July 2010
July 2010
July 2010
Dear Church Family, Jesus Christ
1-2 Vacation Bible School 6-8:30PM for His love
As many of you know I am moving to Texas in July. and blessings.
4 INDEPENDENCE DAY One thing that has made the move difficult was John 1:12 says,
leaving this church. “But to all
NO PM SERVICE who did receive
I cannot leave without saying “Thank You” for all of Him, He gave
5 OFFICE CLOSED the spiritual support and love you have given us them the right
throughout the forty-three years we have been a to be children of God, to those who believe
11 Blood Drive 9AM-2PM part of this church family. I will miss you all. in His name.” Because we have received
Jesus as Savior and Lord, we are God’s
17 Sharing the Peace of Jesus 8:00AM “I give thanks to God always for you.” 1 Cor. 1:4 children. What a blessing.
20 Deacon’s Meeting 6:30PM Barbara Belser At the July business meeting, I will give a
report on the Southern Baptist Convention. As
21 First Family Supper 5:30PM
July 23rd you know, I expressed my displeasure in the
August 8, 2010
outcome of a vote on the Great Commission
Business Meeting 6:30PM Please be sure to have any Resurgence. I will share my concerns about
information & articles for the The Lord has truly blessed us through the years
this and explain why I voted against the
24 Sharing the Peace of Jesus 8:00AM August newsletter turned in to measure. I am all for the Great Commission with our church family and friends. As with all
Tammy in the office by families, members have moved and joined with
and for missions and church planting, but I
July 23rd. Thanks! believe first and foremost in the Cooperative other church families and we would like to know
Happy juLY Program. I think the recommendations made how they are doing. This is why Homecoming is
The church has set aside and passed undercut the CP. Otherwise, the so important to our church. It is a time of visiting
Birthday! BIRTHDAYS designated times each day to SBC was fantastic and so was our vacation. and getting re-acquainted with each other. Bring
pray in unity for the church. your favorite foods for dinner on the grounds
1)TINY CARTER, Please join us in prayer each On Saturdays, July 17 and 24, at 8 AM, we following the morning service. Guest are always
will be doing another prayer walk and gospel welcome, so bring a little extra for them.
day at 5:30AM or 3:00PM.
8)ANNA SPEED, distribution. I hope you will come with your
walking shoes on and be ready to pray and Please join us and our friends as we celebrate all
13)DEB BURHOE that the Lord has done for our church through
distribute gospel tracts. May God bless our
efforts to carry the gospel of Christ Jesus to the years.
the people in our area.
Hey, did you know that FBC has a web site? PIANIST: NANCY CARRUTH
BRANDON TULL Children’s Church Schedule It is www.fbcgreensburg.webs.com. You ought
(Age 3— Grade 3) to visit it today. MUSIC LEADER: CHUCK BROWN
21)RICK CUTRER July 4th Independence Day - No C.C.
May the grace of Christ Jesus be with you, SCHEDULE FOR THE DAY WILL BE AS FOLLOWS:
25)BONNIE MCMILLAN July 11th Puppets
Bro. Mark
30)RONNY WEBB SR., July 18th Felicia & Caleb WORSHIP—10:30AM
June 27th Bobby & Taylor DINNER ON THE GROUNDS—12:00PM
First Family News
Children's Church
First Baptist Church
5:30P.M. First Family Supper
6:30P.M. Prayer Meeting
6260 Hwy 10
P.O. Box 37