B Cisco UCS Manager Server MGMT Guide 3 1
B Cisco UCS Manager Server MGMT Guide 3 1
B Cisco UCS Manager Server MGMT Guide 3 1
First Published: 2016-01-20
Last Modified: 2016-09-17
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Preface xv
Audience xv
Conventions xv
Related Cisco UCS Documentation xvii
Documentation Feedback xvii
Creating One or More Service Profiles from a Service Profile Template 175
Creating a Template Based Service Profile for a Blade Server 175
Creating a Template Based Service Profile for a Rack-Mount Server 176
Creating a Service Profile Template from a Service Profile 177
Service Profile Template Tasks 177
Binding a Service Profile to a Service Profile Template 177
Unbinding a Service Profile from a Service Profile Template 178
Changing the UUID in a Service Profile Template 178
Resetting the UUID Assigned to a Service Profile from a Pool in a Service Profile
Template 179
Resetting the MAC Address Assigned to a vNIC from a Pool in a Service Profile Template 180
Resetting the WWPN Assigned to a vHBA from a Pool in a Service Profile Template 180
Deleting the Inband Configuration from a Service Profile Template 181
Service Profile Association 181
Associating a Service Profile with a Server or Server Pool 181
Associating a Service Profile Template with a Server Pool 182
Disassociating a Service Profile from a Server or Server Pool 183
Disassociating a Service Profile Template from its Server Pool 184
Audience, page xv
Conventions, page xv
Related Cisco UCS Documentation, page xvii
Documentation Feedback, page xvii
This guide is intended primarily for data center administrators with responsibilities and expertise in one or
more of the following:
Server administration
Storage administration
Network administration
Network security
Text Type
GUI elements
GUI elements such as tab titles, area names, and field labels appear in this font.
Main titles such as window, dialog box, and wizard titles appear in this font.
Document titles
TUI elements
In a Text-based User Interface, text the system displays appears in this font.
System output
Terminal sessions and information that the system displays appear in this
Text Type
CLI commands
{x | y | z}
[x | y | z]
A nonquoted set of characters. Do not use quotation marks around the string or
the string will include the quotation marks.
!, #
An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line of code
indicates a comment line.
Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the
Means the following information will help you solve a problem. The tips information might not be
troubleshooting or even an action, but could be useful information, similar to a Timesaver.
Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in the
Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might perform an action that could result in equipment
damage or loss of data.
Related Cisco UCS Documentation
Documentation Feedback
To provide technical feedback on this document, or to report an error or omission, please send your comments
to [email protected]. We appreciate your feedback.
Documentation Feedback
Where Documented
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
Cisco UCS Manager enables you to manage general and complex server deployments. For example, you can
manage a general deployment with a pair of Fabric Interconnects (FIs), which is the redundant server access
layer that you get with the first chassis that can scale up to 20 chassis' and up to 160 physical servers. This
can be a combination of blades and rack mount servers to support the workload in your environment. As you
add more servers, you can continue to perform server provisioning, device discovery, inventory, configuration,
diagnostics, monitoring, fault detection, and auditing.
By default, the Cisco UCS 6332 40 GB FIs, the UCS Mini 6324 40 GB FIs, and the UCS 6200 Series 10 GB
FIs include centralized management. You can manage the UCS Blade Servers, Rack-Mount Servers, and
M-Series Modular Servers that are in the same domain from one console. You can also manage the UCS Mini
from the Cisco UCS Manager.
To ensure the optimum server performance, you can configure the amount of power that you allocate to
servers. You can also set the server boot policy, the location from which the server boots, and the order in
which the boot devices are invoked. You can create service profiles for the UCS B-Series Blade Servers, UCS
M-Series Modular Servers, and the UCS Mini to assign to servers. Service profiles enable you to assign BIOS
settings, security settings, the number of vNICs and vHBAs, and anything else that you want to apply to a
Cisco UCS Manager Infrastructure Management Guide Discusses physical and virtual infrastructure
components used and managed by Cisco UCS
Cisco UCS Manager Firmware Management Guide
Each Cisco UCS fabric interconnect comes with several port licenses that are factory installed and shipped
with the hardware. You can purchase fabric interconnects fully licensed or partially licensed. You can also
purchase additional licenses after delivery.
The following four new licenses are added for the 6300 Series FI and are only valid on the 6332 and 6332-16UP
40G_ETH_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG Licenses used for 40 GB Ethernet ports
40G_ETH_C_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG Licenses used for 40 GB Ethernet ports directly connected
to rack servers (C-Direct)
10G_C_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG Licenses used for the first 16 10 GB unified ports on the
6332-16UP that are directly connected to rack servers (C-Direct)
10G_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG Licenses used for the first 16 10 GB unified ports on the 6332-16UP
At a minimum, each fabric interconnect ships with the following counted licenses pre-installed:
Fabric Interconnect
The initial configuration of a port will enable it, and consume a license.
Licenses are not portable across product generations. Licenses purchased for 6200 series fabric interconnects
cannot be used to enable ports on 6300 series fabric interconnects or vice-versa.
Each Cisco UCS 6324 Fabric Interconnect comes with a factory installed port license that is shipped with the
hardware. This license is for the eight 40 GB unified ports, and can be used for any supported purpose. The
C-direct port license is factory installed with a grace period, and can be used for Cisco UCS rack servers.
Grace Period
If you attempt to use a port that does not have an installed license, Cisco UCS initiates a 120 day grace period.
The grace period is measured from the first use of the port without a license and is paused when a valid license
file is installed. The amount of time used in the grace period is retained by the system.
Each physical port has its own grace period. Initiating the grace period on a single port does not initiate
the grace period for all ports.
If a licensed port is unconfigured, that license is transferred to a port functioning within a grace period. If
multiple ports are acting within grace periods, the license is moved to the port whose grace period is closest
to expiring.
High Availability Configurations
To avoid inconsistencies during failover, we recommend that both fabric interconnects in the cluster have the
same number of ports licensed. If symmetry is not maintained and failover occurs, Cisco UCS enables the
missing licenses and initiates the grace period for each port being used on the failover node.
If no other ports under the breakout port are enabled, the parent 40 GB port is allotted a license
under the 40G_C_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG, and the used quantity is incremented for this
If other ports are enabled, and if at least one port is not connected to a Direct Connect rack server,
even if the port is not being used, the parent 40 GB port is allotted a license under the
40G_ETH_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG, and the used quantity is incremented for this instance.
When you enable a breakout port under a 40 GB breakout port and that port is connected to a
Direct-Connect rack server, and the 40G_C_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG license files are not installed
on the FI, the following license allocation occurs:
If no ports under the breakout port are enabled, the parent 40 GB port is allotted a license under
the 40G_ETH_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG. The subordinate quantity is increased if the licenses
are available in the 40G_ETH_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG. If the licenses are not available, the
used quantity under this feature is increased and the entire port goes in to the grace period.
If other ports are enabled and at least one port is not connected to a Direct Connect rack server,
even if the port is not being used, the parent 40 GB port is allotted a license under the
40G_ETH_PORT_ACTIVATION_PKG, and the used quantity is incremented for this instance.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
In the Properties area, the host ID is listed in the Serial Number (SN) field.
What to Do Next
Obtain the required licenses from Cisco.
Obtaining a License
This process may change after the release of this document. If one or more of these steps no longer applies,
contact your Cisco representative for information on how to obtain a license file.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Obtain the product authorization key (PAK) from the claim certificate or other proof of purchase document.
Locate the website URL in the claim certificate or proof of purchase document.
Access the website URL for the fabric interconnect and enter the serial number and the PAK.
Cisco sends you the license file by email. The license file is digitally signed to authorize use on only the
requested fabric interconnect. The requested features are also enabled once Cisco UCS Manager accesses the
license file.
What to Do Next
Install the license on the fabric interconnect.
In a cluster setup, Cisco recommends that you download and install licenses to both fabric interconnects
in matching pairs. An individual license is only downloaded to the fabric interconnect that is used to
initiate the download.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
You cannot have spaces anywhere in the path name or the file name. For example,
c:\Path\Folder_Name\License.lic is a valid path, but c:\Path\Folder Name\License.lic
is invalid due to the space in "Folder Name".
If you do not know the exact path to the folder where the license file is located, click Browse and navigate
to the file.
Step 8
Click OK.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI begins downloading the license to the fabric interconnect.
Step 9
(Optional) Monitor the status of the download on the Download Tasks tab.
If Cisco UCS Manager reports that the bootflash is out of space, delete obsolete bundles on the
Packages tab to free up space. To view the available space in bootflash, navigate to the fabric
interconnect, click Equipment, and expand the Local Storage Information area on the General
Step 10 Repeat this task until all the required licenses have been downloaded to the fabric interconnect.
What to Do Next
After all of the download tasks complete, install the licenses.
In a cluster setup, Cisco recommends that you download and install licenses to both fabric interconnects
in matching pairs. An individual license is only downloaded to the fabric interconnect that is used to
initiate the download.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
You cannot have spaces anywhere in the path name or the file name. For example,
c:\Path\Folder_Name\License.lic is a valid path, but c:\Path\Folder Name\License.lic
is invalid due to the space in "Folder Name".
If you use a hostname rather than an IPv4 or IPv6 address, you must configure a DNS server. If the
Cisco UCS domain is not registered with Cisco UCS Central or DNS management is set to local,
configure a DNS server in Cisco UCS Manager. If the Cisco UCS domain is registered with Cisco
UCS Central and DNS management is set to global, configure a DNS server in Cisco UCS Central.
Click OK.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI begins downloading the license to the fabric interconnect.
Step 8
Step 9
(Optional) Monitor the status of the download on the Download Tasks tab.
If Cisco UCS Manager reports that the bootflash is out of space, delete obsolete bundles on the
Packages tab to free up space. To view the available space in bootflash, navigate to the fabric
interconnect, click Equipment, and expand the Local Storage Information area on the General
Step 10 Repeat this task until all the required licenses have been downloaded to the fabric interconnect.
What to Do Next
After all of the download tasks complete, install the licenses.
Installing a License
Before You Begin
Obtain the required licenses from Cisco.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Click a feature in the table to view details for that feature, including the operational state and used grace
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Click a license in the table to view the details of that license in the Contents tab below.
In the Contents tab, expand the license file to view all licenses in the file.
In the Expiry column, view the expiry date of the license.
Uninstalling a License
Permanent licenses cannot be uninstalled if they are in use. You can only uninstall a permanent license
that is not in use. If you try to delete a permanent license that is being used, Cisco UCS Manager rejects
the request and display an error message.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Cisco UCS Manager deactivates the license, removes the license from the list of licenses, and deletes the
license from the fabric interconnect. The port is moved into unlicensed mode. In a cluster setup, you must
uninstall the license from the other fabric interconnect.
You cannot change or swap the IP addresses used by Cisco UCS Manager in a domain that is registered
with Cisco UCS Central. If you need to change or swap that IP address, you must first unregister the
domain from Cisco UCS Central. You can reregister the Cisco UCS domain after you have changed or
swapped the IP address.
Determines whether the date and time is defined locally or comes from
Cisco UCS Central.
Communication Services
User Management
DNS Management
Determines whether the Full State Backup Policy and All Configuration
Export Policy are defined locally or in Cisco UCS Central.
SEL Policy
Power Management
You cannot change or swap the IP addresses used by Cisco UCS Manager in a domain that is registered
with Cisco UCS Central. If you need to change or swap that IP address, you must first unregister the
domain from Cisco UCS Central. You can reregister the Cisco UCS domain after you have changed or
swapped the IP address.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
The shared secret (or password) that was configured when Cisco UCS
Central was deployed.
b) In the Policy Resolution Control area, click one of the following radio buttons for each of the fields:
LocalThe policy or configuration is determined and managed by Cisco UCS Manager.
GlobalThe policy or configuration is determined and managed by Cisco UCS Central.
c) Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
If you reregister the Cisco UCS domain with Cisco UCS Central, there can be policy conflicts
due to the policies existing both in Cisco UCS Central and in Cisco UCS Manager. Either
delete the local policies, or set the local policies to global before you try to create and
associate a global service profile.
Deep Remove GlobalThis option should only be used after careful consideration. When a Cisco
UCS domain is unregistered, all global policies in the Cisco UCS domain are removed. If there are
global service profiles, they will now refer to Cisco UCS Manager local default policies, and one of
the following occurs:
If there are local default policies present, the server will reboot.
If there are no local default policies, the service profile association fails with a configuration
The deep remove global cleanup mode does not remove global VSANs and VLANs when
you unregister from Cisco UCS Central. Those must be removed manually if desired.
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
For more information on the impact of unregistering and registering a Cisco UCS Domain with Cisco UCS
Central, see Policy Resolution between Cisco UCS Manager and Cisco UCS Central.
Power Policy
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
4 (N)
The system reserves enough power to boot a server in each slot, even if that slot is empty. This reserved
power cannot be leveraged by servers requiring more power. Blades that fail to comply with the power
cap are penalized.
Priority is ranked on a scale of 1-10, where 1 indicates the highest priority and 10 indicates lowest priority.
The default priority is 5.
For mission-critical application a special priority called no-cap is also available. Setting the priority to no-cap
prevents Cisco UCS from leveraging unused power from a particular server. With this setting, the server is
allocated the maximum amount of power possible for that type of server.
You must include the power control policy in a service profile and that service profile must be associated
with a server for it to take effect.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click Power Control Policies and choose Create Power Control Policy.
In the Create Power Control Policy dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name field
Description field
Priority field
Step 6
Click OK.
What to Do Next
Include the policy in a service profile or service profile template.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Creating a power group is not the same as creating a server pool. However, you can populate a server pool
with members of the same power group by creating a power qualifier and adding it to server pool policy.
When a chassis is removed or deleted, the chassis gets removed from the power group.
UCS Manager supports explicit and implicit power groups.
Explicit: You can create a power group, add chassis' and racks, and assign a budget for the group.
Implicit: Ensures that the chassis is always protected by limiting the power consumption within safe
limits. By default, all chassis that are not part of an explicit power group are assigned to the default
group and the appropriate caps are placed. New chassis that connect to UCS Manager are added to the
default power group until you move them to a different power group.
The following table describes the error messages you might encounter while assigning power budget and
working with power groups.
Error Message
Recommended Action
Increase the power cap limit to the
Minimum Power Cap for
Allowing Operations (W) value
displayed on the Power Group
page for the specified power group.
Admin committed
insufficient for power
group GROUP_NAME, using
previous value N
Power cap application
failed for chassis N
Chassis N cannot be
capped as the available
PSU power is not enough
for the chassis and the
blades. Please correct
the problem by checking
input power or replace
the PSU
Error Message
Recommended Action
P-State lowered as
consumption hit power
cap for server
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
On the first page of the Create Power Group wizard, complete the following fields:
a) Enter a unique name and description for the power group.
This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special
characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name
after the object is saved.
b) Click Next.
Step 7
On the Add Chassis Members page of the Create Power Group wizard, do the following:
a) In the Chassis table, choose one or more chassis to include in the power group.
b) Click the >> button to add the chassis to the Selected Chassis table that displays all chassis included in
the power group.
You can use the << button to remove one or more chassis from the power group.
c) Click Next.
Step 8
On the Add Rack Members page of the Create Power Group wizard, do the following:
a) In the Rack Unit table, choose one or more rack units to include in the power group.
b) Click the >> button to add the rack to the Selected Rack Unit table that displays all racks included in the
power group.
You can use the << button to remove one or more rack units from the power group.
c) Click Next.
Step 9
On the Add FEX Members page of the Create Power Group wizard, do the following:
a) In the FEX table, choose one or more FEX to include in the power group.
b) Click the >> button to add the chassis to the Selected FEX table that displays all FEX included in the
power group.
You can use the << button to remove one or more FEX from the power group.
c) Click Next.
Step 10 On the Add FI Members page of the Create Power Group wizard, do the following:
a) In the FI table, choose one or more FI to include in the power group.
b) Click the >> button to add the FI to the Selected FI table that displays all chassis included in the power
You can use the << button to remove one or more FI from the power group.
c) Click Next.
Step 11 On the Power Group Attributes page of the Create Power Group wizard, do the following:
a) Complete the following fields:
The maximum peak power (in watts) available to the power group.
Enter an integer between 0 and 10000000.
b) Click Finish.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the power group to which you want to add a chassis and choose Add Chassis Members.
In the Add Chassis Members dialog box, do the following:
a) In the Chassis table, choose one or more chassis to include in the power group.
b) Click the >> button to add the chassis to the Selected Chassis table that displays all chassis included in
the power group.
You can use the << button to remove one or more chassis from the power group.
c) Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Expand the power group from which you want to remove a chassis.
Right-click the chassis that you want to remove from the power group and choose Delete.
If a confirmation dialog box displays, click Yes.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the power group that you want to delete and choose Delete.
If a confirmation dialog box displays, click Yes.
If you configure the manual blade-level power cap using Equipment > Policies > Global Policies >
Global Power Allocation Policy, the priority set in the Power Control Policy is no longer relevant.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Whether this server is power capped. This can be one of the following:
UnboundedThe server is not power capped under any
EnabledThe Cisco UCS Manager GUI displays the Watts
Watts field
The maximum number of watts that the server can use if there is not
enough power to the chassis to meet the demand.
The value range is from 0 and 10000000.
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
To view the power usage for one server in the chassis, expand the chassis and click the server. Then
click the Power tab in the Work pane.
