Ending The Stigma

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Ending the Stigma

Ending the Stigma is a Public Relations Project created by two

marketing students at Plymouth South High School, Brianna
Lonergan and Alec Medeiros. They noticed that the homeless in
our community had such a negative stigma, and this project helps
end that negative view. On December 13th and 15th 2017, both
students went to First Baptist Church to feed and interview the
homeless to get to know them and their stories. All stories are
being kept anonymous due to privacy.

First we interviewed Marvin, age 40. He is originally from Florida,

and has been living in Plymouth for 6 years. We asked him the
following questions:
Whats your daily routine? Daily struggles?

Alcoholism, cant balance

Do you see family and friends regularly?

No family in country

What is something you want someone to know about


They are very talented

How did you become homeless?

He got hurt roofing and ruptured his eardrum

What do you feel are your strengths?

He can run heavy equipment and speak in four different
How do you think people view the homeless?


Personally, why do you think people become homeless?

Service men dont have help, and injuries

What is your biggest dream?

Never had a drug addiction

Worked on golf courses
Had lots of money
Be an independent person

Next, we interviewed Mike, age 52. He is originally from Boston,

and has been living in Plymouth since 1979. We asked him the
following questions:
Whats your daily routine? Daily struggles?

Work in Kingston on cars

Stress is his daily struggle

How long have you been homeless?

Four years

Do you see family and friends regularly?

Just friends on the weekends

How did you become homeless?

Lost apartment
Section 8

What do you feel are your Strengths? Weaknesses?

Keep on going
Keep busy

How do you think people view the homeless?


Personally, why do you think people become homeless?

Down fall

What is the best thing that has happened to you in the years
of being homeless? And what is the worst?

Coming to shelter
Refusing help

What is your biggest dream?

Get an apartment
Save money

Also we interviewed a male, a marine corp veteran, age 52. He is

originally from Weymouth, but moved around as he grew up. He
has been living in Plymouth since December 5th of 2016. We
asked him the following questions:
Whats your daily routine? Daily struggles?

Get up at 6am, get dropped off at center of town

Sit in car all day

Get picked up at 5pm

Dinner at 6:30 at church

How long have you been homeless?

16 days

Do you see family and friends regularly?

No-restraining order (90 days)

Only speak to his children on the phone

What is something you want someone to know about


Be willing to receive everyday

Some days are better than others
Can start your day over at any part of the day

How did you become homeless?

Coming out of a marriage of 23 years with three kids

What do you feel are your strengths?

People person

How do you think people view the homeless?

With kindness

Personally, why do you think people come homeless?

High class, with money vs. Low class, with little or no money

What is the best thing that has happened to you in the years
of being homeless? And what is the worst?

Building more confidence
Taking one day at a time

What is your biggest dream?

Being a good dad who can be there for his family and watch
them become successful

Lastly, we interviewed a Anthony, age 23. He is originally from

Hanover, and has been living in Plymouth for 4 years. We asked
him the following questions:
Whats your daily routine? Daily struggles?

Waking up
Finding coffee in the winter and water in the summer

How long have you been homeless?

6 years on and off

Do you see your family and friends regularly?

Not as often

What is something you want someone to know about


Equivalent to war

Trust and pride

How did you become homeless?

By choice
awesome experience

What do you feel are your strengths? Weaknesses?

Being able to give when needed

Asking for help is a weakness

How do you think people view the homeless?

Get labeled instantly

Stigma to be exterminated

Personally, why do you think people become homeless?

Any reason

What is the best thing that happened to you in the years of

being homeless? And what is the worst?

Finding God
knowing by not knowing and not knowing by knowing

What is your biggest dream?

To become a singer

We also interviewed Constance Melahoures, age 70. Constance is

the president of Plymouth Taskforce. Shes been living in
Plymouth, all her life. We asked Constance her views towards the
following questions:
What are the daily routines, daily struggles of homelessness?

Plymouth Taskforce is a seasonal program

Fall preparations
Phone calls- assistance

What is something you want someone to know about


It is in our community

How do you think people view the homeless?


Personally, why do you think people become homeless?

Poverty is key
Substance abuse
Mental health

Constance joined the program in 2004, and she loves being able
to help shelter the homeless in our community.

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