Gmo Quarterly Letter
Gmo Quarterly Letter
Gmo Quarterly Letter
4Q 2016
Table of Contents
The new administrations plan for a large fiscal stimulus seems poorly designed, oddly timed,
and very unlikely to produce the sustained strong growth that Trump claims he will provide. Even
in the unlikely possibility that we do achieve the growth Trump is calling for, it is not obvious that
it would be the boon to the stock market that investors seem to think. The fiscal stimulus does,
however, seem likely to lead to tighter monetary policy and has a reasonable chance of leading to
rising inflation. How the economy responds to these two potential outcomes will tell us a good deal
about whether the Hell or Purgatory scenario is correct, which will be helpful to investors even if
the policies themselves prove not to be.
Last quarters letter, Hellish Choices: Whats An Asset Owner To Do? discussed what I consider
to be the most momentous investment question facing asset owners today. Will asset prices revert
to valuation levels similar to historical norms, leading to bad returns for a while but long-term
returns similar to what investors have been trained to expect? Or have we seen a permanent shift
such that asset class valuations have permanently risen and long-term returns available from them
have consequently fallen? Such a shift would be a profound problem for the basic rules of thumb
used by almost all long-term investors, but in the shorter run means returns will not be disastrously
bad. The key metric that I believe has driven market valuations upward in recent years and could
conceivably drive them right back down is short-term interest rates: So much of this comes down
to a question of whether cash rates over the next 10, 20, or 50 years will look like the old normal
of 1-2% above inflation or whether they will look more like the average of the last 15 years of about
0% after inflation. The scenario where they average 0% real is what we have referred to as Hell,
whereas the other scenario is Purgatory. On the eve of the US election in November, the US
10-year Treasury Note was yielding about 1.55%, which suggested the bond market at least was very
much in the Hell camp. As of year-end, that yield has risen 90 basis points to 2.45%, which is at least
closer to a level consistent with Purgatory. This has led a number of our clients to ask us if we have
changed our minds about the likelihood of Hell, as the market seems to have. The short answer is
that we have not. If Hell is a permanent condition for markets, it should not be readily changeable by
the policy choices of a single US administration, to say nothing of the fact that we do not yet know
what those policy choices will be for an administration that has just taken office.
But the basic dilemma of Hellish Choices was not strictly about Hell, it was about the uncertainty as to
whether we are in Hell or Purgatory, given the two have quite different implications for both portfolios
today and institutional choices for the future. Keeping with the theological theme, I will call that state
of uncertainty Limbo. A certain unpleasant outcome is not something to be excited about, but it is
at least something you can try to prepare for. Uncertainty that has important implications for your
portfolio is another matter entirely, and the most important implication of the Trump administration
is not that it has removed the possibility of Hell from our investment forecasts, but that it gives us
some hope that we may be able to figure out whether we are in Purgatory or Hell within the next few
years. That does, at least, get us out of Limbo.
Debt/GDP trend+3.2%/Year
Debt/GDP trend1.3%/Year
The secular stagnation argument implies there must be something important wrong with the economy
such that even the build-up of debt hasnt been able to get growth any higher than it has. The alternative 0
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explanation is that debt just doesnt matter that much. The productive potential of the economy is built
out of the skills and education of its workforce and the depth and technology of its capital stock. The
way that capital stock was financed may be of academic interest, but has no bearing on what we can
expect it to produce. If that is true, then the various ways monetary policy impacts the economy are
unlikely to be that meaningful.
for the economy in the end. This will likely bleed into pieces pointing out that if monetary stimulus
isnt all that effective in boosting the real economy, it should be used sparingly because its impacts on
the financial economy are very significant and generally negative for financial stability, given how it
encourages leverage, speculation, and asset bubbles.2
If the economy remains reasonably strong, we should expect the Fed Funds rate to rise at least to
the level of the Dot Plot of around 3%, and quite likely higher. This will, of course, push up bond
yields. Higher bond yields will provide some competition for stocks in portfolios and the higher cost
of debt will discourage corporations from taking on ever-increasing amounts of debt in order to buy
back stock. P/Es may, at long last, come back down to levels consistent with their longer history of
somewhere in the middle to upper teens. Investment portfolios will take a hit, but we will at least be
back to a level of valuations where investors can expect to earn the kinds of returns they need in the
long run. It will be Purgatory, and while Purgatory is painful, it is finite.
