Notes For PSC 100 Final

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Lesson 1

1) The population boom of the early development of Nevada can directly be connected to the
Mexican American War although there was no battles that were held on what would then become
Nevadan Soil. Since the Mexican American War was mainly fought in what would later become
the American Southwest, the influx of soldiers that used the Nevadan region as station forced
population to grow there. Shortly after the war was won by the United States however, the vast
majority of the west of the continent, what is now roughly a third of the nation, was given up to
the United States. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is what settled this war and forced the
Mexicans to give up their land. After Mormons left New York to look towards the west with the
spirit of Manifest Destiny, followers of the Church of Latter Day Saints were headed towards to
Great Salt Lake. These Mormons were led by Joseph Smith and then by his successor Brigham
Young after Smiths passing. Although the majority of the congregation was centered on the
eastern part of the region, mainly what is now Utah, a small sect left and went to Mid-Western
part of the region. John Resse established what was eventually named Genoa and went from a
temporary trading post to the first peranent establishment in the Carson Valley. William
Bringhurst, another Mormon that was sent for by Brigham Young, established the Las Vegas
Mission. However, this mission failed after fighting between himself and Nathaniel Jones. Since
Gold was found in the California region near Sutters mill, the territory was very much sought
after. Valley miners from all around the nation came and it was this influx which directly fostered
the growth of Permanent settlements around what is now the Las Vegas region and the Truckee
meadows. For example. In 1865, Decatur Gass took over the Los Vegas Rancho station to be
able to supply passing settlers and gold miners
2) Senator Doolittle was very clever in proposing some key factors to the revised Constitution
that directly by using Lincolns needs and calamities that he was currently facing at the time with
the Civil War. His efforts ameliorated four of these calamities. Firstly, President Lincoln could
gain the three extra electoral votes to win the election. Secondly, Lincoln could also get extra
republican votes in Congress for support of his proposed Thirteenth Amendment. Radical
Republicans would also benefit from this extra republican votes for their own reasons. And
finally, with extra republican representation in the House, if an electoral vote didnt result in a
majority and the vote went to the House of Representatives, these republicans could still voice
their ideals.
Lesson 2
1) Much like the original ideas that the Founding Fathers were going through when they were
coming up with the Federal Constitution, the people drafting the Nevadan Constitution were
keeping the natural birth rights of human beings in mind. For example, theres a direct quote
from the Constitution that says All men are by Nature free and equal an have certain
unalienable fights. However, much like the flaws of the Constitution, these were eventually
centered to just white males.
For example, Native Americans were soon enough booted off of
their own land shortly after the land was acquired from the Mexican property. Through many
venues, Native Americans were discriminated against via legal, cultural and social aspects of the
towns that were established in Nevada at the time. Many reservations were given back to the
Native Americans through treaties, but more had to be done. From that point on, many activists
efforts broke through and for these Native Americans, many rights that were at the time
exclusive to white, land-owning males were given to the Native Americans. For example, the
right to attend public school, the validity of marriage, the sale of alcohol and the use of peyote
for their religious uses.
Lesson 3

1) The Democrats and Republican time-line over the history of Nevada can be contributed to five
distinct periods of legislature. First, the Republicans were statistically dominant in the Legislative
and Executive branches, Secondly, the Silver Party combined with the Democrats to make the
Silver-Democrats. Thirdly, Democrats were larger in numbers, however the Republicans were
populating the more higher and influential positions in the Legislative and Executive Branch.
Fourthly, the Democrats started to dominate over these two branches with much ease. Lastly,
the Republicans resurged and this resurgence can be traced to a number of factors from the
1980s. The popularity of Ronald Reagan as president of the time made more republicans register
to vote and there was an influx of upper-middle and upper-class retirees to the state of Nevada.
2) Direct democracy can be in the form of either Initiative, Referendum or Recall. In Initiative,
citizens may propose constitutional amendments and other legislature independent from the
respective branch. The petition to this however must be signed by at least 10% of the people
who voted in the previous general election. In Referendum, the voters may approve/disapprove
of law from the legislative branch and these votes may demand referendum election. However,
the petition must include, again, or at least 10% of the most recent election's voters. Lastly in
the Recall option, voters may remove any local official from office if they find his/her power
inappropriate. However, this is the strictest and most difficult to implement as this requires 25%
of the same population as aforementioned.
Addendum: There are different processes by which statutory and constitutional initiatives are
considered. A referendum, if upheld, can only be changed by another vopte of the people. This is
what makes the 1990 abortion law vote such a powerful example. A recall petition, if verified,
only begins a process that involves a second (recall) election
Lesson 4
1) Lobbyists have been seemingly important in Nevada's (and really any state's) legislature when
it comes to passing law. From what I gathered, it's through them that the legislators gain
valuable information as to the state of distinct affairs. A few of the tools and techniques that
lobbyists use are to testify at legislature hearings for or against bills. Persuasion is another
powerful tool of theirs, either it be aims towards officials from the executive branch to approve of
or disapprove of rules and regulations, or influencing the appointment of judges in the judicial
branch. A more explicit technique they use, however, is to provide campaigning contributions to
the candidates that are more likely to favor their ideals, or those of whom they're employed.
2) Nevada's economy has historically come mainly from the dominant industry of the time. In
the past, it was mining, now it was gaming. Since the economy is heavily invested in gaming,
however, it's very sensitive to any legislation that might change the future of gaming. Hence,
gaming lobbyists are said to have the heaviest influence when it comes to these legislative bills
and regulations. Otherwise, other big players in the lobbying game include some groups that are
more popular with one political party rather than another. The Democrats tend to back
Organized labor and the State of Nevada Employees Association whereas the republicans tend to
back The Chamber of Commerce and the Nevada Taxpayers Association.
Addendum: Nevada legislators are especially dependent on interest groups for information
because the legislators are part-time and have limited staff resources In number two, a key point
is that the financial clout of gaming can effectively freeze out some candidates making it
difficult for them to raise campaign funds. Many nn-gaming interests have clout given their mass
Lesson 5
1. When Nevada was still young and prospective of becoming part of the nation, the constitution
that was drawn up strongly resembles that of the United States Constitution, especially on the

