Priming For Self-Esteem Influences The Monitoring of One's Own Performance
Priming For Self-Esteem Influences The Monitoring of One's Own Performance
Priming For Self-Esteem Influences The Monitoring of One's Own Performance
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London, 12 Queen Square, London, UK, and 2Department of Experimental
Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Social cues have subtle effects on a person, often without them being aware. One explanation for this influence involves implicit
priming of trait associations. To study this effect, we activated implicit associations in participants of being Clever or being
Stupid that were task relevant, and studied its behavioural impact on an independent cognitive task (the n-back task). Activating
a representation of Clever caused participants to slow their reaction times after errors on the working memory task, while the
reverse pattern was seen for associations to Stupid. Critically, these behavioural effects were absent in control conditions.
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we show that the neural basis of this effect involves the anterior paracingulate
cortex (area 32) where activity tracked the observed behavioural pattern, increasing its activity during error monitoring in the
Clever condition and decreasing in the Stupid condition. The data provide a quantitative demonstration of how implicit cues,
which specifically target a persons self-concept, influences the way we react to our own behaviour and point to the anterior
paracingulate cortex as a critical cortical locus for mediating these self-concept related behavioural regulations.
Keywords: self-regulation; implicit priming; paracingulate cortex; cognitive performance; social cognition; fMRI
Leading theories on the self propose that cognitive concepts
of ones self are used to organize and guide self-relevant
information (Kelly, 1955; Markus, 1977) in a similar way
as we build internal representations of the environment on
the basis of our experiences of any mental process (Neisser,
1976). The formed concepts about ourselves are stored in
long-term memory and appear to be fairly stable over an
individuals lifespan (Markus and Kundra, 1986). The features of the self that guide behaviour, however, are those that
are currently active in the mind, i.e. the working
self-concept, which is minutely sensitive to environmental
cues and may change at any given time (Markus and
Wurf, 1987). This is exemplified in studies where individuals
are primed with trait associations. For example, if participants are required to solve a language task in which words
are synonyms for old, they walk more slowly than normal
after the language task, even when they are not explicitly
aware of the bias in the words (Bargh et al., 1996). It has
also been shown that priming for concepts associated with
being clever, such as Professor, influences intellectual performance as tested on a quiz (Dijksterhuis and van
Knippenberg, 1998). Priming can either lead to activation
of motivational goal concepts, or simple semantic constructs.
In tasks where participants are primed with neutral nouns,
Received 8 February 2010; Accepted 11 May 2010
Advance Access publication 15 June 2010
This work was supported by a personal grant for S.B. from the Swedish Research Council (VR), and a
Wellcome Trust program grant to RJD and REP. We are grateful to H. Bengtsson, D. Kumaran, and D. Hassabis
for valuable discussions.
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr Sara Bengtsson, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL,
12 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK. E-mail: [email protected]
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another group that the task was a piloting task so as to optimize certain task parameters and that they did not need to
care too much about their own performance. The task was
titrated to equate performance for all participants. The more
motivated group showed enhance activity in the anterior
paracingulate cortex (area 32) when they made errors on
the working memory task. We found subsequently that
there was increased activity in an overlapping cluster when
the participants were asked to explicitly rate their own
The aim of the present study was to investigate direct
evidence for the anterior paracingulate cortex playing a
role in monitoring ones own performance. We did so by
priming each participant with trait associations that were
relevant for their task performance. We studied the effect
of primes (Bargh and Chartrand, 2000) that evoked associations to Clever and to Stupid on performance on an n-2
back working memory task for letters (Cohen et al., 1997;
Figure 1A). The two categories of primes were chosen because of the familiar link between working memory capacity
and intelligence (Conway et al., 2003; Gray et al., 2003).