At the very least, youd expect to read such pieces from us.
The official US labor participation rate is for the population aged 16 and higher. Given the growing segment of the
population over 65, it would be very odd if this remained stable. Taking the prime working age cohort of 25-54, the
current participation rate is 81.4%, versus its 25-year average of 82.8% and an all-time high of 84.6%. Moving that rate
back up to the 25-year average would entail a total of about 2 million additional workers and recapturing the all-time
high would require 5 million.
The current trend looks to be something south of 1.5%, and population growth is set to add
somewhere between 0.2-0.5% to the workforce over the coming decade, absent a change in labor 1
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participation rates or a burst of immigration.4 While it is tempting to believe we can return to the 3%
productivity growth that we saw for the decade ending in 2005, the reality is that is probably a pipe
dream. The overwhelming driver of the spike in productivity in that decade was the extraordinary
growth in production of IT equipment, which grew at 10% real per year for the decade ending in
2005, despite a declining number of people employed. Annualized productivity per worker in the
industry was therefore a stunning 13%. Since then, technology hardware output has grown at a much
more pedestrian 1.7% and output per worker a good, but less special, 4%. The subsequent breakdown
of a number of the engineering laws governing the speed of progress in computing makes it seem
extremely unlikely we will see a reacceleration of productivity growth in IT hardware production to
anything like the earlier level.5 Deceleration looks more likely. Even the most plausible productivity
breakthrough for the next 5-10 years, autonomous vehicles, seems much more likely to be a job killer
than job creator.6
So, a massive reacceleration of productivity seems unlikely. And its possible that looking at the trailing
10-year number understates how slow productivity growth has gotten, as productivity over the last
3 and 5 years has averaged 0.7% and over the last 12 months a nice round 0%. Attempting to grow a
1.5-2% economy at 4% is a recipe for inflation, and this is where the Trump effect will help us answer
And among the things that seem quite unlikely under the new administration, significantly increased immigration has
got to be pretty close to top of the list.
Specifically, Dennard scaling, which states that as transistors get smaller their power density stays constant, broke
down in about 2006. Had it continued at its prior pace, the clock speed of a typical computer processor would be
about 70 times what it currently is. More recently, the more famous Moores Law (i.e., that the number of transistors
in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years), has begun to break down, with improvements in
transistor density falling well off the old trend. The old rate of decrease in data storage costs (sometimes referred to as
Kryders Law) has also recently fallen far off the previous trend.
Its hard not to be excited by the prospect of all of the lives saved by getting distractible humans out of the business of
driving, not to mention the reduction in traffic jams coming from the more consistent spacing and speed of autonomous
vehicles, or the lives that will be transformed by the reduced expense and hassle of getting from place to place. But
there are 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the US along with perhaps half a million or so taxi drivers, chauffeurs,
and ride-sharing drivers. Thats a lot of generally lower-skilled people who will need to find other work.
questions much more quickly than we would with a president enacting more conventional policies.7
Any acceleration of inflation will require far faster interest rate increases than is generally being priced
in and we will likely learn relatively quickly whether the economy can withstand those increases.
But if we assume for a minute that somehow the economy really does grow at 3.5-4%, this probably will
not be the panacea for equity investors that some are assuming. First, it seems more or less impossible
that the right interest rate level for an economy growing at 4% would be 0% real. So Hell, in that case,
would seem to be off the table, and with it a big part of the justification for higher P/Es for the stock
market. And while the faster growth would seem at first blush to be a big plus for equities after all,
it would mean that corporate revenues will grow significantly faster than they have been our best
guess is actually
that faster growth might well be associated with a stock market trading at significantly
lower valuations than today. The 1960s and 1996-2005 periods may have been the halcyon days of
productivity in the US, but it is the current period that has been best for profitability, as we can see in
Exhibit 3.
