Koto-Ryu Koppojutsu (Full Chapter Translation)

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Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Kot-Ry Koppjutsu
Written by Masaaki Hatsumi, Translated by Luke Crocker


The scattering of cremated bones dances into the great sky, just as they dance on the
Waves. All things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death and rebirth, a
persons life is a predictable as the Hui River2 . One who tries to scheme through life is
called Idaten3. Pray to the bones of the cremated4. Regard that scroll as the secret scroll
of Koppjutsu. I (the author), am the successor of Gikan-Ry Koppjutsu and GyokushinRy Koppjutsu, and am familiar with Seia-Ry Koppjutsu, the Koppjutsu of the frog
which has retreated to the past is returning5.

Difficult to be translated into western ideas, the term Koppjutsu implies the crux of a technique or skill,
perhaps a sense of doing away with the superfluous. Kopp may also be looked at as the Knack of doing
something, as in getting the knack of something. Along with Kosshijutsu ( combat techniques based on
the use of the fingers to attack vital points and break bones) Koppjutsu (combat techniques based on breaking
bones and the use of the skeleton) were the basic techniques that jointly formed the foundation of combat
practice for the martial traditions of the provinces of Iga and Kga.
River in Anhui province, Kai in Japanese.
Idaten A swift runner; the name of a Buddhist deity.
Shari those of a Buddha or Bodhisattva
"frog" and "return" both have the same kun-yomi pronunciation of "kaeru"

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Kot-Ry Koppjutsu Kurai Dori6

It is written that, Kot-Ry, Gikan-Ry, and Gyokushin-Ry; from each of these the
spiritual posture7 of Kurai Dori is taken,

Migi Seigan: (Right Correct Eye)

Facing the opponent. Both feet separated with the right hand straight, left Shut at the
right shoulder, right hand is in a fist making this Kamae.

Hidari Seigan: (Left Correct Eye)

Facing the opponent. Both feet separated and lower the hips, left hand fist is straight.
Right Shut at the left shoulder, making the Kamae.

Hira Ichimonji: (Flat Straight Line)

Stand vertical in this Kamae, both hands straight out to the sides, both hands are in
Shut, in a straight line posture.

Hk no Kamae: (Attitude of the encircling embrace)

Lower the hips, both hands are open at the height of the face, this becomes the Kamae
of leaping in with both hands and feet.

Bbi no Kamae: (Attitude of Defense)

Standing vertical with the right hand fist forward, the left hand is back to strike in

kurai dori can be taken to mean to take the situation or enemy and bend it to your will. This is closely
linked to Tenmon and Chimon () Geographic and astrological knowledge.
Shisei the essence of ones manner or behavior.

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


The five Kurai Dori of this image are called Goh. From these Kamae you move sideways
like a crab. This way of moving by crossing the legs in the form of an "X" is called
Sokushin Ssokuh8, Ninjutsu families put this method to use to run swiftly sideways, by
practicing this walk someone who was normally able to walk 10 ri in one day would be
able to walk 16 or 17 ri, 7 ri would be comfortable, this allows one to easily travel
through a narrow path and is good for the heart, calmly turn the body in response to the
opponent cutting in, and leaping in becomes easy. This needs a little practice.
Migi Seigan is the Kamae of falsehood, place your center of gravity on the left
foot, watch carefully as the opponent comes in and lightly turn your center of gravity to
the right foot, the opponent will be unable to advance. This Kamae can suddenly change
and thrust in with a left Koshi9.
Hidari Seigan is said to be the Kamae of striking with the fist and foot.
Hira Ichimonji is about allowing the opponent to discover your openings, at any time the
fist or fingertips are able to extend from the posture.
Ht no Kamae has the hips dropped low and both hands open at the height of
the face. This becomes the posture of leaping in with both hands and feet.
Bbi no Kamae is done calmly, the opponent can come in at any time, I use a
non-hostile attitude with only the right fist that expresses dignity.


