The Global Marketing Environment

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The key takeaways from the document are that the marketing environment consists of factors external to an organization that can affect its marketing activities, including social, economic, political/legal, technological, competitive, and institutional factors. Understanding how these environmental factors are changing is important for marketers to identify opportunities and threats.

Trends in the marketing environment that represent opportunities for the WNBA include growing interest in women's sports and the potential to appeal to the large population of women interested in basketball. Sponsorship from companies also allows the WNBA to gain marketing support and exposure.

Aspects of the marketing environment in Russia that made it difficult to open Gold's Gym included a limited middle class with money to spend, limited availability of capital in Russia, and heavy import taxes and customs processes for bringing in fitness equipment.

The Global Marketing


After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

Understand the nature of the marketing environment

and why it is important to marketers.

Describe the

major components of the social environment and how

trends in the social environment affect marketing.

Understand how the economic environment affects


See how the political/legal environment

offers opportunities and threats to marketers.

Appreciate the importance of the technological

environment to marketers.

in the competitive environment.

Understand differences

Know how

changes in the institutional environment affect marketers.

The Chrysler Corporation provides an informative

Web site. Different sections offer information about
the companys products, safety efforts, and use of
new technologies; an annual report along with
media and investor relations information is also
available; and the location of Chrysler distributors
around the world is presented.
Chrysler has always been the smallest of the Big
Three automakers in the US. However, it has
made many changes in recent years to improve
sales, market share, and profit performance. Being
smaller may have advantages, as Chrysler can often
respond to changes in the marketing environment
faster than larger competitors.
Chryslers market share in the huge US car and
truck market has increased by about 2.5 percent in
recent years. The increase in overall sales and sales
relative to competitors is largely due to Chryslers
ability to develop new car and truck models more
quickly than competitors can. In a constantly
changing marketing environment, the ability to
introduce new models to meet emerging consumer
needs is an important competitive advantage.
Chrysler has done this by introducing one

Source: Jeffrey H. Dyer,

How Chrysler Created an
American Keiretsu,
Harvard Business Review,
JulyAugust 1996,
pp. 42 56 and Bill Vlasic,
Trucks? Sure. But Can
Chrysler Build a Hot
Car? Business Week,
January 20,1997, p. 27.

consumer hit after another: the Neon, Dodge Ram

truck, Cirrus/Stratus, and line of minivans are
The truck and minivan success has been
maintained, but sales of Cirrus/Stratus and Neon
have been mixed after promising introductions.
One reason is that the overall sedan market has
been shrinking and competition is fierce. The sedan
market is expected to decrease by 3% in 1997 and
competition to increase from the Ford Taurus,
Toyota Camry, and Honda Accord. Chrysler is
trying to improve its market position in this tough
market by introducing new models. For example,
the Intrepid and Concorde have been completely
redesigned and will have aluminum engines that
are 25% more powerful, but 10% more fuel
Chrysler has also increased profits by lowering
costs throughout the product development process.
This has been achieved by developing long-term,
mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers.
Chrysler and these suppliers work closely together
in the design and production of new models. This
has reduced the development time for a new model
from 234 weeks to 160 weeks and cut costs by
20 40 percent. Chryslers profit per vehicle has
soared from $250 to $2,110, the highest in the
industry. Although these results are impressive,
Chrysler is constantly assessing the turbulent
environment and continually trying to improve all
aspects of its business.

The Global Marketing Environment

The Chrysler example illustrates how changes in the marketing environment

profoundly affect a firms marketing operations. Legislative requirements, new
technological developments, economic conditions, increased competition, the population changes worldwide, and political events around the world are some of the
factors affecting Chryslers current and future marketing efforts. The long-term
performance of Chrysler or any organization depends, in large part, on its ability to
identify and respond effectively to the key changes in its marketing environment.
The marketing environment consists of all factors external to an organization
that can affect the organizations marketing activities. These factors are largely
uncontrollable, although marketers can influence some of them. For example,
Chrysler cannot control population trends, economic conditions, or laws once
passed, but it can have some influence on political processes, technological
developments, and competitive situations.
All marketers face the difficult task of identifying the important elements of the
marketing environment for their organization, assessing current and likely future
relationships between these factors, and developing effective strategies for a
changing environment. This task has become increasingly difficult in recent years
as many elements of the marketing environment change rapidly and unpredictably.
The objective of this chapter is to help you understand the important elements and
relationships in the marketing environment.

The Marketing Environment

In the contempo-

rary marketing framework diagrammed in Chapter One

(Exhibit 1.9), the marketing environment appears in the outer circle.
We now expand that framework by describing the major elements of the
marketing environment. Exhibit 3.1 presents the addition of the social, economic,
political/legal, technological, competitive, and institutional environments to the
original diagram.
The best way to understand the marketing environment is to place yourself in
the middle of the marketing circle. You are now a marketer for some organization
and must make decisions about the marketing exchanges, strategies, activities,
positions, and institutions employed by your organization. However, the decisions
you can control depend on factors and trends in the marketing environment that
you cannot control. Thus, your task as a marketer is largely to identify opportunities or threats in the marketing environment and then make marketing decisions
that capitalize on the opportunities and minimize the threats.

Creation of Market Opportunities and Threats

The marketing environment creates opportunities or threats in two basic ways.
First, changes in the marketing environment can directly affect specific markets. A
market is a group of people or organizations with common needs to satisfy or
problems to solve, with the money to spend to satisfy needs or solve problems, and
with the authority to make expenditure decisions. Specific markets can be defined
at many different levels. For example, Chryslers overall car market includes the
new car, the sports car, the luxury car, and the minivan markets. Customers in
each of these markets desire a specific type of car and have the money to spend to
satisfy that need and the authority to make the purchase decision.
Changes in the marketing environment can make markets larger or smaller or
sometimes create new markets. Market opportunities typically arise when markets
increase in size or new markets are created. For example, population growth,
increases in income, and lower interest rates should present market opportunities
for Chrysler by expanding the pool of people who need some type of car and have
the money to purchase one. Social changes, such as more women in the workforce

The Global Marketing Environment

Expanding the contemporary marketing framework

Exhibit 3.1

Marketing environment



En omp
vir e
on tit


l t
cia en
So ronm

iv nt




ti c
o li e n t
a l/ P
Leg ironm



En Tech
v ir n i c a
me l

Customer Value


I n s tit u ti o n a l

E n v i ro n m e n t

and as heads of households, can affect who makes the car buying decision, thus
creating market opportunities. These and other trends also might produce new
market opportunities because of developing needs for different types of cars.
Conversely, slow population growth, reduced incomes, and higher interest rates
would present threats to Chrysler in some car markets, because there would be
fewer people with the financial ability to purchase cars.
The second way the marketing environment produces opportunities or threats is
through direct influences on specific marketing activities. Legislation requiring
automakers to improve gas mileage is an example. The law can be viewed as a
threat, at least in the short run, because it limits the number of current models
carmakers can sell and forces them to design new models with better gas mileage. This adds to the cost of making a car, which can either reduce sales, if car
prices are raised to cover the additional costs, or reduce profits, if prices are not
raised. The legislation, however, might also be viewed as an opportunity to create
new markets for cars with extremely good gas mileage or those that use alternative fuels, such as the electric car. Changes in the technological environment
similarly provide opportunities to produce these high-mileage or alternative-fuel
The critical point of this discussion is that marketers need to understand the
marketing environment to be able to make good decisions. Changes in the
marketing environment may create opportunities or threats either by affecting
markets or directly influencing marketing activities. Often, short-term threats
might offer opportunities in the long run for astute marketers.

