Triac Application Note
Triac Application Note
Triac Application Note
August 2008
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
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August 2007
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
August 2007
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
Application......................................................................................................................................... 5
5. Application Example.......................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Power Supply .................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Detection Circuits .............................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 9
August 2007
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
Low power triacs are used in many applications such as light dimmers, speed controls for electric
fans, electric motors and control circuits of many household appliances such as washing machines,
vacuum cleaners and drilling machines.
A triac is basically a bidirectional electronic switch, which can conduct current in either direction
when it is triggered. The triggering can be either a positive or negative voltage applied to its gate
electrode. By applying a steady state gate signal, the triac may be triggered into a low impedance
state where conduction across the main terminals will occur. The gate signal polarity need not
follow the main terminal polarity. Gate requirement vary depending on the direction of the main
terminal current and the gate current.
Traic controlled AC switching is referenced to the AC 50 Hz line frequency, which enables precise
control over the conduction angle at which the triac is fired. This enables the R8C device to control
the power output by increasing or decreasing the conduction angle in each half cycle.
Phase Control
The application example uses a phase control method for controlling the amount of power delivered
to the load. Phase control works by turning on a fraction of each half wave. The power delivered
will be proportional to the area under the curve. The benefit of the phase control is that the
frequency of the waveform providing power to the load is unchanged at 50 Hz.
This application
board is using this
control technique.
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
Part Number: R8C/1A <R5F211A1SP; Flash ROM/RAM: 4KB/384B >
CPU: R8C 16-bit CPU Core
Minimum instruction execution time: 50ns (When f(XIN)=20MHz)
Power-supply voltage: 3.0 to 5.5V/ Max.20MHz
Clock generation circuit: three circuits incorporated
- XIN-XOUT main clock (on-chip oscillation stop detection circuit)
- High-speed on-chip oscillator(40MHz)
- Low-speed on-chip oscillator
Voltage detection circuit(LVD):
Power-On Reset(POR)
two circuits
Multifunctional timers
- 2 ch of 8-bit timers (timer X, timer Z)
- 1 ch of 16-bit timer (timer C)
Serial I/O:
- 1 ch of Clock synchronous/UART
- 1 ch of UART
- 1 ch of I2C bus/SSU
A/D converter
- 10bits x 4ch
Ports : Input/Output : 13, Input : 3
- No. of LED drive ports: 4
- Pull-up resistor: All ports can be set (excluding for the input specific port)
Watchdog timer:
1ch (supporting hardware reset)
Packages: 20-pin SDIP (19mm x 6.3mm , 1.778mm pitch)
Part Number: BCR08AM-12
IT (RMS) : 0.8 A
VDRM : 600 V
Part Number: 1N4148
Low capacitance. (C = 4.0 pF max)
Short reverse recovery time. (trr = 4.0 ns max)
High reliability with glass seal.
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
Utilize R8C unique features <Power-ON Reset, High Speed On-chip oscillator> to further
reduce cost on clock crystal and Reset IC.
AC inductor motor control with technique on phase angle and zero crossing.
Standard platform to add in future development <R8C/2J, Close loop control>
AC Fan Motor
Flash programming
On-chip debugging
Speed control
August 2007
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
Application Example
The application example uses a low cost R8C/1A to control an AC motor using BCR08AM. A
program is written to detect the zero crossing of the AC signal and in turn control the triac to
provide power to the AC motor. This application note provides a convenient and simple solution
for testing or further development for motor control using a triac.
Power Supply
The power supply circuitry is a resistive transformerless power supply. A 5V zener diode (D1) and
some circuit components are used to provide 5V to the rest of the motor control board. This design
is smaller and cheaper than a transformer based power supply. The fuse (F1) and varistor (V1) are
used to provide additional safety protection to the power supply circuit.
Detection Circuits
For this application example, the zero crossing waveform can be detected from the power supply
circuit. On the power supply circuit which provides a 5V pulse at the zero crossing point of a ac
waveform, this 5V pulse will be sent to a R8C/1A hardware interrupt port <P4_5/INT>. This signal
will inform the program that a zero crossing has been detected and it should start processing the
conduction angle. The conduction angle is counted by means of a timer counter. After R8C/1A has
reached the conduction angle or after the timer counter has stopped, the program will send a pulse
to activate the triac control circuit. The triac will be fired during the conduction angle chosen by the
program. The motor will be turned on at the speed determined by the time it is turned on and is
proportional to the power supplied to it.
Schematic Diagram
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
Software Program
The application program will run the motor at the selected speed depending on which push button
is pressed. The motor will stop when the push button is released. When the application is being
turned on, the program will initialize the settings required for the interrupt and timer. After
initialization, the push button will be consistently monitored for button push action. If no button is
being pressed, the motor will be kept in no movement status. The interrupt will always detect zero
crossing of the ac waveform whenever it occurs but no action will be taken unless a push button is
pressed. When the button is pressed and zero crossing is detected, the timer will start to count
towards a predefined conduction angle at a certain time. When the conduction angle is reached, the
triac will be switch on and remain on until its half cycle ends.
This application example shows a basic and simple approach using triac control on an AC motor. It
involves some simple and available designs, which can be implemented easily. Further
development can be improved on the present power control circuits such as improving the current
consumption of the board. Other more accurate zero-crossing detection circuits can be discussed
and improved on the present detection circuit.
August 2007
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Motor Control Using Triac Application Note
Keep safety first in your circuit designs!
1. Renesas Technology Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products
better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble
with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage.
Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with appropriate
measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of nonflammable material or
(iii) prevention against any malfunction or mishap.
August 2007
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