Step 5
After enabling the Global Power Profiling Policy, you must re-acknowledge the blades to obtain the
minimum and maximum power cap.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Any change to the Manual Blade level Power Cap configuration results in the loss of any groups or
configuration options set for the Policy Driven Chassis Group Power Cap.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Machine (FSM) CheckPowerAvailability stage, and raises the following fault on the blade: Insufficient power
available to power-on server x/y.
When the required power becomes available, the FSM proceeds with blade power on. After a blade powers
off, the allocated power budget is reclaimed.
When the power budget that was allocated to the blade is reclaimed, the allocated power displays as 0
If you power on a blade outside of the Cisco UCS Manager, it does not allocate any power budget to the blade,
and raises the following fault: Power cap application failed for server x/y.
Power Allocation during Service Profile Association
The power allocated to a blade during service profile association depends on the Power Control Policy used,
and the power that is available from the power group. After the power is allocated to a server during a successful
service profile association, the blade is guaranteed the minimum power cap. If the Power Control Policy
priority is set to no-cap, a blade is allocated a potential maximum power cap, which might exceed the measured
maximum power cap that displays.
If the priority of an associated blade is changed to no-cap, and is not able to allocate the maximum power
cap, you might see one of the following faults:
PSU-insufficientThere is not enough available power for the PSU.
Group-cap-insufficientThe group cap value is not sufficient for the blade.
Shallow Association
Shallow Association
Shallow Association
Shallow Association
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click Power Sync Policies and choose Create Power Sync Policy.
In the Create Power Sync Policy dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name field
Description field
Sync-Option field
Step 6
Click OK.
What to Do Next
Include the policy in a service profile or service profile template.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Only servers added to a server pool automatically during discovery are removed automatically. Servers
that were manually added to a server pool must be removed manually.
To add a removed blade server back to the configuration, it must be reconnected, then rediscovered. When a
server is reintroduced to Cisco UCS Manager, it is treated as a new server and is subject to the deep discovery
process. For this reason, it is possible for Cisco UCS Manager to assign the server a new ID that might be
different from the ID that it held before.
If a server is associated with, or assigned to, a service profile, you should only use the following methods to
change the server power state:
In Cisco UCS Manager GUI, go to the General tab for the server or the service profile associated with
the server and select Boot Server or Shutdown Server from the Actions area.
In Cisco UCS Manager CLI, scope to the server or the service profile associated with the server and use
the power up or power down commands.
Do not use any of the following options on an associated server that is currently powered off:
Reset in the GUI
cycle cycle-immediate or reset hard-reset-immediate in the CLI
The physical Power or Reset buttons on the server
If you reset, cycle, or use the physical power buttons on a server that is currently powered off, the server's
actual power state might become out of sync with the desired power state setting in the service profile. If the
communication between the server and Cisco UCS Manager is disrupted or if the service profile configuration
changes, Cisco UCS Manager might apply the desired power state from the service profile to the server,
causing an unexpected power change.
Power synchronization issues can lead to an unexpected server restart, as shown below:
Desired Power State in Service
Powered Off
Powered On
Powered On
Powered On
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
After the server boots, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays an OK status.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile that requires the associated server to boot.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
You can also view the boot order tabs from the General tab of the service profile associated with a server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
If the Boot Order Details area is not expanded, click the Expand icon to the right of the heading.
To view the boot order assigned to the server, click the Configured Boot Order tab.
To view what will boot from the various devices in the physical server configuration, click the Actual Boot
Order tab.
The Actual Boot Order tab always shows "Internal EFI Shell" at the bottom of the boot order
When a blade server that is associated with a service profile is shut down, the VIF down alerts F0283 and
F0479 are automatically suppressed.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
After the server has been successfully shut down, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays a
power-off status.
If the Shutdown Server link is dimmed in the Actions area, the server is not running.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile that requires the associated server to shut down.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
After the server successfully shuts down, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays a down status
or a power-off status.
If you are trying to boot a server from a power-down state, you should not use Reset.
If you continue the power-up with this process, the desired power state of the servers become out of sync
with the actual power state and the servers might unexpectedly shut down at a later time. To safely reboot
the selected servers from a power-down state, click Cancel, then select the Boot Server action.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
The reset may take several minutes to complete. After the server has been reset, the Overall Status field on
the General tab displays an ok status.
Perform the following procedure to reset the server to factory default settings.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
From the Maintenance Server dialog box that appears, select the appropriate options:
To delete all storage, check the Scrub Storage checkbox.
To place all disks into their initial state after deleting all storage, check the Create Initial Volumes
You can check this checkbox only if you check the Scrub Storage checkbox. For servers that support
JBOD, the disks will be placed in a JBOD state. For servers that do not support JBOD, each disk will
be initialized with a single R0 volume that occupies all the space in the disk.
Do not check the Create Initial Volumes box if you want to use storage profiles. Creating
initial volumes when you are using storage profiles may result in configuration errors.
Step 1
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Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Go to the physical location of the chassis and remove the server hardware from the slot.
For instructions on how to remove the server hardware, see the Cisco UCS Hardware Installation Guide for
your chassis.
What to Do Next
If you physically re-install the blade server, you must re-acknowledge the slot for the Cisco UCS Manager to
rediscover the server.
For more information, see Reacknowledging a Server Slot in a Chassis, on page 50.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Servers > Server Name.
In the Work area, click the Inventory tab.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
If an inband service profile is configured in Cisco UCS Manager with a default VLAN and pool
name, the server CIMC will automatically get an inband configuration from the inband profile
approximate one minute after deleting the inband configuration here.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
What to Do Next
If you physically re-install the blade server, you must re-acknowledge the slot for the Cisco UCS Manager to
rediscover the server.
For more information, see Reacknowledging a Server Slot in a Chassis, on page 50.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
On the row for each blade server that you want to recommission, check the check box in the Recommission
column, then click Save Changes.
If a confirmation dialog box displays, click Yes.
Step 7
(Optional) Monitor the progress of the server recommission and discovery on the FSM tab for the server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Click this link and then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Cisco UCS
Manager reacknowledges the slot and discovers the server in the slot.
Click this button if you want to proceed to the General tab. You can use the
Reacknowledge Slot link in the Actions area to have Cisco UCS Manager
reacknowledge the slot and discover the server in the slot.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Choose the server that you want to remove from the configuration database.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Turn off Locator LEDFor the Cisco UCS B460 M4 blade server, turns off the LED for the slave
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Click a disk.
The disk details appear.
In the Details area, click Toggle Locator LED.
If the Locator LED state is On, it will turn Off. If the Locator LED state is Off, it will turn On.
Click Save Changes.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Clearing TPM is a potentially hazardous operation. The OS may stop booting. You may also see loss of
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
(Optional) Click the link in the Affected Object column to view the properties of that adapter.
Click OK to close the POST Results dialog box.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Name column
Description column
Value column
Details area
Severity column
Description column
Sensor ID column
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
For information on how to integrate a supported Cisco UCS rack-mount server with Cisco UCS Manager,
see the Cisco UCS C-series server integration guide for your Cisco UCS Manager release.
Only those servers added to a server pool automatically during discovery will be removed automatically.
Servers that have been manually added to a server pool have to be removed manually.
If you need to add a removed rack-mount server back to the configuration, it must be reconnected and then
rediscovered. When a server is reintroduced to Cisco UCS Manager it is treated like a new server and is subject
to the deep discovery process. For this reason, it's possible that Cisco UCS Manager will assign the server a
new ID that may be different from the ID that it held before.
Do not use any of the following options on an associated server that is currently powered off:
Reset in the GUI
cycle cycle-immediate or reset hard-reset-immediate in the CLI
The physical Power or Reset buttons on the server
If you reset, cycle, or use the physical power buttons on a server that is currently powered off, the server's
actual power state might become out of sync with the desired power state setting in the service profile. If the
communication between the server and Cisco UCS Manager is disrupted or if the service profile configuration
changes, Cisco UCS Manager might apply the desired power state from the service profile to the server,
causing an unexpected power change.
Power synchronization issues can lead to an unexpected server restart, as shown below:
Desired Power State in Service
Powered Off
Powered On
Powered On
Powered On
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
After the server boots, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays an OK status.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile that requires the associated server to boot.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
You can also view the boot order tabs from the General tab of the service profile associated with a server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
If the Boot Order Details area is not expanded, click the Expand icon to the right of the heading.
To view the boot order assigned to the server, click the Configured Boot Order tab.
To view what will boot from the various devices in the physical server configuration, click the Actual Boot
Order tab.
The Actual Boot Order tab always shows "Internal EFI Shell" at the bottom of the boot order
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
After the server has been successfully shut down, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays a
power-off status.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile that requires the associated server to shut down.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
After the server successfully shuts down, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays a down status
or a power-off status.
If you are trying to boot a server from a power-down state, you should not use Reset.
If you continue the power-up with this process, the desired power state of the servers become out of sync
with the actual power state and the servers might unexpectedly shut down at a later time. To safely reboot
the selected servers from a power-down state, click Cancel, then select the Boot Server action.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
The reset may take several minutes to complete. After the server is reset, the Overall Status field on the
General tab displays an ok status.
Perform the following procedure to reset the server to factory default settings.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
From the Maintenance Server dialog box that appears, select the appropriate options:
To delete all storage, check the Scrub Storage checkbox.
To place all disks into their initial state after deleting all storage, check the Create Initial Volumes
You can check this checkbox only if you check the Scrub Storage checkbox. For servers that support
JBOD, the disks will be placed in a JBOD state. For servers that do not support JBOD, each disk will
be initialized with a single R0 volume that occupies all the space in the disk.
Do not check the Create Initial Volumes checkbox if you want to use storage profiles.
Creating initial volumes when you are using storage profiles may result in configuration
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Expand Equipment > Rack Mounts > Servers > Server Number.
In the Work area, click the Inventory tab.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
If an inband service profile is configured in Cisco UCS Manager with a default VLAN and pool
name, the server CIMC automatically gets an inband configuration from the inband profile approximate
one minute after deleting the inband configuration here.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
On the row for each rack-mount server that you want to recommission, do the following:
a) In the Recommission column, check the check box.
b) Click Save Changes
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
On the row for each rack-mount server that you want to renumber, do the following:
a) Double-click in the ID field, and enter the new number that you want to assign to the rack-mount server.
b) In the Recommission column, check the check box.
c) Click Save Changes
Step 8
Step 9
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Click a disk.
The disk details appear.
In the Details area, click Toggle Locator LED.
If the Locator LED state is On, it will turn Off. If the Locator LED state is Off, it will turn On.
Click Save Changes.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
In the Recover Server dialog box, click Reset CMOS, then click OK.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Clearing TPM is a potentially hazardous operation. The OS may stop booting. You may also see loss of
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
The health events triggered for this server appear. The fields in this tab are:
Name column
Description column
Value column
Details area
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
(Optional) Click the link in the Affected Object column to view the properties of that adapter.
Click OK to close the POST Results dialog box.
Choose the server for which you want to view the POST results.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Compute Cartridges
Compute cartridges consist of up to two Cisco UCS modular servers. Each individual server is independently
manageable through its own CIMC instance, and has its own memory and CPU. The cartridge does not contain
any I/O adapters or local storage within it.
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
Removing a Cartridge
Physically remove the cartridge from its chassis before performing the following procedure.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
When you swap two cartridges, acknowledging one of the cartridges automatically resolves the slot status
of both slots.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
Step 1
Step 2
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
After the server has booted, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays an OK status.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile that requires the associated server to boot.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
You can also view the boot order tabs from the General tab of the service profile associated with a server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Click the server for which you want to determine the boot order.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
If the Boot Order Details area is not expanded, click the Expand icon to the right of the heading.
To view the boot order assigned to the server, click the Configured Boot Order tab.
To view what will boot from the various devices in the physical server configuration, click the Actual Boot
Order tab.
The Actual Boot Order tab always shows "Internal EFI Shell" at the bottom of the boot order
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server that you want to shut down.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
After the server has been successfully shut down, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays a
power-off status.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile that requires the associated server to shut down.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
After the server successfully shuts down, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays a down status
or a power-off status.
If you are trying to boot a server from a power-down state, you should not use Reset.
If you continue the power-up with this process, the desired power state of the servers become out of sync
with the actual power state and the servers might unexpectedly shut down at a later time. To safely reboot
the selected servers from a power-down state, click Cancel, then select the Boot Server action.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server that you want to reset.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
The reset may take several minutes to complete. After the server has been reset, the Overall Status field on
the General tab displays an ok status.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server that you want to acknowledge.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to delete the inband management IP configuration.
In the Work area, click the Inventory tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
If an inband service profile is configured in Cisco UCS Manager with a default VLAN and pool
name, the server CIMC will automatically get an inband configuration from the inband profile
approximate one minute after deleting the inband configuration here.
Decommissioning a Server
Decommissioning of a server is performed to temporarily remove the server from the UCSM configuration.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server that you want to decommission.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
What to Do Next
If you physically re-install the server, you must re-acknowledge the slot to have Cisco UCS Manager rediscover
the server.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
On the row for each server that you want to recommission, check the check box in the Recommission column,
then click Save Changes.
If a confirmation dialog box displays, click Yes.
Step 7
(Optional) Monitor the progress of the server recommission and discovery on the FSM tab for the server.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to turn the locator LED on or off.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to turn the local disk locator LED on or off.
In the Work pane, click the Inventory > Storage > Disks tabs.
The Storage Controller inventory appears.
Click a disk.
The disk details appear.
In the Details area, click Toggle Locator LED.
If the Locator LED state is On, it will turn Off. If the Locator LED state is Off, it will turn On.
Click Save Changes.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to reset the CMOS.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to reset the CIMC.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server from which you want to issue the NMI.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to view health events.
In the Work pane, click the Health tab
The health events triggered for this server appear. The fields in this tab are:
Name column
Description column
Value column
Details area
Severity column
Description column
Sensor ID column
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Step 5
Step 6
Click the server for which you want to view health LED alarms.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to view the POST results.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
After the server boots, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays an OK status.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile that requires the associated server to boot.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
After the server boots, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays an ok status or an up status.
You can also view the boot order tabs from the General tab of the service profile associated with a server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
If the Boot Order Details area is not expanded, click the Expand icon to the right of the heading.
To view the boot order assigned to the server, click the Configured Boot Order tab.
To view what will boot from the various devices in the physical server configuration, click the Actual Boot
Order tab.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
After the server has been successfully shut down, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays a
power-off status.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
After the server successfully shuts down, the Overall Status field on the General tab displays a down status
or a power-off status.
If you are trying to boot a server from a power-down state, you should not use Reset.
If you continue the power-up with this process, the desired power state of the servers become out of sync
with the actual power state and the servers might unexpectedly shut down at a later time. To safely reboot
the selected servers from a power-down state, click Cancel, then select the Boot Server action.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
b) (Optional) Check the check box if you want Cisco UCS Manager to complete all management operations
that are pending on this server.
c) Click OK.
The reset may take several minutes to complete. After the server has been reset, the Overall Status field on
the General tab displays an ok status.
Perform the following procedure to reset the server to factory default settings.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
From the Maintenance Server dialog box that appears, select the appropriate options:
To delete all storage, check the Scrub Storage check box.
For C3X60 Server Nodes, you cannot delete storage using the scrub policy.
To place all disks into their initial state after deleting all storage, check the Create Initial Volumes
check box.
You can check this check box only if you check the Scrub Storage check box. For servers that support
JBOD, the disks will be placed in a JBOD state. For servers that do not support JBOD, each disk will
be initialized with a single R0 volume that occupies all the space in the disk.
Do not check the Create Initial Volumes box if you want to use storage profiles. Creating
initial volumes when you are using storage profiles may result in configuration errors.
Cisco UCS Manager resets the server to its factory default settings.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Go to the physical location of the chassis and remove the server hardware from the slot.
For instructions on how to remove the server hardware, see the Cisco UCS Hardware Installation Guide for
your chassis.
What to Do Next
If you physically reinstall the server, you must re-acknowledge the slot for Cisco UCS Manager to re-discover
the server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Servers > Server Name.
In the Work area, click the Inventory tab.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
If an inband service profile is configured in Cisco UCS Manager with a default VLAN and pool
name, the server CIMC will automatically get an inband configuration from the inband profile
approximate one minute after deleting the inband configuration here.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
What to Do Next
If you physically reinstall the server, you must re-acknowledge the slot for Cisco UCS Manager to rediscover
the server.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
On the row for each server that you want to recommission, check the check box in the Recommission column,
then click Save Changes.
If a confirmation dialog box displays, click Yes.
(Optional) Monitor the progress of the server recommission and discovery on the FSM tab for the server.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Click this link and then click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. Cisco UCS
Manager reacknowledges the slot and discovers the server in the slot.
Click this button if you want to proceed to the General tab. You can use the
Reacknowledge Slot link in the Actions area to have Cisco UCS Manager
reacknowledge the slot and discover the server in the slot.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Choose the server that you want to remove from the configuration database.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Turning the Locator LED for a C3X60 Server Node On and Off
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Click a disk.
The disk details appear.
In the Details area, click Toggle Locator LED.
If the Locator LED state is On, it will turn Off. If the Locator LED state is Off, it will turn On.
Click Save Changes.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
(Optional) Click the link in the Affected Object column to view the properties of that adapter.
Click OK to close the POST Results dialog box.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Name column
Description column
Value column
Details area
Severity column
Description column
Sensor ID column
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Server Pools
Configuring Server Pools, page 103
Configuring UUID Suffix Pools, page 105
Configuring IP Pools, page 108
Step 2
Step 3
Server Pools
Deleting a Server Pool
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the Server Pools node and select Create Server Pool.
