Qdoc 174 PDF
Qdoc 174 PDF
Qdoc 174 PDF
General Specification for Underground Electrical
This document is extracted from Network Policy NP 001, Design and Construction of
Network Assets.
Other documents in this series include:
Design and Construction of Network Assets General Requirements
General Specification for Overhead Electrical Reticulation
General Specification for Overhead Rural Residential Subdivisions
General Specification for Overhead Commercial and Industrial
General Specification for URD Subdivisions
Reliability Criteria for Distribution Networks
Handover Documentation
Electricity Supply to Large Customers
Documentation Requirements
This document may be regularly updated. Persons not on a Power and Water
distribution list should not assume that this document is the latest version. The only
up-to-date version is that located on Power and Waters Web Site. Power and Water
disclaims all liability for errors or omissions of any kind whatsoever (whether
negligent or otherwise) for any damage or loss arising from the use or reliance upon
the information contained in this document.
Further Information:
Authorised by
Prepared by:
Bertram Birk
Chris Pemberton
General Manager Power Networks
Manager Network Projects
NP001.2 General Requirements for Underground Reticulation
Page 1 of 16
Issue Date:
14 Feb 2008
File No:
Version: 2
Power and Water's Standards Volume 2 sets out the standard arrangements for the installation
of underground cables and equipment. From time to time Power and Water may vary these
arrangements, either permanently or on a trial basis.
Where a developer wishes to vary any standard arrangements, a formal application, setting out
full details of the proposed variations, shall be submitted to the Manager Network Engineering,
PO Box 37471, Winnellie, NT, 0821.
This document summarises, and should be read in conjunction with, the Electricity Supply
Association of Australia publication C(b)2 1989, "Guide to the Installation of Cables
1 Scope
This document sets out the basic requirements for the installation of high and low voltage
underground cables and related equipment. It covers XLPE and MIND paper insulated cables.
Generally "low voltage" refers to cables operated at a nominal voltage not exceeding 500 volts,
while "high voltage" refers to 11 or 22 kV.
2 Safety
New underground cables that are separated from existing parts of the network by virtue of
missing sections of cable are not treated as power lines in respect of Power and Water's
Electrical Safety Manual (Green Book).
However, it is a requirement that all construction work complies with the Work Health
(Occupational Health and Safety) Regulations.
NP001.2 General Requirements for Underground Reticulation
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It should also be noted that the construction of underground power systems is classified as
electrical work by the Electrical Contractors and Workers Act, and can only be carried out by
licenced persons.
Where work is required to be carried out on cables or equipment that have been, or can be,
energised, then strict compliance with the Electrical Safety Manual and the Regulations will be
enforced by Power and Water.
3 Cable Types
Only cables supplied by approved manufacturers may be connected to Power and Water's
network. Power and Water always reserves the right to inspect and test any cable purchased
by a developer or contractor to ensure compliance with the relevant standards. In any event,
the developer shall provide copies of the suppliers offer to confirm manufacturer and
manufacturing standard. Cables that are found to not comply with Power and Water standards
will be rejected, including all cables from that particular batch or order.
Generally Power and Water does not use wire armouring, but may require this in certain
circumstances, such as where a particularly long pull is required.
Power and Water has both high and low voltage paper/lead cables in service. Where
existing cables are to be jointed or terminated, the cable jointer will need to
familiarise him/herself with the construction of the particular cable.
No new paper/lead cables are to be used. However, Power and Water may approve
the replacement of a short section of existing cable like-for-like where it is not
practicable to use XLPE cable. Paper/lead cable shall comply with the following:
Mineral Insulated Non Draining (MIND) to AS/NZ 1026 and AS/NZ 4026.
Lead alloy sheathed to AS/NZ 2893
Stranded sector-shaped aluminium conductors to AS/NZ 1125
Nylon jacketed or double brass taped
Most low voltage and high voltage cables are XLPE insulated. Power and Water
generally uses single-core cables for ease of installation, but 3 or 4-core cables may
also be used.