The Global Marketing Environment

Exhibit 3.2

Identify relevant
factors & trends

The environmental scanning approach

Does trend create

a marketing

Decide how to
take advantage
of opportunity

Does trend
pose a marketing

Decide how to
minimize threat

Assess impact
of trends on
markets &

Identifying Market Opportunities and Threats

Many firms use environmental scanning to identify important trends and determine if they represent present or future market opportunities or threats. As
illustrated in Exhibit 3.2, this procedure consists of identifying relevant factors and
assessing their potential impact on the organizations markets and marketing
activities. This is simpler to say than do, because many of the potentially
important environmental factors are interrelated and many of them change
Skandia, the $7 billion Swedish financial services giant, used an interesting
approach to identify future growth opportunities. The company established a new
unit, Skandia Future Center, and selected 30 diverse people from around the world
to form five Future Teams. Each Future Team consisted of a mix of three
generations (20 -somethings to 60 -somethings), functional roles, organizational
experiences, and cultural backgrounds. The mission of each Future Team was to
explore one of five major environmental forces (the European insurance market,
demographics, technology, the world economy, and organizations and leadership)
and develop a vision of the future for Skandia. The Future Teams presented their
ideas to a group of 150 executives. The executives then formed 20 small groups to
brainstorm responses to the ideas developed by the Future Teams. The process
produced several innovative ways for Skandia to grow in the future.1
One way to deal with a volatile marketing environment is to use the seven key
marketing perspectives discussed in Chapter Two. As shown in Exhibit 3.1, these
perspectives are at the interface between the controllable marketing circle and the
uncontrollable marketing environment. They thereby provide important orientations for viewing the marketing environment, assessing market opportunities and
threats, and determining the best marketing responses to the changing environment. The perspectives work both ways: they guide both a marketers outward
evaluation of the environment and inward response to the environment through
marketing decisions.

Social Environment

The social environment in-

cludes all factors and trends related to groups of people,

including their number, characteristics, behavior, and growth projections. Since consumer markets have specific needs and problems, changes in the

The Global Marketing Environment

Speaking from Experience

Based in Hong Kong, Samuel Chi-Hung
Lees company has established extensive
business networks in southeast Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Burma, Vietnam, and southern China.
Samuel has been a senior sales and market-

Samuel Chi-Hung Lee

International Marketing Consultants Company Limited

ing management executive for several North

American corporations with operations in
Hong Kong and has an MBA. He describes
some of the business opportunities made
possible by the rapidly changing marketing
environment in China and Hong Kong.

Tremendous changes have taken place in Hong Kong since China implemented
its open-door policy to the outside world. Hong Kong has changed from a
manufacturing center to an international financial and professional services
center. Because land and labor costs are high, many businesses in Hong Kong
are knowledge-based and driven by information technology. My company utilizes
knowledge and information to help other companies pursue opportunities in
different Asian countries. For example, we are working with a joint venture to
build a chemical plant in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

social environment can affect markets differently.

Trends in the social environment might increase the
size of some markets, decrease the size of others, or
even help to create new markets. We discuss two
important components of the social environment: the
demographic environment and the cultural environment.

Demographic Environment
The demographic environment refers to the size, distribution, and growth rate of groups of people with
different characteristics. The demographic characteristics of interest to marketers relate in some way to
purchasing behavior, because people from different
countries, cultures, age groups, or household arrangement often exhibit different purchasing behaviors. A
global perspective requires that marketers be familiar
with important demographic trends around the world
as well as within the United States.
Population size and growth rates provide one indication of potential market opportunities. The world
population is now more than 5.3 billion, and almost
100 million people will be added each year during the
1990s. Thus, the world population is expected to
grow by 1 billion during the decade of the 1990s.
Approximately 95 percent of that growth will take
place in developing countries in Asia, Africa, and
The markets for many products and services are global. This
Latin America.2 Population in the developed countries
ad for the IBM Thinkpad in Poland uses an appeal that can be
will grow at a much slower rate. For example, the US
used in any part of the world: Your office can be wherever
population grew by approximately 1 percent per year
you want it to be.
during the 1980s, a low rate expected to persist
throughout the 1990s.
There is a tremendous disparity in population size and growth rates across
countries, as shown in Exhibit 3.3. China currently has the largest population,
followed by India, with the US a distant third. The rapid growth of the Indian
population is expected to make it the worlds most populous nation by the year
2100. Other countries with large and growing populations are the developing
nations of Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria.

The Global Marketing Environment

Exhibit 3.3

The most populous countries






United States




Population in thousands Year 2025 (estimated)

The world population situation can be summarized as follows. About every two
seconds, nine babies are born and three people die, for a net increase of three
people each second. This leads to a growth rate of 10,600 people per hour,
254,000 per day, 1.8 million per week, 7.7 million per month, and 93 million per
year. Of this annual increase, developing countries will have 87 million new
people, and developed countries, 6 million. Annual growth will increase to 94
million by the year 2000; by 2020 it will be 98 million, with 98 percent occurring
in developing countries.3
These world population statistics make it clear that marketers cannot rely on
population growth in developed countries alone for general increases in market
size. The largest growth markets, measured by population size, are in the
developing countries. Yet, lower income levels in developing countries may limit
the actual market size for many products. Thus, marketers will have to look hard
to find attractive growth markets in developed and developing countries.
world and country population statistics are important, but most marketers target
subgroups within these large populations. Trends in population subgroups are
therefore typically the most useful to marketers.
An important trend in many countries is growth of the urban population.
Current and projected populations for the worlds largest cities are presented in
Exhibit 3.4. In general, the largest cities and the highest city growth rates are in
developing countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and India; however, growth in urban
population is evident in many developed countries. For example, in 1900 the US
population was 39.6 percent urban and 60.4 percent rural; in 1990 the figures
were 75.2 percent urban and 24.8 percent rural.4 This means the largest and
fastest-growing markets for many products are located in the urban areas of most
However, there has also been some growth in the rural population in the US
since 1990. US rural areas have seen a 5.1 percent population increase in the past
five years, the fastest rural growth rate in more than two decades. Much of this
growth is from retirees, those seeking specific types of recreation, and those

The Global Marketing Environment

Exhibit 3.4

The worlds largest cities

(in thousands)

2000 (est.)
(in thousands)

1. TokyoYokohama, Japan
2. Mexico City, Mexico



3. Sao Paulo, Brazil

4. Seoul, South Korea
5. New York, USA



6. OsakaKobeKyoto, Japan
7. Bombay, India
8. Calcutta, India






9. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

10. Buenos Aires, Argentina

The increasing population of rural America
offers marketing opportunities to many
companies. Assume
that you have been
hired by a wealthy entrepreneur to identify a
new business that
could be developed to
take advantage of this
increasing rural population.
Describe the business that you
would recommend.
Discuss why you
think this business
would be successful in rural America.
What basic marketing strategy would
you suggest for this

wanting a more peaceful life. Some families are moving to rural areas; but in many
of these households, at least one parent commutes to work in a big city or
telecommutes. Retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Kmart are responding to this
growth by opening stores in these rural areas.5
Another interesting trend is the aging of the population in many countries.
Current and projected median ages for selected countries are presented in Exhibit
3.5. The aging of the population is especially evident in Italy, Japan, Britain, and
the US. Notice, however, the relatively young populations in the developing
countries, such as Nigeria, Mexico, Brazil, and China.
Age distribution trends in the US are presented in more detail in Exhibit 3.6.
The largest percentage of growth is occurring in the 45 64 and 65+ age brackets,
with slight to moderate decreases in all younger age categories. These trends have
important implications for marketers; older consumers have different needs and
purchasing habits than younger consumers. Marketers are responding to different
age markets in a number of ways. For instance,
Financial institutions have increased marketing efforts to attract mature Americans. Mutual fund giants, T. Rowe Price and Vanguard, offer software
programs to help older consumers plan for retirement. Merrill Lynch hired a
gerontologist to understand mature consumers better and to develop products
to suit their goals.6
ESPN developed the Alternative Sports Olympics to appeal to consumers aged
18 to 29. Also called The Extreme Games, the program featured sports that
would attract the so-called Generation X (bungee jumping, street luging, sky
surfing, and barefoot water ski jumping) and was sponsored by companies
trying to target those young consumers (Taco Bell, Mountain Dew, Nike, AT&T,
and Pontiac). More than 130,00 spectators saw the games live and 11.1 million
watched on television. ESPN has made this an annual sports competition.7
Sega of America spends a great amount of time trying to understand teens. The
companys advertising agency visits the homes of 150 teens and goes shopping
with them at the malls. This information helps Sega introduce new video games