prospect of the explanation of the legislative branch; however there are significant differences
between them in thems of the lawmaking process. For example, the US Constitution was drafting
and left the majority of the small details up to Congressional discretion. In the Nevada
Constitution, however, every procedure for the law making process is laid out and detailed. Also,
committees become increasingly more important in the Nevada legislature since the
consequences of the unorthodox scheduling of meetings tend to foster less experienced
politicians. To compensate for this lack of expertise, committee members then become more
compelled to finish whatever legislation that they were trying to pass in the limited 120-day
period that they are allowed. Another difference is in the piggybacking of nongerane
amendments to legislation; they are prohibited in Nevada, unlike the US Congress. However, a
little bit of freedom that is allowed is that revenue and tax bills may come from either the State
Senate or the State Assembly, instead of strictly the House of Representatives, as is in the
federal level.
2. Immediately following the US census, congressional redistricting is done to ensure that equal
representation is exercised across the board. More specifically, the congressional district lines
tend to be redrawn to aid this goal. Historically speaking, this was of larger importance as a
quick and dirty solution was put into place to give temporary contentment; giving one assembly
member to each district, although this gave the largely rural parts of Nevada a larger voice, it
was disproportionate to the true populations per region as urban areas had a significantly
diminished vote per person.
Lesson 6
1. When it comes to the six elected executive officers in Nevada, theres almost no question that
the Governor has the most hats to fill; mainly as Chief executive, chief head of state and chief
legislator. As chief executive, his rules are similar to that of the US President; the main essence
of his goal is to see that the states law are executed as they are meant to. He also has the
power to appoint staff members into the executive branch. He has considerable ranges of
positions to choose from. He is also member of several state boards, especially those that
directly affect Nevadas economic interests, such as gambling and mining. As Chief of state, the
main goal boils down to saving face. He must attend ceremonial ribbon cuttings at new casinos
for example as well as getting media attention that is positive to the rest of the nation. As for the
other executive officers, the Lieutenant governor is analogous to the Vice President of the US, as
his power is limited, but essential for the well-being of the state if there were some sort of
emergency. He is the surrogate, the acting governor if need be. However, should be assume the
position, he must stay as acting governor until the next election. Otherwise, he assumes the role
as tie breaker in state senate votes. The Attorney General is also similar to his federal
counterpart, for he represents the state in times of judicial hearings which involves the state. He
also oversees the district attorneys, but only intervenes in cases of conflict of interests. The
secretary of state, which is appointed by the governor himself, acts as stenographer of all official
legislative and executive acts as this person regulates all incorporation certificates and grants
and commissions. The Treasurer acts as the state bank as his goals are simily receiving owed
money to the state and disbursing allowed by the Controller. The Controller himself acks as the
bookkeeper and advises and/or commands the Treasurer on his duties, the pair tend to work
Addendum: You have a major error here. The most important day-to-day activity of the Lt.
Governor is to direct efforts relating to tourism and economic development. The AG is the chief
legal advisor for all state agencies. The Secretary of state (SoS) IS NOT appointed by the
Governor; he/she is separately elected. The AG and SoS serve on many of the same key boards
and commission with the Governor. The SoS has a major role overseeing elections.
Lesson 7

1) The Nevada Supreme Court and the Nevada District Courts are directly underneath them
handle both original and appellate jurisdiction. The original jurisdiction held by the Supreme
Court is very rare, since most of this legislation is to issue writs of mandamus, certiorari,
prohibition, quo warranto and habeas corpus (Bowers 103). Otherwise, in the appellate
jurisdiction has the power of these writs and hearing appeals from the District Courts that are
only directly related to questions of the law, such as whether or not a confession of a suspect
was illegally obtained. As for the Nevada District courts, their original jurisdiction encompasses
gross misdemeanors and civil cases that are over $10,000. However, their appellate jurisdiction
has substantially subdued over the years. Since, before municipal and justice courts recorded
their proceedings, every appeal was treated like a brand new trial from the beginning (given that
they could prove that they were badly represented in the lower court). Now, any appeals that
happen occur much faster since previous records could be examined and the whole process
expedited. When it comes to the Municipal court, however, the only have original jurisdiction
since there is no lower court to appeal/defer to them. This jurisdiction only deals with minor
traffic cases or ordinance violations. Another equally restricted and hierarchically placed court
are the Justice courts that hear minor criminal and civil matters.

