Teachers' Views and Use of Explanation in Teaching Mathematics
Teachers' Views and Use of Explanation in Teaching Mathematics
Teachers' Views and Use of Explanation in Teaching Mathematics
Jarmila Novotn
This study analyses teachers of mathematics views on explications in teaching mathematics.
Various types of explanations are characterised and investigated from the point of view of their
pedagogical, cognitive and social impact on learners. The theoretical frame for the research is
based in the Theory of didactical situations (Brousseau, 1997). Based on questionnaires filled
in by Czech teachers, the reality of teachers views and perception of their own practice
concerning the use and forms of explanation are studied.
In Groups B and C, there were two respondents who did not see any pitfall
but stressed the positive sides only: Even an incorrect explanation is an asset.,
Process is equally conductive, or even more, than the result.
Question (iii), Phases of teaching process
The answers copied the answers from the case a).
Question (iv), Age
The age differences concerned the level of using visualisation and modelling,
the language and the use of concrete examples, all of them simpler with younger
students. The use of the case b) (student(s) as transmitters) was strongly
recommended only for older students. The independence in selecting the
explanation form and the level of abstraction was considerably emphasised in
Group B. In one case in group B, hints were proposed of a suitable form of
explanation for all ages.
2.2.2. Practical perspective
Both cases a) (10 questions) and b) (7 questions) are dealt separately, one
question concerns both of them. All questions ask for the respondents own
a) Teacher as the transmitter
The first group of questions covers phases of lessons, of the educational
process, and forms used by the respondent and the frequency of using them;
these questions are directly linked with the theoretical perspective. The second
group deal with planning the use of explanation, use of erroneous explanation,
demanded precision of the language and consequences of too rare or too
frequent use of explanations.
In the answers to the first group, theoretical perspective was repeated mainly
in Groups A and C. It suggests that the answers in the Theoretical part were
based on respondents practical experience. The restriction of forms to
visualisation, modelling and illustration, use in other situations, rephrasing and
(surprisingly) use of hints occurred.
Answers to the second group of questions brought new information. All
teachers except one (Group C) indicated that they choose the places for using an
explanation when planning the lesson; their decision is based on their
experience. The possibility of increasing the number of explanations according
the situation in the class was explicitly expressed by two teachers in Group B.
The need for precision of explanation by the teacher was commonly accepted.
Only one teacher explicitly mentioned the benefits of lowering precision to help
weaker students.
The diversity in answers concerning the deliberate use of explanations
containing error was considerable. In Group A explanation containing error is
used. In group B 3/11 respondents do not use any form of such explanation, the
others use it as a tool for emphasizing more difficult places, for attracting
students attention, for breaking students acceptance of facts without
understanding; two teachers do not use such explanation before sufficiently
long practice of the subject matter. In Group C this question was not answered.
The deliberate use of explanation containing error looks to be specific for
mathematics (and natural sciences).
As to the frequency of using explanation, all respondents mentioned the
danger of students passivity in the case of too frequent use and building
incorrect knowledge if explanation is used only very rarely.
b) Student(s) as the transmitter
The questions cover the nature of the demand for explanation (spontaneous or
on the teachers invitation), erroneous explanations (handling of them or the
possibility of their further use) and the frequency of incorporating explanations
in the lessons.
Teachers use both spontaneous and invited explanations; all of them praised
the advantages of spontaneously proposed explanations. (Typical answer: Let
the person who has something to say speak, everybody will learn from mistakes
that occur.) For correcting mistakes, discussion about mistakes (mediated by
the teacher if necessary) is taken as the correct solution. (Typical answer: We
all learn from mistakes, and why it is a mistake.) As to the frequency, the
danger of too frequent use of explanation was mentioned in all answers (only
for being listened to was mentioned in various forms); in case that the use of
explanation is too rare, the danger of passivity of students was emphasized in
Group A and the danger of underdeveloped communication skills in Groups B
and C. The frequency of incorporating explanation showed to be age dependent
in the answers.
3. Concluding remarks
The study confirmed the diversity in approaches to explanation in
teaching/learning of mathematics. It focused on teachers views and approaches
to explanation. It will continue by studying situations of explanations from the
theoretical perspective and by observing and analysing the school reality. Our
main interests are positive and negative impacts of the use of explanation in
teaching/learning processes.
Brousseau, G. (1997). Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics. [Edited
and translated by N. Balacheff, M. Cooper, R. Sutherland, V. Warfield].
Dordrecht /Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (French version:
Brousseau, G. (1998). Thorie des situations didactiques. Grenoble: La
pense sauvage.)