Community Participation in
Watershed Management
Inter-American Development Bank
Conference on
Strategies in Watershed Management
May 6-7, 1996
San Jose, Costa Rica
Lori Barg
Step by Step
RR2 box 1380
Plainfield, Vermont 05667 USA
Phone/fax 802-454-1874
E-mail: [email protected]Community Participation in Watershed Management
Lori D. Barg
Executive Summary:
Overuse of aquifers, contaminated rivers, deforestation and many other environmental problems are
increasingly common and are linked to social and economic problems. Growing populations and
development bring increasing and conflicting needs and uses on water resources. This calls for
‘management of these resources. New systems that involve the community in sustainable management of
this limited resource, such as Citizens Monitoring Networks, must be created The success of these
program relies on 100% participation, legal authority to enforce decisions, and national laws that hack up
local decision making bodies. This involves education. On the community level, this means outreach to
and inclusion of previously marginalized members of the community. On the government level, workers
who are accustomed to top-down decision making, must be re-oriented in the skills of networking,
organizing and outreach There must be a collaborative relationship on local, regional and national levels.
The national government's role should include setting standards and regulatory practices, oversight
management and consultative services with a clear legal transfer of authority to the community level
Community participation could be facilitated by training community outreach workers/mobilizers, a
extension agents, health care promoters...efe., who would in turn train their constituencies in practical
methods such as: conducting physical surveys of land uses, biological monitoring of mdicator organisms,
coliform testing in surface water, and conducting wellhead protection planning. Communities must have
primary responsibility and input into regional and national organizations for all phases from planning,
policy making, decision making, project implementation and evaluation Community participation works
because people know their community and are in the best position to identify their problems, the causes
of those problems and determine how with limited economic and human resources to resolve those
problems. Conflict is inherent in resource management, competing interests should be acknowledged at
the beginning. Mediation, binding arbitration or other conflict resolution methods should be built into the
process. Community, regional and national organizations must be linked, be non-partisan, and_have the
legal authority to enforce their decisions. Economic development and wise resource use go hand in hand,
Short sighted policies must be replaced with long-term planning to protect the resource base and promote
sustainable development.Introduction
Water is Infe, There is nothing we can do that does not affect water A few minute’s thought, or a day
without water, can show us how true that statement is. But the threats to our limited surface and
groundwater resources are enormous: overuse, contamination, mining of aquifers, deforestation, and
salinization of freshwater aquifers are common problems globally. The importance of water in our lives
combined with the threats, make water resource use a global problem, but one that must be solved on the
local level
Many top-down development projects have been unsustainable socially, economically and environmentally.
Because of this community participation has become a requirement of lending institutions. To implement
programs that truly involve the community, governments must develop a new orientation from a top-down
decision making approach to become facilitators and networks and collaborators with communities
Community participation in watershed management calls for the creation of a system to enable each
community to:
identify the problems of immediate concern within their community
-the causes of those problems,
-acknowledge conflicting interests and create mechanisms for resolution, and
-pnoritize the solutions given limited economic and human resources
Each community calls for a different approach. There are no magic formulas as every country and
community is different The first step is promoting a sense of identity, pride, accomplishment and
ownership to help people to get involved in managing natural resources. Education and practical activities
such as biological monitoring and surveys of a communities land use, water resource, agricultural,
industrial and economic base are vital
Each program must be built to fit the needs and capabilities of each community. ‘The success of the
program requires that everyone participate. This takes active outreach to ensure that previously
marginalized people’s are given a voice and a role in planning, policy making, problem solving and
implementing solutions. Everyone must understand why conservation of resources and protection of the
earth and its resources brings a stable economy.
Everything is interrelated, a cursory analysis of any environmental problem shows the myriad other
problems that itis connected to. The solution must be approached step by step. Good planning, constant
reevaluation, flexibility, good listening, and a willingness to change course as often as rivers do in a flood
plain can bring about sustainable resource use and sustainable economic development.
Community participation is not acting in a vacuum, there are strong business and social forces that
emphasize short term economic gain vs. long term sustainability. These short-sighted actions leave
communities with eroded soits, dried up or salinized aquifers, deforested and with a degraded resource
base, Natural resources are the true wealth of any country and are irreplaceable.
There are some basic requirements for citizens organizations to be effective. They must be non-partisan,
they must have legal jurisdiction and be connected with regional and national groups that give them the
legal authority to ensure their decisions are enforced. Strong national environmental laws must be inplace. Citizens Monitoring Networks are one approach that transcend many of the problems encountered
in the past.
