Lichen Planopilaris and Homoeopathy

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Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy


Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Dr. Swati Vishnoi BHMS
Dr. Preetika Lakhera BHMS
Dr. Mohammad Tayyab Daud BHMS
Dr. Mohammad Tayyab Amir BHMS
Homoeo Cure Research Institute
NH 74- Moradabad Road
Ph- 09897618594
E. mail- [email protected]

Definition............................................................................................................... 1
Etymology.............................................................................................................. 2
Epidemiology......................................................................................................... 2
Causes................................................................................................................... 2
Pathology............................................................................................................... 2
Types..................................................................................................................... 3
Classic LPP.......................................................................................................... 3
Frontal fibrosing alopecia....................................................................................3
Lassueur Graham-Little Piccardi syndrome.........................................................4
Signs and Symptoms............................................................................................. 4
Diagnosis............................................................................................................... 5
Differential Diagnosis............................................................................................. 5
Treatment.............................................................................................................. 5
Homoeopathic treatment....................................................................................... 6
Common remedies for Lichen planopilaris..........................................................6
Short repertory of Lichen planopilaris.................................................................6
Bibliography........................................................................................................... 8

Lichen planopilaris is a rare inflammatory condition of skin resulting in patchy
progressive permanent hair loss primarily on the scalp. Although lichen
planopilaris is rare, it is one of the common causes of scarring hair loss of the
scalp. (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis)

Dr.1Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy

Follicular lichen planus, Frontal fibrosing alopecia (subtype), Kossard disease,
Lichen planopilaris classic type, LPP, Lichen planus follicularis, Lichen follicularis

Lichen planopilaris usually affects young adult women, although the age range is
wide and it also affects men. It commonly develops in association with lichen
planus affecting the skin, mucosa and nails.

The exact cause of this disorder is unknown but it is assumed to be an
autoimmune disorder. T-lymphocytes are known to be involved, however, the
trigger is not yet known. The hair loses its protection from the immune system.
The immune system then starts to attack the hair follicle. Its activating factors
may include

Pharmacologic agents (Causa occasionalis)

Contact sensitizers (Causa occasionalis)
Infectious agents (Psora/ Syphilis/ Causa occasionalis)

Lichen planopilaris affects hairy areas of skin. It is an example of a primary
lymphocytic folliculitis. Lichen planopilaris destroys the hair follicle and then
replaces it with scarring. Histology reveals the following characteristic features

Absence of errector pili muscles (Syphilis)

Absence of sebaceous glands (Syphilis)
Perivascular and perifollicular lymphocytic infiltrate in the reticular dermis
(Syphilis/ Sycosis)
Mucinous perifollicular fibroplasia within the upper dermis with absence of
interfollicular mucin (Syphilis/ Sycosis)
Superficial perifollicular wedge-shaped scarring (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis)

Dr.2Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy

Follicular lesions occurring in the scalp are accompanied by some scaling and are
likely to lead to a scarring alopecia (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis). Very rarely, the
scalp alone is involved.
Graham LittlePiccardiLassueur syndrome comprises the triad of multifocal
scalp cicatricial alopecia (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis), non-scarring alopecia of the
axillae and/or groin (Psora/ Syphilis), and keratotic lichenoid follicular papules
(Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis). The clinical, histological and IMF overlap between this
syndrome and LP with follicular involvement (lichen planopilaris) suggest that
both are variants of LP.
Progressive frontal fibrosing alopecia is a clinically distinct variant of lichen
planopilaris and is certainly associated with mucocutaneous lichen planus.
(Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis)

Lichen planopilaris may be of three types-

Classic LPP
It is also known as follicular lichen planus.

Lichen planopilaris-Hyperpigmented follicular plugged lesions in frontal scalp hairline


It is characterized by characteristic gradual progressive alopecia (Psora/ Syphilis)
and scarring (Psora/ Sycosis) on the scalp near the forehead including eyebrows,
eye lashes and/or other parts of the body in some cases.

