FBI Venona
FBI Venona
FBI Venona
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PART # / of /
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~ C; \ .. U"I GlLn'at17 attlllpt1q, t.IlraR&h iDft8ti.ptiaa, to
1 ;;.~~~~ o:.,:-n at t.e ~:.::;;_~~~~~;~~: __
~~, " ...... lOU U. aaIJHIG~ II ...
La. v..,. Sa ., , 1944, b7 CD. a.a. It. ...
l.Ger ~ ~t. be b~ ocm'-o'«l Del ... w:tlJ1nl to ...ut
til. D. It. ... wo NPOn.cl1;ba~ be azri:nd. 111 Ii;' Yon: C1V OIl leaft 1D -.rlJ JIiDD&l'7. 1945. W. arid _, ~ tbanabt he JI1cht be lAd ••• AlTaZ'U, a prc:w1.DeDt pbp1c1aD IlOW _1071d at ,. Radiation Wborato17 in Beftalq, Cal:U0JU1a, but. 1lpul the reoe1pt. of the 1DfOl'Uti.on t:ra. the 8CIO.l'08 that the :lndiUdu&l ked &rnTed.. in ... York C1t,r in -.r~ Jamaary, 1945, we d8tel'J11ned. '\bat jlftNl ... not there at that t.1a.. We are 0CI'l-
.... .. +-4 ...... "'YO .... + ... _ .............. _+'it'Wli +.J'I "'_1ft ... +..k4 ...c ....... , I .. 4._' . .t+._
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Alllpered by' the fact that certa:1n lAaTe records at Los llaoa • ..,.. been
deat1"018d. We are &lao, through invest1pt:f.CI1, att..-ptl.nc to id&~ ~~~
GEm ALVIJ BALL and SlVII.a ~(~),
Recent intorut.ion bo retlecta t.bat. 1beod.ore _
Hall, in Bo .... er, 1944, .. in Ii1r York City, ere he was in ocatact.
..-I tJ. ~Yi l1i1!!t ~ Ka11£ at. t.hat. t..f.B. ~ _nlt7Vl!ld b" V1m at r- U-.n._
... _- ----- ...... -_. ----, --- - ......... -- _._, ---- -~--'" -- -", - __ .... --- ---.
At the reoc-aend&tiOl1 of SU, Ball. qreed. to supp17 to SO'rlet Int..eJl1genoe 1ntorutlao ooncem.ing worlt being doDe at Los .llaraos. Sau. del1ftnd 1;0 B-* (cm1d~t1t1er1) oertain 1D!orut1C1l.t and SU oontacted 8ft olAcial
at 1ibe SOTiet Ooaaul.&te 1I1d. d.el1.Tered. t.o h1lI aerta:1.D inforutlan. Bued on the toreco1nc, an 1Dt.eaIiTe 1nft8t1Pt1.~ has bee 1:Dat1t;Q~
'fheodQre 4l~Ba.U. who 11 1d.lIltical. with to .. B.all ~icmed
1D theli TV omat.1on, pre._tlT 1.8 -.ploTed &~ 'the 1JJ:d~
eri1ty"it Chioaaofat Iut.1~te of JlD.cle&r PbyalQJ1. \~
. _ .~ ,: ~~.1
Sax aUo U ~ 1D Cld.oaco, *ere :be is' opera1i1Dc &
~m"'n.... l4)
\ Furt.her 1:a:rruUpt1cz 11 bc1D& 00Ddaat.ed. to. d~ the
' .. ",,_t. _'01._ of _. i..tI.~ -' to 1iI~ B~( It)
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f.nimn IXIP£D! ~(k) .) .
M YDIl kDGw .. the ~t)maticm enabled oar 1c1mt1t1o&~aD at eopicm .. -a Son.t .~ &pDt.. fIIQ other
1Ddi 'I1ctpaJ. wue 1mal'ftld 111 th COplon in bar Mpl.cmap actl Y1 V in 1944, ODe bG.Dc -..nan 1)&ru, DOW -.r1q D. Barcteelo, 1Ibo ~ MZ'1"'18d. m:l 1l?1.ag 1D JIa1co Cit7. She tozar17 ... ~0J'd b7 O!(l aDd b7
the OOor&t1Dator ot Drt;er-JlltlJr1ean &ttain. .. ba.,.. • peDd:1.lW 1Dn8't1g&t101l on ~rac1o. 1be .. cenci 1Di1lidual. 1dJD act118n;, recruited Coplon .. nora Don ","c.t:Jin, who preeent17 18 arrled ard. 18 bel1.,.ec1 to be 1D tb. SoY1at UD1on. She !ozmerlT 'a8 ~ bT OIl and. bT
t.be state Dllpar'tM-Dt. Her parem.a, 1Ir. aDi 1rr8. BDoI Wieber, are preaent.l,T in tbI trn1ted State. and _ are 1DYeatigat1ng thea not o~ to dalterm1De whet.ber tbe7 haft &!J1' connectiona With SoT1et •• pioaag., but t!!~ order th& t - -,. le&n:l if WowchiD returns to the 0n1 ted. Star;c: I
-~ JllLItE. 1Llt5 FtJ:R! }f1 fJ..) •
A}' .. ...,. t1~fi~~t~~t1at!":a~~o;::.;~ ="""
ep10nage -()JOlle,. who DOt only apparently operated Fuchs .bil.
hebe was ill tbI t7n1ted States, but alae apparent17 was to operate
Al;lrabaa BzotmaDt desigoateci tIT t.be litE 'aDder tobe cover DUll ot IIComt.ructor. BrotlBan presentl,.- 11 operatiJlc • coD8Ult1.n& engi...neerl.ng tim in Hew York
C1 t;y J ancl 1DIt.ract1oDB ba'ft been usud to 1.rrten1 ... h1A and ftriou of bi8 ... aoe1.a ..... in &n .ttort to i.dent1!7 (»oN. you 1I'ill reeall 'that Brotblan
... naed b7 Blrrtle7 .. baYing tumiehecl1Dtoru.1610D to bar in 1940 - a . tact adId. tt.ed in 1nt.errlAnr b7 Brotbml.n. I. brief tull,y deW 1 of 'II the ... ,.--i.OnA ~t;e 01 toM- iny-t1..Da~ n.. ~ FI...!:m.tted tor '1OTI!' :!.!!to!'!!Bt:.10!!
_\~IUBmJT~:¥~) ).. jP
. t \,. , '!be i.J1fomatl.OD forth .... ~ tIT tbI
l 10 to zucti a pveon n,n.t.ed to' t.bJ of Ilk 111 IPe Japl ..
in Jam, 1944. !be iDto~tiDn •• ta tort.b that JIlk JIad. 01._ open1::1om in bebalt ot. scm.et upicmap ocmtact becIu. _ ....... ."w1]]..,.
b1' t.be rBI. .. .. WDa recoDiac1lecl b7 a Sout aa-t·"sr .. W..s.r t.be COftr ..... of 1):)1l&W &JKl lP. _ ... bMD podt1ftl.T ~ ..
.... d.eo SabatlD1, 1Ibo baa been 1nten1.-d &Dd i., to & ~ e:n.sst, _rdl. .. 111121., ~t.b:IqIl _ 1. ~ 1I1J Hili to ,_... _ .... lDtO_J;
(Y.lt C!:mcII • Th;WSia5t
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regarding the espionage actintiea of Andrei Iw.m'Yich Schevchenko, Ym, in 1943, was attached to the Bell Aircraft Plant at fi&gara Fa.lla, .... York, u tbe head Soviet ID8p8.ctor ot that plant. Scbncbenko later
becae ftce or tbI '1'r&d1ng Corporation. !he
that Scbl'9'Chllnko lIU designated
mrlel" ttl. COWl" !aM ot he app&l'Wntl.T occupied an 1IIIportant
po e1 tion 1.D. the IIlB appe.ra tus operat:1Da in the tb1 ted 51;& tee. It is al.ao: ot 1nteren to DOte that both or our doubl8'1pJl't iDfO%'llll1tB, IPl'8Jl G.
are Mnt1aned. 1.n tbe iDt01'll&t.i.on tunlUmd to _
1 t appe&rI t.A.t tt. JIlB bel.1.ned tMa u, be
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or BuleW1, and BrCm1er ftI cognir.mt of the Sm.et act1Y.l.ty-1n tbe
1n11l.t.za1:.ian of nr:L0IUI ted sta:t.ea ~t apDC1el. 'ltIare 1.
also ... 1D:lica tiCll t'onIat.1.cm tb& t .. kDn' ~
other acti rl"t7 GIl tm of the lIlB. We are att.pt.;lDc, th.roaP
;h:;::a~~ ::= ~1i)11udual dewr ~t:c!:-.; :- of
\ rupoao1bl.e paoiti ... .!:_ ~=.t !Vty .. d to haft been _ ill
wr10W1 war.J by tJJe ~)
~B SOVIBI OFl'ltIW~l<.)
It is not poerible, tb1:1 length, to detail
the information awila ble gard:l.D& KGB ~t1c1.als
~ attached to official and estabUshments in tta
1\ Un1 ted states. However, c ~ interesting observat1ona can be _de OIl
the basi S ot e 1I!"1hk ter1aJ." An 1nd1. T1daal b7 the DBmI!I ot Kar
was direct.iDg the 14GB espionage acti:vi V wbi,ch' was stennn1 ng trcm the
~--tll!lt r'nrumhts> in IT_ Tl"lw (""'hr_ a.. 'W'lA~,,},+ ... A' .... __ th. T ... ~., 1)_-'''''_+.
I U;~t-t~ tne MGB-;t-tbai-C~hte.~-~;;;;b: cU;;c~d ~tirlti:;-~}
)~ _ are outside the New York area, reaching to t.be west Coast, to IRa llamoe, and even to Washington, D. C. Be bas not been 1denti1'ied, and it appears pol!lsible that the cover name of Ma7 is tor the position ot Legal Basident
II '~~~i::~ t~~;17 O:v!ii::d-~~ - up ~:i8 ~~~~~ :e;~~s1~
the United statel!l in the latter part ot Augul!lt, 1944- You will reeal.l
I tba t ZUb1lin ft~ a ttached as a Second secretal'7 t.o the Soviet ]DIbass7 in
1f~ton, ~ C •. ' but spent a COE~ble.~t ~t t.ae ~_I-! y~
I Cl ~- a:ccrding t. 01 ormaUOll, 'CIIlCier 1117, U. Lega.l
J Residant .&gent, the ware indi vi. in ott1cial or semi-ot!1cial Sarl~t
posi ticms lIho are designated &8 "cadre men.. tbele ind1 vi&lal.8 ~paren~ headed 'ftl"1.oua ¥nd:ualnetwarkB 'IIb1ch .. ere ~ operated b7 1m IIlB
in tb8 trn1t.ed S~teB. .e have not ident.11'1ed all of theee 1D1irtdnals,
but haw succeeded in identif11ng a tew ot thea. (De of tbe .are iJIportan1 ODeS ... VlNt'mr S. Pradn, t.be ta:.r bead of tbe Tad .... MfGI:T in ... York C1V- "PraWin was in contact with a Dllllher of _r1ca oornaponc _te, apparen tl7 both OIl en open and clandeet1De bu1s. a.cmc Id.a coutacu were .. ncaa alch as Joham.. Steele.. B1chard. IAuwrt&ch. & DCl !I1;CbID LI1n .. are c_tI.lIg inY~ot1iati_ ..; 011 of ta.. -1JId1'1'1diial. it i..::r?J.
~ ..
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.... that L&1N 111 p-...m.q ...". to" em. ~:III&Ibldul. who "- _til ~ wU.Il numabl. ~ 11 ." •• il CMUapl., 1IbD .... , 1A 1944, atUched. to tiM SOT.le1; ~te Sa ... %art C1t;;r. ali
_ Mel pNri. .. q cc.dDcte4 ~ .-C'IIlzIc Ida 1& ~ w1th t.ba Altaclmlc IWhort 411r11aC 191t3 aid 1944. IDnUwr JatL"ddDal 1iibo 'Aa t;--t1nc a ~~-~ _C,_k .. au 1iid1r..dlill dii:1pr .... b7 ~ ccrnr .... ot Sbt.ok~!b1a 1Dd1.'f!.&tu1 ~ be u.rt1oal. wJ.tb ._
MlrJam.cb S zany, .. att.&ohc \0 tbe MItarI !nd1Dc ~
1a 1943 &II! 1944. 8mm".. .. tbe Abject at _ ..... 1_ ~t.1cra. priClr' \0 h1a ~ tar 1ibe Sm. Urd.CID 1A hI" Idler, 1 •
Th. Lepl Ree1d.ent .a.c-t at. the SOt1.Mt ....... q in hiDctoc:a.
D. e., tol.lorJng b:1a arri'Yal 111 the 1Ja1t.e4 Staw 111 Sept,abC',l9Ut, ..
=t:~':~~G:.!~ ='=~' l~o-:'~
4el1CD&ted. UDder the aonr __ or ... to We' the aati'Yitiu
of the GO't'IIZ"IIMi1"t IWt1ro.rk toJ.J.orillg b1I &n"1,al. III Md1 t1aa. w tM 1Di1"rid:u&h .micmed. h .. .tcrCCZ'. eo ~ JOB a.puU atUc!:lecl ",0 ott1c1a1
.. t-abllahante, t.bc'e ia & ccx.1clerahle lIIIIIbar that _baT. Jlot 1d.crt1t1ed.
t.o date IDd tbarA are other. no oceupl.a4 ralati~ .mar pee1t1aDl who
Uft bHD 1deut.1t1ed.. All ot t"hp. 1Dd1T1cJ".lI UentU1e4 b7 us baTe upoM.ecl f:ro. t.be umtecl Stat.u. W. an 'at~g to daTelop~ to the fulles1
- pou1bl.G utct the act.1"ritiu 01 t.bee. 1Dd1,·,',Mp·'· nell thOllCb tbq ba'Q. l'dUDld to the Sorl..et. 1Jn1OD. becau. t.be1r hfor.at1on giwe u a tuller
1Do1Kbt iDto IIil aet.1"rl.tioa iD tb1a c~
em mERTmc.t.TICI§.~u.l
A br1at MZlt10D 18 be.1Jli ..u of oC't&1n Wdch have be_ -.d. tro. the 1ILfarat1C11l OI'Pl1ed bJ
Charl .. Da'ril&, an 1D!1~ act1ft 1Jl """"&11 c1rcl.N ill ..: the umtad Stat .. , .... deai&D&teci b7 the iIiB .a.r ze oonr DIoM at
Dobr. Be app&l"~ .. ooopcoat1Dc with tb 11m :lD cCllllMlet.ica with
their 1DWut Jl atta1n 1111944 ... u bemc an1wq
1Il....-t.1p &.t ,
aa-n bnlJlld... 1A 1944 ... -tl~ jpIJIq, aD! .. bd.Dc reeftjltecl. "!CGI!"d1I~
Be 1a tAe nb~ect of a pead1Dg
~t· .
. ~__.........L- .. _
. -,::.'. .- ~
-. ; .
in 1944, ft8 1n til. tb1 ted States as a
FnDCh - n em ~ n_o.ZilSl£
!he 11GB .... in ocmtact 111 t.h hia, acc01"d1.ng to
lI&e a-k'ng ~t. tor his future 118. 1n camectiaa wh:l. h1a
_-8 ~ llElon, Borth llrica. lie 1. _~ bali ... od 1;0 be in F o.
Antal S. I'ftncrl.ewho, ill 1944, 11'&8 tbe PreaidClDt of a Yugoslav suman'. clnb in I_ Yo:dc 01 tr, .... act! T. in babal.! of tba 'KGB J and ther
!\ II&de &l"rmc-mte tor b:ll being OOI1t&cted ill LoDdon lIpaI1 bill retum to
M taDdon. It is to b. Doted. that lYald.c later ret.umed to l' a
-Where h. as killed in m accidmt, the accddfmt report~ - &
plamed. affair. The mT88tipt.ion on h1II has been c1~"C~~..,
~ :-; ;
_. JI.,"-
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.-'- 1.,.c.. ----- -_
1' -, tIf SECRE-
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the information oontained in this memorandum baa been eet forth ill order to ~ 8U11111Bl"i.u tor you the important 1J:xn.tigati ve developments. 'fhe~A.ae 11 being Wled u .. control ti£ to insure that the
ind! vidual CASes growing out of the 1~ormation from 1JZs. )
are promptly a.nd T1gorou.dy handled. At is contelltplated that !"rom. t:i.me ,;.
to time _mon,nda. such a.s thia will be prepared 111 order that the entire pioture with respect to the instant inveltigation will be aT&il&ble to
'_ '-1'1~_,~,.. .. "'-t .•. ;+-... '·~I-'
f101e. __
uri.t _
us: n170~\:::'!'f COIUtnD m::-'\E!!J IS UIfCL.tSSlFlED Z;:CE?t Sli3RE SHOWI OTHERW1~
- .
. "'~'''''"II''-'' . .,... To".'
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~ SECRET l~1
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Tou .au r~call that 80rru Dezter fhlte we. na.ed bU
IJ n(tt(Jk~,. eIla.b,r. in hia .t"at •• ent. Q6· hOlling blien a .iUre. ()j '~oraotlon lor CAo.be,.a in hiB ~ork. in Soviet ,.piOhOg. until Choab,,.a brote with th, Soviet. in 1938. Cha.b,r. produced Q
. ~nd~ritt.n .eaorandu. that 'hite hod glUtn hi. and our LQborotory w~==tcbl~=hed thia aeaorondu. O~ beina in White'a handwriting. The
11T~,aaur~ Depart.tnt adU\8ed that port. 01 th(. aot.rial ~ere highly conlidential, co.ing to the Tr'Qs~rU Deport.tnt Iro. the D'pa~.ent
0/ StQt'.~ IA,.) . _,.
In addition to the foregoing, Elizabeth T. Bentleg ."
1 Nov~mber, 19~, advised that she hod leorn~d through Nathan Gregoru Silv,rmoater that White ~a8 supplying Siluermaater ~ith. in/or.ation which wos o~toined by Ih'te In the coura, oJ h18
II d~ti~! oa _~B! iat~nt "';0 the Eec1"etory 01 the T,.eo8ury. ~(lt..)
