APMC Questionaire For ANATOMY

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1. A shallow cavity that articulates with the head of the humerus.

A. Acetabulum
C. Coracoid process
B. Glenoid Cavity
D. Acromion
MPL = 100 %


2. Largest Tarsal bone that forms the heel of the foot.

A. Talus
C. Calcaneus
B. Navicular
D. Cuboid
MPL = 100 %


3. The union along the median line of the medial border of the body of
the two PUBIC bone .
A. Sagittal sutures
C. Symphisis menti
B. Symphisis pubis
D Pubic line
MPL = 100 %


4. The total number of bones of the human body .

A. 206
B. 305
MPL = 100 %

C. 205
D. 306


5. One of these statements is incorrect about the normal anatomical position.

A. Standing up erect
C. arms on the sides
B. feet far apart
D. palms facing front
MPL = 100 %


6. The narrow triangular communication between the axilla and the neck bounded
anteriorly by the clavicle, medially by the outer border of the first rib and
posteriorly by the upper border of the scapula.
A. cervico-axillary canal
C. infraclavicular fossa
B. clavipectoral fascia
D. none
MPL = 75 %


7. The origin of the axillary vein :

A. basilic vein
C. vena comitantes of brachial art.
B. subclavian vein
D. A & C
MPL = 90 %


8. The nerve that arises fron the lateral cord of the brachial plexus & pierces the
coraco-brachialis m. to course downward between the biceps & brachialis m.
A. ulnar nerve
C. musculocutaneous nerve
B. median nerve
D. radial nerve
MPL = 90 %


9. The largest nerve of the brachial plexus..

A. Radial N
B. Thoracodorsal N.
MPL = 100 %

C. Axillary N
D. Ulnar N.


10. The rounded elevations on the surface of the areola mammae representing
sebaceous glands for lubrication of the nipple during lactation.
A nipple
C. pimple / acne
B glands of Montgomery
D. none of the above
MPL = 100 %


11. The common insertion of the SIT muscles .

A. Humerus, greater tuberosity
C. Humerus,bicipital groove,
B. Humerus, lesser tuberosity
D. Humerus,bicipital groove,
MPL = 85 %
12. The complication that results from injury to the Long Thoracic Nerve.
A. Winging of the clavicle
C. Winging of the shoulder
B. Winging of the scapula
D. none of the above.
MPL = 80 %

__ B__

__ B__

13. Levator scapula muscle is inserted to the vertebral border of the scapula
opposite this structure.
A. Infraspinopus fossa
C. scapular spine
B. supraspinous fossa
D. glenoid fossa
MPL = 80 %

__ B__

14. The nervous innervation of the trapezius muscle.

A. Long thoracic nerve
C. Dorsal scapular Nerve
B. Spinal accesory N.
D. Thoracodorsal Nerve
MPL = 100 %

__ A_

15. The main common action of the SIT muscles .

A. abduction , lateral rotation of the arm
depression of the
B. adduction, medial rotation of the arm
D. steady the pectoral
MPL = 80 %
16. One of the following is not a feature of the R main bronchus:
A. has carina
C. divides before entering hilus of lung
B. wider
D. shorter
MPL = 85 %

__ A_


17. All these structures are seen at the hilus of the left lung, Except :
A. 2 bronchial arteries
C. pulmonary ligament
B. pulmonary artery
D. eparterial bronchus
MPL = 85 %


18. The nerve that curls around the arch of the aorta behind the ligamentum
arteriosum and ascend to the neck in close apposition with the inferior
thyroid artery.
A Vagus nerve
C. L recurrent laryngeal n.
B R recurrent laryngeal n.
D. Phrenic nerve
MPL = 90 %
19. The main vessels that serve to carry generally oxygenated blood from the heart
to the tissues of the body.
A. veins
C. capillaries
B. lymph vessels
D. arteries
MPL = 100 %


__A___ 20. Pulmonary vessels that return oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left
atrium of the heart.
A. pulmonary veins
C. bronchial artery
B. pulmonary artery
D. sup.vena cava
MPL = 100 %

21. The chamber of the heart that represents the apex

A. R atrium
C. L atrium
B. R ventricle
D. L ventricle
MPL = 100 %


22. A thick muscular wall that separates the L & R ventricles of the heart.
A. Chorda tendinae
C. Interventricular septum
B. Musculi pectinate
D. Papillary muscle
MPL = 100 %


