Group Study - Microwaves Answer Key

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1. The skin effect causes the current to flow

a. At the center of the conductor
c. near the surface of the conductor
b. Through the central core of the conductor d. uniformly through the conductor
2. The angle between the electric and magnetic fields in a waveguide is
a. 90 degrees
b. 0 degrees
c. 180 degrees
d. 360 degrees
3. Materials generally preferred for waveguides are
a. Brass and Aluminum
c. cast iron and steel
b. Non metallic solids including plastic d. high carbon steel and vanadium steel
4. A 2.5 cm x 1.5 cm rectangular waveguide is to be used at 9GHz. Its group and phase
velocities are
a. 2.23 x 10exp8 m/sec, 4.025 x 10exp8 m/sec c. 4.025 x 10exp8 m/sec, 2.23 x 10exp8
b. 2.01 x 10exp8 m/sec, 4.47 x 10exp8 m/sec d. 4.47 x 10exp8 m/sec, 2.01 x 10exp8 m/sec
5. A microwave transmission line constructed of a center conductor suspended between parallel
conductive ground planes
a. Microstrip
b. coax
c. stripline
d. waveguide
6. A microstrip is analogous to
a. Balun
b. waveguide
c. flattened coaxial line d. none of these
7. Which microwave tube uses buncher and catcher cavities?
a. Magnetron
b. Klystron c. Reflex Klystron d. TWT
8. An X band radar operates in which frequency band?
a. 1 2GHz
b. 2 4 GHz c. 4 8 GHz
d. 8 12 GHz
9. To offset fading, two or more receiving antennas are used, separated by several wavelengths.
This scheme is ______ diversity
a. Frequency
b. space
c. polarization
d. angle
10.What is the method of diversity reception where the signal is transmitted on 2 different
frequencies over the same path?
a. Quadrature
b. Frequency
c. Polarization
d. Space
11.An elliptical zone between two microwave antennas, where the total path distance nowhere
varies by more than half of the operating wavelength.
a. Skip zone
b. Fresnel zone c. Optimum Zone d. Dillinger zone
12.The k factor under normal atmospheric conditions in a microwave radio data profile
calculation is equal to
a. 2/3
b. 0
c. 4/3
d. 1
13.For a reliability of 99.99%, the recommended fade margin is
a. 28 dB
b. 38 dB
c. 48 dB
d. 58 dB
14.A microwave system has a downtime of 30 minutes in a year. What is its system reliability?
a. 99.9359%
b. 70.696% c. 99.9943%
d. 99.9992%
15.A microwave transmitter has an EIRP of 75 dBm. Its radio equipment provides 1 w of power
and it has 5dB transmission losses. What is the radius of the transmitting antenna for 8 GHz
a. 2.55 m
b. 1.275m c. 4.54m
d. 2.27m
16.What is the free space loss, in dB, if a microwave system when the frequency is 6GHz at 40
km apart?
a. 140 dB
b. 150 dB
c. 160 dB
d. 170 dB
17.When the value of k increases, the effective result is _____ of the equivalent curvature.
a. Downward
b. flattening
c. bulging
d. sharp
18.Occurs when the microwave is at the point of grazing over an obstacle.
a. Diffraction
b. refraction c. absorption
d. reflection
19.It represents the average period of time the unit will operate without failure, considered over
an indefinite long period of time.
20.A rectangular waveguide is 5.1 cm by 2.4 cm. The cut off frequency for the dominant mode is
a. 2.94 GHz
b. 6.25 GHz c. 664 MHz
d. 57.7 GHz

21.Determine the gain of a 6ft parabolic dish operating at 1800 MHz.

