The Collectivism of American Neo-Nazis After 1945

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The Collectivism of American Neo-Nazis After 1945

By Nevin Gussack
These American neo-Nazi and racialist movements supported a collectivist society which
snubbed individualist capitalism and limited government with checks and balances. Some even
supported outright socialist measures to reconstruct the US economy. American neo-Nazis often
differentiated free enterprise and capitalism from each other. In the eyes of various neo-Nazi
leaders and groups, free enterprise was actually a form of economy where the private sector is
controlled by the government and small/medium-sized firms were accorded special treatment.
Capitalism was a system that exploited workers and created class struggle within the Aryan
national-racial community. Other neo-Nazi groups even proposed the nationalization of certain,
key economic sectors. All neo-Nazi and neo-fascist groups strongly favored labor-management
cooperation as opposed to the class atomism of Marxism, libertarianism, and modern
Even American patriots and ex-servicemen could be radicalized against their own
government and society. In some cases, it appears that the forces of globalized capitalism and the
social atomism ever-present in post-1981 America contributed to the alienation from the
American economic and political system. Such a state of affairs would open the door to
individuals becoming sympathetic to either communist or fascist ideals. Domestic terrorist
Timothy McVeigh wrote a letter titled America Faces Problems, which was published in the
Lockport Union-Sun & Journal in March 1992. McVeigh noted that Maybe we have to combine
ideologies to achieve the perfect utopian government. Remember, government-sponsored health
care was a Communist idea. Should only the rich be allowed to live long? Does that say that
because a person is poor, he is a lesser human being; and doesnt deserve to live as long,
because he doesnt wear a tie to work?1
Sometimes, ultra-leftists who displayed an admittedly healthy distrust of the corporate
internationalists found themselves sometimes attracted to far rightist conservatives and populists.
An essay in American Opinion dated from 1968 was read to a group of SDS members which
castigated the ruling class in America. These SDS members reportedly applauded the text of
this essay and were then stunned that it appeared in the conservative John Birch Society
Sometimes even members and even occasional leading scholars and officials of the Birch
Society renounced their individualistic ideology and embrace racial collectivism, no doubt due to
the frustrations with the Establishment and the cultural de-nationalization of the modern
conservative movement. Former Birch Society bigwig and scholar Professor Revilo Oliver
wrote a laudatory article in a neo-Nazi publication on the anti-US regime in Iran under Ayatollah
Khomeini. In March 1988, Professor Oliver observed that The spiritual strength of Iran is
shown by the willingness of the Iranians to fight and die for their Ideal, and the rottenness of the
Judaized United States is shown by the reluctance of even its most thoughtless tares to risk
abrasion of their hides for any purpose, except perhaps for rioting and crimes of violence
McVeigh, Timothy. Letter from Timothy McVeigh to the Union-Sun & Journal Lockport
Union-Sun & Journal February 11, 1992 Accessed From:
2 George, John and Wilcox, Laird. American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen,
Communists & Others (Prometheus Books, 1992) pages 129-130.

against the minority of civilized Americansit is well to remember that the population of Iran
still contains a considerable amount of Aryan blood--in some proportion which we now have no
means of measuring.3 Oliver reflected on his work with conservative circles in Americas
Decline and their support for social-racial atomism. Oliver found the capitalist-individualism of
the conservatives wanting and supported racial collectivism. He wrote: The increasingly
proletarian structure of American society did not alleviate the inherent difficulties, for there remains
the divergence of interest between management and labor, and, as in all the societies infested by
Jews, there is a reciprocal hostility that is always latent and is evoked by talk about free enterprise
and the other socioeconomic principles that were traditionally esteemed as virtues by the middle
class. The only conceivable basis for a political movement that could transcend differences in income
and manners is, of course, the biological unity of race-and that, of course, is precisely what the Birch
hoax is now used to prevent enemies, both sophisticated and savage, while toiling to subsidize them.
Many of those estimable persons would have been shocked by a suggestion that they had a right to
consider first their own welfare and that of their children, for that would have been selfish and even
skeptics have been imbued with the hoary Christian hokum that we must love those who hate us.4

The National Renaissance Party (NRP) was one of the earliest neo-Nazi movements in
the post-World War II political scene in the United States. It served as a starting point for a
variety of American racists and neo-Nazi leaders and activists. The NRP was formed in 1949 by
fascists and old pro-Axis figures such as James Madole. It believed in fascist collectivism as a
matter of economic policy. Madole noted in a leaflet titled Asiatic Barbarism Versus Western
Civilization that only the superbly efficient totalitarian economic systems of Fascists, National
Socialist, and Communist regimes are adaptible (sic) to the strain of TOTAL WAR as practiced
in the 20th centuryThe spirit of democracy is a glorification of weakness and cowardly
conduct. It glorifies the coward instead of the fighter, it raises feeble weaklings to leadership
rather than a trained, iron-hard, and youthful elite5 He remarked that the NRP believes in
subordinating the interests of the individual citizen to the interests of the national community as
a whole. The nation represents the totality of the American people; their hopes, their needs, and
their idealsand as such the welfare of the nation must always supersede the private interests of
any race, class or individual. The program of the NRP called for The creation of an American
Corporate Economy wherein labor and management will be equally represented in an Economic
Department of the Federal Government. All disputes will be settled by impartial labor tribunals.
(Labor and management exist to serve the interests of the State, which represents the totality of
the American people. Class warfare and inflationary prices create universal economic chaos
hence prices and wages must be stabilized by the State in order to meet the n eeds of the
American people as a whole.)6
The American Nazi Party (ANP) of George Lincoln Rockwell was formed in the late
1950s. It was globalist in its intentions and sought to create a united world super state of White
Nations. Rockwell noted that the ANP would withdraw the United States from the Marxist
Oliver, Dr. Revilo P. The Sins of the Iranians Liberty Bell March 1988 Accessed From:
4 Oliver, Revilo P. Americas Decline (Historical Review Press 2006) Accessed From:
5 United States House of Representatives. Preliminary Report on Neo-Fascist and Hate Groups
Committee on Un-American Activities December 17, 1954 Accessed From:
6 Ibid.

United Nations and create an organic Union of Free Enterprise National Socialist States, with
a world police force to maintain order, and to bring the blessings of REAL peace, international
responsibility and political sanity to the peoples of the earth. The ANP supported the welfare
state with its conception of Social Sanity. The ANP promised to protect every honest working
citizen from unforeseeable and ruinous catastrophes of all kinds; to assu re him of education and
training to the top level of his capacity, but ONLY to that level; to assure him of vital medical
and hospital facilities by providing medical coupons usable with any physician and redeemed by
the government; to protect him from easypayment debts by insuring that every working man
can earn enough to live decently without mortgaging his future to do it; to make easily available
to all citizens major recreation facilities such as vacation cruises, which give life zest and color,
but which are presently dependent on wealth; to make all defense lawyers in criminal cases paid
officers of the court, like the prosecutor, not paid by the accused, to remove the weight of money
from the processes of justice involving the life or liberty of a citizen; and to protect the people
from political and economic exploitation by any individual group.
The ANP sought to combine certain conservative-populist themes with National Socialist
totalitarian economic policies. The Federal Reserve Bank would be abolished. The ANP also
intended to cancel all illegal debt resulting from the semiprivate issuance of INTERESTBEARING money instead of genuine National Money, and issue all currency solely by the
National Government, with no interest. The ANP intended to establish a National Economic
Integrity Commission to eliminate speculation, the immoral gambling by idle men in the labor of
others as a sole means of earning money. The Commission will insure that no able man is
permitted to enjoy a lions share of the luxury, products and services created by the labor of
others without contributing his own share of goods and services by his own management,
invention or labor. The mere delivery of some of the tokens called money with absolutely no
productive effortis a fraud on society, disintegrates the character of such an individual, and
destroys the honesty and strength of the society which permits it. No one man or group will be
permitted to profit from ownership of any public necessity which constitutes a monop oly. All
monopolies shall be owned by the whole people. We shall abolish the Marxist progressive
income tax and establish, in so far as possible, direct taxes on the users of schools, roads, etc.,
with a manufacturers tax to finance the facilities needed by all the people.
The ANP pledged to assist each group to form its own control councils, on a local basis,
to maintain order and communication, and national industrial councils to establish policies of
mutual benefit. The government will keep hands off all honest enterprises, labor and farmers so
long as they do not coerce one another, take unfair advantage, or threaten the whole people,
when compulsory arbitration will take place. As a temporary measure, to protect all honest
producers during the necessarily chaotic conditions following removal of the present crazy
patch-work of controls and subsidies, we shall guarantee all honest producers a decent level of
family income, until genuine free enterprise can bring genuine and natural order to the
economy. The ANP intended to create an honest free press and the formation of the National
Free Opinion Network of Newspapers, TV, Radio, Books and Magazines. In reality, such a
reorganization of the press, radio, and television would entail severe state control and censorship.
The youth would be organized into Police Youth Auxiliaries to suppress crime and political

Sherwin, Mark. The Extremists (St Martins Press, 1963) pages 142-146.

Rockwell and other ANP figures were extremely critical of conservative organizations
and figures. They believed that conservative policies alienated labor from the battle against
communism. Rockwell and the ANP believed that communism was to be fought by racial
collectivism. Conservatives also came under fire by the ANP on the account of their lack of
focus on racism and anti-Semitism. George Lincoln Rockwell wrote in his book White Power:
in America, the very captains of industry who have the most to gain by winning back their
crew from the Jewish labor agitators, are the very men who endlessly join and support the
hopelessly reactionary, anti-labor Birch Society, etc., thus driving the millions of working men
further into the waiting arms of the Jewish friends of the crew!...So the sly Jews, observing this,
have worked tirelessly to convince the upper classes in America tha t Hitlers socialism is the
same thing as Communism!!! The result of this is simply to help the Jews split the managers
and upper classes even further and further from their own people, the workers. The working
people of America want social security; they want Medicare; they want a paternalistic and
welfare-conscious government. This is a fact. The endless blasting of socialism in the
conservative movement is planted by the Jews men like George Sokolsky, who started much of it
- to accomplish precisely this crazy decapitation of the American economy, to cut off the
management head of the people from the working body and make both parts hate each
otherThe shortsighted, reactionary conservatives are forever harking back to the self sufficient days of pioneering, individualistic America, pretending to themselves that there was no
socialism in those golden days
Rockwell wrote that It is to the benefit of society to have a happy, satisfied and healthy
working population of ordinary folks. When naked capitalism forgets this, which it does, and
says let the common man look out for himself (as much of the short-sighted reactionary class
does), it cuts itself off from the mass support of its own people, as does the Birch Society, and
most of the rest of the conservative movement, which is why the conservative movement is so
pitifully powerless. To fly in the face of this fact and insists that we can survive the onslaught of
the Red friends of the crew (who are preaching all these things) by convincing the people they
dont want welfare, social security, Medicare, free college, etc., is to act in the manner of the
madman. To stop the devilish division of our people by Jewish, Marxist class-warfare, to prevent
a total, Red mutiny of the crew such as they promoted in Russia, our top managers and upper
classes must come to see that they must find a way to regain the leadership of their own masses their crew - rather than continue driving them away as they do with their reactionary constant
talk of more profits, less taxes, elimination of welfare, etcThe Jews seek to keep labor and
management divided by their clever provocation of workers against the wealthy and vice versa.
To foil them, the managers, the wealthy (not the people), are going to have to make the first
move. And the first move is not more reactionarism, but a program of honest and workable
social care by the captain for his crew.8
Rockwell and his ANP lieutenants sought to push anti-establishment conservatives such
as the John Birch Society (JBS) to the Left (i.e. towards collectivism and away from liberalnationalist capitalism). George Lincoln Rockwell noted to an audience of Texas Birchers that the
Goldwater platform was middle class and not a peoples platform like that of the ANP. In 1964,
Rockwell noted at a rally that When Goldfink 9 fails, and he will fail, patriotic Americans will

Rockwell, George Lincoln. White Power Accessed From:
9 Goldfink was Rockwells derogatory name for Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ).

realise that there is no easy way to victory over communism. The masses of patriotic Americans
have no other option-but to fight...and the American Nazi Party will be there when they wake
up. Rockwell noted to an audience of Dallas conservatives that capitalism was evil, while
free enterprise was a positive social good. This was an all-too-familiar Nazi formula. Free
enterprise was a system of private economy which served the racial community, while
capitalism exploited the workers and was based on atomistic selfishness. At the Dallas
meeting, Rockwell noted that ... the mass must be entertained with soft soap and garbage. I am
not in any sense a socialist. However, the common man is our people and he has been stolen
from cannot fight labour...but weve got to get rid of class. 10
The ANP transformed itself to the National Socialist White Peoples Party (NSWPP) in
1967. After Rockwell was assassinated in 1967, Matt Koehl assumed the position of Commander
of the NSWPP. The NSWPP continued to support national socialist collectivism and lacerated
bourgeois values. A NSWPP flyer noted that by rejecting bourgeois-capitalist values Adolf
Hitler solved the unemployment problem in just two years after coming to power in Germany,
while the Western democracies were still floundering in the Depression of the 30s. Unlike the
capitalist regimes in the US, Britain, and France Hitler did not have to resort to war
preparations to bring his country back to social and economic health, as lying propagandists of
the liberal-democratic System have claimed.11
In the period 1967-1973, the National Socialist White Peoples Party (NSWPP) posited
itself as the anti-system and revolutionary party of American youth. Commander Matt Koehl of
the NSWPP noted The System under which we live is a liberal materialistic Jewish system
which is thoroughly alien decadent and incurableBoth Right and Left-despite surface
differences-share a common economic-materialist outlook. They differ over how to distribute
material wealth. Whereas liberal capitalism is the materialism of the haves, Marxist
communism is the materialism of the have nots. But neither the Right nor Left a ims at replacing
the System itself with a new set of values. The only true revolutionary alternative to the System is
National Socialism which is based on racial idealism rather than economic materialism. It seeks
not compromise with the present decadent order and its values, but there complete
replacement.12 Even after the end of the Vietnam War and the resignation of President Nixon,
the NSWPP continued to promote itself as a revolutionary force. According to an interview with
the American Nazi Party (NSWPP), the term present administration did not merely refer to the
government of President Carter. The NSWPP actually used this description in reference to the
whole liberal capitalist two party system13
The ANP still exists today, led by former Rockwell supporter Rocky Suhayda. The
contemporary ANP program supported racial collectivism: We believe that a true community
can function successfully only as a unified, organic whole in which all members of society join
together in a great common cause and in turn are accorded personal respect as well as equality
Saleam, Jim. American Nazism In The Context Of The American Extreme Right: 1960
1978 Accessed From:
11 Why Does the System Hate National Socialism? National Socialist White Peoples Party
12 US and Canadian Nazis Revolutionary Message Patterns of Prejudice Volume 4 Issue 1
1970 page 25.
13 Herman Obermayer. American Nazi Party in Arlington, Virginia 1958-1984 (Herman J.
Obermayer, 2012) page 255.

