Gippsland Tourism Industry Leadership Program: For The Participant

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Gippsland Tourism Industry

Leadership Program
Emma Harry, Facilitator
Tel. 5662 5698
[email protected]
The Gippsland Tourism Industry Leadership Program
(GTILP) is a ground breaking industry development
Auspiced by Destination Gippsland Ltd, the annual
program provides a diverse range of businesses with
the opportunity to develop vision, passion and drive.
This not only helps them in their own business, but
aims to provide inspirational training and motivation
to build ongoing leadership for the regions tourism
The broad goals of the program are to:
Develop leadership relevant to the tourism industry
Build individual leadership skills
Build leadership networks
Strengthen leadership capability within the industry

Participants are required to apply for admission to

the program. They are not only required to be very
switched-on, but to also be able to see the bigger
Its expected that they will form an ongoing network and will play a key role in providing positive
leadership in their part of Gippsland.

Expectations of the GTILP are:

For the participant:
- Confidence, personal gain, new skills and
knowledge, building capacity to achieve in their
life and learning positive leadership.

The annual GTILP comprises six full-day workshops,

held every three weeks, a mid-year reflection and
an opening and closing two-day residential.

For the participants business

The program imparts theoretical knowledge as well

as practical learning, but not in a text book or
lecture room sense. It involves much discussion,
debate and conversation.

- Developing networks and being with operators

with the same mind set.
For the participants community

- Impacting with their Regional, Local and Business

Tourism Associations (RTA, LTA and BTA) and
supporting the whole of the Community
Regional benefits

- Unity, commonality, bridging gaps with a unified

regional agenda

A variety of locations, venues, themes and activities

are integral to the success of the program.
Most of it is concerned with personal challenge and
reflection, rather than strategy and technique.
Each workshop involves two to four specialist
speakers who are recognised leaders in their field,
plus personal development exercises.

The concept of the GTILP has assisted with the

development of the Melbourne Tourism Industry
Leadership Program, and has inspired plans to
launch the Grampians Tourism Industry Leadership
Program in 2010.
There has also been considerable interest to
develop a leadership program in Western
Australia, Queensland and Northern Territory.

Key findings:
Effective tourism destinations need strong

and visionary leadership to thrive.

There needs to be vision and leadership

displayed by the industry from the coalface

to the regional level. One does not work
well without the other.
Some people are born leaders, while many

others need some nurturing to bring out

latent ability.
Techniques for community leadership and

facilitation can be taught, but good

leadership programs are more about self
development of personal and interpersonal

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