These problems must be tackled or it may be too late. ‘The rapid desertification of the planet is warning
us. Since every community is different, we will never figure out the perfect method, It is important to
start, as Myles Horton said "the only way to start, is to start"
‘One way to start is to carefully select an area where there is an identified problem, and the community
is already organized and interested in resolving the problem. It helps if the results can be easily measured.
It is okay to start small and learn from experience. A community that is successful, and with visible
results can help foster other communities aspirations. Some communities are reluctant to try new things
unless they know it will work. Helping communities to identify problems and their causes, and decide
on a solution helps to make use of limited economic and human resources and build capacity within the
community. ‘This is sustainable resource use and sustainable economic development.
1) What is Watershed Management?
"The sage’s transformation of the world arises from solving the problem of water. If
water is united, the human heart will be corrected If water 1s pure and clean, the heart
of the people will readily be unified and desirous of cleanliness The pivot is water "-Lao
A river basin is a living system. Rivers are the veins and artes of the earth. They serve as the
connecting link to help understand the interrelationship between environmental, human health, and
socioeconomic problems. For years economic growth and environmental quality have been perceived as
being mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they are completely dependent on each other. History gives
us many examples of civilizations that collapsed as they overused their resource base. Watershed
management allows for sustainable resource use. This is not only good for the water, but for society and
economic growth as well
Potential conflicts in watershed management arise not only from different uses of water, but different
needs in the upper, mid and lower parts of the basin, as well as in urban and rural areas. For example,
flood control and water quality is a priority in lower parts of the basin, while water supply is more
important in upper parts of the basin. Conflicts between rural use, municipal supply and maintaining
minimum flows in rivers are inherent. Conflict resolution methods (mediation, arbitration...) need to be
built into the management process. Multiple uses, as well as different interests and needs, require multi-
level basin wide management on local, regional, national and intemational levels,
A river basin is a place not just with economic uses, but @ place with deep connections for the
communities that live there. Pride in maintaining the integrity of system that supports us must be
fostered Watersheds reflect the complexities of where and how we live and our many interacting and
conflicting needs. One of the main conflicts is between instream and out of stream uses. Water is
withdrawn from streams to be used for municipal and industrial supply, srrigation and cooling electric
generation, and used instream for navigation, conservation, fish and wildlife, flood control and
hydropower.2. Why watershed management?
Over the last decades we have seen the degradation of entire watersheds, Massive deforestation, bursting
oil pipes in the upper Amazon, increasing colonization of traditional homelands of indigenous peoples,
and rapid urbanization are some of the tough issues facing Latin America and the Caribbean, Watershed
‘management is critical because many problems are not only local or watershed wide, but global. Since
these problems are interconnected, the solutions, and management of the solutions must also be
interconnected. When water, or any resource is limited it requires management to balance environmental,
social and economic values.
The bottom line 1s that st is cleaner and cheaper to manage a watershed for protection then to remediate
problems. Resource degradation involves high social costs including lost work days, lost lives and
increasing hospital costs. Additional economic benefits are derived from wise resource use and protection,
Houscholders have more energy to put into productive work when they are not walking miles for water
or wood. Relatively simple efforts such as reforestation yield many benefits such as recharged aquifer,
fodder, fuel and increased soil fertility. Sustainable resource use is also sustainable economics.
Global Water Retated Disease Latin America and the Caribbean (Population 444 mi
Ref World Bank, World Development Report 1993
given in hundreds of thousands of disability adjusted life years lost (DALY)
‘Waterborne diseases Non-water related causes for comparison
Diartheal 589 HIV 443
Polio 23 Cancer 53.1
Hepatitis 16 Heart disease 273
Trachoma 1 Accidents 10.5
Ascariasis 13.5 War 60
Trichuriasis 9.0
Hookworm 14
Water-based diseases Insect-veetor diseases
Malaria 44
Schistomiasis 18 Chagas 274
‘There are important social reasons for watershed management as well. We are all interconnected. We
have the right to dignity, which clean water, healthy communities and a living wage afford us. As
populations grow they bring increased demands on water supply. High population density is already
feading to overuse and mismanagement of ground and surface water. We can expect water supply
problems to increase as people and activities shift to water-short areas. Practical plans to make water
resource use sustainable include water conservation, water allocation, increasing water use efficiency, and
pricing mechanisms to reflect value.3 Related environmental aspects
Any sound watershed management plan incorporates an understanding of the complex interconnections,
of social, economic and environmental problems. Watershed management plats may tend to focus on
critical land/water interfaces such as shorelands, wetlands, estuaries and floodplains. But since water
doesn’t observe boundaries a more comprehensive approach to watershed management is required.