of opportunity. The ANP also heavily criticized the system of capitalism and the welfare state
as evils of the current economic order. Clearly, the ANP supported a productive National
Socialist economy which eschewed the current variant of the welfare state. Its program noted
that We believe that the proper function of an economy is to serve the economic needs of the
people, not to make profits for big bankers and huge multinational corporations. We must put an
end to both economic freeloading and economic exploitation in America. There must be no place
for parasites who draw their sustenance from society without giving anything in return. We also
believe that HONEST WORK is the only legitimate basis for wealth - not speculation, usury, or
money-manipulation - and that a sound economic system must rest, not on debt or some
extraneous metal, but on the productivity of the Aryan worker alone. We believe further, that
money is properly a medium of exchange and store of value, not a commodity like bread or steel,
and that therefore money and credit should not be issued for profit, but to serve the legitimate
needs of the people without interest. Finally, we believe that it is unnecessary for any rational
society to suffer unemployment when there is work to be done and people who want jobs. We
must have an economy based on the long-term interests of the man who works for a living, not
the chronic loafer or the man who lives by renting out his capital. 14
The main successor to the ANP/NSWPP is the New Order based in Wisconsin. It
supported blatant totalitarian forms of racial collectivism. In its essay What Is National
Socialism?, the New Order noted that We believe that society can function successfully, and
therefore happily, only as an organism; that all parts benefit when each part performs the
function for which it is best suited to produce a unified, single-purpose whole, which is then
capable of outperforming any one part, the whole thus vastly increasing the powers of all
cooperating parts, and the parts therefore subordinating a part of their freedom to the whole. It
also stated that We believe that an honest man can never be happy in a naked scramble for
material gain and comfort, without some goal which he believes to be greater than himself, and
for which he is willing to sacrifice his own egoism. That goal, for us, is the upward struggle of
our race and the fight for the common good of our peoples. 15 The New Order refused to be cast
in terms of leftwing or conservative: The truth is that National Socialism is neither Capitalist
nor Communist. It is neither of the right nor of the left. It is not a part of the interplay of forces
under the existing order Despite superficial differences, Capitalism and Communism right
and left represent nothing more than the two secular aspects of the Old Order. They are
generically similar, with a common worldview based on economic materialism, according to
which they both view the world in terms of money and mass.
The New Order believed that it needed to fight capitalism, communism, and Zionism as a
means of paving the way for the assumption of power by a National Socialist dictatorship:
Today there are two equally dangerous ideological forces rampant in the world. One is
represented by the leveling doctrine of Marxism-Leninism, or Communism. The other is
international Zionism, the insidious doctrine of Jewish supremacy over all non-Jews. Whereas in
the East, Communism is the dominant reality, in the West it is Zionism aligned with monopoly
capital and politically represented by liberalism/conservatism which exercises effective

American Nazi Party. What We Stand For? Accessed From:
15 What Is National Socialism? New Order Accessed From:

control and dominance. Consequently, the destabilization and demolition of the Zionist power
structure must be the primary concern of National Socialists in the Western countries.16
Liberty Lobby was an example of a covert neo-Nazi group which sought to utilize a
populist American nationalism to promote a fascist state in America. For decades, the newspaper
of the Liberty Lobby was titled The Spotlight (which became the American Free Press).
Congressman Larry McDonald (D-GA) noted that the Liberty Lobby sought to use American
populist causes as the method to bring about a National Socialist (Nazi) regime. 17 Liberty
Lobby opposed a large measure of economic freedom under the rubric of strong criticism of big
business. Willis Carto, the founder of the Liberty Lobby, wrote that The disintegration of
American society which has accompanied the decline of Americas strategic position in the
world since 1945 is a direct result of the system of monopoly finance capitalism and economic
royalism which came to dominate the nation during the 20 th century.18
Carto criticized capitalism as a destabilizing force, while the racial-populist economic
system of free enterprise ensure the collective survival of the nation: Capitalism as
distinguished from free enterprise is a force for instability and revolutionA stable society
develops and thrives when populist principles are applied because the primacy of the nation,
culture, family, people and race in public policy is ensured; to the survival and growth of all of
these, all other considerations are subordinate. Carto also defined capitalism as a degenerate
form of free enterprise. The means of production, money, banking and the political process are
controlled by a small group of oligopolist/monopolist capitalists for their own personal gain.
On other hand, Carto believed that free enterprise displayed the following characteristics:
1) Regulated public utilities.
2) Monopolies broken up by government.
3) The imposition of protective tariffs.
4) The prohibition of absentee ownership of farms.
5) The retention of family farms even if inefficient by capitalist standards.
6) People, not profits come first.
Carto and Liberty Lobby also expressed a dislike of the class and racial atomism
propounded by conservatives and libertarians. He wrote that Conservatives (are) preoccupied
with their profit and loss sheets, disregard the real dynamics of history, which are nationalism
and race.19
Carto and the pro-Nazi elements of the Liberty Lobby leadership were devout disciples of
the ideology of American fascist Frederick Parker Yockey. He authored Imperium, which
became the Yockeyites within the Liberty Lobby and the National Youth Alliance. Yockey
supported a Nazi form of socialism which eschewed class struggle from the Right and Left. He
wrote that The instinct of Socialism however absolutely precludes any struggle between the
component parts of the organism. It is as hostile to the mistreatment of manual laborers by
employers as it is to the sabotage of society by class-warriors. Yockey believed that trade
Idea & Movement: The Revolutionary Nature of National Socialism Accessed From:
17 McDonald, Larry P. NCLC-LaRouche Group Reorganizes Congressional Record January
16, 1981 pages 380-381.
18 Carto, Willis. Profiles in Populism (Devin-Adair Publishers 1982) page ix.
19 Ibid, pages xiv.

unions were an instrument of capitalism: Trade-unionism is simply a development of capitalistic

economy, but it has nothing to do with Socialism, for it is simply self-interest. Yockey believed
that socialism was spiritual method of organizing society and not merely a specific blueprint for
administration of the economy: Socialism is also an ethical-social principle, and not an
economic program of some kind. It is antithetical to the Individualism which produced
Capitalism. According to Yockey, socialism had nothing to do with wealth or economic
classes. Instead, Yockeys socialism was predicated by the authority of the state over all classes
of society: Social rank in Socialism does not follow Money, but Authority. Thus Socialism
knows no classes in the Marxian-Capitalistic sense. It sees the center of Life in politics, and
has thus a definite military spirit in it. Instead of classes, the expressions of wealth, it has rank,
the concomitant of authority.20
Carto and his fellow activists within the Liberty Lobby and its political front, the Populist
Party, all supported a form of free enterprise regulated by the state on certain levels. Cartos
populism melded racial collectivism, legitimate economic nationalism and reforms, and
socialism into a deadly ideological brew. Carto wrote of his support for public control over the
issuance of money and heavy taxation of the super-rich to reduce their corrupt and perverse
influence.21 Such programmatic solutions actually would enhance the power of a potentially
new ruling class led by Carto and his supporters. Campaign finance laws and anti-lobbying
legislation are arguably more effective tools in limiting the influence of the large moneyed
classes in American politics. Heavy taxation would only result in heavy economic controls of
wealth by a state dominated by Liberty Lobby and its supporters. The wealth of the super-rich is
not in itself directly translated into automatic control of American legislators. The Spotlight
reportedly praised the government-run railroad Amtrak and supported the nationalization of
electric power companies in the United States. 22 Carto observed that populists advocate the
breaking up of concentrations of monopoly capital and the fostering of free enterprise
competition. 23
Liberty Lobby also cleverly recognized that it could separate American workers and
middle class professionals from the conservative and libertarian movements through class-based
politics and opposition to the economic and social devastation wrought by free trade and
globalization. Liberty Lobby sought to also capitalize on any discontent with the American
Rights support for anti-labor Right to Work laws and its well-funded lobbyists and
proponents. Carto wrote that Many modern conservatives and libertarians, interestingly, have
been lulled by decades of leftist propaganda into accepting various Marxist claims, such as the
inevitability of class warfare. This is why so many conservative groups foolishly antagonize
members of trade unions by attacking the union members or trade unionism, and not merely
leftist and/or corrupt union bosses who discredit unions as a whole. Many conservatives fear
industrial workers, and these fears are cunningly exploited by glib promoters, whose mailing
lists bring in lucrative responses to computerized letters filled with labor-baiting rhetoric. The

Yockey, Francis Parker. Imperium Accessed From:
21 Carto, Willis. Profiles in Populism (Devin-Adair Publishers 1982) page ix.
22 John Birch Society. Memorandum on the Spotlight April 2, 1980 Accessed From:
23 Carto, Willis. Profiles in Populism (Devin-Adair Publishers 1982) pages ix, xiv, xv, 18, 41, 42,
43, 81, 101, 139, 199, 200, 203, 204.

only way a populist revival occur is when the entire middle class perceives its mutual interests
with labor and uses its unbeatable voting strength to secure control of American politics. The
idea that blue-collar and white collar members of the middle class somehow have differing
basic interests ignores the truth that, as members of the great, producing middle class, they have
much more in common than not.24 Class polarization as seen from the American Right and Left
served to dissolve an American people and then unify them under fascist principles. In
December 1980, The Spotlight conducted an interview with the late Congressman Hamilton Fish
(R-NY). The Liberty Lobby journalist posed the following loaded point to Congressman Fish:
Some conservatives today, particularly the self -styled right-to-work groups, seem to delight
in antagonizing union members, thereby blocking the emergence of a populist coalition that
could control the direction of the country.25 Such anti-labor crusades conducted by the procorporate Right in the United States could potentially be exploited by clever neo-Nazi groups
such as Liberty Lobby in times of economic crisis or collapse and pave the way for a fascist
revolution. Such polarizing anti-labor rhetoric could also serve the interests of the Left and the
Russians/Chinese in driving people into an anti-capitalist direction through the short-sighted
anti-union politics. Alienation from capitalism would be one of the end results of such extreme
pro-Right-to-Work activism and legislation.
Liberty Lobby also sought to open up a united front with the organized Left on the basis
of a common anti-Zionism. In 1969, Liberty Lobby leader Willis Carto wrote former John Birch
Society Major Coordinator-turned neo-Nazi collectivist Louis Byers: I think there should be
more stuff in it (Liberty Lobby newspaper) about the Wall Street JewRemember that we are
trying to reach the Leftist goyim...26 In October 1976, the Liberty Lobby praised the LaRouche
National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) as an honest Marxist group.27 Some of the
more consistent anti-communists objected to Liberty Lobbys cooperation with the NCLC.
Managing Editor of The Spotlight James Tucker noted in a letter (1982) to Congressman
McDonald: My struggle began with the direct orders to publish stories reflecting favorably on
the Labor Party which had made statements which some people at Liberty Lobby appreciated. I
argued then and now that there is no way to quote self-avowed communists, even if, on a single
matter, they should be right and maintain credibility. 28 Even Carto himself admitted that a wide
ideological gap separated Liberty Lobby and the NCLC. He stated Their derivations are
entirely different from ours. Theyve never dropped their basic socialist positions. Every socialist
likes high taxes and every populist hates high taxes. Theres a fundamental difference there.29
During the 1980s, the Liberty Lobby developed a political front known as the Populist
Party. It ran two presidential candidates in the 1984 and 1988 elections. The Populists

Ibid, pages 86-87.