23. Myocardial bundles or ridges on the inner surface of the ventricular wall.
A. Musculi pectinati
C. Trabeculae carnae
B. Chordae Tendinae
D. Papillary muscle
MPL = 90 %


24. Strong fibrous cords attached to the margins & ventricular surfaces of
the cusps of the valves.
A. Musculi pectinati
C. Trabeculae carnae
B. Chordae Tendinae
D. Papillary muscle
MPL = 90 %


25. The exact location of the apex beat of the heart on th eanterior chest wall;
A. 4th ICS, L, Midclvicular line
C. 5th ICS, L Midclavicular line
B. 4 ICS, R, Midclavicular line
D. 5th ICS, R, Midclavicular line
MPL = 100 %


26. Origin of the Portal Vein :

A. Hepatic vein
C. Splenic vein
B. Superior Mesenteric vein
D. B & C
MPL = 90 %


27. The peritoneal ligament that descriptively divides the liver into unequal
right and left lobes .
A. Coronary
C. Right triangular
D. Left triangular
MPL = 100 %


28. The innermost, thin but strong covering of the kidney.

A. fibrous capsule
C. renal fat
B. renal fascia
D. none of the above
MPL = 100 %


29. Part of the lesser omentum that connects the lesser curvature of the stomach to the
ligamentum venosum.
A hepatoduodenal ligament
C. coronary ligament
B hepatogastric ligament
D. Falciform ligament
MPL = 100 %


30. Specific area in the duodenum where the common bile duct will drain / open.
A 1st part of duodenum
C. 2nd part of duodenum
B 4 part of duodenum
D. 3rd part of duodenum
MPL = 100 %


31. Hormone released by duodenal mucosa due to fat intake which causes the
gallbladder to contract and the Sphincter of Oddi to relax.
A Gastrin
C. Insulin
B Secretin
D. Cholecystokinin
MPL = 90 %


32. The fold of peritoneum that passes from the inferior and posterior
surfaces of the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach and the first
portion of the duodenum.
A. Greater Omentum
C. Gastrosplenic Omentum
B. Lesser Omentum
D. Mesentery
MPL = 100 %


33. The smooth triangular area at the base of the urinary bladder bounded by the
ureteral and urethral openings .
A Vesical trigone
C. Torus uretericus
B Verum montanum
D. Prostatic utricle
MPL = 100 %

___D__ 34. These are all seen at the renal hilus, Except :
A renal pelvis
B renal A & V
MPL = 90 %

C. lymph vessels & nerves

D. ureter

35. A reflex action controlled by higher centers in the brain which is initiated
when the urine volume reaches 300 ml.
A Ejaculation
C. Orgasm
B Micturition
D. none of the above
MPL = 100 %

__A___ 36. The female copulatory organ and part of the birth canal.
A. Vagina
C. Uterus
B. Clitoris
D. cervix
MPL = 100 %

37. The homologue structures of the clitoris in the male.

A. Glans penis
C. Penis
B. Corpus spongiosum
D. Testis
MPL = 100 %


38. The structure cut and ligated in sterilization of the female :

A. Fimbrae
C. round ligament of the uterus
B. Fallopian tube
D. Uterine Tube
MPL = 100 %


39. The inferior part of the uterus that partly protrudes down to the vagina.
A. Fundus
C. Cervix
B. Isthmus
MPL = 100 %


40. The female gonad :

A. Ovary
B. Ovum
MPL = 100 %

C. Vagina
D. Uterus


41. The structure responsible for wrinkling of the scrotum.

A. Testis
C. Dartos muscle
B. Prepuce
D. None of the above
MPL = 100 %


42. Collective term for all the structures carried during the descent of the testes to
the inguinal canal.
A. Seminal Vesicle
C Dartos group
B. Spermatic cord
D. None of the above
MPL = 100 %


43. A thick walled tube about 18 inches long that conveys mature sperm from
the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct and the urethra.
A. Vas deferens
C. Prostate
B. Seminal vesicle
D. none of the above
MPL = 100 %


44. An accessory reproductive organ of the male that produces thin, milky fluid that
serves to neutralize the acidity of the vagina.
A. Cowpers gland
C. Seminal Vesicle
B. Prostate gland
D. Bulbourethral Gland
MPL = 100 %


45. The erectile tissue traverse by the male urethra :

A. Corpus cavernosa
C. Corpus spongiosum
B. Clitoris
D. None of the above
MPL = 100 %

An 18 year old dancer, while performing to a group of doctors her dancing skills
and demonstrating her proficiency at standing on her hands, suddenly went off
balance putting all her body weight on the right upper extremity. She felt a severe
right shoulder pain and was immediately brought to a nearby hospital.