Frontal fibrosing alopecia

Dr.3Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy


It is a triad of multifocal cicatricial alopecia (Psora/ Syphilis) of the scalp,
noncicatricial alopecia of the axilla and groin and a follicular lichen planus
eruption (Psora/ Sycosis) on the body, scalp, or both.
Tiny red papules (Psora) appear around a cluster of hairs. Rarely, blistering
(Psora) occurs in the lesions. The disease affects mostly the hair follicles,
although lesions may also be found on the skin and mucous membranes. Its
common signs and symptoms are increased hair shedding (Psora), itching
(Psora), scaling (Psora/ Sycosis), burning (Psora), and tenderness (Psora). Hair
loss may be permanent if the disease causes permanent scarring as cicatricial
alopecia. (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis)

Signs and Symptoms

Lichen planopilaris typically presents as smooth white patches of scalp hair loss
(Psora/ Syphilis). No hair follicle openings can be seen in the areas of hair loss
(Syphilis). At the edges of these patches there may be scale and redness around
each hair follicle (Psora/ Sycosis). Hair can be easily pulled out. As it is multifocal,
small patches may merge to form larger irregular areas. Lichen planopilaris is
usually slowly progressive. Diffuse hair loss is uncommon. Common sites of
involvement are the sides, front and lower back of the scalp. Symptoms are often
absent but they may include

Itching (Psora)
Dr.4Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy

Pain (Psora)
Tenderness (Psora)
Discomfort (Psora)
Burning (Psora)
Alopecia (Psora/ Syphilis)
Hyperkeratosis (Sycosis)
Lichenification (Sycosis)
Abnormality of the fingernails (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis)
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the skin (Psora/ Syphilis)
Skin ulcer (Syphilis)
Abnormal blistering of the skin (Psora)
Abnormality of the intestine (Psora)
Abnormality of the liver (Psora)
Hypopigmented skin patches (Psora/ Syphilis)
Neoplasm of the oral cavity (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis)
Onycholysis (Syphilis)
Pterygium (Psora/ Sycosis)
Vaginal neoplasm (Psora/ Sycosis/ Syphilis)

Lichen planopilaris is suspected on the keen clinical examination of the mouth,
nails and skin for evidence of lichen planus elsewhere.
Trichoscopy reveals absent follicles, white dots, tubular perifollicular scale and
perifollicular erythema. The diagnosis may be confirmed on a scalp biopsy that
includes hairs with surrounding redness and scale at the edge of an area of hair

Differential Diagnosis
Follicular LP must be distinguished by biopsy from

Keratosis pilaris
Dariers disease
Follicular mucinosis
Lichen scrofulosorum
Lupus erythematosus

Treatment is required early as no treatment recovers hairs that have been lost
and replaced by scarring. The objective of treatment is to slow progression of the
disease and relieve symptoms. Hair loss may continue, but at a slower rate.
Response to treatment is variable.
Since this is a constitutional disorder rather than a local one, holistic treatment is
the only option to cure it by roots.

Dr.5Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy

Surgery such as scalp reduction and hair transplantation has been used for end
stage disease with large areas of scarring, but is not always successful.

Homoeopathic treatment
From overall study of Lichen planopilaris, it becomes clear that it is not simply a
disorder of local factors, but whole genetics and constitutional disharmony is
there. The person as a whole is affected by the factors causing LPP; and later on,
by the effects of established disease in that individual, physically as well as
mentally. Thus, whole person needs treatment rather than a local dermal system.
Well selected constitutional remedy almost
permanently if applied as per laws of similia.