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rou 11.(111 recall that from tiu to tiu you have b furnished memoranda in th1 a CQse designed to gtu~ "ou an 0
all vielD of a.ctiuit the J/GB let Intelligence) ba
on tn/onuation fro. This loure, has been
able to provide us raat on 1ng baCK to the period
April, 1944, to May, 1945~ regarding 80uiet (JlGB) operatio in the Ohited States. 1he .ain It.j~atton.· on ~h~ in/oraa are that in tany in.tance. it is v.ry /raga,ntory and, in addition, the Souiets' ,zt,nslDe UI, 01 code .no~1 aaKel identifications difficult. Tau mill intere.ted
that on inuesti
roe haue i _ 'pe.J'.s.o~ n,ll
cctiuit"ea" 0 haue, at one '6i_#
$~ct,a:'~' 0/' tliis IIUI'];',. lD.·- "
frat oth,r .oure •• indicating. OROg. On 4(
t~~-~=a:.~·.~i~-~~'''-Bo.,eV.r;-~-'persoii. ·.,oj-'n"-, ori!~1/. b
to ua aa .involvecl ill.~."p-~.Q.n_qg. and Aoue Ii." fl."il/''l,d t~ro~gh·inve.tigation c~nducted pur8uant * ... i. 008 •• A chan ,zplaill'ng fh~. ~1J ."re d.to,l ,. _t rortA on 1'a~
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jqp Sf(
.-uabfr Prfvioualv mODI to ua /1"0. otMr 'n./oraotion '"
J'U,aber lot PNvioualu lllon 'to III
other Per,ona Not No~ in Dnited Statel
perlona Dec,aaed
(Burd, Duggan, G0108, Ivancic, KouTnako/l, Lauterbach, Maliso//, Stapler, White)
pe raon s Noto Coope rat" LIt Yith us 12
(Bentley, D.Greenglasa=, R. Greengla8s,
Black, El 'itche r» lio1~, lienake'r, Jliller, Moczulski, Morro~, Sabatini, Tork)
persons ~o haue been or are being e prosecuted (Brothman, Coplon, Fuchs-, Gold, Greenglas8,'GubitcheLl, Moskowitz,
J. Bosen be rg, E. Rosenbe rg, Slac Ir, 8obel1)
persons invol LIed in Silver=aster Network 11
Pe raon" involued in J!ocase 3
other persons on wh oa the re ere pending
investigations 18 ..
. - Less those counted twice, described beloJD
J a.
Gubitchev ja also listed a. haDing been pro,ecuted. Gr,,"glass is also list,d in those being proa.outed. Gold is also liat,d a. having been pro •• cut.d. Morros also counted ift Moca.e .ubi.ot ••
Fuchs alao counted ift tho.e not noe ,. Daited St4te~
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.:JNcwd iui' oo .. iurabll H ro ag
., ...... , ..... un .,~ rial iA
ao'* bo. at Di. ii_ ... rat oa'ti_ ..
G"~ ISlIthlll, '.N.-tt • __ /10"" to 'dln't1
o _aab.r 01 ... tden agent.. •• '.H.'tiguiio .. ar. b.~
cl".f11g ."p',..,,' •• d "" orur to ia."r. ,*_i .. uy aN kiag prop.Tl, inu..tigat.d. :he lollowtng " • bri.1 r ..... oJ thl "aporlant 1"'Ga'ficat'on. ot th ,. utur."""jl&5
[. rOMIe KnRQT IlfFOIIJU/!'I(J;'7.rv i'..) ~il Juliu. IlGU. ,".h. ~
I. pt •• beT' 194 tiJlQ 011 'tu b~
!=J~g-~r:'~~It-!.:: _Io"~~·~~~~ !~~
.... ~ -_ .. ,. , '" lit.,,,,. • ",
8tote. 0.. 0. 80 ra Jo .. or" 19S0, cluriJtf
tatervi ••• ith chI lIon/ •••• d io ata.le
"pC01&Gge OA • Fuch. wa. tUr.a/t,r ClTS
c"ad co.vieted /0 T t1 '0 ott on 0/ t hclt j
ora JltJTch 1, 1950, la, -0. 9 $(,," tile ozhwa .,rate.c. oJ /ov. TU reara. Fv.ch. we. e:h4u.ttv,l, intervie.ed br BKr'~u rwpre •• ~ 'L. Loado. ctlJr~"g 1/4111 1950, Glad jurni.lud 'a/oraat" OJa 01 uol .. c.raiag h~. ~.p'O.Gge Gctioiti,. in the U.'ted 8tG ..... ~
r ~w.' '"
{lClrl"JI Qol~ t •
OIIr '"o • .stigo'tiora to id.ra'ti/r he". ' ", •• ricall eoatG .... ltGR40 •• 1 with o~r td.nt'ficCli'oa 0/ ~cA. 08 on
at T# 19.9. F. ud G 11«1. '.forac;
fto.,..i.g ihi, -aa "iol '-4'oa*" •• $
AI ra ,. CO.tAct ."t" "'cU. _t _. GUO ia
eo.tact .'loth ~bNhG. BrotUcm. F. 01.0 ... red 'a/of"M't".
cOllcln'lIg h". /'roa he". and JlTe. Gad 1Ir. Mob," "'" .. _, I 4" 1"!!CP!I' .'~wr Gad f)ro'tM,..-ia-1AII ,.. .. a.o'ti •• llf. .jJ.l of iJ JHr.ou r.J.cNd ,hotogJ"Op'" 01 Barr, hid "'oA - _,.. •• _ 1
.... '.'.'All,. • ••• n. ottftr ... ' ••• l"d ,." •• ,,.t,oA
... -
~;~'1-' ,,~I
\.__~ ----,
,. ,
c ..... r.eI oa Morr, Qold CIa o.r b •• t ... ",.c ..... ad ••• , aR. 1: u GCIa''ti:ecl .zu,..," a.pio.aga ACtiD''', 'I. iU ""ted BtCSUi
.All ••• ' Ma, U~ l8.50, he ....... t1 ... 1. , "." ."'oa
p1c1a,... 0/ (1014 .""0' .. re .k_ "0 ., , ••• ,,"ouge 00
"'ou, 0. tU follo.'.g do,. dc/'.'"l, '"..i'/"" .... "... .. 0 &71"8'" 0.1 IIold. "olcl 114. A ,.r •• tad •• a •• S. 18M. ad ".cU,
o. ;,a .. i., 11SO., b,o. r.flersl Qrad hr,-'" ,.. Mei
0' ... rort. .a Jjlad ,."li, 'to ,.,. ,.'U ad .. Deoa.
e, 1960, hdp .r .... P. MefJNu,., , • .M'loUl~i ....... ac.d ... A'rtr ,.Ar. '.pr'.o .... t~ 1., .... ti .... ,...d .'ace .1. nHa a' mli1n ftll .na1. RD. 11150. ~,.t( ,
~~~~. ;:~-~;o~fI£~-. _m_~J
DIM 01 the per.on. aaaed blt BGrrr Gold ... ~l!r.' Bl!:!ct. o. 'tM b!!.~. tJ/ t"/CH"'.4flo1! IrD. 1.h11d, 8J!!~t~. ~.1 rr' .. ed oa h". 15, 1950, at ."'£cll ii., "- Clef.it-wel "'I, .,p"~ ClC,*'l7t ·U •• GlI" ad.' 'Hed M la.d ~rJl"'h.d 'to 901d a ._pl. oj /oraala lor the ':pl08"0. "liM _"1. Sloct acIa e.plored bp
Eol.toft O?clA4ae. Fort., ri"g.port~ !tn 'e, ,. 1944. ,alcc
"."" +." .,. +h. 1' +,.,.11 n".+.,.{,.+. *", •• ,,11. 11. _JW_ J!IL J~
". .- - - w.J ----- "' -._ --. --
pled guiltr, Gnd OJl Sept •• ber 82, 19S0, ~ .aa .eftieac.d to
---r'i~e~ ¥earl ~1~~. Robert L. !bylor at Q ..... pill •• ~.,
f~oaa. L. Blaek "
- -
Allo'tb r iad'£uiciual "denti/'ed bfl Gold" Actio. il
e.pioll4g. Jor iM 8oviet • .a. 2'110841 L. Blaet. Gold ad.i'tt~ ~I iaitia"ted into t1. Booi.t •• pioacg. activit, ~, Bloct, I eM.".i, i. li3S. ID 011 ,,,teni,. Oil .TrIu RO, 1950., BJtu:t
_ __._.#.........._ __ ~ !L .i __ r#_ ..... -. ••• _.JI _"'''''''' _ II'.-._~_..&._ ..6_ .. "o~ fI_ ... _ .. rI.
GQa.~""g. ".",v.t .. " .,..,u.£v.u. _. yvv •• - ...... ..,.. •••• 1'-'
ao"ti.,'lt" •• lind.,. 9Gik B. ODGkt.'IGJI~ ,(I iou'I,t .'P'IIIfG~ ag •• ' .a4 operated h' 'tM U.it.d 8iGot •• a.ad .A.o _. arr ..... d b, .Bl ~g."f. 'I. I •• TDrt Cit, o. Jia, S~ 1941,; au lawr olta,.,.d ., .,",ola,*'Io. 0/ tl. l'or,iga .. g •• i. S.gi.iJ"Gt" • .tci. (o.atia'l
- • - __ ... - _..... _. ...._ - ---II _ ~ _ __ -. .. _ _ ...... • ..... ,. • ~ _ _ _
tJ.pars.G rrt18 ~M U.lwa G'5GW ••• __ .A." • .,~ " .. ,,~ .... ,... ••.
•• got'ai' ••• ~ ........ UKited Sia ... 90 •• ,. ..... Gad ... S_ hio •• ) .Blact ••• da'tied IJOrtiag for GP4Ha'_ aacl • ~.t"a,. 8 •• 'e't •• p'.Kga '."""'or.. ,.. /'all /GO'" •• lIHrII'.J
'me •• Da ~.JI "_,,,,,.uct 'to 'tlw Cria'...z JK , •• er .. DI
... 'i of _".iio.. rae _.PGria6.j ei *iGi : Tip.'
, •• _.p'."" aN .0 ••• 0' .. to CM,.,. .,. _, 'ffiaj
loraati •• ral •• '.g ........ _,*'.aol NJ..... .. JlltjIG i
oo •• "ur'.g .. ". •••• '" •• 01 'lact ,0" railr.re ... ,.."' ,
-.- -
;:;r.~. -, . ,
t .. nurMl 8.ca,...t, ,ci 01 li~O. .lGo~ i •• till .00pe ... ·U_ Iri... _,. ,.ilGtUlpAM31.'JlI. aad U. ",ra,.~tl .... 'cI.,..b.t.
'II/.~t' ... r DO.la'.~~)
Je~ .. !~~=~-:M(1l,) .
'r" ·y- .y.----..::tff' .
a. ut,,,,, .. t,. oJ "'br"Ua Bpo.... ..r. Ii ,..i ",..,., io tM otte.1:i.a ./ "u 'II ,. lHS, ai _'ei 'H .. n'.GktA r B •• ~l., aod4 .. ,. .'.ol •• a,.... Sr.t~ • .o.
Jalr~ 19~O~ oa t~ ba.'. qf '~oraai'.n /T'. 08 e .". t ."lIt cU. 'gaoted ."M" tl. 0.0." Gold, i. "ga.d .iote ... t" aaaed B"oiAaoA a ••••• , •• , ind'uidu~l. I~' •• ho. ~. lad ob1ai.,d 'ada.tr'al './.r.atio. J tran •• , •• io. t. th4 80vi.t. dur~.g a period ,. iA •• arl, 1940' Qold od.,i •• d iiat _. AGd .ad. fal., .tat.aent. co.c'''~ing hi. ,..latioa,hip .itl B1'.t1&o. to both tAl FBI and G r.d#~Gl Gra~ JII1'r i. i,.. 801lth,", lH.t1'''~'t 0' .e. 1'ort ". 1947. J(~r'Ga
lio. to.," '" I a /0 rae r "07'" tIJ"'1I o/BrothalJa, Ad 10 te r h". pa rt71 in h's ba.i~'., .a. alleged b~ Gold to Acoe been pre,ent duri .o.e of th# d1.cu.,ion. b.~en Qold and B~o"lacn ,..lotiD, to
-_ the"r '''tended lalse teatiaonu be/ore the '.deral Granti JUr~,
~lthough the'Cr"ainal Diu1a1on 0/ t~ n.partaent d1c .fe~l "tMt Bro'thaGn could be charged "",*1& eepi01&Oge; on "ndict. mas retur".d aga'n.t Broth.an and Moatomjt. OQ JUlr 89, 1950, chtlrging the •• ith con,p1rGcu to obatr!Jct and ".,.. 'tu oda" Ii tra.t'on 01 ill"Uc.. ft-U Hr_ orr.et.d bll iN "Ion .lUlr 89. on this i~'ctae"t. ,rhe trial 0/ Brothaan and MO'~ODit.ooaIW on 'oD •• b.,. 10, 1950, ,_ tAe D"*'"'ct Court ,. tAl 8out~~ »1 oJ ,e,," Tort. on .ooeaber 23, 1950. the hrll r.tu,....d a .ercH' gu "ltr G' 'to .GcA d./.ndll1ft. ,.Mral hdg. J'1"lIiag LufaG.n, 01 'oueab.r as~ 19~O, ••• te.o.d Brotkaan ~o a.ru. 0 ••• t •• c. 0/ 4 por. Gild to Pf'l G J"'" 0/ ns~OOO. hdg. rtlUfMta ........ o.d .o.to.''''' H ,_Ml_ t_ "(iri 8iid -.0 pajj Ci 1"_ '/110•000• ~
~ -~~) .
~Uid Qr ••• glG'~
am,.", Ilold, •• JaM 1, 19SO~ /frra".'" ''''0''''''0" r'gGr-cUJIg G c:oaiGci _de 'a hn., lH.5, ,,, .u .. , .. ,.... ......
_,til G .old'.r &lid A" •• "'.~ 1a .... r U'."".fllll M,-. __ , ••• i'l,
oa ,DG.,'d aJId "a 1& ''' ••• glu.. ..ld JNlid .N.all". IISOO o •• ,
ocoo."o. alld "" ,.. Ntt."Nd 'II/IIND"'''. Nld'_ J4 •• iJ'1
'Uc_ioal .z~r' .. a'" .'ng cou.o,*,d ........ , ,." ,pc
---- :_
_-~ _-
, .... ~~. -
- .
ot LOI ~laaol :'CO. III!oJ'SCItio_ fro
ell .. N/ucud tut Qr .... gla •• _d M.a r.o Bo"i •
•• p'o_~ actiDiq .,_ iu 'till 0/ 1944. GIl h .. lS, 18-50, Dclv'cI QN •• gU •• H. "d. rv, •• d 'n ... l'or-t C,t, alief tid., t1 h' ••• pio.ag. Get''''*' •• outl' •• d &, "ld. Qrw._glG ..... • rr .... <1 oa ~ .. la, 1;50, ,_ ••• 1'ork Cit, .... , oa • ~o.~l f'l.d ,. J,l)q .. ,...., ..... rioo, _cargiag ., •• it1 .,.Jatic tu •• p'.INg. Cou,'roQ, Bto'tllt.. S,.. •• 'lo •• IJO' ,.cticwd i BOlito ", ..... ~'oo, 011 ~lr 8, 1950. B'~' olIO be ••
i .. dicwd , .. a. BOlltA.r. M.t'r'lc't 01 ... rort~ Gild 'tAt lolt .up'r.'di~ 'adjc~n* .at datedJ4nucr; 81. 1951. B. AGe J guilt, io 1"', i.d'cta.n~ mnd he 'I. to b •..... ne.d '0110.'" tlw' co.pleotion 0/ the Bo,enber~,bell 'trial, Rich 'l •• chec .0 b'gin on March e, 1951. 'f5~ "-)
rhrough orrc:",g •• ,nt • .ad. bit Mr. o • ..101&" Bogg.~ 171 glaa.' attom.,~ boiA DGlIfd Qre.nglala ond h"l ."1' MD. gIl con.iderabl. aaount 01 i .. /oraat'loa '.plicoting th.ir brothel la.~ JUliu. BOI,nbergl and otAer ind1uiduol. in Sou,."t •• pil Gr •• ngl~a •• i 11 be olle _0/., tlw! "a1B 171 tne •• e. in tile trial e, Ro.ellNrg end Sobell.4"#(.J1(l,.lj
-~H'" 1J~<l rthel l!O"~b.r~lAl Nr ~ The ,,,terui ••• 0/ .David and Bu'th Or •• ngltn. r.aul·
their cd.~.'iona of •• pio~ge Gctioitu carried 011 at tA. 'n, 1J~<l ,,,.lIer til. cHr.-cti~~ ~l'u. Bo •• nN-rg, .1&0 i, til_ ;)
, t.r, 8th.. re al.o rec.'p.d '_/oraation fro. ioh i~ioG e t~Gt BOI •• berg, .ho 17G. de.igna
ca •• 01 "Aat'Jl.aA~:C ·L'be"ol~· Ao4 op'ra"ed all .zt.nl h" "pioraoge netllJort. e 0./ tA. p.rlou 'l"cUca"Ud I
contacot 0/ BO •• nberg .a. »:Jr • .moh.r •• Ao Md b ••••• ploJ.' tM .sur.au 0/ O'rd"(SJ.ce~ United 8""''t •• 'ovl/ Depanun:t, /'PO. u1Itjl 1948. Zlitcbe,. AG. ac:Ja:Ji't;.d MGt ~O ••• N,.g aJld Jlono
80&.11 boill Gtuapt.d to r.c",'* Zl",*cAer , •• "'u 80.'.* •• Dio_a ••• or... (}old A.a. hrll'J.A.cI a "eran ._i ....... 'I he" id •• ;'J1ed .o •• nberg G. bei.g an 'adi"tdio1 .Ao-ap,..rwd r.Ad •• "oM. in Zl8Aur.t, Long I.land, ••• 7ort, .a t .. I''' ••
Bu1lda,. , .. ,.braar,. 1940. ft.i' ... 'Hag .. eI ,..,..aged b.
90ld'I Bu"'an .. p.r'or. ".,.. "''''ng, r, C • ./aoi d'cl
i:::!:'~: :~: :::":::!1i: :;;:::"Q;!~u.,., ..
J)cJ.,"d .1Id Bui' Qr ••• glo •• k.,. al •• "".N' iAat .I&oril, art.r i •• arN.i' 0' Q.old 011 MI, '8, 19,s0, ...... berg
fold 'tAe. 'tA., •• ot /1 •• froa i" ",,'w' aN"' • .". ""tt., olld gelD. tU. 'I" 011 15.000 'I. oo.A. 14,000./ ..,., ...... • Pa" ON" It, ... dA fl." ••• glo •• io UP .r.iur-'.-l_, Lo.'e ~lNI1, _0 low,., ai tu ''Ir.o*io" ./ .... I&~ "'''''!l~ .... r io D. Job .og~, 00 .... 1 lor iM Q,. •• "glN ••• .", '" l.)
