HarvestHome PDF
HarvestHome PDF
HarvestHome PDF
The Rippers attend the wedding of a patrons daughter, but an unexpected harvest intrudes on the festivities.
Use the Rippers characters on our Savage Website www.peginc.com or make your own.
The Wedding John and Sarah Huntingdon: A handsome Lang produces a wicked dagger from within
older couple, they are well aware of the Grahams his coat and Allison screams in terror. Suddenly
The heroes are invited to the wedding of Allison
monetary issues. Longtime rivals, they never miss every mundane fire and light is extinguished,
Graham, daughter of Wilton and Hyacinth
the chance to rub their faces in it. plunging the house into darkness.
Graham. Allison is marrying Edgar Lang, son of
Lord and Lady Lang, minor landed nobles. The Terence Whitmore: Whitmore is a brash Scarecrows (1, plus 1 per two heroes) burst
Grahams have been generous supporters of the young man and one-time suitor of Allison. into the house, wielding scythes, while Edgar
Rippers for years. Unbeknownst to the Rippers, He is an old family friend as well, but is having and the household servants (2 per hero) produce
the Grahams have fallen on hard times and difficulty withholding his anger at the marriage. weapons from hidden locations and begin
hope the marriage will help restore their former Reverend Gardener: Middle-aged and attacking as well. Lord Lang attempts to kill
wealth. polite, Reverend Gardener becomes increasingly Allison himself and his wife hurls spells and
uncomfortable as the night continues. Lady Lang incantations at likely targets. Edgar uses the same
The Langs have their own agenda as well. They
seduced the man several years ago and he has profile as a servant.
are actually demon worshippers. They owe their
success to an ancient pact made by their family suffered from the guilt ever since. The Langs realize no one can be allowed to
(originally of German lineage) with a demon Wandering through the hedgerows allows escape, so they neither give nor ask quarter.
masquerading as a harvest goddess. In return, a Notice roll (4) to find unusual writings in Should the party defeat the Langs, the Grahams
they must sacrifice one of their blood every German scattered about the grounds. They are find that, as there were no other heirs, they gain
21 years before harvest. The deadline is fast largely nonsensical (they are part of a much all the Lang holdings through their daughter
approaching and Edgar is the Langs only child larger inscription), but a Knowledge (Occult) and they are quite grateful to the Rippers as well!
at least until he marries! roll identifies they are
somehow related to the
Sifby Hall harvest. Feel free to improvise
The wedding is held at Sifby Hall, home of the a few unsettling events
Lang family. The estate is isolated in the country (doors closing suddenly,
and surrounded on all sides by farmland being unexplained noises, etc.) to
prepared for the harvest. It is an imposing stone heighten the tension for the
manor surrounded by intricate hedgerows and players as well.
The Ceremony
The entire grounds are actually one huge
summoning circle. The carefully crafted walkways After about an hour or so,
and hedgerows around it form the lines and the Langs call everyone to
inscriptions have been subtly carved into several the main ballroom for the
pieces of stonework. ceremony. The wedding pro-
ceeds without complication
The team has a couple of hours to mingle and
and Reverend Gardener pro-
wander the estate before the ceremony begins.
nounces Allison and Edgar
Here are a few of the guests, but feel free to
man and wife. Lord Lang
include others if you wish. The important thing
steps up to propose a toast to
is to keep the players guessing as long as possible
the couple and makes a brief
as to the identities of the true villains.
speech in German. Heroes
Karl and Meredith Wilhelm: A visiting who speak that language real-
couple from Germany, friends of the Grahams. ize quickly hes calling to the
They are pleasant, if somewhat at a disadvantage Dark Lady and pledging
from the language barrier. Once the party the life of his daughterand
begins to find hints of Germanic influences, the every other guestas an of-
Wilhelms may become immediate suspects. fering!
Savage Worlds, Rippers, One Sheets, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Great White Games, and all related marks
and logos are Copyright Great White Games. 2009. All rights reserved.
Lord Lang (Human)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d8 What Are You Waiting For?
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Knowledge (Occult) d8, Notice d8,
Persuasion d8, Riding d6, Streetwise d8 Want to get started right away? Well you
Charisma: +2/2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 can. All you have to do is get online and
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty. download some of the sample characters
weve provided for you at www.peginc.com.
Edges: Command, Fervor, Noble
Gear: Dagger (Str+d4). Want to check out the game before you
drop your dough on the book? No problem.
Download the Test Drive rules.
Lady Lang (Witch)
With a One Sheet, the Test Drive rules,
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6,
and a few heroes, you can get a flavor
Vigor d6
for Rippers. We think youll get a taste
Skills: Fighting d4, Faith d8, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, Knowledge for it! And keep checking back for more
(Occult) d8, Knowledge (Satanism) d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, One Sheets for our Savage Worlds settings.
Riding d6, Streetwise d8
Charisma: +2/2; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty
Edges: Noble Scarecrow (Golem)
Gear: Dagger (Str+d4). Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Special Abilities: Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Notice d4, Stealth d6, Survival d6,
Arcane Background (Miracles): Blast (ball of hellfire), bolt (ray of Taunt d4, Throwing d4
black light), obscure (darkness). (25 Power Points.) Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Weakness (Magic): Lady Lang takes +4 damage from magical Special Abilities:
Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; No additional damage
from called shots; Not affected by disease and poison.
