MEPC 70-WP 12 - Draft Alternate Amendments To Regulation B-3 of The BWM Convention and Associated Draft ME (Group of Interested Parti)
MEPC 70-WP 12 - Draft Alternate Amendments To Regulation B-3 of The BWM Convention and Associated Draft ME (Group of Interested Parti)
MEPC 70-WP 12 - Draft Alternate Amendments To Regulation B-3 of The BWM Convention and Associated Draft ME (Group of Interested Parti)
MEPC 70/WP.12
27 October 2016
Original: ENGLISH
As at its date of issue, this document, in whole or in part, is subject to consideration by the IMO organ
to which it has been submitted. Accordingly, its contents are subject to approval and amendment
of a substantive and drafting nature, which may be agreed after that date.
Following relevant discussions in plenary, the Committee agreed that interested
parties could submit alternate draft amendments to regulation B-3 of the BWM Convention and
an associated draft alternate MEPC resolution, additional to those approved by MEPC 69 for
circulation after entry into force of the BWM Convention (MEPC 69/21, annexes 4 and 5).
Action requested of the Committee
The Committee is invited to consider the annexed draft alternate amendments to
regulation B-3 of the BWM Convention and the associated draft MEPC resolution1 with a view
to including them as annexes to the report of this session.
The amendments and the associated MEPC resolution were drafted taking into account the MEPC plenary
discussions related to documents MEPC 70/4/15 and MEPC 70/4/17 and the draft amendments to
regulation B-3 of the BWM Convention contained in annexes 4 and 5 of the report of MEPC 69
(MEPC 69/21/Add.1).
MEPC 70/WP.12
Annex, page 1
Regulation B-3 is replaced with the following:
"Regulation B-3
Ballast Water Management for Ships
1500<BW CAP<5000
with a Ballast Water Capacity of between 1,500 and 5,000 cubic metres,
inclusive, shall conduct Ballast Water Management that at least meets the
standard described in regulation D-1 or regulation D-2 until the renewal
survey described in paragraph 9, after which time it shall at least meet the
standard described in regulation D-2;
1500>BW CAP>5000
with a Ballast Water Capacity of less than 1,500 or greater than 5,000 cubic
metres shall conduct Ballast Water Management that at least meets the
standard described in regulation D-1 or regulation D-2 until the renewal
survey described in paragraph 9, after which time it shall at least meet the
standard described in regulation D-2.
A ship constructed in or after 2009 and before 8 September 2019 with a Ballast Water
Capacity of less than 5,000 cubic metres shall conduct Ballast Water Management
that at least meets the standard described in regulation D-2 from the date of the
renewal survey described in paragraph 9.
A ship constructed in or after 2009, but before 2012, with a Ballast Water Capacity
of 5,000 cubic metres or more shall conduct Ballast Water Management in
accordance with paragraph 1.2.
A ship constructed in or after 2012 and before 8 September 2019 with a ballast water
capacity of 5,000 cubic metres or more shall conduct ballast water management that
at least meets the standard described in regulation D-2 from the date of the renewal
survey described in paragraph 9.
The requirements of this regulation do not apply to ships that discharge Ballast Water
to a reception facility designed taking into account the Guidelines developed by
the Organization for such facilities.
MEPC 70/WP.12
Annex, page 2
the first renewal survey as determined by the Committee following the date
of entry into force of the Convention if this survey is completed on or
after 8 September 2019;
08.09.2017 - on or after 08.09.2019