Carto, Willis. Profiles in Populism (Devin-Adair Publishers 1982) page 139.
26 Simonds, C.H. "The Strange Story of Willis Carto - His Fronts, His Friends, His Philosophy,
His Lobby for PatriotismAccessed From:
27 John Birch Society. Memorandum on the Spotlight April 2, 1980 Accessed From:
28 McDonald, Larry Congressman. Spotlight Editors Confessions Congressional Record
March 16, 1982 page 4412.
29 George, John and Wilcox, Laird. American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen,
Communists & Others (Prometheus Books, 1992) page 289.


incorporated many of the economic themes as propounded by Carto and Liberty Lobby. The
1984 Platform of the Populist Party called for:
1) The imposition of anti-usury laws.
2) The passage of tariff legislation.
3) The imposition of price parity to family farmers but not agri-business corporations
or absentee owners.
4) The prohibition of foreign land ownership.
5) State-subsidized mass public works.
6) Support for the concept that international parasitic capitalism is incompatible with
nationalism and free enterprise.
7) The imposition of anti-monopoly rules to restore competition.
8) Government regulation of public utilities.
9) The provisioning of welfare for the truly needy only.
David Duke, when he was the 1988 Populist Party presidential candidate, supported the
1) Imposition protective tariffs.
2) The cessation of support for Israel.
3) The enforcement of sweeping revisions of current trading regulations. Support free
enterprise not monopoly capitalism.
4) Government protection of small businesses against multinational conglomerates.
5) The creation of a national bank committed strictly to the interests of the nation as a
6) Governmental defense of consumers from price fixing and artificial manipulation of the
The ultranationalist, anti-Semite, and racist author and activist Gerald L.K. Smith was
susceptible to collectivist tendencies. Smith merged economic nationalism with statist-populism
and racialism. Smith originally started his political career as someone sympathetic to the Left.
Gerald L.K. Smith was a stalwart political supporter of the reformist, yet authoritarian Louisiana
Democratic Governor Huey Long. Smith wrote that Governor Longs reforms were opposed by
the feudal lords and their prostituted press. Smith noted in almost pseudo-Marxist terms that
The exploiters of natural resources, whether it involved timber, gas, oil or agriculture, had no
concern for the welfare of the people who did the hard work. This complex, plus the big banks
and the great international interests, just assumed that their henchmen would be able to buy the
legislators, regardless of who was elected, and prostitute them into a behavior satisfactory to the
greedy combines that continued to bootleg slavery of both the whites and the blacks-the
emancipation proclamation notwithstanding.
Smith also praised the dictatorial measures of Governor Long in respect to the bank
failures in Louisiana. Smith recalled that Governor Long called the top officials of every bank in
the state to Baton Rouge for a conference, He gave them a big dinner at the Governors Mansion
and after the dinner, he stood up and asked his guests how they enjoyed the dinner. They gave
him a hand and expressed appreciation for the good food. He then gave them what seemed to
some of them as bad news. He said, Make yourselves at home. You are going to be my guests for
a while, and as they looked toward the doors, there stood the State Troopers. He said, I have
arranged cots on the top floor of the Mansion and I want you men to get together and count your
money. I want the banks with plenty of cash to take care of the ones that are short o f cash. We

Lyman Tower Sargent. Extremism in America: A Reader (NYU Press, 1995) pages 23-24,


are going to audit every bank and we are not going to save the neck of any bank that is not
honestly and sincerely in trouble. To make a long story short, when the compulsory conference
was finished and the smoke cleared away, the State of Louisiana lost only eleven banks,
compared to the hundreds and thousands that had been lost in the three adjoining states and in
all the other states of the nation. It was the work of a genius. This story alone should be the
subject of a complete book.31 From the start, Smith supported highly authoritarian measures to
deal with dissent within the United States. Smith believed that there are about a million people
in this country that will have to be put away into work camps and guarded concentration camps
if we are to save America.32
After World War II, Smith supported nationalist capitalist and some statist-populist
measures in respect for the US economy. He also indulged in rhetoric that bordered on fascism.
It should be noted that Smith rejected Communism and other forms of dictatorial collectivism.
He noted in testimony in 1946 that the United States did not need to follow Wall Street or
Moscow.33 Smith reportedly desired an economic system that avoided the evils of monopoly
finance capitalism and communism. Smith stated in 1945: No matter how much you hate
communism do not be tricked into playing the game of the reactionaries. Certain big
industrialists and Wall Street money manipulators would like to exp loit the anti-communist
attitude. They want us to be anti-communist but they are opposed to anything that benefits the
great mass of the people. They want feudalism, poverty, subservienceMillions of unemployed
cannot eat a copy of the Constitution they cannot dine on the Stars and Stripes. If we are to
reach the American people, we must have a plan. It must be an American plan and it must deal
courageously, boldly, and generously with the veteran, unemployed, the worker, the little
businessman, and the aged. Good Americans will not only fight communism but they will stay out
of the camps of reaction. I would rather be as a crackpot for defending the people than to be
publicized as a statesman for conspiring with those who would starve and oppress the people .
The most tragic mistake that good Americans can make is to allow the general impression to go
out that the communists are the only ones who are for the welfare of the people. In 1945, Smith
stated Plutocratic industrialists and feudal lords who laugh at me today unless some such plan
as this is carried out will have their throats slit tomorrow by the bloody disciples of Joe Stalin
and rue the day they laughed at Gerald Smith and those of us who are fighting and have been
fighting for a plan to distribute the abundance of our nation among those who need it and can
consume it.34 Smith also noted True Nationalists are not reactionary. They hate feudalism just
as they hate communism. We seek abundance for the common man but believe this abundance
can best be obtained under the American system of free enterprise which means an America 1)
free from monopoly 2) free from communism 3) free from the manipulations of the money
changer.35Smith supported government regulations to break up private monopolies. Ferkiss
noted that these anti-monopoly efforts would result in a large government bureaucracy, despite

Smith, Gerald L.K. Huey P. Long: Summary of Greatness Political Genius American Martyr
1975 Accessed From:
32 Lyman Tower Sargent. Extremism in America: A Reader (NYU Press, 1995) page 29.
33 Committee on Un-American Activities. Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities
in the United States January 20, 1946 GPO Washington DC
34 Ferkiss, Victor. The Political and Economic Philosophy of American Fascism (University of
Chicago, 1954)
35 Lyman Tower Sargent. Extremism in America: A Reader (NYU Press, 1995) page 46.


Smiths assertions to the contrary. Smith supporters are advocates of high tariffs and dumping of
farm products via the Surplus Export Plan. Smith also advocated government-mandated profit
sharing in industry.36
The National States Rights Party (NSRP) adhered to a partially socialist/populist
platform. The bedrock of NSRP ideology was white racial collectivism. The platform of the
NSRP noted We believe that the workers, farmers, businessmen, and professional people of our
nation should work together as a team placing the greater good of our White Folk Community
above any individual or group interest. The NSRP platform supported a mixture of economic
nationalism, subsidies for farmers, and populist statism. Specifically, the NSRP called for the
following forms of economic interventionism:
1) Strict controls on foreign trade and imports.
2) The imposition of tariffs on foreign goods.
3) Government-funded slum clearance programs.
4) The government granting family farmers a fair price for his product.
5) Approval and encouragement of non-leftist labor unions.37
It is noteworthy to mention that the longtime NSRP fixtures such as J.B. Stoner and Dr. Edward
Fields were also founders of the now-defunct Christian Anti-Jewish Party. The Christian AntiJewish Party supported government-dictated high wages and large old age pensions. This
party also called for the government to confiscate their (Jews) ill-gotten wealth for the benefit of
the American people.38 Previously, Fields and other NSRP members were also involved with
the Georgia-based neo-fascist Columbians organization. The Columbians attacked AfricanAmericans, Jews, communists, the rich, newspapers, labor unions, and other political opponents.
The founder of the Columbians, Homer Loomis, believed that his organization would be a
White Working Mans Party which would pledge state-mandated higher pay and racial
separation for the white proletariat. 39 The Columbians sought to remake the United States into
the American nationalist state. Loomis noted that his sense of social justice forced me to
start the Columbians.40 Loomis also announced the Columbians sought to create a racial
collectivist society. He urged that white Americans to think in terms of Race, Nation and Faith,
and to work for a national moral awakening in order to build a progressive white community
that is bound together by a deep spiritual consciousness of a common past and a determination
to share a common future.41 The NSRP disliked conservatives of most stripes and distrusted
wealthy Americans. Fields noted in opposition to conservatives: We dont believe in going back
to the cave era. He opposed candidates such as Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) who
propounded moss-backed Republicanism. He noted that the NSRP membership consisted of
working-class people; we have no rich people.42


Ferkiss, Victor. The Political and Economic Philosophy of American Fascism (University of
Chicago, 1954)
37 Platform of the National States Rights Party Flyer Undated
38 Application for the Membership in the Christian Anti-Jewish Party Undated
39 Dudley, J. Wayne. Hate Organizations of the 1940s: The Columbians, Inc. 3 rd Quarter 1981
pages 269-270.
40 International Journal of Religious Education Volume 23 1946 page 26.
41 Atkins, Steven E. Encyclopedia of Right-Wing Extremism In Modern American History
(ABC-CLIO 2011) page 84.
42 Cook, James Graham. The Segregationists (Appleton-Century-Crofts 1962) page 184.


The NSRP clearly opposed the spirit and ethics of liberal capitalism. Dr. Edward Fields
noted in the NSRP newspaper The Thunderbolt that Carl Icahns business philosophy is so antisocial, un-Christian and against all ethics of fair play and honesty that they defy
descriptionThe Jewish raiders and money changers are continuing to enrich themselves and a
tiny number of Jewish investment bankers AT THE EXPENSE OF THE AMERICAN WORKER
AND THE STABILITY OF US INDUSTRY.43 In 1985, the Thunderbolt reiterated the old
Christian Anti-Jewish Partys call for the nationalization of all Jewish-owned properties and
businesses: The time has come to nationalize all the ill-gotten wealth of the Jews. An end to
usury, greenmail, financial crime must come before working people can be truly free. 44 In
May 1983, Dr. Fields called for an:
1) Import ban on foreign goods.
2) The creation of farmers cooperatives. These cooperatives would own all food
processing and manufacturing plants. The profits from these operations would be
remitted to family farmers.
3) The imposition of strict regulations on private monopolies.
4) The government breaking up big banks.
5) A ban on the development of maquiladora operations in foreign countries. 45
The Thunderbolt was particularly hostile towards free trade and corporate globalization.
One article in the Thunderbolt warned in 1983 that Unless the American people wake up and
stop this sell out of our rights as a free people by a small number of selfish millionaires we will
soon all be Third World PeopleThe only recourse is join a White American Workers political
movement such as the National States Rights Party. 46
The NSRP occasionally engaged in labor agitation against various businesses who were
perceived as harming the interests of white workers. In 1980, the NSRP and Klan organized
white workers at Zartic Foods into an American Workers Union (AWU) to protest poor working
conditions. The AWU desired the termination of all illegal alien workers employed at Zartic
Foods. The AWU also conducted a labor strike at the plant. Klan members, white employees,
and even some African-American workers picketed the Zartic Foods plant. The strikers carried
signs which demanded better pay from Zartic Foods, decent working conditions, and for the
Federal government to deport the Wetbacks. NSRP leader Edward Fields noted that the white
working class is losing power in this country and that the United States was being destroyed by
Jew bankers based in New York.47

Fields, Dr. Edward R. Carl Icahn Costs Thousands Their Jobs Thunderbolt page 3.
British Sale Proves Jew Financial Control Thunderbolt Issue 304 1985 page 10.
45 Fields, Dr. Edward R. Dr. Fields Economic Plan to Save the American Standard of Living,
Jobs, and Prosperity Thunderbolt May 1983 page 10.
46 Factories Flee, US Jobs Lost Thunderbolt March 1983 page 2.
47 Wells, Lyn. The Cedartown Story: The Ku Klux Klan & Labor in The New South Labor
Research Review Volume 1/Number 8 1986 pages 70-72 Accessed From:


Elements of the Youth for Wallace and the Yockeyites merged to form the neo-fascist
National Youth Alliance in 1969. The candidacy of former Governor George Wallace for
President on the American Independent Party ticket embraced elements of the socialist welfare
state and government involvement in the economy. It also attracted good nationalist
conservatives, populist-minded patriots, along with an ugly collection of individuals with neoNazi and racialist tendencies. Contrary to popular perception, Governor Wallace was not a
traditional conservative, let alone a comprehensive opponent of overpowering government.
Robert Sherrill noted in respect to Governor Wallace: there was a time when some Alabamians
considered him a dangerous radical. Indeed some still do. A staff member in Governor
Wallaces office observed He was the leading liberal in the legislature, no doubt about that. He
was regarded as a dangerous left-winger, a lot of people even looked on him as a downright
pink. Wallace expanded the welfare state in Alabama, along with the size of the public sector.
However, there was also a regressive streak in Wallaces statist economic policies. Sherrill noted
that in the last analysis, one must judge the degree of populism behind a welfare or public
works program according to who pays for it. In Alabama it is the consumer who pays . Indeed,
the citizens faced increases in the sales taxes as a tool to fund Wallaces governmental
expansion. When Wallace ran for president on the American Independent Party (AIP) ticket, he
reiterated his support for:
1) Federal programs for job training.
2) Increases in Social Security payments.
3) Increases in Medicare spending.
4) Increased Federal intervention in labor affairs through a more efficient National
Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
5) State-mandated improvement of working conditions.
6) An increase in the minimum wage.
7) Increased disability payments.
8) Massive public works projects.
Lipset observed that The planks in the AIP platform presented above are not those of a
conservative laissez-faire party. Most of them are clearly far to the left of Barry Goldwater and
the National Review. And during the campaign, Goldwater, William Buckley, and other writers
in the National Review and Human Events attacked Wallace as a New Deal populist who was
closer in his welfare and trade-union planks to liberal Democrats than to themselves. 48 John
Ashbrook, the head of the American Conservative Union (ACU) and a Republican Congressman
from Ohio warned: True conservatism cannot be served by George Wallace. At heart he is a
Populist with strong tendencies in the direction of a collectivist welfare stateWe find George
Wallaces candidacy repugnant to ideals of American conservatism. 49 AIP candidate Wallace
himself observed that The Republicans now, theyre having to meet in banks, tryin to figger out
what they gonna do about us down here. Im not talking about the good banks of Chilton County
or Alabama, Im talkin about the Chase National and the Wall Street crowd. You know, th ey

