Resonance - A Destructive Power: Discovery
Resonance - A Destructive Power: Discovery
Resonance - A Destructive Power: Discovery
By David Williams
For a lightly damped linear oscillator with a resonant frequency , the intensity
of oscillations I when the system is driven with a driving frequency is typically
approximated by a formula
By David Williams
But which came first, the bridge's movement or the synchronous strides? And
what set the whole thing off? "If the people are initially disorganized and random, if a
few of them get into sync by accident, the bridge would become unstable," Strogatz
says. With a certain critical number of pedestrians, the wobbling becomes so large that
it forces people to stride in unison. This initial phenomenon could be linked to chaos
theory, investigated by Edward Lorenz. This theory is stated as sensitive dependence
on initial conditions. Just a small change in the initial conditions can drastically
change the long-term behaviour of a system. The small effect of each footstep, when
combined together caused a large affect in the behaviour of the bridge. It was the fact
that at one instance these footsteps matched the natural frequency of the bridge, and
so the change in the amplitude of motion each step caused was dramatically increased.
With each subsequent step, the amplitude was further increased due to the frequency
of walking equalling the natural frequency of the bridge. The swaying sideways
increased significantly and caused the grand opening to also be the grand closing.
Since this event, ninety shock absorbers have been installed to dampen the affect of
synchronous walking.
However, the most well-known bridge fault due to resonance was the total
collapse of the Tacoma Narrows. On 1 July 1940, a new bridge was opened up at the
narrowest point in Puget Sound, and right from the beginning, even before the
construction was completed, the bridge behaved in a peculiar way. Whenever there
was a slight breeze, ripples would run along the bridge. After a while local people
began calling the bridge affectionately by the name Galloping Gertie.
Four months after the bridge was opened, on 7 November 1940, a new mode of
oscillations showed up in the bridge in a prevailing south-westerly wind of about 42
mph. Instead of rippling motions down the bridge, twisting motions set in. At 11
o'clock in the morning that day, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed. An inquest
into the collapse determined that the bridge had been built according to the best
engineering standards of the day, so what brought the bridge down?
The central span was 853 meters long and only 12 meters wide between the
cable stays. A new method of calculating stresses (known as deflection theory) was
used which allowed lighter, more flexible and less expensive designs. However it was
this extreme flexibility that proved to be the weakness in the design of the bridge. The
vertical oscillations that were noticeable in construction became so large that a
supporting cable at mid-span snapped, unbalancing the load and creating severe
torsional forces, collapsing the bridge.
By David Williams
The source of the motion of the bridge was always known to be the wind. The
building up of the oscillations is seen as being due to resonance. In order for the
bridge to undergo resonance, there must be a force causing the bridge to move which
is periodic, regular and which matches the natural frequency of oscillation of the
bridge. This means that any thoughts of gusting winds
being responsible can be disregarded as they would have
had to be very regular and this phenomenon, apart from
being unlikely, was not witnessed. The long-standing
theory behind the collapse of the bridge is that the
oscillations were due to the shedding of vortices from the
bridge. As air flows round an object, swirls of air, called
vortices, are carried away by the wind. This is due to air at different speeds
combining. The vortices generate alternating high and low pressure regions on
the downwind side of the body, in this case the bridge. Such vortices are called
Strouhal vortices and are shed at a rate determined by the equation
Fs = SU/D
where Fs is the frequency of vortex shedding, S is the Strouhal number (a constant for
a given body shape), U is the velocity of the air flow and D is the width of the deck.
The thickness of the deck was 2.44m and on the day of the collapse, the wind speed
was 68 km/h, which, with an appropriate Strouhal number gives a shedding frequency
of about 1 Hz.
This frequency is equal to the natural frequency of the bridge and so caused the
initial twisting amplitude to increase. With each oscillation the swinging and twisting
motion increased, until it was large enough to collapse the bridge. This was a
torsional vibration mode whereby when the left side of the roadway went down, the
right side would rise, and vice versa, with the center line of the road remaining still. It
was also a second torsional mode, in which the midpoint of the bridge remained
motionless while the two halves of the bridge twisted in opposite directions. This can
be seen in the photos below. This twisting motion caused the mid supporting cable to
snap as it was put under incredible stress. The bride then overloaded and collapsed.
Throughout history we have learned the destructive power of resonance, and
sometimes this has been from disasters. We have also shown that the driving force of
this resonance can come from a multitude of sources, such as people walking, wind
vortices and vibrations from vehicles. Also the affect of such resonance has been
discovered. In the case of bridges, three affects are clear. Vertical vibration was seen
By David Williams
most commonly when large numbers of people march over a bridge, causing collapse
from fierce vertical shaking. Also we see lateral motion caused, such as in the
Millennium Bridge, and in the case of the Tacoma Narrows, torsional twisting motion
can cause collapse. The Large amplitudes caused by this resonance causes the loads
on the bridge structures to be dramatically increased and can cause critical
components to fail. As technology increases, and knowledge of such factors is also
increased, we have developed techniques in reducing the destruction caused by this
physical process. Resonance is something that occurs daily within our lives, and is
extremely helpful in certain circumstances, but when uncontrolled and unexpected
can have disastrous consequences.
1) (Background of resonance)
2) (Information on resonance)
3) (Resonance equations and graphs)
4) (Chaos theory)
5) (Tacoma Narrows background)
6) (Tacoma Narrows collapse)
7) (Diagram of Millennium Bridge)
8) (Strouhal vortices);jsessionid=1499A2C159E1C