Sokushin Ssoku H Fast heart that acts immediately method

Kosshi Bone of the Finger

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Ken ni tsuite: (Concerning the Fist)

As for everyday practice, wrap the dj pillars with straw to the same thickness as a human
body, on top of that tightly wrap it with cloth to make it solid and practice toughening your
fists, fingertips and ends of the feet. When striking, place markers on the spots where the
neck, torso and lower body to imagine striking there. Conceive practice by this table, the
first one is:
1, Boshi. 2, Thumb Joint, which is to say that most people only think to use the thumb tip,
the thumb joint is effective when it is hidden. 3, the five fingers for hoisting, use the five
fingers just in front (1 Sun - a little over 3cm) of the mirror. 4, two fingers, the index and
middle fingers are used in this occasion, as before practice this in front of the mirror and put
some power into it. 5, Hoisting with the three fingers of the index, middle and ring fingers,
stopping just in front of the mirror by one Sun. 6, when using a Shut have all five fingers
extended. In the case of a fist, it is often taught that the thumb should be tucked inside the
fingers, but it is far more effective to keep the thumb on the outside. 7, When striking to the
face aim for about 1 Sun above the eyelashes. 8, Shin of the leg, tips of the toes, despite
wearing armor, the shin is mainly for kicking into Gedan. For the opportunity to hit Gedan10,
Asagasumi11, Sai12, Kaku13, and Yaku14, the tips of the toes can be used. The top of the foot
can be used to hit vital points like Kyketsu15 and Suigetsu16 and the face. Also when striking
using all five fingers make sure to spread them wide and bend them a little, this is called

Gedan lower level

Asagasumi morning mist
Sai to Crush
Kaku to knock.
Yaku to prevent
Kyketsu nine holes
Suigetsu Moon on the Water

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


"Shiten Hakk no Issen"17. When practicing against a straw dummy made of straw, kicking in
with the foot, Kopp of the fingertips and the like, and according to those skills, that practice
should be hard. To have shape and form, it is important to grasp straightforward practice
without rushing.

Shoden Gata (Beginning Transmission Forms)

Yokut (Throw Elimination)

The opponent comes in to grab the single lapel.

1, right hand Boshi tip pushes up to the Kasumi Kinketsu18.
2, the right shin raises into the Gedan.
3, the left palm pushes up into gankotsu19, to knock down.

gyaku (False Arrest)

The opponent comes in to hoist with a right Koshi Nage20.

1, with a left handed Boshi21 roll into the opponents Shichibatsu22 on the right hip.
2, with the right fist strike into the opponents Butsumetsu23 to knock him down.

Shiten Hakk no Issen Four Heavens and Eight Lights in a single flash
Kasumi Kinketsu Mist, Forbidden point
Gankotsu Cherished Bone
Koshi Nage Hip Throw
Boshi Thumb
Shichibatsu Seven Omissions
Butsumetsu Buddha's Death

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


3, as the opponent comes in for a right Koshi Nage, by first extending my right hand out
to the rear the opponent's throw becomes ineffective.
Applying pressure with the Boshi to the Shichibatsu will make the opponent
unable to stand for seven days, therefore be careful with this form.

Kyoku (Eliminate Resistance)

The opponent comes in with a right fist.

Turn aside24 with the left arm, Strike into the opponents Omote Kimon25 with a right Ni
Ken26, simultaneously extend the left arm under the opponents right armpit behind the
shoulder, then throw with a left Seoi Nage27.


(Grab and Knockdown)

The opponent comes in to choke by grabbing both lapels.

Simultaneously counter into Kasumi with the Joint of the right thumb, Pull the left leg
back, and by twisting the body the opponent is knocked down. Use the thumb of the left
hand to grab the opponents right hand in Omote Gyaku, locking it up.

Uke Nagashi Receiving Flow

Omote Kimon Outside demon's Gate
Ni Ken Guardian Deva King's fist
Seoi Nage back carry throw

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Hosoku (Grabbing Arrest)

The opponent grabs my single lapel with his left hand and strikes into my face with the
right fist.
First of all, receive28 the fist with the left arm, strike into the Koe29 with the right Boshi,
strike into the opponents face with the head to knock him down.

Hteki (Release and Throw)

The opponent grabs my single lapel with the left hand. The right hand fist strikes in.
With the left handed Shut I strike up into the opponent's right hand Hoshi30, with the
right Boshi strike into the opponents left hand Hoshi, grip the top part and force up,
insert the right hip and throw.

Shat (Diagonal Knockdown)

The opponent does as previous, left hand lapel, right hand fist strikes in.
I receive with flow31 the opponents right fist with my left hand, simultaneously strike
Yugasumi32 with the right hand Boshi, and kick up into the opponents Suzu33 with the
right shin to knockdown.