‘An understanding of this complexity makes it impossible to single out an environmental or social problem
and deal with it in an isolated manner. A fairly simple analysis of any problem reveals many other
related ones, For example examine deforestation. An exercise in environmental mathematics reveals that;
Deforestation=more erosion=loss of topsoil= aquifers drying up= less rain=change in the
climate=less productive agriculture=increased sedimentation of rivers= water
contamination=inereased health problems=social unrest
The first step in developing a watershed management plan is to conduct an inventory of the existing
conditions. This inventory should include a thorough description of all water resources: i.e. gradients,
flows, geomorphology, watershed size, water body size, groundwater/surface water interactions. This
inventory requires technical expertise and can be facilitated and directed by the national government and
regional planning commissions, This information should be as detailed, accurate and clearly presented
as possible in order to help communities direct management practices to address defined problems.
The following tables list some of the important environmental aspects to consider in gathering an
inventory of existing conditions, problems and potential problems.
‘Common Sources of Water Pollution
Point Source Pollution petroleum
‘animal, human waste, organic wastes
inorganic compounds
heated or cooled water
toxic contamination
Non-Point Source Pollution Sediment
pesticides, herbi
unsound agricultural practices
air pollution fallout, mercury, acid rain,
s, fungicidesLand Use Impacts on Water Quali
agriculture erosion/sedimentation
pesticides: adverse human health impacts/bioaccumulation
fertilizers: eutrophication, blue baby syndrome from nitrates
animal and organic waste: eutrophication/low dissolved oxygen
introduction of pathogens
reduced soil fert
soil conservation: no-till, contour farming
Forestry increased groundwater recharge
decreased surface runoff
reduced erosion/sedimentation
logging: increased erosion along roads
Mining/Resource sedimentation
extraction heavy metals contamination
toxies released (cyanide, mercury)
Urban areas present special problems. The communities change rapidly They are densely populated and
have large marginalized communities. Contamination from debris, animal and human waste, industry, tire
and brake residue, heavy metals, hazardous materials spills, air pollution fallout and erosion from
construction activity are concentrated in a small area. In the 1960s people believed that “dilution was the
solution to pollution”. A look at the social trends toward urbanization makes that statement totally
inappropriate and out of touch with reality.
Innovative planning can help deal with many environmental problems stemming from urbanization.
Curitiba Brazil is an excellent example of a city where good planning has paid off. For example, solid
waste, both organic and inorganic is exchanged in the favelas through a program called "garbage that is
hot garbage”. In this program favela residents exchange their organic waste for food (thus supporting
focal farmers), and their inorganic recyclables for bus tokens. This program was cheaper to implement
than providing infrastructure. Participation is high due to the immediate economic benefit gained by the
participants, but there are additional social benefits of environmental education and pride in ther
community4 What is Community Participation?
"In most developing regions, and certainly in Latin America, governments have
traditionally viewed independent organizations as a threat to be subdued. Cultural biases
and prejudices agamst the poor and ethnic minorities feed this belief. Conversely,
grassroots and other dependent organizations have long viewed government as an anti-
democratic authority to be challenged and opposed. Against this backdrop, bridges must
be extended between governments and their new constituencies 50 that opposition can be
turned into propositions and confrontation into negotiation. At the same time, all parties
‘must begin to accept each other as indispensable partners in sustainable development”
‘Community watershed management involves a completely different approach towards resource
‘management. Instead of private interests controlling resources, a holistic participatory approach where
communities control resources must be implemented. This change won't be easy. It involves actively
unlearning many old ways of doing things, and learing new ways.
Government staff need to lear to work as communicators, facilitator, networkers and negotiators instead
of top-down decision makers. The most crucial skill to be learned is networking. Networking involves
connecting non-governmetnal organizations (NGOs), existing agencies. non-partisan people, postmasters,
religious, village leaders, health promoters, agricultural extension agents, social workers, teachers, good
students, individuals and groups, neighborhood commissions, local, regional and national governments and
their constituencies.
Community participation is the crucial link allowing both environmentally sound development and
equitable economic development to occur The existing conditions and problems are known best by the
people living in the community who have a stake in the outcome. The key reasons for making the change
towards community watershed management is that it is mutually beneficial, sustainable, successful and
easier in the long run than top-down management.