Low voltage to AS/NZ 4026, 4961 and 5000 as appropriate
High Voltage to AS/NZ 1429 and 4026
Nylon jacketed and sheathed, (or Termitex or equivalent) except in fully
ducted systems where the entry of termites is completely excluded by
approved means
In the case of high voltage, fitted with conductors impregnated with waterblocking compound
In the case of high voltage, fitted with a water-blocking (HDPE) sheath
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4 Protection of Cable
It is essential to ensure that during transport, storage and handling, cable sheaths and/or
armouring are not damaged. In particular, any cable found to have damage to the nylon
protective sheath or water blocking sheath will be rejected.
Cable ends shall be sealed against moisture at all times with an effective cap.
Direct Buried
With this system, the cable is laid directly into a trench bedded in sand. A cable
warning strip or mechanical protection is used to provide a measure of mechanical
Direct burial has the advantage that heat is transferred more efficiently into the soil
than in ducted systems, thus maximising current rating. It has the disadvantage that
cables may only be replaced by excavating the route; this can be very expensive in an
established area.
Ducting allows for replacement of faulty cables, and facilitates construction in
cramped locations. Ducting is required by Power and Water in all cases where the
cable route passes through private land, across roads or concrete footpaths; Power
and Water may also require ducts in any area where it believes that future access
may be restricted. In particular, in commercial areas where future paving is likely, all
cables (including street light cables) shall be ducted.
Ducting has the disadvantage that the cable is derated in comparison to direct burial.
Power and Water may require the installation of spare ducts to allow for future cable
Shared Trenches
Trenches may be shared with telecommunications cables such as telephone and cable
TV. Typical arrangements are set out in Drawing No. S2-2-6-2. Generally 450 mm
separation is required between power and communications cables.
Note that where telecommunications cables are installed in the same trench as power
cables, all power cables shall be installed in ducts.
Note the requirements for separation and mechanical protection between power and
telephone cables. When a telephone line crosses a power cable, or a power cable
passes underneath a Telstra pit, a 50 mm concrete slab is required between the two.
The Work Health (Occupational Health and Safety) Regulations require (Clause
145(b)) that trenches be shored when a "..worker is required to work in an excavation
or opening in the ground that is 1.5 metres or more in depth."
Compliance with this Clause can be achieved either by shoring "..of a standard that
will prevent the collapse of the excavation or the movement of the earthwork" (Clause
145(3)) or by sloping the trench walls at a sufficient angle to provide stability.
Shoring is also not necessary where the ground is stable (e.g., solid rock).
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Trench Alignment
This shall be in accordance with the S2-4-1 series of Drawings in Volume 2 of the
Standards Manual. The typical trench alignment is 0.75m from the property boundary
unless approved otherwise by Power and Water.
Existing Services
When excavating in an area where there are existing services, it is a requirement that
all existing services be accurately plotted, all relevant Authorities consulted, and
appropriate permits issued. Always ring Dial Before You Dig on 1100 if there is any
doubt about location of services. If excavating within 3m of any cable, Power and
Water shall be notified on 1800 000 254 and a cable location requested.
Where unforeseen services or site conditions are found during excavation, proposed
design changes shall be documented and approved by the Design Officer before
When working within 1 metre of an existing high or low voltage cable, Power and
Water is to be notified at least 7 days in advance. Power and Water will notify the
contractor of the measures to be taken to limit the dangers associated with
excavation close to live cables. Typically hand tools must be employed for excavation
within 1 metre of a cable.
Attention is drawn to the Electricity Reform (Safety and Technical) Regulations, which
imposes severe penalties upon persons who carry out work close to power
infrastructure without the approval of Power and Water. Approval takes the form of
an Approval to Work in the Vicinity of Electrical Apparatus or AWV.
Power and Water also runs a training course at regular intervals covering the basics of
excavating near existing services.