On the Set Name and Description page of the Create Server Pool wizard, complete the following fields:
Name field
Description field
Step 6
Step 7
Click Next.
On the Add Servers page of the Create Server Pool wizard:
a) Select one or more servers from the Available Servers table.
b) Click the >> button to add the servers to the server pool.
c) When you have added all desired servers to the pool, click Finish.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server Pools
Adding Servers to a Server Pool
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
a) In the Pooled Servers table, select the servers that you want to remove from the server pool.
You can use the Shift key or Ctrl key to select multiple entries.
b) Click the << button to move those servers to the Servers table and remove them from the server pool.
c) Click OK.
Server Pools
Creating a UUID Suffix Pool
If you use UUID suffix pools in service profiles, you do not have to manually configure the UUID of the
server associated with the service profile.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click UUID Suffix Pools and select Create UUID Suffix Pool.
In the Define Name and Description page of the Create UUID Suffix Pool wizard, complete the following
Name field
Description field
Prefix field
Server Pools
Deleting a UUID Suffix Pool
Step 6
Step 7
Click Next.
In the Add UUID Blocks page of the Create UUID Suffix Pool wizard, click Add.
Step 8
In the Create a Block of UUID Suffixes dialog box, complete the following fields:
From field
Size field
What to Do Next
Include the UUID suffix pool in a service profile and/or template.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server Pools
Configuring IP Pools
Configuring IP Pools
IP Pools
IP pools are collections of IP addresses that do not have a default purpose. You can create IPv4 or IPv6 address
pools in Cisco UCS Manager to do the following:
Replace the default management IP pool ext-mgmt for servers that have an associated service profile.
Cisco UCS Manager reserves each block of IP addresses in the IP pool for external access that terminates
in the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) on a server. If there is no associated service
profile, you must use the ext-mgmt IP pool for the CIMC to get an IP address.
Replace the management inband or out-of-band IP addresses for the CIMC.
You cannot create iSCSI boot IPv6 pools in Cisco UCS Manager.
You can create IPv4 address pools in Cisco UCS Manager to do the following:
Replace the default iSCSI boot IP pool iscsi-initiator-pool. Cisco UCS Manager reserves each block
of IP addresses in the IP pool that you specify.
Replace both the management IP address and iSCSI boot IP addresses.
The IP pool must not contain any IP addresses that were assigned as static IP addresses for a server or
service profile.
Creating an IP Pool
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Server Pools
Creating an IP Pool
Name field
Description field
Step 5
Step 6
Click Next.
In the Add IPv4 Blocks page of the Create IP Pool wizard, click Add.
Step 7
In the Create a Block of IPv4 Addresses dialog box, complete the following fields:
From field
Size field
The subnet mask associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.
The default gateway associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.
The primary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should access.
The secondary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should
Step 8
Step 9 Click Next.
Step 10 In the Add IPv6 Blocks page of the Create IP Pool wizard, click Add.
Step 11 In the Create a Block of IPv6 Addresses dialog box, complete the following fields:
Server Pools
Adding a Block to an IP Pool
From field
Size field
What to Do Next
Include the IP pool in a service profile and template.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Name column
Server Pools
Adding a Block to an IP Pool
From column
To column
Subnet column
The subnet mask associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.
The default gateway associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.
The primary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should
The secondary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should
b) In the Create a Block of IPv6 Addresses dialog box, complete the following fields:
Step 6
Name column
From column
To column
Prefix column
The network address prefix associated with the IPv6 addresses in the
The default gateway associated with the IPv6 addresses in the block.
The primary DNS server that this block of IPv6 addresses should
The secondary DNS server that this block of IPv6 addresses should
Click OK.
Server Pools
Deleting a Block from an IP Pool
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Deleting an IP Pool
If you delete a pool, Cisco UCS Manager does not reallocate any addresses from that pool that were assigned
to vNICs or vHBAs. All assigned addresses from a deleted pool remain with the vNIC or vHBA to which
they are assigned until one of the following occurs:
The associated service profiles are deleted.
The vNIC or vHBA to which the address is assigned is deleted.
The vNIC or vHBA is assigned to a different pool.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server Boot
Boot Policy, page 113
UEFI Boot Mode, page 114
UEFI Secure Boot, page 115
CIMC Secure Boot, page 115
Creating a Boot Policy, page 117
SAN Boot, page 118
iSCSI Boot, page 119
LAN Boot, page 144
Local Devices Boot, page 145
Deleting a Boot Policy, page 150
UEFI Boot Parameters, page 150
Boot Policy
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
The Cisco UCS Manager enables you to create a boot policy for blade servers, rack servers, and modular
The Cisco UCS Manager boot policy overrides the boot order in the BIOS setup menu and determines the
Selection of the boot device
Location from which the server boots
Order in which boot devices are invoked
Server Boot
UEFI Boot Mode
For example, you can have associated servers boot from a local device, such as a local disk or CD-ROM
(VMedia), or you can select a SAN boot or a LAN (PXE) boot.
You can either create a named boot policy to associate with one or more service profiles, or create a boot
policy for a specific service profile. A boot policy must be included in a service profile, and that service profile
must be associated with a server for it to take effect. If you do not include a boot policy in a service profile,
Cisco UCS Manager applies the default boot policy.
Changes to a boot policy might be propagated to all servers created with an updating service profile
template that includes that boot policy. Re-association of the service profile with the server to rewrite the
boot order information in the BIOS is automatically triggered.
You can also specify the following for the boot policy:
Local LUN name. The name specified is the logical name in the storage profile, not the deployed
name. For modular servers, you can specify both a primary and secondary name. For other servers,
specify only a primary name. Specifying a secondary name results in a configuration error.
Specific JBOD disk number for booting from JBOD disks. This is not supported for the Modular
Any LUN for backward compatibility; however, we do not recommend this. Other devices must not
have bootable images to ensure a successful boot.
Server Boot
UEFI Secure Boot
The server will boot correctly in UEFI mode only if the boot devices configured in the boot policy have
UEFI-aware operating systems installed. If a compatible OS is not present, the boot device is not displayed
on the Actual Boot Order tab in the Boot Order Details area.
In some corner cases, the UEFI boot may not succeed because the UEFI boot manager entry was not
saved correctly in the BIOS NVRAM. You can use the UEFI shell to enter the UEFI boot manager entry
manually. This situation could occur in the following situations:
If a blade server with UEFI boot mode enabled is disassociated from the service profile, and the
blade is manually powered on using the Equipment tab or the front panel.
If a blade server with UEFI boot mode enabled is disassociated from the service profile, and a
direct VIC firmware upgrade is attempted.
If a blade or rack server with UEFI boot mode enabled is booted off SAN LUN, and the service
profile is migrated.
You can create UEFI boot parameters in Cisco UCS Manager. UEFI Boot Parameters, on page 150
provides more information.
UEFI boot mode is supported on Cisco UCS C-Series rack servers beginning with
Release 2.2(3a).
Server Boot
Determining the CIMC Secure Boot Status
CIMC secure boot is enabled by default on the Cisco UCS C220 M4 and C240 M4 rack
servers, and is automatically enabled on the Cisco UCS C460 M4 rack server after
upgrading to CIMC firmware release 2.2(3) or higher.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server Boot
Creating a Boot Policy
CIMC secure boot is only supported on Cisco UCS M3 rack servers. If CIMC secure boot is not supported
or is already enabled, this action is greyed.
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
(Optional) After you make changes to the boot order, check the Reboot on Boot Order Change check box
to reboot all servers that use this boot policy.
For boot policies applied to a server with a non-Cisco VIC adapter, even if the Reboot on Boot Order Change
check box is not checked, when SAN devices are added, deleted, or their order is changed, the server always
reboots when boot policy changes are saved.
Step 7
Step 8 In the Boot Mode field, choose the Legacy or UEFI radio button.
Step 9 If you selected UEFI, check the Boot Security checkbox if you want to enable UEFI boot security.
Step 10 Configure one or more of the following boot options for the boot policy and set their boot order:
Server Boot
SAN Boot
Local Devices bootTo boot from local devices, such as local disks on the server, virtual media, or
remote virtual disks, continue with Configuring a Local Disk Boot for a Boot Policy, on page 146.
SAN bootTo boot from an operating system image on the SAN, continue with Configuring a SAN
Boot for a Boot Policy, on page 118.
You can specify a primary and a secondary SAN boot. If the primary boot fails, the server attempts to
boot from the secondary.
LAN bootTo boot from a centralized provisioning server, continue with Configuring a LAN Boot for
a Boot Policy, on page 145.
iSCSI bootTo boot from an iSCSI LUN, continue with Creating an iSCSI Boot Policy, on page 129.
What to Do Next
Include the boot policy in a service profile and template.
After a server is associated with a service profile that includes this boot policy, you can verify the boot order
in the Boot Order Details area on the General tab for the server.
SAN Boot
You can configure a boot policy to boot one or more servers from an operating system image on the SAN.
The boot policy can include a primary and a secondary SAN boot. If the primary boot fails, the server attempts
to boot from the secondary.
Cisco recommends using a SAN boot, because it offers the most service profile mobility within the system.
If you boot from the SAN when you move a service profile from one server to another, the new server boots
from the same operating system image. Therefore, the new server appears as the same server to the network.
To use a SAN boot, ensure that the following is configured:
The Cisco UCS domain must be able to communicate with the SAN storage device that hosts the operating
system image.
A boot target LUN (Logical Unit Number) on the device where the operating system image is located.
SAN boot is not supported on Gen-3 Emulex adapters on Cisco UCS blade and rack servers.
Server Boot
iSCSI Boot
If you configure a local disk and a SAN LUN for the boot order storage type and the operating system or
logical volume manager (LVM) is configured incorrectly, the server might boot from the local disk rather
than the SAN LUN.
For example, on a server with Red Hat Linux installed, where the LVM is configured with default LV
names and the boot order is configured with a SAN LUN and a local disk, Linux reports that there are
two LVs with the same name and boots from the LV with the lowest SCSI ID, which could be the local
This procedure continues directly from Creating a Boot Policy, on page 117.
If you are creating a boot policy that boots the server from a SAN LUN and you require reliable SAN
boot operations, Cisco recommends that you first remove all local disks from servers associated with a
service profile that includes the boot policy.
This does not apply for Cisco UCS M3 and M4 servers. This also does not apply to the UCS Mini Series.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
If this vHBA points to a bootable SAN image, click the Add SAN Boot Target link and, in the Add SAN
Boot Target dialog box, specify the boot target LUN, boot target WWPN, and type, then click OK:
Step 5
What to Do Next
Include the boot policy in a service profile and template.
After a server is associated with a service profile that includes this boot policy, you can verify the actual boot
order in the Boot Order Details area on the General tab for the server.
iSCSI Boot
iSCSI boot enables a server to boot its operating system from an iSCSI target machine located remotely over
a network.
iSCSI boot is supported on the following Cisco UCS hardware:
Server Boot
iSCSI Boot Process
Cisco UCS blade servers that have the Cisco UCS M51KR-B Broadcom BCM57711 network adapter
and use the default MAC address provided by Broadcom.
Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface Card
Cisco UCS VIC-1240 Virtual Interface Card
Cisco UCS VIC-1280 Virtual Interface Card
Cisco UCS rack servers that have the Cisco UCS M61KR-B Broadcom BCM57712 network adapter.
Cisco UCS P81E Virtual Interface Card
Cisco UCS VIC 1225 Virtual Interface Cardon Cisco UCS rack servers
There are prerequisites that must be met before you configure iSCSI boot. For a list of these prerequisites,
see iSCSI Boot Guidelines and Prerequisites, on page 121.
For a high-level procedure for implementing iSCSI boot, see Configuring iSCSI Boot, on page 123.
Previously, the host could see only one of the boot paths configured, depending on which path completed
the LUN discovery first, and would boot from that path. Now, when there are two iSCSI boot vNICs
configured, the host sees both of the boot paths. So for multipath configurations, a single IQN must be
configured on both the boot vNICs. If there are different IQNs configured on the boot vNICs on a host,
the host boots with the IQN that is configured on the boot vNIC with the lower PCI order.
The next step, which is the installation of the operating system (OS), requires an OS that is iBFT capable.
During installation of the OS, the OS installer scans the host memory for the iBFT table and uses the information
in the iBFT to discover the boot device and create an iSCSI path to the target LUN. Some OSs requires a NIC
driver to complete this path. If this step is successful, the OS installer finds the iSCSI target LUN on which
to install the OS.
The iBFT works at the OS installation software level and might not work with HBA mode (also known
as TCP offload). Whether iBFT works with HBA mode depends on the OS capabilities during installation.
Also, for a server that includes a Cisco UCS M51KR-B Broadcom BCM57711 adapter, the iBFT normally
works at a maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of 1500, regardless of the MTU jumbo configuration.
If the OS supports HBA mode, you might need to set HBA mode, dual-fabric support, and jumbo MTU
size after the iSCSI installation process.
Server Boot
iSCSI Boot Guidelines and Prerequisites
Each time you change an adapter policy setting, the adapter reboots to apply the new
When installing the OS on the iSCSI target, the iSCSI target must be ordered before the device
where the OS image resides. For example, if you are installing the OS on the iSCSI target from a
CD, the boot order should be the iSCSI target and then the CD.
After the server is iSCSI booted, do not modify the Initiator Name, Target name, LUN, iSCSI
device IP, or Netmask/gateway using the Broadcom tool.
Server Boot
Initiator IQN Configuration
Do not interrupt the POST (power on self-test) process or the Cisco UCS M51KR-B Broadcom
BCM57711 network adapter will fail to initialize.
For Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface Card and Cisco UCS VIC-1240 Virtual Interface Card:
For Cisco UCS VIC-1240 Virtual Interface Card:
Do not set MAC addresses on the iSCSI device.
HBA mode and the boot to target setting are not supported.
When installing the OS on the iSCSI target, the iSCSI target must be ordered after the device where
the OS image resides. For example, if you are installing the OS on the iSCSI target from a CD,
the boot order should be the CD and then the iSCSI target.
If you are using the DHCP Vendor ID (Option 43), the MAC address of the overlay vNIC must
be configured in /etc/dhcpd.conf.
After the server is iSCSI booted, do not modify the IP details of the overlay vNIC.
The VMware ESX/ESXi operating system does not support storing a core dump file to an iSCSI boot
target LUN. Dump files must be written to a local disk.
If you change an iSCSI vNIC to use the DHCP Option 43 by setting the vendor ID, it
does not remove the initiator IQN configured at the service profile level. The initiator
IQN at the service profile level can still be used by another iSCSI vNIC which does not
use the DHCP Option 43.
Server Boot
Enabling MPIO on Windows
If you change the networking hardware, Windows might fail to boot from an iSCSI drive. For more
information, see Microsoft support Article ID: 976042.
Step 1
In the service profile associated with the server, configure the primary iSCSI vNIC.
For more information, see Creating an iSCSI vNIC for a Service Profile, on page 130.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Using the primary iSCSI vNIC, install the Windows operating system on the iSCSI target LUN.
After Windows installation completes, enable MPIO on the host.
In the service profile associated with the server, add the secondary iSCSI vNIC to the boot policy.
For more information, see Creating an iSCSI Boot Policy, on page 129.
Command or Action
Step 1
For more information, see Creating an iSCSI Boot
Policy, on page 129
Step 2
Step 3
Server Boot
Creating an iSCSI Adapter Policy
Command or Action
Step 4
Create a boot policy that can be used in any For more information about creating a boot policy
service profile. Alternatively, you can create that can be used in any service profile, see
a local boot policy only for the specific service Creating an iSCSI Boot Policy, on page 129.
policy. However, Cisco recommends that you
create a boot policy that can be shared with
multiple service profiles.
Step 5
If you created a boot policy that can be used You can assign the boot policy to the service
in any service profile, assign it to the service profile while configuring the iSCSI boot and vNIC
profile. Otherwise, proceed to the next step. parameters in the service profile in step 7.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 2
Step 3
Server Boot
Creating an iSCSI Adapter Policy
Step 4
Step 5
Name field
The number of seconds to wait until Cisco UCS assumes that the initial
login has failed and the iSCSI adapter is unavailable.
Enter an integer between 0 and 255. If you enter 0, Cisco UCS uses the
value set in the adapter firmware (default: 15 seconds).
The number of seconds to wait before the initiator assumes that the
DHCP server is unavailable.
Enter an integer between 60 and 300 (default: 60 seconds).
Check this box if you want to use a TCP Timestamp. With this setting,
transmitted packets are given a time stamp of when the packet was sent
so that the packet's round-trip time can be calculated, when needed.
Check this box to enable HBA mode (also known as TCP offload).
This option only applies to servers with the Cisco UCS NIC
M51KR-B adapter.
This option only applies to servers with the Cisco UCS NIC
M51KR-B adapter. It should be disabled until you have
installed an operating system on the server.
Server Boot
Deleting an iSCSI Adapter Policy
Owner field
Step 6
Click OK.
What to Do Next
Include the adapter policy in a service profile and template.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Server Boot
Deleting an iSCSI Authentication Profile
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click iSCSI Authentication Profiles and choose Create iSCSI Authentication Profile.
In the Create Authentication Profile dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name field
User Id field
Password field
Step 6
Click OK.
What to Do Next
Include the authentication profile in a service profile and template.