AfterTaxCorporateProfitswithIVAandCCadj vs.GDP
In both the 1960s and the 1996-2005 periods, profits were about 6.5% of GDP, against an average of
8.5% in the most recent decade. The slowdown in productivity growth certainly didnt seem to hurt
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corporate profitability much, so it seems odd to assume that a hypothetical increase in productivity
will push it up still higher. In fact, for an economy in which consumption is around 70% of output,
one can make the argument that a necessary condition of sustained strong economic growth would be
the share of income going to labor going up from here. This would almost certainly require corporate
profits to fall as a percent of GDP. And if profit margins fall materially, even a moderate acceleration
of revenue growth would lead to falling, not rising, overall profits.
It is worth noting that part of Trumps proposed fiscal stimulus infrastructure spending is the same medicine that
Larry Summers suggests would be most helpful in ending secular stagnation. In Summers reading of the economy,
our problem is too much savings and too little investment. Government borrowing to spend directly on infrastructure
therefore gives a twofer of lower aggregate savings and higher investment. The other part of Trumps proposed stimulus,
however, is tax cuts, and this would not be particularly helpful if Summers is right. Some portion of the tax cuts would
be saved (particularly if the rich get a big chunk of the savings), reducing the effect on that side, and the rest would be
generally consumed. While this consumption would cause some knock-on investment as capacity utilization rises, it
seems unlikely that this would be a particularly large fraction of the total.
But what about the cut in corporate tax rates? Surely that will be a positive for the stock market? It is
possible that
it will be, but it is neither theoretically clear that it should be nor empirically obvious that
tax rate changes have been particularly important to profitability. Exhibit 4 shows after-tax corporate
profits versus corporate tax rates since 1947.
Exhibit 4: Tax Rates and After-Tax Profits
Its hard to see a lot of correlation here. While tax rates are currently at about their lowest levels and
corporate profits just off of their highest, tax rates did their falling in the 1980s and the profit spike was
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a good 20 years later. Given that lag, it strains credibility to argue that the tax rate fall was an important
driver of the rising profitability. What you would want to see is a relationship such that when tax rates
fall over a period, profits rise. This does not seem to have been the case, as the correlation between
tax rate change and profit change as a percent of GDP is positive over 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year periods.
This means that tax rate falls have generally been associated with falling, not rising, profits.8 Your
microeconomics professor probably would have taught you that corporate taxes should be a passthrough, just as sales taxes are. Because corporations are interested in their after-tax return on capital,
a change in corporate tax rates should generally affect output prices, not profits.9 That would make a
fall in corporate tax rates at best a one-off windfall and possibly a wash.
It is easy to imagine that a burst of economic growth might create a stock market bubble, as occurred in
the late 1990s. But in terms of what the stock market is actually worth, if faster growth leads to interest
rates returning to historically normal levels, the safe bet is that equity valuations will eventually find
their way back down to historically normal levels as well.
While this correlation exists, I dont believe it is meaningful. There have been very few events in which tax rates
changed meaningfully, so there hasnt been a lot for the correlation to sink its teeth into. Suffice it to say, there isnt a lot
of historical evidence that falling tax rates increased after-tax profits.
This should be true in a competitive market. Monopolies may work differently, although even there one would not
expect the monopolist to capture all of the tax decrease. Expect more on that topic in an upcoming quarterly.
And this brings us back to the odd paradox about Purgatory and Hell. If Trumps policies work or if
they otherwise demonstrate that we are not stuck in secular stagnation, its bad for stocks and bonds
and good for the economy. If we wind up back in recession, its good for bonds and not necessarily
terrible for stocks because valuations can stay high, buoyed by low cash and bond rates.