Industry, agriculture and communities all contribute to resource degradation and are therefore in the most
powerful position to make a lasting change. Local community groups have an intimate knowledge of theit
area, Therefore the management plan they develop will based on better data, be more accurate and
‘generate more political support than a top-down organizing plan generated out of ‘the capital. Community
participation requires planning and education to set up. Eventually things speed up as capacity is built by
more individuals and organizations. Officials accustomed to top down decision making need to learn
patience. Community participation works because it
* Builds upon a perceived problem
* Brings a wider range of experiences into decision making, helps make policies and
projects more realistic
Fosters a sense of ownership
Gathers political support for and reduces opposition to policy proposals, projects and
other decisions by incorporating stakeholders concems
Empowers people, builds local capacities and makes implementation easier
Builds communities technical and organizational capacities as well as ability to negotiate
Reduces costs,Taps local resources,
Is flexible, allows for modification,
Incorporates local organizations as support mechanisms
Helps form new leaders
Keeps the populace informed
Decentralizes decision making
Provides good data and information that is accurate, widespread reliable
People who are organized and organize information are better equipped to make
sustainable decisions about land and resource use
Programs stand the most chance of success if power and control in decision making by
people most affected by problems.
In contrast, analysis of non-participatory development projects show that they are often discontinued after
financial assistance ends. Top-down development projects are ofien rejected by the people they are
designed to serve. Even well-intentioned development projects aimed at improving health and sanitation
are often failures duc to the lack of participatory planning. For example, how many people know a story
about a latrine-building project that resulted in 5,000 new chicken coops or com storage sheds being built.
It takes more than providing a resource to make sure it gets used as intended.
The problems associated with participatory planning have more to do with raised expectations and dashed
hopes People appreciate being listened to, They become motivated. Their expectations get raised, but,
the necessary support to implement plans 1s not necessarily immediately forthcoming. In a case like this,
it is better to get people involved, either with a small grant, or a self-help program to implement some
part of their action plan, while waiting for larger funding to come through. This helps keep peoples
interest and not lose their support.
Other "side effects” of participatory projects is that they may go in unintended directions. For example,
Jand tenureship may become a more important issue than resolving a non-point pollution problem through
best management practices. The other advantage/pitfall of participatory processes is they generate conflict,
Conflict 1s healthy, positive and an integral part of development. Mechanisms to resolve conflict such
asa commitment to listening to all sides, mediation and binding arbitration should be built into the process
from the beginning,
5 Who
the public?
The first question when working in participatory programs is basic, "Who is the public?” The public is
not monolithic, the public are not homogenous. It is important that participatory processes are truly
democratic and are not dominated by special interest groups or existing leadership within a community.
People of different socio-economic status, culture and gender must be included in the decision making
process. All key stakeholders should be invited to participate, the water supply owners, users, businesses,
industry, recreation, hydroelectric, and conservation interests.
Groups previously excluded from decision and policy making need fo be brought into the process,
Outreach through existing networks such as teachers, religious groups, social workers, agricultural
extension agents, health promoters, women’s groups can help to reach people who are not ordinarily part
of a community's leadership. Outreach workers/community mobilizers can meet people where they live
and work Informal meetings build a social relationship, increase people's comfort level and help to
censure that all members of the community are included.6 Strategies to foster community participation
The first thing required to make the shift to participatory management 1s political will. Policy makers
need to change their role from top-down decision makers and increase their skills in facilitation and
networking. Three important aspects of the decision making process are that it
be completely open,
include the interests of all stakeholders, and
* be detached from political parties, as partisan polities undermine public participation.
Governments and NGOs also provide technical support, resources for implementation and operation and
‘This change will require a restructuring of existing institutions to build more and better mechanisms for
listening, to and consulting with various stakeholders before policies are adopted or reformed. These
stakeholders must be included in all phases through:
policy making.
project design and
Government, business and the public must act as partners formulating policy together, while citizens
groups define the problems, formulate solutions and action plans and help implement activities. The
overall goal is that citizens groups develop the capacity to deliver services with the aid of the government.
Resources should be channeled directly through participatory organizations.
One of the pitfalls of any organization is bureaucratization, Government agencies, consultants, NGOs and
grassroots organizations should be spending their resources on their work, not on high salaries, cas, fancy
offices etc. Agencies must be accountable on all levels, local, regional and national. NGOs and the
government must not promote factualism and inequity, but imerease the capacity and democratization of
There are a variety of structures that can be implemented to make a process participatory. The most
important is to make the process flexible enough to allow the councils to balance the different interests
and needs that come from multiple use of a limited resource and to resolve conflicts. In participatory
management the government needs to make the role of the public clear in order to foster trust. Since
public participation can range from voicing an opinion to making decisions the people need to know:
* Why is the government body soliciting input and
* How will they use it?