48 Lipset, Seymour Martin. The Politics of Unreason: Right Wing Extremism in America, 17901970 (University of Chicago Press 1978) pages 346-349
49Novak, Michael. Choosing Our King (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill School Division, 1974) page


used to meet in little bitty banks to talk about us, but this time we've got em meetin in the
biggest bank in the world talkin about youn me and what they gonna do about guvnuh Wallace
down here in Alabama50 Wallace was openly contemptuous of conservative and classical
liberal economic ideas. He once noted to a reporter from a Northern state that Im not one of
these ultraconservatives. They against everything. The only thing they for is the dollar, thats all
they want to conserveWell thats not me51
While some of Governor Wallaces economic positions were laudable, it also provided a
door for populists and racialists to push his presidential campaign further along the road of
collectivism. One such group of racial-populists broke away from the Wallace campaign and
adopted leftish, neo-Nazi sounding policies which advocated revolution in the United States.
Once again, that was the National Youth Alliance (NYA). Its journal was titled Attack.
One of the founders of the NYA, Dennis McMahon noted in 1969 that Those who seek
to put bourgeois values over the hopes and aspirations of the people are enemies of the Right
Front. According to McMahon, the reactionary right was an ally of the red front. The
NYA did not concern themselves with the intricacies of economic conservation.52 A March
1971 article in Attack noted that the NYA examined and found wanting both the drugs and sex
libertinism of the left and the economic libertinism of the right. The same article noted The
youth of America are smart enough to recognize these things for themselves and consequently
are not to be blamed for having few tears to shed for the demise of either the Constitution or
laissez faire capitalism.53 A May 1972 article in Attack noted that the libertarian and
conservative right desired a feudal society ruled by Wall Street robber barons with the ordinary
wage earner cast in the role of serf and no government at all to impede the free play of economic
and social forces.54 Attack noted in July 1972 that In a sense this necessary curbing of the
power of super-capitalism may be called socialism, but we should not let labels frighten us. What
is important is that whether we call it socialism or not it be national in its essence and that it be
based upon the fundamental values of race and personality rather than on any purely economic
theory Marxist or otherwise.55 Attack in 1974 supported A new government based on a
profound sense of responsibility to the American people and with the authority to regulate
commerce for the general good is the first step. That in itself however will go a long way toward
rebuilding the sense of social responsibility on the part of all the elements of our society which is
ultimately required for a stable and fair economy. 56 Attack in February 1974 noted that What
America needs most of all is a new attitude toward work on the part of the employers and
employees alike. Work whether of the brain or the hand must come to be regarded as a vital
contribution to the welfare of the whole community not just an unpleasant prerequisite to the
receipt of ones weekly pay envelope. And the employee himself must be looked upon by his


Lipset, Seymour Martin. The Politics of Unreason: Right Wing Extremism in America, 17901970 (University of Chicago Press 1978) page 349.
51 Frady, Marshall. Wallace: The Classic Portrait of Alabama Governor George Wallace
(Random House LLC 2009)
52 McMahon, Dennis C. The National Youth Alliance: A Young Nationalists Battle Cry
American Mercury Spring 1969 page 63.
53 Why Conservatives Cant Win Attack! March 1971 pages 4-5.
54 Right Wing-Left Wing Attack! May 1972 page 3.
55 The Future of Capitalism Attack! July 1972 page 8
56 Cost of Living How Much Higher?Attack! April 1974 page 8.


employer as a co-worker in the service of the community not as an exploitable commodity which
can be used to accumulate more capital. If such a view is socialistic well let it be so. The
employer must be seen as filling an essential role to fill in the economic life of the national and
racial community.57
By 1974, the NYA became the National Alliance (NA). The National Alliance criticized
liberal capitalism: Without a unifying principle, however, a capitalist society easily can fall
prey to certain inherent weaknesses. One of these weaknesses is the instability which leads the
rich to become richer and the poor to become poorer, not solely because of differences in ability
but because the possession of capital gives the possessor an enormous advantage in the
competition for more capital. When personal gain is the only motivation in a society, those who
already are rich can arrange things to favor themselves: they can buy the legislation they want,
and they can block threats to their power in ways that may be destructive to the welfare of the
society as a whole. They can hold down the price of labor, limit healthy competition within the
society, and exploit the environment without regard for the long-range consequences. The overly
rigid social stratification resulting from unrestricted capitalism can lead to endemic class
hostility and even to class warfare. It can slow racial progress by making the ability to acquire
and hold capital the supreme survival trait.58
One of the splinter groups from the NYA called Youth Action blended a conspiracyminded worldview which appropriated themes from the New Left and the neo-Nazi camp. The
neo-Nazi group We Accuse explained C.B. Bakers Youth Actions role this fashion: Youth
Action was formed in the Fall of 1971 by a group of concerned young people who saw the need
for a dynamic new concept of political actionThe CFR, spoken of so much by the political
right, is identical to the Military-Industrial Complex, spoken of so much by the political LeftIn
reality, the Right and Left have for years worked separately against a COMMON
ENEMYYouth Action was specifically created to end the artif icial factions dividing politically
active young people. Our purpose is to unite young activists from both the Left and Right in joint
political action towards the common goal of combating the CFR Military Industrial Complex
and the super-rich international financial oligarchy. The first action of the new coalition was the
YOUTH ACTION War Crimes Trial of members of the CFR Military Industrial Complex held in
Los Angeles on September 2, 1972. The success of the Trial proved that the Left and the Right
could actually work together and achieve resultsWE ACCUSE is designed to shock people into
political actionThe mass distribution of WE ACCUSE will help to greatly foster the growth of
politically aware youth. The spread of political awareness amongst young pe ople is absolutely
vital to the expansion of the new political coalition of Left and Right. 59
The Turner Diaries by Andrew MacDonald (Dr. William Pierce) provided the most
comprehensive portrait of the type of society that white supremacists envisioned upon their
conquest of the United States. Dr. Pierce was the founder of the National Alliance in 1974. He
was previously a high-level officer in the National Socialist White Peoples Party (NSWPP) and
an astrophysics professor. Previous to his involvement with neo-Nazis, Dr. Pierce was an active
member of the John Birch Society. The Turner Diaries was a novel that portrayed a liberal-left

Minimum Wage Laws: Worker Protection or Socialism Attack! February 1974 page 8.
National Alliance. What is the National Alliance? National Vanguard Books 1993 pages 4-


Hedgehog, Hylozoic. Smiling Man From a Dead Planet: The Mystery of Lyndon LaRouche
Accessed From:


government deeply committed to political correctness, private firearms confiscation, and a

suppression of white racialism. A neo-Nazi terrorist group called the Order engaged in attacks
against the US government. In time the Order captured the state of California and thus created a
Nazi-style racist dictatorship that seemed to combine the most radical excesses of the German SS
and the communist Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. The Order, as depicted in The Turner Diaries
was committed to a thoroughgoing revolution in the United States that uprooted the old elites
and individualist and leftist attitudes. In reference to the creation of a third way of a national
socialist state in the United States, McDonald (Dr. Pierce) wrote: And, while they last, it is
interesting to have living, breathing examples of three types of social orders simultaneously
before us: in the north, a conservative regime; to the east, liberal-Jewish democracy; and here,
the beginning of a whole new world rising out of the ruins of the old. 60
The Order set out to severely control the economy in the zones of the United States under
their control. The Orders Department of Food and other regulatory bureaucracies and labor
services were described in this fashion: Many in the last group are now doing the first really
productive work in their lives. This means DF (Department of Food) is performing an important
function of social rehabilitation as well as food production, and our Department of Education is
working closely with DF on this. Every worker receives ten hours of lectures each week, and he
is graded not only on his general attitude toward his work and on his productivity but also on his
responsiveness to these lectures. There is a continual sifting process going on, with workers
being reassigned to new work groups on the basis of attitude and performance in their previous
groups. In this way there are already beginning to emerge from the general mass the first leadertrainee work groups. From the latter will be selected candidates for Organization membership.
On several occasions during my tour of DFs operation I stopped to talk with workers in the
fields. The morale varied considerably from the groups with a high proportion of former social
parasites to the leader-trainee groups, but nowhere could it be called poor. Everyone has been
made to understand that, despite the dislocations and the hardships caused by the revolution, we
are now sure that there will be enough food to go around-but those who will not work will not
eat either. My most profound impression comes from the fact that every face I saw in the fields
was White: no Chicanos, no Orientals, no Blacks, no mongrels. The air seems cleaner, the sun
brighter, life more joyous. What a wonderful difference this single accomplishment of our
revolution has made. And the workers all feel the difference too, whether they are ideologically
with us or not. There is a new feeling of solidarity among them, of kinship, of unselfish
cooperation to complete a common task.61 The Order sought to bridge the old social classes in
the United States into a giant community based on a common white racial brotherhood.
Common, forced labor tore down the walls of class arrogance and individualism and built a
racially-based socialism amongst the population of California, now controlled by the Order.
The violent purges of racial and classes enemies of the Order were described in this
fashion: Today has been the Day of the Rope-a grim and bloody day, but an unavoidable one.
Tonight, for the first time in weeks, it is quiet and totally peaceful throughout all of southern
California. But the night is filled with silent horrors; from tens of thousands of lampposts, power
poles, and trees throughout this vast metropolitan area the grisly forms hangSquads of our
troops with synchronized watches suddenly appeared in a thousand blocks at once, in fifty

MacDonald, Andrew. The Turner Diaries Accessed From:
61 Ibid.


different residential neighborhoods, and every squad leader had a long list of names and
addresses. The blaring music suddenly stopped and was replaced by the sound of thousands of
doors splintering, as booted feet kicked them open. It was like the Gun Raids of four years ago,
only in reverse-and the outcome was both more drastic and more permanent for those raided.
One of two things happened to those the troops dragged out onto the streets. If they were non Whites-and that included all the Jews and everyone who even looked like he had a bit of nonWhite ancestry-they were shoved into hastily formed columns and started on their no -return
march to the canyon in the foothills north of the city. The slightest resistance, any attempt at
back talk, or any lagging brought a swift bulletThere are also a number of men wearing the ldefiled-my-race placard, but the women easily outnumber them seven or eight to one. On the
other hand, about ninety per cent of the corpses with the I-betrayed-my-race placards are men,
and overall the sexes seem to be roughly balanced. Those wearing the latter placards are the
politicians, the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and
editors, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the civic leaders, the bureaucrats, the
preachers, and all the others who, for reasons of career or status or votes or whatever, helped
promote or implement the Systems racial program. The System had already paid them their 30
pieces of silver. Today we paid them.62 The Turner Diaries provided a comprehensive insight
into exactly what form of government and social structure was desired by the American neo-Nazi
movement and particularly Dr. William Pierce of the National Alliance. In a 1981 speech before
a white supremacist gathering, the founder of the neo-Nazi terrorist group the Order, Robert
Matthews noted Let us not only preach, let us live, racial economics. In (our movement), we are
not only eating, breathing, and sleeping, we are growing together as one mind and one
body(W)e know not the meaning of the word mine, it is ours, our race, the totality of our
people63 It should also be noted that Mathews was involved with the John Birch Society.
However, he renounced conservatism and moved into neo-Nazi circles in the National Alliance
and Aryan Nations. He then formed the Order in September 1983. Mathews remarked in his
Declaration of War on the Jewish Occupied US Government that All about us the land is
dying. Our cities swarm with dusky hordes. The water is rancid and the air is rank. Our farms
are being seized by usurious leeches and our people are being forced off the land. The capitalists
and communists pick gleefully at our bones while the vile, hook-nosed masters of usury
orchestrate our destruction.64 Hence, class and racial war was declared by the Order.
Somewhat surprising was the Klans support for statist-populist and even socialist
policies. KKK Imperial Wizard Hiram Evans warned that increasing economic inequalities
threaten the very stability of our society. The Klan fundamentalist Christian minister E.F.
Stanton warned that this love of money was the root of all evil. The Klan carried out an antichain store campaign in Athens GA. Klan leader Edward Young Clarke lamented In the
strenuous rush of big business we have forgotten the spirit from which we comethis great

Grigg, William Norman. Hard Lefts Right Wing Kin The New American June 24, 1996
Accessed From:
64 Mathews, Robert. Declaration of War on the Jewish Occupied US Government Accessed


nation. Klan propagandist Leroy Curry stated that materialism is poisoning the minds and
shriveling the hearts of Americas young men who looked out only for themselves now with no
thought for the advancement of the commonweal. Klan-owned businesses only hired workers
who were Klansmen and people bought only at Klan-owned shops and businesses. The Atlanta
Klan newspaper Searchlight condemned the well organized commercial clubs and autocratic
Chamber of Commerce. Another Klan campaign opposed Athens exclusive patrician
aristocracy. The Klan also condemned financiers and Wall Street bankers for squeezing the
people, small businesses, and farms. They condemned speculators and gamblers in
manipulating the market.Another Klan statement noted that In all ages the financiers have
been able to completely rule and ruin the nations. Klansmen George Bennett campaigned in
1926 on a platform calling for strict bank regulation. The Klan occasionally condemned
capitalists as a whole for being insufficiently racist and patriotic and for importing immigrants to
perform labor normally held by white Anglo-Saxon workers.65 A 1924 survey of Klan members
in New Jersey and Pennsylvania published in Outlook magazine noted that of respondents
supported the nationalization of railroads and coal mines. 66 Thirty percent of the KKK members
supported Federal Aid for Farmers Co-operatives. Twenty percent of Klansmen supported the
Federal purchase of wheat. Twenty three percent of Klansmen supported price fixing of staple
farm products. Thirty seven percent of KKK members supported the establishment of a Federal
Employment Bureau. Ninety one percent of Klansmen supported the extension of the principle of
Federal aid for education. Thirty three KKK members supported Government control and
distribution of high-power transmission. 67 The Klan in Alabama attacked the Alabama Power
Company and the influence of the ruling Bankhead family, while campaigning for public control
of the Muscle Shoals dam project and government medical insurance. 68
On occasion, it appeared that various early Klan groupings worked with leftist or
progressive-oriented organizations and parties. A 1922 federal raid on a Communist Party
hideout in Bridgman, Michigan, revealed secret Communist penetration and use of Klan
organizations already by 1920.69 Several Southern KKK members became communists. One
Klan convert declared at a 1931 CPUSA meeting: We got to get together and organize the
niggahs and whites into one strong general union. 70 Sometimes the Klan even borrowed the old
communist tactics of boring from within different organizations that it intended to infiltrate and

