Chinese Herb
Chinese Herb
Chinese Herb
Successful treatment of
spinocerebellar ataxia 6 with
medicinal herbs
Tetsuro Okabe,1 Michio Fujisawa,2 Takasi Sekiya,1 Yaeko Ichikawa3 and
Jun Goto3
Department of Integrated Traditional Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, 2Health Service Center,
and 3Department of Neurology, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: genetics, herbs, nervous system disease, therapy, traditional Chinese medicine.
Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) are a clinically and geneti- A 60-year-old Japanese female suffering from tituba-
cally heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disor- tion, muscle rigidity, loss of balance and dizziness was
ders. Although transient improvement of ataxia with diagnosed with familial spinocerebellar ataxia by head
thyrotropin-releasing hormone, branched-chain amino magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Loss of balance had
acid, or zolpidem have been reported,1–3 we have no gradually progressed until she could not walk well by
effective therapeutic tools against these degenerative herself for the past 10 years. Tendon reflexes were not
diseases. We report here a case of familiar spinocerebel- increased. Mild modification of fluency and slight
lar ataxia 64 with typical symptoms, which were slurring were observed. Mild ataxia was found on the
improved after administration of a mixture of traditional lower extremities but not on the upper extremities.
medicinal herbs (modified Zhengan Xifeng Tang).5 There were no oculomotor abnormalities, including
nystagmus. Autonomic disorders were not found, To
identify various subtypes SCA, SCA1, dentatorubral-
pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), Machado–Joseph
Accepted for publication 25 November 2005. disease (SCA3/MJD), and SCA6 loci were assessed for
expansion of trinucleotide repeats.6 Analysis of the
Correspondence: Dr Tetsuro Okabe MD, Department of Inte-
grated Traditional Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Uni- SCA6 CAG trinucleotide repeat at the CACNA1A gene
versity of Tokyo, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8655, in the patient’s DNA demonstrated an expanded allele
Japan. Email: [email protected] of 22 CAG repeat units.4 She had no significant past
medical history. Her mother was diagnosed with the A case of familial SCA6 was successfully treated by a
same disease by MRI had suffered from severe gait dis- mixture of 18 medicinal herbs. This may be the first case
turbance and was not able to walk well by herself. A report of a successful treatment of familial SCA6. Effec-
younger sister of her mother had been also diagnosed tive treatments of the hereditary disorders have not been
with spinocerebellar degeneration and became developed. All the symptoms dramatically improved
wheelchair-bound 5 years after the diagnosis. after 60 days of the treatment. While the disease
Under the differential diagnosis by traditional relapsed 12 months after discontinuation of the treat-
Chinese medicine, a mixture of 18 medicinal herbs (a ment, all the symptoms were markedly improved again
modification of Zhengan Xifeng Tang; Uchida by re-administration of the same herbs. The patient did
Wakanyaku, Tokyo, Japan) was boiled and the super- not have a relapse for another 15 months after discon-
natant was administered three times a day for 60 days tinuation of the modified Zhengan Xifeng Tang. After
(Table 1), which was expected to stabilize her central the second relapse, the modified Zhengan Xifeng Tang
nervous system and is usually used against tremor, was administered for 60 days. The third treatment was
vertigo or ataxia in traditional Chinese medicine.2 All of also effective and ataxia was remarkably improved
the symptoms including ataxia, dizziness and titubation again.1–3
remarkably improved after 60 days of the treatment. Her Recently, an anticonvulsive herb, Gastrodia elata, a
total ataxia score was improved from 20 to 8 on a 100- component of our modified Zhengan Xifeng Tang, has
point semiquantitative International Cooperative Ataxia been shown to protect against kainic acid-induced neu-
Rating Scale (ICARS).7 To consolidate the effect of the ronal damages in the mouse hippocampus.8 Magnolia
medicinal herbs, the same remedy was given for another officinalis, included in the recipe, has been shown to
60 days. One year after discontinuation of the treat- exert antidepressant and anxiolytic effects in mice.9,10
ment, she complained of gait ataxia. The modified The ethanol extracts of Paeonia lactiflora root, another
Zhengan Xifeng Tang was administered for 60 days. component of the modified Zhengan Xifeng Tang and
Ataxia was markedly improved after 60 days of the treat- its active constituents, gallic acid and methyl gallate,
ment. Fifteen months after discontinuation of the treat- exhibited a significant free-radical scavenging effect
ment, she complained of gait ataxia again. The modified against 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazine radical genera-
Zhengan Xifeng Tang was administered for 60 days. tion and had an inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation.
Ataxia was remarkably reduced again. No adverse effects In addition, they strongly inhibited the hydrogen
were observed. Even after discontinuation of the peroxide-induced DNA damage in mammalian cells.11
therapy, she has been well without any symptom for Together with these observations, it is possible to
consider that some herbs in the modified Zhengan polyglutamine-dependent expansions in the alpha
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Neuropharmacology Committee of the World Federation
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Scale for pharmacological assessment of the cerebellar syn-
drome. J Neurol Sci 1997; 145: 205–211.
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