a. 30 dB
b. 11.2 dB c. 15.5 dB
d. 28.17 dB

22.A mode where the magnetic field is perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
a. TE
b. TM
c. TN
d. TG
23.This type of transmission permits communication in the frequency range from 30 to 60 MHz
and over distances from 1000 to 2000 km.
a. Troposcatter
b. ionospheric scatter c. ducting
d. microwave
24.In order to ensure free space propagation, it is essential that all potential obstructions along a
path are removed from the beam centerline at least ____ of F1.
a. 0.2
b. 0.3
c. 0.4
d. 0.6
25.Radio frequency where waveguide is not used extensively.
a. 150 MHz
b. 2000 MHz c. 3750 MHz
d. 10.3 GHz
26.By how much should two antennas be separated for space diversity in the 11 GHz band?
a. 5.5 m
b. 7.5m
c. 9.5m
d. 11.5m
27.What is the phase velocity of a rectangular waveguide with a wall separation of 3 cm and a
desired frequency of operation of 6 GHz?
a. 3.45 x 108 m/s b. 4.35 x 108 m/s c. 4.53 x 108 m/s
d. 5.43 x 108 m/s
28.A transmitter and a receiver is 45 km apart. Suppose that there is an obstacle midway
between the transmitter and receiver. By how much must the path between the towers clear
the obstacle in order to avoid diffraction at a frequency of 11 GHz?
a. 17.52 m
b. 10.51 m
c. 8.76 m
d. 7.52 m
29.How far from the transmitter could a signal be received if the transmitting and receiving
antennas where 40 m and 20 m, respectively, above level terrain?
a. 44.5 km
b. 45.4 km c. 54.4 km
d. None of the choices
30.A signal propagated in a waveguide has a full wave of electric intensity change between two
further walls, and no component of the electric field in the direction of propagation. The mode
a. TE11
b. TE10
c. TM22
d. TE20
31.An isolator has a forward loss of 0.7 dB and a return loss of 26 dB. A source provides 1 W to
the isolator, and the load is resistive with an SWR of 3. How much power is dissipated in the
a. 1 W
b. 851 mW c. 750 mW
d. 638 mW
32.An isolator has a forward loss of 0.7 dB and a return loss of 26 dB. A source provides 1 W to
the isolator, and the load is resistive with an SWR of 3. How much power returns to the
a. 250 mW
b. 350 W
c. 535 W
d. 690 W
33.It is a microwave device that allows RF energy to pass through in one direction with very little
loss, but absorbs RF power in the opposite direction.
a. multiplexer
b. circulator
c. isolator
d. wave trap
34.A metal wrapped around the parabolic antenna aperture to eliminate sidelobes interfering
nearby stations is called
a. radome
b. shield
c. shroud
d. bass drum
35.The wavelength of a wave in a waveguide _________.
a. is greater than in free space
b. depends only on the waveguide dimensions and the free space wavelength
c. is inversely proportional to the phase velocity
d. is directly proportional to the group velocity

36.At a frequency of 1 Ghz and transmitter-receiver distance of 30 mi, which is the most efficient
device for energy transfer?
a. Transmission lines b. Waveguides
c. Antennas
d. None of the above
37.The most efficient means of transmitting a 1-Ghz signal 1500 ft would typically be
a. Transmission lines b. Waveguides
c. Antennas
d. None of the above
38.The dominant mode for waveguide operation is
a. TE10
b. TE01
c. TM10

d. TM01

39.The propagation velocity of the signal in a waveguide, when compared to the speed of light is
a. larger
b. smaller
c. the same velocity
d. either b or c
40.Ridged waveguides are advantageous over rectangular waveguides in their
a. cost
b. attenuation
c. ability to work at lower frequency
d. ease of construction
41.A circular waveguide is used for
a. Efficiency reasons b. Ease of manufacture c. Rotating section applications

d. Greater

42.Variable attenuators are used in waveguides to

a. Isolate a source from reflections at its load so as to preclude frequency pulling.
b. Adjust the signal levels.
c. Measure signal levels.
d. All the above.
43.The coupling in dB of a directional coupler that has 85 mW into the main guide and 0.45 mW out
the secondary guide is
a. 22.8
b. 18.9
c. 188.9
d. 45.6
44.The resonant frequency of a cavity may be varied by changing the cavity's
a. Volume
b. Inductance
c. Capacitance
45.The guide wavelength is
a. Greater than free-space wavelength
c. Less than free-space wavelength

d. All the above

b. Equal to free-space wavelength

d. All the above

46.The process of employing radio waves to detect and locate physical objects is known as
a. The Doppler effect b. Radar
c. Directional coupling
d. Cavity tuning
47.The use of two grounded conductors that sandwich a smaller conductive strip with constant
separation by a dielectric material on a printed circuit board for use at frequencies above 500
Mhz is known as
a. Artwork traces
b. Dielectric waveguide c. Microstrip/stripline
d. MICs or MMICs
48.Second return echoes are
a. Echoes produced when the reflected beam makes a second trip
b. Echoes that arrive after the transmission of the next pulse
c. Echoes caused by the PRT being too long
d. All the above
49.The characteristic wave impedance for waveguides is
a. 377
b. Dependent on frequency
c. Dependent on waveguide shape

