Definition Sho Module 1

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Chapter 2: Incident Prevention

1. Incident

An unplanned event in a sequence through combination of causes

which result in physical harm to individual, to property, a near miss, or
loss or any of these combination.

The loss that created by the incident is not necessary to be only

immediately damage or injury, it can be a long term health effect like
hearing loss or any illness that caused by the hazardous substances.

2. Heinrich Domino Theory

This theory indicates that an injury from an accident is the result of a

series of events or circumstances that is dependent on each other.

Heinrich believes that most of the causes of incident are caused by

humans behaviour like unsafe act or human error, so, the approach to
prevent incident / accident should be focused on human behaviour.

3. Birds Modified Domino Theory

This theory is also emphasise on the causation of incidents are highly

depending on each other.

However, Birds believes that, main cause of the incident is due to lack
of control / Operational errors.

Its employers responsibilities to create a good management system

to reduce incident.

4. Multi-causality Accident Model

This theory indicates that an incident can be caused by more than 1

All of the causes combine together and contribute to the incident.

Humans unsafe act + Lack of Operational Control > Incident /


Chapter 3: Safety And Health Policy Organisation And Arrangement

1. Policy

A written document / paper that provides direction to all organisations

in planning or make any necessary arrangement.

2. Safety and Health Policy Statement

A document that sets out how the organisation will manage health and
safety in the workplace.

3. Safety and Health Policy

A statement from top management to declare their commitment to the

statement in the policy.

Chapter 4: OSH Risk Management

1. Hazard

A source or situation that has potential to cause harm. The harm could
be human injury or ill-health, property damage to environment or any
combination of these.

2. Danger

Refers to the Level of exposure to hazard. (How long, How much, How

3. Risk

A combination of likelihood of a hazardous event with specified period

and severity of injury / damage to the property or environment or any
combination of these caused by the event.

In quantitative perspective: Risk = Probability x Severity

4. Risk Assessment

A scientific approach to evaluate risks to safety and health arising from

hazard at work.

It helps to decide the control measure and priority to that particular


5. Exposure Monitoring

A monitoring process to identify the physical, chemical and biological

stressor, such as, noise, dust, toxic gases, and harmful bacteria in the

6. Personal Exposure Monitoring

To determine exposure levels or the need of medical consultation,

examination / surveillance of the individual.

7. Area Exposure Monitoring

To estimate the employees level of exposure to the substances in a

static area.

8. Biological Monitoring

A regular measuring activity to determine the level of exposure to the

particular toxic substance in the human body to prevent health

9. Medical Surveillance

A measuring activity that carried out by Occupational Health Doctor to

determine the level of exposure to toxic substance in the
individuals body, then conclude whether the individual is fit or not fit
to work at that particular workplace.

10.Risk Control

A process that implemented to prevent or control the incident /

accident come into existence.

Chapter 8: Personal Protective Equipment For Safety And Health

1. PPE

A device that to be worn to protect body parts from injury, such as

goggles / safety glass, face shield, hart hat, safety shoes / boots,
gloves, earplug / earmuffs, body harnesses, and respirator.

Chapter 9: Emergency Response Plan And Recovery Measures

1. Emergency

A situation that comes unexpectedly and suddenly and can have dire
consequences for the organisation.

It could be unstoppable developing event due to widespread of

damages, injuries, loss of life or properties.

It is beyond normal response resources of the organisation, and would

require the response from outside resources and assistance for

2. Stages of Emergency

Stage 1: Before emergency happens. This is the period to plan and

prepare for an emergency

Stage 2: When emergency is triggered. This is the time when quick

response is needed to stop or prevent the emergency escalate to a

Stage 3: When emergency is under control or over. This is the time

when to recover and cleanup.

3. Level of Emergency

Level 1: Emergency that can be handle by the organisation.

Level 2: Emergency is where external local assistance is required.

Example: Local Fire Rescue, Ambulance, Police, and etc.

Level 3: Emergency is when it becomes a national disaster. (Impacted

its surrounding community or more)

Chapter 10: First Aid

1. First Aid
The immediately and temporary care of the victim of an accident.
Its to prevent / reduce an acute threat to the life / health of the victim.
Chapter 11: Documentation

1. Document

A paper or booklet that provides information, record, or report in detail.

2. Manual

A collection of notes that issued to employees or company wide as a

reference for detail information or instruction pertinent to the work in
the organisation.

3. Level of Documentation

Level 1:Occupational Safety And Health Manual

Level 2: Procedures.

Level 3: Instruction.

Level 4: Records, Forms, Reports.

4. Occupational Safety And Health Manual

Provide information and overview of effective control of hazards in


A roadmap to give direction to other refer to other document kept.

It contains instruction and procedures.

5. Procedures

A document that translates the organisations policy, objectives and

programmes into implementation plans / instructions.

It is to ensure all employees are following the same standard in

delivering their daily activities or tasks.

6. Instructions

A document that describe how each individual carry out this job.

Its an authorised method or ways to follow when carrying a job / task.

7. Record

A documents that used to track performance or history review.

8. Form

A document that standardise the records.

9. Reports

A summary of performance of their analysis.


An official or formal list recording names, events, or transactions.

Chapter 12: Incident Investigation And Corrective Action

1. Incident Investigation

A management tool which work-related injuries, illnesses, diseases and

incidents are systematically studied.

The root causes and contributing factors are identified for continuos

2. Near-miss

An event which did not result in injury or damage to property but had
the potential to do so and shares the same root cause of an accident.

Chapter 13: Performance Measurement And Monitoring

1. Performance Measurement And Monitoring

A process to provide management the guidance for improving

occupational safety and health in the workplace.

It can be used for developing strategies in preventing accidents.

Chapter 14: Auditing

1. Auditing

A management tool to evaluate whether the management system is


It is a systematic evaluation process, it involves documenting the

process, gathering data and information, comparing data with set
criteria and objectively deciding whether the result conforms to the

2. OSH Audit

A systematic examination to determine whether activities and related

results conform to planned arrangements and whether these
arrangement are implemented effectively and are suitable for
achieving the organisations policy and objectives.

Chapter 15: Management Review

1. Management review

A process of reviewing the organisation management system,

programmes and performance by top management.

Chapter 16: Occupational Safety And Health Management System

1. System

An assistant is just an orderly set of components that work together for

a certain purpose.

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