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Secure Data Aggregation Technique For Wireless Sensor Networks in The Presence of Collusion Attacks Modules

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Network Model
Neighbor Discovery
Clustering Techniques
Multi path secure data aggregation routing Protocol

The Network model simulations are evaluated in networks of 51 nodes. As the number of
nodes in the ad hoc network is increased, the size of the simulation area is also increased so that
a consistent node density is maintained. The simulation areas are 330m x 330m, 670m x670m
and 1000m x1000m, respectively. The network is modeled as a graph G = (V, E), where V is set
of nodes and E is set of edges (links). Let S be the source node and D be the destination node. A
cluster is denoted by Ci = {Nodeij}, where Nodeij is the member of cluster i. Let CHi be the
cluster head of Ci. It defines the successor set of node Node ij in cluster Ci as Sij and the
predecessor set as Dij. In this Model the eight cluster heads, 40 Mobile nodes, two destinations
and one source node has been deployed under the IEEE 802.11 uncoordinated protocol.

Figure 1: Cluster based Network Structure for MANET.


This mechanism is launched whenever a node wishes to send or contact a destination node
which isnt in its transmission range therefore it must obtain a route to that node by launching the
Route discovery mechanism.
To classify all the mobile nodes in the network into cluster head node and cluster member
node. The cluster head is one step away from the other cluster member. Every cluster member
belongs to exactly one cluster head and records the routing information of its cluster head into its
routing table. A cluster head records all the details of its cluster member in its routing table.
Cluster head keeps a neighbor table that records all the address of its neighbor cluster head. Each
Nodes exchange the information using the distributed push approach, i.e., every node should
broadcast a HELLO message regularly. The Mobile Nodes exchange information using the
distributed push approach, i.e., every node should broadcast a HELLO message regularly.

3. Cluster Head Formation

Initially, the mobile nodes are grouped into clusters based on its connectivity to each
other. In this type of clustering, each cluster represents a mesh network where each node in a
cluster must be located within the communication range of all other nodes in the same cluster. In
other words, let Gk represent a set of nodes, such that k { , i, j 1 } G = i j w = for i j , where k =
1, 2,, M and i, j = 1, 2,, Nk. Nk denotes the number of sensor in the set Gk, M is the number of
clusters in the network and W is the connectivity matrix (such that wi,j = 1 if nodes I and j are
connected; otherwise wi,j = 0). It is possible that a sensor node may be appeared in more than
one cluster. To avoid this scenario in single path protocol, the mobile node will be removed from
clusters of low Nk and preserved with the cluster of high Nk. This step is important for phase
three in order to maintain clusters of unique and large numbers of sensor nodes.
Algorithm Steps
Step 1: nodes are randomly deployed in random field.
Step 2: co-ordinates of base station are defined
Step 3: initial energy of each node is defined.
Step 4: compute the threshold value.
Step 5: a random number between 0 and 1 is given to each node.
Step 6: compare the value of each node with the threshold value.
Step 7: a node will declare itself as cluster-head if its value is less than threshold value.

Step 8: count the number of cluster heads. If number is less than 5 then move to step 6
other wise move to next step
Step 9: calculate the distance of each node from the cluster heads
Step 10: nodes will join their nearby cluster-head and declare themselves as cluster
Step 11: after the formation of clusters, each cluster head will transmit its data to its
cluster members.
Step 12: cluster members compute the difference between their own sensed data and
received data.
Step 13: cluster member nodes will transmit difference data to their respective clusterhead. It is the main difference between leach and proposed technique as there is
transmission of completely sensed data but in this only difference data is being
Step 14: after that we divide our cluster-heads into three levels. First we find the clusterhead nearest to the base station and called as first level node.
Step 15: then find the next two cluster-heads nearer to the base station and called them as
second level node.
Step 16: now the farthest cluster-heads called third level cluster-heads will transmit their
data to the second level cluster-heads, which, then aggregate the received data.
Step 17: second level cluster-heads will transmit the aggregated data to the first level
cluster-head, which then aggregate the received data.
Step 18: cluster-head at first level will transmit the aggregated data to the base station.
Step 19: as the first round is completed it will check for alive nodes. If there is alive node
then it moves to the next round following from step 4.
Step 20: if there is no alive node it shows that communication will not be possible and it
becomes the end of network.
4. Multi path secure data aggregation routing Protocol
In this step, the information from is used to compute the minimum tour length. The problem is
modeled using the well-known secure data aggregation. The operation of the multi path is
mapped onto that of a cluster heads. The routing protocol will start its tour at the sink, visit each
Routing Path in sequence according to the computed path, and then ultimately return to the sink.
The aim of data gathering is to transmit data that has been collected by the sensor nodes to the
base station. Data gathering algorithms aim to maximize the amount of rounds of communication
between nodes and the base station, one round means that the base station has collected data

from all sensor nodes. Thus, data gathering algorithms try to minimize power consumption and
delay of the gathering process. Data gathering may seem similar to data dissemination, but there
are some differences. In data dissemination, also other nodes beside the base station can request
the data while in data gathering all data is transmitted to the base station. In addition, in data
gathering data can be transmitted periodically, while in data dissemination data is always
transmitted on demand.
An adaptive secure data aggregation clustering protocol is that uses randomization to distribute
the energy load evenly among the wireless sensors in the network. Looking back at the old
algorithms, one could see how picking a random sensor and having it fixed to be the CH through
the system lifetime that it would die very quickly cutting short the lifetime of all other nodes
belonging to the cluster. Multi path routing path changes this by randomly rotating among the
various sensors in order to not drain the battery of a single sensor. Also, it reduces more energy
dissipation and enhancing system lifetime by performing local data fusion to compress the
amount of data being sent from the clusters to the base station. Sensors elect themselves to be
local CHs at any given time with certain probability and these CH nodes broadcast their status to
the other sensors in the network. The sensor nodes then chooses a cluster to be a part of by which
CH requires the minimum communication energy. Although most of the time a sensor would
choose the closest CH that connection could have a barrier interrupting the communication, so
joining a cluster where the CH is further off would be much easier.

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