Clever-priming will generally evoke a network of selfconcept associations such as bright, competent and skilled,
whereas Stupid priming will trigger associations such as forgetful and inefficient. To make sure we evoked goal priming
it would be necessary to show that positive and negative trait
primes exert different effects on behaviour, and that they do
so only if the prime is task relevant. Therefore, to account for
effects of positive and negative affect, we included the primes
Happy and Sad as control conditions. In a pilot experiment, we had found that these primes had no influence on
n-back performance, most likely because they are irrelevant
for success on the task. There is, of course, considerable
evidence for the effects of emotional stimuli on attention
and perception (Dolan, 2002). However, the present study
involves priming with Happy and Sad when the task stimuli are themselves neutral (letters of the n-back task). Gray
et al. (2002) induced emotional states in participants by
having them view either happy or unhappy video clips
before performing an n-back task, but did not find an
effect. With a larger sample size of 66 participants there
was a significant emotion by working memory item interaction. This effect depended on whether words or faces were
presented as items in the n-back task, thus indicating that the
working memory items mattered in so far as they had an
emotional relevance.
Our design is a 2*2 factorial design where valence is varied
on one axis, and task relevance is varied on the other
(Figure 1B). Since a non-primed condition lack the control
of what associations the participants are making, we decided
to exclude such a condition. We measured the effect of
priming on RT and error rate on the n-back task. RT is a
measure that can often give a strong clue to the mental
processes going on. Investigating RT after an error response,
for example, provides a measure of executive cognitive
S. L. Bengtsson et al.
Fig. 1 (A) We used the 2-back task for letters as the task of interest. For each letter
that they saw, the participants made either a yes or a no response. If the current
letter also appeared two letters back a yes response should be made. The memory
task was preceded by the language task that served as the prime. (B) The conditions,
as defined by the trait primed, fitted in a 2*2 factorial design with valence varying
one axis, and task-relevance varying on the other.
control indicating how well participants adjust their behaviour after having made an error (Rabbitt, 1966). By using
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we can
establish whether prime dependent activations occur in
brain areas similar, or distinct from brain areas involved
in task performance. It is unknown whether goal priming
acts by influencing a separate goal representation, as
opposed to simply influencing areas involved in task performance (Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg, 1998;
Markus, 1999).
Twenty-one neurologically healthy participants took part in
the study. Nine were males and 12 were females with a mean
age of 23.3 5.2 years. They were all native English speakers
while 19 of the participants were students. All gave written
informed consent with the study being approved by the joint
ethics committee of the Institute of Neurology and
University College London Hospital, London, UK.
Behavioural task
The participants performed a scrambled sentence task and a
working memory task with the scrambled sentence task
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Table 1 A summary of the behavioural data. Reaction times are presented in ms the standard error of the mean
Main effect
Valence Taskspecificity
34.9 15.8
578.0 39.6
543.0 35.7
53.1 8.6
0.94 13.5
521.0 35.8
520.0 32.0
49.9 7.4
19.0 12.4
550.5 35.8
531.5 34.3
52.1 7.1
21.4 12.4
554.7 35.4
533.2 31.7
49.5 6.2
P < 0.04
P < 0.05
P < 0.005
Fig. 2 As an estimate of cognitive control, we measured the RTs for the subsequent
correct response after an error, and compared this with the RTs for other correct
responses. We found a significant within-subject valence*task-relevance interaction
for this measure (P < 0.05), as well as a within-subject simple effect between
task-relevant primes (P < 0.004). There were no significant differences between
the four conditions when investigating correct responses after correct responses.
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Fig. 3 (A) The activation in the mid anterior cingulate cortex represents error detection on the n-back task. There was no significant difference in this area between the four
conditions [P < 0.05 corrected conjunction analysis (Clever and Stupid and Happy and Sad)]. (B) The imaging data revealed a significant positive interaction in the anterior
paracingulate cortex {P < 0.02 corrected [(Clever Sad) vs (Stupid Happy)]}. Note that the BOLD pattern resembles the pattern of post-error RT for the different conditions. (C)
Prime sensitive activation in the anterior paracingulate cortex (shown in green) lay anterior to that of medial prefrontal activation generally seen for error detection (shown in
red). The SPMs are thresholded at P < 0.05 uncorrected. (D) The time course of activation is plotted for the four conditions at the event of making errors on the n-back task. The
time series of the BOLD signals is taken at the coordinate 10 50 30. The plot represents the average value for the whole group, as well as the standard error of the mean.
The interaction between the residual prime effect and
making errors on the working memory task caused participants to slow down their RT immediately after an error
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Fig. 4 The insula was active in response to errors for the two negative primes {P < 0.01 corrected [(Stupid Sad) vs (Clever Happy)]}.
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