Spells Arshes Nei

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"Slayerd, Slayerd. Dark thunder of Balmor"

Throws a beam of Lightning energy Willx succ level Damage
"Ele-Ele-Meilia, become our shield and protect us"
The most powerful barrier spell of chaos magicWill+ succ level x 2 shield
"Zazard, zazard, sorono, rono-sook. Burning in the depths of darkness, fires of hell.
Become my sword and strike down my enemy"
A feared spell which consumes the target with magic energy which attacks them
inside and out, from all sides. Will xSucc level damage Initially, Then will vs will for
will + succ level damage
"Para-Nudo-ii Furmo Blooru. Never say die, Eter Nal Idol, heaven's hell. Py-omi Gizaoji"
A spell designed for complete destruction of an area surrounding the sorcerer. Will
x2 damage (x 8 for structures) 30 ft + 10 ft per succ level
"Tai-to-ro. Blow this (enemy) away..."
Unleashes a series of mini-lightning bolts simultaneously Will x succ damage succ
to dodge
"Heerun-Eni Rooyan Tia-tio Rain"
A large area fire spell, burning everything within the effected area. Will x2 damage
at 30 ft per succ level
"Boo-ray Boo-raya dead. Obey your blood oath, come forth from the land of Abadon.
Fire of Gehenam become a fiery blast and burn everything around us"
Another powerful fire-based spell where the caster becomes surrounded by vicious
flames and can rocket himself towards an enemy (at SPDx3) or release the energy
towards them. Will x succ level damage
"Ma sin ren"

The sorcerers fist is surrounded with fire energy and adds damage to a punch Succ
levels added to str- fire damage
"In-cho ko gara"
A powerful force manipulation spell which pushes a target or object away from the
Sorcerer with great force.
"Ji Elio Phil Are. I call forth the mysterious symbol which has been passed down from
ancient times"
This bizarre spell is thrown as energy into the air and acts like a negative fire,
drawing on all magic in the area. It nullifies all magic in use, and prevents any spells
from being cast until it is diminished.
"Karzard, azuzard, kisku. Hansay glos silk. Unleash total destruction. Sage of Hades,
use the seven keys to open the gates of hell"
The most powerful spell of all Chaos magic. It shoots heavy beams of magic down
from the sky to destroy the ground below. Will x success level area of effect, 10 ft
per succ level
"Zam-zin zar-oni eni meto"
A rather unique spell that can catch a blast-type spell coming at the sorcerer and
throw it at another target. The mage also has the chance to increase the effect of
the caught blast by 50%
"Ari deko za"
A rather unique illusion spell which the caster uses a large cloth, typically a cloak or
cape by spinning and covering himself with it. Once the opponent hits the cloak or
cape, he will realize that the caster is gone and is hitting nothing but cloth. The
mage re-appears (minus the cape or cloak) somewhere else nearby.
"Ji Ef Kiss. Upon the alter I pledge. Honor your ancient pact. I command the spirits
and call down lightning to strike"
A powerful strike of fulmination upon the target Will + succ level x 4 damage

"So An Doa Stay-ru"

Several arcs of electricity attack the target from the sorcerer's hands, causing pain
and nervous system dysfunction Willpower damage and subject is your succ levels
in accuracy

A high-mobility flight spell which allows the character to fully function in the air and
fly up to speeds of 30mph +10 per succ level
Spell that creates an explosion of magic, like a bomb.
Spirits of the earth and air, I summon you to honor the ancient pact and fulfill your
duty to me. Megadeth!! Will x succ level damage x2

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