Online Sociology #5
Online Sociology #5
Online Sociology #5
Online sociology
Institutional Affiliation
common in schools and at the places of work. The frequency of meeting among the
members is low and when they meet, they spend time for just a short while.
Finally, reference group from which we seek for guidance so that we can evaluate
our behaviors as well as attitudes. These groups are usually generalized versions of role
models in a social setting.
83. How is a social network/social media different or are they similar?
Social media refers to the use of the mobile technologies and the web-based
technologies to turn communications into an interactive dialogue. On the other hand,
social networking refers to the social structure comprising of the people, joined together
by a common interest. Social network is therefore a sub-category of the social media but
the two are not one and the same thing.
The main purpose of the social networking is facilitation of successful connection
among the people. It is usually founded on the human side where people can network for
work or leisure purposes. It is usually meant for mutual communication. On the other
hand, social media is a broader term encompassing different types of media such as social
networking among others.
84. What is Anomie?
An anomie refers to a condition of instability resultant from the breakdown of the
values or the breakdown of standards or from the lack of ideas or purpose.
85. What is a virtual community?
In groups refers to the condition or the situation in which a person has the feeling
of belonging to a select group in a heady one or an elite group. On the other side, an outgroup is when one is in a group that he or she does not belong to; often characterized by
the feeling of competition or disdain to an out-group.
88. What are the levels of conformity?
The levels of conformity are as follows:
The computational independent or the conceptual viewpoint, which acts as
the first level
The platform independent, also called the logical viewpoint.
The implementation viewpoint, that is usually specific to the platform.