Chapter 4 Research Methodology
Chapter 4 Research Methodology
Chapter 4 Research Methodology
Chapter 4
Research Methodology
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the sampling procedures and the research methodologies used are discussed. The first section
(4.2) describes the data collection instrument, which was a questionnaire. The advantages and disadvantages
of the questionnaire are discussed, followed by a justification for selecting this particular approach from
among possible alternatives. Secondly, an explanation is given of the procedures for designing, translating,
validating, and piloting the research questionnaire in sections 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5. The last two sections, 4.6 and
4.7, are devoted to a discussion of sampling issues and statistical analysis techniques.
were added, and others that were not clear or led to misunderstanding were modified.
Second, the questionnaire was translated into the Arabic language because, given the students current level
of English, they would lack the skills required to answers a questionnaire accurately (see Appendices B1-B5,
Arabic version of the questionnaire). The original form of the questionnaire was translated into the Arabic
language by the researcher. Then, the Arabic version and the English version were reviewed by an interpreter
to compare between them in order to assess the translation. Another reason for translating the questionnaire
is that there were theoretical and methodological measures taken into account to ensure the validity and
reliability of what is called people data or cultural differences (Dant and Barnes 1988). The effect of
cultural differences is caused by the fact that concepts are developed in a culture different from the culture
in which people will provide data. Hence, after the translation of the questionnaire, the Arabic version was
reviewed by two English teachers at Al-Abnaa secondary school, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The questionnaire was developed to provide four types of data:
1- Biographical data (age, place of birth), and the time spent living in Riyadh for those born anywhere else;
also, information about the students actual use of the language outside the classroom. These questions
were intended to give a brief profile of the students, to ensure accurate grouping of the questionnaires,
and to see if students perceptions are affected by variables such as the actual use of language, or living in
2- There were eight questions in Part Two. These questions focused on what the students perceived as
their reasons for studying English. Questions 5 to 11 of the questionnaire asked about their needs of
English now and in the future. Each item stated a possible reason for needing English. Students were
asked to indicate the salience of each reason for them by ticking one of three choices: very important,
fairly important, not at all important. If the respondent ticked very important in response to any question,
he was asked to specify which skills are most needed to achieve success for that reason. Instructions on
the questionnaire stated that a maximum of two skills could be chosen (see Apendices A2-A3, Part two
of the questionnaire). Question 12 was an open question to give the respondents opportunity to express
their own reasons if different from the seven mentioned in items 5-11; also the respondents were asked
to specify the most needed skills to achieve success for that reason. The instructions were similar to the
previous one. The rationale for questions 5 to 12 was to find out how many of the respondents were able
to express a fairly immediate need for English use, immediate perception of the future needs, and what
these needs might be.
3- There were five questions in Part Three. These questions focused on the students perception of their
textbooks (EFSA). Question 13 of the questionnaire asked about respondents overall perceptions of
the textbooks. Students were asked to tick one of four choices to indicate how helpful the textbooks
are in improving their English. Question 14 asked about the helpfulness of the textbooks in developing
the students abilities in each area of the language covered in them. Students were asked to tick one
out of four choices. Question 15 and Question 16 of the questionnaire asked about how closely the
situations presented in the textbooks (EFSA) correspond to the language which the students meet outside
the classroom, and which units of the textbooks best achieve that. In Question 15, students were asked to
choose the two units that they think best provide them with the language they need outside the classroom.
In Question 16, students were asked about the other units and how closely they meet the students needs.
Question 17 asked the students to rank in order of the actual amount of time spent on each skill (with 1
for the most time and 6 for the least time) the activities in the following list: Grammar, Listening,
Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary, Writing. These language elements are referred in the questionnaire as well
as in the whole study as English skills.