Care should be taken when working close to existing buildings or structures to ensure
that foundations are not damaged by the work.
Where excavation work is likely to damage or require removal of any tree on Crown
Land, the relevant authority should be approached and grant permission for the work
prior to proceeding.
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from falling back into the trench. Spoil containing rocks larger than 50mm diameter
shall be removed and not used as backfill. The quality of the spoil shall be approved
by the Project Officer before it may be used as backfill.
The trench shall be partially filled with sand to ensure that, after cable laying, there is
a minimum of 50 mm of sand between the cable and the bottom of the trench. All
foreign material that could attract termites, such as scraps of timber or plastic, shall
be removed.
The cable/s and earth conductor shall be laid out carefully to avoid damage. After
placement of the cables, any rocks or similar hard material that may have fallen into
the trench shall be removed.
The trench shall then be backfilled to the required depth with sand, compacted in
layers not exceeding 150 mm.
Finally the trench is to be backfilled to surface layer with clean backfill material, laying
marker tapes as required. The backfill material is to be free of boulders or rocks
greater than 50 mm in diameter, and is to be compacted in layers not exceeding 150
mm to match the adjacent undisturbed material.
Generally, the installation shall comply with Drawing S2-2-6-1. Single core high
voltage cables should preferably be laid in a close trefoil arrangement. Single core
low voltage cables shall be separated slightly to assist cooling, and to limit damage to
neighbouring cores when one core is faulted.
Ducted Cabling
Trenching and backfilling for ducted systems shall be carried out in a similar manner
to direct buried systems as described above.
Ducting shall generally be orange PVC heavy duty conduit to AS/NZ 2053, complying
with the requirements of the Wiring Rules for Category A enclosures. Alternatively,
heavy duty continuous HDPE orange conduit may be used with the approval of Power
and Water.
In certain circumstances Power and Water may consider the use of other ducting
systems where it is satisfied that a combination of depth, location and/or mechanical
protection provides enclosure equivalent to Category A.
A ducted cable run shall be designed to ensure that permitted cable tension is not
exceeded during construction. This may require the installation of additional sand pits
to permit the use of "caterpillar" type cable pulling equipment.
Ducts entering concrete pits shall be cut flush with the pit wall and carefully rounded
internally to prevent edges damaging the cable. Bell mouths must be used at the
start of any pull to prevent damage to the cable sheath. Entering and exit holes in a
pit must be exactly lined up (10mm max).
Duct runs shall be as straight as practicable to minimise pulling tensions. Joints may
be glued; however, there shall be no visible glue on the surface of the joint, as the
softening of PVC by glue facilitates termite entry. Conduits shall be laid so that the
belled end is at the leading end of each length in relation to the direction of pull.
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Pits shall be installed at each change in direction of a high voltage cable run, unless
otherwise approved by Power and Water. Ducts shall be positioned to maximise the
bending radius as the cable/s enter and exit the pit. Under no circumstances shall the
manufacturer's recommended minimum bending radius be exceeded (i.e., the cable
shall not be bent to a radius smaller than recommended).
Where there is a change of height at, for example, road crossings, the change shall
be gradual to minimise pulling tensions. Where a conduit diversion is required for any
reason, a radius bend of at least 2.3m radius shall be employed.
Where spare ducts are installed, they shall be capped to prevent ingress of foreign
material. Spare ducts that start and/or finish away from a pit, pillar or substation
shall have locating devices installed at each end. These shall be the 3M radio marker
type specified from time to time by Power and Water. (Power and Water may
consider GPS bearings provided that these are accurate to 10cm). A synthetic draw
wire shall be installed in all spare ducts; there shall be at least 2 m spare coiled just
inside the cap.
Where spare conduits are installed across a road, the curb shall be marked with the
letter E in accordance with Drawing S2-2-6-1. Note the requirement to run such a
conduit at least 450mm past the curb and any other service or obstruction. Generally
such conduits shall be run to within 1 metre of the street cable alignment.