It is hard to be particularly hopeful about the prospects of the incoming administrations economic
policies. Certainly, if they are predicated on an actual belief that the US economy can sustainably grow
at 4%, they are more likely to lead to accelerating inflation than anything else. But there is a meaningful
plus side to what Trump is doing. Whether he succeeds or fails, we are likely to learn some useful things
about the economy and therefore where valuations will wind up in the coming years. While neither
Hell nor Purgatory are particularly happy outcomes for investors, either one is arguably better than our
current stay in Limbo, where it is difficult to even prepare for whichever future awaits us.
We are still putting the higher probability on the Purgatory outcome, which implies that rising rates
will not kill the economy. But our collective confidence in that outcome is not close to high enough
that it makes sense for that to be the only scenario we should be preparing our portfolios for. For
now, we are still in Limbo and are focusing on making the best we can out of an uncertain investment
landscape, building a portfolio that can survive either scenario. This means focusing first and foremost
on those areas where we believe either leads to decent outcomes. Emerging market value stocks are
first on that list, followed by alternatives such as merger arbitrage. After those come EAFE value stocks
and US high quality stocks. At current yields, TIPS are a reasonable holding in multi-asset portfolios
whether we are in Purgatory or Hell, although they do look a good deal better in Hell. Credit, while
less exciting than it was a year ago by a good margin, fills out the list of assets that seem worth holding
in either scenario. Other assets, such as broad US equities or developed market government bonds,
seem hard to love in either of the plausible scenarios, and are consequently hard for us to want to hold.
Ben Inker. Mr. Inker is head of GMOs Asset Allocation team and member of the GMO Board of Directors. He joined GMO in 1992
following the completion of his B.A. in Economics from Yale University. In his years at GMO, Mr. Inker has served as an analyst for the
Quantitative Equity and Asset Allocation teams, as a portfolio manager of several equity and asset allocation portfolios, as co-head of
International Quantitative Equities, and as CIO of Quantitative Developed Equities. He is a CFA charterholder.
Disclaimer: The views expressed are the views of Ben Inker through the period ending January 2017, and are subject to change at any
time based on market and other conditions. This is not an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security and should not be
construed as such. References to specific securities and issuers are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be, and should
not be interpreted as, recommendations to purchase or sell such securities.
Copyright 2017 by GMO LLC. All rights reserved.
An extraordinary, large exit poll run by Reuters/Ipsos in which 45,000 people participated
took place in the early evening on election day in the US. To say this was a detailed poll is an
understatement. The spreadsheet for each question in small print runs the length of a generous
dining room table, 11 feet! It will tell you how the American Hindu sample of 172 voted. The polls
early results of 9,0002 inputs also revealed on the night before the election, when the bookies odds3
against Trump were 5 to 1, that the odds were wrong. The critical statement polled, in my opinion,
was this: America needs a strong leader to take the country back from the rich and powerful.
From my perspective, the pushback against the rich and powerful for several decades has been
very unexpectedly wimpy. Occupy Wall Street aside, the average voter had sat still for a series of
major tax cuts for the higher tax brackets and on capital capital gains and dividends. The lowerincome workers had paid the cost of outsourcing and labor-saving technology but had received no
material help, while corporations and corporate officers and owners were the beneficiaries. In fact,
money spent on worker training and education declined relative to foreign competitors. This shows
up clearly in declining educational standards where today the US global rank is, to be friendly,
mediocre. Most scarily in this regard, the average Chinese 20-year-old now ranks 2 full years ahead
of his American counterpart in math proficiency! So, all in all, we can say that global forces pushed wages
down and politics pushed them deliberately lower. The combined result is shown in Exhibit 1: The share
of GDP going to labor hit historical lows as recently as 2014 and the share going to corporate profits
hit a simultaneous high. Similarly, Exhibit 2 shows that the share of all income going to the top 0.1%
rose well beyond any previous record and approached 100% of all the recovery in total income since
the lows of 2009!