46. Which of the statement following doesnt apply to the shoulder joint.
This is a synovial ball socket type of joint
The glenohumeral ligaments strengthen the front of the capsule.
This occurs between rounded head of the humerus and lateral end of the
The nerve supply is through the axillary and suprascapular Nerve.
MPL = 75 %


47. The following movement/s occur at the shoulder joint.

A Normal Flexion is about 90 degrees.
The upper limb can swung 45 degrees across the front of the chest.
C Extension is about 45 degrees and performed by the post fibers of
the deltoid, latissimus dorsi, and teres major muscles
All of the above
MPL = 80 %


48. The most common site for palpation of the pulse in the upper extremity.
A. Axillary artery
C. Ulnar Artery
B. Radial artery
D. Brachial artery
MPL = 100 %


__ D__


At the Emergency room, physical examination by the surgical resident on duty

revealed a loss of the normal rounded curvature of the shoulder with swelling below
the clavicle. Any attempt to move the shoulder joint was limited by severe pain.
49. Adduction of the shoulder joint is performed by following muscles Except :
A. Pectoralis major
C. Supraspinatus
B. Teres minor
D. Lattisimus dorsi
MPL = 75 %

50. The nerve that supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm.
A. Radial Nerve
C. Median Nerve
B. Ulnar Nerve
D. Musculocutaneous Nerve
MPL = 90 %
A 240 pound female was jogging around fuente rotunda when she suddenly heard a
sharp snap and felt pain in her left lower calf. She was brought immediately to a
nearby hospital. At the emergency room, the physician noted swelling on her left calf
and a gap between the swelling and the heel. A diagnosis of ruptured Achilles tendon
was made.
51. The following muscles attached to the Achilles tendon Except :
A Plantaris muscle
C. Soleus muscle
B Gastrocnemius muscle
D. Popliteus
MPL = 80 %

__B___ 52. Movement of the ankle joint that is most likely disabled in this case :
A Dorsiflexion
C. Eversion
B Plantar flexion
D. Inversion
MPL = 80 %


53. The insertion of the Achilles tendon.

A Posterior surface of Talus
C. Cuboid
B. Navicular
D. Posterior surface of Calcaneus
MPL = 100 %
30 year old man was admitted to the emergency room for severe pain on his right
thigh after the car he was driving collided with another vehicle. Physical
examination showed severe swelling of his right thigh with its length noted to be
shorter than the left. A radiograph was taken which showed complete fracture with
overlapping of the bone fragments of the femur.

___D__ 54. The muscle/s that are responsible for the shortening of the leg.
A Biceps femoris
C. Vastus medialis
B Rectus femoris
D. all of the above
MPL = 75 %

55. The common insertion of Quadriceps Femoris muscle.

A Tibial tuberosity
C. Medial condyle of the tibia
B Head of the fibula
D. Adductor tubercle of femur
MPL = 100 %


56. The dangerous area of the scalp.

A. Skin
B. Loose connective tissue
MPL = 100 %

C. Aponeurotic
D. Dense connective tissue

57. The chief intrinsic musculature of the lips.

A. Orbicularis oris
B. Levator anguli oris
MPL = 100 %

C. Orbicularis oculi
D. Levator labii superioris



58. The muscle otherwise called the prayer muscle since it flexes the head.
A. Sternocleidomastoid
C. Splenius capitis
B. Semispinalis capitis
D. Longissimus capitis
MPL = 90 %


59. The cerebral cranial bone that lodges the hypophysis cerebri.
A. Frontal
C. Ethmoid
B. Occipital
D. Sphenoid
MPL = 100 %


60. The following are subdivisions of the anterior triangle of the neck Except :
A. Digastric
C. Subclavian
B. Submental
D. Carotid
MPL = 80 %