Uke Receive
Koe voice
Hoshi star
Ukenagashi Receiving Flow
Yugasumi Evening Mist
Suzu Bell

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Ket (Hang and Knockdown)

The opponent comes in to grab both lapels.

Strike the left and right of the opponents Omote Gyaku with both Ni Ken, pull back a
little with the right foot and at the same time with the instep34 of the right foot kick into
the opponents Gorin35 and knock him down.

Sakugeki (Squeeze Attack

The opponent begins to move to grab both lapels.

With the right thumb push up into asagasumi36 under the opponents jaw, with the
armor of the right foot kick into the side of the opponents kaku, and knock him down.

Tangeki (Carry and strike)


The opponent comes in to strike with the left and right fists.
As you lower your hips a little, raise your hands as in Hk no kamae. This is the feint
(also called Gantsubushi no kamae37) the true attack is kicking into the opponents
suigetsu with the armor of the right foot to knock him down.

yoroi Armor
Gorin Five Rings
Asagasumi Morning glow
Gantsubushi no kamae Attitude of crushing the eye

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Batsugi (Skill of Drawing Out)

The opponent comes in to grab the lapel with both the left and right hand. With the joint
of the left thumb lock the opponents right hand in Omote Gyaku, pull the lock to the
upper left. Simultaneously with the five fingertips of the right hand strike into the left
side of the opponents face to knock him down.

Sett (Fold and Knockdown)

The opponent takes the lapel with the left and right hands in a fist.
Strike38 into the Jakken39 with the right fist to the left, simultaneously the left thumb
strikes into the opponents Butsumetsu40 to knock him down.

Shihaku (Finger Rhythm)

The opponent comes in with both fists.

Take a large step back to the right with the right foot and drop down, simultaneously
appear to kick into suzu,41 while this is a feint truly42 strike in unseen with the right fist.

Uchi Komu To drive in (e.g. Nail or a stake)

Jakken Weak Sinew, also pronounced Jaku Suji.
Butsumetsu Buddhas death, a very unlucky day according to ancient almanacs.
Suzu bell
Kyjitsu truth and falsehood becoming interchangeable

Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Kyogi (Skill of Repelling)

The opponent comes in with both fists.

Take one step back with the right foot and simultaneously drop, then with the right foot
step on the toki,43 simultaneously the right hand strikes in unseen. What is called toki is
the inner part of the foot, this was at one time a common slang for this spot.

Kakk (Arrest and Interrogate)

The opponent comes in to strike with both hands.

Take one step back with the right foot and pull while descending, simultaneously kick
into the opponents right legs k44 and break it with your right leg, strike in with three
fingers in a single instant, In that instant push to knockdown.

Uranami (Waves on a Shore)

The opponent comes in to strike with both fists.

Receive with both arms, with the right foot kick in with keri-gaeshi to the opponents
yaku45 on the right leg, strike in with both thumbs to amado46 instantly.

Toki time
K, yoroi armor, referring to the knee.
Yaku grasp, clutch, or strangle (a strategic position).
Amado rain door


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Tenchi (Heaven and Earth)

The opponent comes in to strike with both fists.

Pull back with the right foot, kick up into suzu with the toes of the right foot while
simultaneously striking into the face of the person with the five fingers of the right hand.


The opponent comes in to strike with both fists.

Receive both hands and then clinch, the right hand wraps the opponents arm from the
outside inward, strike into Butsumetsu with the left thumb to knockdown.

When you take the eighteen forms that are normally done to the right and pair them
with their eighteen ura done to the left, they become the thirty-six methods (sanju
ropp; ). As in previous techniques, make surer to have proper form, and
perform the waza carefully. In this principle of Koppjutsu, letting the opponent grab
your chest is bad, but conversely, if you can take the initiative and grab the opponents
chest, you are already winning. So, with the one hand having taken the chest, pull
strongly toward you and at the same time push in and strike, and you can hit into either
the left or right kimon.


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Regarding seoi nage or koshi nage, you are also grabbing a part of the opponent to
execute the technique. Thus, if you avoid being grabbed by the opponent by spreading
your hands out behind you, it will be impossible for him to throw you. For example,
lower your hips 1 sun47 and spread both hands out behind, rendering it impossible for
your opponent to execute a throw. The only thing that could knock you over from this
position would be sotogake or uchigake. This is because you have allowed the opponent
freedom to move, but this shouldnt pose you any difficulties, and the opponent should
be relatively easy to control. (Masaaki 86)

Hekit Gata (Sword-Cutting Forms48)

Sokuboku (Kicking the Hackberry Tree49)

The opponent takes the attitude of Daijdan, just about to cut in. I take the attitude of
The opponent comes in to cut from above. Turn the body to face the right while
simultaneously putting forth the right foot to kick up into the opponents hoshi50. The
opponent drops the sword. Strike into the opponents face with the five fingers of the
right hand to knock him down.