*NIPA Corporate Profits After-Tax with IVA and CC adjustments for domestic corporations;
**NIPA Nonfinancial Corporate Business
Compensation of Employees (Wages
and Salaries)
*NIPACorporateProfitsAfterTaxwith IVAandCCadjustmentsfordomesticcorporations;
Source: BEA, FRED (St. Louis Federal Reserve)
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The rich and powerful not only increased their share of income and capital at an unprecedented
rate in recent decades, but they also increased their grip on politics through a rising tide of political
including lobbying and the new Super PACs, courtesy of the Supreme Courts ruling in
Citizens United. Even before this ruling, Princeton University Professors Gilens and Page had
reported4 on the complete lack of influence that voter opinion had on the probabilities of any bill
passing through Congress. If favored by the public the average 31% chance of passing rose to a dizzying
Source:EmmanuelSaez andThomasPiketty
Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average
Citizens, Perspectives on Politics, September 2014, Vol. 12/No. 3, Princeton University.
32%. If not favored, it fell to 30%, justifying the nickname given to the influence of the average citizen:
Gilens Flatline. When favored by the richest 10%, bills passed at a 65% rate there is inertia after
all. But when opposed by the wealthier and supported by inertia, the passing rate was essentially nil.
Those hoping that there is any life at all left in representative democracy have to hope that some critics
of this work are right when they claim that the data is complicated to sort out and the conclusions
may be overstated. Anecdotal evidence on such issues as the minimum wage and gun laws, though,
suggests that majority opinion is, shall we say, easily offset. Scarily, Gilens work does not include the
post Citizens United data on political spending that is shown in Exhibit 3. I could not resist throwing
in political contributions from unions, which are often cited by right-wingers as somehow balancing
the books. And once upon a time they did. But, as unions have been severely weakened by the same
of global forces and politics previously described, political contributions from unions
have become a rounding error, offsettable by a mere handful or less of billionaires.
Exhibit 3: Outside Spending in Political Campaigns
The Citizens United ruling reminds me of what a good ally of the rich and powerful and corporatism
the Supreme
Courts majority has recently been, particularly in its strange assumption that corporations2
are human and deserve the same constitutional protections as we humans. It turns out, though, that
humans are quite often cooperative and altruistic for no apparent self-advantage. Corporations, tied
as they are these days to the single-minded goal of profit maximizing, seem to be close to saying that
altruism, or the common good, when it compromises profitability, is a dereliction of their duty. In a
human this would be considered pathological. (I wonder what the Founding Fathers would really have
thought of this odd idea of corporate humanity. Or the equally odd idea that unlimited spending by
corporations on elections is the moral equivalent of free speech.)
It is data like this that has led me over the last 10 years to believe that this country does indeed need
to be saved from the rich and powerful; to believe that corporate interests were coming to dominate
the public good; to believe that when in conflict corporations would, perhaps under the usual career
risk pressure we all know so well, choose short-term profit maximizing over the well-being of workers.
Nowhere was this better demonstrated than in their dispensing with the jewel in the crown of the old
social contract, the defined benefit plan. This was done on the stated grounds of unaffordability even
as corporate profits hit unprecedented high levels of GDP. Pensions that guaranteed a share of final
salary were always going to be expensive and in hindsight we should perhaps consider it remarkable
that it was ever voluntarily done at alla testimonial to the old days when labor, cities, and countries
of origin were also considered to be stakeholders of corporations. Worse yet, when deciding between
their grandchildrens well-being in a climate-controlled world or maximizing profits in a climatedamaging world, so far at least, they have collectively chosen short-term profits. In fact, the erosion
of democracy began in earnest in the mid 70s when Senator Lawton Chiles (D. Florida) began his
successful crusade to shine light in the dark places of government. His Government in the Sunshine
legislation opened the door to vastly more effective lobbying by those with the means to pay, because
the spotlight his legislation cast on government work, such as Committee mark-ups of Congressional
bills, enabled lobbyists to pay fully only for loyalty they could actually observe.