Step 2
Step 3
Server Boot
Creating an iSCSI Initiator IP Pool
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Name column
From column
To column
Subnet column
The subnet mask associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.
The default gateway associated with the IPv4 addresses in the block.
The primary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should access.
The secondary DNS server that this block of IPv4 addresses should
Click OK.
Server Boot
Creating an iSCSI Boot Policy
What to Do Next
Configure one or more service profiles or service profile templates to obtain the iSCSI initiator IP address
from the iSCSI initiator IP pool.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
(Optional) To reboot a server that uses this boot policy after you make changes to the boot order, check the
Reboot on Boot Order Change check box.
In the Cisco UCS Manager GUI, if the Reboot on Boot Order Change check box is checked for a boot
policy, and if CD-ROM or Floppy is the last device in the boot order, deleting or adding the device does not
directly affect the boot order and the server does not reboot.
This applies only to servers using the standard boot
(Optional) If desired, check the Enforce vNIC/vHBA/iSCSI Name check box.
Step 7
If checked, Cisco UCS Manager displays a configuration error and reports whether one or more of the
vNICs, vHBAs, or iSCSI vNICs listed in the Boot Order table match the server configuration in the
service profile.
If not checked, Cisco UCS Manager uses the vNICs or vHBAs (as appropriate for the boot option) from
the service profile.
Step 8
Server Boot
Creating an iSCSI vNIC for a Service Profile
What to Do Next
Include the boot policy in a service profile and template.
After a server is associated with a service profile that includes this boot policy, you can verify the actual boot
order in the Boot Order Details area on the General tab for the server.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Name field
iSCSI Adapter Policy drop-down The iSCSI adapter policy associated with this iSCSI vNIC, if any.
Create iSCSI Adapter Policy link Click this link to create a new iSCSI adapter policy that will be available
to all iSCSI vNICs.
MAC Address field
The MAC address associated with this iSCSI vNIC, if any. If the MAC
address is not set, the Cisco UCS Manager GUI displays Derived.
Server Boot
Creating an iSCSI vNIC for a Service Profile
The virtual LAN associated with this iSCSI vNIC. The default VLAN
is default.
For the Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface Card and the
Cisco UCS VIC-1240 Virtual Interface Card, the VLAN that
you specify must be the same as the native VLAN on the
overlay vNIC.
For the Cisco UCS M51KR-B Broadcom BCM57711 Adapter,
the VLAN that you specify can be any VLAN assigned to the
overlay vNIC.
Step 7
In the MAC Address Assignment drop-down list in the iSCSI MAC Address area, choose one of the
Leave the MAC address unassigned, select Select (None used by default). Select this option if the
server that will be associated with this service profile contains a Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface
Card adapter or a Cisco UCS VIC-1240 Virtual Interface Card.
If the server that will be associated with this service profile contains a Cisco UCS NIC
M51KR-B adapter, you must specify a MAC address.
A specific MAC address, select 00:25:B5:XX:XX:XX and enter the address in the MAC Address field.
To verify that this address is available, click the corresponding link.
A MAC address from a pool, select the pool name from the list. Each pool name is followed by a pair
of numbers in parentheses. The first number is the number of available MAC addresses in the pool and
the second is the total number of MAC addresses in the pool.
If this Cisco UCS domain is registered with Cisco UCS Central, there might be two pool categories.
Domain Pools are defined locally in the Cisco UCS domain and Global Pools are defined in Cisco UCS
Step 8
(Optional) If you want to create a MAC pool that will be available to all service profiles, click Create MAC
Pool and complete the fields in the Create MAC Pool wizard.
For more information, see the Creating a MAC Pool section in Cisco UCS Manager Network Management
Guide, Release 3.1.
Server Boot
Deleting an iSCSI vNIC from a Service Profile
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Server Boot
Changing the Initiator IQN at the Service Profile Level
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Click OK.
Server Boot
Setting iSCSI Boot Parameters
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
In the Set iSCSI Boot Parameters dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name field
The name of the iSCSI vNIC for which you are setting the boot
Authentication Profile drop-down The name of the associated iSCSI authentication profile.
Create Authentication Profile
Click this link to create a new iSCSI authentication profile that will be
available to all iSCSI vNICs.
Select how the iSCSI boot initiator name is assigned. Choose one of
the following methods:
ManualYou will enter a name in the Initiator Name field. The
initiator name can contain up to 223 characters.
PoolsChoose an IQN suffix pool from which the name will be
Setting the Initiator Name from the Set iSCSI Boot Parameters
dialog box sets the initiator IQN at the iSCSI vNIC level and
not at the service profile level. If more than one path is
configured, you must set the initiator IQN from the iSCSI
vNICs tab or when creating a service profile.
If you need to, you can change or reset the initiator name. For more
information, see Changing the Initiator IQN at the Service Profile Level,
on page 133.
Server Boot
Setting iSCSI Boot Parameters
Click this link to create a new IQN suffix pool that will be available to
all iSCSI vNICs.
Step 11 From the Initiator IP Address Policy drop-down list, choose of the following:
A static IPv4 address is assigned to the iSCSI boot vNIC based on the
information entered in this area.
An IPv4 address is assigned to the iSCSI boot vNIC from the management
IP address pool.
Proceed to Step 13.
Step 12 If you chose Static from the Initiator IP Address Policy drop-down list, complete the following fields:
Step 13 For the iSCSI target interface, choose one of the following radio buttons:
Server Boot
Setting iSCSI Boot Parameters
The system creates a static target interface that you need to configure.
Proceed to Step 14.
The system creates an auto target interface. You need to specify whether
the auto target uses an initiator or a DCHP vendor ID.
Proceed to Step 16.
Step 14 If you chose iSCSI Static Target Interface, in the Static Target Interface table, click Add.
Step 15 In the Create iSCSI Static Target dialog box, complete the following fields:
Priority field
Port field
Authentication Profile drop-down The name of the associated iSCSI authentication profile.
Create iSCSI Authentication
Profile link
Click this link to create a new iSCSI authentication profile that will be
available to all iSCSI vNICs.
Server Boot
Modifying iSCSI Boot Parameters
LUN Id field
Step 16 If you chose iSCSI Auto Target Interface, enter either the initiator name or the DHCP vendor ID in the
DHCP Vendor Id field. The initiator must have already been configured. The vendor ID can be up to 32
alphanumeric characters.
Step 17 Click OK.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
To add an iSCSI vNIC, in the iSCSI vNICs area, double-click an iSCSI vNICs to add it to the Boot
Order table.
To delete an iSCSI vNIC from the boot order, in the Boot Order table, select the iSCSI vNIC and click
To change the iSCSI vNIC boot order, in the Boot Order table, select the iSCSI vNIC and click either
Move Up or Move Down.
Step 8
To change the boot parameters, in the iSCSI vNICs area, click the Set Boot Parameters link.
If there are two iSCSI vNICs, choose the one for which you want to change boot parameters.
Step 9
In the Set iSCSI Boot Parameters dialog box, change the values in any of the following fields:
Name field
The name of the iSCSI vNIC for which you are setting the boot
Server Boot
Modifying iSCSI Boot Parameters
Authentication Profile drop-down The name of the associated iSCSI authentication profile.
Create Authentication Profile
Click this link to create a new iSCSI authentication profile that will be
available to all iSCSI vNICs.
Select how the iSCSI boot initiator name is assigned. Choose one of
the following methods:
ManualYou will enter a name in the Initiator Name field. The
initiator name can contain up to 223 characters.
PoolsChoose an IQN suffix pool from which the name will be
Setting the Initiator Name from the Set iSCSI Boot Parameters
dialog box sets the initiator IQN at the iSCSI vNIC level and
not at the service profile level. If more than one path is
configured, you must set the initiator IQN from the iSCSI
vNICs tab or when creating a service profile.
If you need to, you can change or reset the initiator name. For more
information, see Changing the Initiator IQN at the Service Profile Level,
on page 133.
Click this link to create a new IQN suffix pool that will be available to
all iSCSI vNICs.
Step 11 From the Initiator IP Address Policy drop-down list, change the selection to one of the following:
Server Boot
Modifying iSCSI Boot Parameters
A static IPv4 address is assigned to the iSCSI boot vNIC based on the
information entered in this area.
Proceed to Step 12.
An IPv4 address is assigned to the iSCSI boot vNIC from the management
IP address pool.
Proceed to Step 13.
Step 12 If you chose Static from the Initiator IP Address Policy drop-down list, complete or change the following
Step 13 For the iSCSI target interface, choose one of the following radio buttons:
The system creates a static target interface that you need to configure.
Proceed to Step 14.
The system creates an auto target interface. You need to specify whether
the auto target uses an initiator or a DCHP vendor ID.
Proceed to Step 15.
Step 14 If you chose iSCSI Static Target Interface, do one of the following in the Static Target Interface table:
To add an iSCSI static target interface, click Add or to modify an iSCSI target interface, select the iSCSI
target interface that you want to change and click Modify. Then and complete or change the following
fields in the Create iSCSI Static Target dialog box:
Server Boot
Modifying iSCSI Boot Parameters
Priority field
Port field
Authentication Profile
drop-down list
Click this link to create a new iSCSI authentication profile that will
be available to all iSCSI vNICs.
LUN Id field
To delete an iSCSI target interface, select the iSCSI target interface that you want to delete and click
If you have two iSCSI static targets and you delete the first priority target, the second priority target
becomes the first priority target, although Cisco UCS Manager still shows it as the second priority
Server Boot
IQN Pools
Step 15 If you chose iSCSI Auto Target Interface, change the entry to either the initiator name or the DHCP vendor
ID in the DHCP Vendor Id field. The initiator must have already been configured. The vendor ID can be up
to 32 alphanumeric characters.
Step 16 Click OK.
IQN Pools
An IQN pool is a collection of iSCSI Qualified Names (IQNs) for use as initiator identifiers by iSCSI vNICs
in a Cisco UCS domain.
IQN pool members are of the form prefix:suffix:number, where you can specify the prefix, suffix, and a block
(range) of numbers.
An IQN pool can contain more than one IQN block, with different number ranges and different suffixes, but
sharing the same prefix.
In most cases, the maximum IQN size (prefix + suffix + additional characters) is 223 characters. When
using the Cisco UCS NIC M51KR-B adapter, you must limit the IQN size to 128 characters.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server Boot
Creating an IQN Pool
The prefix for any IQN blocks created for this pool.
Enter from 1 to 150 characters. You can use any letter or number, as
well as the special characters . (period), : (colon), and - (hyphen). For
example, you could use iqn1.alpha.com.
Step 6
Step 7
Click Next.
In the Add IQN Blocks page of the Create IQN Suffix Pool wizard, click Add.
Step 8
In the Create a Block of IQN Suffixes dialog box, fill in the following fields:
Suffix field
From field
Size field
What to Do Next
Include the IQN suffix pool in a service profile and template.
Server Boot
Adding a Block to an IQN Pool
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Suffix field
Step 7
From field
Size field
Click OK.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Server Boot
Deleting an IQN Pool
If the system does not include multitenancy, expand the root node.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
LAN Boot
You can configure a boot policy to boot one or more servers from a centralized provisioning server on the
LAN. A LAN (or PXE) boot is frequently used to install operating systems on a server from that LAN server.
You can add more than one type of boot device to a LAN boot policy. For example, you could add a local
disk or virtual media boot as a secondary boot device.
Server Boot
Configuring a LAN Boot for a Boot Policy
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
In the Add LAN Boot dialog box, enter the name of the vNIC that you want to use for the LAN boot in the
vNIC field, then click OK.
Do one of the following:
Step 4
What to Do Next
Include the boot policy in the service profile template.
After a server is associated with a service profile that includes this boot policy, you can verify the actual boot
order in the Boot Order Details area on the General tab for the server.
For Cisco UCS M3 and M4 blade and rack servers using enhanced boot order, you can select both top-level
and second-level boot devices. For Cisco UCS M1 and M2 blade and rack servers using standard boot
order, you can only select a top-level device.
Server Boot
Configuring a Local Disk Boot for a Boot Policy
Second-level devices are only available for Cisco UCS M3 and M4 blade and rack servers using enhanced
boot order. For Cisco UCS M1 and M2 blade and rack servers using standard boot order, you can choose
only the top-level Add Local Disk.
Second-level devices are only available for Cisco UCS M3 and M4 blade and rack servers using enhanced
boot order. For Cisco UCS M1 and M2 blade and rack servers using standard boot order, you can choose
only the top-level Add CD/DVD or Add Floppy.
Step 1
Step 2
Server Boot
Configuring a Virtual Media Boot for a Boot Policy
Step 3
What to Do Next
Include the boot policy in a service profile and template.
After a server is associated with a service profile that includes this boot policy, you can verify the actual boot
order in the Boot Order Details area on the General tab for the server.
Virtual Media requires the USB to be enabled. If you modify the BIOS settings that affect the USB
functionality, you also affect the Virtual Media. Therefore, Cisco recommends that you leave the following
USB BIOS defaults for best performance:
Make Device Non Bootableset to disabled
USB Idle Power Optimizing Settingset to high-performance
This procedure continues directly from Creating a Boot Policy, on page 117.
Step 1
Step 2
Server Boot
Adding a Boot Policy to a vMedia Service Profile
Step 3
What to Do Next
Include the boot policy in a service profile and template.
After a server is associated with a service profile that includes this boot policy, you can verify the actual boot
order in the Boot Order Details area on the General tab for the server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
In the Name field, enter a unique name that you can use to identify the service profile.
This name can be between 2 and 32 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters
other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and this name must be unique across all service
profiles and service profile templates within the same organization.
This name must be unique within the organization or sub-organization in which you are creating the service
Server Boot
Adding a Boot Policy to a vMedia Service Profile
Step 6
Hardware Default
Step 7
Step 8
(Optional) If you want to create a new UUID Suffix pool to use in this service profile, click Create UUID
Suffix Pool and complete the fields in the Create UUID Suffix Pool wizard.
For more information, see Creating a UUID Suffix Pool, on page 106.
Step 9
Server Boot
Deleting a Boot Policy
Create a Specific Boot Policy Enables you to create a local boot policy that can only be accessed by this
service profile.
Boot Policies Policy_Name
Assigns an existing boot policy to the service profile. If you choose this
option, Cisco UCS Manager displays the details of the policy.
If you do not want use any of the existing policies, but want to create a
policy that all service profiles can access, click Create Boot Policy.
Otherwise, choose a policy from the list and continue with Step 13.
Step 13 If you created a new boot policy accessible to all service profiles and template, choose that policy from the
Boot Policy drop-down list .
Step 14 Click Next.
What to Do Next
Associate your Service Profile with a Cisco UCS server.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server Boot
Guidelines and Limitations for UEFI Boot Parameters
Cisco UCSM Release 2.2(4) introduces UEFI boot parameters to provide the BIOS with information about
the location of the UEFI OS boot loader on the destination server from where the BIOS loads it. Now, the
server can use the boot loader information and boot in UEFI boot mode.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
To set UEFI boot parameters for a LUN, select the LUN in the Boot Order area and click Set Uefi Boot
You can configure UEFI boot parameters only for local LUNs, SAN LUNs, and iSCSI LUNs.
Step 6
In the Set Uefi Boot Parameters dialog box, enter the following information:
Server Boot
Modifying UEFI Boot Parameters
Specifies the path where the boot loader is located. This is a mandatory
field. The name of the boot loader must not be included in this field. Only
the path must be specified.
Step 7
Step 8
Describes the boot loader. This is the human readable name that appears
in the F6 boot menu.
Click OK
Click Save Changes.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
To modify UEFI boot parameters for a LUN with UEFI boot parameters, select the LUN in the Boot Order
area and click Modify Uefi Boot Parameters.
You can configure UEFI boot parameters only for local LUNs, SAN LUNs, and iSCSI LUNs.
Step 6
In the Modify Uefi Boot Parameters dialog box, enter the following information:
Server Boot
Modifying UEFI Boot Parameters
Step 7
Step 8
Click OK
Click Save Changes.
Server Boot
Modifying UEFI Boot Parameters
Service Profiles
Service Profiles in UCS Manager, page 155
Service Profiles that Override Server Identity, page 156
Service Profiles that Inherit Server Identity, page 157
Guidelines and Recommendations for Service Profiles, page 157
Methods of Creating Service Profiles, page 158
Inband Service Profiles, page 161
Service Profile Tasks, page 161
Service Profile Association, page 171
Service Profile Templates, page 173
Service Profile Template Tasks, page 177
Service Profile Association, page 181
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
A service profile defines a single server and its storage and networking characteristics. You can create a service
profile for the Cisco UCS Manager , UCS M-Series Modular servers, and the UCS Mini. When a service
profile is deployed to a server, UCS Manager automatically configures the server, adapters, fabric extenders,
and fabric interconnects to match the configuration specified in the service profile.
A service profile includes four types of information:
Server definition: Defines the resources (e.g. a specific server or a blade inserted to a specific chassis)
that are required to apply to the profile.
Identity information: Includes the UUID, MAC address for each virtual NIC (vNIC), and WWN
specifications for each HBA.
Service Profiles
Service Profiles that Override Server Identity
Firmware revision specifications: Used when a certain tested firmware revision is required to be
installed or for some other reason a specific firmware is used.
Connectivity definition: Configures network adapters, fabric extenders, and parent interconnects,
however this information is abstract as it does not include the details of how each network component
is configured.
The UCS system provides two types of service profiles: Service profiles that inherit server identity and service
profiles that override server identity.
