Activity Plan Senior Journey Girltopia 1
Activity Plan Senior Journey Girltopia 1
Activity Plan Senior Journey Girltopia 1
Activity Plan 1
Purpose: When girls have earned the Visionary Award, they will have envisioned an ideal world for girls,
shared a creative representation of this GIRLtopia with others and taken steps to move the world one step
closer to their vision. After completing Activity Plan 1, girls will have completed the Create It portion of the
Visionary Award. Girls will still need to complete the Guide It and Change It portions to earn the Visionary
Planning Guides Link: Leadership
Activity Plan Length: 1.5 hours
Involve Family and Friends: Participation from family and friends can enrich your troops Girl Scout
experience, both for the girls and for you. Use the suggestions below to make it easier for you to connect with
additional support.
Before the meeting:
Send a note to families to find those with interest in or expertise with the topic. Ask them to
lead or support an activity or two, or even lead the whole meeting.
o Offer this activity plan as a starting place and point out that they may choose
alternative activities using the Customize It! section as a guide. For example: If an
activity plan directs girls to sit outside and observe animal habitats, you may choose
to go to the zoo and learn about animal habitats there instead.
At home:
Encourage families to ask questions about their girls badge activities. Some examples that
work for any badge include: What did you learn? What surprised you? What does it make you
think of trying next?
Throughout the year:
Suggest to families ways that girls can share or display their Girl Scout accomplishments.
Possibilities include a bulletin board, a scrapbook, a special memories box or family
sharing time.
Girls Take the Lead: Include girl leadership through long-term planning, short-term meeting prep and
specific activities at meetings.
Long Term Planning
If you use Plan Your Senior Year, share this with the girls at the start of the year. Have them
ask friends and family to help out with specific meetings or activities. Let the girls brainstorm
ways to make the plans their own, such as thinking of related field trip activities. If a girl has
experience with a field trip, ask her to be assistant tour guide.
If you are adapting the Plan Your Senior Year, get the girls input on which badges to choose.
Offer just a few choices in each category or timeframe to make decisions easier. Every girl
should have at least one badge or journey shes excited about.
Short Term Planning
Ask a family to help lead a badge. Make sure they have access to activity plans and any
resources you might have. Keep additional requested materials to a minimum.
Choose two helpers to stay after a meeting for 15 minutes. Give them each an activity to
introduce and either instruct or help guide at the next meeting.
2013 Girl Scouts River Valleys
Before a meeting, ask everyone to vote on some aspect of the activity: draw posters or
perform skits, open with a song or game, etc.
Use a rotating list of helper tasks, called a kaper chart, to share responsibilities. Examples
include acting as emcee of the meeting, leading an opening game, bringing a snack next
meeting or taking attendance.
At the Meeting
During the opening, have 1-2 girls share their answers to a get-to-know-you question.
Have girls fulfill their kaper chart responsibilities.
Try to find something in each activity that you can let girls decide or manage.
Customize It: If your group wants to expand work on the Visionary Award, or simply try different activities, go
for it! There are many ways to complete this award, including: completing the activities as listed in the
GIRLtopia journey; completing the GIRLtopia activity plans; attending a council-sponsored event; or
customizing activities. Pick the one(s) that work best for your group. Girls will know they have completed the
Create It portion of the Visionary Award if:
They have envisioned GIRLtopiaan ideal world for girls.
They have created artistic representations of their GIRLtopia.
They have shared their creations with others.
Girls can continue their GIRLtopia journey by completing the remaining parts of the Visionary Award: Guide It
and Change It.
Tips & Tools
Check out ways to stay safe using Safety-Wise at
Ensure that your activities are accessible to everyone. Ask in advance if any special accommodations
need to be made. If you have questions regarding specific adaptations, please contact River Valleys
at 800-845-0787.
This activity plan has been adapted from Its Your World Change It! GIRLtopia, which can be used
for additional information and activities.
3. Have girls gather in a circle and share an example of something they did that made the day better for
someone else in the last week.
Activity #1: Why GIRLtopia?
Journey Connection: GIRLtopia Session 1: Whos a Visionary?; Shared Visions of GIRLtopia
Time Allotment: 15 minutes
Prep Needed:
Gather materials and supplies.