MacLean, Nancy. Behind the Mask of Chivalry: The Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan
(Oxford University Press, 1995) pages 86-91.
66 Berlet, Chip and Lyons, Matthew. Right Wing Populism in America (Guilford Press, 2000)
pages 99-101.
67 Zerzan, John. Rank and File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s Anarchist
Library 1993 Accessed From:
68 Zerzan, John. Rank and File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s Anarchist
Library 1993 Accessed From:
69 Test Your WWIII-IQ Contest JAHG-USA Newsletter June 5, 2005 Accessed From:
70 Lee, Steven Sunwoo. Multiculturalism Versus Multinationalness (ProQuest, 2008) page 31.


ultimately control. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK) had a plan to enter US national
politics via sleepers or secret Klan members who penetrated the Democratic and Republican
Despite its reputation as being anti-union, the Klan cooperated with organized labor and
even socialistic organizations. The KKK sided with strikes by rail workers in La Grande, Oregon
and Kansas. At a 1924 United Mine Workers (UMW) convention, the KKK joined with leftists
in an effort to increase the power of the rank and file members over the union bosses. In 1927,
some Colorado Klansmen aided an International Workers of the World (IWW)-led strike in the
mines. Members of the Colorado section of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) joined the
Klan, along with those in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Alabama, and Wisconsin. 72 The
Socialist Party and the Klan formed a 1924 electoral alliance in Milwaukee to elect John Kleist, a
Socialist and a Klansman, to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Robert O. Nesbitt noted in
Wisconsin that there was a tendency for German Socialists, whose most conspicuous opponents
were Catholic clergy, to join the Klan. The economic populist Walter Pierce was elected
Governor in Oregon in 1922 and was endorsed by the Klan and the Socialist Party. The Klan in
LaGrande, Oregon revealed that it played a substantial role in supporting the strikers during
the nationwide rail workers strike of 1922. In a state-wide railroad strike in Kansas in 1922, the
strikers actually did flock into the Klan in what seems to have been large numbers. The rubber
workers employed at the tire works of Akron Ohio were penetrated by Klan members. In 1934,
militants in the Southern Tenant Farmers Union were former Klansmen. Klansmen were also
some of the most militant activists United Auto Workers (UAW). 73
Contemporary Klan groups continued to believe in a corporative form of racial
collectivism. Like many neo-Nazis, the Klan also capitalized on the unpopularity and real
dislocations resulting from free trade globalism. The United Klans of Alabama (UKA) stated in
their 1974 platform We believe in a closer relationship of capital and labor. And that the
leadership of the American labor movement be white American born with a knowledge of
American customs and principles. Instead of being antagonistic one towards the other, capital
and labor should work in harmony, this would be the case if men observed the teaching of Christ
in His Word and if they would observe the teachings embodied in the Klan motto: Non Silba Sed
Anthar-Not for the self but for others.74 Johnnie Pipes, the Grand Titan and Regional
Coordinator for the KKK in Florida, noted that One of the worst things I ever thought could
have happened was this NAFTA deal that took away so many American jobs. 75 The Knights
The Modern KKK SocialPC Accessed From:
72 Zerzan, John. Rank and File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s Anarchist
Library 1993 Accessed From: y/John_Zerzan
73 Zerzan, John. Rank and File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s Anarchist
Library 1993 Accessed From:
74 Sargent, Lyman Tower. Extremism in America (NYU Press, 1995) page 142.
75 Dobratz, Betty A. and Shanks-Meile, Stephanie L. The White Separatist Movement in the
United States: White Power, White Pride! (JHU Press 2000) page 148.


Party called for the withdrawal of the United States from NAFTA and GATT. It rightfully noted
that these crony free trade treaties are damaging to the American worker and will eventually put
millions upon millions into desperate poverty. The Party also called for the rejuvenation of
Social Security, Medicare, national public works, and free college education through the
elimination of all foreign aid. The Knights Party also supported environmental regulations and
the prohibition of the purchase of American property and industry by foreign corporations and
investors.76 The Knights of the KKK opposes free trade and supports economic nationalism.
The Knights of the KKK also committed itself to supporting private property and ownership of
business, but an end to high-finance exploitation.77 The Klan-descended White Patriot Party
(WPP) blamed international Jewish bankers on the impoverishment of American farmers. The
WPP allegedly won support amongst native North Carolina farmers for such assertions. 78
Many of the neo-Nazi skinhead groups adhered to a radical leftwing doctrine which
combined racialism and anti-capitalism. In 1985, the neo-Nazi and skinhead-oriented National
Democratic Front (NDF) described itself as a revolutionary political movement which seeks to
radically change both the social and the political order in America . The NDF also stated We
reject the materialism of communism and we reject the materialism of capitalismIt is this
National Ethic that will destroy and replace the present barren and corrupt philosophy of
Individualism and its Self Interest Ethic. The NDF believed in the economic philosophy of
distributism as opposed to capitalism and socialism. Government-organized cooperatives
would be created for farming and low interest loans would be provided to small businesses.
Large businesses with 100 workers or more would be organized into cooperatives and controlled
by their employees. The workers would elect the Board of Directors of the cooperatives, thus
eliminating labor-management conflict. New bureaucracies would be created by an NDF
government such as a Department of Economics, Foreign Trade Office, National Health
Program, and National Employment Agency to manage industry, finance, health care, and
unemployment. The NDF would nationalize defense industries, banks, and energy companies,
while inherited wealth would be confiscated by the State. 79
The White Aryan Resistance (WAR) was a notable example of a leftist, almost nearMarxist neo-Nazi group that was very influential in the skinhead movement. It was founded by
Tom Metzger. Metzger was formerly involved in the John Birch Society and then moved to antitax protests and the KKK. By the early 1980s, he transitioned into neo-Nazi ideology. In 1984,
WAR noted in its Whitemans Platform that it:
1) Opposed usury.
2) Opposed corporations purchasing federally-owned lands.
3) A WAR government will not permit the rise of mega-corporations that base their
power on shoddy products, unfair labor practices, and government bribery.
4) A WAR government would outlaw foreign ownership of US farms.
Knights Party Platform Accessed From:
77 What the Klan Stands For Accessed From:
78 White Patriot Party MIPT Terrorism Knowledge Database Accessed From:
79 National Democratic Front. The National Democratic Fronts Program of Democratic
Nationalism Undated pages 3-7.


5) A WAR government would seize the assets of all corporations who openly flaunt
the peoples interest.
6) A WAR regime would demand that corporations conducting business with the
government would set aside a percentage of their profits for a national system of
universities and technical schools. 80
Communists and other leftists trickled into WAR. An anti-capitalist National Socialist
racial collectivism provided somewhat of a fertile ground for disgruntled leftists to gather in
WAR. Metzger noted that Were getting people who used to be SDS and stuff. The managing
editor of my paper is an ex-Trotskyite; one of my main writers is John Jewel, who was on the
executive board of the IWW up in Canada and fought in the streets as a flaming left-winger
during the Vietnam War.81 The American Front viewed the Right and Left as opposite ends to
the same stick of materialism. A flyer issued by the American Front noted that the
conservatives have mutated the tenets of democracy in favor of the wealthy. The power in our
country lies not with the people, but with the rich and elite. 82
Americas first neo-Nazi skinhead gang Romantic Violence claimed Skinheads of
Americaare working class Aryan youthWe oppose the capitalist and communist scum that
are destroying our Aryan race. The parasitic Jewish race is at the heart of our problem. 83
Another radicalized former Klansman was Pastor Robert Miles of the Mountain Church,
which was based in the areas of Michigan most ravaged by free trade and globalized capitalism.
The Mountain Church espoused a mixture of Christian Identity and revolutionary doctrines
which supported collaboration with the Left. Robert Miles clarified in January 1979 that We are
not conservatives. We are Racial Revolutionaries. I am proud of it. I do not want to be
classified with conservatives, those pale imitations of their liberal sheep-like counterparts. We
stand for a new order. True, nothing is new. Life is a cycle. We seek to come full turn around that
cycle and restore the racial form of society and life which our primordial forebears established
and which is the natural way of life for our people. So, Reagan, Birchers, etc. ad nauseam are
merely one more foe in the coterie of Jewish ranks. In 1986, Miles was asked in reference to
neo-Nazi outreach to the Left: Q: Was there any response from the leftists? Miles responded
that There was some but the racism continually was a barrier you couldn't overcome. We could
bring some of our people to a meeting and there would be some blacks there who would be of the
same mind. Absolutely the same mind. But because of racial concerns on both sidesAnd the
government knew it. In 1972, Miles noted that I have spoken to some Student for a Democratic
Society types in the past few weeks. Of course, I can't say who they were. We thought they might
meet with us to discuss the problems common to us; the growth of federal police power. But they
were pretty hostile and suspicious.84
In the late 1960s, David Duke started his career in National Socialist politics in the
NSWPP and the NSLF. He then broke away and formed the White Youth Alliance and then

Sargent, Lyman Tower. Extremism in America (NYU Press, 1995) pages 188-190.
Ridgeway, James. Blood in the Face (Thunders Mouth Press, 1995) pages 173-174.
82 Dobratz, Betty A. and Shanks-Meile, Stephanie L. The White Separatist Movement in the
United States: White Power, White Pride! (JHU Press 2000) page 148.
83 Hamm, Mark S. American Skinheads: The Criminology and Control of Hate Crime
(ABC-CLIO, 1994) page 39.
84Hedgehog, Hylozoic. Smiling Man From a Dead Planet: The Mystery of Lyndon LaRouche
Accessed From:


moved into the Klan. He later became active in mainstream politics in the Populist Party and the
nationalist wing of the Republican Party in the 1980s and 1990s. As the 1990s progressed, Duke
unveiled his open racial collectivist, neo-Nazi beliefs.
While supportive of private property and controlled free enterprise, Dr. Duke also lapsed
into leftish-sounding anti-capitalist and socialistic rhetoric. He objected to capitalism
undermining the white racial community through a variety of policies, along with its social
atomism. Duke noted in My Awakening that The leaders of America and the West also must
take a share of responsibility for the disaster, for their idiotic charity of aid and special trade
policies have sustained both the birthrate and given the despoilers the economic incentives of
this ecologic nightmare. The unrestrained money lust of international capitalism has also been a
large player. It is not surprising that the same ultra-capitalists who have historically favored the
importation of slaves, and, since then, the immigration of cheap Third World labor, increasingly
locate their manufacturing plants in areas of the world where labor and environmental
standards are inferior to those in America and Europe. Duke also outlined his vision of the
new society in this fashion: I can see a healthy economy based on free enterprise, ingenuity,
and competition, but one also based on honor and honesty rather than greed. 85 Duke referred
to capitalism as an unfortunate system by which the United States is run. Duke was quoted as
stating I am not trying to defend the system because the capitalist system is almost as corrupt as
the communist one.86
In November 1969, Duke noted that The NSLF has different views from the run-of-themill political groups on campus, whether they support the right or the left. Their approach to the
problems confronting our civilization is completely mechanical, economic, and materialistic.
National Socialism, on the other hand, is unique! Instead of stressing materialistic economic
dogma as democratic-Liberalism has in its Eastern version or Western version, we believe that
the quality and spirit of our people are by far the most important issues of our time. 87
Duke noted that National Socialism stands for cultural, spiritual and racial values to
become the primary emphasis of a systemIt stands for instilling into our people the self discipline, self-respect and personal toughness which we need to build a society which gives the
individual a positive relationship between himself, his community, his race and NatureThe
Jewish people as a whole control both systems (Marxism and capitalism) and have been a
driving force for the disintegration and degradation of Western Civilization and the white race.
Duke noted in the September 1970 issue of the Racialist that Racial idealism, or racialism, is
the idea that a nation's greatest resource is the quality of its peopleIt means examining all
questions of government on the basis of whether the proposed measure is good or bad for our
race. It means that racial interests should never be subordinated for momentary materialistic
advantage. And it means that although economics must play a vital role in our system, the
primary emphasis of our system must be the physical, mental and spiritual health of our
peopleNeither Communism, Capitalism, nor any other materialistic doctrine can save our

Duke, David. My Awakening Accessed From:
86 Zatarain, Michael. David Duke, Evolution of a Klansman (Pelican Publishing 1990) pages
87 Rose, Douglas D. The Emergence of David Duke and the Politics of Race (The University of
North Carolina Press 1992) page 44.


race; our only racial salvation lies in a White racial alliance uniting our people with the
common cause of racial idealism. In 1970, a NSWPP newspaper reported that In his remarks,
Dave Duke appealed to the anti-establishment sentiments of young people present by
emphasizing that National Socialists also want to smash the System. He pointed out that unlike
our Bolshevik opponents, we recognized the true nature--the Jewish nature--of the System and
that therefore only we could be considered true revolutionaries capable of destroying that
System. Duke noted in a 1985 that the Nazis had a real sense of unity with nature and
believing in non-pollution and relocating factories to the countryside and creating a whole
community around nature walks and that outlook on life. It was reported that David Duke
blasted large companies because, as he told (doctoral student Evelyn) Rich, he thought they
were part of the Jewish financial network that controlled the world. 88
Although Duke agreed with some of the principles of private enterprise, he felt that
capitalism came under the control of international bankers who limited true competition and free
enterprise. Duke stated that our nation was not founded for any economic doctrine. Duke
advocated a system where workers no longer have to work one third of his life just to pay
interest on his home. Dukes publication The Racialist termed high interest rates as economic
robbery. The same publication felt that all working people should be secure in their jobs where
everyone was assured a high standard of living as long as he did work efficiently and to the best
of his ability. Duke was quoted as stating I am not trying to defend the system because the
capitalist system is almost as corrupt as the communist one.89
Libertarians and corporate conservatives were frightened by Dukes criticism of free
market capitalism and globalization. They also correctly believed that Duke was for a form of
statist-populism anathema to modern conservatives. Andrew Ferguson noted in The American
Spectator that Duke seems uncomfortable with issues that he cant trace to the underclass, and
when questioned about them he often arrives, foundering, at positions more commonly
associated with liberal DemocratsHe has proposed strict limits on the amount of foreign
investment in the United States, and when I asked him about Louisianas economic troubles -the
state has been in recession for most of the decade-he blamed an uneven distribution of federal
aid among the states (Louisiana ranks 47th in return on federal revenue) and emphasized the
need for high tariffs to keep American jobs here. Richard Gephardt couldnt have pu t it
Aside from holding up Hitler as a model ruler, Dukes publications also admired other
collectivist nationalist dictators. The Duke publication, the National Association for the
Advancement of White People (NAAWP) News praised the Turkish statist-nationalist dictator
Kemal Ataturk. NAAWP News praised Ataturks expulsion of foreigners and the execution of a
Jewish financial expert. The article noted that The odds are that every nation will have one or
more dictators during its existenceEven England had its Cromwell. When it is America's time
to go totalitarian, we should pray that we get a Kemal, who was more aware than any other