Common remedies for Lichen planopilaris

acetan. acon-ac. Acon. aeth. Agar. agn. ail. allox. aloe alum-p. alum-sil. Alum.
Am-c. am-m. ambr. Anac. anag. Anan. ang. ANT-C. Ant-t. anthraci. anthraco. Apis
aran. arg-met. Arg-n. Arn. ars-h. Ars-i. ars-s-f. ARS. arum-d. arum-t. Asaf. asim.
aster. aur-ar. aur-m-n. aur-m. Aur. bac. bad. bamb-a. bar-c. Bar-m. bar-s. BELL.
benz-ac. berb. beryl. borx. bov. brom. Bry. bufo cadm-s. Calad. calc-n. Calc-p.
Calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. Canth. caps. carb-ac. Carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. carl.
castn-v. caul. CAUST. Cham. chel. chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chir-fl. chlf. Chlol.
chord-umb. Cic. cimic. cina Cist. CLEM. coc-c. Cocc. cod. colch. coli. Com. Con.
Cop. cor-r. cortiso. crot-h. Crot-t. cub. cund. cupr. CUR. cycl. dig. dros. Dulc. eug.
euph-l. euph. euphr. fago. falco-pe. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr. fl-ac. fuli. galeoc-c-h. Gamb.
gast. gels. gink-b. goss. granit-m. GRAPH. Grin. guaj. guare. hell. helodr-cal. Hep.
hippoc-k. hippoz. hydr-ac. hydr. Hydrc. Hyos. hyper. Ign. ina-i. indg. Iod. iodof. ip.
Iris jab. Jug-c. Jug-r. Kali-act. Kali-ar. Kali-bi. Kali-br. KALI-C. kali-chl. KALI-I. kali-m.
kali-n. kali-p. Kali-s. kali-sil. kalm. kerose. ketogl-ac. Kreos. lac-d. lac-e. LACH.
lachn. lat-m. Laur. Led. lipp. Lith-c. loxo-lae. loxo-recl. LUNA LYC. m-ambo. m-arct.
m-aust. Mag-c. mag-m. mang. meny. meph. Merc-c. merc-i-r. MERC. MEZ. moni.
morb. morg-p. morg. mosch. Mur-ac. musa myos-a. myric. nabal. narc-ps. nat-ar.
Nat-c. nat-f. nat-hsulo. NAT-M. Nat-p. Nat-s. NIT-AC. NUX-V. Olnd. op. ox-ac. ozone
pall. Par. petr-ra. Petr. PH-AC. PHOS. Phyt. pic-ac. pieri-b. pip-n. pitu-gl. pix plac-s.
Plan. Plb. positr. pot-e. PSOR. PULS. querc-r. Ran-b. ran-s. rat. rhus-g. RHUS-T.
Rumx. ruta sabad. sabin. sacch-a. Sars. sec. Sel. Seneg. SEP. Sil. sinus. Spect.
spig. spong. Squil. stann. STAPH. Stram. stront-c. suis-hep. SUL-AC. sul-i. sulfa.
sulfon. SULPH. Syph. tab. tarax. tarent. tell. tere-la. teucr. thiop. Thuj. Til. toxi.
toxo-g. trios. tritic-vg. trom. tub-m. tub. Urin. Vac. valer. vanil. verat. verb. vero-o.
vinc. Viol-t. vip. x-ray zinc-p. ZINC.

Short repertory of Lichen planopilaris

CHEST - ERUPTIONS - pimples - red - lichen simplex; like ant-t.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - ERUPTIONS - Vagina; in lichen moni.
MOUTH - ULCERS - Cheeks - Inside - lichen planus borx. fl-ac. merc. nit-ac.
SKIN - DISCOLORATION - brown - liver spots am-c. am-m. Ant-c. ant-t. Arg-n. arn.
ars-i. ars-s-f. Ars. aur-ar. Aur. bad. borx. bry. cadm-s. calc-p. calc-s. calc-sil. calc.