Duct diameter is generally 150 mm for high voltage and 100 mm for low voltage
7 Boring
Where required, thrust or directional boring may be used to avoid surface excavation.
In such cases, it is essential to adequately locate all existing cables and services, and obtain
relevant permits, prior to commencement of work.
When using directional boring methods, it is usually necessary to utilise continuous conduit for
pulling back into the hole. Orange HDPE is acceptable for this purpose.
When using 125 mm HDPE ducting, adequate means shall be provided for connections into 150
mm PVC duct.
With thrust boring, the casing shall be adequate in size to permit the appropriate duct (150 or
100 mm, or multiples) to be installed.
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10 Cable Installation
The pulling arrangement used shall subject the cable to minimum stresses. Pulling
tensions shall be minimised by considering the location of bends and the relative
heights at each end of a pull.
Adequate lubrication shall be employed in duct systems to minimise tension.
Lubricant shall be non-corrosive, and contain no solvents likely to affect PVC. A
record shall be maintained of lubricant usage.
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Pulling Tension
In lieu of permissible tension data provided by the cable manufacturer, the following
maximum tensions shall be used:
Single core unarmoured XLPE
400 mm2 HV
7.0 kN
240 mm2 HV
5.3 kN
95 mm HV
3.0 kN
35 mm2 HV
1.8 kN
185 mm LV
3.2 kN
240 mm2 LV
3.7 kN
Cables fitted with pulling eyes may be pulled with tensions up to 50 N per square mm
of conductor area for aluminium and 70 N per square mm for copper; however, the
maximum pulling tension in any pull through 150mm PVC conduit shall not exceed
22kN without prior approval and supervision by Power and Water staff.
For runs exceeding 200 m, or involving more than one radius bend, a dynamometer
shall be used to measure pulling tension. This shall be constantly monitored during
each pull, and the maximum tension recorded. Power and Water may require the
NP001.2 General Requirements for Underground Reticulation
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contractor to provide records (see Appendix K) of pulling tensions for each pull during
a project.
Swivels should be used to prevent build-up of torsion during a pull.
Rollers should be placed at intervals not exceeding 3m in trenches. Corner rollers
shall be set up at changes in direction to prevent abrasion between the side of the
trench and the cable. Rollers should be set up at the trench entry to prevent cable
contact with ground.
Appendix A of C(b)2 provides a method for calculating pulling tensions.
When pulling single core cables, additional care is required to prevent twisting of the
cores, which can add to stress at bends. The cores must be fed smoothly into the run
from multiple drums so placed and handled that the cores do not cross prior to entry.
The tension in each core shall be maintained as close as practicable to each other.
Bending Radii
The manufacturer's recommended minimum bending radii shall not be exceeded (i.e.,
not bent further than the minimum). In any event, on long runs with high pulling
tensions, considerably larger bending radii (typically twice minimum) should be used
to minimise the risk of cable flattening.
Pulling Methods
Pulling shall be carried out in a workmanlike manner so as to minimise risk of cable
The methods discussed in Sections 6.8 to 6.10 in C(b)2, including Figure 10, are
recommended. If methods other than those depicted are proposed, prior approval of
Power and Water must be obtained.
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A6(e) above.
The contractor shall provide a report, attached to the "As Constructed" drawing,
listing the following details in relation to each high voltage cable:
voltage rating
drum number
year of purchase
Cable Loops
Provision shall be made at every cable pole for a loop of cable at the pole foot. This
is to enable cable termination replacement. The preferred method is to increase
depth by an additional 0.5m for the metre or so immediately before the pole. The
last 2 metres of trench shall be completely backfilled with sand. The cable shall have
a metallic tag fitted 2.5m above ground with the loop details stamped on it.
After installing cables, ducts and earthing, the pit/s are to be filled with sand to within
50 mm of the slab surface level. The sand is to be compacted by mechanical means
in layers not exceeding 150 mm.
