Comparison Between Minutiae Based and Pattern Based Algorithm of Fingerprint Image

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Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2016, 2, 23-29

Published Online March 2016 in MECS (
DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2016.02.03

Comparison between Minutiae Based and Pattern

Based Algorithm of Fingerprint Image
Sangeeta Narwal
Chandigarh Engineering colleges, Landran (Mohali), Punjab, 140307, India
E-mail: [email protected]

Daljit Kaur
Chandigarh Engineering colleges, Landran (Mohali), Punjab, 140307, India
E-mail: [email protected]

AbstractFingerprint matching is the most accurate

method among the biometrics. They are used for
recognizing the person identity. The matching of two
fingerprint images based on the numbering of minutiae
and bifurcation points. Minutiae based Algorithm only
extract local features of fingerprint image. The new
algorithm used pattern based method which covers the
whole area of fingerprint image. It includes both local
and global features of fingerprint image. This new
algorithm divides in three phases. First phase include
enhancing the image quality with the thresholding value
and reducing the dimensional space of fingerprint image
with principal component analysis. Principal Component
analysis contains the Principal components in lower
dimensionality space with high value information. In
second phase, Gabor filter is used for extracting feature
vectors from fingerprint image and number of feature
vectors form feature map. In third phase, Euclidean
distance is calculated between two feature maps to
determine whether the two fingerprint images are same or
not. The result evaluation is done on the basis of
bifurcation and minutiae points and their comparisons
with previous work.
Index TermsSegmentation, Binarization, Principal
component analysis, Gabor filter, Minutiae, Euclidean

point of innermost area. Ridges are the black lines of

fingerprint image and valleys are the white lines of
fingerprint image.

Fig.1. Fingerprint Structure

Ridge ending







Fig.2. Minutiaes of Fingerprint Image

Biometric is a technique to recognize a person identity.
It is mostly used in criminal investigation, Security and
educational areas. Mostly used biometric techniques are
Iris, palm-print, voice and fingerprint recognition [11].
Among these techniques, fingerprint recognition is the
well known and accurate method. To recognize a person
identity it is necessary to match his fingerprint with the
templates stored in the database. Matching is based on
the information included in the fingerprint image.
The fingerprint image contains minutiae points, core
points, ridges and valleys, background area, foreground
areas, local features and global features. Minutiae points
are the small lines in fingerprint image. Core point is the
central area of fingerprint image. It is the most upper
Copyright 2016 MECS

Ridge crossing

Background area contains the noise and Foreground

area is the main informational part. Global feature
contain whole structure of fingerprint image and local
features are the singular points in the fingerprint image.
There are mainly eight types of minutiae points in a
fingerprint image are ridge ending, crossover, bridge,
hook, bifurcation, dot, enclosure and delta. From these
eight minutiaes ridge ending and bifurcation are the
points on which the fingerprint matching algorithm
depends. Bifurcation is the point which further divides
into two ridges like Y shape. Ridge ending is the
termination point which end abruptly.
There are two methods for fingerprint matching i.e.
Minutiae-based and pattern based. Minutiae based

I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2016, 2, 23-29


Comparison between Minutiae Based and Pattern Based Algorithm of Fingerprint Image

methods are the singular points exist in fingerprint image.

They can also be called the local features of fingerprint
image. Bifurcation, termination, bridge, hook, trifurcation
etc. are all the singular points exist in fingerprint image.
It is impossible to find more than seven common
minutiae points in two different fingerprint images.
Pattern based method includes Global as well as local
features which covers the whole area of fingerprint image.
Delta and core are the global features of fingerprint
image. This is the fast technique than minutiae based
method because it includes every macro and micro part of
the fingerprint.
A fingerprint image has four type patterns i.e. whorl,
right loop, left loop and arch. One or more ridges
entering and exiting from same side in a curvy form of
fingerprint is called loop. Loop is of two types i.e. left
loop and right loop. Whorl can be plain, central pocket,
double loop, and accidental. Plain whorls have atleast one
ridge that makes