Dr.6Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy

canth. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. caul. caust. chel. Con. cop. cor-r. crot-h. CUR. dros.
Dulc. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr. graph. Hyos. Iod. kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-p. kali-s. kalisil. LACH. Laur. led. LYC. Merc-c. merc-i-r. MERC. Mez. moni. musa nat-ar. Nat-c.
nat-hsulo. nat-m. nat-p. NIT-AC. Nux-v. ozone petr. Phos. Plb. psor. puls. ruta
sabad. SEP. sil. stann. sul-ac. sul-i. SULPH. tarent. Thuj. trios. Tub.
SKIN - DISCOLORATION - spots - dark spots - old people; in ars. aur. bar-c. Carban. Con. Lach. Lyc. op. Sec.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS flat Am-c. ang. ant-c. ant-t. Ars. Asaf. BELL. carb-an. euph.
LACH. Lyc. merc. Nat-c. nit-ac. petr. Ph-ac. phos. puls. Ran-b. Sel. Sep. Sil. staph.
sulph. thuj.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - itching - warm - bed - agg. aeth. Alum. anac. ant-c. caust.
Clem. cocc. Kali-act. kreos. mag-m. merc. mur-ac. PSOR. Puls. Rhus-t. sars. staph.
SULPH. Til. verat.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS itching acon. aeth. Agar. agn. allox. alum-p. alum-sil. Alum.
Am-c. am-m. ambr. Anac. anag. Ant-c. Ant-t. anthraci. Apis arg-met. Arn. Ars-i.
ars-s-f. ARS. asaf. aur-m-n. bamb-a. bar-c. bar-s. bell. borx. bov. Bry. bufo Calad.
Calc-p. Calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. Canth. caps. carb-an. carb-v. carbn-s. carl. CAUST.
Cham. chel. chinin-s. cic. cimic. cina CLEM. cocc. cod. colch. Com. con. Cop.
cortiso. Crot-t. cupr. dig. dros. dulc. fago. ferr. fl-ac. fuli. gast. gink-b. goss.
GRAPH. guaj. guare. Hep. hippoc-k. Ign. iod. ip. iris Jug-c. Jug-r. Kali-ar. kali-bi.
kali-br. Kali-c. Kali-i. kali-n. kali-p. Kali-s. kali-sil. kalm. Kreos. lac-d. lac-e. Lach.
lat-m. laur. Led. Lyc. m-ambo. m-arct. m-aust. mag-c. mag-m. mang. Merc. MEZ.
morg-p. morg. myos-a. nat-ar. nat-c. nat-f. NAT-M. NIT-AC. NUX-V. Olnd. ox-ac. Par.
Petr. ph-ac. Phos. Phyt. pic-ac. pitu-gl. pix plac-s. plb. positr. pot-e. Psor. Puls.
Ran-b. ran-s. RHUS-T. ruta sabad. sabin. sacch-a. Sars. Sel. SEP. Sil. Spect. spig.
spong. Squil. stann. STAPH. stram. stront-c. sul-ac. SULPH. tarax. tarent. teucr.
thuj. til. tritic-vg. tub-m. Vac. valer. verat. vero-o. vinc. Viol-t. zinc-p. zinc.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS lichen acon. agar. alum. am-m. Anan. Ant-c. anthraco. Apis
Ars-i. Ars. Bell. bov. bry. Calad. castn-v. Cic. cocc. dulc. jug-c. kali-ar. Kreos. Led.
Lyc. mang. merc. mur-ac. nabal. nat-c. nat-m. phyt. Plan. Rumx. sep. sul-i. Sulph.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - lichen planus agar. anac. Ant-c. apis Ars-i. Ars. chinin-ar. iod.
Jug-c. Kali-bi. kali-i. led. merc. sars. staph. sul-i. sulph. syph.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS patches acon-ac. agar. ail. apis ars. berb. Calc. Carb-v. coli.
Graph. ina-i. Iris jug-c. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Lith-c. mang. petr. phos. pot-e. Puls. Sars.
sec. Sep. sinus. thuj. tritic-vg. Viol-t.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS pimples acetan. Acon. Agar. aloe alum-p. alum. am-c. am-m.
ambr. anac. ANT-C. Ant-t. aran. arg-met. arg-n. arn. ars-h. ars-i. ARS. arum-d.
arum-t. aster. aur-ar. aur-m. Aur. bar-c. Bar-m. bar-s. Bell. benz-ac. berb. borx.
bov. brom. Bry. bufo Calad. Calc-p. Calc-s. calc-sil. calc. Canth. caps. carb-ac.
Carb-an. carb-v. Carbn-s. CAUST. Cham. chel. chin. chinin-ar. chlf. chlol. chordumb. cimic. cina Cist. clem. coc-c. Cocc. coli. Con. cop. crot-h. crot-t. cub. cund.
cupr. cycl. dig. dros. Dulc. eug. euph-l. euphr. falco-pe. Fl-ac. Gamb. gels. gink-b.
granit-m. Graph. guaj. hell. helodr-cal. Hep. hippoc-k. hydr-ac. hydr. hyos. hyper.
ina-i. indg. iod. iodof. jab. Kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-br. Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-m. kali-n. kalip. kali-s. Kreos. lac-e. Lach. lachn. Led. LUNA Lyc. m-ambo. mag-c. mag-m. mang.
Dr.7Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy