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
This type of service profile provides the maximum amount of flexibility and control. This profile allows you
to override the identity values that are on the server at the time of association and use the resource pools and
policies set up in Cisco UCS Manager to automate some administration tasks.
You can disassociate this service profile from one server, then associate it with another server. This
re-association can be done either manually or through an automated server pool policy. The burned-in settings,
such as UUID and MAC address on the new server are overwritten with the configuration in the service profile.
As a result, the change in the server is transparent to your network. You do not need to reconfigure any
component or application on your network to begin using the new server.
This profile allows you to take advantage of and manage system resources through resource pools and policies,
such as the following:
Virtualized identity information, including pools of MAC addresses, WWN addresses, and UUIDs
Ethernet and Fibre Channel adapter profile policies
Firmware package policies
Operating system boot order policies
Unless the service profile contains power management policies, a server pool qualification policy, or another
policy that requires a specific hardware configuration, you can use the profile for any type of server in the
Cisco UCS domain.
You can associate these service profiles with either a rack-mount server or a blade server. The ability to
migrate the service profile depends upon whether you choose to restrict migration of the service profile.
If you choose not to restrict migration, Cisco UCS Manager does not perform any compatibility checks
on the new server before migrating the existing service profile. If the hardware of both servers are not
similar, the association might fail.
Service Profiles
Service Profiles that Inherit Server Identity
The server identity and configuration information inherited through this service profile might not have
the values burned into the server hardware at the manufacturer if those values were changed before this
profile is associated with the server.
Service Profiles
Methods of Creating Service Profiles
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Dynamic vNICs, usNICs, and VMQs are not supported when creating a vNIC for a LAN Connectivity
Policy. RoCE, VXLAN, NvGRE are not supported when configuring the Ethernet Adapter Policy.
(Optional) In the Storage panel, specify the SAN configuration information such as, Local Storage Policy,
SAN Connectivity, WWNN and VSAN, then click Next.
You can create a local disk configuration policy and SAN connectivity policy from this panel.
Step 7
FC vNICs are not supported when configuring vHBA under the Storage Policy.
Step 8
(Optional) In the Zoning panel, specify the required zoning information, then clickNext.
You can create the vHBA initiator groups from this panel.
Step 9
(Optional) In the vNIC/vHBA Placement panel, specify the placement method and PCI order, then clickNext.
You can create a placement policy from this panel.
Step 10 (Optional) In the Server Boot Order panel, specify the Boot Policy from the drop-down list, then click Next.
You can create a boot policy from this panel.
Step 11 (Optional) In the Maintenance Policy panel, specify the maintenance policy, then click Next.
You can create a new maintenance policy and specify a maintenance schedule from this panel.
Step 12 (Optional) In the Server Assignment panel, specify the Server Assignment from the drop down list and the
power state to apply on assignment, then click Next.
You can create a server pool or a host firmware package from this panel.
Step 13 (Optional) In the Operational Policies panel, specify the system operational information such as, BIOS
Configuration, External IPMI Management Configuration, Management IP Address, Monitoring
Configuration (Thresholds), Power Control Policy Configuration, and Scrub Policy, then click Finish.
Service Profiles
Creating a Service Profile that Inherits Server Identity
To set up an Outband IPv4 address or an Inband IPv4 or IPv6 address, click the respective tabs and
complete the required fields.
If you do not find the policies you need for each of these configurations, you can create them from this panel.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Expand the node for the organization where you want to create the service profile.
If the system does not include multitenancy, expand the root node.
a) In the Name field, enter a unique name that you can use to identify the service profile.
This name can be between 2 and 32 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special
characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and this name must be unique
across all service profiles and service profile templates within the same organization.
b) In the Description field, enter a description of this service profile.
Step 6
In the vNICs area of the Create Service Profile dialog box, choose the primary and secondary vNICs.
Step 7
In the vHBAs area of the Create Service Profile dialog box, choose the primary and secondary vHBAs.
Step 8
In the Boot Order area of the Create Service Profile dialog box, choose the primary and secondary boot
Step 9 (Optional) In the Select column of the Server Association (optional) area, click the radio button for a server
to associate this service profile with that server.
Step 10 Click OK.
Service Profiles
Creating a Hardware Based Service Profile for a Rack-Mount Server
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Service Profiles
Inband Service Profiles
This name can be between 2 and 32 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special
characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and this name must be unique
across all service profiles and service profile templates within the same organization.
d) If you want Cisco UCS Manager to create vNICs for the service profile, check the Create Default vNICs
check box.
e) If you want Cisco UCS Manager to create vHBAs for the service profile, check the Create Default vHBAs
check box.
f) Click OK.
Cisco UCS Manager inherits and automatically applies the identity and configuration information in the server,
creates the service profile, and associates it with the server.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Service Profiles
Cloning a Service Profile
All records of faults against the service profile under its previous name are transferred to the new service
profile name.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the service profile you want to clone and select Create a Clone.
In the Create Clone From Service Profile dialog box:
a) Enter the name you want to use for the new profile in the Clone Name field.
This name can be between 2 and 32 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special
characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and this name must be unique
across all service profiles and service profile templates within the same organization.
This name must be unique within the organization or sub-organization in which you are creating the service
Service Profiles
Changing the UUID in a Service Profile
b) Click OK.
Step 6
Navigate to the service profile you just created and make sure that all options are correct.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile that requires the UUID for the associated server to be changed.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Hardware Default
Service Profiles
Modifying the Boot Order in a Service Profile
Pools Pool_Name
Step 8
Step 9
Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Click the service profile for which you want to change the boot order.
In the Work pane, click the Boot Order tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Create a Specific Boot Policy Enables you to create a local boot policy that can only be accessed by this
service profile.
Continue with Step 8.
Service Profiles
Modifying the Boot Order in a Service Profile
Assigns an existing boot policy to the service profile. If you choose this
option, Cisco UCS Manager displays the details of the policy.
If you do not want use any of the existing policies, but instead want to create
a policy that all service profiles can access, click Create Boot Policy and
continue with Step 2. Otherwise, continue with Step 14.
Step 8
If you chose to create a boot policy, in the Create Boot Policy dialog box, enter a unique name and description
for the policy.
This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters
other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the
object is saved.
Step 9
(Optional) To reboot all servers that use this boot policy after you make changes to the boot order, check the
Reboot on Boot Order Change check box.
In the Cisco UCS Manager GUI, if the Reboot on Boot Order Change check box is checked for a boot
policy, and if CD-ROM or Floppy is the last device in the boot order, deleting or adding the device does not
directly affect the boot order and the server does not reboot.
Step 10 (Optional) If desired, check the Enforce vNIC/vHBA/iSCSI Name check box.
If checked, Cisco UCS Manager displays a configuration error and reports whether one or more of the
vNICs, vHBAs, or iSCSI vNICs listed in the Boot Order table match the server configuration in the
service profile.
If not checked, Cisco UCS Manager uses the vNICs or vHBAs (as appropriate for the boot option) from
the service profile.
Step 11 To add a local disk, virtual CD-ROM, or virtual floppy to the boot order, do the following:
a) Click the down arrows to expand the Local Devices area.
b) Click one of the following links to add the device to the Boot Order table:
Add Local Disk or
Add Local LUN
Add SD Card
Add Internal USB
Add External USB
Add CD/DVD or
Add Local CD/DVD
Add Local Remote CD/DVD
c) Add another boot device to the Boot Order table, or click OK to finish.
Step 12 To add a LAN boot to the boot order, do the following:
a) Click the down arrows to expand the vNICs area.
Service Profiles
Creating a vNIC for a Service Profile
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Choose the Fabric ID, select the VLANs that you want to use, enter the CDN Name and MTU, and choose
a Pin Group.
You can also create a VLAN and a LAN pin group from this area.
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10 In the Connection Policies area, choose the Dynamic vNIC, usNIC or VMQ radio button, then choose the
corresponding policy.
You can also create a dynamic vNIC, usNIC, or VMQ connection policy from this area.
Step 11 Click OK.
Service Profiles
Deleting a vNIC from a Service Profile
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Choose the Fabric ID, Select VSAN, Pin Group, Persistent Binding, and Max Data Field Size.
You can also create a VSAN or SAN pin group from this area.
Step 8
Step 9
Service Profiles
Changing the WWPN for a vHBA
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
In the Change World Wide Port Name dialog box, complete the required fields.
Step 9
Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Service Profiles
Deleting a vHBA from a Service Profile
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 3
Step 4
Choose the service profile to which you want to add a vHBA initiator group.
In the Work pane, click the Storage > vHBA Initiator Groups.
Step 5
Step 6
On the icon bar at the right of the Select vHBA Initiator Groups table, click +.
In the Create vHBA Initiator Group dialog box, complete the following fields to set the name and description:
Name field
Description field
Service Profiles
Adding a vHBA Initiator Group to a Service Profile
Step 7
Step 8
In the Select vHBA Initiators table, check the check box in the Select column for each vHBA you want to
include in the vHBA initiator group.
To add a storage connection policy to the initiator group, choose one of the following options:
Choose an existing storage connection policy from the Storage Connection Policy drop-down list.
Continue with Step 10.
Click the Create Storage Connection Policy link if you want to create a new storage connection policy
that will be available for use by other vHBA initiator groups within the Cisco UCS domain. For more
information, see Creating a Fibre Channel Storage Connection Policy. After you create the storage
connection policy, continue with Step 10.
Choose the Specific Storage Connection Policy option to create a storage connection policy that is
only available to this vHBA initiator group. Continue with Step 9.
Step 9
In the Specific Storage Connection Policy area, complete the following fields to create a storage connection
policy that is only available to this vHBA initiator group:
Description field
Service Profiles
Deleting a Service Profile
The Fibre Channel target endpoints associated with this policy. This
table contains the following columns and buttons:
WWPN columnThe World Wide Port Name associated with
the endpoint.
Path columnThe path to the endpoint.
VSAN columnThe VSAN associated with the endpoint.
Add buttonCreates a new FC target endpoint.
Delete buttonDeletes the selected endpoint.
Properties buttonDisplays all properties for the selected
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Service Profiles
Disassociating a Service Profile from a Server or Server Pool
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the service profile you want to associate with a server and select Associate Service Profile.
In the Associate Service Profile dialog box, select one of the following options:
Server Pool
Select a server pool from the drop-down list. Cisco UCS Manager assigns a server
from this pool to the service profile.
Continue with Step 7.
Navigate to the desired available server in the navigation tree and select the server
which will be assigned to the service profile.
Continue with Step 7.
Custom Server
Specifies the chassis and slot that contains the server that will be assigned to the
service profile. If the server is not in the slot or is otherwise unavailable, the service
profile will be associated with the server when it becomes available.
Continue with Step 6.
Step 6
Step 7
If you want to restrict the migration of the service profile after it is associated with a server, check the Restrict
Migration. check box.
If you choose not to restrict migration, Cisco UCS Manager does not perform any compatibility checks on
the new server before migrating the existing service profile. If the hardware of both servers are not similar,
the association might fail.
Step 8
Click OK.
Service Profiles
Service Profile Templates
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the service profile you want to disassociate from a server and select Disassociate Service Profile.
In the Disassociate Service Profile dialog box, click Yes to confirm that you want to disassociate the service
(Optional) Monitor the status and FSM for the server to confirm that the disassociation completed.
Step 6
If you need only one service profile with similar values to an existing service profile, you can clone a
service profile in the Cisco UCS Manager GUI.
For example, if you need several service profiles with similar values to configure servers to host database
software, you can create a service profile template, either manually or from an existing service profile. You
then use the template to create the service profiles.
Cisco UCS supports the following types of service profile templates:
Initial template
Service profiles created from an initial template inherit all the properties of the template. Service profiles
created from an initial service profile template are bound to the template. However, changes to the
initial template do not automatically propagate to the bound service profiles. If you want to propagate
changes to bound service profiles, unbind and rebind the service profile to the initial template.
Updating template
Service profiles created from an updating template inherit all the properties of the template and remain
connected to the template. Any changes to the template automatically update the service profiles created
from the template.
Service Profiles
Creating a Service Profile Template
Service profiles that are created from the initial template and normal service profiles fetch the lowest
available IDs in the sequential pool when you presReset.
Service profiles created from updating template might attempt to retain the same ID when you pressReset
even when lower IDs of sequential pool are free.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
(Optional) In the Storage panel, specify the SAN configuration information such as, Local Storage Policy,
SAN Connectivity, WWNN, and vHBAs, then click Next.
You can create a local disk configuration policy and SAN connectivity policy from this panel.
Step 8
(Optional) In the Zoning panel, specify the required zoning information, then clickNext.
You can create the vHBA initiator groups from this panel.
Step 9
(Optional) In the vNIC/vHBA Placement panel, specify the placement method and PCI order, then clickNext.
You can create a placement policy from this panel.
Step 10 (Optional) In the Server Boot Order panel, specify the Boot Policy from the drop-down list, then click Next.
You can create a boot policy from this panel.
Step 11 (Optional) In the Maintenance Policy panel, specify the maintenance policy, then click Next.
You can create a new maintenance policy and specify a maintenance schedule from this panel.
Step 12 (Optional) In the Server Assignment panel, specify the Pool Assignment from the drop down list and the
power state to apply on assignment, then click Next.
You can create a server pool or a host firmware package from this panel.
Service Profiles
Creating One or More Service Profiles from a Service Profile Template
Step 13 (Optional) In the Operational Policies panel, specify the system operational information such as, BIOS
Configuration, External IPMI Management Configuration, Management IP Address, Monitoring
Configuration (Thresholds), Power Control Policy Configuration, and Scrub Policy, then click Finish.
To set up an Outband IPv4 address or an Inband IPv4 or IPv6 address, click the respective tabs and
complete the required fields.
If you do not find the policies you need for each of these configurations, you can create them from this panel.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the service profile template from which you want to create the profiles and select Create Service
Profiles From Template.
In the Create Service Profiles From Template dialog box, complete the required fields.
Step 6
Click OK.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Service Profiles
Creating a Template Based Service Profile for a Rack-Mount Server
This name can be between 2 and 32 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special
characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and this name must be unique
across all service profiles and service profile templates within the same organization.
c) From the Service Profile Template drop-down list, select the template from which you want to create
the service profile associated with this server.
The drop-down list only lists service profile templates compatible with the selected blade server.
d) Click OK.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Service Profiles
Creating a Service Profile Template from a Service Profile
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the service profile from which you want to create the template and select Create a Service Profile
In the Create Template From Service Profile dialog box, complete the required fields.
Step 6
Click OK.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Service Profiles
Unbinding a Service Profile from a Service Profile Template
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Choose the service profile template whose UUID assignment you want to change.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Hardware Default
Service Profiles
Resetting the UUID Assigned to a Service Profile from a Pool in a Service Profile Template
Pools Pool_Name
Assigns a UUID from the UUID Suffix pool that you select from the list at the
bottom of the drop-down list.
Each pool name is followed by two numbers in parentheses that show the
number of UUIDs still available in the pool and the total number of UUIDs in
the pool.
Step 8
Click OK.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Choose the service profile that requires the UUID for the associated server to be reset to a different UUID
suffix pool.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Service Profiles
Resetting the MAC Address Assigned to a vNIC from a Pool in a Service Profile Template
Resetting the MAC Address Assigned to a vNIC from a Pool in a Service Profile
If you change the MAC pool assigned to an updating service profile template, Cisco UCS Manager does not
change the MAC address assigned to a service profile created with that template. If you want Cisco UCS
Manager to assign a MAC address from the newly assigned pool to the service profile, and therefore to the
associated server, you must reset the MAC address. You can only reset the MAC address assigned to a service
profile and its associated server under the following circumstances:
The service profile was created from an updating service profile template and includes a MAC address
assigned from a MAC pool.
The MAC pool name is specified in the service profile. For example, the pool name is not empty.
The MAC address value is not 0, and is therefore not derived from the server hardware.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Service Profiles
Deleting the Inband Configuration from a Service Profile Template
The WWPN value is not 0, and is therefore not derived from the server hardware.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Service Profiles
Associating a Service Profile Template with a Server Pool
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the service profile you want to associate with a server and select Associate Service Profile.
In the Associate Service Profile dialog box, select one of the following options:
Server Pool
Select a server pool from the drop-down list. Cisco UCS Manager assigns a server
from this pool to the service profile.
Continue with Step 7.
Navigate to the desired available server in the navigation tree and select the server
which will be assigned to the service profile.
Continue with Step 7.
Custom Server
Specifies the chassis and slot that contains the server that will be assigned to the
service profile. If the server is not in the slot or is otherwise unavailable, the service
profile will be associated with the server when it becomes available.
Continue with Step 6.
Step 6
Step 7
If you want to restrict the migration of the service profile after it is associated with a server, check the Restrict
Migration. check box.
If you choose not to restrict migration, Cisco UCS Manager does not perform any compatibility checks on
the new server before migrating the existing service profile. If the hardware of both servers are not similar,
the association might fail.
Step 8
Click OK.
Service Profiles
Disassociating a Service Profile from a Server or Server Pool
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Right-click the service profile template you want to associate with a server pool and select Associate with
Server Pool.
The Associate with Server Pool dialog box opens.
Step 5
From the Server Pool section of the Pool Assignment drop-down list, select a server pool.
If you select Assign Later, the service profile template is not associated with a server pool.
Step 6
(Optional) From the Select Qualification drop-down list, select the server pool policy qualifications you
want to apply to a server that is associated with a service profile created from this template.
Click OK.