~cId'''''.ul 'II/o,...,i'o,,· Me " •• " e ... Nd lroa tIM Qr ••• gloa ••• Clad j?oa Zl'licl&.r r.lo*'01 to i •••• ,' ... g. acth,iti •• 0/ Roe •• krg ItA teA IIOlild _~ '1 applor 'tAGt h, ,. po.,illl, 'the u,i '.1'ori(",t .'p'oraoge agent w"ich .. Uv. or,...t-ed to dow in co,,,,ec'tio,,' _iila th". _tter. Bo .. 0/ 't~
detail. 0/ tM .'1''',.csg. G1'J'CIl'"Gtu. 'I" ."iell "" _. op.Ni'"" ."11 be .et /or.I& A.""'II4ltc~~d.r vcsnoul oil.r 'ndiD'4uCLl~ .11.0 eere 'I" tM U'AtoJot. ~~J \.4..)
rho lect, concern"." BO.'lIb,rg'. "1'''oll4g, activ't .. r. /Ur1l1,hed to the Cr,.jll4l Dip",. iora 0/ 1M ~por'tae" t Gil. authori.ed coap1ai.t .0 • .fil.d i. the Bout".r" D,.trict 0' 'I Tort 0" hlll 1'l, 19$0, cl&argi.g Bo,.rab.rg .,tll. D'olatiora 01 . Z.pjoraag, Co"apirGc~ Biatute. Bo •• rabrrg .a. Grr..t.d ora JU~ 17, 1950, and A.aa beell h.ld "" Jail oa "Ioul. 0/ 1100,000 b ora hi. plea 0/ not gu '1 tp. ,£" autll.or" •• uJ coap1cstai _. ,,1. the Soutlern Diatrtei' oJ lerD Tort on ~ugust 11, '1950, claGrgi 11h41 Bo"nb,rg lIith G o'olatton oJ the Zlpjo.age Cora,pirocl 8~atut.. She .aa arr.ated bV Bureau ~ge"t. ora ~4. date oGd r.a4nd.d to Jail t. d.fault 01 '100.000 bGil. 'et~r JUlia gth.l Bo •• rab.rg ~De be.n ira GA, .01 coop,ratio. darirag ~, interDi.... ~I •• re bot. '.d'cj.d •• a .v,.r •• dirag i.diet I'l.d on JaJlUorl' 31, 19.s:I. It , •• ~ptlei:'f$ 'tui iA."r tr"41, along ."th the trial 01 Morion Sob.ll, .ill co .... o. " ~. 80ui'" r" Di atr" t 0/ '.11 Tort Oil Marc", e, 1951. ~C):){ 14)
k) .
~O~"~o:.:.~8~o~be~1=1~ .. _
... "racUooted ,..r,'"".,o1"', »u El,'tcu1" JIG. '-"t" tILai It • .a. approocA.d br JUl'". Boe.rabe.,., o ••.... r • .t ooc4.iou ,,, 19C4 au ."b •• qu.Jlt 't".r.io ~or ... JlG1"1'O" .,
iouiag ~,. /Krai.A '~/o~i'oft lor irG .. a'ttaJ to tAt 'o,',~ BO •• lIkrg Gl.o "./0 nud 11 'telaer tMi .0,.... ••• bell __ 000,
.hll -.. 61' .... ur r.... _h .... " iIOd •• ON .0_' •• Gfo~
-""'! .....
. 25
'.~~~ ,._,.--
. _-""" .
. \..MI( "~,,ot't
.KJr ~r..\1'\""" Gccoaponi,d Sobtll when Bob,ll too. ift!oraott •• ~ "~'ll'.
lao .. o. ~"9 I.lG"d, , •• ro,.t~ 'to Jtjl'u. Bo •• ,.",,,,, al""oug. A. cUd "0'* ••• 'tile GCiuGl deliv.,., 0/ iIY 'aJ'NO*" •• 114 d'd "ot bOlD iM co.te" ... 0/ -eM iIlJOJ"llCl'UOII. Boill .0".U a_,
Zl ''*ch.7' ADd H,,. eapl.,.d b, iu B •• H • .l1I ... ,. .. "i Coapollr in ••• tort C"''*II. fUr ud botla go .. i. tM Cit, CoIl.,. 01 ••• ro.,.t, groodll4t"ag ,. 1§8 ,. 1M NU olG ••• itA •••• Jlberg. Zlitcur cm'ud III _. No",'ud '"to ..... Coa..,.t ,.r .. , "r 8ob,ll 'I. IUS .IIil. M .... ,.. boU .ortillg c. IlUl'.vt .... ~
ao".ll fa'l.d ~o rita,." i. IIO"~ ~. ha. u, 196~, ~ do" 0/ tv o,.,...t 0/ lbuicJ or •• 1Ig1G •• 'I •• ,. Tort Cii,. IJI"~ gatioR rellected h. enid Ai. fa.il." l'/t ••• Tort br ~ .. r'cCl" J L'l"ea on JtJ"e 22, 1950, for Jlezieo Cit,l, JI_ZiCD. 11 •• o.a loca, in M.zico Cit" througA Bur.au 'nu.atigatioJl, and ,.. ~a orr"1 till the M~z'cCl" Securitll Police 011 Au guat l6, lSSO. He Gnd hi~ faa11u .ere deported /ro. Mezico to L4~,do, ~':Ga, Oft Augu.t: 1950. Sobell eGa 4r~ •• ted and a~rotgnad on the .aae date be/e
4-10. 17 ~.,f .(f+,,~ •• I" ol •• i ..... 90 -t .. rft90."" "'ft +hJa hIt.i. ", tL
"' "' ..., -..,. "' ..-·vw·v~·"'"',. t61¥Jr -.. ¥"' _ --_.- -ti -
co.pla'£ nt CJM 1:10 rrant ".'lIed 1n 'ifill To~. Cit" on Auguat 3, 19, charglng hi_ .ith con.p1ring lfIitA B(I •• ,,~.,.g 'tD e» •• it .apiOMJ Be lfIQ' no.ed in a ,u~'I".eding indicta,nt along .itA ZtAel Clnd Julius Ro,enberg and Dnv'£d Gr,engla" on JGftUGrr 31, 1951. I
~- j, conte.plated that Ai. trial .. olong "ith the So.enberg.,' - will co.aenee on MGrch 6, 1951. Th. Gou,rnaent'. ca.e Ggaina' Sobe1l i. baled p.,.iaaMlll upo" the 'Ln/oraotion /Umiah,d bJl Elttch,r and the auailable 'l7idence "ncident to hi. flight /'1",
~M_ Uni:~d_S~t'! ... _Ne~t~e~_~o~~l __ n~r hJ!_fJl~.furnhhed anll
In.roraa";J.on _~"i::;,e Klnen ul~.r&n'lDeG~f "'"
f!illiaa Per~ ..)
Db the boa i. 0/ "nJOT1lllt'Jon," .;
de t. ra" n.e d tAG t ri 11 'loa , IIho IDa. 0 ;"d bll tA, .a t '£ DnG,
Adu'£.orp Co .. ltt,e 10,. ~.r.~t'c. In Cl,a~lGn4 dU~lng 1944, aa. po r1; oJ 1he hI iva Boa.Jlbe'l"g .aii oMge ring. r. 01.0 learned /ro. DCU1'd O:N_"glo.a 'thai. So •• "berg r.par ... dlr AcId t aparta#lIv '11 , •• Tort City D\ 'eh h, ".ed ill preparing _t.ri ora .'c"'I'l .. ill cOJl"ec1;ion ~tA hi ••• p'o~g. Got'Diii'.. 0 01 t;h ••• o.part.,~t • .a •• 014 to b. l.oaied in iAe ~ ... 'c" 'i11ag. S.ction 01 'e. rort Ci'tJ. our '1NI •• iiQGiioll deD.loprl tlatJ1; Gil ap4rtaeJlt Cli ~ Jlo1'ion Bfr •• tl (lr .... 'oA ",Uflg., , •• rort C'£'t'l _. r.nted ,,,~d.r tM na.a. 01 ~"'d 84,..." po. lP
=-- _-
-:.--'" .' -.,,- .
-----_.- -----
" ~
-. ...... '_ . .;. ~ ... - .:.: - ., ..
• ". -j
- .-;'": ".:
- _--.,.
a."*,l J .. RaO,....~ 1950. ".,...1 ~ .. elldt .. , .... 't .. oo_p'.d a,. Clpc1'"tuJlt ,. 1"" ClAd 194'1 ."'1 ......... d'ag Coluab'. 1TJa' •• ""tJ r. go. deterat .. d /1'"'" tu 8t&,.,.'.ie"a" -/ ... , • ."a ......... _'lel' • ., 'tao .. '*M .pcar6u~" cU, 00 •• '. " ••• 0",,"-'0 .111',...·
, , ,
__ 0 .. "'."gud ./ro. l'a po,'.'~ •• tt ..
and .11.0 'a p,. •• iatl, .~lo,.d GtColaabi. a.'o.,.a'_' i.,
.'t7"'llc"or, u. be.n ' .... n' ... el bo"U& II, Bar.au "g..'t. olld "',/0' 1;he ,.tJ.rtJl Qranel JuJ71 ,. "D Tort Ci.,. ftile u ada'" hOI Zlito .. ~1 Jo.l B4rr oad ~lIred BarGA." 411 ooatact. 0/ RO •• llb ,,~ deni.d 00.'"9 Bo •• "b.rg .'JlC •• ohool .rl GAd deJa,.d bow Michael 8i60ro01ch, ODot"er ... ber 01 th ••• ,p'oaog. ""'.g. r. illt.rv' •• ora hlp 27, 1950, he ada' 'Hed tu1; o. JIll, R3" 19S0 "violll Gla. •• II4I1" a lora.r pcra..a01lr 01 J •• l B4f"f', onotur ... b 0/ t". "p' OMg. opporcstu." IIGd oo,,'kcted .'a. B •• tat.d aM hia instructio". to leav. the countrr b, .ar 0/ M.z'co" .. rati Bo.enberg, and o/I.r,d bia .oa. aoaer to ••• lor hi_ 11,,,ht. claiaed that he did not tno~ t~e pa~pos. 0/ thi. oontAct and h, re/Used t~. ao~v. rioia" Gla •• aon, ,. an int.rv~.D" ada' ~no~'ng Boa,.berg and ad.ttted going out to Cleveland and COD
---ing Perl" o//'~1ng "fa aone, to go to 6.z100. 8ha cla, .. d 80 person not tno~ t~'r had contacted h.~ and ~eque.ted h,r t aate -the trip. 9 \)) u..,
In connecti n den,al~e the Federal
Grand JurJ/ 0 1t.e n. .. nCi
have deDelope ree _ aea 'n Clev.land ~o are n G
poaition to 1;e.ti/~ that theJ/ .o. Sido,...ooicA GAd JWr1 to~th' 10ILen perl aad 81do~oll'c" .. ~, tr,,'a., to JIU~t:h4 •• a cor. It. olao appear that aov MO. CO-3iiiMtUd r 11 in "nlling II a"oc1ation .,itA bot~ aa a •• ,11 Ol~
~ ne /fle" as ~ hau. ,n , •• n.d 'to .. ,.. Cr DiD18Ton 01 th, .Depart .. lSt of Jrllt'" Gild to the Uaiud State Jttoru, i. 'Ctl, South,,. • .Di.trict 0/ ••• ror~. ru, YD •• 'IeI that _ile a perj"'1"' "'oIClt'o,, call oppar .... l' N •• _"l' ... d" ~.i,.. *c Aold orr Oft tAe &att,,. until ~t.r the ~ •• nb.rg ir
hCl. Ahn P1~~!.lt,1 fti. AG'tter is b.'ng 01 ••• 1, /olloNd _til
DtPGrta.n't.~~) ,
< -
0,/ 1944 J(l'Ch4.1 Sidorou'ell
, ~ _.' ------ ...
--....=.....,~ .: - ._
: . .. - - ~ ... - :: _+_ --
_+_" ....
)gf> SECREt
.'0114.1 8idorooicll .cu 1ntaru'._d Oil JU1U 3$, 1950, end on .ableqaent oeca.ion.. .e adaitted rOUftg Co..un,.t t.Oj Clctiottll tll 'eVl rort Ctt, GlId Clei.itt.d /iglath'g .a pari 01 ~I ~b1"aha.. Ltncel" BrtlnJd~ 'in SDO"n. He adaitted bOIJing Bo.enbl and D~oid Gr,engle.'. He denied e.pioJlGge oettoit1l on behalf Boaenbe1"g or anpone elae. He apeci.fica.llp deni.d bo.,ing 'i1. Perl. J •• et forth Aere'nbe/o~e, ."tn."., ore GPGilable to •• tab '.h the r.lotio~.hip be~een P,~l and 8'doTOVtch.~
~ ,,-7.8 tt.JIl.f..If_ "_""''po. +.Jt_ ... If.PItT ",. .. II.A _TYLPt. (II. ..... tIt t"",p
~ ;-bo;i~dg;' ofiliiiil!i-h~ - p;~j;r;· ;;gl~-~ith·~ r;;~~i.
~ ha.. been P~~d to thr Criaiaal ~Dia'oft and to
United Stote. ~ttorneu ~n the 30uther~DJ.trict 01 'e~ Tort. aatter is being cfose1V !ollo~ed. ~~(~) .
~l!red Sa ,;:nilflj ~ \ ~
~nforaat10n Iro. re/lec~. that 'n 1
th~ So~~i~ ~.~ r!_ con~~~ . r.~1"U Itill~ ~! .~,.~ ~.f ~"! BO'~Jlb n~~or .. A.J.p.a &5ClrCn~~ lie, Deen •• RD.n .... a ~IIG~ aorGJI'W • aft GI.octet, 01 JUli~E03eftberg Gnd .... ro~. otA,r ... ber. #. the Bo •• nberg e.pion.oge ae'hloTk. A. ••• t /,or-th /ur • .,.be/or" A.a.. cl.o be,n d. te.,..t1J~d that 80rcnt uiJlta"".d CUt apartunt 6S .orta. StTe.'t1 ••• Tort c'tu~ Gnd .h4t oona1d.rGbl • .ort i the photogrophic li,ld .a. dOJl~ 'I. ihi. aporiae.i. "rall"'.~ i.t.n, ••• eI c. J'ulll 19, 19S0, Gllef odatf'Ud acq_ .... o..lli.P • BO •• Aberg, and Gdattied ~hai Oft on. oooo.'on ao •• nberg propo. hi.~ but 8aJ"4nt Ol4 iud' he "did,,'t bit e; " Sara.t adaiti.d _ .h1D ,. t~ Coaaun1.t Politiccl ~.aoc'afio. 'JI ... r.rt ClfD 1944. 8GrG1&t; enl ./"U11I R~, 1950, J';ff Ai •. - ;...i~IIC' ,. nNca , •• rsr», oJld ... i to .,"ait NlGtiD •• i •••• Fort e'it. X.'I rork Cit, __ a Jo, .. d br Corol lJa,to.,. .'1' e.t .,..,. F. DtJr
Id. uri door neigllbor. It AG. 6 ••• "UN'''. 'tu" •• bgaa
+r ..... _ .......
- "' Po ~
-~- ::.........:.. ~
- ~ .. ~ -.
-~ _.- ~ .. .' ...
. -
. ._
. '''1
-: :-;'-
". ~ ;,. ~ .
- -
.I"'IJ '"' ~ '" I , ... I
-WSOI 1;h" cUporWcl "iG 8GrGrat I. _wubile for ftae.oa, ""'.0 ca ~,..1; 8" IPSO" .u •.. r. dr'"a .0,. ••• frO. ftloao. '.io M.zico It, G NIGtiD' 0/ lIr •• lkI'_. '.. q/' • .,... ... loOGU 8Gl"'CPat ."d C.,.ol J)Q.V.o. , ••• z'co .... rrd~d t. clot.. It i_ Imo. ille,. .... r 'tN.,l.d '.fro •.. pa. b, .,,. to "'dGla.1G1"G
o •• ,a.t U" 19.so. ,.. loct. d •• ,lopld ooa.,..'a, Jaro.nt Il.a H'" /II"" ••• d to ilw Cri.1ul D1 l1i, 'enl 0' ... ,.. .DI1IGJ""tU,,* .. bll
.ft ftPftft ••• fa _bbil"'-f.n ,,. <f! <f! A' .. _~
-- r' ----- r . ~_r_.~ .. --;- _ .. __ .. ~ _._.~
E14"to h11e ..... 114.'~
~ ,
lit, _o'd 9,.,eJlgla •• b4 • .cui •• d 'that M heli.D._ that
0/ Bo •• ~" •• p1.0Jt4g. cOJatGCtl _I 4 aGB _0 .Q.I • ..,10"" G POD ~r d4r 00 "Iultut on G Mg. daa l'ro~.ci 'I. 8g-,yt. ~tJ haDe .be'D IlAcle to 'cl.nt1/'11 tn i. 'ncUuiclual. fta cr_ ..... doubtedl" tM uge .leacn .Del. Proi. 011 loraoiion AGI •• ,,, •• cur.d Iro. bDi_
CI,j "to 'tile .ffect thai' OM Clor" ora ie i&41
con.ulTo~~ at t~ ~ •• cn nu. Project and i. olIO .o"tiag eft a ra~trot. !.rtilt •• r proJeot n,arbU.~Vi' dDT ng iAe 14~1'r
of 1950~ Aa. been ,,, COqtact »ith Ad £aer'oon
I"t,lltg."c. ol11cera in Coiro, 8gVp~, AG. aG PGQV' r.!er1n to hi. ab11it¥ to obta'" 'n/oract~4M /1"'0. thl SODi.t ~ •• ~ CG1T0w.:w.e off.r.d hi~ .,rvicI' in p'ft,traii.g the Bouie' £abc., re i, G good po.,jb'lit~ that Doui. i. ~ ••• pil co~tG 0 Bosenberg deacribedobou •• re hlue ftot .•• tablt,hl Gnu con~ct'ora be~een Dauis and Bo.,nb'TD. and .. do Dot hel Gn.~ "n/Ol"'lLCticU' incHeating Coaaun'lt- Get-tutti" or .ppGthi., the part oJ DGI1i!i'm i. bel "fled, lao .. ".rl -tJ&ot 'tMl"" ,. 4 .tro"9 po.,'b'l'tr that in hi' co.toct _itA the i.t.llig.rac. a.athoriti •• ,. ~g'Vpt h. i. ati •• pti.g to place """'l! 'n a , poai-'tion ."erl la, CO" uk, a clot. 0/ coop.ratioll at ., .. la·
i, 2'h r 1. being clol.lll lollo.ad .'~h botA CU a,
the Bo ••• hrg •• p",eug. .1 I p,/l,e'6 o'to.'o •• p'oao: qdo ~. all OAd "'_ /7"1.a4~ 8t1D
*,fO'I'IIGUo,. ",./l.c'" Me .. Ball h,
l.4c:1.r Gi: LOl Al .... ~ Md I
. .._.-- ..... ~
I" .',.' I
.,..,. -, .. ........,._ - ,
.. ~ .. '
,J..J- p--I~ - _
_. i' ._ . " . .:: - .-
of _ r·-"
.". ,
. 1
•.... _. l'
. '
_ .... -: ..