2) Prior to 1976, these vacancies were only filled through governmental appointment.
Afterwards however, the governor must choose from a list comprised of three names that pass
an application process within thirty days. These district court judges tenure is only valid until
the next general election. These choices that are presented to the governor through the
permanent commission (that could be temporary commission should there be a vacancy
within that commission itself) that disbands shortly after a replacement has been appointed.
Addendum: Family Court is an important component of District Cout. In number three, here are
now 10 judicial Districts (See page 104) As an update, the legislature in the 2015 session added
an 11th district. (There might be 82 District Court Judges, but they serve in 10 districts)
Lesson 8
1) Since the counties are all created by the state, the state set beforehand some limitations that
ensure that they are all treated equally. The only exception to all counties being treated
uniformly is that there be some emergency where they must be distinguished, but even then, it
must be only on neutral and completely reasonable criteria. Every county itself has a board that
governs it called the Board of County Commissioners that has positions that are filled through
elections. However, there are limitations that are imposed on this Board since the power of this
body was given by the state. For example, they do not have the power to appoint positions such
as the county clerk, the district attorney, the county recorder and the public administrator
amongst others since these positions are completely dependent on the voters and independent
of one another.
2) As per the constitution, municipal corporations, or city governments as they are known, are
established either via special or general charters. General charter cities, are cities that are
established under general terms that have been pre-drawn up by the legislation. This is almost
as if they were created following a template. The special charter cities are, by exception, those
that are drawn up that do not follow those templates. However, the construction of these cities
must be accepted by the legislature because of this deviation of the template.
Lesson 9
1) When it comes to the revenue in the state of Nevada, its widely joked and known that gambling provided
mostly for the economy, but however, the casinos are heavily taxed as the gaming tax is what makes up most

of the revenue of Nevada. These taxes go down to the specific things such as slot machines and live
entertainment. Amongst other taxes, business and excise tax also make up a substantial portion of the influx,
but the main winners are gambling and sales tax in terms of percentage of the biennial revenue. Some of
these taxes, unfortunately, have crippling effects on Nevadas; the sales taxes are regressive. Rather than
having a percentage of tax that changes as per and individuals means allow, they are less stable and seem to
target the lowest and poorest individuals in Nevada. However, given the Tax Shift of 1981, the property rates
that were following these trends were adjusted to aid in these calamities, thus resulting in the lowest property
tax rates in the country. Nevertheless, they are still badly received in the state of Nevada.
2) Between the Nevada System of Higher Education and the K-12 Education, it is evident that the institution of
education takes the majority of all legislature approved appropriation, alongside human services. Thanks to
the voters, these were able to maintain high percentages (around a combined mid 80 percent), while bonds for
construction projects from the state were restricted. This restriction is most likely for the taxpayers advantage;
instead of paying for any lump sum of any construction project right away, there are caps put in place so that
these taxes dont go over a certain limit each time.
Lesson 10
1) The two factors that really saw the main boom of Nevada in the mid to late 1980s and onwards was the
rapid population growth and the two-party competition. The Democrats, for example, were winning the
important positons in the legislation, but the republicans held the majority in almost all of the major committees
and bodies. It was this competition that, while aided in the eventual gridlock, made policy advance forward.
The rapid population growth also had its sway on the history of Nevada as it was through the direct intervention
of the government economists. Since they created a haven for people to come and enjoy a comfortable, low
paying life style, they were thrown back with the sudden influx of people. And it was this influx that provided
increase construction that radically boomed the economy and the political life of the residents.
2) Because of the exponential growth that Nevada saw over the decades, state legislature had to maintain and
keep up with this influx and provide for their citizens with constructing new schools and economical
infrastructure such as grocery stores and movie theatres. It is safe to assume that the majority of the senior
residents that will come to Nevada will not be so willing to approve bonds due to the trends that have been
shown. Although I do agree that there is a type of hypocrisy that is being demonstrated, I believe that this is
only limited to the senior citizens of the state. For example, some, if not most, of middle-aged residents of the
state cast their votes for these bonds that the government contributes to help support this building of schools
and other important societal infrastructure. Although I understand why seniors would perceive that they would
not directly (or indirectly) benefit, their lack of contribution is definitely a hurdle that is always discussed and
confronted as a strategy to get voters in the state. It is known that a society grows great when men plant trees
under whose shade they know they will never sit.

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