Step 7
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the service profile you want to disassociate from a server and select Disassociate Service Profile.
In the Disassociate Service Profile dialog box, click Yes to confirm that you want to disassociate the service
(Optional) Monitor the status and FSM for the server to confirm that the disassociation completed.
Step 6
Service Profiles
Disassociating a Service Profile Template from its Server Pool
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Right-click the service profile template you want to disassociate from its server pool and select Disassociate
If a confirmation dialog box displays, click Yes.
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
BIOS Settings, page 185
Trusted Platform Module, page 229
Consistent Device Naming, page 233
CIMC Security Policies, page 236
Local Disk Policies, page 239
Scrub Policy, page 252
DIMM Error Management, page 255
Serial over LAN Policy Settings, page 257
Server Autoconfiguration Policies, page 258
Server Discovery Policy Settings, page 261
Server Inheritance Policy Settings, page 262
Server Pool Policy Settings, page 264
Server Pool Policy Qualifications Settings, page 265
vNIC/vHBA Placement Policy Settings, page 272
CIMC Mounted vMedia, page 285
BIOS Settings
Server BIOS Settings
Cisco UCS provides two methods for making global modifications to the BIOS settings on servers in an Cisco
UCS domain. You can create one or more BIOS policies that include a specific grouping of BIOS settings
that match the needs of a server or set of servers, or you can use the default BIOS settings for a specific server
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Both the BIOS policy and the default BIOS settings for a server platform enable you to fine tune the BIOS
settings for a server managed by Cisco UCS Manager.
Depending upon the needs of the data center, you can configure BIOS policies for some service profiles and
use the BIOS defaults in other service profiles in the same Cisco UCS domain, or you can use only one of
them. You can also use Cisco UCS Manager to view the actual BIOS settings on a server and determine
whether they are meeting current needs.
Cisco UCS Manager pushes BIOS configuration changes through a BIOS policy or default BIOS settings
to the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) buffer. These changes remain in the buffer and
do not take effect until the server is rebooted.
We recommend that you verify the support for BIOS settings in the server that you want to configure.
Some settings, such as Mirroring Mode for RAS Memory, are not supported by all Cisco UCS servers.
When the server is rebooted after you change one or more BIOS
If you enable this setting, the server is rebooted according to
the maintenance policy in the server's service profile. For
example, if the maintenance policy requires user
acknowledgment, the server is not rebooted and the BIOS
changes are not applied until a user acknowledges the pending
If you do not enable this setting, the BIOS changes are not
applied until the next time the server is rebooted, whether as a
result of another server configuration change or a manual reboot.
Quiet Boot
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Whether the power and reset buttons on the front panel are
ignored by the server. This can be one of the following:
disabledThe power and reset buttons on the front panel
are active and can be used to affect the server.
enabledThe power and reset buttons are locked out.
The server can only be reset or powered on or off from
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value for this
attribute contained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
and vendor.
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Turbo Boost
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Hyper Threading
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Hardware Pre-fetcher
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
DCU IP Pre-fetcher
Processor C State
Whether the system can enter a power savings mode during idle
periods. This can be one of the following:
disabledThe system remains in a high-performance
state even when idle.
enabledThe system can reduce power to system
components such as the DIMMs and CPUs.
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value for this
attribute contained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
and vendor.
We recommend that you contact your operating system vendor
to make sure your operating system supports this feature.
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Processor C1E
Processor C3 Report
Processor C6 Report
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Processor C7 Report
CPU Performance
Sets the CPU performance profile for the server. This can be
one of the following:
enterpriseFor M3 servers, all prefetchers and data reuse
are enabled. For M1 and M2 servers, data reuse and the
DCU IP prefetcher are enabled, and all other prefetchers
are disabled.
high-throughputData reuse and the DCU IP prefetcher
are enabled, and all other prefetchers are disabled.
hpcAll prefetchers are enabled and data reuse is
disabled. This setting is also known as high-performance
Local X2 APIC
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Power Technology
Energy Performance
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
P-STATE Coordination
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Channel Interleaving
Rank Interleaving
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Memory Interleaving
Demand Scrub
Patrol Scrub
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
VT for Directed IO
Interrupt Remap
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Coherency Support
ATS Support
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Mirroring Mode
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Sparing Mode
The refresh interval rate for internal memory. This can be one
of the following:
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value for this
attribute contained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
and vendor.
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Serial Port A
Whether the server can boot from a USB device. This can be
one of the following:
disabledThe server can boot from a USB device.
enabledThe server cannot boot from a USB device.
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value for this
attribute contained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
and vendor.
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
USB Port:Front
USB Port:Internal
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
USB Port:Rear
USB Port:VMedia
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Memory Mapped IO Above 4Gb Config Whether to enable or disable memory mapped I/O of 64-bit PCI
devices to 4GB or greater address space. Legacy option ROMs
are not able to access addresses above 4GB. PCI devices that
are 64-bit compliant but use a legacy option ROM may not
function correctly with this setting enabled. This can be one of
the following:
disabledDoes not map I/O of 64-bit PCI devices to 4GB
or greater address space.
enabledMaps I/O of 64-bit PCI devices to 4GB or
greater address space.
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value for this
attribute contained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
and vendor.
VGA Priority
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
ASPM Support
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
SIOC2 Option ROM
set sioc2-optionrom-config sioc2-optionrom
disabledThe expansion slot is not available.
enabledThe expansion slot is available.
The expansion slot is available for UEFI
legacy-onlyThe expansion slot is available
for legacy only.
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value
for this attribute contained in the BIOS
defaults for the server type and vendor.
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Integrated Graphics
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Aperture Size
Allows you to set the size of mapped memory for the integrated
graphics controller. This can be one of the following:
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value for this
attribute contained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
and vendor.
Onboard Graphics
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
How the Intel SAS Entry RAID Module is configured. This can
be one of the following:
it-ir-raidConfigures the RAID module to use Intel IT/IR
intel-esrtiiConfigures the RAID module to use Intel
Embedded Server RAID Technology II.
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value for this
attribute contained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
and vendor.
BIOS parameter virtualization capability in Cisco UCS Manager maps a unified set of BIOS settings in
a service profile to the actual BIOS supporting parameters. However, not all BIOS setting items are
applicable to every server model/platform. When you create a custom BIOS policy and have the Boot
Option Retry selected, and when there is no bootable option available, the reboot fails on the Cisco UCS
B420 M3 or Cisco UCS B420 M4 servers and Cisco UCS Manager displays this message : Reboot and
Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key. You must manually
set a boot option after the boot path is corrected, in order to enable the servers to reboot after a power
outage. For more information about BIOS default server policies and the BIOS options and their default
settings, see BIOS Policy, on page 226 and Server BIOS Settings, on page 185.
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
FRB-2 Timer
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
Console Redirection
Flow Control
Server-Related Policies
Server BIOS Settings
What BAUD rate is used for the serial port transmission speed.
If you disable Console Redirection, this option is not available.
This can be one of the following:
9600A 9600 BAUD rate is used.
19200A 19200 BAUD rate is used.
38400A 38400 BAUD rate is used.
57600A 57600 BAUD rate is used.
115200A 115200 BAUD rate is used.
Platform DefaultThe BIOS uses the value for this
attribute contained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
and vendor.
Terminal Type
Legacy OS Redirect
Server-Related Policies
BIOS Policy
Putty KeyPad
set console-redir-config
BIOS Policy
The BIOS policy is a policy that automates the configuration of BIOS settings for a server or group of servers.
You can create global BIOS policies available to all servers in the root organization, or you can create BIOS
policies in sub-organizations that are only available to that hierarchy.
To use a BIOS policy, do the following:
1 Create the BIOS policy in Cisco UCS Manager.
2 Assign the BIOS policy to one or more service profiles.
3 Associate the service profile with a server.
During service profile association, Cisco UCS Manager modifies the BIOS settings on the server to match
the configuration in the BIOS policy. If you do not create and assign a BIOS policy to a service profile, the
server uses the default BIOS settings for that server platform.
Server-Related Policies
Default BIOS Settings
Cisco UCS Manager pushes BIOS configuration changes through a BIOS policy or default BIOS settings
to the Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) buffer. These changes remain in the buffer and
do not take effect until the server is rebooted.
We recommend that you verify the support for BIOS settings in the server that you want to configure.
Some settings, such as Mirroring Mode for RAS Memory, are not supported by all Cisco UCS servers.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
In the Create BIOS Policy wizard, do the following to configure the BIOS settings:
Server-Related Policies
Modifying the BIOS Defaults
a) If you want to change a BIOS setting, click the desired radio button or make the appropriate choice from
the drop-down list.
For descriptions and information about the options for each BIOS setting, see the following topics:
Main page: Main BIOS Settings, on page 186
Processor page: Processor BIOS Settings, on page 188
Intel Directed IO page: Intel Directed I/O BIOS Settings, on page 201
RAS Memory page: RAS Memory BIOS Settings, on page 202
Serial Port page: Serial Port BIOS Settings, on page 205
USB page: USB BIOS Settings, on page 205
PCI Configuration page: PCI Configuration BIOS Settings, on page 209
Boot Options page: Boot Options BIOS Settings, on page 219
Server Management page: Server Management BIOS Settings, on page 221
b) Click Next after each page.
Step 7
After you configure all of the BIOS settings for the policy, click Finish.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand BIOS Defaults and select the server model number for which you want to modify the default BIOS
In the Work pane, click the appropriate tab and then click the desired radio button or make a choice from the
drop-down list to modify the default BIOS settings:
For descriptions and information about the options for each BIOS setting, see the following topics. Not all
BIOS settings are available for each type of server.
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
Viewing the Actual BIOS Settings for a Server
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a component that can securely store artifacts that are used to authenticate
the server. These artifacts can include passwords, certificates, or encryption keys. A TPM can also be used
Server-Related Policies
Intel Trusted Execution Technology
to store platform measurements that help ensure that the platform remains trustworthy. Authentication (ensuring
that the platform can prove that it is what it claims to be) and attestation (a process helping to prove that a
platform is trustworthy and has not been breached) are necessary steps to ensure safer computing in all
environments. It is a requirement for the Intel Trusted Execution Technology (TXT) security feature, which
must be enabled in the BIOS settings for a server equipped with a TPM. Cisco UCS modular servers, and M4
blade and rack-mount servers include support for TPM. TPM is enabled by default on these servers.
If you upgrade Cisco UCS Manager to Release 2.2(4) and higher, TPM is enabled.
When TPM is enabled and you downgrade Cisco UCS Manager from Release 2.2(4), TPM is disabled.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Disables TPM
Enables TPM
Server-Related Policies
Configuring Trusted Platform
Step 8
Step 9
Platform Default
Enables TPM
Disables TXT
Enables TXT
Platform Default
Disables TXT
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Disables TPM
Enables TPM
Platform Default
Enables TPM
Disables TXT
Enables TXT
Server-Related Policies
Clearing TPM for a Modular Server
Step 9
Platform Default
Disables TXT
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
You can clear TPM only on the modular servers that include support for TPM.
Clearing TPM is a potentially hazardous operation. The OS may stop booting. You may also see loss of
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to clear TPM.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5
Step 6
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
Server-Related Policies
Consistent Device Naming
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Cartridges > Cartridge Number > Servers
Choose the server for which you want to view the TPM settings.
On the Work pane, click the Inventory tab.
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
Guidelines and Limitations for Consistent Device Naming
Server-Related Policies
Configuring Consistent Device Naming in a BIOS Policy
When the BIOS policy is changed from CDN-enabled to CDN-disabled, ensure that the
CDN names are removed from all the vNICs on the system.
If any change is made to the vNICs, the BDF of all the devices on the system also changes. Following
are some of the scenarios that trigger a change in the BDF of all the vNICs present on the system:
When a vNIC is added or deleted
When a vNIC is moved from one adapter on the system to another adapter on the system
When these changes are made to the system, do the following:
1 Uninstall the network driver from all the present network interfaces.
2 Scan the system for hidden devices and uninstall them.
3 Re-scan the system for new hardware and install the network driver on the network controllers again.
If the hidden devices are not deleted, the CDN names of the network adapters will not appear as configured
on Cisco UCS Manager.
CDN with a Mixed Set of Adapters
When a CDN name is configured for a vNIC in a system with a mixed set of CDN-supported adapters and
CDN-unsupported adapters, then system placement may not place CDN-configured vNICs on adapters that
support CDN.
If CDN is enabled in the BIOS policy, and system placement places a CDN-configured vNIC (Admin CDN
configured) on an adapter that does not support CDN, an info fault will be raised, but the configuration issue
for the service profile will be ignored.
If CDN is enabled in the BIOS policy, and system placement places a vNIC (Admin CDN not configured)
on an adapter that does not support CDN, an info fault will be raised, but the configuration issue for the service
profile will be ignored. The Oper CDN Name in this case will be empty and will not be derived from the
vNIC name.
If you want to deploy the CDN name as the host network interface name for a server, you must manually
place a vNIC on a supported adapter.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
In the Properties area, click one of the following in the Consistent Device Naming field to configure CDN:
Expand BIOS Policies and select the BIOS policy for which you want to configure CDN.
In the Work pane, click the Main tab.
Server-Related Policies
Configuring a CDN Name for a vNIC
Step 7
Platform Default
The BIOS uses the value for this attribute contained in the BIOS defaults
for the server type and vendor.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
In the Properties area, enter the CDN name for the vNIC in theAdmin CDN Name field.
The CDN name that you configure for a vNIC appears as Admin CDN Name. The CDN name that
is finally applied to the vNIC appears as Oper CDN Name. For example, if the Admin CDN Name
for a vNIC called "vnic0" is cdn0, then the Oper CDN Name for this vNIC will be cdn0, but if the
Admin CDN Name for the same vNIC is not specified, the Oper CDN Name will be vnic0.
Click Save Changes.
Server-Related Policies
IPMI Access Profile
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click IPMI Access Profiles and select Create IPMI Access Profile.
In the Create IPMI Access Profile dialog box:
a) Enter a unique name and description for the profile.
b) In the IPMI Over LAN field, choose whether to allow or restrict remote connectivity.
c) Click OK.
Step 6
Step 7
Server-Related Policies
Deleting an IPMI Access Profile
Name field
Password field
Role field
b) Click OK.
Step 8
Step 9
What to Do Next
Include the IPMI profile in a service profile and/or template.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
KVM Management Policy
After a KVM vMedia session is mapped, if you change the KVM management policy, it will result in a
loss of the vMedia session. You must re-map the KVM vMedia session again.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click KVM Management Policies and select Create KVM Management Policy.
In the Create KVM Management Policy dialog box:
a) Enter a unique name and description for the policy.
b) In the vMedia Encryption field, choose whether to enable vMedia encryption.
c) Click OK.
After a KVM vMedia session is mapped, if you change the KVM management policy, it will result
in a loss of the vMedia session. You must re-map the KVM vMedia session again.
Server-Related Policies
Guidelines for all Local Disk Configuration Policies
RAID 0 StripedData is striped across all disks in the array, providing fast throughput. There is no
data redundancy, and all data is lost if any disk fails.
RAID 1 MirroredData is written to two disks, providing complete data redundancy if one disk fails.
The maximum array size is equal to the available space on the smaller of the two drives.
Any ConfigurationFor a server configuration that carries forward the local disk configuration without
any changes.
No RAIDFor a server configuration that removes the RAID and leaves the disk MBR and payload
If you choose No RAID and you apply this policy to a server that already has an operating system with
RAID storage configured, the system does not remove the disk contents. Therefore, there may be no
visible differences on the server after you apply the No RAID mode. This can lead to a mismatch between
the RAID configuration in the policy and the actual disk configuration shown in the Inventory > Storage
tab for the server.
To make sure that any previous RAID configuration information is removed from a disk, apply a scrub
policy that removes all disk information after you apply the No RAID configuration mode.
RAID 5 Striped ParityData is striped across all disks in the array. Part of the capacity of each disk
stores parity information that can be used to reconstruct data if a disk fails. RAID 5 provides good data
throughput for applications with high read request rates.
RAID 6 Striped Dual ParityData is striped across all disks in the array and two parity disks are used
to provide protection against the failure of up to two physical disks. In each row of data blocks, two sets
of parity data are stored.
RAID 10 Mirrored and StripedRAID 10 uses mirrored pairs of disks to provide complete data
redundancy and high throughput rates.
RAID 50 Striped Parity and Striped Data is striped across multiple striped parity disk sets to provide
high throughput and multiple disk failure tolerance.
RAID 60 Striped Dual Parity and Striped Data is striped across multiple striped dual parity disk
sets to provide high throughput and greater disk failure tolerance.
You must include this policy in a service profile and that service profile must be associated with a server for
the policy to take effect.
For a Cisco UCS C-Series server integrated with Cisco UCS Manager, with an embedded on-board RAID
controller, the local disk mode should always be Any Configuration, and the RAID must be configured
directly on the controller.
Server-Related Policies
Guidelines for Local Disk Configuration Policies Configured for RAID
Do Not Assign a Service Profile with the Default Local Disk Configuration Policy from a B200 M1 or M2 to a
B200 M3
Due to the differences in the RAID/JBOD support provided by the storage controllers of B200 M1 and M2
servers and those of the B200 M3 server, you cannot assign or re-assign a service profile that includes the
default local disk configuration policy from a B200M1 or M2 server to a B200 M3 server. The default local
disk configuration policy includes those with Any Configuration or JBOD configuration.
JBOD Mode Support
The B200 M3 server supports JBOD mode for local disks.