A ,
rrcd~ng Corporat£on in New Tork CitV. Durtng the acjor portion 0/ the tiae that Scn.uchenko .as attached to the Bell Aircraft Corporation ~e eere inue.tigctlng h~. a~d ee operatel three double Agenta til th,£s caae. In earl,l Dece.be 1'" 1945" t, ,ew lort Journal ~.erican published 4n crticle .etting forth detail' of our tnveatia4tion 0_' 8cMDchenko. 4nd on Jeumcrv 3
1946" Scheuch.nko le - e Uni·tep lor the Soviet Union
Fe '10117 knOIO I /7"0. the rllQ.·U 0 n" th4 t
8chevchento .es just i.portent e Soviet espionage
operction. in the United State. aa _ belie'oed hi. to b« cWri our tnveatiga~ion Of hi_ while he ea. in the United State •• details of soa. 01 his contacts will be s.t ./orth "ereiJ14/te~
~jtolai ~O,jCh g.tr.V8~) ~
~ The injoraa~ion !rQ. II;; ~~at
0/ the tn~viduall .11.0 ~a. a's stiAg ScheocAe netao
was a~trov.kU. ostroDBlu" a BuasiaA 'ational" .ntered the Un 8tates at Greet Talls, Montana, on JUlV 28" 1943. On June 17 1944" oatrousky ~QS trans/erred to the Bell Aircraft Coapany" Niagara Fall" NerD Torle, lDhe re ,.,. becau on aaat.tant to
Schevehenko. On 5 1945" he JDaS trans/erred to Frighi
Field, Dayton subse uentl Ie Unite
info mQ ii on
ve .fu rn j, shed e sp ionage act'£v
irladtlli r Xi kolaeui ell.
~In Noueab to inloraa.tion IOhicn h
been reclrued Iro "-e JIG! heaaqua rter.! i"
Moscow was reques to outhorize ng ~ .erulees 01 Mazur
~ .. ~~u:.~: _~~~~~~~~ !:'~~ _ ~Q ~k!~,! ~ ~!,_ t~.~ _. ~ell .. ~ 1,!c~a/t _.p~a~i.
'.110 lin t,)clIC'ucllen"~az"rlll,, a AU88lall 8alilonaJ., lIaG enwr.a 1i
United States on May 12, 1944" a. an engine,r in the Divi.ion Aui ation 0/ 1;he Souie t Gove rnaent Pu rcna« hag Co .. i 8'1, on. He stationed at the Bell Aircra/t Corporation" Bul/alo" 'e~ Tort fro. 8epteaber 61 19441 until about JUIV 11 1945. a. 1 • ./t th United State. Jor the Souiet Union on ~ugu.t 26, 1945. Dar t oe.tigo.1;ion 0/ J/azurin indicated that he .a. an "''',tant or aanw lor Seheuchenko ia ScheDchenlo'. ,.pionoge .ciiDities ct .sai At7"craJt Corporati.O~
detail. 01 astroua the 8cheuchenko ca8~
_- I ~
_ .
.. ~-. "_-
:. c- .:---: .... "'_''''''r.;:. :_> ......
.. . 1
+ ....
: I .1 ~ .
r./l ........... -t _"."",1 _~ ... ~ .• ",w ...... 60"
• .n~.r.d ia. ,.1
8M ...... _rw.lta.d q.l
\A t\,..",, __
f\: ', ~tlil(t IJ
,. '''" .. I
... , . ..,. ••. '. -"T- ,,". _ ..
, ,
.: .::.
. - ,
.. '
lIod 0 .eriing .itA 0.' ·Btaal'· (Mid_tilted) GIld ..u • .,,,."ied. G autucl GOI,",,,.taac,, "B." .10 IJGI 'tUB .r1".g ••• "roboi' p1o.t." "B b44 fUra ~.Ia.d to Soh.pch.ko iafo1"aCl'tlo. o01lcerail the product'o. 01 robota. I?oa .... "aJV~i'o. aoa'labl~ ••
• Go •. d.~.ita11 alcertot.ed tAct tAe robot;'. fDe-*'o. ,. ike JB-J ,.obot bo.b, GO .. nlJl no.., a. ill ... ~.z boab,· 'tA. proc:lac 01 _"",el& coaancecl a.boat J'uJ:II, 19". ft. 'pr'ao'lpo.l ooatrClriOl' th. lIGDu.rClO"hr. 01 't~.a. robot .... tAl .k.eab1 '0 A"rcJ-G/* Coal' LODg Ialcslld .... rort. ft, ",d.zitttlt 01 liB JIG. aot b ...• ,tall .d •. HomeD.r, me I&4oe an octiv. '.o'lt'gotion in prOgr'I' I. G .//ort to .ak. thil "dentiJ1CGti~
Jg.orRe Andre~ Bei.er~ .
7! .-- :::"
..._ ~ Moe Juat received 'ln/oraatfon fro."_"'__' "_wh fch rellecta that oa Jlav 35, 194.5, the J(oac".~
oJ the MGB had aduiaed that 8C~'V~ha4 acde t~ acquaintc
at the end 0/ 1943 0/ Georg. B.taer. oi .. 0/ the Bur.4U'~
file. reflect. 1;b.a.1; this ind loiel . l'robClb1., idpt ioB.! an tl
George ~ndre. Beiaer, .ho eas bo~~ JU1U 5. 1909~ ••• nah, Fisc. E~ mas •• p1oued bU the Bell ~jrc~a/t Corpora~on iA Bullalo, J Tork, fro. Febru0r'll, 2942, to .august, 1946" aad during" po": 0/ this period he ~a.a loaned to the GoDern~nt bV the Bell J1; Corporatlon Dnd hod a~acellaneou. a. •• "ga •• nta ooer.ee,. re h. a record reflecting that aa ot Tebruaru 28, 1948, he maa •• pl. b.1I the Natfonal Military Establja/la.nt, lle.tlarch cmd Deuelopa4 Board, pentagon BU'Llding, ratn 1ngton, D. C. W. have no preoil
:~:~~:~:k~~ t~!a i!"!i:!d~:1 b:a:!:~dh~:cs;n~:'fn.ctioll cit! -
~n/oraatioD doe. not sp.ci/icaJl., indicate tAfi Beiler.c. ( 117111 "'''g to, or had /Una tahed GIl" ""Jb MlGtion 'to 8chef1che"ko. In8tructioDa mere iaaued to the ra.shington l1eld O'I'ce DB ~ Februa.ru 28, 1951, to dete~ine il 'thi. iDdioiduaJ '- atill ~ ployed by the Gouern.~t, CAd ~o d.terai •• eh.ther hi. pre.8D octiuitte. inelicate h. t. engaged in 800i.t "l'ioaag'. ~i. utter .ill be cla,.llt lollo •• d, oncl i/ h. , •• till "1'10,.4 ,
the Qol1ema.t G cl.ci,ioa .'Ill be .ad'~o ....... r .. aboull b. 1~oe.~igct.d aader the Loyalip P7ograa.
f!tllt- .4 .. t ...• ;l.,.o~\J.) .
n7::I. ... ,.. ognt _0 bol b ... U".'.Ned •• t ... baa". I ,..4'1:"0. i. rilli_ .4'I"i&~._.oJ.".011. ;~
I •. .~, ~., 1 ' ' .... T '
~ ...... ~- .. - .. -----~. ,_--
'IL~. • '. _.
.... ---
,,.dil1idlull IJIU ~ot .or.-'rag ,,, 111e Bou .ppGr.~iJ, ~ be ••• or~'ng, ocoording
'Jl/or.a .. 10., aJt4e1'" S .... II. 8 ... 110 •
• ""1'II_cl Barril 9old. .Aooord'rag 'IIJ'0ru,$to ... C
tA, Bo.".t., ,,, 1SN4, .. ,.. ,","'illg 00 bLr ., .. ,
ali,oll CI ••••• ".d 0 ,'.obl. 1 • ., ... ,. ....... "11' lia
•• tolll" •• a 1411oJ"G'6orv. n.ft A'_. r."".t .. flatl, .,..,. •• 4 br hi. 800,.t co"taci •• al'.o~f coaDlo,.,d .1tb co •• '~rGbl. 1rritation that A1i ,,,t,ll,genc,·productioa Aod II •• ,. .or ...
• '11'0'" 01 dollar. to 'tl" U831l find h'b r.qu •• t lor aid .4 .... ag~ Jial i,oll ... ho i. 110., d4lc.ClI4Id .. .-0' .. ill 1944" the _lMr aad Qcn," Manager 01 th, Unlfi,d L4boratori,., Inc., Boo. GRI, I77~ BroodD .e~ Tort CitV. ~,. COAc.~n .a. principaIlv .Jlgcg.d in r ••• arch Oft lubricattng procI •• '. lor »eIr induetrie. 4n4 on opplicatton. l bioche."trv. ,. had iRO •• tigot.d Mali,o/l ,arlier on ~, ba.i, that ., had ob.erued hi. in contact .itA Gait B. OVOt1.'4~, 4 kno~ Booi,t Agent, during 1940 4nd 1941. Aa noted pr.u(ou.1V, ~. cr. not engaged i_ GnU inue.tigation Of Mali,oll at th,
pr •• ent tiae on t.e balie 0/ hi. d4cih ..• h1ch occurred on .ooeaber 16, 194~
. '
' .
. 1c{P SEC
I~ addition to the Jor.going .. ~ •• G oo •• '4ermble II.aber 0./ incUviclucal. a'HGcMd t-o iu .0_ u-e.ork.. ' •• i1!".cI olllr t"rou~ OOD.r .cau... that .. Gr, at .... ' ... '., to ' .... «1. b, ,.p •• tig~~ ru ItO ... '.porta"i 0/ til, •• i. de.er'.' .. re-
i JIG/'*' r. "'!:")#\, J
f-nen.J!llu.) .
~ •• oied abo" ..... ". ac •• '.porta ... """ •• tI~ _r N .... "11_"..,t in 'tII4~lD.",(J8t.r t.ork O. tu lHI,'. 0/ OIIr 'ft-
JOraGi1ol1 /To. i. to 'cI •• t'" .... 800'." .'pio.
ogeni eha ea!, 40CO rding io t...... !~ .. rcej is IH4-1~i n!1l."!!Q thi. n.~ort. ~". indiujduGl .a.. d •• i,aa-.d b, 'the OOD.r ao .. 0/ ""lMrf." 0111" (J I •• ]NJrftcultu·. ar. CI_'l4bl. ,rD. the aDa r.gardi~g hi' id.ntit,. r. t»o. he did ~'.toi. G 1'.".0 •• i1a fttl&ol'l Gr.gorll 8iloeraaater Gnd .,h" Barr, J)I'~"'r ni.... Men .. 1 ,. ~e on one occe.ion that it had be.n r.oo ... nd4d to ·~lb.r1 bg G .ubog,nt that A, .. "Jlbert .. " go to G drv cli84t, lor hi' health. It " .. there/ore .. to be pre.u.ed 'that he had '0" 80M
0/ re.piratorp illn..~ ..
we do knom Jro. BentltU" lRjoraotlon 01 ~o Of her Sovle~ .uperior ... either 0/ .ho. aight b. -Albert.· Both o~ the., ho.ever, are .till unidentified. ~e Jtr.t oJ the •• ee, d,nti,t hOlDD to Bentl,u el' "Charli,." Bentl." neu,r 'A hi •• Be did ree.h, and haul instruction. to the Silv.raa.ter ne~c The .,cond po."ibilit~ i, a Soulet ,.pionage ,uperior oJ B.qtl~ Kn()lDn to her a. "Blll." I"e have neuer id.ntiJi.d hi ... Cllthougl Be~tleu did deal zith hi. directl" and .~ ha. /Urai.hed G detoil,d d,acription 0/ "Bill." re ar, olo •• lr /olla.ing ~h~8 aGiter oDd '"eu", oj)eud "lIve.lti gati oa. to tdlnt'.!; ·Jlbtn."
-Bill .... Gncl "C1uJrli'~J - - - -.;.
~ditA COPl'~~
,l. pou knoID1 -t1wl ""J'oraat",oJl .aa:bl.d
our 'dentiJicotion 01 Co 4. 4 800i •••• p'o-a'_ Apeat. "0
oth.r iadtutdUal •• er. 'raoolu.d _ith Coplo. 'I r •• ,i ... ,.
ao'tioit, '" 1944. 011. m. Moriala lIIIo'." riA. lJ ••• r"o'l
.''0 ,. 84,.,.'.4 Gliel l'"'''g 'I,. Jlezloo C''tr •. au _. 10,...,.J, .=;lo"d b. tJIII =Jld br iM Ccc,.d'£utcr 0/ .rr..c""~M_ Uti"! r. hav. b.en ,'Nroll, tollo."ag ur ooti.'*" •••• r .. ,. •• ,. .z;.j
'Ti+" r1"·····
. . ~ .;:: ..... -_a .,_. _
.. ' -
. i : .. _."'-'
.~-.~ .. f
AtiocM ift JI.zieo" but tAtHOe t. 80 tllcU-ootioa 'tat ... , .... Ad. 'to Nt'll"' "to iu U,,' ted Sta'te.. fte •• (;o"d 'acU.,'duol _0 oc1iU.CLl1r ,..0",' _d Coplo" .... 710N .DOft roolcAI.. SM I14rri.cl o .... , ••• otioaol Glad .. ai to 'the Boui." U.1oa. 8-'.ua /0""r11/ •• plo,.d b, ort GM br 'til. 8u", I»]1tJ.rtUft .... ~ .
_r _ _. ,c1Y.a\ . a\MI)
ff10.r In~ ""r TV! . ,
IJl/oJ"a4iioJl fro. 1.0'" .. rws.i Oft
J(o.rch 30" 19l.5, "1IG1;011 B. ONto,., 4JId WB
r.pre •• ntatiue at the Soviet ~a •• y 1ft Fe.At.gion, D.C •• Adv'.ed hi. Moaco. ~Gdqu4~t.r' p01lc,rJliJig oa. w~l ••• w &roaoo .tated that 1n Q cOJluer.ation _'fA "Ale.- it .a. l'Arned thct A6 had lor .o~ ,ear. be,n the leader 01 4 l'ttl. group _orttltg Jor Sou"t M~11tarv Intelligence. It.a •• tat.d thAt th'. group -a.
_____ A_~ __ ~_~ •• _~ "6'".'" _.1 .. 4-4 ...... T+ _ f ~+..,f +.:J.ft+'
4j.;U_}l'-'oc;.y. 1/ vJ "tiiJ-Y."VC:_. _- _.
alte~ the Yalta Con/erenee 4 cer~~n r~.pon.ible Soviet channel go~ ~n toach eith ~~le." en~ ~n b hQ~ oJ the 8D~iet Mi11t4rV
lratell~gence Iwld t-honk,d"Ale •• rr ..,
U' ~
The above 'n!o~at~ n oerv clD.eIV corT •• ponda t~the
_ in/araotion cuaiJable through our in~.tig4tion 01 ~lger gi ••• The in/oraation fro. fhittoter Choab.r. doe. indicate that Hia, .os active in Soviet e'plonage and that hi. eife, Pr1.c~11a, 4~,'.~d hi.~ We alao know that ~nald Hi •• r.the brother of J.lger, eaa an ,.pIoUe. oj the State Depart-u;,t. r. alao tn-OtD
that Hiaa d~d attend t~ Talte Co~/er.nc. 4' a .pecicl ,dui.or,
te Presid.nt Boo •• u.lt. 1b. iftID~t'on fro.. ~~
i. being CDna~d~:.Id ~n connection eith oa~ continued
" e in Alger Hi.a.~cs;fltt .
;&a.rrll I!ner n~tiJl£.lll -
fbil. HarTV Dez"ter Ihite Da' a.ntion.d above 'It connectioft .~Jt'r net.ort, tA. 'n/onaai.o~ co"c.rnJI hi. JrO.~'6 o/'oU ,"_c'al ill't.r •• 't. lie ItG'L. de.i gnoUd under the co ver msae 01 "hr".t:" a.ad INI' 'a a ]H)' tot, IJ to /Urnt.h high~l,uel inJoraatlon io th. 8o~"~ '.POlD'.g .veA ~r.o~. o. Pr •• 'd,nt Roo •• pelt, B'RTI~. rolloo., Cor~ll JUll~ Gnd H,nrJ/ J(orgenilaau, Jr. On .jp.,.,J .R9~ lN4" ... "",,..,."d 'to t
8oui,t. I~ on ihGi Pr •• 'd •• t IbllaOl ... to 10 io
ClainG. 2'M YONa.itOR 01.0 .adSoaw. taoi ~
~t.=.,,-r\ - :
,' ..... _ ..... ,. -~1",~,., ~ ..
_ •• 0'6 00 • .,.1, cmzioul to cooP'7"ot, ,tull1J _,til IIf1.B '.OGpe
A. ~ aj?4'd that hi' 'zpo.ur •• 'ghf l.ad ,.litical
.oaacl41 '.uolu$ng .. h. ,£cIat"".t'ra;'tioJa. rOll lrill .. eocall Mat B'C7"i'"J J).n ... ntt;4f ,= d"c,,"" ;:1; tA. ;1".'ftt .Cu. .,. ,.,
/b.,."i''''1 i. G car.fUllr JlGr4'1a""H~",1 "II,.. t'C/'catioJl o/~_
114,.,.., J)e:ri.r nit'. O. til, be,,,. 01 '-~raci"O. L~
'to 'tM n't. BouI' KAder date 0/ 0 be,. 1'1" ;r-~
r . .....I'r. I ~ ~
Jf!!adiaf.r s. PrGPU~ \1\,.1.. . . .
"l~'.'''' s. prClvc:liJa~ .no .u8 the h.cd 01 .... !'ca. , • .,. ~gencv 'I. the Unit.d ~Gt •• duriag 1944 and 1945, .08 al.o an
MOB Ggent aa.t.t~ng in the in!ilt~gt'on 01 ah't.d stai •• Bovern.ent agene", II. 'I not .ntir II cl.ar 011 iA4 boai, 01 'the C ~
in/oraatioA }ro. mb.th,r the •• operation. t"d Sj
ill d ir.ctlp .ith ve7"&a' II.t.ol'"t or IPM'Ciher '"~ .cu
op.rat'ng a "porate ne~ort. Fe do tD~ that ~ .aa aG'ataiaing contact mith~ ana receiving inforaation /To. G fiUabCT 01 aewipGpeT correspondents in Waah'ngton. One oJ the indiu~dual. ~o'.a. belng reactivated ,,,'to uae bV the JlGB lPGa Isidore r. 81;oJl'~ "" 1944 on the ~ttoria1 Stal! 01 The Natton on4 r4.h~.g14D corresDondent for "PM.- This ldentl~cation of Stone hae juat recentlv beenaade and ~e are undertaking oR active Inue.ttgntlon
_ 11 -~- «r Stone. ~~l.)