After compaction, an approved moisture barrier such as 0.50 mm black nylon sheeting
is to be carefully placed on the sand so as to completely cover the entire surface. The
barrier is then to be covered with approximately 50 mm of 8:1 sand/cement mixture
and finished to the surface level. Care shall be taken to ensure that this layer
provides a complete and continuous barrier to termites.
An alternative to sand/cement is the material "Granite Guard" marketed by the
CSIRO. This material is preferred in low voltage pits.
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Where it is intended to run future services from a substation, ducts shall be installed
initially running outside the foundation area. These shall be capped. The number
and orientation shall be as directed by Power and Water.
Attention is drawn to the need to de-rate low and high voltage fuses in certain
circumstances. Generally, low voltage fuses in Striple S/F units operate at ambient
temperatures up to 650C, and must be derated by about 25%.
High voltage fuses in air-insulated switchgear such as Magnefix MD4 units are also
derated because of the thermal insulation properties of the fuse chambers. Refer to
Standards Bulletin S1-020 for details.
12 Jointing of Cables
Jointing Pits
Jointing pits should be large enough to allow jointers to work freely, without undue
restrictions to movement. Earth-sided pits shall have a concrete base at least 75mm
thick. The sides should be covered with tarpaulins or similar to prevent soil from
being dislodged while working in the pit.
Pits must be kept dry; if necessary a weatherproof canopy should be used. Pits shall
be backfilled with clean sand after work is complete.
The exact location of each jointing pit shall be included in the "As Constructed"
drawing and marked with a cable marker plate or post. In addition, except for pits
with Gatic covers, they shall be marked with a 3M radio marker buried near the
surface above the joint; alternatively, with Power and Water approval, GPS
coordinates to 10cm accuracy can be provided.
When pulling in cables, an overlap of 1 metre is required at each pit for jointing.
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XLPE Insulation
At every joint in XLPE cable, each core shall be inspected for moisture. Immediately
after removal of the cap and outer sheaths, the core insulation should be completely
If moisture is observed, the joint is not to proceed, and measures are to be taken to
remove the contaminated section of cable.
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13 Testing
High voltage cables and switchgear shall be electrically tested before commissioning. All
readings shall be recorded on approved test sheets and provided to Power and Water. Testing
shall be carried out as follows:
Paper/Lead Cables
Generally the same as for XLPE cables, except that phase-phase tests are also carried
out on 11kV belted cables at 20 kV for 15 minutes, in lieu of soaking.
14 Ferroresonance
This is a phenomenon associated with the single phase switching of high voltage networks.
While it occurs with overhead networks, it is most pronounced with underground networks
because of the large capacitance associated with the use of screened cables.
Any circuit containing capacitance (cables) and inductance (transformers) can resonate.
Ferroresonance occurs when the right combination of capacitance and inductance causes an
initial resonant over-voltage. The over-voltage causes saturation of the iron core of the
transformer, causing a change in the inductance. The change of inductance causes a change of
state of the resonance, increasing the voltage, which in turn further changes the saturation of
the core, etc. Over-voltages of 20+ kV to ground have been recorded on 11 kV cable systems,
leading to flashover in switchgear, or cable puncture.
Refer to drawings S2-4-2-9 and 10 for data on the critical lengths of cable associated with
different transformer sizes.
NP001.2 General Requirements for Underground Reticulation
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17 Fault Indicators
These are to be fitted to all incoming and outgoing circuits in each substation and/or RMU.
Care must be taken in their selection and installation to ensure that they operate correctly. If
the installing contractor is not familiar with their installation, advice from Power and Water
should be sought.
19 Construction Program
The contractor is required to submit an Electrical Installation Program as per Network Policy
NP001.1 before commencement of construction. It shall be submitted to the Manager
Distribution Development in Darwin (PO Box 37471 Winnellie 0821, Fax 89245121). For centres
other than Darwin the Manager Distribution Development will determine the auditing process
and notify Regional staff accordingly.
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