Sun an old unit of measurement in Japan 1 sun is equal to about 3 centimeters


The important thing of this level is to move in a clockwise direction this will make it difficult for the uke to cut towards you.
(Manaka 54)
49 Boku Celtis sinensis var. japonica
50 Hoshi Star


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Bokuhen (Returning Hackberry Tree)

Drop and exit with a roll51 to deceive52

The opponent is in Chdan no kamae with a ken.
I am in Hira Ichimonji no Kamae.
The enemy comes to cut into the right side. I leap back to the left side using the right
foot, at that moment the enemy moves back into Daijdan no kamae, leap in and with
the right hand grab the enemys hoshi, and kick into the enemys suigetsu to knock him

Dak (Striking Hit)

The opponent is in Chdan no kamae with a ken.

I am in Hko no kamae.53
The enemy enters in to thrust. Advance the right foot diagonally in front of the enemys
right foot. With the left hand grab the enemys right wrist, with the right fist strike
strongly into the enemys right arm omote gyaku54. The enemy drops his ken. Turn the
body to the right, sit on the left leg. The enemy falls face up.

Itten kaeru a single turn-over, like a summersault.

Kyo empty, false, to deceive (antonym of jitsu truth).
53 Hko encirclement, when pronounced houi may also mean to hold something with both hands.
54 Omote gyaku outside reverse


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Shuriki (Hand Strength)

The opponent stands with a ken in Daijdan no kamae.

I am in Bbi no kamae.
The enemy comes to cut in. Turn the body to the right while advancing, hit the enemys
nagare55 with a right shut, the enemys ken is dropped. Hit both of the enemys eyes
with a right shut.

Sab (To Aspire on ones tiptoes)

Lifes Secret Hope56 - The opponent stands with a ken in Daijdan no kamae.
I am in Hidari Seigan no kamae.
The enemy comes to cut in. At that moment turn the body to the right, with the right
fist thrust to the side of the enemys jakkin57 strongly, simultaneously kick into the
enemys Butsumetsu58 with the right foot to knock him down.

Nagare flow
Seibikib Lifes Secret Hope
57 Jakkin Weak muscle
58 Butsumetsu Buddhas Death; a very unlucky day (according to old almanacs).


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Bakko (Domination)

The opponent stands with a ken in Chdan no kamae.
I am in Bbi no kamae.
The enemy comes to cut into the right side of the body. I advance the body forward and
to the left, and strike into the enemys jin59 with the right fist to knock him down.

Sekiryoku (Power in the sole of the foot)

The opponent stands with a ken in Daijdan no kamae.

I am in Hko no kamae.
He enemy cuts in from Daijdan no kamae. I drop my body, advance with the right foot,
sitting on the left foot, strike into the enemys suigetsu with the right fist to knock him


Jin person


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Kahi (Straddling Flight)

The opponent stands with a ken in Chdan no kamae.

I am in Hira Ichimonji no kamae.
The opponent thrusts in. I turn the body to open wide to the right in a large movement
with the right foot. The enemy immediately moves to cut in to the right side. I move to
the front of the enemy, thrust both hands to the earth, and with the body dropped leap
up, and kick into the enemys suigetsu with both feet to knock him down.
In the migi waza it is important to finish the kata silently and in the same position that
you started, kurai dori,60 and zanshin are very important to the bud-ka.


Kurai Dori To take a position, physically, geographically, and psychologically.


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Chden Gata (Middle Transmission Forms)61

Hida (Flying Strike)

The opponent approaches to impede me.

Counter the opponents right hand with a right shut62 to kasumi63 at the same time,
with the right foot hook the enemys suzu64 to knock him down, pull back the right foot,
zanshin no kamae.65
This skill is the same on the left side.

Hisaku (Flying Squeeze)

The opponent approaches to impede me.