It Jnother oJ Praudtn'. net=ork ~as en individual deaignat'
under ~he cover name 0/ ~a •• " Fe ~n~tlcllU con6fd.r,d aa G au.p for this individual Dauid Iarr, the "leg .an- lor Dre~ Pearson.
We haue no~ discounted thia po~sibl1it~ end are considering Laurence Todd and 8aauel ~a/.ur. ~nother • .aber 01 Pravd1n'. Ae~~ork .a. Jose' Berger, aho ~ill b. d.,crib.d ,eparat.l, her.ina/t.r. ProDdin departed fro. the Oftited 8jo~e. 011 March 11
1946, Jor Ru"it-\ 0 ;.
'f!.o •• , Be7"cer I _. ~ _' _t.r) ,
Ia/ora4tion jrO. '"<Uoat •• ""'at aa 0/
MQU 261 1945, Jo.el Berger~tedbr ... 8001'*, 4. OA •• pioa4ge agent_ B.rg."~ IlJ 19411 .... plo," ", 'tA.
Depart ... " t oJ JUat1c. aa 0 .pe.cA-.",.i'tn /Or IOJ'fUr ":HoMl'1I Gen.~41 Biddle. Be th,.,..~er • .at io .ork a. 6 .r~i.r lir ibi 'at1oaal D.aocrotlc Co"'~te. ill Woalt.gioa, D. C. •• ,. pre.en r,.id".g ". , .. rork Cit" GIld appear. 'flo •• _,l.,.cI .. G .. ,ter
.... IUUt' GIl oat"'u, ~"u •• 't'gG't'o. oa .. Ai. SactiDidMl crt ... ,,. ••• t' ••• ~1IE\
·~n7 .
, '4
~., ...
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~.~- -;~ ~; r":':!
r .. ~ ...
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11 .. ....,.. 1./o7"114tio. '.,.0.
!-..Jt§~ t , "~rto~" .g!ftt!~ ~~ _.~ n ~_.~ ~~!"'~. !~ ~. _-!~~'P~~
D~U CGM ~o our on,"no" OJI MGJI •• '. '.L.,.." .......... CJO •• n1.a
~i.~-aiolaa~."'., ~Jlg .,~ 11-"'1 caalC.,'a" •• OD'.* Con-
lulaN •• plo,.. , ropt Ctil cUld Q b ... 80111,t •• p'oaag. ogent,
,.. U."t'I"'. At. t~r.,," '"".'t'gatlo. , • .7_0,., .. INB .. G.
~lt •• ". .. " S."tur'. '.pert",. ·Jllek,,· ."der _0 ..•. III. ',PIrated ,,, li.... Fe ao. NUl rf,,,. otH.,. ,er.ou .,.. .. ll .... _ti.ll nv G. jut,. •• pioug. '.pertoY" ". til. pe"od 1838-1848. n., aN BGrrf/ Gold" !'hom. L. BlGot" ~deo 8ClbGt1n",,, ,IoHn D. a .. br. 0" Flofld C •• ill.r" IMO ar. IIU 'the .ubJet:-t. 01 •• pGNJt •• .,.,u-vp' here tn. Oft tAe belie of ,.to~t'o~ fro. t .... ind'v!daole ii lDould 41'pcar that lor UDr r.ar. I'ot. optrG'ted 'In Bo"iet •• pionage# pr'aar'lv 'n inp .... igotiag Gild handling the '''Jiltrattoft t. t~ United Biaie, 01 Soui,t per,oft, and g~o.p,. ge Gppar.ntlp lAd G
great deal 01 .ucc ••• _ ~~__}}aPftl"a't"on 01 the 8oc,,,li,t Forker. Partp (Trot.tv1t. Pbr~
Zat2, .ho .0' born March 15, 1912, in Lithuania, ~ntered the United stat ••• ith hi. ~r.ntl on Mav 10" 1914. Xatz' mi!e~ Bea."" and Gaughter, Paula Jo, preaentl, are Ituing in ,.» fo rk CltV. Katl wortea jor the uJ. /1"0. 1934 to 1936. He "aa Q portner /To. 1939 to 1944 in t~ Merjden ~ntcl Lcborator~ea,--
~eriden, Connecticut. In 1941 Katz o~Ta'ted a parting lot in Up~1 Manhattan, New Tort CitV. In .arlv 1944 he !onaed the reapa. I.port Co.pan" willen he "Iold in 194.5. Be then entered the Ji,rcMm Marine, op])Grentlv in order to Quoid the dra/t. Since 194~ he ho. operated in a Quaber 01 'aport Gnd ezport buaine •• ea.~~
~l.o ,inc. 1948 A, ho. b.en out 0/ the United Stilt •• al ,. believed 10 be pr1aarl1v re,idi.g "n Pari', Franc.. ~. oJ
Dec •• ber 12, 19.50" 1wI eo. atGu"ng 4" th, Hot.l Lutell 'II Pori'. Lat. apparentlu " a/ra.l,d, to ,.,tu,.,. to the United stete. beeGU •• o/';"i. activit' •• in Boulet .,pionoge in thi. oount,..u. Step. or. b.'ag
r:",derlcull to ••• "I it will be poa.ible -to Iaoue the 7r.nch Gou,rn· UIJt deport rat. to the United stoua. r. ore 01.0 .radeooo"'.g to elete rai"e 'I tu cri."nCll 1)' uili OD 0/ i"_ Depar_n't R 11 _tho,.,..,.
a co.plaint arad _rram lor AU' orr •• t ,,. tu ,,,alit .. are Abl.
to put our lacnd. 0. Ai •• r.t .I4i:. _r •• 'lJ'lag to 000"''' •• itA "'
he could uradoubwcU, /11,.",.11 u •• , .. ~ oa •• orao •• ' aao -t 0; ... luabl,
... _ .... ... ~__ _ __ L..~ __ ........ .4 ..... -. ...... .. __ ~ ~_ .... rI_
InTur.glii."n" .1KI11.£."¥ 11_ pru •• "' ..... ltv .. U.J __ ,.-., .... u.,u- .. a~"". • ..
'the lTait.d StaN'. It i. ltitl& ihi. 4, t •• ON oore/Ull, .ork
'rag to_r~. "i, reW,... to the l7JIi ... cI 8iG "_C~
· ,
_! :. ~
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~ I ... __ :".1. '_"~~ •.. -
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~d.ri !!IN- ..... u~~ .
IaJeN4t~G. ,../l.ow i_1; Bohrt
(lIN. "114_1' .~ratfd G. • lN4 oa4 .0. 0 oo"tGc~
0/ 'lop! ci .... lad .iller. r. Mel .. 00." '*"'4"'0. O •
• 'JIG~'" Gad .. hoa. ..... .P'o'o •• ._,.. ~ H' r 'U •• tigot'oll
GAel oo .... cted / • .,...r 8,.0'lal ",gent fto .. II. 1IO~, .1&0 Qrf'G"gec Jor •• JlGi.l" 'to b. 'a-C,rv' .. cI. ·,PllrAai' '*0 ."i'l •• a.te,. vola.tar'lr Gpp.or.d Gt t ••••• rort Qf/ic. on ,.bra0rt 81 19511 Gnd .a. '"tervi ... d. B. cdaitted •• pionage 4c1'0,ti,. for ih4 Bovi,t. fro. 1987 10 1948. Be id,"·U/1.d fl' ht ... per'or (Jr'gor; L. BGbinoui'tchl .ho hGd b,ea ,. the ont.,d Stot •• /70. 1930 to 19391 o. ihe Mad 0/ tlw 8tH,'f,.'t R.d ero... B. Gl' 0 ,u.t'Ji.d JO"pA rot. 4' hl •• uperior .ho JUrai,h,d in '0" d.tail in.tructiona lor hia actiuiti •• i-. 'penetrotirag the rrOMJ:rit. aoveaellt. H. al.o od.itted .orti"" lor th-e Midltula Zzpon Cor-po atioa at the r.qu •• t 01 the Soo,.t. a.d trap.ling to South ~.e~ica lor that coapa"u. rh. octiDitie. oJ Mtchoel Burd, t~ head 0/ the Mtdla3d Zzport Corporation, .ill be diaca •• ed leporatel¥ in ihi .... oronau.. Fe .z.pect to be flbl. to obtai. i~ 9reate~ detail 170. M."ater hi. Gctiuit". III 8op"t '.~n4g He ~aa cppareni1u not iDo '.portent Q Soul.t ogent a. he could never l.ar" to keep 1&1 •• Duth .• hut about hi. Bort. Fe cu·. /allo1l)ing tll,£, llat-ter closelll.~W •
.f!101ld qe:_:4nc! lllUiJllttl )
~,,/oract"oll ITO. tlDt Flol/d
Cl,o,land1Vill,r ~. a.,d cce"/Dllu br Soviet. in
'n/il trating tM Soc iol "t "ort.r. PGrip ,,, 1944. ft, 'D/OrJ14 t' 01.0 ind"catel'~cle a trip to •• %'00 cUld had <loll/erred l1i-th Tro-tacl/'a _ido., Fe" deurata.d through '"oe.tigotio" tut M"ll. "nd.r 'tlw 114" 0 choel Co rt' "cd. b .• e" in ik Soc" ell 'at ror"" Porq 1'1'0. 1939 1;0 1945. Miller .. ohaR,.,l, appear,d G't iAe , •• Tort OII'e. en .. r.b",Crll 91 19~1. B. ada't-t'd jof.'., .... Co .... au.',i Partlf i,. ••• "d 1930'. GIld i. 198'l' "..i.g opproocud br lLi. /1"",,4, J(efIGt'.rl to .art 'n Sovi.t •• p'oJUJ~. B' _1't.d /f,r.-t .fader Qr.gorr L. BabiJlou'tc., Clad .14_,. uder Jo •• pll Lot.~ IJ •.. ll a. IUld.,. CI ... b.,. 01 otller Boo' •• _p.r'or ••• 0 ... Gr. Gtt •• ptillg to ,a.~tilv. on. 01 hi' j1,.li /06. ,. 800"t ,.,foad
"" ..... ,. '1.,., ....
~ . .;:.-: j .. __
.. .' ". ~ --
•• of ~...., _- • .....:. _~ ••
:~-~ -:1' .~ ~ - •
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..... - --"
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. . .
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~O'.f.g thGi th •••• r. hi. r.lat'oe'. ~o~'o. JV~,.hed 'to til. Xat.rdepa.,..."iAl r".u Co_it .... t. '*_ 'II ,..,,07'6'''9
;:~t4-ri!:!r':~ ::!i~B;~!:t~:~!!:~~~-t"CAolG' And
(~fpd&'lg G~d,..rJ! """':1,...
nile _ MV •• 0 '''/orm1ioft 'lId'OG't'~Lt,. .. "0"01CJ.
Gnd Mor'a 1'''''''1'# .ho are ... "tiOMd abo17 ... p14..-ti o'_rou ,,,
rroi.qit. ill/'ltratton. it would r II. l'b ... at .uc}, 5-'
.a. the ca... 2'114 ",,/oraattoJl fr ct. ~ I~
that $n tile Bl!1IU!' 01 1944 fi1Mt 1lQ8 yi" to get
,tchDla, and Mario ".h.r out 0/ t~ Boul.t Union and through the Uni-ted Staw. 1'0 •• zteo.. It appeAr. tluzt .iclao.l Burd
we. loping th4,e plcn. and on, of the .. thoda h. apparentl, cona1der.d Da' io uae Dauid ~. '1l,... It .0' r.ported that p.r.o3' .~rro~3dlng lbuld r. '11 ..... ld ~~~g ,or G bribe an.d theU hod alreadu been p4td up to 16 .. 00
rhi. aethod apporentlu .04 n01 u.ed .. ho~u.r, and Burel otteapt.d to claia to the state Departaent that the 'i.here .,ere his ~elatioe8. Thi, lailed and ee dD not knoe that the 'i~rl JDere eu.r CJble to l-each the reate,.n Beat.ph.r.. ..ither do IJeknO., their 4ctual tdentlt1es .. nor do .e hoD' photograph. 0/ the •• our principal intereat in the .atter i. It. raai/ication, in tni! countru through peraona .ho ».re betng u •• d tn connection ~ith tht' ~tter. Fe ore olao contjnaallr alert Jor euid.nce O/~_~ Gctiuttie-a in Sovht .apton.age Oil 'the pa7"t oJ .David r •• ile~~
'lt~c,,¥lel ,e=07"~ It' .
'- «~ <r:
~ u .ill 7".oa11 that ~. haue cOBduct.d on aztcn.' ••
illu.,tiga lon in ~, LVd'o ~lt.cbular •• 0 •• , at all Interftal Becur11. - B eaae concern~lIg on •• p$o_ag •.. t.ort involving ciph .... age. 'In .ecr.t ""k .zahong,d N'ANr'''' 11'1'.0". 'I" tu ••• TorI:
Ci1J Area Gnd "".011. "" J/.z't:o C't, pd Bou" .&INriOG. ft.e •• c,.,i 'at ., •• ag •• cI.cali pMaa,.il •• 1t" ..... 'I'/ort •• 1 i ••
•• pioaoQ' IGrGll,l ... fr'" onl n-otaq" till.r, ."0
.u. '.priloft.4 ,. lIez'lco Ct .a, ,..0411 tAat Me,.. .. r •
• "gl;1; "'.ag". ". the Jl .. ~'£c" .. IN,.. Mge,. ebl
to d.cipAer 6,ecua. .. ~oot ••• d , .... en-
0'lph.,..a1; .o.v.r, i...roraaii ••• 'UII'Ut'
th'. book .. "UIIG 6ftll,.., ....... 1 ...... ",,,.,.-b •
·r ... ·· r-"
_. - -.~
.: ;..._
.;,- ..
: .. --
d't'or. JUblj.~d ,. ~~g.nti~~OUgA iA~. ''' •• 'I'ootio.
"""'0.,,. Cr,p'togrGl'''"'c Ltlboroto,", r.o~M,..d •• IN • ., ... "g". N_".-
' .. g .... 0"". ,.t.PO.pt.cl , .. tile .L1"'o_l.,. 00... fIW ••••• ag, •
• ~'te.d tu ra..'I'ca,*ioA. 0/1,. "",,,fltJP JICu".ll.l .. S 'gGt.cI
'It th, UiacA.ul,r COl', csrld Oil ..... G~ .,. •• tla. ....... o"t SII'
1943, •• ffhlg u, a rodlo •• t"o. "fa "rgelS""u. DY 01 tA og.'
r • ./il c-t. ikt tJw acme cocie _It '*0 ..... d 011 iill .'50.10. u i_
t .. I.ON" .I"',*"ag .... og. "It ...... 1""0 .. 1.,. ••••. ft" .... Gge 01'0 g"D~t". ~"cr to b. " •• eI olld "II, .. , .. of .... i"",,.,ud
o 1M rca 'ti Oft ..
It i. allO 0/ considerabl, i"t.,...t to "ot. 'tlaot there INr, NeUo .tat,o" "'CuP' at tile 80l1"t Co .... uloi •• ,,, '.111 707''k Cti and 80ft rra~a'eco ia 1943 .AtcA .. ra ..... 'tt.d ... ~g •• i. cDd.~ 4.4 a.ong the int.rc.pt. aue,labl. ,_ co_ •• c ... ioll _, .. t .... t.o tr4J'l'.ttf.~. th6~. A4V' b,.~ found int.rc.pta 01 G atGtion op,rating O~ (It leaat OM 0/ the /r.quenai, •• et /0 r~" 'n ~" ••• er.i "nk .,.sag,.. It ha. been d'.couered that on t.n oeco.'oft. be~'n r.b1"llarv 22, 1943, and October 12, 19ft!, t,.gn •• ' •• 'oll. beli'tled tc ,&cnate 11"0& th, Boulet Con.ula't, 'n"'lII Tort Cit, lit the rodio operati.on procedure •• "i.cla IDere eet lor~" i.n the •• cret .,rit'ng ., •• og, dot,d rebruaru 1, 1943. Thre, 01 the •• irAD •• i •• ione
_-- co~ta"ft.d a~ identical cipher .... og. in I'o.-d'g'* grou~. Thi. • • , •• og. ha. be.n d.ciphered and read. ~ .,nd gr •• tt.g. -- I G»Git ",rD e , " rh'" _,uld o.pP'Fr _to .be 0. u •• age .en't in on att,.p~ to •• tabli8h radio cO"tac~U/
~n 'nve.tigation ie b,ing conducted to d.teraill' to .he ,zt,,,t .. can d'D,lop additional '1I/or.oi'o. cODc.rfting til" II,te
ors tAe ba.' 1;116. r.atio •• "ic" IIu N.n uu,loped
~ through the n/or.a.i10n c~d throggh ill. Gdd'~io"a
d,ciph,ra.n •• cr. it""" .... og •• in tA, nt.ellul,,. ce.
InmB~u'mnwno~~ ~
U"H9r A, ,l'rgt1CMfttO J1"'.
lou _,,11 Noall 'tMt '" tAt 8/1"',.g til' lH4 b'apcu"ko d./ect.d fro. Ai. po.ftf,GII .ith tAt 80,,'.i QOD.,.....~1I4ai" .iI~' •• 'on ,~ FO.hi.gto., ».c. ~ '~or.atio. /po •
.,;1l.0t. tll4t "u.,..o.rw.,. l1li .0. d •• ~P4"'~ b, t_ "r ... ~
. . - .......
. :;;...
~ .. -- . ... .
',-- ,
-~~: ... ~ ... . .
. ~-~...:. --
~ . ~. ~_c :.: ~ '. '"
~ ... ~, I r ,
-. _ -
; .
azoaar" z., ... WB Gad .. lat. _r. Get"'". ,,. ..... Plli.'." ". 00"""'*'" G.d .... ook..... JIM, Aad ... 0_. ".''''_' It. t,.. COD.r ... 0/ "OlG" .Ao .IS. to f1'"gD.l /7'0- ro •• '.gtoal
D. c. '*0 ••• l'o,.t C'l"tJ to ••• b,H.A coa'tGo'i _ ... .LJdia giri"l
tu .".tr ••• 0' DIIcrid .lIIl11'a, botla 01 .A .... ,.. oo .. , ... ,.