Only B200 M1, B200 M2, B200 M3, B250 M1, B250 M2 and B22 M3 blade servers support the JBOD
mode for local disks.
Server-Related Policies
Guidelines for Local Disk Configuration Policies Configured for RAID
Controllers in a single rack-mount server. We therefore recommend that you request a single RAID Controller
configuration when you order rack-mount servers to be integrated with Cisco UCS Manager.
In addition, do not use third party tools to create multiple RAID LUNs on rack-mount servers. Cisco UCS
Manager does not support that configuration.
Maximum of One RAID Volume and One RAID Controller in Blade Servers
A blade server can have a maximum of one RAID volume irrespective of how many drives are present in the
server. All the local hard drives must be connected to only one RAID controller. For example, a B200 M3
server has an LSI controller and an Intel Patsburg controller, but only the LSI controller can be used as a
RAID controller.
In addition, do not use third party tools to create multiple RAID LUNs on blade servers. Cisco UCS Manager
does not support that configuration.
Number of Disks Selected in Mirrored RAID Should Not Exceed Two
If the number of disks selected in the Mirrored RAID exceed two, RAID 1 is created as a RAID 10 LUN.
This issue can occur with the Cisco UCS B440 M1 and B440 M2 servers.
License Required for Certain RAID Configuration Options on Some Servers
Some Cisco UCS servers require a license for certain RAID configuration options. When Cisco UCS Manager
associates a service profile containing this local disk policy with a server, Cisco UCS Manager verifies that
the selected RAID option is properly licensed. If there are issues, Cisco UCS Manager displays a configuration
error during the service profile association.
For RAID license information for a specific Cisco UCS server, see the Hardware Installation Guide for that
B420 M3 Server Does Not Support All Configuration Modes
The B420 M3 server does not support the following configuration modes in a local disk configuration policy:
RAID 6 Striped Dual Parity
In addition, the B420 M3 does not support JBOD modes or operations.
Single-Disk RAID 0 Configurations Not Supported on Some Blade Servers
A single-disk RAID 0 configuration is not supported in the following blade servers:
Cisco UCS B200 M1
Cisco UCS B200 M2
Cisco UCS B250 M1
Cisco UCS B250 M2
Server-Related Policies
Creating a Local Disk Configuration Policy
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click Local Disk Config Policies and choose Create Local Disk Configuration Policy.
In the Create Local Disk Configuration Policy dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name field
Description field
Server-Related Policies
Creating a Local Disk Configuration Policy
Server-Related Policies
Changing a Local Disk Configuration Policy
Protect Configuration check box If checked, the server retains the configuration in the local disk
configuration policy even if the server is disassociated from the service
Protect Configuration becomes non-functional if one or more
disks in the server are defective or faulty.
This property is checked by default.
FlexFlash RAID Reporting State To enable or disable RAID reporting click the appropriate button. When
radio button
RAID reporting is enabled, the RAID status is monitored and faults are
Step 6
Click OK.
Server-Related Policies
Deleting a Local Disk Configuration Policy
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Click the service profile that contains the local disk configuration policy you want to change.
In the Work pane, click the Storage tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Select an existing local disk configuration policy from the list below this
option. Cisco UCS Manager assigns this policy to the service profile.
Create a Local Disk Policy Enables you to create a local disk configuration policy that can only be accessed
by the selected service profile.
No Disk Policy
Step 8
Step 9
Click OK.
(Optional) Expand the Local Disk Configuration Policy area to confirm that the change has been made.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
FlexFlash Support
FlexFlash Support
Cisco UCS B-Series and C-Series M3 and M4 servers support internal Secure Digital (SD) memory cards.
The SD cards are hosted by the Cisco Flexible Flash storage controller, a PCI-based controller which has two
slots for SD cards. The cards contain a single partition called HV. When FlexFlash is enabled, Cisco UCS
Manager displays the HV partition as a USB drive to both the BIOS and the host operating system.
You can populate one or both the SD card slots that are provided. If two SD cards are populated, you can use
them in a mirrored mode.
Server-Related Policies
FlexFlash Support
FlexFlash is disabled by default. You can enable FlexFlash in a local disk policy used in a service profile.
When FlexFlash is enabled in a local disk policy, and the server is capable of supporting SD cards, the FlexFlash
controller is enabled during service profile association. If a server is not capable of supporting SD cards or
has an older CIMC version, a config failure message is displayed.
If you disable FlexFlash in a supported server, the Hypervisor or HV partition is immediately disconnected
from the host. The FlexFlash controller will also be disabled as part of a related service profile disassociation.
The FlexFlash controller supports RAID-1 for dual SD cards. You can configure new SD cards in a RAID
pair by creating a FlexFlash scrub policy and reacknowledging the server. The FlexFlash scrub policy erases
the HV partition in both cards, and brings the cards to a healthy RAID state.
Server-Related Policies
FlexFlash Support
16 GB and 32 GB cards are supported only on the B200-M3 blade servers, and the 64
GB SD cards are supported only on the B200-M4 blade servers.
We do not recommend using an SD card from a rack server in a blade server, or using an SD card from
a blade server in a rack server. Switching SD cards between server types might result in data loss from
the SD card.
Some Cisco UCS C-Series rack-mount servers have SD cards with four partitions: HV, HUU, SCU, and
Drivers. Only the HV partition is visible in Cisco UCS Manager. You can migrate a four-partition SD
card to a single HV partition card with a FlexFlash scrub policy.
The FlexFlash controller does not support RAID-1 sync (mirror rebuild). If the SD cards are in a degraded
RAID state, or if any metadata errors are reported by the controller, you must run the FlexFlash scrub
policy to pair the cards for RAID. For more information about the FlexFlash scrub policy, see
The following conditions might result in degraded RAID or metadata errors:
Inserting a new or used SD card in one slot, when the server already has an SD card populated in
the second slot.
Inserting two SD cards from different servers.
The server firmware version must be at 2.2(1a) or higher.
Server-Related Policies
FlexFlash Support
If you use the following procedure with FlexFlash cards already in use, you will lose all data from the
This procedure does not cover FlexFlash card usage or other functions of the FlexFlash system.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Expand the node for the organization containing the service profile and click Storage.
In the Work pane, click Change Local Disk Configuration Policy in the Actions area and expand Create
Local Disk Configuration Policy link. Follow the procedure in Creating a Local Disk Configuration Policy,
on page 243 to create a Local Disk Configuration Policy.
The FlexFlash policy name must not contain empty spaces or special characters.
Step 7
Expand Change Disk Local Configuration Policy, and select the policy you just created and click OK.
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10 Select the policy you created from the drop-down box.
Step 11 Expand Equipment > Chassis > Chassis Number > Servers.
Step 12 In the Work pane, click the General tab and select Server Maintenance from the Actions area.
Step 13 In the Maintenance Server dialogue box, click on the Re-acknowledge radio button, and then click OK.
Step 14 Click Server Maintenance in the Action area and click on the Re-acknowledge radio button again.
Step 15 From the Inventory tab, select the Storage sub-tab.
You can verify details of the enabled FlexFlash cards from the FlexFlash Controller window in the Work
Step 16 Launch KVM Manager and log on to the operating system. Verify details of the Hypervisor partition from
the Devices and drives folder. Depending on the card size, the HV partition displays details of 32GB or 64GB.
Server-Related Policies
FlexFlash Support
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Expand Local Disk Config Policies and choose the local disk config policy for which you want to enable
FlexFlash support.
In the Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Enabling Auto-Sync
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Server-Related Policies
Scrub Policy
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Scrub Policy
Scrub Policy Settings
This policy determines what happens to local data and to the BIOS settings on a server during the discovery
process, when the server is re-acknowledged, or when the server is disassociated from a service profile.
Local disk scrub policies only apply to hard drives that are managed by Cisco UCS Manager and do not
apply to other devices such as USB drives.
Depending upon how you configure a scrub policy, the following can occur at those times:
Server-Related Policies
Scrub Policy Settings
Disk scrub
One of the following occurs to the data on any local drives on disassociation:
If enabled, destroys all data on any local drives.
If disabled, preserves all data on any local drives, including local storage configuration.
BIOS Settings Scrub
One of the following occurs to the BIOS settings when a service profile containing the scrub policy is
disassociated from a server:
If enabled, erases all BIOS settings for the server and resets them to the BIOS defaults for that server
type and vendor.
If disabled, preserves the existing BIOS settings on the server.
FlexFlash Scrub
FlexFlash Scrub enables you to pair new or degraded SD cards, resolve FlexFlash metadata configuration
failures, and migrate older SD cards with 4 partitions to single partition SD cards. One of the following occurs
to the SD card when a service profile containing the scrub policy is disassociated from a server, or when the
server is reacknowledged:
If enabled, the HV partition on the SD card is formatted using the PNUOS formatting utility. If two SD
cards are present, the cards are RAID-1 paired, and the HV partitions in both cards are marked as valid.
The card in slot 1 is marked as primary, and the card in slot 2 is marked as secondary.
If disabled, preserves the existing SD card settings.
Because the FlexFlash scrub erases the HV partition on the SD cards, we recommend that you take
a full backup of the SD card(s) using your preferred host operating system utilities before performing
the FlexFlash Scrub.
To resolve metadata config failures in a service profile, you need to disable FlexFlash in the local
disk config policy before you run the FlexFlash scrub, then enable FlexFlash after the server is
Disable the scrub policy as soon as the pairing is complete or the metadata failures are resolved.
FlexFlash scrub is not supported for Cisco UCS C3260 Dense Storage Server.
Server-Related Policies
Creating a Scrub Policy
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Name field
Description field
Step 6
If this field is set to Yes, when a service profile containing this scrub
policy is disassociated from a server, all data on the server local drives
is completely erased. If this field is set to No, the data on the local drives
is preserved, including all local storage configuration.
If the field is set to Yes, when a service profile containing this scrub
policy is disassociated from a server, the BIOS settings for that server
are erased and reset to the defaults for that server type and vendor. If
this field is set to No, the BIOS settings are preserved.
Click OK.
Disk scrub and FlexFlash Scrub options are not supported for Cisco UCS C3260 Dense Storage
Server-Related Policies
Deleting a Scrub Policy
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Server-Related Policies
DIMM Blacklisting
DIMM Blacklisting
In Cisco UCS Manager, the state of the Dual In-line Memory Module (DIMM) is based on SEL event records.
When the BIOS encounters a noncorrectable memory error during memory test execution, the DIMM is
marked as faulty. A faulty DIMM is a considered a nonfunctional device.
If you enable DIMM blacklisting, Cisco UCS Manager monitors the memory test execution messages and
blacklists any DIMMs that encounter memory errors in the DIMM SPD data. To allow the host to map out
any DIMMs that encounter uncorrectable ECC errors.
This feature is supported both on the Cisco UCS B-Series blade servers and UCS C-Series rack
Cisco UCS C-Series 420 M3 rack servers do not support this feature.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
Serial over LAN Policy Settings
The DIMM blacklisting is enabled for the domain level policy and these changes apply to all the servers on
that particular domain.
If the Cisco IMC of a server does not support DIMM blacklisting, an information level fault is generated.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click Serial over LAN Policies and select Create Serial over LAN Policy.
In the Create Serial over LAN Policy wizard, complete the following fields:
Name field
Description field
Server-Related Policies
Deleting a Serial over LAN Policy
Step 6
Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
Creating an Autoconfiguration Policy
2 If the server meets the required qualifications, the server is associated with a service profile created from
the service profile template configured in the server autoconfiguration policy. The name of that service
profile is based on the name given to the server by Cisco UCS Manager.
3 The service profile is assigned to the organization configured in the server autoconfiguration policy.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
In the Create Autoconfiguration Policy dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name field
Description field
Server-Related Policies
Deleting an Autoconfiguration Policy
Step 7
Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Server-Related Policies
Server Discovery Policy Settings
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
The server discovery policy determines how the UCS Manager reacts when you add a new UCS Blade Server,
UCS Mini or a UCS M-Series Modular server. If you create a server discovery policy, you can control whether
the system conducts a deep discovery when a server is added to a chassis, or whether a user must first
acknowledge the new server. By default, the system conducts a full discovery.
If you create a server discovery policy, the following occurs when a new server starts:
1 The qualification in the server discovery policy is executed against the server.
2 If the server meets the required qualifications, Cisco UCS Manager applies the following to the server:
Depending on the option that you select for the action, UCS Manager discovers the new server
immediately, or waits for a user acknowledgment of the new server
Applies the scrub policy to the server
In Cisco UCS Manager Release 2.2(4), blade servers do not support drives with a block size of 4K, but
rack-mount servers support such drives. If a drive with a block size of 4K is inserted into a blade server,
discovery fails and the following error message appears:
Unable to get Scsi Device Information from the system
If this error occurs, do the following:
1 Remove the 4K drive.
2 Reacknowledge the server.
Note: Reacknowledging the server causes the server to reboot and results in loss of service.
Server-Related Policies
Deleting a Server Discovery Policy
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
(Optional) To associate this policy with a server pool, select server pool policy qualifications from the
Qualification drop-down list.
(Optional) To include a scrub policy, select a policy from the Scrub Policy drop-down list.
Click OK.
What to Do Next
Include the server discovery policy in a service profile and/or template.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
Creating a Server Inheritance Policy
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
In the Create Server Inheritance Policy dialog box, complete the following fields:
Name field
Description field
Step 6
To associate this policy with one or more specific server pools, choose
the server pool qualification policy that identifies these pools.
Click OK.
Server-Related Policies
Deleting a Server Inheritance Policy
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click Server Pool Policies and select Create Server Pool Policy.
In the Create Server Pool Policy dialog box, complete the following fields:
Server-Related Policies
Deleting a Server Pool Policy
Name field
Description field
Step 6
If you want to associate this policy with a server pool, select that pool
from the drop-down list.
To associate this policy with one or more specific server pools, choose
the server pool qualification policy that identifies these pools.
Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
Creating Server Pool Policy Qualifications
selection criteria. For example, you can create a rule that specifies the minimum memory capacity for servers
in a data center pool.
Qualifications are used in other policies to place servers, not just by the server pool policies. For example, if
a server meets the criteria in a qualification policy, it can be added to one or more server pools or have a
service profile automatically associated with it.
You can use the server pool policy qualifications to qualify servers according to the following criteria:
Adapter type
Chassis location
Memory type and configuration
Power group
CPU cores, type, and configuration
Storage configuration and capacity
Server model
Depending upon the implementation, you might need to configure several policies with server pool policy
qualifications including the following:
Autoconfiguration policy
Chassis discovery policy
Server discovery policy
Server inheritance policy
Server pool policy
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Right-click the Server Pool Policy Qualifications node and select Create Server Pool Policy Qualification.
In the Create Server Pool Policy Qualification dialog box, enter a unique name and description for the
(Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to their adapter configuration, do the following:
a) Click Create Adapter Qualifications.
b) In the Create Adapter Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields:
Step 6
Server-Related Policies
Creating Server Pool Policy Qualifications
PID field
c) Click OK.
Step 7
(Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to the chassis in which they physically reside, do
the following:
a) Click Create Chassis/Server Qualifications.
b) In the Chassis Qualifications area of the Create Chassis and Server Qualifications dialog box, complete
the following fields to specify the range of chassis you want to use:
First Chassis ID fieldThe first chassis ID from which server pools associated with this policy can
Number of Chassis fieldThe total number of chassis to include in the pool, starting with the
chassis identified in the First Chassis ID field.
For example, if you want to use chassis 5, 6, 7, and 8, enter 5 in the First Chassis ID field and 4 in the
Number of Chassis field. If you want to use only chassis 3, enter 3 in the First Chassis ID field and 1
in the Number of Chassis field.
If you want to use chassis 5, 6, and 9, create a chassis/server qualification for the range 5-6 and
another qualification for chassis 9. You can add as many chassis/server qualifications as needed.
c) Click Finish.
Step 8
(Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to both the chassis and slot in which they physically
reside, do the following:
a) Click Create Chassis/Server Qualifications.
b) In the Chassis Qualifications area of the Create Chassis and Server Qualifications dialog box, complete
the following fields to specify the range of chassis you want to use:
First Chassis ID fieldThe first chassis ID from which server pools associated with this policy can
Number of Chassis fieldThe total number of chassis to include in the pool, starting with the
chassis identified in the First Chassis ID field.
c) In the Server Qualifications table, click Add.
d) In the Create Server Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields to specify the range of
server locations you want to use:
Server-Related Policies
Creating Server Pool Policy Qualifications
First Slot ID fieldThe first slot ID from which server pools associated with this policy can draw.
Number of Slots fieldThe total number of slots from which server pools associated with this
policy can draw.
e) Click Finish Stage.
f) To add another range of slots, click Add and repeat steps d and e.
g) When you have finished specifying the slot ranges, click Finish.
Step 9
(Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to their memory configuration, do the following:
a) Click Create Memory Qualifications.
b) In the Create Memory Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields:
Clock field
Latency field
Width field
Units field
The unit of measure to associate with the value in the Width field.
c) Click OK.
Step 10 (Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to their CPU/Cores configuration, do the following:
a) Click Create CPU/Cores Qualifications.
b) In the Create CPU/Cores Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields:
Processor Architecture
drop-down list
PID field
Server-Related Policies
Creating Server Pool Policy Qualifications
c) Click OK.
Step 11 (Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to their storage configuration and capacity, do the
a) Click Create Storage Qualifications.
b) In the Create Storage Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields:
Diskless field
Server-Related Policies
Creating Server Pool Policy Qualifications
Units field
c) Click OK.