Bridges, Tyler. The Rise of David Duke (University Press of Mississippi 1995) pages 178-179.
Zatarain, Michael. David Duke, evolution of a Klansman (Pelican Publishing 1990) pages 136137
90 Ferguson, Andrew. The Wizardry of David Duke American Spectator October 1990 page


great public figure of modern times that national resurrection depends first and foremost on the
distillation process of racial separation.91
Duke supported various institutions and figures within Americas adversaries such as
Russia, China, Iran, and Syria. He also issued supportive statements for the extreme leftist
Occupy Wall Street movement. After all, white nationalists and leftists commonly believed in
the severe control or destruction of private banking in the United States. Duke remarked that I
cheer the men and women on the streets condemning the international banks that hold America
financially hostage. These Wall Street banks are not the product of free enterprise; they are the
product of crimeYes, occupy Wall StreetFinally, Americans are rising up and it feels great.
Duke complained at one point that while Americans lost much of their savings, Zionist owners
of the predatory banks made more shekels.92
The founder of the World Church of the Creator, Dr. Ben Klassen was originally a
member of the Florida State Legislature and a member of the John Birch Society. However,
Klassen left the Society as a result of its stance against anti-Jewish and racialist ideologies. He
thus moved leftward to a collectivistic ideology based on race. Before inaugurating the World
Church of the Creator, Klassen created the Nationalist White Party. It combined National
Socialist racial collectivism, populism, and nationalist-conservative features into its economic
program. The Nationalist White Party supported aspects of the social welfare state and
government-controlled unions: We believe that the productive White American worker is the
backbone of the nation and its greatest strength. He is entitled to the protection of social
legislation in his work, in sickness and in old age. His unions should have the honest
constructive leadership that he deserves and his work should receive the reward, the dignity of
recognition that he has so well earned. The Party also supported the development of
government protected family farms and the enactment of policies to eliminate large
agribusinesses: We intend to protect the farmer from cheap foreign competition. We intend to
have a program to encourage more people to return to the land. We intend to reverse the trend
of larger and larger farms in the hands of fewer and fewer large operators. Also, the
Nationalist White Party sought to destroy the influence of multinational banks in the American
economy: We are determined to free the economy of continued manipulation by the clique of
international bankers and the perennial uncertainty created by such manipulations. We want to
create stability and confidence.93
In 1973, Klassen and his followers formed the World Church of the Creator and issued
various tracts over the years which explained its philosophy. The Church supported the concept
of private enterprise within the confines of Racial Socialism (i.e. strong state control and
oversight for the benefit of the white racial community. Klassen wrote in Natures Eternal
Religion: Socialism, in short, is organized society. It can truly be said that the measure of
human progress can be directly computed by the willingness of the individual to sacrifice his
own interests for that of the common good, and this is the essence of socialism. There is

Bridges, Tyler. The Rise of David Duke (University Press of Mississippi 1995) pages 93-94
Hamme, Erick. Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street
Movement October 27, 2011 Accessed From:
93 The Klassen letters; volume one 1969-1976 (Ben Klassen 1988) Accessed From:


absolutely nothing wrong, we repeat, with socialism, per se, or collectivism Klassen also
stated We of the Creativity Movement believe, not in democracy, but in Racial Socialism, which
is teamwork elevated to its highest perfection for the welfare of the whole race, led by its ablest
leaders. It combines the best elements of both teamwork and competition. If team spirit and
rooting for the home team are such noble attributes (and they are) then, certainly, having a
whole race united in a team effort for their common good is the highest goal we can strive for.
That is what we mean by Racial Socialism as the ultimate in organized society for the White
Klassen was very critical of libertarian-capitalist economic theory: Let us now also take
a look at the term individual enterprise. It, too, is a theoretical myth and a deceptive fraud.
Anyone who has ever played the parlor game Monopoly knows what the end result of wide
open free enterprise is: before the game is over, one party gains a powerful stranglehold over all
the rest, and from then on out, no matter which way the dice roll, when the game is over, he owns
everythinghouses, land, factories, banks. This, too, happens in real life. It is easily discernible
that, say Standard Oil, left free to play the rules of the game proudly known as free enterprise
could from the beginning, have driven every other company out of the oil business and acquired
the oil business in totality. It could easily have acquired a total monopoly in worldwide oil. It
could have owned every service station and gas station in the world through squeeze play and
financial strength. It could have then moved into the banking business until it acquired every
bank in the country. Left unchecked, it then could have started acquiring manufacturing
businesses such as the electrical industries, etc. As its financial powers snowballed , it could then
easily have taken over the railroads, real estate, etc., until, in fact, one company owned
everything and held every individual at their mercy. This is free enterprise in clear essence, the
same free enterprise that the Kosher Konservatives just love to prattle about94 Despite the
flaws of libertarian capitalism, a government dominated by the World Church of the Creator
would implement authoritarian economic policies that would exceed the scope of legitimate
reforms such as anti-monopoly laws.
Other neo-Nazi splinter groups advocated strong statist and even outright socialistic
economic policies for the United States. The SS Action Group noted that We support the free
enterprise system, but wish to smash capitalism because of its abuse and exploitation of the true
working class. Massive unemployment, the highest in our nations history combined with a
government in Washington DC that has no concern whatsoever for the welfare of the White
Race, are reasons enough for a National Socialist State.95 The SS Action Group noted in the
Ten Points of American National Socialism that they supported the notion that the Jewish
domination of American finance must be smashed; productive free enterprise, large and
small business, and neighborhood stores must be encouraged and protected;every productive
working American must have a decent job, life time economic security and wholesome living
conditions for himself and his family; and youth our future leaders must have unlimited
educational opportunities and help in setting up family life.96 Some neo-Nazi leaders and
activists were very open about their totalitarian intentions and programs for an America under
their thumb. The White Student Union founder and leader Matthew Heimbach noted on the
Klassen, Ben. Natures Eternal Religion Accessed From:
95 SS Action Group. Aryans Awake! Flyer Undated.
96 SS Action Group. The Ten Points of American National Socialism Undated


Traditionalist Youth Network in July 2013 that This is our home and our kith and kin. Borders
matter, identity matters, blood matters, libertarians and their capitalism can move to Somalia if
they want to live without rules, in the West we must have standards and enforce them. The
freedom for other races to move freely into white nations is nonexistent. Stay in your own
nations, we dont want you here. In July 2013, Heimbach noted over the Traditionalist Youth
Network that Those who promote miscegenation, usury, or any other forms of racial suicide
should be sent to re-education centers, not tolerated.97
The National Socialist White Workers Party stated A strong state can build a strong
economythe opposite is impossible.98 A splinter group from the NSWPP called the National
Socialist Party of America (NSPA) stated in their Handbook (1975) that capitalism is the
accumulation of too much wealth in the hands of too few men at the expense of too many people.
Capitalism is the abuse of the free enterprise system by crushing out competition, resulting in the
production of cheap merchandise, and the economic destruction of the skilled craftsman.
Capitalism is the religion of materialism, the elevation of greed to the highest human virtue. In a
capitalist society a mans worth is measured by his bank balance. Capitalism was the system of
class division while National Socialism is the philosophy of class collaboration. The NSPA
also denounced conservatives by stating we are not conservatives because we do not want to
conserve the democratic and capitalist old order. Conservatives are cowards and/or weaklings
who either do not recognize or do not wish to recognize the real causes behind the worlds
problemsConservatives are really more interested in preserving their money than in
preserving their race. Their opposition to communism and liberalism is entirely selfish and
In 1974, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) was formed by former members of the
Rockwell-era ANP. The NSM also backed standard National Socialist principles for the
economic reorganization of America. NSM Commander Jeff Schoep wrote that his movement
combines the best of both Socialism and Capitalism to create a system that will stop the decay
while bringing innovation, prosperity, and security to America. 100 In its 25 Points of American
National Socialism, the NSM supported the:
1) The abolition of incomes unearned by workthe breaking of interest slavery.
2) The concept that personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime
against the nation. We therefore demand the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
3) The nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations
4) Implementation of economic reform suitable to our national requirements.
5) The prohibition of pro-Marxist unions and their supplantation with National
Socialist trade unions.
6) The passage of a law instituting profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.
Matthew Heimbach Southern Poverty Law Center Accessed
98 Vincent, Allen. White People Unite! National Socialist White Workers Party Letter undated
99 National Socialist Party of America. Handbook of the National Socialist Party of America
(Frank Collin Associates 1975) pages 11 and 14.
100 Schoep, Jeff. America's National Socialist Party Accessed From:


7) The state-mandated creation of a livable wage.

8) Passage of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without
compensation when deemed necessary for land illegally acquired, or not
administered in accordance with the national welfare.
9) The ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common
interest. Targets of such prosecution would include usurers, profiteers, (and) race
traitors, etc.101
Harold Covington, a former officer in the NSWPP and NSPA formed the Northwest
Front, which called for the creation of a separatist Northwest American Republic. It combined
the precepts of the old Rockwell-era ANP with that of more radical Nazi parties. The NF
supported the disbursement of subsidies for child rearing families, along with the development of
a national health care program. The NF Program believed that the proper function of the
economy is to serve the needs of the people, not to make profits for big bankers and multinational corporations. We also believe that actual production is the only legitimate basis for
wealth, not speculation or the manipulation of money and pieces of paper. Accordingly, the
Northwest American Republic will create an honest and self -sufficient economic system based on
the productive capacity of the White worker, which will guarantee conditions of full employment
and price stability. All banking and credit institutions will be placed under public control as well
as all the utilities and transportation facilities. Usury will be legally prohibited and all
conglomerate holdings and accumulations of usurious profit will be confiscated and returned to
the people through public institutions of community service and value. Basic industries will be
operated under a system of profit sharing. A system of interest-free loans for farmers, small
businessmen, and families will be instituted. The agricultural policy of the NF was supportive
of the development of the family farms and exclusive focus on production, as opposed to
commodity speculation: agriculture in the White Republic will be based on the institution of the
family farm rather than on the mass plantation-style agribusiness approach utilized by the
present regime.The Northwest American Republic will abolish all forms of agricultural
commodity speculation and provide interest-free loans for farm equipment, fuel, seed and
supplies, fodder, veterinary care for livestock, etc.102
Sometimes, communist organizations worked amongst various populations and
unintentionally created National Socialist groups within the United States. Congressman Larry
McDonald (D-GA) reported that the American National Socialist Brotherhood (ANS) was a
splinter of the Aryan Brotherhood (AB). The AB worked with the Maoist Communist
Venceremos Organization (VO) in 1972. The AB broke away from the VO because it could not
convince the AB to give up racism and adopt full Marxism-Leninism. Elements of the AB and
Polar Bear Party originally had ties with the Maoist Communist Venceremos Organization, who
also imparted much revolutionary and Marxist-sounding rhetoric amongst the National Socialist
Liberation Front (NSLF). Congressman McDonald noted that NSLF (National Socialist
Liberation Front) literature retains a strong Marxist-Leninist and Maoist coloration.103
25 Points of American National Socialism Accessed From:
102 The NF Program: The Program of the Northwest Front Accessed From:
103 McDonald, Congressman Larry P. California Nazis Expand Contacts Congressional Record
January 6, 1977 page 400.


Traditional Marxist anti-capitalism was merged with anti-Jewish prejudices and racialism. He
also commented that the NSLF interprets Marxs theories of class war against the capitalists
along racial and ethnic lines. For example, the NSLF issued a statement titled Big Brother
and the Holding Company or Police State USA which stated We do not wish for law and
order for law and order means the continued existence of this rotten rip -off Capitalist Jew
system.104 James Mason of the NSLF wrote in 1980 that To bring off a revolution means
literally to turn the tables upside-down. It does not mean quibbling inches and degrees; turning
back the hands of time; arguing two sides of the same coin. It doesn't mean patching up a rotten,
sagging framework either. It means DEATH to the old order and the BIRTH of the New Order!
Anything other than this is no more than a variation on a single theme: Jewish-controlled State
Capitalism. Mason also noted that We must develop and bring into focus our SOCIALIST
programs for a new society. This means a BREAK with Right-Wingism.105
Even the Christian Identity element of the neo-Nazi community supported strong
socialistic, interventionist policies. The Aryan Warriors Stand of the Aryan Nations (1979)
noted that property in the form of land or industrial wealth is subject to public control and will
be operated in the national and racial interest. It also noted that the financial system of
international Jewish capitalism will be endedIndustry will be self -governing with
representatives of management, workers, and consumers cooperating to distribute equitably the
proceeds of industry. Industry and Finance will be subject to general control by central authority
for the purpose of coordinating the national industrial system. The Aryan Warriors Stand also
noted In the sphere of economic life all action must be governed by one law: capital serves
Industry; and Industry serves the people of the nation. 106 The Aryan Nations Platform for the
Aryan National State (1979) noted its support for the forbiddance of the publication,
broadcasting, televising or circulation of any material which is not conductive to the National
welfare. The Aryan Nations also called for the government to Confiscate all unearned wealth,
stolen by usury or fraud and that which is made from war. The rights of lawful inheritance sh all
remain inviolableNationalize all monopolies and multi-national trustsImmediately bring
about land reform and completely prohibit land speculation or ownership of the nations land
and industries by aliens.107
The Nebraska-based NSDAP/AO noted in its program titled What We Want an
opposition to capitalism and communism. The NSDAP/AO supported the development of an
Aryan Peoples Community, elimination of Jewish influence, and overcoming capitalist and
communist materialism through the teaching of Adolf Hitler-National Socialism.108 Michael
Storm of the NSDAP/AO noted that When you betray your people, you betray your race for
profit. The perfect example is the United States of America. Whats the number one export in
America? Jobs.109

McDonald, Larry. Congressional Record March 18, 1975 page 6673.