JU"iGJI Boc'ia.l »'aocnat'c c",.cl .... ael .. ,.. 0 •••• t1., I'rcI»cu.h. J'. go. lIot ,M,,, .. oc. •• /Ul i. U •• tiJria, -01G" to claw .. ol""ou~ .. "A. 00"0_4 a .rie •• 'D. , .... tigoti •• ,. '*".. ", .• peo". It " al.o aoted 'tA4't -Glo" .. ooquo".t.d ~t' Leon "o&od, "'''''i''gMil Gild "M 80UM'" be. tl&4 •••• 1tG' _.Plo,_d It, 'til, 'ooal CO __ Jlicotioll.. r. MD. in:t'1"'D' ... cs. "' .. JI,.,A.a.a1 _. ,.
"0. lid r,.j.d to CI un b, .,., 114" 01 2'.0. ko.lo Gild .Il. 'II ."'11
---.,- .. -~ "'_ .... --~ " .. - _ f..... -l. ,..,.,..1.4:. {.l'ftPlllll;"
".JI.J.UIJ.'" UM ."'.,. ..... vv .., "t'... _41 - -.- - __ ", -_ .. '- ....... - -- - ..
to the "I.ct "'''at .". WCI. "'.1"' a •• d bJl "M _B. r. 01.0 JlGo. 'At.rut •• ed Jl.:"i Btoo,..tou .ho Gppar.ntl, .a. GoquG1Bt.d with both Cunni"ghoa olld "CU4.. 81oolHII'lr0l1 1&01 ,...,.., •• 6 Ncar_ill i~oraaiioft ~ic" hal o.'l'~d U. '" our '~ve.tigotion~ but ho. riot cie/iralt,l, •• abled .u -to id4rst'f.l7I "014." 8'tooperltou pre,erlt.l is a State Depart~nt .. ploUe., .orkl~g O' G guord GttGched to
the "'.er'£c4" .rabCl.'" til Ot~" CCl"4~\l' ,
~noth.r '"dtuiduol .ho _Cia iAfiltrGtlJ1Q the BUI.iOA SOCi41 ~aocrai'c group ."ich mo, CI •• ,.t1ng ~PChe"to, we. G peraon de"gIIct,d bg the cou.r no.e 01 ft1U11p.- It 01'0 4p~4rl that he IPG. Gcttp. i"·2'7ot.1'Il1te c1rcle.. 8e048,,01 the 14Ct 0. 1dent'f./r'f.ng in/o~atio" concerning h1.1 .. AGo. not been IUce." jul j,. 'f.dentiJp1ng ~". at J although GIl act' fl. jftlJ~.tigai:i on i. being carried out
~,.htc. 'ichola. Fa U."l~ "'4
-- ~ - I.. __ ~ - -II ,,_ ~ ........ +.(
_ rr II .. _. ,,~ •• ,.;~ ;:;~h~j;;~
orl • 1.oM tlac't Orl0
in 1944,1tCI' oo.~ •• pla'ttllg 't. . r 1:,.. SM .... DePtH
unt or O/lS, buot lour .0. lucc ••• /UI 'i" g.itiJig .. plo,..,," o. a ",,-t.rpr.1:er _,til 'tu uraSud '4iio,.. .... 'po."t'o •••• i111 "Old@
De AGo, i"a. ,,, ... i.MeI GI't 1.u .... "ga-t'loa of .". "60 ct. ... ,.., .. -Te i. l'Ull oct'"e 4. a Sotrl et •• piouge G,..i. "lo~1 ,. ,.U1 tnomn O. G ~tt •• u •• io", •• illg ,..10 .. ' io ... c •• r'. lDa'l,. !!oIHr!e.,., ." .. "'''i. Bv •• 1o ... circl •• do .0. -n. ...• ,. ~,.. W.
~",.ou"A "., ."" lrIIo ... dnorthd _ ..... .a ... ~~t' 'to po •• ibl, b. obI. to ,. .. (Jrlorl 'to 000".,.. ... _~ ..
.,;. ... _1 "
.... : ..
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::.< ~. ,
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~~tl ''''j
n. 'OOCl!'. '$)' . .
nr •• ,,,,S. -fj',:/"f'U'tha ...... ,.., ... 'UGt
Bo,.,. Jlo",..I' oove'-" __ .a.a 1fJ",.0." (_'I" ,. 'ti. All'.
.,,,iool ••• 0' 'or •• ' , ...... lGa" pl.oagA ... '"
ua. a.t ,,..It). A.J,.fNd Z. 8 ... ,.,., 40CO "1'1." 'to
IIGI d.lig-nave! .""~ tl. co •• r ... 0./ -.:toui." .. ao ru. •• ~ ....
p,.,pored b, .,. obtGi .. d b, .. tAro." t.oe •• igai1v. toril ift
" b",Cl1"J" 1946" •• waaa rt •• d ,. the ift.roraati 01
oftd "fli b, i •• MGB ill ••• Tort C'tv Mo.oo.. Jh'. *Ae aboo. ~. aot alli.ted .ai.riGllr oar a/lort. , ••• v •• tigcsii.g il.
Jloccu" it tID •• "",.,.,." ,~o~or.Gt'o. "ntoraotiorl 'to 'that ,funia; bll our '''/OTaCSJlt" .vorro'~t8:J
r \ ~it'oJi to iA. /01"egOing". iura ,. '''./oTJ&Q'tioIJ ,ro:
A. ~)~regard~flg a ~r.o. 6f.lg~i.d ~r the cover aoae ~tda .ho.ca .0r~IJJg In 2944 .lor the .Unit.d Pal •• till' ~pp,al a - tht! JlGB de_ir,d to plac:. h,,. .ith th. Co_tHe. 01 J •• ,.h ,.,."t,r
- _ end "'rti8tl is 'e. 101"t Ci1:U WU1"e ih'J/ thoag.i IAe 1NJ.1d b"-ol
greet.r VI' to the.. ~ ieQ~i~ue ~d.n~'I'cGtiD~ 0/ iAt. t»dtDtd hal beera aGde al ~.'U •• rrr,boch Rand, IMD AG. bee" iaplicat.d ,,, the e.pioaage ne~ort in tAe Mo'caa. and .he 'I • contact 01 Jcc Soble. r. are condUcting t~P'lt'gGtio71 in an oti •• pt to v.rf/V t.ntctiu. 'd,rati/'catto~ 01 B~d~\
~ Co_~hi larlJt]k.L{1 r- C'1
f'M _/0"4t"OJI ,../l,ct, ihot 'fA. ~of1f
.ere able to nato. ua. 0/ the Coaau.t.t pa~V" u.!l,-bot
Jor r,c",itu.'t Gad Jor cA.ctfllg 011 D4I"io". ladtu'ldual. regard'" .loa tl. ItrJB .allt.d t,,/o ,..t,... 1"7"J' Bro",. •• bo .. bJ .... 6GI raKer *_ .. 0."'" aaa, o.r "BU1.DO, .. • CII'. !'r..t.r _. oo,.'.aa" DJ 'tu 80Di ... Gotto''t, , ... ,.. '''lil trGi'oJi 0/ "Moue IT,if"d 8iG
10.,.. ..... ogeaci ••• "'1'" i. al.o '0" 'adfoGiio. '.11 n
i1l/ol"Mtioll il&4t he b •• 0/ "tiler Clc'till'i', JlGrt .., tl&e
Gr. Gi'Hap1r'ng, '*111"'0.,,11 "",,..'tigcsiioJl,,· io ' iilr •• "act'o'd
., co.,.,. aaa. o.r "ZoAo· .i •• PJNa,.l, oocord'a" 10
to MD' oco"pt.d G ,...PO ,u. ".."." •• ,. i"_
a. .1 Po Gad to MO. b •• n ••• er , rC. __ .. .. ..... ,
. ..~
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~ 'o"'lt ("!I"'I~ (u.) are SECRJ
It ia aot p ••• tbl. ill 0 ... o....,.·~ to d.i4~l ilw 'hl/ormtlo. avoilabJ. NflGrdlag JIGS 0//1c'o,1. c'*_cud to
8001 ..... _bli." .. ,,'U , ... "- ".1,*.. ••
coracll&.h,.lr •• iGbl"",.cI .. AGi tu ,.(UII,.41 ....... ~J"G'ti, -tlw '.11 Tort ~"Dr~ ,. ,4:l .... 'Q41 ., ... ","1 "'0.'1.011. B. a"ctoabwcU, ~. tile .z.ga1 r •• idut ag •• t 10'" ..... , oi ... 80ui.i Couulo't. i ..... Tort. B. CIl.o cU Not.d _'t1"Stu •• l .er. out.(d. ia. 'e. rDr~ ar.G, T.4ching to ihe r •• t C04}!~
Un(je l' F. do. i.ou the 1' ..... 1'. CI JlUabe T 0/ "ft.d" ul ctJ:i. o!/ici41 01' •• ai"oll'icilll Bou'l.'t PO"t'on •• ho .. re de'''gnat< 4' ·cCld~ .... n.· ~ •• e individual. opparw"tlr h.aded variou. individual De~orta ~h~ch ~e~e being operated bU the ~B 'In United state.. Fe have not: tdentij1.d 411 0/ th.8. individu but .oae af the taportant Qn~j wir' ;l~di.~r s. Praudi~~ t~ 01 Tal' ,!"S .Jg!nCr 1Dho Me Men lUn't" oraed pre tit orul'll Seun Se.enou, ~o headed an eap~o~age Re~ort ~hjch included Jbra Brothaan, Tho.as L. Bloct, and Barru·Oold; .Jnatoli .J. Tatovl ~ho ha, been .entioned previousl, and ~ho .01 in charge 0/ ~ Rosenberg networt and toot ouer the actiuitiea 0/ 7h.odore J Hall and Saville Saz, ~ho have been .enttoned previDuslV. J lndiutdual Dho had helped in the recTuitaent 01 JUdith Cople Flora Don rovschin ~a8 Stepan 6. Choundento. He »a~~._~~. attached to the Souiet Consulate 1'1 New Tork Ct1:y.~
{~The 1e gal resideJ\t agent at the Soutet Ea~ -;~; ra."in/ttn; D. C., /o11o.ing hi. arriual in the Untied stat. Septa.ber, 1944, 1D4S ... natoll Qroaoo •• laD • ., Sdenti/'led ira c nectton .,itll tM 3Uv.T'IItl.ter ca... r. are ctwapting to dt to the JUlleat posaible e.tent the Clctivitie. 0/ t~ •• Souie ol/iciale, none 0/ ~hoa are in tAe United Stat.. 4't the pre~ ·U"~' do haue one indiui-duCl.! ~eJ"e '''0'' b~M JIG.' a 8 MakaT'8'"~.ho •• e kno~ ,'To. inJoraatioft /'ro.
ope'rated in Auat!"Gl iG a! Aft 11GB Ag, .. t~ ai' __ f"g""t~ •• 4'" 1 a!.oulp ~~ i ..... uoll ... II. ""DUb_oil" i •• ttll .. .,ti ... JlQB og_1It.
CI§" 'AtIOlS
rt __ .0-6 b.e" po •• tltl. , •• " orOlldll .... d~
all 01 -6 .. 'cIe"t'J1caiiora •• ,deA .. m ... _ , .IN ~. 'th.~
.. ;~
" ~\-;-oo:Ii:_.'
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.... ',.. - '!. .... -..... ._...
__ ; - J._-Jjfic.~Memori:tndu11J ... UNITED STAtts GOVER.NMENT.
i TO I JIll. D. Jr. LAJJD .fl'lW SECRET
• : 'IOU C F ~ 114) _., 7
- L. U.UGllIJr' ,....,
, .
e Agencii be to be noted that recIlu,d to date priaarilv relat •• to e GC MGE in New ror~ Cit~ during the periodl Ma~ 2944 to andl a3 auchJ ia boaiccllu a United S~at'. fnte~nol proble. with littllJ i/ anUJ relation to CIA re~pon'ibiliti;a. A aaol~ amount oJ .ateriol relates to NGE activities in ~ ralta
and Great Britain. This Roterial iah to
and inv igatlona are handled by
I referenced .,.orandua reco .. end,d that the BUreau .aintain the ui,m that there i. no reason to aake
Gen,ral Satth Dr any other ,sonne1 01 rl 01 th 'a .:.
activitu or th. cOntent. ~r~cl at thfl
tfa,. It fUrther rIc t ld. CD"tact
General Ceni Director to acauatnt A'. _ith the
background oJ •• 11 . 't. '.porto.c. to
the 'BI. ""'''''''M~
Me SECRET 1-/~
_.''''_ -
-f-.. ;.__.
"9 P'ORC 0 r 11', ownJ.p!! that CI~ mould be eo.plei
~~~M-~~a. __ ~~~~~~~~~~ao~t~e~r~i~a~l. ~---
- 2 - .
~!:RET t/l
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+ "~ •• ',., ,'.- ','
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"" ." .... ' -0·.· - ', t....~ ...
• # 0 JIG .. to'"
a 0 •• co.tooi _ith ~ ill o1"d.r ilia" M. a,,·.oa .ill b.
t.pt coap1 ••• 1 • ..ar. 01 allr d.D.lo,..at,,"'a. .'pkt d.al ""tb til. dl •••• ·".otloll 0.1 tiki, &at.rlol. ,~:)
.. J
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(I>-) ~ RJL: al8 If.l···~ .. ~.~\.n : n
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... ~ Cl • ea. in/o1'aild that- th4 prtractptJl tN/.Nc
.mnat.a lro. - •• TorK to Jlole,... 'Baat th.,.. Il101 Glao ..
coneid.robl. tratltc be"tlDe S\ Canberra .. Ju.trczl i4 .. G lIf
llojjt:o., .. ana (i llatl.lltl'" CIIIount 0/ 1; ruiii.e bew.en Loncian and Jlolea., a, •• ll G. (J ltttltl other trulJ"c~ (IJ...J
ur, Kirby said he did not-lind it neceaeary to esp Ia in to CIA "the e eeen» to which the aaterial naB been published and 1Irlde oooilable to the Bureau and h.e was not asked any such qu esti en. He sa i d fUrther he w§ ngt..asked
.. and did not tell th eCI A r eo r e s 61 -ta:ti U"B t'Jf 'Ih" frtt!1: +h';;+.--
I the BIl- reau lia s· u~n i,8h.ed Of ~~AF.-SA-- l~ '_"CO~i"(m'iJ--?'rl a ;%iii=-the r: __ eau s 0 ou r I Rues Tga.t·toTi§~ -- -n"8'ta'tM--e?rrt-ttr'rc".fA"-~ --rep re s en to. !l~ue" t is a.:: ca~L~e-!L.J.~ fen a eO' to g.P.2~0'!f87i I !1l7"
u.,.eau re arC1tng certain 08 eets 0 B rocle.~(lJ...J
Mr. K'£ rbl! pu. rp os e: Y had not call ed into the
co n,:erenc e Jir. Jle redith Gardne r, th e crllptana1l!st rth 0 .:
works on the problea, as he did no~ mGn~ Gardn.~ placed
in the positi.on oj having to ClnStoer qu.estions r eosr avn«
the utent o/,"'the-mtertiJJ. and the--identi/icat'ons aad.
,fro. the IIQtertal. He saId tha.t thi, enabled D4ftnia and hi.aelj to take the position that thelllDereonot I"l1'1/ GtDare 01 all the ~rk UIh ten hc.s been cbne 'n connection with thi,
I_otter. JIg ,at d th at he e;z;p ected tho t CIA 112"1 d R robgb1u c,Q,ntact th e Bureau and &pO.yld tiler em ft,r 4'11 'n ·99 q1Rq'C "h
tine in r to btalll rther in o)".ation r. rd
- 2 -
''''I' . .fr.. .. ~,- ,. .. ,. ... ---~. :I
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, r , ".,i.L.~ .. ,. '9~"_"'.Vn SECRC1'" "':'.'
." _. ., ',1"(' [,1
but ev were no waVa prone ~o reciprocate Gnd tha
would conaider ~he .atter further ~ter checking tnto the inuo~;ued in thts tra.ffic (!' \)~4» IIJ k..,
in.'or_tton under ihe cOP,,. n(;l!!e Of Har.. ..,v S.iitl.V,
Halper-f." furni.hed bulletin. and r.por". prepGrn ., 088 _0 Ae,..~
- 2 -
-' -
.. , .... ~ - ,_.
., -- .-. -_.
. -,,'-_
..... "...,.., .. __ .
.-........-. .. ' ..... ~. ,---- .. .. ~
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....: J. j
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.' -.~;
_- '_ - - .- ..
4. eell 4. 81:a:t" DeDt1,.h"n"l: ~n.1I1"JI_ -l:" ..hi",Ji Ji •... (tl i!7" J. .. .,
-- ._--- -- -'- .. - --~-----.-- -------, -- _ ..... _ ..... _ -_ ... __ - .. "' .........
aCCe,3. 'e a~. curr.nt1W doing .0 .. _'rk .t.h· C~ in connect'~
.~ih ih. doc nt' q on .hat ~fttl'V.told ua Gnd on ihe
b4. i. o/' "t0raattoll.'....,. 'to tnd
~Du;can C'Agplili LlJe -,~ (M.\
ue IDa" He is
identt/i.d in t viet agent
who .as d.signate ~.on~ the cat
furnt,h.d bU hia# according to ~s (1) a li.t
0/ DSS •• plouees .uspected 0/ 1ng Co .. uni. or Co .. unist 'Vapaihizers. (2) I~oraation concerning an 088 report on the trip to Russia aade bV the Poli.h-Aaerican Catholic Fa1he~ Orleaanskt, and (3) I~or.at'on concerning oSS operations tn China and Japan. Elizabeth B.ntleu has alao furnished i~or.atlon alleging that Lee gave ~.,. intoraat'on fro. USB /'les4.c.~
___ E'ald Niu.n rAe.l.,., ~ tJ.)
Wheeler Bentl
n4med him Q3 having be~n a Sov'et ~ i~o1
tion obtoined Jro. OS8 J'ilea. 1'11. ~aat'on
r~!lecta his cover name ao" Iz,.,a. have preViOU4\l~ requested
inueattga~n 0 eI n the rheeler ca~e, which actually .teas Iro. t~ \~oraat'on, but ~ did not, 0/ course
o.dui!J1! (J 1IIhn.-t 'tlu, htlJt 'Inl' nu,. i .. I'npo.t'l+.i,.ft _... __ I'!T~ i •..........
_- _. -- --- __ .--- _r __ -- .... -- -", --- _ • .., ..... --- ..... _.'" --_.. ...._~." wW'p .....
01 the a,O')'" g11,qQti9711U:1.~.~ s
~ ~l~(lA)
• pe~,oftn.l on ~.o occo.$o
He " 01.0 aentioned ,,, conneotion .i1h ••• ber. of ... 'icior
lWrlo group G. d •• cr'bed by Elt.ob.ih B.nileg_ rkfr. ,. G pg,,'bU,tu tMt J/u.e H" b, HIlla ftonry, G ./orur D88 •• plolld jroa .hoa S.ntl'lI r.c.'u.d ass r.por~. Gnd ... oroado. CLA i, O~7'" 01 ih4 oll'gation. cOllo'1"n'''9 rea" • ., fro."Jltl',Il.e:~e5
- 8 -
,."'. .... 't· .. •,
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,,"",,>:.:~:.=.-.~ ..