61. The muscle that wrinkles the skin over the bridge of the nose.
A. Compressor naris
C. Dilator naris
B. Procerus
D. Levator labii superioris
alaque nasi
MPL = 90 %
62. Which of following muscles is involved in Sardonic Smile.
A. Zygomaticus major
C. Levator labii superioris
B. Risorius
D. Triangularis
MPL = 90 %



63. Layer of the scalp with numerous sebaceous glands.

A Skin
C. Aponeurotic
B Connective tissue
D. Pericranium
MPL = 100 %


64. Considered the sphincter muscle of the mouth which compresses the lips together.
A Compressor naris
C. Procerus m.
B Dilator naris
D. Orbicularis oris
MPL = 95 %




65. One of the following doesnt form part of the boundaries of the muscular triangle:
A sup. Belly omohyoid
C. anterior : midline of neck
B ant.border of SCM
D. inferior belly of the omohyoid
MPL = 75 %
66. When you look at the top of Mayon volcano from the plain below, what is
in your eyes ?
A. Lens are stretched thin
C. Ciliary muscle is
B Ciliary body is pulled forward
D. All of the above
MPL = 85%
67. An active mammary gland is characterized by rapid growth in length, branching
ducts and proliferation of alveoli. These changes are due to high levels of:
A. Estrogen
\ C. Both
B. Progesterone
D. Neither
MPL = 90%


68. Corpus luteum starts to degenerates 10 days after ovulation because:

A. FSH level has gone down
C. Both
B. LH level has declined
D. Neither
MPL = 100%


69. When you cut the spermatic cord, the following is/ are also affected:
A. Ductus deferens
C. Spermatic artery
B. Pampiniform plexus of veins
D. All of the above
MPL = 90%


70. Part of the juxtaglomerular complex that produces renin:

A. Macula densa
C. Juxtaglomerular cell
B. Extraglomerular mesangial cell
D. All of thhe above.
MPL = 85%


71. In people staying in high altitude areas the following could happen:
A. Erythropoietin is released by the kidney.
B. Increased rate of release of new erythrocytes
C. Both
D. Neither
MPL = 100%


72. The lack of this substance can lead to the collapse of the lung alveoli after
A. Cartilage
C. Surfacteant
B. Mucous secretions
D. None of the above.
MPL = 100%
73. Diabetes Mellitus maybe brought about by degeneration of this cell in the islets of
Langerhans of the pancreas:
A. A - cells
C. B - cells
B. D - cells
D. PP - cells
MPL = 100%



74. Layer of the artery composed of smooth muscle cells interposed by elastic
A. Tunica intima
C. Tunica media
B. Mesothelium
D. Tunica adventitia
MPL = 100%


75. The cell-mediated immune response is performed by:

A. B-lymphocyte
B. T-lymphocyte
MPL = 100%

C. Macrophage
D. Plasma cell


76. The characteristic feature of the thymus the presence of:

A. afferent lymphatics
B. fibromuscular capsule
C. Hassall's corpuscle
D. lymphatic sinuses
MPL = 100%


77. The lymphoid organ that has smooth muscle cells in its capsule:
A. Tonsil
C. Lymph node
B Thymus
D. Spleen
MPL = 100%


78. The layer of the epidermis that typically appears as a single layer of mitotically
active basophilic cells:
A. Stratum germinativum
B. Stratum spinosum
C Stratum granulosum
D. Stratum corneum
MPL = 95%


79. Parotid gland maybe distinguished histologically from other salivary glands in
that it
A. consists entirely of mucous acini
B. consists entirely of serous acini
C. consist of mixed sero-mucous acinni
D. None of the above.
MPL = 100%
80. The enamel of the tooth is produced by:
A. Ameloblast
C. Odontoblast
B. Fibroblast
D. Macrophage
MPL = 95%