Strike into the enemys left amedo66 with the right boshi,67 at the same time wrap both
legs around the enemys torso, and suddenly pull out both of the enemys feet with


Kuden: The Chden Gata is training for making the body movement nimble. This level is derived from Hichjutsu
(technique of the leaping bird; ), a technique for disguising and concealing kicks while being able to negate
the enemys techniques before they are able to perform them. With this in mind, these techniques should be
performed with a strong emphasis on the timing of your movements. Also, perform the techniques from any
kamae, any attack, and also while approaching the enemy, and the enemy approaching you. (Manaka)
Shut blade of the hand
Kasumi Mist
Suzu bell
zanshin no kamae Attitude of the Remaining Mind. Zanshin in Japanese means kokoro ga nokoru.
You have (are) fighting, but don't let yourself go away. Your mind, your body, is still here. You don't know what can
happen." (Zoughari)
Amedo Rain door
Boshi Thumb


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


both hands, the enemy falls face up. Entwine his leg and tighten. This skill is the same
on the left side.

Hich () (Flying Bird (Flying Butterfly))

The opponent is not facing us.

Strike into the opponents face with the five fingers of the right hand, at the same time
kick in with the right foot with in,68 and pull back into zanshin no Kamae.
This skill is the same on the left side.

Hit (Flying Knockdown)

The opponent is not facing us.

With the three fingers of the right hand strike into the opponents omote kimon69, using
the reaction, kick in to the left and right butsumetsu70 while both hands come to the
ground. With the movement turn-over once, return to your former position and
This skill is the same on the left side.

In Yin [-Yang]
Omote kimon outside of the demons gate
Butsu metsu the day that Buddha passed away, thus an unlucky day


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Kappi (Flying Enclosing)

The opponent approaches.

Strike into the opponents right amedo with a right shut, strike into the left amedo with
a left-handed shut, leap backward, zanshin.
This skill is the same on the left side.

Monpi (Flying Pat)

The opponent approaches.

Grip the armpit with the four hands of the right hand71, strike into butsumetsu with the
thumb, twist as you strike in. at the same time kick in to the opponents koi 72with the
right leg to knock him down. Pull back and zanshin.
This skill is the same on the left side.

Here it says migite no shide (lit. four hands of the right hand), however it is speculated that this is
referring to the four fingers of the right hand.
Koi sound


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Suit (Knockdown Slowly)

The opponent strikes in with both fists.

Drop the hips and receive with both hands, leap out of the way to avoid. The opponent
moves to leap in again, wrapping the left wrist, he attempts a koshi nage. Strike into the
opponents left butsumetsu with the right elbow, immediately strike up into the
opponents face with the fist, with the left hand grasping the face drop the body
sufficiently and execute kakete nage 73with the right leg.
This skill is the same on the left side.

Gohi 74 (Leaping as a Flying Squirrel75)

The opponent approaches.

Three fingers of the right hand to the opponents one point76, then strike down and
push the three points simultaneously. Push down in the manner that a cat scratches

Kakete nage hooking throw

This has also been written in Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai (Masaaki 90) as (Nezumi hi/tobi;
leaping rat).
Musasabi Flying Squirrel Petaurista leucogenys
Ichi t single point


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


which is why this is also called nezumi tori77. The five fingers and palm of the left hand
face up, to the opponents asagasumi78 strike to knock down. Pull back and zanshin.
This skill is the same on the left side.

Hetsubi (Cast Away and Flee)

The opponent approaches.

Similar to before three fingers of the right hand to the opponents one point, then strike
down and push the three points simultaneously, with the five fingers of the left hand
thrust into the opponents right tjint79, then leap to the right about one ken, zanshin.
This skill is the same on the left side.

Tekigaeshi (Throw Down Reverse)

The opponent approaches.

With the thumb of the right hand thrust up into the opponents left underarm where it
meets the torso. The right shin kicks into the opponents left sa80i and pull back, zanshin.
This skill is the same on the left side.

Nezumi tori grasping/catching a rat

Asagasumi morning glow, morning mist (haze)
Tjin the person in question (?)
Sai (break, destroy, devastate, ravage, repress)


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Kt (Throat Knockdown)

The opponent approaches.

Three fingers of the right hand to the opponents itt81, at this time strike and press
down to the three points, simultaneously kick up to suzu with the left foot. Zanshin. This
skill is the same on the left side.

Kakuhi (Snatch Away and Flee

The opponent comes to grasp my chest.

