2 Springer
2 Springer
2 Springer
Abstract: In this paper, we present an efficient speaker identification system based on generalized gamma distribution. This system comprises of
three basic operations, namely speech features classification and metrics for
evaluation. The features extracted using MFCC are passed to shifted delta
cepstral coefficients (SDC) and then applied to linear predictive coefficients
(LPC) to have effective recognition. To demonstrate our method, a database
is generated with 200 speakers for training and around 50 speech samples
for testing. Above 90% accuracy reported.
Keywords: Speaker identification, MFCC, LPC, Generalized Gamma,
Shifted Delta coefficients
1. Introduction:
With the recent advancements in Technology, lot of information can be stored
in the databases, in any of the format such as audio, video or text. Therefore,
searching the exact information is difficult task [1]. Automatic indexing to the
multimedia content can solve this problem. To retrieve speech signal from this
Meta data is a crucial task.
The speech signal to be retrieved is considered and is divided in to small
streams (segments) and the features are to be extracted. In order to extract features, MFCC are mostly proffered [3], [4] since they are less vulnerable to noise
and give less variability. In order to have effective recognition it is needed to extract the first and second order time derivatives of cepstral features, that is delta
and delta-delta features[5], but these features will be effective for short term
speech samples, for long term features shifted delta coefficients (SDC) are well
proffered [6], [7], [8].
Hence in this paper, we develop a model for speaker identification, where
the features obtained from MFCC are converted to shifted delta coefficients and
also by converting MFCC to delta coefficients. It is observed that the features obtained from MFCC followed by SDC outperform MFCC followed by delta.
The paper is organized as follows, the section-2 of the paper discuses about feature extraction, in section-3 generalized gamma distribution is proposed. Section 4 deals with experimental results. Finally, in section-5 conclusions are presented.
2. Feature Extraction:
In order to have an effective speaker identification model, the basic requirement is
identifying the features effectively, in order to model the features MFCC are used
along with the first order derivatives (delta coefficients) and second order derivatives (delta-delta coefficients), these combinations works effectively only for short
duration speech signals and for longer duration speeches it is essential to use shifted delta cepstral coefficients along with MFCC for effective recognition since
SDC reflects the dynamic cepstral features along with pseudo-Prosodic feature
behavior [5].Hence this paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the usage by considering a database of 200 speakers for training and 50 speech samples for testing.
3. Generalized gamma mixture model:
Today most of the research in speech processing is carried out by using Gaussian mixture model, but the main disadvantage with Gaussian mixture model is that
it relies exclusively on the approximation and low in convergence, and also if
Gaussian mixture model is used, the speech and the noise coefficients differ in
magnitude [7]. To have a more accurate feature extraction, maximum posterior estimation models are to be considered [8]. Hence in this paper, a generalized gamma distribution is utilized for classifying the speech signal. Generalized gamma
distribution represents the sum of n-exponential distributed random variables both
the shape and scale parameters have non-negative integer values [9]. Generalized
gamma distribution is defined in terms of scale and shape parameters [10]. The
generalized gamma mixture is given by
Where, k and c are the shape parameters, a is the location parameter, b is the scale
parameter and gamma is the complete gamma function [11]. The shape and scale
parameter of the generalized gamma distribution helps to classify the speech signal and identify the speaker accurately.
4. Experimental Results:
During the training phase, the signal must be preprocessed and the features
are extracted using MFCC. In order to have an effective recognition system we
have sampled the data into short speech samples of different time frames and the
MFCC features that are extracted are converted delta coefficients and shift delta
coefficients. It is observed that MFCC combined delta coefficients could not effectively recognize the speech samples as compared to that of MFCC combined
with SDC. The output is then fed to LPC (linear predictive coefficients). The features extracted are then given as input to the classifier that is generalized gamma
distribution, using these feature set, the generalized gamma distribution is effectively recognized. The speech samples that are obtained from MFCC-SDC-LPC, it
can also be seen that as and when the sample size is increased, these features that
are extracted helps to classify the speakers most effectively. The results are presented in both tabular and graphical formats.
No of
0 to 50
0 to 5
Less than 60
50 to 100
5 to 10
5 to 10
Around 60
100 to 300
10 to 30
10 to 15
Above 62
0 to 50
0 to 5
0 to 5
Less Than 80
50 to 100
5 to 10
5 to 10
Around 85
100 to 300
10 to 30
10 to 15
Above 90
From the above figures and table (Fig.1 to Fig.3 and Table 1), it could be easily
seen that the MFCC-SDC-LPC outperforms MFCC-Delta-LPC and over all
recognition rate is above 90% is seen in the developed model.
5. Conclusions:
In this paper, we have developed a new model for speaker identification based on
generalized gamma distribution. The speeches are extracted using MFCC are
combined with delta coefficients followed by LPC and also MFCC combined with
SDC followed by LPC. The model is demonstrated a database of 200 samples and
tested with 50 samples, the accuracy is around 90% and proved to be efficient
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