d. b and c

50.A dielectric waveguide is

a. Enclosed by a conducting material
b. A waveguide with just a dielectric
c. Dependent on the principle that two dissimilar dielectrics can guide waves
d. b and c
51.Which is not a type of horn antenna design for microwave frequencies?
a. Parabolic horn
b. Circular horn
c. Pyramidal horn d. Sectoral horn
52.Cassegrain feed to a paraboloid antenna involves a
a. Dipole antenna
b. Point-source antenna c. Secondary reflector d. Any of the above
53.Calculate the beamwidth of a microwave dish antenna with a 6-m mouth diameter when used at
5 Ghz.
a. 0.49
b. 4.9
c. 7
d. 0.7
54.Zoning refers to
a. A method of producing a radome
c. Creating a polar radiation pattern

b. Changing a spherical wavefront into a plane

d. Fading into nonreality

55.Which microwave oscillator has high gain, low-noise characteristics, and wide bandwidth?
a. Traveling wave tube oscillator
b. Gunn Oscillator c. Klystron oscillator
Magnetron oscillator
56.Which is not an advantage of the Gunn gallium arsenide oscillator?
a. Ease of removing heat from the chip
b. Small size
c. Ruggedness
d. Lack of filaments
57.The i in P-i-N diode refers to
a. Indium
b. Impact

c. Integrated

d. Intrinsic

58.Which is not a typical application of a ferrite in a microwave system?

a. attenuator
b. amplifier
c. isolator
d. circulator
59.A low noise microwave amplifier that provides amplification via the variation of a reactance is
known as a
a. Maser
b. Laser
c. Yig
d. Parametric amplifier
60.The major difference between a laser and a maser is the
a. Frequency of the signal being amplified
b. Amplitude of the signal being amplified
c. Bandwidth of the signal being amplified
d. Phase of the signal being amplified
61.Lasers are useful in
a. Industrial welding b. Surgical procedures

c. Distance measuring

62.The following semiconductor is not used as a microwave device:

a. PIN diode
b. Baritt diode
c. Zener diode

d. All the above

d. Tunnel diode

63.Which of the following represent typical failure mode(s) for a TWT amplifier?
a. Low gain
b. Spurious modulation
c. Poor frequency response
64.Which of the following is not used as a microwave antenna?
a. Patch antenna
b. Marconi antenna
c. Lens antenna
65.Compared to linear power supplies, switching power supplies are
a. Less efficient
b. More efficient c. Simpler
d. Heavier

d. All the

d. Horn antenna

66.When an electromagnetic waves are propagated in a waveguide

a. they travel along a broader walls of the guide
b. they are reflected from the walls but do not travel along them
c. they travel through the dielectric without touching the walls
d. they travel along all four walls of the waveguide
67.Waveguides are used mainly for microwave signals because
a. they depend on straight-line propagation which applies to microwaves only
b. losses would be too heavy at lower frequencies
c. there are no generators powerful enough to excite them at lower frequencies
d. they would be too bulky at lower frequencies
68.The wavelength of a wave in a waveguide
a. is greater than of free space
b. depends only on the waveguide dimensions and the free-space wavelength
c. is inversely proportional to the phase velocity
d. is directly propotional to the group velocity
69.The main difference between the operation of transmission lines and waveguides is that
a. the latter are not distributed, like transmission lines
b. the former can use stubs and quarter-wave transformers, unlike the latter
c. transmission lines use the principal mode of propagation, and therefore do not suffer
from low-frequency cut-off
d. terms such as impedance matching and standing-wave ratio cannot be applied to waveguides
70.Compared with equivalent transmission lines, 3-GHz waveguides (indicate false statement)
a. are less lossy
b. can carry higher powers
c. are less bulky d. have lower
71.When a particular mode is excited in a waveguide, three appears an extra electric component, in
the direction of propagation. The resulting mode is
a. transverse-electric b. transverse-magnetic
c. longitudinal
d. transverseelectromagnetic
72.When electromagnetic waves are reflected at an angle from a wall, their wavelength along the
wall is
a. the same as in free space
b. the same as the wavelength perpendicular to the wall
c. shortened because of Doppler effect
d. greater than in the actual direction of
73.As a result of reflections from a plane conducting wall, electromagnetic waves acquire an
apparent velocity greater than the velocity of light in space. This is called the
a. velocity of propagation
b. normal velocity c. group velocity
d. phase velocity
74.Indicate the false statement. When the free space wavelength of a signal equals the cut-off
wavelength of the guide
a. the group velocity of the signal becomes zero
b. the phase velocity of the signal
becomes infinite
c. the characteristic impedance of the guide becomes infinite d. the wavelength within the
waveguide becomes infinite
75.The dominant mode of propagation is preferred with rectangular waveguides because (indicate
false statement)
a. it leads to the smallest waveguide dimensions
b. the resulting impedance can be matched directly to coaxial lines
c. it is easier than the other modes
d. propagation of it without any spurious generation can be ensured