* Is the body advisory only? or
* Does it have decision-making capability’?
Several structures that have been used to foster community input include the:
River Basin Council
A river basin council conducts comprehensive, basin-wide planning and management. The basin council
must have legal standing and policies to address cost sharing, water transfers, water quality and quantity
issues, and interjunisdictional conflicts. In addition to planning, councils can provide technical assistance,operation and maintenance for smaller projects and rehabilitation of existing projects. A good committee
structure facilitates accurate information flow and ensures that all stakeholders are involved. Examples of
committees from the United States/Canadian Lake Champlain Basin Committee are: Managing nonpoint
source poltution, Preventing pollution from toxic substances, Reducing nutrient loading, Protecting human
health, Managing fish and wildlife, Protecting wetlands, Managing non-native nuisance aquatic plants and
animals; Managing recreation, and developing an action plan for educating the public.
Citizen's Advisory Board:
‘Non-partisan citizens advisory boards are appointed by governor (or equivalent) but serve a longer term
than the political party Citizens boards included academies, NGOs, business and labor. Citizens advisory
boards report to legislature and make recommendations that can be turned into policy. Citizens advisory
boards deal with conflicts between industry/water quality/recreation/hydroelectric interests
Water Resources Board (WRB)
Independent citizen boards make public policy decisions. They are not partisan, Their decisions are
legally binding, and if challenged, the challenger has the burden of proof. Water resources boards must
conduct all deliberations in public. In addition, the board must do active outreach to provoke public
comment (mailing lists, newspapers, radio...). The challenges associated with citizen boards are that they
require complicated legal understanding and demand extra effort from the volunteer board. It is often
helpful to ensure effective functioning that the board have at least one legal, and one technical person on
staff. This is not necessarily to make legal or technical decisions, but to help clarify confusing issues.
Other structures to involve the public include governing and advisory boards, steering committees,
consultation forums and public audiences
No matter what the structure it is imperative that any decision-making body has regulatory and legal
authority. A citizens board must have legal existence and legal jurisdiction to be effective. They must
build public trust by actively investigating citizens environment complaints and prosecute as needed. The
board acts as a regulatory body to back up citizens and enforce decisions. This is another important reason
for a board to remain as an independent body and not be influenced by politics or money powers.
Federal Laws
Participatory structures must operate under progressive federal laws designed to protect the environment,
Federal governments must institute and enforce regulatory requirements, retain oversight, and provide
consultative services in technical areas such as conducting Environmental Impact Assessments and
Comparative Risk Assessments. However, the federal governments role should involve a clear transfer
of legal authority to communities. Examples of national laws to facilitate community watershed
management include:
+ Make multi nationals responsible to conform to laws of parent country’s Environmental Protection
Regulations on Point source pollution:
required control of point pollution sources from industry with enforced fines
cost sharing to implement wastewater treatment for domestic waste
Regulations on Non-point pollution:
vegetative buffer zones, set-back zones
no-spray zones
10best management practices for farms, woodlots, chemical and petroleum storage,
hazardous waste storage, developed areas, sanitation practices, construction sites, mining,
sand and gravel, resource extraction
* Required Wellhead protection planning in recharge areas for public water supplies
Ban importation or international transport of hazardous materials and implement a public
education campaign on hazardous waste
: Setting Drinking and recreational water quality standards.
‘These national laws can be linked to participatory programs such as a pipe-watchers program that teaches
citizens to identify point pollution sources. Education, communication and pride help national laws to be
enforced. Regional organizations can help provide needed support to local groups so that there is a clear
chain of communication and enforcement between local, regional and national organizations. The presence
Of the national laws gives the community groups the necessary legal authority to deal with major water
quality problems.
7 Nuts and Bolts: How to Implement Participatory Programs
‘Community participation is a buzzword. Everyone talks about it, but how 1s it actually done? Each
community calls for a different approach. There are no magic formulas as every country and community
is different. Some things are universal though. It is important to promote a:
Sense of ownership/empowerment
Sense of community (or family, region, nation)
Sense of identity and pride
Sense of accomplishment
1 is important to get people involved in specific activities that help to identify problems, potential
problems, prioritize the problems and take action to resolve them. The primary responsibilities of
participatory organizations is to gather information that is factual and sound, incorporate views of all
involved parties and identify opportunities to make participation work. This work requires training of
community mobilizers/outreach workers in practical methods to conduct a resource inventory, make a plan
of action and implement changes.