Step 12 (Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to the model of the server, do the following:
a) Click Create Server Model Qualifications.
b) In the Create Server Model Qualifications dialog box, enter a regular expression that the server model
must match in the Model field.
c) Click OK.
Step 13 (Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to power group, do the following:
a) Click Create Power Group Qualifications.
b) In the Create Power Group Qualifications dialog box, choose a power group from the Power Group
drop-down list.
c) Click OK.
Step 14 (Optional) To use this policy to qualify the rack-mount servers that can be added to the associated server
pool, do the following:
a) Click Create Rack Qualifications.
b) In the Create Rack Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields:
The first rack-mount server slot ID from which server pools associated
with this policy can draw.
Server-Related Policies
Deleting Server Pool Policy Qualifications
The total number of rack-mount server slots from which server pools
associated with this policy can draw.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Server-Related Policies
vNIC/vHBA Placement Policy Settings
You can specify the PCI order for the vHBA; however, the desired order works within a class of devices,
such as vNICs or vHBAs and not across them. Within an adapter, vNICs are always placed ahead of the
AllAll configured vNICs and vHBAs can be assigned to the vCon, whether they are explicitly assigned
to it, unassigned, or dynamic. This is the default.
Assigned OnlyvNICs and vHBAs must be explicitly assigned to the vCon. You can assign them
explicitly through the service profile or the properties of the vNIC or vHBA.
Exclude DynamicDynamic vNICs and vHBAs cannot be assigned to the vCon. The vCon can be
used for all static vNICs and vHBAs, whether they are unassigned or explicitly assigned to it.
Exclude UnassignedUnassigned vNICs and vHBAs cannot be assigned to the vCon. The vCon can
be used for dynamic vNICs and vHBAs and for static vNICs and vHBAs that are explicitly assigned to
Exclude usNICCisco usNICs cannot be assigned to the vCon. The vCon can be used for all other
configured vNICs and vHBAs, whether they are explicitly assigned to it, unassigned, or dynamic.
An SRIOV usNIC that is explicitly assigned to a vCon set to Exclude usNIC will remain
assigned to that vCon.
Server-Related Policies
vCon to Adapter Placement
If you do not include a vNIC/vHBA placement policy in the service profile, Cisco UCS Manager defaults to
the Round Robin vCon mapping scheme and the All vNIC/vHBA selection preference, distributing the vNICs
and vHBAs between the adapters based on the capabilities and relative capacities of each adapter.
vCon to adapter placement is not dependent upon the PCIE slot number of the adapter. The adapter numbers
used for the purpose of vCon placement are not the PCIE slot numbers of the adapters, but the ID assigned
to them during server discovery.
Server-Related Policies
vNIC/vHBA to vCon Assignment
Table 2: vCon to Adapter Placement Using the Round - Robin Mapping Scheme
vCon2 Assignment
vCon3 Assignment
vCon4 Assignment
vCon2 Assignment
vCon3 Assignment
vCon4 Assignment
If you are using a vCon policy with two adapters in the Cisco UCS B440 M2 Blade Server, be aware of
the following mapping.
vCon 2 to adapter 1 maps first
vCon 1 to adapter 2 maps second ZXA Q
Server-Related Policies
vNIC/vHBA to vCon Assignment
Set the vCon configuration to any of the available options. You can configure the vCons through a
vNIC/vHBA placement policy or in the service profile associated with the server. If a vCon is configured
for All, you can still explicitly assign a vNIC or vHBA to that vCon.
Assign the vNICs and vHBAs to a vCon. You can make this assignment through the virtual host interface
placement properties of the vNIC or vHBA or in the service profile associated with the server.
If you attempt to assign a vNIC or vHBA to a vCon that is not configured for that type of vNIC or vHBA,
Cisco UCS Manager displays a message advising you of the configuration error.
During service profile association, Cisco UCS Manager validates the configured placement of the vNICs and
vHBAs against the number and capabilities of the physical adapters in the server before assigning the vNICs
and vHBAs according to the configuration in the policy. Load distribution is based upon the explicit assignments
to the vCons and adapters configured in this policy.
If the adapters do not support the assignment of one or more vNICs or vHBAs, Cisco UCS Manager raises a
fault against the service profile.
You can specify the PCI order for the vHBA; however, the desired order works within a class of devices,
such as vNICs or vHBAs and not across them. Within an adapter, vNICs are always placed ahead of the
Server-Related Policies
Creating a vNIC/vHBA Placement Policy
If the server has the same adapter in both slots, Cisco UCS Manager assigns half the vNICs and half the
vHBAs to each adapter.
If the server has one non-VIC adapter and one VIC adapter, Cisco UCS Manager assigns two vNICs
and two vHBAs to the non-VIC adapter and the remaining vNICs and vHBAs to the VIC adapter.
If the server has two different VIC adapters, Cisco UCS Manager assigns the vNICs and vHBAs
proportionally, based on the relative capabilities of the two adapters.
The following examples show how Cisco UCS Manager would typically assign the vNICs and vHBAs with
different combinations of supported adapter cards:
If you want to configure four vNICs and the server contains two Cisco UCS M51KR-B Broadcom
BCM57711 adapters (with two vNICs each), Cisco UCS Manager assigns two vNICs to each adapter.
If you want to configure 50 vNICs and the server contains a Cisco UCS CNA M72KR-E adapter (2
vNICs) and a Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface Card adapter (128 vNICs), Cisco UCS Manager
assigns two vNICs to the Cisco UCS CNA M72KR-E adapter and 48 vNICs to the Cisco UCS M81KR
Virtual Interface Card adapter.
If you want to configure 150 vNICs and the server contains a Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface Card
adapter (128 vNICs) and a Cisco UCS VIC-1240 Virtual Interface Card adapter (256 vNICs), Cisco
UCS Manager assigns 50 vNICs to the Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface Card adapter and 100
vNICs to the Cisco UCS VIC-1240 Virtual Interface Card adapter.
Exceptions to this implicit assignment occur if you configure the vNICs for fabric failover and if you
configure dynamic vNICs for the server.
For a configuration that includes vNIC fabric failover where one adapter does not support vNIC failover,
Cisco UCS Manager implicitly assigns all vNICs that have fabric failover enabled to the adapter that supports
them. If the configuration includes only vNICs that are configured for fabric failover, no vNICs are implicitly
assigned to the adapter that does not support them. If some vNICs are configured for fabric failover and some
are not, Cisco UCS Manager assigns all failover vNICs to the adapter that supports them and a minimum of
one nonfailover vNIC to the adapter that does not support them, according to the ratio above.
For a configuration that includes dynamic vNICs, the same implicit assignment would occur. Cisco UCS
Manager assigns all dynamic vNICs to the adapter that supports them. However, with a combination of
dynamic vNICs and static vNICs, at least one static vNIC is assigned to the adapter that does not support
dynamic vNICs.
Step 2
Step 3
Server-Related Policies
Creating a vNIC/vHBA Placement Policy
Step 4
Step 5
Name field
Server-Related Policies
Creating a vNIC/vHBA Placement Policy
After Cisco UCS assigns the vCons, it assigns the vNICs and vHBAs
based on the Selection Preference for each vCon.
b) In the Selection Preference column for each Virtual Slot, choose one of the following from the drop-down
Server-Related Policies
Deleting a vNIC/vHBA Placement Policy
AllAll configured vNICs and vHBAs can be assigned to the vCon, whether they are explicitly
assigned to it, unassigned, or dynamic. This is the default.
Assigned OnlyvNICs and vHBAs must be explicitly assigned to the vCon. You can assign them
explicitly through the service profile or the properties of the vNIC or vHBA.
Exclude DynamicDynamic vNICs and vHBAs cannot be assigned to the vCon. The vCon can be
used for all static vNICs and vHBAs, whether they are unassigned or explicitly assigned to it.
Exclude UnassignedUnassigned vNICs and vHBAs cannot be assigned to the vCon. The vCon
can be used for dynamic vNICs and vHBAs and for static vNICs and vHBAs that are explicitly
assigned to it.
Exclude usNICCisco usNICs cannot be assigned to the vCon. The vCon can be used for all other
configured vNICs and vHBAs, whether they are explicitly assigned to it, unassigned, or dynamic.
An SRIOV usNIC that is explicitly assigned to a vCon set to Exclude usNIC will remain
assigned to that vCon.
c) Click OK.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
Explicitly Assigning a vNIC to a vCon
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
In the Virtual Host Interface Placement section, complete the following fields:
Desired Placement drop-down list The user-specified virtual network interface connection (vCon)
placement for the vNIC. This can be one of the following:
AnyAllows Cisco UCS Manager to determine the vCon to which
the vNIC is assigned.
1Explicitly assigns the vNIC to vCon1.
2Explicitly assigns the vNIC to vCon2.
3Explicitly assigns the vNIC to vCon3.
4Explicitly assigns the vNIC to vCon4.
Actual Assignment field
If you attempt to assign a vNIC to a vCon that is not configured for that type of vNIC, Cisco UCS Manager
displays a message box to advise you of the configuration error. You must either assign the vNIC to another
vCon or change the vCon configuration in the service profile.
Step 8
Step 9
Server-Related Policies
Explicitly Assigning a vHBA to a vCon
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
In the Virtual Host Interface Placement section, complete the following fields:
Server-Related Policies
Placing Static vNICs Before Dynamic vNICs
If you attempt to assign a vHBA to a vCon that is not configured for that type of vHBA, Cisco UCS Manager
displays a message box to advise you of the configuration error. You must either assign the vHBA to another
vCon or change the vCon configuration in the service profile.
Step 8
Step 9
New Device Order in Cisco UCS Manager Release 2.0 (Add 2 static vNICs):
Server-Related Policies
Placing Static vNICs Before Dynamic vNICs
After upgrading to Cisco UCS Manager Release 2.1, (Before any vNIC-related change is made to the service
New Device Order in Cisco UCS Manager Release 2.1 (Add 2 dynamic vNICs by changing the policy count
from 2 to 4.)
Cisco UCS Manager Version 2.1 supports the new StaticZero mode.
Version 2.0
Scheme: ZeroFunction /
Static and Dynamic vNICs are all Static vNICs and Dynamic vNICs
on Bus [0-57], Function [0]
are on Bus [0-57], Function [0-7].
Bus 0, Function 0
< ZeroFunction Mode >
Bus 0, Function 7
Bus 1, Function 0
< MultiFunction Mode >
Upgrade from Balboa will not
renumber BDFs (remain in
ZeroFunction mode) until Bus <=
Once devices exceed 58, switch to
MultiFunction mode.
Version 2.1
Scheme: ZeroFunction /
MultiFunction / StaticZero
Static vNICs or PFs will be on Bus
[0-57], Function [0]. SRIOV:
Corresponding VFs will be on the
same Bus and Functions [1-255]
No-SRIOV: Dynamic vNICs are
on Bus [0-57], Function [0-7]
< StaticZero Mode >
Upgrade from Balboa will not
renumber BDFs (remain in
ZeroFunction mode) until Bus
<=57. Once devices exceed 58 or
Platform specific maximum PCIe
Bus number or change to SRIOV
configuration, switch to StaticZero
Server-Related Policies
vNIC/vHBA Host Port Placement
Version 2.0
Scheme: ZeroFunction /
Version 2.1
Scheme: ZeroFunction /
MultiFunction / StaticZero
Upgrade from Cisco UCS Manager
Version 2.0 will not renumber
BDFs (remain in ZeroFunction /
MultiFunction mode). Once
devices exceed 58 or Platfor
specific maximum PCIe Bus
number OR Change to SRIOV
configuration, switch to StaticZero
You can perform vNIC/vHBA host port placement on servers that support Cisco UCS VIC 1340 and VIC
1380 adapters.
The host port placement of the vNIC/vHBA determines the order of the vNIC/vHBA on the adapter. The
vNICs/vHBAs placed on the first host port will be enumerated first, followed by the vNICs/vHBAs on the
second host port.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
In the Host Port section in the Properties area, select the one of the following as Admin Host Port:
AnyAllows Cisco UCS Manager to determine the host port to which the vNIC is assigned.
Server-Related Policies
CIMC Mounted vMedia
Cisco UCS Manager support for Scriptable vMedia is applicable for CIMC mapped devices only. Existing
KVM based vMedia devices are not supported.
vMedia mount fails when the following conditions are met:
1 The remote vMedia image filename in the vMedia policy is set to Service-Profile-Name.
2 The service profile is renamed.
This is because the change in the name of the service profile does not change the remote vMedia image
filename in the vMedia policy. The image filename still points to the older image on the remote device, which
cannot be found.
Cisco UCS B200M2 Blade Server and Cisco UCS B230M2 Blade Server cannot use a vMedia policy as
the policy is not supported on these blade servers.
Server-Related Policies
Creating a vMedia Policy
If you want to map a device to a remote folder, you must create an IMG and map it as a HDD device.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Server-Related Policies
Creating a vMedia Policy
Step 6
Step 7
Device Type
The type of remote vMedia you plan to mount. This can be:
CDDScriptable vMedia CD.
HDDScriptable vMedia HDD.
The protocol to use when communicating with the remote server. Click
one of the following radio buttons to indicate the protocol you want to
use to communicate with the mounted remote server. This can be:
NFS - Network Files System.
CIFS - Common Internet File System.
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure.
Server-Related Policies
Creating a vMedia Policy
Authentication Protocol
The protocol to use for authentication when you use CIFS as the protocol
for communicating with the remote server. When you use any protocol
other than CIFS, this field is not available. Select one of the following
from the drop-down list to specify the authentication protocol.
DefaultNT LAN Manager Security Support Provider
(NTLMSSP) protocol. Use this option only with Windows 2008
R2 and Windows 2012 R2.
NoneNo authentication is used
NtlmNT LAN Manager (NTLM) security protocol. Use this
option only with Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 2012 R2.
NtlmiNTLMi security protocol. Use this option only when you
enable Digital Signing in the CIFS Windows server.
NtlmsspNT LAN Manager Security Support Provider
(NTLMSSP) protocol. Use this option only with Windows 2008
R2 and Windows 2012 R2.
NtlmsspiNTLMSSPi protocol. Use this option only when you
enable Digital Signing in the CIFS Windows server.
Ntlmv2NTLMv2 security protocol. Use this option only with
Samba Linux.
Ntlmv2iNTLMv2i security protocol. Use this option only with
Samba Linux.
Enter the IP address or hostname of the location where the backup file
is to be stored. This can be a server, storage array, local drive, or any
read/write media that the fabric interconnect can access through the
If you use a hostname, you must configure Cisco UCS Manager to use
a DNS server. The hostname (DNS) can be used when Inband network
is configured for that server.
Server-Related Policies
Adding a vMedia Policy to a Service Profile
Remote File
Remote Path
Enter the share name on the remote server, for example Share.
Enter the username that Cisco UCS Manager should use to log in to the
remote server.
This field does not apply if the protocol is NFS. This field is optional
if the protocol is HTTP.
Step 8
Click OK.
The remote server details are listed in the vMedia Mounts area of the Create vMedia Mount dialog box.
What to Do Next
Create a vMedia boot policy.
Server-Related Policies
Adding a vMedia Policy to a Service Profile
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
In the Name field, enter a unique name that you can use to identify the service profile.
This name can be between 2 and 32 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters
other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and this name must be unique across all service
profiles and service profile templates within the same organization.
This name must be unique within the organization or sub-organization in which you are creating the service
Step 6
Hardware Default
Server-Related Policies
Adding a vMedia Policy to a Service Profile
Pools Pool_Name
Step 7
Step 8
(Optional) If you want to create a new UUID Suffix pool to use to use in this service profile, click Create
UUID Suffix Pool and complete the fields in the Create UUID Suffix Pool wizard.
Step 9
Enables you to create a local vMedia policy that can only be accessed by
this service profile.
Server-Related Policies
Viewing CIMC vMedia Policy
vMedia Policies Policy_Name Assigns an existing vMedia policy to the service profile. If you choose this
option, Cisco UCS Manager displays the details of the policy.
If you do not want use any of the existing policies but instead want to
create a policy that all service profiles can access, click Create vMedia
Policy . Otherwise, choose a policy from the list and continue with Step
Step 12 If you created a new vmedia policy accessible to all service profiles and template, choose that policy from
the vMedia drop down list .
Step 13 Click Next.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Firmware Upgrades
Firmware Upgrades, page 293
Verifying Firmware Versions on Components, page 293
Firmware Upgrades
Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1(2) and later releases do not support Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.
Beginning with Cisco UCS Manager Release 3.1, Cisco is releasing unified Cisco UCS Manager software
and firmware upgrades for each of the following platforms with every release of Cisco UCS Manager:
Cisco UCS 6300 Series Fabric Interconnect with Cisco UCS B-Series and C-Series Servers
Cisco UCS 6200 Series Fabric Interconnect with Cisco UCS B-Series, C-Series, and M-Series Servers
Cisco UCS 6324 Fabric Interconnect with Cisco UCS B-Series Servers and C-Series Servers, which is
also known as UCS Mini
You can upgrade the firmware through Auto Install, packages in service profiles, using the firmware automatic
synchronization server policy, and directly at endpoints. For more information on guidelines and installing
firmware, see the Cisco UCS Firmware Management Guide.
Step 2
Step 3
On the Installed Firmware tab, review the firmware versions listed for each component.
For more information on guidelines and installing firmware, see the Cisco UCS Firmware Management Guide.
Firmware Upgrades
Verifying Firmware Versions on Components