76.A choke flange may be used to couple two waveguides

a. to help in the alignment of the waveguides
b. because it is simpler than any other join
c. to compensate for discontinuities at the join d. to increase the bandwidth of the system
77.In order to couple two generators to a waveguide system without coupling them to each other,
one could not use a
a. Rat race
b. E-plane T
c. hybrid ring
d. magic T
78.Which of the following waveguides tuning components is not easily adjustable?
a. Screw
b. Stub
c. Iris
d. Plunger
79.A piston attenuator is a
a. vane attenuator

b. waveguide below cutoff

c. mode filter

d. flap

80.Cylindrical cavity resonators are not used with klystrons because they have
a. a Q that is too low
b. a shape whose resonant frequency is too difficult to calculate
c. harmonically related resonant frequencies
d. too heavy losses
81.A directional coupler with three or more holes is sometimes used in preference to the two-hole
a. because it is more efficient
b. to increase coupling of the signal
c. to reduce spurious mode generation
d. to increase the bandwidth of the system
82.A ferrite is
a. a nonconductive with magnetic properties
b. an intemetallic compound with particularly good conductivity
c. an insulator which heavily attenuates magnetic fields
d. a microwave semiconductor invented by Faraday
83.Manganese ferrite may be used as a (indicate false answer)
a. circulator
b. isolator
c. garnet
d. phase shifter
84.The maximum power that may be handled by a ferrite component is limited by the
a. Curie temperature
b. Saturation magnetization
c. line width d. gyromagnetic
85.A PIN diode is
a. a metal semiconductor point-contact diode
c. often used as a microwave detector

b. a microwave mixer diode

d. suitable for use as a microwave switch

86.A duplexer is used

a. to couple two different antennas to a transmitter without mutual interference
b. to allow the one antenna to be used for reception or retransmission without mutual
c. to prevent interference between two antennas when they are connected to a receiver
d. to increase the speed of the pulses in pulses in pulsed radar
87.For some applications, circular waveguides may be preferred to rectangular ones because of
a. the smaller cross section needed at any frequency
b. lower attenuation
c. freedom from spurious modes
d. rotation of polarization
88.Indicate which of the following cannot be followed by the word waveguide:
a. Elliptical
b. Flexible
c. Coaxial
d. Ridged
89.In order to reduce cross-sectional dimensions, the waveguide to use is

a. circular

b. ridged

c. rectangular

d. flexible

90.For low attenuation, the best transmission medium is

a. flexible waveguide b. ridged waveguide
c. rectangular waveguide

d. coaxial line

91.A microwave tube amplifier uses an axial magnetic field and a radial electric field. This is the
a. reflex klystron
b. coaxial magnetron
c. traveling-wave magnetron
92.One of the following is unlikely to be used as a pulsed device. It is the
a. multicavity klystron
b. BWO
c. CFA

d. TWT

93.One of the reasons why vacuum tubes eventually fail at microwave frequencies is that their
a. noise figure increases
b. transit time becomes too short
c. shunt capactitive reactances become too large
d. series inductive reactances become too
94.Indicate the false statement. Transit time in microwave tubes will be reduced if
a. the electrodes are brought closer together
b. a higher anode current is used
c. multiple or coaxial leads are used
d. the anode voltage is made larger
95.The multicavity klystron
a. is not a good low-level amplifier because of noise
b. has a higher repeller voltage to ensure a rapid transit time
c. is not suitable for pulsed operation
d. needs a long transit time through the buncher cavity to ensure current modulation
96.Indicate the false statement. Klystron amplifiers may use intermediate cavities to
a. prevent the oscillations that occur in two-cavity klystrons
b. increase the bandwidth of the device
c. improve the power gain
d. increase the efficiency of the klystron
97.The TWT is sometimes preferred to the multicavity klystron amplifier, because it
a. is more efficient
b. has a greater bandwidth
c. has a higher number of modes
d. produces a higher output power
98.The transit time in the repeller space of a reflex klystron must be n + cycles to ensure that
a. electrons are accelerated by the gap voltage on their return
b. returning electrons give energy to the gap oscillations
c. it is equal to the period of the cavity oscillations
d. the repeller is not damaged by striking electrons
99.The cavity magnetron uses strapping to
a. prevent mode jumping
b. prevent cathode back-heating
c. ensure bunching
d. improve the phase-focusing effect
A magnetic field is used in the cavity magnetron to
a. prevent anode current in the absence of oscillation
b. ensure that the oscillations are pulsed
c. help in focusing the electron beam, thus preventing spreading
d. ensure that the electrons will orbit around the cathode

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