Biological and Physical Surveys
‘Two programs that provide accurate and widespread information and don’t require any specific expertise
are biological and physical monitoring. The United States Environmental Protection Agency uses rapid
bioassessment protocols to identify water quality problems NGOs such as Step by Step have been
training people from Latin America and the Caribbean in using biological and physical indicators as a
preliminary assessment of water quality and eco-system health,
Biological monitoring uses bottom-dwelling insects in rivers as indicators of the health of the ecosystem.
Studies in population and diversity on the order level are easily carried out with minimal training.
Physical surveys of Jand use and environmental conditions in a water body provide valuable data to help
assess changes to an ecosystem. Physical surveys can be combined with community interviews to
determine how the ecosystem has changed over people's memory. Are there more or less fish? larger or
usmaller? 1s the lake greener or more polluted, smelly?.... ete Physical surveys done by community
members are much more accurate than those done by outside “experts”. The people who live in the
community know detail such as, what was planted where, what pesticides are used, how a farm is
‘managed, what crops are grown, what changes have occurred in the fertility of the soil? slope, soil,
distance to surface water, has the well dried up seasonally? less or more often than in the past? etc. The
information provided in these physical surveys relies on tapping into peoples existing knowledge and
‘acy with their watershed. The biggest advantage is that as the information becomes organized, it
helps people to prioritize and resolve problems. Community participation has the incredible advantages
of being able to provide reliable data from a vast area,
Both biological and physical surveys use technology that is easy to disseminate, therefore extension costs
are low. This is in sharp contrast to chemical analysis which are expensive, require trained technicians,
good lab equipment and analysis of the right parameter at the right time. For example, analysis for
pesticide requires knowledge of the pesticide and grabbing a water sample at exactly the right time after
application and after a rain. Biological surveys on the other hand provide a picture of what are the
contaminants actual effect on life. If there was a pesticide wash down the river the effects would be
visible in reduced diversity and reduced populations of aquatic life.
‘Asmuch as possible the results obtained should be quantifiable, for monitoring status and trends. Creating
indexes for summarizing multiple parameters is one approach. It is desirable to maximize data
comparability, measure the same parameters, and conduct quality control analysis. Community monitoring
efforts can be linked with trained technicians at universities nationally and internationally. Central groups
can help to summarize the data and provide feedback to the communities in the form of data summaries,
newsletters, technique updates etc. (Rathbun)
A thorough inventory of the watershed using biological and physical surveys help communities to rank
potential risks and decide which areas are critical and how to prioritize expenditures of money and time.
Participatory Rural Appraisal and Comparative Risk Assessment
One of the most commonly used participatory methods is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). PRA and
other community planning methodologies can be used to build local capacity. PRAs can be either broadly
focused or issue focused. It is better to start with a broad appraisal of the concems and problems in the
community. This is important because it is important to know where water resource problems lie in the
bigger picture, Participatory methodologies can be focused 10 concentrate on watershed issues.
Participatory Rural Appraisal :
Is Commumty driven
Is affordable
Provides technical support to address important needs
Enables communities to get information while retaining control over resources and activities
Improves peoples capacities to analyze information,
Builds support for decisions on project planning and implementation,
Relies on local organizations, knowledge and capabilities and therefore result in proposals and
actions that the communities can carry out given external resources.
Comparative Risk Analysis (CRA) is a methodology that is just being adopted to a more rapid
participatory framework. In the past CRA has relied on experts gathering data to help assess risks
Instead biological and physical surveys completed by the community can provide the information
previously provided by experts. Using a participatory process means that people will have a stake in the
12outcome and that the risks identified will be the risks the people in the community have identified and
are more likely to put time and energy into changing. As an extreme example, an expert might find that
ozone is a major problem facing a community, but the community indicates that limited water supply and
degraded water quality are more important to it. The community might be more willing to put energy into
reforestation of the watershed, implementing conservation programs, conducting a leak detection program
etc, rather than battling the production of chloroflourocarbons.
Urban Areas
Urban areas face a different and more difficult challenge than rural areas. In urban areas, and areas with
changing populations people tend to be disconnected from their watershed. Populations are diverse, there
are many conflicting interests and it may be hard to mobilize the population, Water supply, waste water,
flood zones and degraded water quality are daily issues for people living in peri-urban areas. Good
planning, like in Curitiba Brazil, combined with education and programs like "garbage that is not garbage"
can provide a rapid change in how urban people relate to their watershed. Environmental and economic
problems are inseparable and participatory management can help solve some of them, or at least give
people the chance to try.