Yet another relevant demographic trend is the declining number of household

units consisting of the typical family: married couples with children living at
home. Only 26 percent of US households fall in this category, down from 31
percent in 1980. People living with nonrelatives is the fastest-growing household
type, up 46 percent during the 1980s.9 In addition, 23 million Americans live by
themselves. This is an increase of 91 percent for women and 156 percent for men
during the 1980s.10 The needs and purchasing behaviors of different household
arrangements represent important trends affecting marketers.

The Global Marketing Environment

Median age in selected countries

Exhibit 3.5

Whose population
is aging fastest?


























rt a











Age distribution of US population

Exhibit 3.6

Percent of population






2000 (est.)

2020 (est.)




The Global Marketing Environment

Populations in developed countries are aging, while those in developing countries are much younger. These different demographic
trends represent challenging marketing opportunities for many firms.

Cultural Environment
The cultural environment refers to factors and trends related to how people live
and behave. Cultural factors, including the values, ideas, attitudes, beliefs, and
activities of specific population subgroups, greatly affect consumers purchasing
behavior. Thus, marketers must understand important cultural characteristics and
trends in different markets.
CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultural differences are important in both international and domestic markets. A cultural groups characteristics affect the types of
products it desires and how it purchases and uses those products. Different
cultural groups in international markets
often require marketers to develop strategies specifically for them.
Campbells Soup has had some successes
and some failures in doing this. The successes include hearty vegetable and fat-free
soups in Australia, duck-gizzard soup in
Hong Kong, and the Godiva Chocolatier
line in Japan. But the company has had
some failures due to lack of understanding
cultural differences in some markets. German consumers did not like Campbells
canned condensed soup. They prefer dry
soups in envelopes. Polish consumers did
not like Campbells prepared soups, since
they would rather cook soup at home.11
Much of the population growth in the
The portrait used as the Betty Crocker brand symbol has changed several
US is and will be accounted for by different
times over the past 75 years in order to more accurately reflect the
cultural groups. The majority US populachanging American woman.

The Global Marketing Environment

tion is expected to grow by about 3 percent between 1990 and 2000. Compare this
to the 14 to 52 percent growth rates of different ethnic groups. A large portion of
this population growth is accounted for by African-Americans, Asian-Americans,
and Hispanic-Americans.12 However, significant growth is also expected from
other cultural groups: Arabs, Russians, Eastern Europeans, and Caribbeans.13
These different cultural groups retain many of their habits, attitudes, interests,
and behaviors even though they are proud to be Americans. The US is not a
melting pot; its a mosaic of unique people with a variety of cultures. Successful
marketers understand the delicate balance between important cultural differences
and similarities that unite different cultures.14 For example, the Arab-American
sector consists of a diverse group of people from 22 different countries, with the
largest subgroups being Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians, and Iraqis.
Although these subgroups differ in various ways, there is also a cohesiveness
among them due to their common Arab heritage.15
This cultural complexity provides marketers with a continual challenge. Take
the cosmetics industry as an example. Maybelline introduced its Shades of You
cosmetics line to appeal women of color in 1991 and captured 41 percent of the
$55 million ethnic cosmetics market by 1992. In 1993, Revlon and Cover Girl
entered the ethnic market. These companies found out, however, that a large
portion of their sales were to white women, even though marketing efforts were
targeted to specific cultural groups. The companies now offer a wide variety of
cosmetic shades, but present them together in stores and advertise in generalmarket womens magazines.16
Contrast that with the situation of Susan Yee. She and her five sisters were
constantly frustrated by the lack of cosmetic products that would highlight the
yellow undertones of their complexions. Susan decided to remedy the situation by
establishing Zhen, a line of cosmetics targeted to Asian women. Zhen, pronounced
jen, means genuine in Chinese. Zhen products are sold through a 12 -page
catalog and at some Nordstrom branches. Her typical customer is a working
Asian-American woman between the ages of 20 and 40.17
These examples in the cosmetics industry illustrate the importance of understanding the diversity among and within different cultural markets. There are typically
opportunities to market products across some cultural groups and to also target
specific cultural groups. Sometimes, products from one culture can appeal to
consumers in another culture. Princess Asie Acansey of Ghana capitalized on such
an opportunity when she formed Advanced Business Connections (ABC). She was
disturbed about the imagery of Africa as typically presented in the US and decided to
do something about it. ABC infuses African culture into the American teddy bear. The
teddy bears represent African royalty and follow African royal customs. The first
teddy bear was the kings protocol officer, Kwesi-Bear, then King Tutu Bear, followed
by Queen Abena. Most of ABCs marketing has been on the QVC home shopping
network. The products have been well received beyond the African-American market in the US, illustrating the potential from mixing different cultures.18
CHANGING ROLES As more women enter the workforce and household
compositions change, typical household roles are altered. No longer are financially
supporting the household and developing a career solely the responsibility of men.
No longer are household chores, child care, or grocery shopping solely the
responsibility of women. In many households, roles have shifted and distinctions
have become blurred. More men spend time on household and shopping chores,
and many women are involved in career development and provide much or most
of the financial resources for a household. Tremendous market opportunities exist
for firms that can develop effective strategies for appealing to these changing roles.
Take golf as an example. Women now account for 21 percent of the 25 million
golfers in the US. And this percentage is growing. Some of this growth is due to
more women playing golf as part of their business or professional life. Others play
the sport entirely for pleasure. In any case, women spend about $3 billion annually
on golf equipment, clothing, travel, green fees, and other related products. One

The Global Marketing Environment

study found that women are more likely to take golf

lessons, are less price sensitive, and are more concerned about wearing fashionable clothing than men
golfers. This growing, upscale market of female golfers is attractive to marketers of golf products as well
as other products.19
cultural trend is an increased emphasis on health and
fitness. The pursuit of a healthier lifestyle includes
eating more nutritious foods, exercising regularly, participating in various sports activities, and focusing on
wellness. This translates into potential market opportunities for firms that provide products and services
The typical roles for men and women are changing in many
geared toward improving health and fitness.
cultures around the world. Architect Helen Chen supervises
The organic food and beverage industry is illustrathe rebuilding of the Raffles Hotel in Singapore.
tive. Sales have increased by more than 20 percent for
each of the past four years and are in excess of $3 billion annually. The number of
new organic food and beverage products has increased from 512 in 1991 to 1,015
in 1995. These products include everything from chicken potpies to pinot noir
wine. Every indication is that this growth will continue in the future.20
The emphasis on health and fitness has contributed to the longer life expectancies in the US and other countries. Longer life spans increase the importance of
customer loyalty as discussed in Earning Customer Loyalty: Longer Lifetimes,
More Lifetime Value.
DESIRE FOR CONVENIENCE Changes in household composition, increases in
the number of working women, and a general shortage of time underlie an
increased desire for convenience. Two-paycheck households often have more
money than time. And they are willing to spend this money to avoid spending time
doing undesirable chores, such as cooking, cleaning, or auto maintenance. Thus,
many consumers buy products and services to minimize time devoted to such
chores, opening new market opportunities for companies able to meet these needs.
Firms specializing in home shopping are taking advantage of this need by
making it easy for consumers to purchase products whenever it is convenient.
QVC and Home Shopping Network dominate the $2.5 billion televised home
shopping business. In Japan, consumers are purchasing US products through
World Shopping Network (WSN). WSN is available 24 hours a day as an online
computer service.21
CONSUMERISM Consumerism is the movement to establish and protect the
rights of buyers. Some say the consumerism movement will intensify as we move
through the 1990s. Consumers are more educated, knowledgeable, and organized.