Write the following questions on large sheets of paper, and post on walls in your meeting space:
o List names of people who you think are visionaries.
o What qualities does a visionary have?
o In an ideal world, girls could
o In an ideal world, girls would be
o In an ideal world, girls would have
o In an ideal world, everyone
Materials Needed:
Large sheets of paper, prepared as directed above
Writing utensils
1. Start with a summary of the journey the girls are about to undertake:
GIRLtopia is a journey to create an artistic vision of what an ideal world for girls looks like, and then
move the world a step closer to that ideal through a Take Action Project.
2. Open a discussion about why GIRLtopia is important and needed. Ask girls to consider the facts and
questions listed below; or, find some relevant facts on your own.
0number of countries in the world where womens wages equal those of men
1percentage of the worlds assets held in the name of a woman
2percentage of senior management positions occupied by women in business worldwide
50percentage of sexual assaults worldwide that are against girls 15 or younger
53percentage of American 13-year-old girls who say they are unhappy with their bodies
66percentage of 15- to 19-year-olds newly infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa who are
70percentage of the 1.5 billion people living on $1 a day or less who are female
75percentage of war fatalities who are women and children
100 millionnumber of girls missing around the world
o How would the world be better for everyone if we had a GIRLtopia?
o What is the future for a girl who cant read?
o When women dont earn enough, what happens to their children?
o What issues does society categorize as womens issues? Why arent they everyones
o How could everyone help create a GIRLtopia?
3. Next, ask girls what they think the word visionary means.
o A visionary is a creative thinker who can foresee a better future. Along this journey, youll act
as visionaries who can envision a future in which girls take center stage and are empowered
to make a difference in the world.
4. Distribute the post-its and writing utensils and ask girls to walk around the room, writing down and
posting their answers to the various questions posed on the sheets of paper.
5. After the girls have had a chance to post their answers to all of the questions, review and discuss the
answers as a group. Based on this discussion, ask girls to:
o Create their own definition of GIRLtopia
o Create their own definition of visionary
o Share personal characteristics that will help them to be GIRLtopian visionaries along this
Activity #2: GIRLtopia Inspiration Box
Journey Connection: GIRLtopia Session 1: Whos a Visionary?; Shared Visions of GIRLtopia; Envisioning
GIRLtopia Through Art
Time Allotment: 30 Minutes
Prep Needed:
Gather materials and supplies.
Optional: put together a girl soundtrack of inspirational songs for the girls to listen to while working
on their creative project.
Materials Needed:
Small, plain jewelry boxes or other plain boxes (purchase from craft store or reuse old boxes)
Various craft supplies: paint and brushes, markers, stickers, construction paper, old magazines,
scissors, glue, sequins etc.
1. Tell the girls that they are going to create GIRLtopia Inspiration Boxes. They will use the various craft
supplies to create artistic representations of their ideal world for girls.
2. Their creations will not only represent their GIRLtopian visions; they will also act as a place for girls to
store ideas and items that relate to the current state of the world for girls and the world theyd like it
to be.
3. After girls have completed their inspiration boxes, ask them to do the following before the next
2013 Girl Scouts River Valleys
More to Explore:
Field Trip Ideas
o Go to an art museum and discuss your ideas of the artistic vision behind various pieces of
o Visit a non-profit organization and volunteer your time. You might consider an organization
that supports women and girls.
Speaker Ideas
o Invite a local community leader to come and speak about current issues in the community
and what visions the communitys leadership has to address them.
o Invite a refugee or service person to share experiences from different countries that may be
in conflict
Family Follow Up Email: Use the email below as a template to let families know what you did at the meeting
today. Feel free to add additional information, including:
When and where you will be meeting next
What activities you will do at the next meeting
Family help or assistance that is needed
Supplies or materials that girls will need to bring to the next meeting
Reminders about important dates and upcoming activities
Hello Girl Scout Families:
We had a wonderful time today exploring our ideas of an ideal world for girls, and are on our way to earning the
Visionary Award in the GIRLtopia journey.
We had fun:
Exploring the current state of the world for women and girls
Discovering what it means to be a visionary
Creating an inspiration box to represent and hold our ideas for a GIRLtopia an ideal world for girls
Continue the fun at home:
Ask your girl to share her GIRLtopia inspiration box with you and other family members. What girl
issues concern her the most? What would an ideal world for girls look like to her? What about for you
and other family members? Add ideas and any items that represent those ideas to your girls
inspiration box. **
Support your Girl Scout as she shares her artistic representation of GIRLtopia with others, collecting
their ideas/ symbolic items along the way.**
**Please complete this step to help your Girl Scout earn the Visionary Award.
Thank you for bringing your Senior to Girl Scouts!