The challenge is to develop and foster the understanding that “urban watershed" and “healthy ecosystem”
are not mutually exclusive, Education is critical to help people understand there is a stream nearby
Programs can help to involve people in their watershed. Examples are: naming streams, celebrating water,
addressing local issues, monitoring trash dumps, storm flows, industrial sites, construction areas for
erosion, pomt pollution sources, illegal dumping, conducting biological indicator monitoring, promote
community green space, flood control zoning, community gardening, re-vegetation along rivers, coliform
testing, and school education "paired watershed projects”
A New System, Citizens Monitoring Networks
So how does PRA. CRA, biological and physical monitoring and community involvement in planning,
problem identification and implementation get tuned into something that is reproducible and enforceable
‘on the local, regional and national levels. The most reproducible techniques use basic low cost appropriate
technology and provide training for trainers who are involved on the community level.
Regulatory bodies in the United States while well-developed, are often unable to address the huge number
of environmental. problems. They have to prioritize which one of several bad problems should be dealt
with first. In the United States there is high interest in volunteer monitoring. The problem with
volunteer monitoring is that the bodies have no legal or decision making power to help implement
changes. Community participation and monitoring which is part of a larger policy-making, legally
‘constituted decision making body can help to avoid some of these problems. Management bodies that
‘operate in a participatory manner yet have legal jurisdiction and work on local, regional and national
levels might be termed Citizens Monitoring Networks
Citizens Monitoring Networks (CMN) are part of an integrated approach to watershed management. CMN
are part of a circle of communicatiowinformation/action between the bottom-up approach and the
top-down approach, CMNs do not have to rely on the creation of a new structure. They can build on
existing structures and culturally appropriate management methods. Briefly, CMN have several advantages:
“CMN rely on trainers/mobilizers in each community; teachers, religious leaders, health promoters,
agricultural extension agents, social workers, students etc. to teach simple low-cost techniques to do
environmental monitoring on the community level* CMN are local, people are intimately aware of what is happening in their neighborhood They are great
resources for regulators and policy makers. (if they exist), and communities to assess current and potential
+ CMN enable the completion of a link between any policy or regulation that 1s in place and allow citizens
to provide information that help the policy makers/regulators to enforce protection and sustainable
‘management of natural resources.
+ CMN incorporate community participation/education around the environment, as well as providing a
community with skills to do something about their knowledge of existing problems and potential risks.
+ CMN provide a forum for communities to communicate,
* CMN are a grassroots, "bottom-up" organizing approach to dealing with complex environmental
* The focus of CMN is watershed management. Watershed management transcends partisan politics and
requires cooperation among many different users.
CMNs incorporate many aspects of participatory planning. They are non-partisan, promote responsible
communication between local regional and national levels. They provide communities with the legal
authority to implement needed changes. They are cheaper to establish in the long run than centralized
regulatory bodies. They reduce the burden on legislatures and regulators and provide widespread, accurate
and reliable data to legislators.
8 Implementation
So, with all these good ideas for monitoring, networking, citizens boards, how do identified
selected solutions get implemented? Participatory processes includes not only assesssing and identifying
problemsand their causes , but taking action to resolve those problems. Organizing help is needed to help
citizens to prioritize problems and develop an action plan, There are three main approaches to developing
an action plan, they are.
single purpose, few actions, involves specific interests, resources and issues, addresses specific
multi-purpose several actions, multiple focus, river comdor management, involves various
interests, resources and issues works simultaneously to meet several needs;
comprehensive approach, many actions, broad focus, watershed management, involves all
interests, resources and issues, satisfy numerous needs while utilizing a long-range planning
These approaches can be used at different times. For example, the single purpose approach can help a
group t0 establish a track record of success and raise their confidence. This will enable the group to
tackle multi-purpose and comprehensive approaches to existing problems.
Problems can be assessed from different perspectives. For example, there might be an
* an immediate need to implement household water disinfection to prevent spread of disease,
4‘a moderate need to implement sanitization education in the community and
+ allong-term need to restore the health of the watershed.