Right hand to asagasumi. Simultaneously thrust up with the fist, right foot to the inner
thigh82 and thrust to knock down. Zanshin. This skill is the same on the left side.

Itt (one: to be, to act as, manage, withstand, when, during, ought, should, match equally, equal, same,
obstruct, just at (a time or place), on the spot, right, just at)
Uchimata (inner thigh), suggests uchimata uchi gake form Jd.


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Okuden Gata (Deepest Transmitted Forms83)

Sant (Gathering Strike)

The opponent leaps in.

With the right hand grab the chest, with the left hand grab the right sleeve, and hook
with uchimata84 to throw.
I knock down the enemys leg that is performing the uchimata gake with the right fist to
the inside of the thigh, with the right fist strike up from underneath to the enemys
hoshi of the right arm, step back to zanshin.
Hidari waza is also the same.

Sant (Gathering Knockdown)


The main emphasis of the Okuden Gata is on Taihenjutsu (Body Movement). When performing these techniques,
you must focus all of your intention and your spirit at the Uke with the feeling of no beginning and no end as far as
the techniques go i.e. think about the before, and the after. When you have finished each technique, you remain
in a state of readiness to deal with numerous enemies whilst at the same time keeping your focus on the Uke
(Zanshin) this is an important part of the Okuden level. (Manaka 46)
Uchimata Inside of thigh


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


The opponent comes in with a sht.85

I am in Seigan no kamae. The enemy comes in to thrust in a straight line86 to the chest.
At that moment drop the body to shift the center of gravity to the left leg, as the
enemys sht flows by on my right side pull it. With the five fingers of the right hand
thrust into the hoshi87, simultaneously grab the enemys wrist that holds the sht with
the left hand, strike into the inside of the enemys omote gyaku88 with the right fist
while entering in with the right foot. The enemys sht is sent flying.
Immediately, strike the enemys omote gyaku with the right thumb and hold, change
and pivot the body to the right. With the enemys hand in a gyaku he falls face-down.
With the left leg kick up into the enemys sai, Thrust down. Zanshin.
Hidari waza is also the same.

Kot (Knocking down a Tiger)

The opponent comes to cut in with a sht.

Take one step with the left leg and leap in front of the enemys right leg. With the left
fist simultaneously thrust into the enemys left hoshi, suddenly strike the happa89 with
the palms of both hands. At the same time kick up into suzu with the right shin. Zanshin.
Hidari waza is also the same.

Sht short sword

Ma Ichimonji straight; as the crow flies
Hoshi Star
Omote gyaku Outside reverse
Happa Eight Leaves


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Shinsen (Divine Shearing)

The opponent comes in and grabs the lapels with both hands, and prepares to choke.
At the same time strike the enemys happa with both palms, strike into the enemys
jint90 with your head. Zanshin.
Hidari waza is also the same.

Konpi (Flying Bale)

The opponent approaches.

Take one step with the left leg, and place it in front of the enemys right leg, hit the
enemys uko91 with the left shut, leap to the right side and maintain zanshin.
Hidari waza is also the same.


Jint appropriate person

Uko Rain Door


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Josetsu (Fold and Drag)

The opponent approaches.

Thrust into the jjiro92 with the right hand, simultaneously turn the body diagonally to
the right, the right leg kicks into gorin93 to knock the enemy down. This is the skill of
using the right hand, the right leg, and turning the body diagonally to keep time with
sanbyshi94. Zanshin.
Hidari waza is also the same.

Ssetsu (Fold and Pinch)

The opponent comes closer.

With both of my hands grab both sides of the enemy95, with the thumbs of both hands
strike into Butsumetsu, while holding on turn the body diagonally to the left, sit with the
left leg behind the right to throw, sanbyshi. Zanshin.
Hidari waza is also the same.

Jjiro Crossroads
Gorin Five Rings
Sanbyshi Triple time as found in Japanese musical theory; the three requisites.
Waki sides in this context may refer to the armpits, I (Luke) have learned this as grabbing the skin on the
sides of the torso.


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


St (Pinch and Knockdown)

The opponent comes closer.

I catch the enemys upper collar with both hands, push down on both sides with the
thumbs, and pull, thrust your forehead into his face, the right foot hooks the enemys
koi, perform kuruma gaeshi96, I turn over once with the enemy, choke the enemy with
umanori97 and perform chgaeri. Zanshin
Hidari waza is also the same.