Earning Customer Loyalty

Longer lifetimes, more lifetime value
One of the results of an emphasis on health and fitness,
along with advances in medical care, is that more people
are living longer. In 1960, there were 5,000 Americans 100
years or older. Today there are more than a million, and by
2010 there will be around 5 million. The oldest woman in
the US died recently at the age of 120.
These longer life spans mean that the lifetime value of a
customer also increases. Gateway Computer calculates
that customers could buy 20 to 30 computers from the
company over their lifetime. Thus, the lifetime value of a

customer to Gateway is substantial. Keeping customers

for life means that Gateway must acquire them early and
continuously meet their needs throughout their lifetime.
Jim Taylor, senior vice president for global marketing at
Gateway, suggests his companys approach to customer
loyalty: If we can evolve along with their personal needs,
if we can create an annuity relationship with them, that
becomes a major advantage.
Source: William C. Taylor, What Comes After Success, Fast Company,
DecemberJanuary 1997, p. 85.

The Global Marketing Environment

They will demand better consumer information, quality, service, and dependability, and
fair prices.22 The consumerism movement is
one reason marketers need to adopt an
ethics perspective. Giving consumers products that work, charging fair prices, being
honest, and practicing social responsibility
are the best ways to respond to consumerism.
As discussed in Chapter 2, one increasingly important consumer issue is environmentalism. As consumers worldwide
become concerned with environmental issues, their purchasing behavior will change.
Successful marketers can respond by developing environmentally safe products and
Consumers worldwide are becoming more concerned about the
communicating their environmental contrienvironment. Fordwerke appeals to these concerns by marketing a toy
made from recycled auto parts. The headline reads: I was a car.
Ogallala Down Co. is taking advantage
of this trend. The companys philosophy is, Healthy products for people and the
environment. It markets down comforters and pillows that are hypoallergenic,
warm, lightweight, breathable, and guaranteed for 10 years. Established in 1989,
the company has enjoyed rapid sales growth in an industry long dominated by
large firms. The American Marketing Association recognized the environmental
achievements of Ogallala Down by presenting it with an Edison Environmental
POPULAR CULTURE The final cultural trend we note is the popularization of
the US culture throughout much of the world. Movies, television shows, and
commercials typically express a cultures values and attitudes, and US food,
fashion, and entertainment trends are becoming increasingly popular worldwide.
Technological advances and globalization of the media allow the export of this
popular culture, resulting in a variety of market opportunities. One firm taking
advantage of these opportunities is MTV, which beams music videos into 210
million households in 71 countries. Revenues are increasing at the rate of 20
percent per year as MTV establishes or expands operations in Europe, Australia,
Latin America, Russia, China, Korea, and Taiwan.24

Economic Environment

The economic environ-

ment includes factors and trends related to income levels

and the production of goods and services. Whereas demographic and
cultural trends generally affect the size and needs of various markets, economic
trends affect the purchasing power of these markets. Thus, it is not enough for a
population to be large or fast growing, as in many developing countries, to offer
good market opportunities; the economy must provide sufficient purchasing power
for consumers to satisfy their wants and needs.
Economic trends in different parts of the world can affect marketing activities in
other parts of the world. For example, changes in interest rates in Germany affect
the value of the dollar on world currency markets, which affects the price, and
subsequently sales, of American exports and imports.
Market opportunities are a function of both economic size and growth. The
gross domestic product (GDP) represents the total size of a countrys economy
measured in the amount of goods and services produced. Changes in GDP indicate
trends in economic activity. The US has the largest economy in the world, followed
by Japan, Germany, France, Italy, and Britain. Yet, the US ranks relatively low on

The Global Marketing Environment

economic growth in recent years, surpassed by much higher growth

in Hong Kong, China, and some countries in Western Europe.
Another important economic factor is the level of economic
activity per person. Per capita data integrate population and economic data to provide an assessment of the purchasing power of
individual consumers in a country. The US ranks at the top of the
pack in per capita GDP, followed by Switzerland, Canada, Luxembourg, Germany, and Japan. Some smaller countries, such as the
United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, have large GDPs relative to their
small populations, although their overall level of economic activity
is small in comparison to the larger countries. Consumers in these
countries may have a lot of purchasing power, but there are not that
many of them. These countries typically offer attractive market
opportunities for luxury products.
Conversely, many developing countries have large populations relative to their economic strength; that is, individual consumers do not
Many developing countries have large and
have much purchasing power. However, subgroups within these coungrowing segments of middle-class
tries may have substantial purchasing power, or economic growth may
consumers. Frito-Lay targets the 250 million
middle-class consumers in India.
offer substantial opportunities in the future. India, for example, has
a large and growing population but a low per capita income. Within
this relatively poor country, however, are 250 million middle-class consumers. This
is larger than the total US market. Coca-Cola, Walt Disney, Kentucky Fried
Chicken, Frito-Lay, and many other companies have recently started Indian operations to take advantage of this opportunity. Motorola estimates 40 to 50 million
middle-class families there have the buying power to purchase a telephone or pager.
It considers India one of the largest untapped markets in the world.25
China is an example of a country whose economic growth has been increasing
at a rapid pace over the past few years, offering substantial opportunities. As
incomes rise in China, so does the demand for consumer products and the heavy
machinery, agricultural and medical equipment, power plants, and communication
equipment needed by business and government organizations. For example,
Benetton plans to have 500 stores in China by 1999. These stores are designed to
take advantage of growing demand for consumer products, but will also increase
demand for the many organizational products needed to build, maintain, and
manage the stores.
Samuel Chi-Hung Lee, President, International Marketing Consultants Company
Limited, discusses the marketing opportunities available in China: The growth of the
Chinese economy has produced tremendous market opportunities. Hong Kong companies
have taken advantage of opportunities in manufacturing, infrastructure, and property
development in the past. Now, opportunities in retailing, distribution, and other areas are
being pursued. For example, we are helping a company export costume jewelry from Hong
Kong to south China. I am also considering the establishment of a series of entertainment/
theme/amusement parks in China.

A relatively new innovation for evaluating economic performance is the

development of customer satisfaction indexes in several countries. The general
approach is to select a sample of companies representative of a nations economy,
administer a customer satisfaction questionnaire to a representative sample of
customers from each of the selected companies, use these data to calculate a
customer satisfaction index for each company, and then weight and combine these
firm-level indexes to produce customer satisfaction indexes for industries, sectors,
and nations. This approach is typically performed on a quarterly basis so that the
indexes can be tracked over time.
The Swedish Customer Satisfaction Barometer (1989), the German Deutsche
Kundenbarometer (1992), and American Customer Satisfaction Index (1994) are
the most developed. New Zealand and Taiwan have also established indexes and
the European Union has recommended that it be done for member countries.

