Statistics For Linear Equation 2009

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Statistics for a Linear Equation1

This analysis applies to statistics for a line with only one variable (y = mx + b).
The regular plot routine in Excel can generate a value of r2, but not a confidence interval for the two
coefficients (m and b). The easiest method to generate these statistics is to use the regression package in
the Analysis ToolPak in Excel 2004, as follows:
1. Under the Tools pull-down menu, select Add-Ins.
2. Check the box next to Analysis ToolPak.
3. Under the Tools pull-down menus, select Data Analysis.
4. Click on Regression.
5. Select range of x and y values, select confidence interval, and select some of the output options.
A sample page is attached as an Excel file.
This procedure gives you the upper and lower confidence intervals on m and b. You may also use the
DeLevie Macro Linest to obtain the same result.
For a line, a formula can be generated to calculate the confidence interval on y for any value of x. The
value of t,/2 must be computed from a statistics table using the degrees of freedom ( = npoints nvariables
1) and the selected confidence interval ( = 0.05 for 2-tailed 95% confidence interval). There is also
an easy way to calculate t,/2 in Excel (=TINV(,)). For 9 points, = 7 and t,/2 = 2.365 (i.e.,
=TINV(0.05,7)). The equation for y is then:

where y0 is the value computed from y0 = mx0 + b. You can use this formula to generate lines above and
below your linear fit that represent a 95% confidence interval. The value of sey is the standard error
listed in the Regression Statistics table, and n is the total number of data points. You must compute
the average value of x from your data ( ). The value of sem is in the Standard Error for the slope
coefficient. Note that this confidence interval line is a quadratic (i.e., non-linear), since you have less
confidence as you move away from the mean x value in your data. The plot might look something like

Source: 2009.

The method for determining confidence intervals on coefficients also works well for multiple regression
(i.e., y = m1x1 + m2x2 + +b), but is a bit more complicated. The following are excel directions:2
You will need to calculate the variance of an estimated point on the
multiple regression. Suppose X is the "design matrix" (the array that you
would pass to LINEST, augmented with a column of ones [unless you are not
fitting a constant term]).
If b is the corresponding vector of coefficient estimates (a column, and in reverse order to
the LINEST output), then =MMULT(X,b) gives the estimated multiple regression at your
data points, i.e. the same output as =TREND(known_y's,known_x's,,const). The
predicted value at a given point on the multiple regression would be =MMULT(v,b) where
v is the row of X corresponding to the point (if it is in the data set), or is constructed
similarly (if it is not in the data set).
You will need D which is calculated as
The variance of an estimated point on the multiple regression is then
=D*MSE, where MSE is =sey^2 and sey is one of the quantities output by
=LINEST(known_y's,known_x's,const,TRUE). Similarly, the variance of a
predicted future point that follows the same multiple regression is
A 95% 2-sided confidence interval for a point on the multiple regression line is then
=MMULT(v,b) +/- SQRT(D*MSE)*TINV(0.05,df)
A 95% 2-sided prediction interval for a new point that follows the multiple
regression is
=MMULT(v,b) +/- SQRT((1+D)*MSE)*TINV(0.05,df)
Some simplification may be possible given knowledge of the particular regression model
that you want. For instance, with simple linear regression:
MSE reduces to STEYX(known_y's,known_x's)
=MMULT(v,b) reduces to =FORECAST(x,known_y's,known_x's)
or equivalently to
=INTERCEPT(known_y's,known_x's) +x*SLOPE(known_y's,known_x's)
and D reduces to
=1/COUNT(known_x's) +(x-AVERAGE(known_x's))^2/DEVSQ(known_x's)
You may compare these equations to the details on page 1.

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