Mason, James. Siege Accessed From:
106 Lyman Tower Sargent. Extremism in America: A Reader (NYU Press, 1995) pages 150-159.
107 Butler, Richard G. Aryan Renaissance/Aryan National State Platform Church of Jesus
Christ Christian Aryan Nations 1979
108 Gary Lauck and His Propaganda Patterns of Prejudice Volume 13 Issue 4 1979
109 Dobratz, Betty A. and Shanks-Meile, Stephanie L. The White Separatist Movement in the
United States: White Power, White Pride! (JHU Press 2000) page 265.


The neo-Nazi America First Committee (AFC) combined an old-fashioned populist

nationalism, conservative, and some National Socialist racial principles. It was formed in 1980
by the ex-NSWPP stormtrooper Art Jones. The AFC supported the concept of the subordination
of economic interests to the white racial community. The AFC platform noted that a Free and
sovereign People are the masters not the servants of Money in their own land. The AFC also
believed that government education should be used as a tool to mold future generations of white
youth. The AFC platform asserted that the purpose of Education is to preserve for future
generations the highest elements of White, Western Culture.110 Jones admitted that
Philosophically, Im a National SocialistOfficially, I dont belong to any party except my
own, the America First Committee.111 However, Jones supposedly evolved his earlier National
Socialist positions. He asserted that I consider my committee a white patriotic nationalist
organizationWere social nationalists as opposed to National Socialists. Jones believed in
what he termed revolutionary pan-Aryanism.112 In recent years, Jones ran as a populistnationalist Republican as a means of achieving more mainstream political support. Jones
combined racial national-populism with a smattering of quasi-socialist positions. Jones noted that
his jobs program would entail the Repeal these so-called free trade treaties, we have with over
a dozen third-world nations. Find and remove all illegal aliens holding down jobs that should go
to American citizens. Impose tariffs on countries that impose tariffs on U.S. exports. Begin a
crash program of rebuilding our crumbling bridges, roads and dams, and sewer systems . Invest
federal dollars in programs that train people in needed and useful occupations, rather than
waste money provided a liberal-oriented college education that offers no marketable job skills
upon graduation. Jones also believed that huge profits being made off these senseless wars we
are waging should be heavily taxed -- at least 50 percent. This tax would apply to both the
corporations involved and this same 50 percent would apply to the executives running these warprofiteering companies.113
Major Donald Clerkin of the Euro-American Alliance wrote that We Aryans realize that
the age of Capitalism and its stooge Democracy is just about over. He wrote that his formula
for Aryan Socialism has nothing to do with Money, or phony party politics; neither is it an
ideology, which Marx, Engels and Lenin made of what they called socialism. Aryan Socialism
is a racial ethica Soul-Force. Marxism is Jewish exploitation of the frustration the people feel
against Capitalism, also a Jewish motive, so as to get the wealth of the State and the peoples
live into Jewish hands. Jewish Capitalism robs the people, then the Jewish Marxists come in and
enslave them. It is not true Socialism. Clerkin explained that The Socialism we see as Aryan
caring is first and foremost thoughtful of the Aryan race. It exists to nurture and protect, not to
exploit, but to raise up. Call it Aryan Racialism, if you prefer. It is the racial glue which binds
America First Committee Accessed From:
111 Meet Arthur Jones, Traditional Values Rushpubliscum Accessed From:
112 Pick, Grant. Bigot for Hire Chicago Reader July 21, 1994 Accessed From:
113 Update: The Holocaust Never Happened American Republican Congressional Hopeful Vietnam War Veteran Arthur Jones Accessed From:


the Aryan race together. The Jews gave the Aryans the idol of Money to worship, which brought
on an orgy of atomismevery man for himself! Aryan Socialism once again ties the race
together, forbidding the exploitation of our people and punishing racial treason committed
against the Aryan race. He asserted that Aryan Socialism would settle accounts with
libertarian capitalism: Aryan Socialism will not permit the Aryan race to be humiliated and
exterminated by the Corporate CaesarsThere will be a showdown between the forces of Aryan
Socialism and Corporate Caesarism.114
Lyndon LaRouche was an example of a political extremist/leader on the American
communist Left who moved towards a form of fascism. LaRouche ran candidates for office
through the front group called the US Labor Party and later as Democrats. As John Rees noted,
LaRouche is a totalitarian extremist with a cult of personality to rival Joseph Stalinshe is
difficult to categorizein a sense LaRouche is a remedial Fascist. At least Mussolini could make
the trains run on time. I doubt LaRouche is capable of doing thatwhen LaRouche was rejected
by the totalitarian left, he simply tried the other side of the totalitarian spectrum. 115 LaRouche
was a Trotskyite Communist active in the Socialist Workers Party and SDS from the 1940s to the
late 1960s. He formed the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) in 1969 as a
communist organization. By the late 1970s, the NCLC moved towards an amalgam of socialism
and fascism. Dennis King noted that in 1968 and 1969 LaRouches disciples entered SDS
filled with revolutionary fervor. Their political strategy to develop class-wide organizing and
mass strikes was second to none in its radical implications. King reported that LaRouches
NCLC cadres originated from SDS and the Maoist Communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP). 116
Former Black Panthers such as Zeke Boyd served the LaRouche apparatus in the Security
Staff.117 One NCLC defector noted that Lyndon LaRouche fancied himself the American
Lenin. In the wake of the 1968 Columbia University SDS riots, the NCLC grew into a left wing
communist party which retained hundreds of members. By 1972, the NCLC attacked other
communist parties in an effort to seize hegemony on the entire American leftwing scene. This
phase in the NCLCs development became known as Operation Mop Up. The NCLC newspaper
New Solidarity noted during Operation Mop Up that This operation is one of numerous tactical
rehearsals in the development of those qualities of ruthless leadership necessary to lead the
North American working class forces to workers government in this decade. 118 Hence,
LaRouche appeared to fancy himself as the top dog of American Communism. In an editorial
in New Solidarity, LaRouche demanded that CPUSA and its General Secretary Gus Hall accept
the alternative of a united front with the Labor Committees. In 1974, the FBI Annual Report
called the NCLC a violence-oriented organization which has described itself as an
Clerkin, Major Donald Vincent Aryan Socialism Liberty Bell June 1990 Accessed From:
115 Berlet, Chip. Fascism Wrapped Up in the American Flag Political Research Associates
March 10, 1989 Accessed From:
116 LaRouche, Lyndon. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism Accessed From:
117 LaRouche, Lyndon. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism Accessed From:
118 Methvin, Eugene V. Lyndon LaRouches Raid on Democracy Readers Digest August 1986
pages 90-94.


organization of revolutionary socialistscontinuing its efforts to become the dominant left

group in the United States. Lyn Marcus has predicted that his organization will have gained
state power in the United States by 1979 and world power by the year 2000. 119
In April 1969, SDS Labor Committee members were charged with possession of
explosives and defended by CPUSA fronts National Lawyers Guild and the National Emergency
Civil Liberties Committee (NECLC). In June 1971, the NECLC defended the SDS Labor
Committee members on the grounds that they were the most consistent opponents of the
developing anarchists, terrorist tendencies in SDS and elsewhere. Far leftists such as Dr.
Benjamin Spock, Paul Sweezy, Dick Gregory, and others lent their names to a NCLC defense
Starting in 1973, LaRouche brainwashed NCLC members to build up his personality cult
and intensify his totalitarian control over his followers. In the summer of 1973, LaRouche noted
that I am going to make you organizersby taking your bedrooms away from youWhat I shall
do is to expose to you the cruel fact of your sexual impotenceI will take away from you all
hope that you can flee the terrors of politics to the safety of personal life. I shall do this by
showing to you that your frightened personal sexual life contain s for you such terrors as the
outside world could never offer you. I will thus destroy your rabbit-holes, mental as well as
physical. I shall destroy your sense of safety in the place to which you ordinarily imagine you
can flee. I shall not pull you back from fleeing, but rather destroy the place to which you would
attempt to flee.
LaRouche noted that the psychological tortures and brainwashing from the egostripping sessions were an act of social love. NCLC defector Christina Berl dubbed the ego
stripping sessions pure psychological terror and resulted in an extreme form of
depersonalization. The successfully brainwashed and broken NCLC cadres were transformed
into sniveling informers vying with each other for (LaRouches) approval. Even couples were
encouraged to inform on each others progress, particularly by singling out any behavior that
could be construed as apolitical, or that was suspected of being resistant to the aims of the
sessions. These ego stripping sessions were conducted under the pretext of deprogramming NCLC cadres that were secretly brainwashed by the CIA. LaRouche lambasted
the skeptics within the NCLC concerning the veracity of the charges of CIA brainwashing: Any
of you who say this is a hoaxyoure cruds! Youre subhuman! Youre not serious. The human
race is at stake. Either we win or there is no humanity. New Solidarity articles in 1973 and
1974 all played on the paranoia about the tortures that NCLC cadres faced in the hands of
Rockefeller, the CIA, the Soviets, and the local police forces. Dennis King reported that Alice
Weitzman was held captive in her apartment and forced to listen to Beethoven at high
volumea deprogramming technique suggested by LaRouche. Weitzman managed to throw a
note out the window. A passerby picked it up and alerted the police. When officers went to the
apartment, they heard screams, forced their way in, and freed her. Later that day, they arrested
six NCLC members on kidnapping charges. (The case was ultimately dismissed after We itzman

Lorenzo, Dan. Lyndon LaRouche: A Study in Subversion Accessed From:
120 McDonald, Congressman Larry P. NCLC/US Labor Party: Leftist Charlatans and
Provocateurs Congressional Record January 26, 1977 pages 2428-2430.


refused to press charges.)121 Some NCLC officials and activists saw that LaRouche was
consolidating dictatorial control which paralleled Stalinism. In April 1974, NCLC officials
Henry Weinfield and Christina Berl resigned their membership. They reported that because of
the thoroughly corrupt relationship between the leadership and Marcus, and the impossibility
therefore of fundamental political discussion, the organization has begun to exhibit the first
phase of a marked Stalinist tendency122 A former top member of the NCLC, Christine Berl,
was assigned to prepare a report for a 1973 NCLC conference on how Hitler built up the
National Socialist German Workers Party. Berl recalled that It scared me. I began to see it was
the very tactics Lyn was using. Even during its openly communist days, the NCLC was highly
anti-Semitic. LaRouche wrote in a December 1973 issue of the Campaigner that The brutally
sadistic moral castration of the Jewish boy by the domineering Jewish mother is the basis for
one of the most horrifying models of male sexual impotence, which expresses itself obsessively in
the business Jew.123 Two Jewish former LaRouchians, Don and Alice Roth charged in a
resignation letter that the membership had undergone a process of moral anaesthetization
regarding racism and anti-Semitism. They cited a joke that they said had become popular in the
NCLC national office: How many Jews can you fit into a Volkswagen? One hundred. Four on
the seats and ninety-six in the ashtray.124
During this period, the NCLC developed its own secret police and intelligence force
called the Security Staff. The Security Staff of the NCLC was formed during period of Operation
Mop Up against the CPUSA, the SWP, and other rival Leftist groups. A former visitor to
LaRouches apartment in New York City noted that LaRouche was waited on hand and foot by
Security. They cooked for him, they made his bed, they did his laundry. 125 LaRouche called for
the creation of the position of Secretaries of Political Intelligence and Domestic Security to
centralize the intelligence agencies in a future United States ruled by the NCLC. He also called
for the creation of a government press agency controlled by the NCLC.126 According to one
former NCLC member, LaRouche desired the creation of death squads as in Latin America. Its
a fitting ideological complement to the counterterrorist training they receive at the Farm in
Powder Springs, Georgia.127
In his openly Marxist-Leninist days, LaRouche also strategized an outreach program to
elements of the Republican and conservative movements. This would allow the NCLC to
maintain access and influence to a wider American audience. The LaRouchians also sought to