The Global Marketing Environment

Exhibit 3.7

American customer satisfaction quarterly index: Quarterly history for

manufacturing/nondurables sectors (0 100 scale)

Sector Industry



% change
1995 to 1996

Manufacturing/nondurables sector





Apparel/athletic shoes
Beverages/soft drinks





Food processing





Personal care and cleaning products















These indexes are most valuable for evaluating customer satisfaction within a
particular country. When more nations establish indexes that follow similar
development approaches, it will be possible to compare customer satisfaction
across countries. An example of the American Customer Satisfaction Index for the
manufacturing/nondurables sector is presented in Exhibit 3.7.26

Political/Legal Environment

The political/legal

environment encompasses factors and trends related to

governmental activities and specific laws and regulations that affect
marketing practice. The political/legal environment is closely tied to the social and
economic environments. That is, pressures from the social environment, such as
ecological or health concerns, or the economic environment, such as slow
economic growth or high unemployment, typically motivate legislation intended to
improve the particular situation. Regulatory agencies implement legislation by
developing and enforcing regulations. Therefore, it is important for marketers to
understand specific political processes, laws, and regulations, as well as important
trends in each of these areas.

Global Political Trends

In todays world economy, international political events greatly affect marketing
activities. One significant trend is a move from government-dominated economies
and socialist political systems toward free market economies and, in many
countries, democratic governments. The republics in the Commonwealth of
Independent States and former communist countries in Eastern Europe, such as
Hungary, Romania, and Poland, are moving in this direction at various rates.
China is taking a different tack: trying to promote a free market economy within
its socialist political system. This objective may be difficult to achieve, as rapid
economic growth is generating pressure for a more democratic political system.
These historic developments offer potentially huge market opportunities for
many firms, given that these populations need many different types of products
and services. Creating effective free market economies is likely to take a long time
and considerable effort. Many countries continue to struggle with new political
and economic systems.
A second important political trend is movement toward free trade and away
from protectionism. One approach is the development of trading blocs throughout
the world. The largest trading bloc is the European Economic Area (EEA). It

The Global Marketing Environment

consists of 17 European countries from the Arctic to the Mediterranean, representing 372 million consumers and a combined GDP of $6.6 trillion.27 The next
largest is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It consists of the
US, Mexico, and Canada and includes 360 million consumers and $6 trillion
GDP.28 The aim is to eliminate trade barriers and to promote easier access to the
markets in each participating country. As this development continues, trading
blocs have the potential to generate many opportunities for marketers.
The free trade trend goes beyond trading blocs and encompasses a global
perspective. The best example of this perspective is the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade, or GATT. This agreement was signed by 124 countries in 1994
to eliminate trade barriers worldwide. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was
established as the watchdog organization, and a world court was set up in Geneva
to arbitrate trade disputes. Although results have been mixed, the WTO is making
slow but steady progress toward free trade around the world.29
A final trend is the use of embargoes or sanctions by the UN or individual
governments to limit trade to specific countries, a popular political weapon in
recent years. For example, the US participated in embargoes against Iraq, South
Africa, Libya, and Vietnam. An embargo, of course, eliminates many potential
market opportunities. In contrast, the lifting of trade sanctions, as in the case of
South Africa, can release pent-up demand and produce tremendous opportunities.
Unilateral embargoes are especially difficult for affected firms. A case in point
involves Vietnam, against which the US had a near total economic embargo for 18
years. When the embargo was lifted in February 1994, Boeing, Marriott, Johnson
& Johnson, Coca-Cola, Kodak, Du Pont, Kellogg, and American Express initiated
efforts to enter the Vietnamese market. This is an attractive market because of its
size (72 million people) and movement toward a market-based economy. However, American firms are at a competitive disadvantage. Firms from Asia, Australia, and Europe have invested over $7.5 billion in Vietnam since 1987. Sanyo,
Toshiba, and Honda are among the firms that have already established strong
competitive positions. US firms will have to work hard to overcome the problems
caused by the embargo.30
One specific issue of enormous interest around the world is the reversion of
Hong Kong to Chinese control. Hong Kong becomes a Special Administrative
Region (SAR) of China on July 1, 1997. C. H. Tung has been selected to be the
first chief executive of the SAR. Under British control, Hong Kong has grown
economically under a democratic government. Although China has largely embraced free market capitalism, it has remained largely a tightly controlled communist state. How this political change is handled will have effects worldwide.31
Samuel Chi-Hung Lee, President, International Marketing Consultants Company
Limited, is enthusiastic about the political situation in Hong Kong after July 1, 1997:
Hong Kong faces many political and economic uncertainties after July 1, 1997. However,
I think that China will respect Hong Kong interests and this will expand the scope of Hong
Kong business in the future. My opinion is based on the massive investments currently
being made in Hong Kong by Hong Kong interests, Chinese interests, and overseas
interests. This supports substantial confidence in Hong Kongs political and economic
future. Because of this confidence, we are continuing to develop business opportunities.
For example, one project is a joint venture between a Hong Kong investment group and
Chinese group to establish a manufacturing plant in southern China.

Organizations must deal with laws at the international, federal, state, and local
levels. US laws directly affecting marketing typically fall into two categories: those
promoting competition among firms and those protecting consumers and society.
Exhibit 3.8 presents examples of each type.
Laws promoting competition focus on outlawing practices that give a few firms
unfair competitive advantages over others. The specific impact of these laws

The Global Marketing Environment

Exhibit 3.8

Key US laws affecting marketing

A. Promoting competition


v Sherman Act (1890)

v Clayton Act (1914)
v Federal Trade Commission Act (1914)

Prohibits monopolistic practices

Prohibits anticompetitive activities
Establishes regulatory agency to enforce laws against unfair competition

v RobinsonPatman Act (1936)

v Lanham Trademark Act (1946)

Prohibits price discrimination

Protects trademarks & brand names

v MagnussonMoss Act (1975)

v USCanada Trade Act (1988)

Regulates warranties
Allows free trade between US & Canada

B. Protecting consumers & society



v Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (1938)

v Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966)

Regulates food, drug & cosmetic industries

Regulates packaging & labeling


Prevents marketing of dangerous products to children

Requires full disclosure of financial charges for loans
Regulates reporting & use of credit information
Regulates methods for collecting debts
Regulates advertising on childrens television programs
Prohibits discrimination against consumers with disabilities

Child Protection and Toy Safety Act (1969)

Consumer Credit Protection Act (1968)
Fair Credit Report Act (1970)
Fair Debt Collections Practice Act (1970)
Child Protection Act (1990)
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

depends on court rulings that may change over time or differ at the state and
national levels. An interesting example is in the area of pricing. A federal court
ruled that American Airlines was not guilty of trying to drive weaker competitors
out of business when it slashed fares in 1992. In contrast, a state court in Arkansas
found Wal-Mart guilty of predatory pricing by selling pharmacy products below
cost to drive out competitors.32 These examples illustrate the complexity of the
political/legal environment.
Consumer protection laws generally indicate what firms must do to give
consumers the information they need to make sound purchasing decisions or to
ensure that the products they buy are safe. For example, the Fair Packaging and
Labeling Act requires packages to be labeled honestly; the Child Protection Act
regulates the amount of advertising that can appear on childrens television
Laws typically affect marketing activities by indicating what can or cannot be
done. Until recently, Germany had a law that forced most retail stores to close at
6:30 PM on weekdays and 2 PM on Saturdays, and it did not allow commercial
baking on Sunday. This restricted the operations of retailers. A new law expanded
allowable shopping hours to 8 PM on weekdays and 4 PM on Saturdays; it also
allowed bakeries to sell fresh bread on Sunday mornings. Other stores must
remain closed on Sunday.33
Some laws are directed at providing marketing opportunities. Syria, for example, in trying to open its economy to the private sector and foreign investment,
passed a law that exempts investors in approved projects from taxes for five to
nine years, waives customs duties on certain imports, and removes regulations that
made it difficult to do business in Syria. Known as No. 10, it has contributed to a
7 to 8 percent growth in the Syrian economy.34