The data on rising inequality also led me to check what others had thought and written on this
issue and made me realize that a self-destructive streak in capitalism had been well-noted in the
past. A particular surprise to me was Schumpeter he of creative destruction fame who believed
capitalism in its current form would eventually fail through overreaching, using its increasing power
to dispense with regulations designed to protect the public good (that has a painful echo today doesnt
it?) until pushback FDR style (or Teddy Roosevelt style) results in a more controlled mix, which
Schumpeter called socialism. There was also a suggestion in his work and that of Keynes that excessive
corporate power would weaken the demand from ordinary workers and hence weaken the economy.
This last point is also emphasized more recently by Mancur Olson, who argued that Parochial cartels
and lobbies tend to accumulate over time until they begin to sap a countrys vitality. A war or some
other catastrophe sweeps away the choking undergrowth of pressure groups, as The Economist rather
eloquently summarized his thinking in his obituary of March 1998.
To promote a pushback against excessive corporatism (and elements of oligarchy) one needs first of
all to recognize the problem. Given the rather apathetic response from what used to be called the
workers to the last 30 years of relative slide, there appears to have been no such recognition. But then
on the eve of the election I realized that the point had finally been made. For an astonishing 75% of
those first 9,000 polled agreed that, yes, we did indeed need to be saved from the rich and powerful.
From now on, in my opinion, we live in a different world from the one we grew up in. A world in
which a degree of economic struggle between the financial elite, perhaps 10% but more likely 1%, and
all the rest is finally recognized. The wimpy phase is probably over. The question now is which path
will this struggle take? Will it be a broad societal effort through established political means to move
things back to the 1950s to 1960s when a CEOs pay was 40x his average employees pay and not todays
over 300x; when corporations never dreamt of leaving the US merely to save money; when investment
banks set the standard (and a very high one) of ethical behavior? Or do we try to do it through the
other historically well-used method, and a much more dangerous one that of resorting to a strong
leader? Strong leaders work out just fine if we end up with a Marcus Aurelius, the mostly benevolent
and wisest of Roman Emperors. But when things go wrong, as they often do, we could more easily end
up with Caligula.
As I read the poll on election night, recapturing the country from the rich and powerful seemed a
long overdue cry from the broad public. The kick in the stomach, however, was the strong leader bit.
On feeling that kick, a more dynamic betting man than I would have realized how wrong the 5 to 1
odds against Trump were and would have made a big wager on him. He not only would have scored
higher on the strong leader bit than his rival, but despite his personal wealth, the words rich and
powerful were much more closely aligned with establishment for candidate Clinton, almost a Ms.
Establishment 2016 in the minds of supporters and opponents alike.
I felt the pain from the strong leader bit because, like almost all in my age cohort, I am fanatically
well-disposed to democracy. We were born, after all, at a time that overlapped the trio of nightmarish,
strong leaders of the 1930s and 1940s, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. But I believe this fanaticism has
weakened in other age cohorts born less close to these three as they have receded steadily into history.
A recent report5 captured this decline: Of those born, as I was, in the 1930s, fully 75% gave a 10
out of 10 for extreme support for democracy. But each younger cohort felt less enthusiastic: 62%,
57%, 50%, and 43% for each younger cohort by decade until by the time we get to those born in the
1970s, the 40-year-olds, extreme support is down to 32%! And this is not the worst of it. The same
report listed those who were actually against democracy as a bad or very bad way to run this
country. Shockingly, in the period from 1995 to 2011, the percent of each age group agreeing to that
proposition doubled. From 5.5% to 12% for those over 65 rising to a frightening 24%, up from 12.5%
for the 16- to 24-year-olds.
By this time some readers may be asking for a profile of the 74% of the final 45,000 who voted against
the rich and powerful. Who are these people? Well, they are us. All of us. I have never heard of a vote
so uniform: whether Republican 72% or Democrat 77%; Male 74% or Female 75%; White 75% or
Black 74%; Rich 70% or Poor 79%; Christian 74% or Muslim 72%; Graduates 68% or not 76%; they
all agreed. They have all had it with the rich and powerful. And as for me, I dont blame them. I think
capitalism has lost its way. And has badly diluted the value of democracy along the way. We can only
hope it is very temporary.