LaRouche, Lyndon. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism Accessed From:
122 Christine Berl & Henry Weinfields Letter of Resignation April 2, 1974 Accessed
123 LaRouche, Lyndon. The Case of Ludwig Feuerbach The Campaigner December 1973
Accessed From:
124 LaRouche, Lyndon. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism Accessed From:
125 LaRouche, Lyndon. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism Accessed From:
126 LaRouche, Lyndon H. Case of Walter Lippmann Accessed From:
127 King, Dennis. NCLCs Private Intelligence Agency Accessed From:


acquire funds from wealthier conservatives. This was a similar strategy undertaken by the
communists, Fascists, and National Socialists. In addition, LaRouche and his comrades reasoned
that they could divide and therefore weaken the Right. The idea was to factionalize the Right
along internationalist, anti-communist, and nationalist lines. The Soviets, who had close ties to
the NCLC, sought to gain entry into the American populist Right through selective dissemination
of various propaganda themes. Former FBI infiltrator Gregory Rose noted in 1979 that The
NCLCs approach to responsible conservative organizations could be part of a campaign to
penetrate these groups in the interests of the Soviet Union and its intelligence apparatus. The
NCLC is avowedly pro-Soviet, as even a cursory examination of New Solidarity will show. The
entree the NCLC has sought into conservative organizations provides an opportunity for
circulating Soviet propaganda in circles where a direct Soviet overture would be
impossibleThe NCLC is in a position to promote a pro-Soviet line on such issues as U.S.
defense posture within certain conservative circles, whereas the Soviets could not make such an
approach directly. It is equally obvious that information on conservative attitudes and
personalities gained from NCLC contacts would be helpful to Soviet intelligence.128
The united front with the Right and the NCLC dated back to the mid-1970s. A NCLC
Security Staff Memorandum issued in the spring of 1975 stated: Our success in beating back
the Fangs (i.e., Nelson Rockefellers) Endgame Scenario (another NCLC prediction of
thermonuclear was) shows the potential impact we can have among previously unpenetrated
strata. Operations reports from our organizers in the field indicate growing sympathy for our
Impeach Rocky campaign among right-wing circles. We must move to take advantage of this
situation. Right-wing organizations offer four opportunities: I) sources for fund -raising
(especially related to our organizing); 2) political contacts to circulate our perspective in antiRocky political-financial military circles; 3) opportunity to expose and discredit Rockys
Buckley-FBI-CIA penetration of the Right; 4) potential USLP members and periphery. Cadres
should be firmly fixed on the politics underlying this move: the real enemy is Rockys fascism
with a democratic face, the liberals, and social fascists. We can cooperate with the Right to
defeat this common enemy. Once we have won this battle, eliminating our right-wing opposition
will be comparatively easy.129
LaRouche gave a 1976 speech titled What Only Communists Know where he stated:
To this same end, Labor Committee and allied Communist forces within the capitalist sector
generally are working overnight, constantly, to bring into being a new Marxist International
throughout the capitalist sector. This is no mere federation of socialist parties from various
capitalist states. The purpose for the existence of the new international organization is to unify
our forces around a common strategic programmatic conjunctural perspective and to coordinate
the national tactical struggles within each nation for the achievement of our agreed strategic
programmatic goals.130
John Birch Society writer Gary Allen noted that the NCLC would assert that pure
Marxism has never existed anywhere and that at this point in history capitalism is still a viable
system. They claim to be Constitutionalists, and go so far as to assert that theoretical Marxism is
Rose, Gregory F. The Swarmy Life and Times of the NCLC National Review March 30,
1979 Accessed From:
129 Ibid.
130 What Only Communists Know Campaigner January 1976 Accessed From:


really very close to the ideals of Americas Founding Fathers. The Labor Party people have
made a study of the words, phrases and clichs to which Conservatives respond and they make
their approach sound like Yankee Doodle Dandyeven referring to their proposed united front
as the Whig Coalition.131
In a New Solidarity article written in May 1976, entitled Neither the Far Right Nor the
Far Left Actually Exists, LaRouche described the NCLC as an organization of Marxian
socialists. He argued that the American Independent Party of former Governor George Wallace
actually contained pro-socialist currents. He specifically noted that The Wallace movement
of 1968 was a populist movement embracing both pro-socialist and pro-fascist currents in a
sociologically lawful way. LaRouche also noted in a May 1976 New Solidarity article that I
am entirely a socialist, not some ordinary reformer. I know above all else how to establish and
direct a socialist economy. This is my goal, my morality, my commitment, my only ever present
reason for existing.132
Even during the 1980s, LaRouche cryptically hinted that he and his movement still could
be secret communists. LaRouche informed the Los Angeles Times in a 1984 interview that our
positions are the same. Weve changed our tactics. You work with who you can, when you
can.133 CIA veteran General John Singlaub described LaRouches followers in the 1980s: If
theyre not Marxists in disguise, they were literally the worst group of anti-Semitic Jews Ive
While the LaRouchians dropped much of their traditional Marxist rhetoric by 1977, the
group retained its support of socialist solutions to American economic problems. Dinesh
DSouza noted in March 1986 that the LaRouchians adhered to a virtually socialist domestic
agenda that calls for, among other things, nationalization of the steel industry.135 The 1992
LaRouche-Bevel Plan to Save the Nation recommended the nationalization of the Federal
Reserve Board and its conversion to the Third National Bank; the implementation of a
government supported massive public works program; a moratorium on national and
international debts; and the declaration of national economic emergency. 136
LaRouche and his organization continued to maintain hostility towards free enterprise,
libertarianism, economic conservatives, and internationalist-minded banking elites. LaRouche
sought to utilize the successful, nationalist American School of capitalism to build his hybrid
utopia of socialism and fascism. LaRouche also believed, according to Methvin, that his plans
Allen, Gary. Theyre Catching On American Opinion Volume 20 November 1977 page
132 Hedgehog, Hylozoic.Smiling Man From a Dead Planet: The Mystery of Lyndon LaRouche
Accessed From:
133 Kraft, Scott. LaRouche: Extremist of the Right or Left? Los Angeles Times March 20, 1986
134 Greason, David. Lyndon LaRouche Down Under Without Prejudice Number 5 November
1992 Accessed From:
135 DSouza, Dinesh. LaRouche Panics the Democratic Party Los Angeles Times March 30,
1986 Accessed From:
136 The LaRouche-Bevel Program to Save the Nation: Reversing 30 Years of Post-Industrial
Suicide (Independents for Economic Recovery, LaRouche for President Leesburg, Virginia
October 1992) Accessed From:


for increased productivity and high technology and fusion energy development were opposed by
reactionary oligarchs and financiers who fatten off the masses. 137 A New Solidarity article
noted in 1986 that The American System of economics was designed to function through a
harmony of interest between business, labor, and farmers. That harmony is the mutual interest in
continual upgrading of technologies, living standards, and skill levels worldwide, with the US
economy functioning as the engine of development. Lorenzo (a financier) and Kirkland (AFLCIO head) on the other hand seem to think that the methods of couple of buzzards gathered over
a carcass are preferable. What happens when even the corpses run out? 138 In 1984, LaRouche
noted in a letter to the editor of The New Republic magazine that The center of genuine and
sharp disagreements with me and my views among circles of Reagan loyalists, is the hostility to
my economic policies around a large faction of the Administration and Republican Party
leadership. There has been some vigorous discussion of my economic-science writings around
Livermore during the past, with the pro-Adam Smith faction apparently predominating.139
The available information which specified the type of regime that LaRouche sought to
implement was most unpleasant and downright frightening to anyone who cherished even a
semblance of economic and political liberty. One former LaRouche Movement member noted:
As to hoping LaRouche wins, I believe if he did win you would see the sort of brainwashing
camps set up as were in China during the Communist Takeover, and Concentration Camps like
you saw in WW2 for those who are degenerate or labeled as fascists. I think he would use the
emergency powers of the president to make a military state, imprison much of the congress, and
his underlings, drunk with power after the long struggle theyve faced (and chomping at the bit
for revenge from all the insults)would be the source of massive corruption, human rights
violations, and suppression of freedoms. I think you would see a massive jump in p roduction,
along with a deterioration of the environment, but ultimately, a complete end to the American
way of life.140
By the beginning of the late 1970s, the NCLC strategically repositioned itself as a
fascistic movement wrapped up in the American flag. Despite its highly collectivistic beliefs, the
LaRouchians were willing to work with right-wing fascists, national-populists, and elements of
the Republican Party and the conservative movement. By 1980, LaRouches NCLC was
transformed to the National Democratic Policy Committee (NPDC) and later became the World
LaRouche Movement. By 1977, the LaRouche movement also dropped much of the overt
communist rhetoric and absorbed the features of American political and economic nationalism.
The LaRouchians then blended it with an anti-classical liberal ideology and some of the features
of socialism. The LaRouchians made their intentions quite clear in their planning and policy
documents. In 1979, LaRouche noted that Democracy is like a farm without a farmer, in which
the chickens, sheep, cows, horses and pigs form constituencies. LaRouche argued that In the
United States at this moment, we are mainly under the executive dictatorship of the monetarist

Methvin, Eugene V. Lyndon LaRouches Raid on Democracy Readers Digest August 1986
pages 90-94.
138 Wertz, Marianna. Eastern Air Takeover: Free Enterprise in Action New Solidarity March 2,
139 LaRouche, Lyndon H. Letter to the Editor of The New Republic November 1, 1984
Accessed From:
140 Accessed From:


faction LaRouche felt that the old government in the United States should be replaced by the
dictatorship of an alliance of industrialists, trade-union and farmer political interests.
LaRouche noted that A capitalist republic is essentially, properly, a class dictatorshipin-fact of policy making...(It) is the dictating of those policies by representatives of the conscious
interest of industrial-capitalist development as a whole, in which the interests of the labor
movement are the partners and immediate broader social base of the leading role of industrial
capitalists as suchThe interests of management and labor are properly understood to be
identical in the final analysisThe labor-versus-industry nonsense must cease, at Ieast in
matters involving bearing on national policy making, national political life.
LaRouche noted in 1978 that The state must be constructed in such a fashion that only
humanist influences prevail in the modification of constitutional law and prevail in effective
dictatorship of principle over the shaping of ordinary positive lawWhat we (will) not tolerate
in proper policy and law is a direct violation of humanist outlook and methods which threatens
vital interests as defined from the humanist standpoint.
LaRouche also noted that The society--e.g., the state--does not concede freedom to the
individual, but demands that he or she partake of it in the general interest of the state...The
individual does not rightly regard the constriction on outlook and method of the humanist state
as oppressive. For without general progress, the state...cannot afford the individual members the
means for increasing their capacity and expression of freedom... 141
LaRouches movement displayed features of a state-controlled corporatism where the
industrialists and labor unions would build socialism in the United States. A US Labor Party
document from August 1977 titled Notes Concerning the Role of Labor Parties in Immediate
Strategic Crisis noted that Our strongest mass base in the United States is, of course, within
both the trade-union local organizations and among pro-technology black American forces of a
predominantly working class composition. Through the common agreement with our program by
conservatives and our immediate working class mass base, we are creating the basis for an
industry-labor alliance. Our immediate, conjunctural struggle is to stop total war and prolonged
and deep world recession through both an international industry-labor alliance and a
programmatic agreement between that alliance and the leaderships of both the developing and
CMEA countries. We and our immediate and active allies are the only force which sees that task
clearly, both analytically and programmatically.142
In 1977, a European Labor Party conference with the theme Humanism, Progress,
Socialism noted that The necessary alliance we must bring into being is that between us as
scientific Marxists and the industrial capitalists against the monetarists in Carters war cabinet.
We have to give these industrialists a historic self-consciousness about their own role and
humanist tradition.143 At a January 1977 Strategy for Socialism conference, top NCLC National
Executive Committee member queried members Are you ready to give up your red diapers for
red, white and blue? The ex-LaRouchian recalled that The speech was on the American
King, Dennis. LaRouche: A Dictatorial Mind At Work New America April-May 1982
Accessed From:
142 LaRouche, Lyndon. Notes Concerning the Role of Labor Parties in Immediate Strategic
Crisis USLP-EAP Internal Document August 24, 1977 Accessed From:
143 Dannenburg, Gabriele. ELP Conference Theme: Humanism, Progress, Socialism New
Solidarity January 14, 1977 page 2.


system. We were told that philosophies of the Founding Fathers, and specifically Hamiltons
economic policies, represented the same ideals of progress and industrialization in this country
that Marx represented in Europe. Not everybody believed this immediately. Some of us thought it
was merely temporary window-dressing, in the spirit of the bicentennial. The January 1980
Strategy for Socialism conference found that socialist rhetoric was replaced entirely by
humanist ideology.144 Costas Axios of the National Committee of Labor Committees (NCLC)
noted that: We are socialist, but first we must establish an industrial capitalist republic and rid
this country of the Rockefeller anti-industrial, antitechnology, monetarist dictatorship of
In summary, the American neo-Nazi movements in the post-1945 period clearly were
collectivists who sought to impose a dictatorial form of governance over society. Despite
assertions by the professional leftwing anti-racist groups and the Clinton Administration
during the 1990s, the neo-Nazi movement had very little in common with any branch of the
conservative movement. Simply stated, the neo-Nazis sought to exchange the Big Government
leftism of the Democrats with that of the even more collectivist ideology of National Socialism
and/or racial populism. The purpose of this research paper is two-fold:
1) To prove that the American neo-Nazi and Klan movements are racial collectivist and
socialist in inclination and worthy of no support for any self-respecting American
nationalist and traditional conservative who loves the Constitution, Balanced and
Nationalist Capitalism, and a strong national defense.
2) To discredit the liberal-left notion that such neo-Nazi forces are anti-government in
the sense that they oppose centralized state controls. In all actuality, the neo-Nazis
and Klan call for the development of a centralized, interventionist government under
their control, as opposed to the leftwing liberals.
In order to neutralize the potential for extreme nationalist and neo-Nazis forces to gain
new converts and possible political power, Republicans and Democrats need to rediscover a
healthy constitutional patriotism which emphasizes a much more Balanced and National-Minded
Capitalism, harmonious labor-capital relations where the importance of both sectors are
appreciated, a meritocratic society which does not recognize race and sex, anti-corruption drives
in the political class through tougher anti-lobbying and campaign finance laws, and curbs placed
against real abuses and resultant government subsidies for the financial sector. Such economic
policies and cultural-political changes would minimize the chances of a continuation of the
unnatural polarization between the super-wealthy and the middle, working, and the under
classes. Deep, long lasting depressions and recessions would be ameliorated, thus precluding the
development of extremist groups of the racialist and Marxist variety. However, will our normally
short-sighted political and economic classes take the necessary measures to preserve Americas
longtime tradition of economic and political liberty? Only time will tellPerhaps the veteran
populist-nationalist radio broadcaster and commentator Chuck Harder stated it best when he
reputedly warned (the Trilateralists) better listen to what Chuck Harder is saying. Because if I
fail they get David Duke.146
Ray, Linda. Breaking the Silence: An Ex-LaRouche Follower Tells Her Story In These
Times, October 29, 1986 Accessed From:
145 Valentine, Paul. When Left Reaches Right Washington Post August 16, 1977 page A1.
146 Accessed From:!topic/ AND
Cooper, Marc. The Paranoid Style The Nation April 10, 1995 page 492.

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