Regulation and Regulatory Agencies

Most legislation in the US is enforced through regulations developed by a variety
of agencies, and marketers must often work with regulatory authorities at the
federal, state, and local levels. Often, regulations are not the same at different

The Global Marketing Environment

Important US regulatory agencies

Exhibit 3.9



v Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Regulates business practices


Protects consumers from unsafe products

Protects environment
Regulates food, drug & cosmetic industries
Regulates interstate transportation industry

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

v Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Regulates interstate communications industry

governmental levels. For example, the Federal Trade Commission

(FTC) enforces guidelines for how firms promote the environmental
advantages of their products, but these guidelines do not supersede
state laws or regulations. Now, 12 states regulate environmental
claims in some way, with more states likely to follow in the future.
Sorting through different regulations is a complex task for
Several of the most important federal agencies are described in
Exhibit 3.9. Some of these regulatory agencies cut across industries
(FTC, CPSC, EPA); others focus on specific industries (FDA, ICC,
FCC). The impact of these regulatory agencies is especially evident
in the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA must approve a new drug
before it is marketed and can place limitations on its use. For
With all our flights smoke~free, flying Delta can be habit forming.
example, the FDA approved Warner-Lamberts anticonvulsant,
Neurontin, but only as an add-on therapy for patients taking other
epilepsy medications. This stipulation limits Warner-Lamberts marketing efforts for Neurontin.36 FDA actions can also produce
marketing opportunities. The approval of smoking-cessation nicotine drugs as over-the-counter products opened up a large market to
Laws and regulations are increasingly limiting
marketers of nicotine gum and patches.37
or eliminating smoking in certain places. Delta
As more firms participate in the global marketplace, the need for
capitalized on this trend by going beyond
regulations is emerging. One example is the Internarequirements and making all flights worldwide
tional Standards Organizations 25 -page set of quality standards
called ISO 9000. These standards apply to 20 different functions
within a company, such as product design, process control, purchasing, customer
service, inspection and testing, and training, and are being incorporated into laws

With our no-smoking policy, Delta takes you smoke-free to more places
worldwide than any other airline. Youll also breathe easier knowing
weve extended that policy to our Crown Room Clubs, too. For international
reservations, see your Travel Agent. Or call Delta at 1-800-241-4141.

Youll love the way we fly

Being Entrepreneurial
Setting up shop in Japan
Foreign entrepreneurs are finding many opportunities in
Japan. Most of the opportunities are in services, such as
finance, distribution, and recreation, that are not well
developed in Japan. Because these services are relatively
new to Japan, the government has not yet established
regulations and large Japanese companies are reluctant
to enter unproven markets. Two examples of successful entrepreneurial ventures by foreigners in Japan

Brad Bartz, a Californian, started an Internet-access

service that has sales of $3.5 million and 60 employees.
His company, Internet Access Service KK, has won

contracts from corporate giants like Nippon Telegraph

and Telephone Corp. by being more creative and innovative than Japanese competitors.

Stephen Van Fleet of New Zealand established a riverrafting service, named Great Outdoors, in a mountain
resort town. Local hotels promote the service for him as
a local tourist attraction and offer special hotel/riverrafting packages. Great Outdoors serves 30 to 40
customers a day and maintains a staff of 16.

Source: Steve Glain, Foreign Entrepreneurs Find Fertile Ground for

Start-Ups in Japan, The Wall Street Journal, November 8, 1996, pp. A1
and A7.

The Global Marketing Environment

of the European Union (EU) to regulate trade in Europe. A company must go

through a long and expensive process to become ISO 9000 certified, which would
indicate it meets world standards in many areas. Companies not ISO 9000
certified may not do business in Europe or many other countries. Even individual
companies, like General Motors and Siemens, require their suppliers to be ISO
9000 certified.38
Regulations in different countries also change and present market opportunities
or threats. For example, the EU is deregulating European skies. Beginning April 1,
1997, any EU carrier can fly anywhere in the EU. This deregulation provides
opportunities for EU airlines to open new markets, but the increased competition
is likely to reduce prices to consumers. Lower prices will exert tremendous
pressure on profits. Many of the smaller, start-up airlines may not be able to
survive. The larger airlines, such as Lufthansa, are already implementing costcutting measures to prepare for the more competitive environment.39
Sometimes regulations are slow to develop for new markets. This is the case in
Japan. Examples of how entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this situation are
presented in Being Entrepreneurial: Setting Up Shop in Japan.

Technological Environment

The technological

environment includes factors and trends related to innovations that affect the development of new products or the marketing
process. Rapid technological advances make it imperative that marketers take a
technology perspective. These technological trends can provide opportunities for
new-product development, affect how marketing activities are performed, or both.
For example, advances in information and communication technologies provide
new products for firms to market, and the buyers of these products often use them
to change the way they market their own products. Using these technological
products can help marketers be more productive. Fax machines and
cellular telephones are illustrative.
New technologies can spawn new industries, new businesses, or
new products for existing business. Firms at the leading edge of
technological developments are in a favorable position. Thus,
marketers need to monitor the technological environment constantly to look for potential opportunities that will improve their
In general, the level of R&D expenditures and patents provides
an indicator of technological development. Although US-based
companies rank high in many overall measures, firms in other
countries are increasing R&D expenditures and receiving patents at
a higher rate than US firms. This situation has placed many US firms
at a severe technological disadvantage when trying to compete
To compete successfully, firms must monitor developments in
specific technologies. Important technological developments
through the 1990s will likely include those in computers, robotics,
and computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), and
their potential impact on how people live and work; in artificial
intelligence and expert systems, and how they are used to solve
New technologies provide many opportunities
problems; in superconductors and potential applications for new
to improve products and services. Airbus
products; in transportation technologies, such as magnetically leviIndustrie, a partnership among France,
tated trains, supersonic aircraft, and smart cars; and in commuGermany, Spain, and the United Kingdom,
nication technologies and their effects on individuals and
uses new technologies to build a jetliner that
can fly further than any other plane.

The Global Marketing Environment

One of the difficulties
facing many marketers
is the increase in the
number and types of
competitors for many
products. Assume you
own a small sporting
goods store. One of
your most profitable
product groups is athletic shoes. You carry
the most popular
styles from the major
manufacturers, such
as Nike and Reebok:
Who are your
brand competitors
for athletic shoes?
Who are your product competitors for
athletic shoes?
What marketing
strategy would you
recommend for
competing effectively against brand
What marketing
strategy would you
recommend for
competing effectively against product competitors?