Trump recognized this streak of strong opinion and played to it, clearly stating his intention to look
after the forgotten workers. Clinton diffused her message as looking after almost everyone and, I
suppose, that includes you workers as it were. To move the dial in the right direction is very important:
Measures of income equality are correlated positively with everything valuable in a cohesive society.
Exhibit 4 shows nine of these clear correlations, for which the US shows poorly in all! How far away
this is from the widely-held belief that the US is best or nearly best at everything that matters. The
way to improve this situation, though, is fortunately straightforward: Increase taxes on capital and on
the very rich, perhaps slowly over a number of years, and increase the effort on worker training and
education. These actions will by no means be a total cure for long-term job displacement but they
would be a great and necessary improvement.
Roberto Stefan Foa and Yascha Mounk, The Danger of Deconsolidation: The Democratic Disconnect, Journal of
Democracy, July 2016.
Source: The Spirit Level (2009) Wilkinson and Pickett; The Equality Trust
The real challenge in promoting less inequality is to increase the share of GDP going to labor. Almost
certainly, for any given increase in their share of GDP there must be a decline in the share going
to corporate profits. How does the program of the new strong leader stack up on this one? He is
surrounded by capitalists and billionaires who, to further advantage corporations and the super rich,
are apparently prepared to wage war on the already sadly diminished regulations that defend ordinary
people (and, yes, with no regulations corporations would make more money). The war would also
include direct tax cuts for the rich and corporations, which would further increase the share of the pie
going to corporations. This is a strategy that if successful in the long-run despite its current market
appeal could not possibly be worse for the workers if he tried. Perhaps they, the workers, will feel
betrayed as their share drops in order to further fatten corporations. Perhaps they will be bamboozled
enough not to notice the betrayal. For bamboozlement of the working poor has become an art form
in the last 30 years, with bamboozlement defined as an ability to persuade people to vote against their
own economic interest for one reason or another. For example, 62% of voters do not like the sound of
death tax, which in the form of estate tax is paid by only 1-2% of American families. An astonishing
35% of those earning less than $10,000 a year do not approve of increasing taxes on the rich. Does it
get any richer than that? It has been called the Homer Simpson effect,6 whereby the poor voter reacts
negatively to the idea of tax, which like death has little appeal, but does not get the point that a tax
decrease for the rich has unpleasant implications for them. But, the gods willing, you probably cant
bamboozle enough of the people enough of the time. And the Reuters/Ipsos poll clearly shows that
the worms have turned. The lack of class war or economic war in the US has always been a fiction, but
it has been mostly hidden, and deliberately so, by the side so completely winning the undeclared war.
Perhaps the 74% vote was indeed a public declaration that the war is now official.
Post Script
The Republican Administration seems to feel that it received a broad mandate and perhaps it did.
But my guess is that this poll provides the real mandate that waits to be addressed. And it is a narrow,
focused one: Save me, oh leaders, from the rich and powerful! It looks so far as if this point has been
largely missed. If it has been, there will likely be powerful and sustained pushback from the poor and
not yet quite powerless.
Larry M. Bartels, Homer Gets a Tax Cut: Inequality and Public Policy in the American Mind, Perspectives on Politics,
March 2005, Vol. 3/No. 1.
Jeremy Grantham. Mr. Grantham co-founded GMO in 1977 and is a member of GMOs Asset Allocation team, serving as the firms chief
investment strategist. Prior to GMOs founding, Mr. Grantham was co-founder of Batterymarch Financial Management in 1969 where he
recommended commercial indexing in 1971, one of several claims to being first. He began his investment career as an economist with
Royal Dutch Shell. He is a member of the GMO Board of Directors and has also served on the investment boards of several non-profit
organizations. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Sheffield (U.K.) and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Disclaimer: The views expressed are the views of Jeremy Grantham through the period ending January 2017, and are subject to change
at any time based on market and other conditions. This is not an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security and should
not be construed as such. References to specific securities and issuers are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be, and
should not be interpreted as, recommendations to purchase or sell such securities.
Copyright 2017 by GMO LLC. All rights reserved.