Kki (Demon Strike)

The opponent comes closer.
I strike with both hands to the enemys happa, with both feet kick into the enemys
suigetsu, I execute chgaeri98 and return back to the starting place.
With this skill, begin by practicing chgaeri with the hands touching the earth, use this
Hidari waza

Kuruma gaeshi Wheel Reverse

Umanori Horseback riding, refers to straddling the opponent like riding a horse.
Chgaeri Middle Reversal


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Just as the right hand strikes uko, both legs strike into suigetsu, chgaeri, zanshin.

Kimon (Demon Gate)

The opponent comes closer.
Catch hold of the opponents underarm with the right hand, push into the kimon99 with
the thumb, simultaneously insert the hip and pull back the left leg, sit and throw. Hidari
waza is also the same.

Ransetsu (Turbulent Snow)

The opponent comes closer.
Grab the armpit as before, push into kimon with the thumb, strike in, simultaneously
with both feet between the enemiess legs my body flows in. The enemy falls face down,
drive the head straight up into the face of the enemy to knock him down.
Hidari Waza
In Hidari waza my body flows to the right with yoko nagashi100, yoko sutemi101.

Kimon Demons Gate

Yoko nagashi Flowing Sideways
Yoko Sutemi Sideways sacrifice



Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Ura Kimon (Hidden Demon Gate)

The opponent comes closer.

Move as though to grab the chest with the right hand, strike into gorin with the five
fingers. This gorin is the omote kimon. With the instep of the right foot kick into
abdomen gorin to knock down.
Hidari waza is also the same.

Kaiden Gata (Initiation Forms)

Goshin (Discerning Mind)

The opponent approaches.
I turn the body to the side, retreat with a leap backwards, dont do anything, and also
dont escape. The enemy becomes impatient. As the enemy becomes more urgent leap
in and strike amado or kirigasumi102, kimon, Butsumetsu and so on, strike fiercely into
an easy target, the enemy should fall with a single blow.


Kirigasumi Misty haze


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Ichinen (Determined Purpose)103

The opponent approaches.

Stare into the eyes, the truth is we stare at the eyelashes, the enemy is unable to
approach because of Ganshin Ichij Fudshin104, and this is a kind of mysterious105
Just as with hakyjutsu106 the important part of this is isshin ichinen107.

Mayuge (Eyebrows)

Paradise108 is, something that is suspended just above the eyebrows, so close that you
cant find it. Dgen Zenshi109

Katsugan (Piercing Eye)


This can also mean 1) an incredibly short span of time (i.e. the time occupied by a single thought Buddhist
connotation); 2) a single repetition of a prayer (especially in Jd-shu Buddhism).
Ganshin Ichij Fudshin The eyes and spirit are one, the body is immovable
Fukashigi mystery; something inexplicable; wonder; miracle. Unfathomable (of a Buddhas abilities).
Hakyjutsu Extraordinary techniques
Isshin Ichinen Committing the whole heart into a single purpose
Gokuraku Sukhavati (Amitabhas Pure Land)
Buddhist Monk, 1200-53


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


The enemy comes to attack in the dark of night. Drop the hips sufficiently, dont look at
the man, but skillfully observe the movement of the air110. Impale a shban111 into the
direction of that parson. And in the case that there is a great number of enemy that day,
throw senban112 at the enemy in eight directions. The way of throwing a rock like a
plate, we place the senban on the index finger of the right hand, the middle finger, ring
finger, and little finger are placed underneath, and I position my wrist in the direction of
the enemy, and snap with the wrist. Throw forward with caution, this is an important
Edged Plate

Understand senban to mean enlightened direction (senban; ).113

Koppjutsu no Uta (Poem of Koppjutsu)

A warrior prays for peace so that he does not have to kill

For if the opponent attacks
His life must be taken
This is the technique of not fighting
-Venerable White Dragon

Kki air; atmosphere

Shban/Seiban Rusty plate
Senban Edged plate
Senban May also be interpreted as 10,000 flashes


Luke Crocker

Kot-ry Koppjutsu


Manaka, Unsui. Kot-Ry Koppjutsu (). Tokyo, 2009. Manuscript ().
Masaaki, Hatsumi. Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai. Trans. Luke Crocker. Tokyo: Kodansha
International, 2008. Book.
Stockholm 2010 Gyokko Ryu & Toujutsu. Perf. Kacem Zoughari. Stockholm. 2010.


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