Competitive Environment

The com-

petitive environment consists of all the organizations

that attempt to serve similar customers. Two types of competitors are
of major concern: brand competitors and product competitors. Brand competitors
provide the most direct competition, offering the same types of products as
competing firms. For example, Nike is a brand competitor of Reebok, LA Gear,
and other firms that market different brands of the same types of sport shoes.
These firms target the same markets and typically try to take customers away from
each other.
Product competitors offer different types of products to satisfy the same general
need. Dominos Pizza, McDonalds, and Kentucky Fried Chicken are product
competitors. They attempt to satisfy a consumer need for fast food, but they offer
somewhat different menus and services. Dominos, McDonalds, and KFC also
have brand competitors, which market the same types of fast food to the same
customers. Brand competitors of Dominos, for example, are Pizza Hut, Godfathers Pizza, and Little Caesars Pizza.
The competitive environment for most firms is fierce and often global. Marketers must identify their relevant brand and product competitors in order to identify
market opportunities and develop marketing strategies. One trend affecting many
industries is the changing competitive landscape. Some product competitors have
become brand competitors by expanding their product offerings.
Consider the financial services industry. Banks used to compete against banks,
insurance companies against insurance companies, brokerage firms against brokerage firms. Now, many banks, insurance companies, and brokerage houses offer a
range of financial services products that compete directly with each other. And new
competitors are entering the market, especially through the Internet. It is now
possible to do banking, buy and sell securities, and purchase many other financial
service products online.
Keeping track of the number, types, and actions of competitors is becoming
increasingly important, but much more complex and difficult. However, recent
evidence suggests that it might be worth the effort. One study found that
companies placing a premium on competitor information grew 200 percent faster
than firms that did not. The three most crucial types of competitor information
were changes in competitor pricing, new-product development, and changes in
corporate strategy.42

Institutional Environment

The institutional en-

vironment consists of all the organizations involved in

marketing products and services. These include marketing research
firms, advertising agencies, wholesalers, retailers, suppliers, and customers. Specific trends and characteristics of these institutions are discussed in detail in
subsequent chapters.
Many organizations are changing how they are structured and managed. These
trends in the institutional environment include reengineering, restructuring, the
virtual corporation, horizontal organizations, and empowerment. An organizations adoption of any of these concepts means that it is changing some elements of
its structure and processes. These changes are likely to affect the amount and types
of products the firm needs as well as the purchasing processes it uses. The potential
marketing implications of organizational changes are illustrated by the total
quality management (TQM) and downsizing trends.
Many organizations are implementing TQM programs. These programs typically emphasize long-term relationships with selected suppliers instead of shortterm transactions with a large number of suppliers. Xerox, for example, has cut its

The Global Marketing Environment

supplier base from several thousand to several hundred. This trend

means that the pool of potential customers for many marketers is
becoming limited. Success in this type of environment requires that
marketers take a relationship perspective and focus on doing more
business with fewer customers.
The downsizing of organizations is commonplace. Sometimes
entire departments are eliminated; in other cases, the number of
employees within departments is reduced. The major purpose of
downsizing is to lower costs and make the organization leaner and
When an organization eliminates departments, it typically hires
outside firms to replace them. This can offer market opportunities
for accounting firms, advertising agencies, personnel firms, and
other businesses that can perform the needed functions. When
department personnel are reduced, fewer people are available to do
the work. For example, many firms have downsized their purchasing departments, and purchasing managers at these companies are
responsible for purchasing more products and services than in the
past. Marketers can take advantage of this situation. Professional
The downsizing of many companies offers
salespeople can work closely with these busy purchasing managers
potential marketing opportunities for some
to help purchase quality products that add value to their businesses.
firms. Olsten Staffing Services has capitalized
on this marketing environment trend by
Consolidation throughout industries is another important trend.
offering customers a variety of flexible
In the future, many industries will consist of a few large firms
enjoying most of the market share, plus many small firms, each with
limited market share. One source made specific predictions illustrating this
trend.43 It reported that nine domestic US airlines accounted for 80 percent of the
market, with smaller carriers getting only 20 percent. By 2001 there will be only
four major domestic carriers. Also, there are now 20 major auto firms around the
world, with market shares ranging from 1 to 18 percent. By 2001, only five will be
left. As a final example, only three firms will dominate the US computer hardware
industry: IBM, Digital, and Apple. Whether these specific predictions become true
or not, the overriding trend toward consolidation is clear.
Consolidation has two important implications for marketers. First, organizations
must develop marketing strategies to hold their own in a competitive environment
consisting of a few large firms and many small firms. Second, they must develop
effective marketing strategies to serve both very large and very small customers.
These and other institutional trends affect the way organizations operate.
Marketers that serve organizational customers must examine these trends to
identify market opportunities and develop effective marketing strategies. Moreover, these trends affect the competitive structure for all marketers and have
important implications for the types of marketing strategies likely to be effective.

The Future

The only certainty about the future is

that it will be uncertain and change will occur at an
increasing rate. Despite this caveat, there are hopeful signs that the
world economy will exhibit strong growth. The world growth rate for the past
three years was nearly double that of the past two decades. The expansion of
economic freedom and property rights, more fiscal restraint by governments,
increases in investment, freer trade, and exploding technological innovation are
some of the forces supporting world economic growth. Although a large scale war,
environmental catastrophe, political upheaval, or other event could change the
picture, the current prognosis is expressed by Jeffrey Sachs, economist at Harvard
University: The positive side is spectacular. Economic growth will raise the living
standards of more people in more parts of the world than at any time in prior

The Global Marketing Environment




Understand the nature of the marketing environment and why it is important to marketers.
The marketing environment consists of all factors
external to an organization that can affect its marketing activities. Elements of the marketing environment
are largely uncontrollable, although marketers have
influence over some factors. Environmental factors
can affect the size and growth rate of markets and can
influence marketing activities. Thus, changes in the
marketing environment offer opportunities and threats
to marketers. Identifying and responding effectively
to these opportunities and threats is a major challenge.
Describe the major components of the social
environment and how trends in the social environment affect marketing. The social environment comprises all factors and trends related to
groups of people, including their number, characteristics, behavior, and growth projections. Its major
components are the demographic and cultural environments. The demographic environment refers to the
size, distribution, and growth rate of people with
different characteristics. The cultural environment refers to factors and trends related to how people live
and behave. Demographic factors typically relate to
the number of people in different markets, whereas
cultural factors generally influence the needs of these


See how the political/legal environment offers

opportunities and threats to marketers. The
political/legal environment, encompassing factors related to governmental activities and laws and regulations, directly affects marketing activities. Laws and
regulations normally present constraints within which
marketers must operate. These laws and regulations
are closely related to current political trends. Some
marketers, however, can identify market opportunities
arising from these laws and regulations.


Appreciate the importance of the technological environment to marketers. The technological environment includes factors and trends related to
innovations that affect the development of new products or improving marketing practice. Technological
advances are happening so rapidly that marketers
must constantly monitor the technological environment to keep abreast of latest developments.


Understand differences in the competitive environment. The competitive environment consists

of all the organizations that attempt to serve the same
customers. Brand competitors compete directly by
offering the same type of product to the same market.
Product competitors compete more indirectly by offering different types of products to satisfy the same
basic need.


Know how changes in the institutional environment affect marketers. The institutional environment consists of all the organizations involved in
marketing products and services. These include marketing research firms, advertising agencies, wholesalers, and retailers. As the characteristics of these and
other institutions change, so will the marketing strategies necessary to serve different customers and to
compete effectively in different industries.

Understand how the economic environment

affects marketing. The economic environment includes factors and trends related to the production of
goods and services and the relationships between
this production and income levels. The economic
environment affects the purchasing power of consumers, which is an important determinant of the size of a

Understanding Marketing Terms and Concepts

Marketing environment
Environmental scanning


Cultural environment
Economic environment
Gross domestic product (GDP)


Competitive environment
Brand competitors
Product competitors


Social environment
Demographic environment


Political/legal environment
Technological environment


Institutional environment


Thinking about Marketing

1. How do changes in the marketing environment generate opportunities and threats for marketers?

3. Why are trends in the institutional environment important to marketers?


4. Why is the competitive environment so important to


What are the major differences between the demographic and cultural environments?