Al these approaches are useful at different times. For example, a community might choose an approach
based on involving the community i a short-term educational program to break the household
contamination cycle and then educate to organize for long-term improvement in human and environmental
health. The media, TV, newspapers and radio are critical tools for organizing a community and spreading
the word, Other methods to educate the community are special events such as watershed festivals, river
clean-up days, as well as speakers, meetings and hearings,
Community meetings, brainstorming sessions and surveys can help take the pulse of @ community.
Questions such as the following can help groups to focus their decision making process.
* How easy 1s it to resolve the problem?
* How much time is needed?
* What does 1t cost to fix?
* Is: possible for the community to pay?
* Does anyone have legal jurisdiction over the problem? Who?
* Is the action aimed at personal, or larger scale changes?
* Who will oppose you?
+ Who won't listen?
* Who will support you?
+ How do we talk to people?
Planning needs to be grounded in the realities of the communi
can help a community determine if the plan is "do-able",
Focus questions such as the following
* Js the solution more expensive than we can afford?
* Are economic, social, ecological or health related affects of failing to invest acceptable?
* Do we have the technical skills?
* Is this too complicated for community to administer?
* What resources are available?
* How do we build group decision-making skills?
Funding should be available for community groups to:
-Apply for technical assistance for watershed management
-Establish a watershed management structure
-Carry out the watershed management process
Conduct education and outreach activities to all stakeholders, using media, public meetings ...etc
-Conduct inventory of existing resources, problems and causes of problems
-Skills development, including facilitation, strategic planning to implement Action plan
‘A. national funding strategy can be coupled with matching funds and in-kind support from businesses,
municipalities, citizens commrttees, corporate and nonprofit foundations and schools
15What might go wrong? What might go wrong? What might go wong?
Every solution creates a problem. If you can anticipate the problems caused by the proposed solution,
than this can be dealt with in advance, Provision to reevaluate should be made early on in the process.
For example, a coastal community might decide that it needs a new water supply because the old water
supply is insufficient. A new well might be developed, but the community may continue to use so much
water that the source is depleted and the water quality deteriorates as salt water begins to penetrate i
the freshwater aquifer. Planning for the future might involve 1) devetoping a new well and roof collection
systems for water, 2) implementing household and community water conservation practices, 3) re-using
rey water and assessing who uses the most water, and making changes made to develop, for example,
4 different irrigation system for agriculture, industrial re-use, household grey water re-use, 4) artificial
recharge of the aquifer using greywater after primary and secondary treatment, and 5) reforestation for
long-term. protection of the aquifer
Evaluation needs to be built into every action plan. Planning in a living environment like a river basin
means that attention needs to be paid to what is really happening, and not what we expect to happen.
Reality has a way of surprising us. The best laid plans often don’t turn out as we expect.
Participatory management sounds like something a used car salesperson might want to sell you
Participatory actions are sustainable economically and environmentally. They are more cost-effective in
the long run, more effective, provide reliable data, and are more sustainable than top-down centralized
decision making, There are initial costs up-front in traning, outreach and education, but compared to the
long-term consequences of a degraded resource base, setting up a participatory framework is affordable.
Community participation involves a collaborative approach. Communities organizations have legal
authority and gain enforcement capabilities from working together with national governments that main
oversight, regulatory and consultative roles. It helps to start a participatory process with carefully
selecting an excited, motivated community/watershed with clear interest in resolving a problem
Successful implementation of a participatory project can make a govemment look good. Legally
empowered community organizations collaborating with regional and national governments creates a wi
‘win situation. Existing political and moneyed power structures need a new paradigm to shift their emphasis
and training from top-down decision making to truly sustainable development.References and Resources
World Resources Institute, Center for Intemational Development and the Environment, 1991, Participatory
Rural Appraisal Handbook
Scientific American March 1996: Rabinovitch, J., Leitman, J. Urban Planning in Curitiba, p 46-53
Program for Intemational Development, Clark University, Worvester, Mass: Implementing PRA: A
Handbook to Facilitate Participatory Rural Appraisal
Northeast Center for Comparative Risk: Vermont Law School South Royalton, Vermont
World Resources Institute 1995 Zazueta, Aaron, Policy Hus the Ground: Participation and Equity in
Environmemal Policy-making
Institute for Sustainable Communities, Montpelier, Vermont: River Basin Management: Chapter 7:
Involving the Public in River Basin Management
Rathbun, Joe; AsCl Corporation: Personal Conversation
‘Massachusetts Watershed Approach Status Report, October 1995
Lake Champlain Basin Committee: Opportunities for Action
‘Thanks to Sasha Woolson for the translation and many people, esp. Jan Auman (for a last-minute peer
review) for innumerable conversations.