-_ ...... --~ .. -
Belenir According to "the tD(l8 aupplutng " kno~n that during the .a.~ Alezander Foatne re/lected
~~e to the U. 8. in 1941. ~oraat'on tn 1944 Belenky t MGB in Xe~ Tork Ctty. It Is per~od, our lnue8tigation of
that he IDa. tn contact lPi'tll Belentu.
- 4 -
" ... , .. - .. ~ ,- ... -' ",'~, ". '"
I , J
'':-~ ~
.. :r-~
, '1
\ ."
. ;", ~. 1 , i
. -....-.. .,,~''''-.- ... -
.. _ . ......_............._-- ~~.~
. ._
~ . -- - ....... -
.. -~ .... ~. _-_ ....... ,,-- .
. __.. ...-- ...
. - _.; ~ -
A r,po~t .ho~'ng recent ccttutty 0/ Doutlc wae diaaealnated to CIA ~n Mav of th~' year. _~, report aho.ed ~he results 0/ on lnt,rvt,w wtth Doujla.~ ~)
~l08 Roble, Gaida."
une, co.pany.' Our .oat Santiago,
~e'law C. Gebert
- 5 -
"' i
.: ;
ii."Ph Cot" ~(tA.)
Catz has b"n
in the jurtadiction oj CL the fact he ta .ent~oned
.. SteRhen Lair-dd Co1umbja Broadcast'ing System oor re se« dent, f\~CC:D u§jdjo!2, in VIs %'I't .. Rwit2erlCl'9 since I1ecemhj 1949 art v...)
Th is_cas/! ron:! relerred to CIA for i iW@g_'t..~R9t irHi_j n. the la11 0t 1950. clA has been jollo~ed periodically since - that dateut hOs produced practicallv no t~0i.aatton concernl the Qcttuttiea and associations oJ Lal~d. ~f~)
~(1" R. Lg,n2,!_ ~IA.)
_.1 ca,.
- 6 -
5 7
~.:~ :;
.""";; .. ~ ... -
. "
. . .
-: -: :
--. ---.- -
. __ ._._- ----
~ ..
,., ..-II.... •
A (
tEhOlaa F. Orloff ~IA) , 1'Ise r« 'I a t t Orl
Fe haue
.~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~CQ_B.e.(~
ue preu'oua1U dt •• eatftoted ~o this co.e ezcept the bo.'c allegation. ~ro
~ A;:;'r.d B. a"r ... t =:J-{u.J
rher. t. flobi.
- 7 -
. - -I
. :-·1
P.: -,!,' .~ -, ~. =-
.j ~~ "1
• ~T ~j
.. I ::~ -
L. ~ _ ,
I . I
, ,
"'_ ,I .,. ._, • L
~:":~,,. __ ,.-.:-=;. ..:_~. __ :~T~~p
.... . --~ - '.~: .
• _-:~ .. -: ~.- r-''":. :-. .,'
, . ,.
-:-~." ._-_.
-.- .. ---.----
~ l1i"" ......... ~ ..... 'YV
!.tqrg~ an A~gen~'n'anl .n~.r'd 1he U. 8. 'n 1942~ to atudv jour1UJl t.a. Htl had ,~ Bu,ne, .tread .htch ~. c1and,attnelv X ... Agenc~ aiapatcne.. On the ba,t. 01 the
'~o~t'on ~ kno~ thot he moa an 6GB agent n 1944 e
astiAS AI 4,IJ.iani rallot ii iI· za"i I'***a46 plui.ipn 41 AA, qglphlq Brqgdcaft'n~ B'lJ.t,a. Alter leav"ng CBB M liaS •• ploV,d jQr a.hart perlod by Artttno P1cturoal Inc.~ G diatributlng agent jor Sout,t J'laa. In~~~ __ ~~~~~
- 8 -
" 1 I
',- 1
~ .
---':-"*',,:: r· -- .. -
~~~~~~~e ~~
~~~~~ .. ~ U, on a ~
~c a .ho.hGue been
"n conn.,cf",')J' .. -th our 0 tiler with th ••• o~j~C'GlB. Most left the U. 8. ill the
.. -_"
- ~ .........
,.", ,
T .-
r..a.. '.b.
~SEC~ GO~ ..
" ... -
..... _
.... __.J. ...__
___ bl
----....¥o, \CrOC- ~ ~
i~ .. 1 •. 111 J I
,- -., - - "_ ... ........ . ..........
-",,,. I
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-._,.-,.~- - ....
,,_. -,-
... ~ .... :- ..... 4" -., .'. •
'r . .
•• : '0 ~ t
. .. ...:: - ~-
... ' _'
It i~ belieued that we ahould continue ~hi8 POljCY.(~ ~l
(k)(~ ~
L "')i
- 2 -
. " ....... ~-
" •• ! .. ~ "' .
'"'::- ...
_" ..
,"IL\ ~~ l'OSBIBIU'l'I1IB or IIII.Q1JI~;~: f \...JII\!l ~OR.IUTIO' COB lIg.vcm"--
, L.: - .:-1
t~~ ~ r
• 0 .1I41l g'l'O"p oj crw~pht:rl.
a~tocht:d ncr (J3J) ~o .ort on deciphertng
cer"1"4in S"f1'e~ 'ntelligence ae'IGge. co".,,.tllg the per10d 1942-48.
11IIe •• 8,,01 eot •• 88091:8 4re aade up «r 'telegra., caDd cable. OM J"Qdi 17 aea.age, .ell t be ttDeen Souie t in'tell igence IIp.Not,,,.. in 'the Un'ted 8~te. and Moaco~. Conlequentlul thi, aate,.ial Jolla mithtn the cotegorv 0/ coaauntcationa intelligence tnforao'tton and 48 auch tt fa aubJect to the .ost .trtnaent regulgt'on3
goue rning dl,.,e. ination on a nneed-fo-&noll"" baat a. :rhe,e aeaaages ~uld ,ee. to fall into the 3ame cate90~ aa teletvpea /ro. 0
/ield "/fice to the Bureau (Ln code) and detoiled reporA IDere undoubted1U being sent by the MGB (Soulet Int411fgence Service) tn -the diplOllQtlc pouch. 3be uauolBu,atan ae-thod in cOQcealtng the tezt Q/ theae aeaaogea is ~o J1r'~ ~rGn,lGte the Bua8ian plain tezt tnto code bU USing 0 code book Ond th~n applr a~etilU cipher pad to the codel 'thus aaking it practtcallll '.posslble to recover the aeSSQge. InterceDttona.of the~) ~8.ogea we r« aade nl;l/ the U. S. ~ Army. the .-fntercep-ted .hsage" conslst o~~e~~ulll.bera. 1heae numb.,., are placed on fDo,.k ,heets bll rid efforts are then made to arriue' oot the addItive the enciphering procesa). Once the addttive ta correctly deteralned the ~ea8age can b~ read bV uaing the MGB code book ""'tch. haa been pa1"tlcllV ,.econ,tMJcted bV J/8~. the chief proble. h to deuelop 'the additive. ~i, requlr-ea pains-
tGkin effort by exper\e~.'-tt era mho can ao
trona RUBsian. Both~
1\" on th i, ltd alnt to ",Qrking "'tll c"pptogruph.r .o~kfftg
I ~) b)
. ;
~ _r _ r 0
-. - ··1'
: .~~ .
- -_
. ,\
lHu'L."oa _, Me """1 adu" •• cl CIt ilAt ii ............ "'Mg •• girl." '*0 •••• ,..." ... ,.. "tad 1944 but M, d.cod •• AcId Jut H.II Clccoapl'.".cI. Col. 10m'II "", •• d .,.. ...... /Go. tlaGt the
/"i,..., "Gel b .... 1rbl. "t,. ·""'4t ,.to· Bu •• tAll ,*n,f./ic _ •• 0 be
uld 0.", o1o •• 1r br _ • .BU1'""". m. ".'*"l.Il d~od •• 0.1.0 Mel b ••• ttt • .,,."" .... d '64 'Ih •• 0, .. teA •• 01.0 _rt1.g a.
II~ A<I._ Dw .. ...,_ 40_ ~M .... _4< ..... _ •• -1-... .. ... ---~ ~- --
- - ... ~ - .. _ ..• '-rlJ.'" ... w_" •• -. - - -"lJ •• ~,..
'11/0,..11 au .ak.t 'IA. '£11'*142 4.ood... 8,ac'~f""
'\0"0'''' ( .. "'l .r 1982 .'11 cu. ".gan g.i"Hng fa.foJ'WJf'&OIlJ,
tIl,,_ 'tra./fic A4U rao'" ••• ", 1'u61""'4 oa ". otll. 00 'oatColl,
intellig.nce tro/ICc ~tch i. di.~r'but.d to iA. oath.Pi •• d con.ua~"'1 but kept on lJ01'"t .he~t • .to,. .'CU~PU o. I~
D!J' I14d. aUG "labl. 01'11" to fh,Bu,..au and J27a.
"""tial d.cod •• 0./ 1h'" Ru"'C:u& tra/lic NN ./1'GVUn 111 and .full 0/ gape. Col. Tomell felt that the Bureau bJ/ .-ndU"lg
t1:. e =#'"ge; ;;;G eGndu.et~ng iiiucsttguthHi ijQuld DC 4ble io develop 'lIJ'0.nI4t",on Ilh '£ch would (u. iet the A,.l' C1''lJp'tographera
lin recdtng additional unrecouered portion. 0/ the •• "4g ••• The AraV • tated the s« 1161.agea .,ere par-t «r an JlGB .".tea and aubaequent .tudll ha, co~J"raedtha t O.Pinton."(d2JXt5j
/ tJ
"~"!I_ •.. , ~l "",' ....
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-~~~ e ,
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- ~ ...
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. ....
, -
rro. Aprtl lSUB .II*tl •• leu 8 •• g.lJCr. 'tler
.DtIri 'tAGt t" ..
In rG,..~a8 ~h~~~ conatderatton t. given to
di a se.tM'ti"n of h/orma t'£on bu the, Bu,..au. clearance "'1". fi,.st obtained jrom A and it no obj~ction i, ~iaed b~ that ag~nc'Uthe (n/oJ"aGtion is parophraaed to protect the aouree.
!he t nlo rll.o:tl on can then be giuen only to one cleo red to reee i ve cOlULunications intelligenc;~terial. ,Ye7"l1 lew pef!plein the GOl)e rnme n tore .a 0 cleo ,.ed.~ )
- 8 -
b_) _
. ·:~t:t;:..-~~· .
.. ~~ - ....... _._ .....
.~: ·1
,., .
1M '
.. '
>!:~. -
" ," .
. ~ " '
, .
e: (t.AJ l-- ·a •..... g.. •• '..,.. , ...... AN" /or 'the
•• t J14l"1" v.r, 'Ngu"1;4.,.,, and ~l oj f1Gp.. 60 .. parA 01
'the .... og •• aGII "&f.'" b. "CDDeNd Ages'. ".caN. dD,..'n.g 'OIL •
4ctucsl '1J'lwrc.p't •• ooap1 ... ".Mg •... ~aot ob., .. d. other por't$o". CGn .,. ,..o .... Nd ou,. 'lAroagA fA •• till of fly crr.piogl"Gph.,.. aad .'C. 'tAt Bur.,,'. O •••• tallO.. IN,,,"t11l,, through on eza.'lICItioa 0/ ""' •• ' •• 4g.' oJlcf Jroa CI ..."i •• 01
BuNGU ,/tIe." th.&....!!!PIPu can "11.r .up.c1;, lor .. 'illcUciSdual. 'n.uolued. Jh.n~a.t-. out CI pari 0/ the ".'4g. Gnd r~d3 tt tlI the potn.t •• ,.. tot t. d.u,.'ned tA4t r./.Nnce ia beIng &ad. to ceriai" 'n/o~t'on d • .,.iu.d /?oa U.S. Oop.7"fta6n~ recorda or docuaeni." ~e Bureau conduct. tnv.,tlgat'on to locate .uch ~co~.~~4ocuaenta. Iben lOCGt.d~ th.ee reCO~8 are jUrnJ.hed to~~d iJ it turn. out to be the correct dOQuaentl ~1I .. e. tt a. a "crib" and "thua ia oble "to read preu10ualV unrehouere~o~tona 01 the aeaeage. It au.t be realized that the 0 pl,.VP'tographer • .ake certain o •• uap'tfol1a
a. to &eaning' ehen deciphering the •• ' .. a.ogee ond therea~er
1:h.e proper trun.latio" ot BUH'" ,1dto •• Call becoae (I p,.oblea.
tt is for suc1& reasone that aa indicated 1Aa.'t olaoat-
nyth" ng included in G trans at 011 01 Oft. 01 1;h eae deci phered Jlesaag~s aay in the ,future beJ'"Gdicolly re[1jaed(-.:s:.~~) ,
.Another ue"l1 hzportant lactor to be conatdered lDhen discussing the accuracy 0/ theae decfphered ae •• ogea ,. the
e=~el1a'ue use 0/ couer naa •• no~ed in tht_ trat/tc. Once an individual mas considered lor recruttaent aa an ogent bU the 30utetsl auf/ictent background da~ on ht. ~ •• ent to headquartera in JiO'COlll.. '/hereafter, he ICC! giuen a couer DG~ and hi s "true nalte .KIa not It4! ntioned ago tn. 2h i.e IICIke. po," tjue .;; ident~ca1;ions .08~ difficult .ince me aeldo. rec.iue the lnit~al ae.sage mAtch .tates that agent ".0 Gnd .0" (tru. AGa4)
~tll henc./orth b. tao.n Q# w n (CODer naae). ~l'D COU6r
ncae, Ia.,... changed r'Gther INqu,"tlJl aM 1Ih. CO".,. no .. ~.n1"¥" .igh~ applv to t.o dirt. rent indioiduol,. d'p.nding upon the date it lid. ua.d. Co".r M ...... ,. • .,..d lor ploc •• &lAd organt2Gt'on. o •.. 11 o. for nP.~'Oft." ••• ttn •••• d b, ~. /Qct
that I •• Torlr CtfJ/ m. "l'uN ond 'the nI.s. ~ia. .A.ll 01
the abODe .facto r. at. d'tJltcult G oo,.,..o't NCldiag • ./ M.
ae.aag.' and point up th. untat"., •. _tu,.. .~ _., 'cf •• t'l"~
, .
. ::-~: '--i . -~
~~-'- -;
'.'-~""-''''_'- "" ..... ,----
_ ....
.... ~
.. _ .-- ..
. ....
- 4 -
_ ..... ,.
" ".", .j
, I
lor .:oapl., •• oag 'the J1 ,,'t .... 4g ••.. ,..o.,,,.d , .. 18C8 w. Olle concerning an 'lndiutch.ol _,til 'th. cou." _ .. ·",,."11114."
.fIIIL._ .... __ ~...:.. ....... _~ ... 1 .. 1 .... __ ~ ~ ........ __ ....a ..... __ ..._._ ~- .. --- ...... ~ -_.
41 .. : -.aCi9" _. 1Ki'li.Q 0;11-:/" CillO JW •• '5 FllrJill • ...,.cnWlVloJl
',,(Ueat'ng tlust -",AU'" .0. RS ,.are 0./ ag •• a -,,110. oOI&II1;,.,..n" (uab.,. 0/ C1"~ au). l'cred 'II -2\1"'. (I •• tort),
'took CI COl"·'. at C.o~r .'011 ha IND. · .. .-..4 , S'gnGl Co",.
a10 Fi. J(onao •• " .. alld AcId a "'J' ... er ~1. r a .fttGtitu
'kI,"'ttftcotioJa 0./ "'''' • .,IinG'' a. Jo •• "" '.'o_brod .'ac' 16. kctgJl'OIUMI 0/ ".'IcIJbrod co,.,...pond.d .i'lla M. 'af0"''t'o. taoen abou't ".ini.nJ'l4." W.ichbrod m •• bout fA. r'pi a,., bd a Coaauni.'t' bGctg7"oulld~ 1 hIed 'It ITe. a'tWndecf Coop.'" U.ion in
10~O _ .. _1o~ _ ,~~ " ,, S'O~ 11-----.~1. -- ,,- -" ._,-
• .-.J " Ilol .b1'-~ ""ur-p_. I fl. -un_UciN'., "., II •••• J" jill
Mae me Ethel. H~ lIJGe a good .u.pect lor ".tnt.MG" lUJ'til aoaetiA4 lat,r ~en ~ defin't~lu c.tablt.hed through tnv.stigation thGt ""ntenna" ea. Julius Roaenberg. ~ s::r~\()
coue r naua ",ere uaed not 0,,111 to designate SOl1~ t agent.! but other people aenttoned in the .e •• age •• e~ giuen cove r nalles. For ezaaple. ".l'cspitan" (Coptai n) IJCJS lonu r PTeatdent F.D. Boostuelt. .. aurveU 0/ the ~roJJ'c oa'~ol'
IIUnat!II1:11 t:hat: n t'.!,,,,~y. ftilI ... lit .. "Cn."i+.ft.,." .... __ ..... iI.;I'",. .. .,. ... +
--JJ- - -- .... _- .. - ------ ------ _ .... - ... --, ... _ ... --._-- - -·fII.f/-"-·· ..
purpose than eouer naae. a •• igned to agenta operating for the Soviets in an intelligence capaei't~. the lotter tvp. of c~r
- Mae, ar-e presuaoblJl deatgned to pro"tec:1; 'the per.on oj 'the
J agent directly. The "Kap\tQ.n" tllpe oj 'cooer Mae .tf~ll1 obscure.! the se nse and therebll a/lords indirect prouction to the agent and at the aame tifte is calc~lGted to baJfle joreign intelligence organization.! GS to juat ~at intelligence is being transmitted.," ~t~ L.t)
\..~ ---- .,
- 5 -
I. "»1'" I
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... :.: ... -'~:. ~~.,._. -..-t--"': •• ~~ . :
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"'~A N/ • .,..raCe "to -the JONgO'''V. it , •• 0 "e Heoll.
that iliaooeth ientl.V 4dui •• d jAatJacob GGlo. j~oraed Ae~
\lte h4d .ade COlitact _itA CI g1"OUP til ra.A'izagtoJl, s. C •• 'tIa~ough Ea,.l Brold. PO. Art.,. 'tile death 0/ Gol08 '" 1SJ43, Wet .. 4t"t(hg' »eN GM"CUIV.d _"til thil group i" 1944. m • .t,,·.t ... t""" ilia. 4rra~ed bV Bro~.r and t. beli.oed to houe been A.ld on
2/27/44. 27&. aeet1nga .,eJ'"~ held in the apartunt 0/ John .(bt in KTC and Bentle~ Baa 1n~roduced to Jour 'ndtu'duala identilied G8 V'ctOl" Perlol f'jarlea Erca4rl Herr'll Jlcgdo/,/, and
Echoord F'tzgeJ"Old. c..~{CJ..) ..',.