The Global Marketing Environment


Look at Earning Customer Loyalty: Longer lifetimes, more customer value. How does the social
and technological environment relate to the marketing of Gateway computers?


How do political changes affect regulations and

regulatory agencies?


What are the most important social trends facing

marketers in the 1990s?

8. Refer to Being Entrepreneurial: Setting up shop

in Japan. What are some other opportunities or
threats entrepreneurs face in Japan?
9. How are the social and economic environments
10. How can new technologies be used to help marketers scan and monitor the marketing environment?

Applying Marketing Skills

1. Identify several marketing environment trends that
you think might affect enrollment at your college. Discuss
whether each trend represents an opportunity or a threat.
What strategy might your institution use to take advantage of the opportunity or minimize the threat?
2. Watch the complete evening news show on one of
the major networks. Make a note of significant marketing
environment trends examined during the newscast. After
the news show is over, suggest the potential effect of
each trend on marketing practice. Which trends represent opportunities? Which trends represent threats?

Could any of the potential threats become opportunities

if a marketer viewed it from an entrepreneurship
3. Contact a marketing executive at a local company
and ask how he or she assesses changes in the marketing environment. Identify who in the company is involved
in what types of environmental scanning. Ask the executive to identify the key trends affecting his or her company and what the firm is doing to respond appropriately
to these trends.

Using the www in Marketing

Activity One Go to Chryslers home page (http:/

How does Chryslers home page add value to customers?

2. Using information on the home page, describe and

evaluate Chryslers global marketing efforts.
3. What ideas do you have for improving Chryslers
home page?

Activity Two As discussed in the chapter, laws

and regulations typically are designed to promote competition among firms or to protect consumers and society. Some web sites that present legal information are:
Federal Trade Commission (
FedWorld Information Network (
Consumer Information Center (

United States Information Agency (

THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet
National Archives and Records Administration
Visit several of these sites and:

Select an example of legislation intended to promote

competition among firms. Provide a brief synopsis of
this legislation and indicate how the legislation affects marketing practice.


Select an example of legislation intended to protect

consumers and society. Provide a brief synopsis of
this legislation and discuss how the legislation affects marketing practice.


Which of these sites would you recommend that

marketers monitor on a regular basis? Why?

Making Marketing Decisions

Case 3-1 Womens NBA: Womens Team Sports Taking Off
Womens individual sports, such as golf and tennis, have
been successful for many years. The same cannot be
said for team sports. At least three attempts have been
made to establish womens basketball leagues. All have
failed. So, why would anyone try again? Because the
marketing environment has changed.
Womens collegiate sports programs have expanded
tremendously in recent years. This has produced a new

generation of women athletes and fans. And, the stunning success of women athletes at the 1996 Summer
Olympic Games in Atlanta added to this interest. The
result is the formation of four new womens professional
leagues being formed since the Olympics. One is the
Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA).
The tip-off of the WNBA will be in June 1997. The
league will consist of eight teams operated by NBA

The Global Marketing Environment

teams in eight cities. The Western Conference includes

the Los Angeles Lakers, Phoenix Suns, Sacramento
Kings, and Utah Jazz. The Eastern Conference teams are
the Charlotte Hornets, Cleveland Cavaliers, Houston
Rockets, and New York Knicks. The season begins after
the NBA playoffs in June and concludes with a championship game on August 30.
The WNBA is working hard to make the new league a
success. It will advertise during the NBAs regular season
and playoff games. NBC, ESPN, and Lifetime Television
will each show one game each week. Four inaugural
sponsors have been secured: Lee Jeans, Champion,
Anheuser-Busch, and Spalding Sports Worldwide. Other
sponsors will be added in the future. The sponsorship
package includes advertising during televised games and
in WNBA print media, signage in each arena, player appearances, and exclusive rights to the WNBA logo. Each
company will develop its own marketing campaign
around the sponsorship package.
Even with all of this marketing effort, everyone expects it to take time to get the WNBA firmly established.

Estimates are that initial attendance will average about

4,000 per game. This is obviously well below the many
thousands of fans that attend most NBA games. As suggested by Brian Donlon, vice president of new media
and public affairs for Lifetime Television: This is a slow
build. While there has been an explosion in the interest in
womens sports, we are looking at this as something we
are in for the long haul.


What trends in the marketing environment represent

opportunities for the WNBA?


What trends in the marketing environment represent

threats to the WNBA?


Why would companies such as Lee Jeans,

Champion, Anheuser-Busch, and Spalding Sports
Worldwide want to be sponsors of the WNBA?


What is your assessment of the marketing strategy

for the WNBA? What ideas do you have to improve
the marketing strategy?

SOURCES: Margaret Littman, Sponsors take to the court with new Womens NBA, Marketing News, March 3, 1997, 1 and 6; and Gigi Barnett and
Skip Rozin, A Lot of Leagues of their Own, Business Week, March 3, 1997, 54 56.

Case 3-2 Golds Gym: A Western Health Club in Moscow

The move toward a free market economy has
opened new opportunities for entrepreneurs
in Russia. One such entrepreneur is 23-yearold Jake Weinstock. After graduating from the
University of Pennsylvania, Jake worked as a business
consultant for Ernst & Young and moonlighted as marketing manager for Dynamo, the Red Army hockey team that
is now a farm team for the Pittsburgh Penguins professional hockey team. Despite being very busy, Jake wanted
to start his own business in sports or fitness.
He first developed a partnership with fellow American
Paul Kuebler and Russian Vladimir Grumlik. The partners
spent the winter of 1995 studying the successes and failures of new businesses in Moscow. This work generated
the idea of starting a western-style health club. The concept was to bring a new level of service and management to health clubs in Moscow.
Because there is a limited middle class in Russia, the
target market for the health club was determined to be
people who had money to spend now. This included
about 100,000 expatriates and 400,000 rich Muscovites,
based on the best available information. The partners
calculated they would need 1,000 members paying
$1,500 $2,500 annually to break even and 3,000 to generate the profits needed to attract Western capital. Limited availability of capital in Russia led them to seek
capital from American firms, such as Commonwealth
Property Investors.
Once the capital was obtained, getting the needed
fitness equipment to Moscow was addressed. The part-

ners ordered 24 shipments of very expensive, hightech Cybex fitness equipment and a basketball court
supplied by Nike. Since the government levies heavy
storage fees for each day that imported goods are
not released, it was important to get the equipment
through customs as soon as possible. Vladimir Grumlik
used his personal connections to facilitate the customs
process. Relationships and alliances with other important people were also necessary to get the business
Golds Gym opened in Moscow in February 1997. The
gym balances Russian and American culture. The staff is
entirely Russian, but they have all been trained to deliver
high levels of Western service. Other clubs in Russia had
the mentality that theyre doing you a favor by letting
you use their club. Golds Gym is much more customeroriented. The partners hope the mix of the best equipment and the best service will lead to success.


What aspects of the marketing environment in

Russia made it difficult to open Golds Gym?


What is the basic marketing strategy of Golds Gym?


In what ways is a relationship perspective important

to the success of Golds Gym?


What future marketing environment trends do you

think represent opportunities or threats to the
success of Golds Gym?

SOURCE: Julia Vitullo-Martin, Moscow Entrepreneurs Seize Golden Opportunity, The Wall Street Journal, January 20, 1997, A14.

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