Brass Methods Lesson Plan Example 1

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Name of Lesson Plan: First Trombone Lesson (10 minute lesson)

Teachers Name: Natasha Zahor Date:________10/2/16_______________

Grade Level:________6th garde_________
Glecs/Benchmarks/Michigan Content Standards/National Standards:
ART.M.I.1 Demonstrate uses of the voice, proper instrumental technique, steady beat, and melodic

Objectives/Outcomes: (1 psychomotor, 1 affective, & 1 cognitive :(Identify domain

1. (Cognitive) SWBAT identify the parts of a brass instrument (trumpet or
2. (Affective): SWBAT explain the proper procedures to put together a brass
3. (Psychomotor) SWBAT demonstrate he ability to assemble a brass
Assessment/Evaluation (one for each objective above)
1. (Cognitive)- Students will complete the parts of the instrument worksheet
as homework.
2. (Affective)- Students will receive a rating of emerging, progressing or
proficient on the Instrument Assembly rubrics.
3. (Psychomotor)- Students will receive a rating of emerging, progressing or
proficient on the Instrument Assembly rubrics.
Materials needed beyond the typical day: none
Teacher Procedure/Development:
A. Warm Up/Hook:
a. This instrument may seem small but did you know that the trumpet is
roughly 6 and a half feet long when stretched out? Thats pretty cool!
B. Introduction:
a. Today we are going to learn how to put together and to hold a
trumpet. We will learn how to form a good embouchure and how to
finger our first three notes. If time permits we will learn Mary had a
Little Lamb
C. Methods and Procedures
a. Start the lesson with a friendly hello and a few questions on their
knowledge of the trumpet.
i. Have you even played a trumpet before? Do you know anyone
who plays the trumpet?
b. Hand the student a trumpet with the case right side up. Explain why
this way is the correct way to open a trumpet.

Name of Lesson Plan: First Trombone Lesson (10 minute lesson)

c. Open the teacher and student trumpet together. Go over what each
part of the instrument is before taking any pieces out of the case.
i. Mouthpiece
ii. Valve casings
iii. slides
d. Tell the student to pick up the instrument with his/her right hand by
the valve casing. Explain the finger and hand placement for the
i. Left hand: first 2 fingers around the valve casing, ring finger in
the slide ring (if has it), thumb under the piping
ii. Right hand: Form a backwards C place pads of fingers on the
valves, pinky on top of pinky ring.
iii. Feet flat on the ground, sit at edge of chair, back straight
e. Explain to the student how to form an embouchure. Say the word
em and while still in the em form, say pooh. Tighten the corners
of your lips and place your mouth on the mouthpiece. The upper and
lower lip should share equal space on the mouthpiece.
f. Have the student detach the mouth piece from the instrument and
set the trumpet down. Blow fast air into the mouthpiece using the
embouchure discussed. Do not move on until the student is
successful with making a natural buzz.
i. Problems: air coming out of corners, tongue getting in the way,
might thinking comes from a hum and not a buzz.
g. Reattach the mouthpiece to the instrument and position the hands
h. Have the student blow into the instrument the same way they blew
into the mouthpiece. Do not move on until a G or a C is produced.
i. C is the lower partial, G is the next partial up. This has to with
the overtone series which we will discuss in the future.
D. Closure
a. Congratulate the student on a productive lesson
b. Do a brief recap on everything learned today: parts of the trumpet,
correct hand positions, embouchure, and our first three notes.
c. Give student assignment of practicing Mary Had a Little Lamb and
coming to the next lesson with three new notes they learned over the
Lesson part 2:
A. Warm-ups/ hook
a. Ask if the student learned the notes EDC as assigned for their
homework. Show me.
b. Ask the student to lip buzz and massage the face to get the blood
flowing in order to play the trumpet.
B. Introduction

Name of Lesson Plan: First Trombone Lesson (10 minute lesson)

a. Tell the student we will be playing Mary had a little lamb and learn 3
new notes. F, G, and A. With these three notes and the ones used in
Mary had a little lamb, we will play twinkle twinkle little star.
C. Methods and pocedures
a. Play the notes E, D, and C over four beats each (for each note) to
make sure the student securely has the note with no fluctuation in
i. If the student has a hard time playing these notes for 4 beats,
explain about breath support and to take a low breath while
expanding the ribs.
b. Ask the student if they know what tonguing is. Explain tonguing is
what we use to separate each note.
i. Tip of the tongue hits where the gums and back of top teeth
c. Practice tonguing in the mouth piece as the student repeats the
rhythms I give them. Do this with the trumpet as well.
d. Give them Mary had a little lamb
i. Play together. If the student seems like they are doing well,
drop out and listen.
e. Go over the fingerings for note F, G, and A
f. Play each of these notes over 4 beats just like in procedure letter A.
g. Play all 6 notes in succession. C, D, E, F, G, A over half notes (with the
notes in front of them on manuscript paper)
h. Give the student Twinkle Twinkle little star to play
i. Play with the student. If the student is doing well, drop out and
D. Closure
a. Congratulate the student on a productive lesson. Tell them we are just
two notes away from finishing the C major scale and we will do that in
the next lesson.
Accommodations/Adaptations: TBA

Teacher Reflection: To be completed by teacher after teaching episode

I think my lesson went very well. My student was engaged and it felt like we were
having a lot of fun while still learning. Unfortunately we did not get through my
entire lesson. I felt it was more important to learn the instrument and how to buzz
in the first lesson than rushing just to get notes in. Because if I were really
teaching a student who had never picked up an instrument I would not expect
them to be able to play Mary had a little lamb in 10 minutes. I had to change my

Name of Lesson Plan: First Trombone Lesson (10 minute lesson)

lesson plan slightly when I realized we were running out of time. So instead of
concluding with having the students find new notes for next week, I had her
figure out the note for Mary had a little lamb so we are prepared for the next
lesson. In my next lesson I will try to give my student more playing time and have
her experiment with the instrument a bit more to find out what kinds of sounds it
Teacher Reflection Part 2
I think this lesson was a lot more productive than the first lesson. Giving the
student an assignment of coming back to our lesson with the three notes EDC
learned really helped us get a good start in this lesson. We accomplished what
was left of our old lesson (to play mary had a little lamb) and finished out new
lesson of learning the C major scale (Bb) and playing twinke. We had a little hard
time with breath support and sustaining a pitch but as the lesson went on and
after our discussion of thinking about how to breathe, breath support improved.
We had a good time and even though I may have had a few bumps in trying to
find the correct partial, but I quickly solved my problem and I do not believe the
lesson suffered from it.

Cognitive assessment
On the below diagram, label the proper parts of the trombone on the given
lines. This assignment is due at the start of your second lesson. You may use your
Standard Book of Excellence for reference.

Name of Lesson Plan: First Trombone Lesson (10 minute lesson)

Name of Lesson Plan: First Trombone Lesson (10 minute lesson)

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