81. Parietal cell of the stomach produces which of the following:

A. Intrinsic factor
C. Lysozyme
B. Pepsinogen
D. Serotonin
MPL = 90%


82. Region of the stomach with the deepest gastric pit:

A. Cardia
C. Fundus
B. Corpus
D. Pylorus
MPL = 100%


83. Cell that transport antigen across the epithelium:

A. Clara's cell
C. Cells of Paneth
B. M-cell
D. G-cell
MPL = 80%


84 Kupffer cell of the liver is found

A. within the sinusoids
B. in the portal canal
MPL = 85%

C. within the space of Disse

D. along the bile canaliculi


85. Part of the pituitary gland involved in the production of melanin:

A. Pars distalis
C. Pars intermedia
B. Pars tuberalis
D. Pars nervosa
MPL = 70%


86. Which component of the spinal nerve is made up of axons of post-ganglionic

A. Posterior ramus
B. Anterior ramus
C. Gray ramus communicans
D. White ramus communicans
MPL = 100%


87. A 59 yrs. old male patient complained of numbness and weakness in both lower
extremities. If the cause of the problem were in the peripheral nervous
where are the potential sites of neural damage?
A Peripheral branches of the sciatic nerve
B. Cauda equina
C. Lumbo-sacral nerve roots
D. B and C are correct
MPL = 85%


88. When the above patient was asked to walk, his gait appeared stiff and robot-like.
When the neurologist passively moved the lower extremities he felt a
to movement about the midrange. The neurologist explained that this was
Which part of the nervous system is likely to be diseased?
A. Brainstem
B. Spinal cord, thoracic and lumbar region
C. Cerebellum
D. Cerebral cortex
MPL = 75%
89. Nucleus or cell columns that extend the entire spinal cord:
A. Nucleus ventralis
B. Substantia gelatinosa
C. Intermediolateral nucleus
D. All of the above.
MPL = 100%



90. Clinical effects seen immediately after interruption of the pyramidal tracts in the
spinal cord but not seen later, include which of the following:
A. Loss of voluntary control of bladder and bowel
B. Paralysis of volitional extremity movements caudal to the lesion
C. Loss of vasomotor reflexes leading to orthostatic hypotension
D. Hypotonia and areflexia
MPL = 75%




91. After complete spinal cord transection of C2, which of the following functions
take place automatically through local spinal reflexes:
A. Micturition and defecation
B. Ejaculation
C. Intestinal peristalsis
D. All of the above.
MPL = 80%
92. If the palate fails to elevate on the right side when the patient says " Ah" one
suspect a lesion of the:
A. Right vagus nerve
B. Right glossopharyngeal nerve
C. Right spinal accessory nerve
D. Trigeminal nerve on the left
MPL = 100%
93. The term striatum includes the:
A. Caudate nucleus
B. Claustrum
C. Putamen
D. D and C are correct.
MPL = 100%


94. The body parts having a large representation in the sensorimotor cortex:
A. Trunk
B. Thumb and little finger
C. Neck
D. Leg
MPL = 90%


95. All of the following vessels are part of the Circle of Willis EXCEPT:
A. Posterior communicating artery
B. Anterior cerebral artery
C. Lateral striate arteries
D. Posterior cerebral arteries
MPL = 100%
96. The pyramidal tract descends and passes through the following structures,
A. Internal capsule
B. Midbrain tegmentum
C. Basis pedunculi
D. Medullary pyramids
MPL = 100%
97. Excitatory neurons of the cerebellar cortex include which of the following?
A. Purkinje cell
B. Inner stellate (basket) neurons
C. Golgi type II neurons
D. Granule neurons
MPL = 80%




98. Occlusion of the middle cerebral artery generally gives rise to:
A. Contralateral monoplegia of the leg
B. Contralateral hemeplegia and hemisensory loss
C. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature
D. Epsilateral ataxia
MPL = 80%


99. The primary visual receptive area is situated in the:

A. Posterior part of the middle frontal gyrus.
B. Hesch's gyrus
C. Supeior and inferior banks of the calcarine sulcus
D. Parahippocampal gyrus
MPL = 100%


100. Which of the following statements concerning the midbrain is not correct?
A. It is surrounded by cerebro-spinal fluid
B. The crus cerebri form the anterior part of the cerebral peduncles
C. The inferior colliculi are concerned with the auditory reflexes
D. The inferior brachium connects the inferior colliculus with the
geniculate body.
MPL = 75%

1. Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students by Richard Snell
2. Gray's Anatomy
3. Clinical NeuroAnatomy for Medical Students by Richard Snell 5th Edition
4. Manter and Gatz Essentials on Clinical NeuroAnatomy and NeuroPhysiology
10th Edition by Sid Gilman and Sarah Winan''s Newman
5. Textbook of Histology by Bloom and Fawcett 12th Edition
6. Color Textbook of Histology by Leslie P. Gartner and James L. Hiatt































































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