VAMOS CAA V5 Based: Progressive Dies
VAMOS CAA V5 Based: Progressive Dies
VAMOS CAA V5 Based: Progressive Dies
Progressive dies
The available components in the catalogues for progressive dies
ranges from simple plates, punches, divers standard parts, subassemblies up to complete pre confirgured dies.
Die build up
Pre configured dies from plates resp. castings and plates.
Easy extension of the plate assemblies
Several strip layouts can be handled in one die
Easy integration of complete cutting and forming building
Modeling of dies
The step by step integration of die components to more and more
complex objects is the basic approach of the VAMOS die design
modeling. The following example is used to clarify this procedure.
The first step is the integration of the two components: the strip
layout and a punch unit. (the punch unit contains only one
punch). The user has to make some inputs about parameters
and links.
Punch unit
Strip layout
Strip layout
Strip layout
Building groups
Preconfigured die
Building groups
In the next step the punch will be copied three times to those
positions where further cutting contours at this station are
located. This is the first building group:
In the same way further building groups will be created for the
Drilling solids
Grid points
The completion of the die to the final result will be done by further integration of components.
With each integration one or more components will be added
and in parallel the environment of the resulting object will be
modified correspondingly by pockets and openings.
Parameters exist to control the size of pockets, openings and
scrap chutes
E.g. the integration of a punch unit creates automatically the
scrap chute. The size (offset) of the scrap chute in the plates
underneath can be set by a parameter.
A check of the die can be done easily with the CATIA-section cut
utility: A section cut plane (z-y/z-x/x-y) is shifted across the die
and you can see all details inside. The following picture shows a
section cut through two scrap holes created by two punches.
The size of the holes is modified by offset parameters for the
Screwed joint
automatically created scrap holes in the plates
Preparation of drawings
The system contains a powerful set of functions for the creation
of drawings. The drawing is assoziative to the 3D model. The
example below uses the button of the building group for the 1.
Bill of material
The bill of material will be created from the data of the solid
For the further pockets and drilling holes the corresponding NCoperations has to be defined.
A check can be done by a simulation of all milling and drilling operations.
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