127
Note OFF x 9nH,v=0 x
After Key's x X
Touch Ch's o *1 o *2

Pitch Bender o *1 o 0-12 semi *2 7 bit resolution

1 o *1 o *2 Modulation wheel
2 o *1 o *2 Breath control
4 o *1 o *2 Foot Controller
Control 5 X o *2 Portamento time
6 o *1 x Data entry knob
Change 7 o *1 o *2 Volume
8/10 X/ X o/o *2 Balance / Pan
64 o *1 o *2 Sustain foot sw
65 o *1 o *2 Portamento f sw
66 o *1 o *2 Sostenuto
67 o *1 o *2 Soft
96/97 o/o *1 o/o *2 Data entry +1/-1
5-31 o *1 o <11-31) *2 Continuous slidr
Prog o 0 - 1 2 7 *1 o 0-127 *2
Change : True # ************** 0-127 64-127:Cartridge
System Exclusive o *3 o *3 Voice parameters
System ; Song Pos X x
: Song Sel X X
Common : Tune X X

System :Clock X X
Real Time :Commands X X

Aux :Local ON/OFF X X

:All Notes OFF X o (126,127)
Mes- :Active Sense 0 0
sages:Reset X X

Notes: *1 = transmit if transmit channel is not off.

*2 = receive if receive channel is not off.
*3 = transmit/receive if device number is not off.

Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON, MONO o : Yes

Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO x : No

Blank Performance Data Chart

Yamaha Corporation of America
6600 Orangethorpe Avenue, P.O. Box 6600, Buena Park, CA 90622-6600
25536 4/18/97

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