2000-07-30 - Moscow - Darshan On Guru Tattva
2000-07-30 - Moscow - Darshan On Guru Tattva
2000-07-30 - Moscow - Darshan On Guru Tattva
Srila Narayana Maharaja: If one's guru is not qualified, then, taking his permission, the disciple should at once take
initiation from a higher rank of guru. This is not an offense. If that guru is not giving permission, he should at once be
given up and the disciple should take proper initiation. This is because that guru is not a Vaisnava. If the guru is like a
karmi, not duly chanting and remembering, he should be given up. Are there more questions?
Devotee: Harikesa was appointed by Srila Prabhupada. So when did his fall-down take place? At what time did he fall
Srila Narayana Maharaja: Prabhupada made him a representative - not guru. You should know that if someone is not
qualified, if he has no qualities of guru, in some cases one acts as a representative for the time being. And he was like
that. A real guru cannot fall. Never, never, and never. So he was like a representative. Prabhupada wanted to correct
him, but he could not. So now this person has given up everything. Now he is a Vaisnava aparadhi and a guru aparadhi,
an offender to his gurudeva. He has given up all chanting, remembering, and all other devotional activities, and he
should therefore be rejected. The reason is this: If the disciple is now, even today remembering him, and thinking, "He
is my gurudeva", then that so-called guru's bad activities and qualities will come in him - all of them.
You can remember this sloka:
nikunja-yuno rati-keli-siddhyai
ya yalibhir yuktir apeksaniya
tatrani-daksyad ati-vallabhasya
vande guroh sri caranaravindam
'Sri Gurudeva is always present with the sakhis, planning the arrangements for the perfection of yugala-kisora's
amorous pastimes (rati-keli) within the kunjas of Vrindavana. Because he is so expert in making these tasteful
arrangements for Their pleasure, he is very dear to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. I offer prayers unto the lotus feet of Sri
A sad-guru is like this. Do you know the meaning of this sloka? What is the meaning of 'nikunja yuno?' Do you know?
When you will meditate on that guru, however, you will meditate that he has left the mission, that now he is mad, that
now he is engaging in sense gratification; and these bad qualities will come instead of 'saksad-dharivena samastasastrair uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih.' Also 'yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto'pi.' How
can we meditate on him? If you are now meditating on a fallen guru, all his bad qualities - every sense gratificatory
activity that he is doing - will come to you.
On the other hand, when you are meditating on your Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja, you can
meditate on how beautiful and how merciful he is. He is attracting the whole world with his qualities. He always serves
Krishna in the nikunja (the secluded pastime groves of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna) and he is saksat hari-tvena. (He has
qualities like Krishna; qualities of eternity, bliss, and knowledge.) All these slokas apply to him. If I meditate on him,
then all his good qualities will come. This is the hidden meaning. You cannot apply this to any fallen person, or to a
person who has not realized all these things.
Devotee: Gurudeva, he says that he wants to take hari-nama initiation from you. But he says that his hair cannot be
shaved because he is working in gurukula and he has to go into offices to ask for donations for gurukula.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: But he will have to shave his heart. I want to shave his heart. I have a very sharp blade.
Devotee: He says that he was initiated in the eighties - many years ago, but by mail. The guru sent a letter and said,
"You are initiated."
Srila Narayana Maharaja: By who?
ornaments and diamonds; I know that they cannot give happiness. I only want to help you as Prabhupada requested me.
That I can do.
Urukrama Prabhu: They have this fear because previously, when they had another guru, they felt distance. He was
never coming and they were not feeling closeness. They are afraid that if they accept your shelter and initiation
Srila Narayana Maharaja: I am not requesting them to take my shelter. I can never request this of you. If you like,
and if you have faith in me - only then. I am not requesting anyone. I have not come to make any disciples. I know that
the acceptance of disciples is a very heavy burden. So if you like, I can help you and you can accept me. Otherwise, I
don't need any disciples or anything. I never think that you are my disciples. I think that you are like my friends, and I
am helping you to go to Krishna and serve Him. I never think of myself as acarya.
Urukrama Prabhu: But would they be able to feel very close and near and dear to you?
Srila Narayana Maharaja: It depends on them; not on me. They should think that their guru is always powerful
enough to come in their heart - directly and indirectly - and that he can save his disciples. Then that disciple is a
disciple; otherwise not. Guru is so powerful and he can come in their hearts. He can somehow, directly and indirectly,
come and help them if they have so much faith in him; otherwise not. It is now time for class. Any other questions?
Devotee: I have one Giriraja-sila and I want to ask you for blessings to worship this Giriraja-sila.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: First be qualified and then worship. Without diksa you cannot serve. And, if you are
serving without diksa, you are bound to commit so many offences. The sad-guru never allows any unqualified person to
worship, because that person may keep the deity like a statue - not like Krishna Himself.
Urukrama Prabhu: Another devotee gave this to him. That is why he has it.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: If any person gives him poison, should he take it? Be very careful. Now it is time for class.
Tomorrow you can come. If there are any doubts, you can tell me and I will remove them.