Lang Servant/Edgar Lang (Human) Pumpkin Head: Seeing one of these scarecrows requires a Fear
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 check.
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, Knowledge (Occult) d6, Scythe: Str+d8.
Stealth d6, Throwing d6 Weakness (Fire): Scarecrows do not take additional damage from
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 explosives, but suffer +4 damage from fire and receive a 2 penalty to
Edges & Hindrances: Fighting attacks against anyone brandishing an open flame.
Gear: Saber (Str+d6).
Harvest Home Interludes
A Savage Worlds One Sheet Addition By Clint Black
for use with the Harvest Home One Sheet.
Keep the excitement in the Harvest Home wedding party with this new twist on the Interludes rules.
Visit our Savage Website at www.peginc.com for the free basic Interludes rules.
Dramatic Interludes work great for long 5-6: The Spirit Queen: The Gift
periods of time where different events can
The spirit of a previous victim appears to the One of the gifts is a strange and macabre
occur, but the GM can also use them for similar
hero hoping to provide a warning. Unfortunately, wooden statue of a squat, squid-headed figure.
situations where differing events may come up
the horrible and demonic nature of its death Eventually, the party discovers it was brought by
even in a shorter period of time. As an example,
is terrifying to those who see it (Fear 2). The the Wilhelms, who bought it from an antique
weve provided the options below. Run an
Spirit can only appear very briefly (one round) shop in Heidelberg. Edgar has been fascinated by
Interlude as normal (each player gets a card and a
and then disappears, but it does leave a clue such things since he was a child and they thought
benny or adventure card after the scene), but use
written on the wall in frost, Ware the harvest! of him when they saw it.
the results from below. If more than one PC gets
The frosty letters melt away quickly.
the same result, then they are all present at the
same event. King: Mysterious Bloodstain
7-8: The Prattler While wandering the estate, the party finds a
2: The Library The hero is caught up with one or both large bloodstain somewhere in the fields or off
Huntingdons. They monopolize the discussion the walkway pathsperhaps being lapped up by
The hero (or heroes) are alone in the library
gossiping about anyone and everyone at the a stray animal. No bodies are found, however, and
when the doors slam shut and books begin flying
party and dont let the hero escape. On the plus no one is missing. A hero who makes a Tracking
off the shelves, hitting them. Anyone in the
side, the Huntingdons cattily mention how the check can tell that the body was dragged away
library must make a Vigor roll each round at 2
Langs seem desperate for the wedding to happen (and, with a raise, that it was the size of a large
or suffer a level of Fatigue. It takes an action and
quickly, adding as much speculation as to why as goat). In truth, a local boy was caught in the
a Strength roll at 4 to open the doors (up to two
the hero will tolerate. None of the Huntingdons fields spying on one of the Langs ceremonies and
other characters may make Cooperative rolls).
speculations are correct. killed. His remains were buried far from here, but
Otherwise, the effect lasts for 3 rounds. When
the blood could not be sopped up in time.
the doors reopen, all the books are back on the
shelf except one under a chair (Notice roll at 2). 9-10 The Bride
It is a book in old German on ancient rituals. The hero runs into the bride, Allison Graham, Ace: The Trinket
who maintains an excellent facade of happiness The hero finds what appears to be nothing
3-4: The Red though sad at her situation (she has no love for more than a minor trinket on the floor (a glass
Herring Edgar). For whatever reason, Allison creates a marble, a rabbits foot, a cheap locket with a bit of
strong bond with the hero (as a kindred sister, hair in it, etc.). The trinket is actually one of the
The hero runs into Terrence
parental feelings, or even a love interest); the GM charms Lord Lang uses to protect himself in case
sneaking around the
should use any hooks or Hindrances the character Lady Lang turns on him. The person holding it
house and hiding tied
has to build this bond. In the discussion, she says has Arcane Resistance against Lady Langs magic,
up bundles of grass
that she hopes to change some of the decor of and if tossed in a fire, it instantly burns up and
and twigs in different
Sifby Hall as the Langs have peculiar tastes (but provides the same effect to everyone within a
locations. Terrence is
it would be improper to discuss them publicly). Large Burst Template for 2d6 rounds.
highly superstitious
but also a coward (why
Allison broke off with Jack: The Toast Joker: The Blessing
him in the first place). He The hero is asked to give a toast to Allison and The hero runs into Reverend Gardener and
wont stand up for Allison Edgar. A particularly well done toast may impress at the end of their discussion, the reverend says
to stop the wedding, but one of the other guests, leading to a possible new a blessing for the hero (whether in appreciation
he did talk to a gypsy sponsor for the Rippers. or pity). The character is considered to have the
woman who gave him the Champion Edge until the sun rises and also gains
bundles to place, telling him both a benny and an Adventure Card (or two
it would stop the wedding. bennies if youre not using Adventure Cards).
The woman was fake, and
the bundles do nothing
except con a young man
out of his money.
Savage Worlds, Rippers, One Sheets, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Great White Games, and all related marks
and logos are Copyright Great White Games. 2009. All rights reserved.