The rationale for Questions 13 to 17 was to find out how well the textbooks meet the students needs. The
questions asked the students about how well they perceived the textbooks overall and detailed questions
about the situations presented and the skills covered in them (see appendices A4-A5, Part three of the
1- There were two questions in Part Four. These questions asked about whether the textbooks need to be
changed or not, in the students opinion and, if so, how the students think the textbooks (EFSA) might
be changed to meet their needs better. In Question 18, students were asked to tick Yes or No for the
question: Do you think that EFSA would benefit from being changed?. If the respondent ticked YES to
the question, he was asked to answer the supplementary questions about which skills should be focused
on in the change, and which situational theme should be added to make the textbooks more realistic and
useful. In Question 19, students were asked to give any other suggestions they thought should be taken
into consideration in the change (see appendix A5, Part four of the questionnaire). The rationale for Part
Four of the questionnaire was to find out whether the students would be able to express their need and to
participate effectively in the textbook development process.
analysis such as content validity, construct validity, and criterion validity. In this study content validity of the
construct (composing, wording) measurements (i.e.: of questionnaire items) was of concern from early stage
of questionnaire development. As suggested by Bagozzi (1996) three approaches can be used to obtain content
validity. Firstly, it can be approached by carefully defining what is to be measured. Secondly, a thorough
literature review can be conducted to identify possible items for inclusion in the scale. Thirdly, experts can
be asked their opinions on whether an item should be included. Based on these suggestions, these stages
were followed when the questionnaire was developed. Firstly, a review of the relevant literature, as well as
a set of exploratory interviews with students and teachers, was conducted in Saudi Arabia, October 1998
(Alshumaimeri 1998). This resulted in the development of an initial list of items representing each of the
studys constructs. Secondly, this list of items was modified based on recommendations from two academics in
Leeds University. Thirdly, the amended list of items was then piloted to ensure that the items were adequately
worded. In the next section the result of the pilot study will be presented.
Sampling is an important component of most educational research projects. The significance of sampling
comes from the fact that the precision of conducting the sampling procedures will determine the extent to
which the research findings are generalisable. Sampling refers to the selection of a subset of elements from a
large group of objects, for the purpose of being able to draw general conclusion about the entire population.
The discussion of sampling issues will cover two main issues: the population of the study, and sample size.
To the best of the researchers knowledge there is no single systematic research on needs assessments for English
for the students of all general education stages in Saudi Arabia. At the same time this was an encouraging
motivation to the researcher to investigate the applicability of western literature, discussed in this research, in
a developing country such as Saudi Arabia. Another reason for choosing Saudi Arabia is that the researcher is
a Saudi; therefore, he would be more familiar with issues relating to the context of the study.
The sample of this study is students of the first year secondary at AlAbnaa secondary school in Riyadh. They
are 125 students and all of them were included in the sample. AlAbnaa Secondary school is a subsidiary
school, supervised by the Department of Education and Culture at MOD. The school follows completely the
national curriculum, and it is classed as a state school, but it has its own inspectorate section that follows
directions from the General Inspectorate Department at the Ministry of Education. The students of the school
are the sons of the Ministry staff who live in the Ministry campus nearby. The students descent or ancestry
varies as they represent all parts of the country.
One reason for choosing this school is that the students, as mentioned above, are believed to fairly represent
all Saudi citizens. Another reason for the limitation of the study to AlAbnaa school was to facilitate data
collection, and thereby increase the response rate. The data collection necessitated making telephone calls
to organise the collections. Also, the questionnaires were collected by hand. Therefore, it is not feasible to
include many schools in the sample.
The survey was conducted between April and June 1999. English teachers of Al Abnaa school participated in
the data collection by distributing the questionnaire personally to the students in the regular English lesson.
Most students were enthusiastic to participate in this study. Therefore, a satisfactory number of questionnaires
were found to be complete and usable.
4.8 Conclusion
This chapter focused on the research design and methodology used to accomplish the study objectives. Firstly,
the structure of the research methods employed in this study was discussed, and the considerations that were
taken into account in adopting the research methodology were presented. Secondly, detailed descriptions of
the population of the study, data collection instrument, and the main survey procedures were given. Finally, the
chapter ended by presenting the statistical analysis techniques used in this study. An analysis and interpretation
of the empirical data collected through these methods will be presented in the next chapter.