meny. meph. Merc-c. MERC. Mez. mosch. Mur-ac. myric. nat-ar. Nat-c. NAT-M. Natp. Nat-s. NIT-AC. Nux-v. op. pall. par. petr. PH-AC. PHOS. pieri-b. pip-n. pix plb.
psor. PULS. querc-r. rat. rhus-g. RHUS-T. ruta sabad. sabin. Sars. sel. Seneg. SEP.
Sil. spig. Spong. Squil. stann. Staph. stram. stront-c. suis-hep. sul-ac. sul-i. sulfon.
SULPH. tab. tarax. tarent. tell. Thuj. Til. toxi. tritic-vg. trom. Urin. vac. valer. vanil.
verat. viol-t. ZINC.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS popular Acon. allox. anthraco. aur. bac. beryl. Bry. Calc. caps.
Caust. cham. cycl. Dulc. galeoc-c-h. gels. Grin. hippoz. Hydrc. Iod. Kali-bi. Kali-c.
KALI-I. kali-s. kerose. lat-m. loxo-lae. loxo-recl. lyc. Merc. morb. narc-ps. nat-f.
petr-ra. Petr. phos. pic-ac. psor. Sep. sil. suis-hep. sulfa. Sulph. Syph. tere-la.
thiop. toxo-g. x-ray zinc.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS red acon. Agar. AM-C. anac. Anan. ant-c. ant-t. apis Arn. Ars.
asim. aur-ar. aur. bell. berb. bry. calad. calc-n. Calc. caust. cham. chel. chinin-s.
chir-fl. Chlol. cic. cina Clem. cocc. Com. con. cop. crot-t. cycl. Dulc. fl-ac. goss.
Graph. ina-i. Kali-bi. KALI-C. kali-s. ketogl-ac. lach. Led. lipp. lyc. m-ambo. Mag-c.
MERC. Mez. Nit-ac. op. ox-ac. petr. ph-ac. PHOS. plb. psor. ran-b. Rhus-t. sabad.
sars. sep. sil. spig. squil. staph. Stram. SUL-AC. SULPH. tab. thuj. til. tritic-vg. tub.
valer. vanil. verat. verb. vero-o. vip.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - tubercles umbilicated Kali-bi. Kali-br.

Chapter 30. Commonly Encountered Genital Dermatoses > Lichen Planus
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Chapter 88. Hair Growth Disorders > Lichen Planopilaris Fitzpatrick's

Dermatology in General Medicine, 8e... LPP is a follicular variant of lichen planus.
Together with DLE, this is the most common cause of primary cicatricial alopecia.
LPP can be divided in classic LPP, frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA), and Graham
Little syndrome. The typical age of onset of classic LPP is around the fifth

Dermatologic Disorders > LICHEN PLANUS Current Medical Diagnosis &

Treatment 2017

Disorders of Hair Follicles and Related Disorders > Lichen Planopilaris (LPP)
Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 7e... Figure 31-16.
Scarring alopecia of scalp: pseudopelade of Brocq caused by lichen planus The
scalp is smooth, shiny, devoid of hair and hair follicles in many areas; some of
the remaining follicles are inflamed with perifollicular erythema and scale.
Several hairs are seen emerging from...

Dr.8Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Lichen planopilaris and Homoeopathy

Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin

Disorders > LICHEN PLANUS Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine ... inhibitor
Oral Twice daily Renal dysfunction, hypertension, hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia,
hypomagnesemia, hyperlipidemia, increased risk of malignancies FIGURE 71-5
Lichen planus . An example of lichen planus showing multiple flat-topped,
violaceous papules and plaques. Nail dystrophy...
Encyclopedia Homoeopathica

Radar 10

Skin Disorders: Trunk > LICHEN PLANUS Tintinallis Emergency Medicine: A

Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e ... Lichenoid drug eruptions can be identical to
lichen planus, except they tend to be more generalized and photodistributed and
there is a history of drug ingestion. The latent period can be months to years,
with an average of 12 months, and it may take years to resolve after

The Skin and Nails > Lichen planus DeGowins Diagnostic Examination,
10e... Purple, flat-topped, sharply demarcated pruritic papules appear on the
wrists, ankles, eyelids, and shins. Other forms exist, including hypertrophic and
bullous lichen planus. Mucous membrane involvement is common, appearing as
white linear lesions in the mouth or genital mucosa ( Wickham...

Dr.9Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

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