... " . ~)
.(1 CAn b. a.en /1"0. ~b. obooe, 1/ the .... ages
(and 'th ere a", •• p.7'"G1 01 thea) oould be. ·".troduce nto.evtdc",ce the" r co nteRtl1 along "'th the .t •• ttaonU o/, 8l:i:rG~th BentZel/, ~t convict a nuabe r 01 Silu« racllt. r Ond h,.lo
(~)~. -,c!uerttp;; ~ Is)
na. advantage. «r u.a17)9 _Lza,foMIGt'on /01"
I pro.ecutiue b.",!it, rU'U'I~ tt '5ouIa' be 4d.""tUd 1JJto eu(dence) ore obuiou.. It ~oald eor~oboro~, glil4be~ Bentley and enable the Oouernaent ~o conuict a nuaber 0/ .ubj.ct •• uCh aa Judith Coplon a.nd Silue1"llG,terl _o.e cORt'nu.d ~.do.
Iro. prolecution ,. a .tn agatn.t ju.t(ce. ~blic d'.clo'UJ'"e 0/ 'the •• "'Ioge. lIould v ,Ad ica.u "the Bur.raa trl '6.\ .. lI01:iler
of 'the con/'d.rr.cfI IN plDo.d 'In • .aabt'"tA 8. l.
At 11\, .aae '*" •• 1 til. di.odr141Jt:ag •• 0/ Idi .....
'n/o7WJt'on publtclll or .'n CJ }u"oa.cuttoll
- 7-
, f: __
'~-',r e-, .
-_ . .:;:..t"",,: • # ~ •
~~~" ,.-:-~-', .: .z.
• '0 ... \
- I
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pt.gdr;Otp ;,;
In th, .itt-.t p1JJc •• IN do lIot kIlO. 'j the d.c",p1wred
... aag ••• oulel b, ad.tn.cf tilt •• ,,'4'110' aM if 'tA., ... ut,
that ~uld abruptlr .Ad on, Ao,. J'~ pro •• cut,... Ii $. beli.ued -that 'th, d'/,.a.e CI'He,.e, ... dd ",_.(Haulr MO' fl&Gi, A ..... og. be ===l:uJ.:d, l;ca=d .;; tA. lurCFaGi .r;'Cd.ao. Fiil.. =. _.Id probablr oloi. i:Mt NitA,,. 'tAl P''''o,. _0 •• at 'tAt .... av. (Soui 0././1.0"'1) .0,. the p.r-.on .0 Nc.,,,.d ''* (8 •• ,.t o/ftef,al) .a. Guailab1. 't'o u.1:f..f1/ alld 'tllua 'the C1UI't.AN _, ifI •.... g ... H pu~l~ h.araou oa it related to ~. defendant.. Con"9uenilv, in oreter -C:o ou.reOM .ucla (I .ottD" it .ould be a.c ••• arv 100 ,..1U UPOIi their ad.ia.ion th~ough the u.e 01 'zp.~ t •• tia4nU 01 tho.e 8ho in1;ercepud -the .... age. and tho.e c",,,p1;ograp".'" Wlo d.ciphered
I !~~l~!!G~!!~ .,.!. q~=!!!~~. o~,.:~~J.~~. !~~!D~~ ~~~~~~. __ ~t .r~. _ .. ~. __
1_ .... _ .. _ .... __ ...... _- ...... ..., ......... ¥"'"w .ft#'V""~"'''1I ...... "" .......... .,8 ., ... , .. u. .... ~Iii'.".. ••• C", .. \.It1W'.
on the bQ518 oJ e%cep~ion to th~ hear.ou .uidenc~ rule to the effect that the e%pert testtmonv wa •• uffteten~ to e.tabli.h the Quthenticitll eJ the .documents and thell tIIe.,.e "the best evidence avallable.~~~~~)
. / - ,
Assuatng that the .es,age. could b. tntroagced in eUldence# roe then haue a queation oj identtt-u. 17&. /rogaerttaru
-mature Of ,the .ea.age. the.selves, ~he oa.uapfiona aode 611 the t: rtJpt;ogrc1phl! 1'"3 t n b~ot\ng the !le3!!age!!,j and the queat-tcr.able interpretation. and translations tnuolved" plus the IIztenatue use 0/ coue r names lor p~ raons and places,,' .ake "the p.,.oblea 0/ positive identification ~xtremely dt//icult. Here" again"
• re l tance lDould bau e to be placed on the ezpe rl teattaonv «r the
IcrYPtogroPhe.,.a and it ap pea r« that the coa. tIIould be enth·e11l ctrculI.tan~tal~ t).~ i6..)
Aasu~fn9 fUrther ~at ~he ~eat~.o~U 0/ 1he Govern.ent~ cryptographer. were accepted aa par~ 0/ ~e ~ve~ent'. Cg3~; th~ d eJenae p.,.obably would be g1"Clnttd a u'th o.r-i tu bit th e court to luJu, privat~ Crllptographera hir-ed by the d • .tera.ae .:a.hle the -.e •• age. C. lIiell as 'the »0 rlr .he,ta 0/ the Goue maen.t. cl1lP'tograp"."'. .£1'0, in vie., 0/ th~ Ircgatnt4r1l nature oj til. ao.jo.,.''tJI 01 'the ..... eoge.
I~h. a.,en.e ~ul •.. it G~1ue*t t. huu. ,~. crwptoproph.r •• ZG&i~
tho.e a •• aage. ~'ch • been un.ucc ••• /Ul ift breaki.g aAd .
lDhich ar« not in eui enc« on ~hc p~e.' •• tAcIt .uc" .... op •• , "i/ decoded, could eZDncrat. the",,. cli.llu. mi, .. uld lead ... .,. •
• %pOaUN 0/ Goutrnaent 1;,ch,.f.'lue. alld prac'tCc •• ,. _. '11"'J!Piog'l'OJ!h ,ield to anoutho.,.il.d pe",olla and tAu. co~ro.' ..... oe .. raa.wt'. ellort. i~ th, coaaunicatfon. intellig'nc. j1,ld. £1.0, .. i. courae 01 action .ould act to the Bunwau'. dt.aduaaiGg. '~AC' th. add'~iono1 .ea.age •• ould .potlight tndfutdual. Oft .... iA •• u~ou
h,,* l'-nd'np '1OV •• t'g<it"~)E~~Et
. - 8 _ ---J 0 ..
_._ '1' .
. ",:~'~- -
.' " 'T":""'"-"- .-_ ..
_:.,: • j . ~.' -.
, . .!
.. ' .: ...
:.. ... ., .
. In add'~ton ~Q ~c qu •• ~f.n o~ ~ fnvoloed. ~he~ tl ~ tI ftuah ~ J'" tJ f IJ +.All 7'" ftJ ~-t;tJ 7"'11 _ t t'!h. 1IWt,..,h. ana i II. "f- -thft 11.. ... j
tII- - '--"--' -,. -----, ,.------ ------- ---.-- .-.------ --- --- -"
r. "fn/o1'll4tion 'n court. :r.t:!J! ./Octo,.. aN ao.t tapOl"'tcU'.t /.,.0. the BUNGU' •• tGrtdpo"nt.~ )
J 'n/OMaGtton i, coaaun'cat' •• ," 'at.ll'e.ftCe in/oraat G, con.equentl" 't ,. all c14"'I'.d !bp Sec and , •• tJotc.tlu controlled. Bel .. ,.e"ce -t. the .~,.i.ace 0/ co_unicGtt.n. ,,,tell to.ne., e tth.e.,. dt Netl" • .,. '.IeU rectlll .U~ be avoided ezcept a.ong tho •• to ••• th.--ii\foraa'tion i." neceaaa,.V 10,. 111. prope.,. p.r/o raDnctJ 0/ '£:he' r dutie e. Diaaea'natt.n ./ co .. unicotions t~Jpenc • .at.rial i. &ad on g'need-to-kn.0" ba.t. and th.~terial AGe been res~r1cted even aore •• than other coaauntcot1.n' 'n~lligen data ,ince it has not- been publ'shed and d'.tribu~ed to asCi conaul1e'r" otlt'!r than the FBI and, ~~l.pe"tlu, CU. B~/o
I anv dec,.i on could be aade on ua'n~.--rn../'1"'IIGt-£ on in couri 'the aea.ages ~ould haue to be decla.,1f,.d. Buch declcaeifi Ication-.ould, 0/ course, haue to be pae.ed on bU asCIB and- 1
appear. evident that the approual ~.uld al.o hQue ~o coae Ir the ~pecial C, .. ittee 01 the 6att.DOl 8~cKr'tv Council Jor Communications Intelligence and, a. 4 .after oJ JQC~, it
probably would necessitate roual 0 PTc.1dent. ,~t th
same time" it Gli!!I that uld hGU" -to be
notijied atnce 1fbta haa ee n ryptel! th,,.ough -the join
efforts of the nited States and the Untted Kin9~o.. In the Lauo.ltn Currie case ~en we considered the po.aib11ttle$ oJ prosecution. Gene ra1 canvn« «r NS.& tndtco"ted it" lDould be highly inadvisable to nveal U.S. ellorota to break -the Russil
I code. It i3 beJie%fA that- NSA ~ould .t-r'RgIu object to any attempt to use. !ffnJormation in courot .inee to do .0 170ull reveal to the Soutets the degree 01 .acee •• the U.S. had in breaking th e Souie t code lDh ich lOaa uled dun"P 1943-46. In addi t ion, til is kn.JDledge by the 8ou".te 0/ "6h. degne 0/ laCI
the U.S. had in bretJ1cing their code ."gAt .0'* "to 1::h. d".advl «r NSA 'n it' current effort. to b~ the Bu •• iall code._LS-u
r-- -~ -"" ,,'
(&l)(\)!. Political ltpltcqt1":M.-J
It '"~ beltelled thGt (H.el •• UN .1.~'._ftC. OJ811 in,t,,,wJ-t, on ~t th i. f'.e lNuld probGblll jtloo ..... B.,..GU
,.tgh~ 'n 1;he .'ddle 0/ a ,,'olent pol''''cal .r.a". ,. all electton vea,. a~e Republiccn. would und •• &~.dl,... di., cloaure 0/ the in/IH'''Wl"ti tin t ••• phcs.' •• :ala. d.,-,.. « « .t@:
- 9 -
..... ~-.!+ ..
--: ".
..... ~
......... ~~;
.. -.j;
... jlfrSE£REF
'''1'1 "tNt, •• '" .C.aaIJ1J".'t. Gncr Bov".t; -i.lI- , U.S.
0.0.,. .... .,. d."'.g M. lHO I ••• Il iA. Draoo.,." ,.. 'n ,owr •
.. t· 'tA. MIN ..... , 'the De.oerat ... uld ,NlNlb1r .trt)'. back bV clot.trag 1;A4't ..,. .. rSI hGd .i'tM.ld ." ,,,,.,..ti •• Jr .. ihe P,.op.,. '/I'o(4l. du,." .. " M. lle .. CI"'G't'c od.'."1'N'C'." Gnd at
~ •• ue 'O'-t _I&ld ealrHlg. IlA4t eNd",1; .,.., co.w: ., olG'.'llj
·'fAoot ih ..... og •••• N '''W"''lr .. 11 caRd: creoipAe,..d ."'.g 'the ODur •• oJ tII.t,. Gd.".".'trG'tton OK ancS.r .. ",. g.UOIIC.. fte BUNGU •• u.ld b. ""gAt , ..... _icldl ••
, - ~--~
r~. ID$,rneti'ngl lapllqqtt"i
ft. Bu •• ton. Itould uJldouz,'tecUV ,C,..4. -ehGt 11&. U.B. had been ezpencUng .OIl'U Gnd 114111'0"''' Oft (Ate 1"C.p'tin.g Gild breaking 'the Bu •• lan code durIng tAl i'.e the ~o c.u~r( •• WN all'ed aga.in.t a c __ aft ." •• V. I'ta P,.opogoruSa IIGCA'n.e lOOuld l170rk ouert~u prout"g that thi. IDes. evidellce 1AcI't "the U.S. neuer ac-ted 1n good /Gith du,.£ng tAl IDGJ'". .ll_G. _tIe ftCi 0ritt~n ~cord hOf been l.ca~ed in Bureau /ile_ ~, v'J'"iJU tht. it Aaa been stated bU MSA ol/icial. 'tho~ during ~h. sa,. S.ute1 dtploJIQ'ts in 'the U.S. f1Je,., granted pera'L •• ion t. u.te A,..U J"'Gdi JUciliti •• 01; the ~ntGgon to _end •••• o,g •• ~o Mo.c... It hG~ been .tated that ~.'d.nt Roo •• uelt granted tht. perat •• toaand Gee •• .pan ted t't lOt iii 'the pro.i.e t. til. 80ui.t. tAG t th., 1'" u~,agea ",ould no t be inul'"'Cep"ted «r "n'te".Ie,..d l7i'th bll U.S. autho1"ttte,s. Here, Qgoin, the 30u'~t'.~1 u1.11i.!JI the U.S. a4 an unfaithful ally and /a1,e friend.
I - ~
{~~. Eltect, 9n .Pead inC" Cq'!J~
- 10 -
2 7 - _-._
, at the annual oroce,s oJ bringing th~8
me.orandum up to date be dtsconttnued. B00euer, oa 'den~'J1cottona are .ode" individual write-ups wtll be prepared and .nattrled into thll summarll and cpp~Bdtz in ord,r that it roill b, current at. all itaea.·~
, .. ~
~.; ...
. ·lill- i rbP SECRET .
I •
_":-;:_:'....;c_ -
" ........
. .
The .uuary IDOl original1v pf"epare-d /0.,. the
Director on lO-26-SO and ,t was de.tgned to Diue an ouer~ll view ~~~ou'et (ntel1tgence) baaed on 'n/oraat'on but ..._. TIa'a sourc« has be,n able to /u,.",.h u. '''/oraat",on rega .V()!] ope,.atjon. in the 1940' a, The aat" It.ttat'tona on thi, 'nJo'M/I.(J a roe that t" .any instance. t t 'S Jr-agJ4enta.", and .fu rther, 'the Soute erten$tu~ u~e oJ code names he.: =ade "dsn't~!"ca1:t on3 dtjjicult.~·
Baud on the ,nuutigatto •• .f~o.q: J{~.f.,."..tl
we haue identified 206 persons '"volued 'n outet esptonage actiuitl who have at one time been active in the United State. or whtch actiut~y ~~S had ,ome United States ramt/ication. Of this number WE 01 ready "ad received in/omation from oi ne r sources i"d\ca~i71g espionage involvement on the part 0/ 87 0/ theae pe rsons.. Houiev e r, 11 g pe rs o n a IDe re not p reu i ously known 1:0. u.s as be ~"9 i no o Iv ec: in e~piQnqge ang hove been !dentt/ied through investigation tn this cas·
I \
A chart explai ntng these figures tn more de"tail "s
\ Total Num~er Involued in Souiet Espionage
Num,;er rreuiou.aly Known to Us /ro"" Other In!orJnGtlon
I i{um.be r Not Pre ut ously Kno!Dn to Us
Soviet Officials Not Now tn United States
set au
87 119 '20'6
•. ,J
\ )
Other Persons Not HOlD tn United State:J 40
\). '.
_ '. (~"t\ Fe r'OM Deceaaed 11
~. U) (9urd~ Duggan~ Gol0~;O. Ivancic,; Koyrnakl'lf!;;
C \' Lauter~ach, Jlaliao/!, Sabatint" Staple., 'hitel• Brigg,)
re raOll. NOJlJ coope~at'ue lO't4 Us 14
) (Ben-el ~1I, c. D. (J~engltJ''', a. R. Qree ngloaa, . !Hock, Elitcher, old,e. MenaJrer, Mill.,., JlOC2U~rro", ~ Jack Soble, Jlvra Soble,
(! To r1r,
- "'~----
- 2 -
~L __ ";;._ .... _
I ~,P SECkt I_
•• J
.. '
!\\}.~ (_~ \ \
..... " -~' '
-L .. tE;~. BoaNlaan .1ru' fMJJ SJ:r.RI=T
--, L~-~ .,..,., -- .... ~-.
& r.on. rho HOlle Been Proaecu-ted IS
/~ ........ __ .. " .... l.... ~.""~_" ,,_y~
• .." .. " .. _y •• , ... "I'''' "'., , W"".""~· ~U~~I
Oreenglo,a, OU~'tcheu,h.Moato~itz, J. Ro •• nbe'V, Z. Roa.nbe 7"g, Slack, 1obell, Jack Soble, JlVreJ Soble,
Fe rl , Hi'S) ,
F~.,.'ona Inuolued tn $'Uueraa,ter lietrDork 29
Fe re Dna Lnu olued "n Moca." 5
Other Persona Now 'n Untted States ~
Less Those Counted TID1~e, DIscn bed BelolD
Q. Golos was a130 'nvolued tn Silueraaater network.
I). 7hite 1008 0180 involued in SOl)errr.oster network.
c. 3en*ley was also involued in Silvermoster network.
d. Dauid G1"f!englass was also p ro se cu te a,
e. Gold was also prosecuted.
/. Morros is also tnvolued in Mocase~
Gubitcheu also counted as Soviet of/icial.
(5) .
- In the Sprlng oJ 19S4.tr_oegan furnishing
f data cone,; rn 1 ng the actiJ.l.itie 8 oT the MOB t n San Franct seo du rt ng th.e
\ 1940's. 2 Uadulsed there are about 400 messages whicn(~ they belieue they m'ght~e able to read in whole or ~n part. ~hese m.ess, ages c oue r San Franclsco-}Joscow traffic and are in "the 1943-1946
~~;!~~~g ,0 date, we hal!~c:!~:d ~:; r~~l tZ~!~e ~3~~1~e~:d iD~e c~~e(s)
1 1. dentiJ'1I lIlO t who oPfl rated in the United States from )
this link. has odui8ed th,s 1rralftc is eztremely !,
difficult to read{
All phases 0/ this .otter are being clo.elV lollo~d and
close ,uperv'sion ~/o,.ded to all coaea in the Ji61d. Conttnuous research th,.ough 8uNau /ilea 'a be'ng conduc'ted to 'dentin other agentll and 1M ON al,rt 1;0 the need oJ capital'.'''9 0'1 the in/oraattoTi
:;~~r:~et ~r~) to puetra~. o.~reuntl~;;;:;U'.t m10Mge
1 1//,/ ~3 ?,r~1~·
/- -. l)1P SECRET j
, -