Fig.3. Fingerprint Classification

a complete circuit, and an imaginary line from one delta

to the other must touch a whorl ridge. Central pocket
whorls must have at least one ridge that makes a
complete circuit, and an imaginary line from one delta to
the other cannot touch a whorl ridge. Double loop is two
loops combined to make one whorl. Any other types not
in the three categories are called accidentals. Arch ridges
enter from one side leave out from the other side. They
are of two types tented arch and plain arch.
This paper introduce algorithm for fingerprint
matching using pattern based method. First of all it
enhances the image using intensity adjustment method
which removes all the ambiguity from the image. Then
image segmentation and Binarization is done.
Binarization converts a grey level image into a binary
image. The segmentation defines which part of
fingerprint image belongs to background and foreground
area. Principal component analysis method converts the
higher dimensional space to lower dimensional space.
Gabor filter are applied on lower dimensional space to
extract the feature vectors. The feature vectors generate
feature maps. And this feature map is matched with the
fingerprint image stored in the database. Euclidean
distance helps in matching the two fingerprint using
threshold value. If the Euclidean distance between two
Copyright 2016 MECS

feature maps is less than the threshold value than it is

match of stored template and acquired template otherwise
they considered the two different images from different


There are so many algorithms used in the field of
recognition and matching of fingerprint images.
Matching of an algorithm includes various steps like
enhancement, segmentation, feature extraction, matching,
filtering etc. Following are the related work to the
proposed algorithm.
Asif Iqbal Khan et al explained the minutiae based
method used for recognition of fingerprint image. Valid
minutiae and bifurcation points are extracted using Crossnumbering method. Here cross-numbering method used
the example of 4x4 window instead of 3x3 window to
remove duplicate minutiae points. Before extraction
process image enhancement, Binarization, thinning and
minutiae marking is done. Using 3x3 window duplicate
bifurcation points are detected which are removed by
false minutiae removal technique. After applying the
proposed solution the number of valid bifurcation points
has increased by approximately 55% and all the
bifurcation points which were missed earlier have been
included [2].
Muhammad Umer Munir et al described Matching
algorithm of two fingerprint images by using Gabor
filtering method. It includes three steps, firstly it extract
the Core point of fingerprint image using Poincare and
slope method. Second, the circular region is divided
around core point into 128 sectors and the pixel
intensities in each sector are normalized to a constant
mean and variance. The circular region is filtered using a
bank of sixteen Gabor filters. Feature vectors are
generated using Gabor filters. And last the Euclidean
distance is calculated between two feature vectors. The
performance is measured using Genuine Accept Rate
(GAR) against the False Accept Rate (FAR) [1].
Ala Balti et al introduces a new algorithm which
includes Euclidean distance for fingerprint identification.
Euclidean distance calculates the distance between
central point and nearest neighbor bifurcation minutiaes.
This new algorithm reduces the number of feature vector
and avoids the problem of geometric rotation and
translation over the acquisition phase of fingerprint image.
The new algorithm first determines the centre point and
then perform enhancement on it. After the feature
Normalization is done after short the Euclidean distance
vectors [3].
Wang Yongxu et al described PCA (principal
component analysis) used to extract statistical feature of
ROI to form feature vector. PCA translate an image MXN
to a vector form into row and column. Pca normalized the
feature vectors by choosing uncommon feature vectors.
Here PCA is performed only on ROI rather than whole
fingerprint image. After applying PCA the Euclidean
distance is calculated between two feature vectors

I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2016, 2, 23-29

Comparison between Minutiae Based and Pattern Based Algorithm of Fingerprint Image

extracted from ROI. This method dependents on the

central position of fingerprint image because low quality
or non central image cause failure to detect centre
position [4].
M. Horton et al introduced the complex 2-D Gabor
filters for fingerprint matching system. Here image is
divided into two parts and then 2-D Gabor filters are
applied. These filters enhance the ridges that are oriented
at the same angle as the filter while suppressing ridges
oriented at other angles. Once the images are filtered,
statistical information is gathered for each of the regions
within the image [5].





Fig.4. 4x4 Pixel Window of Fingerprint Image using CN Method

The existing algorithm is based on minutiae method. It

includes only local features of the fingerprint image. This
algorithm recognize fingerprint with the help of valid
bifurcation points. The valid bifurcation points are
extracted using cross-numbering method and spurious
minutiae are removed by applying false minutiae removal
technique in [2].

If 4x4 pixel window is taken as above then extra

neighbors detected with value one which create false
minutiae points. After removing of these false minutiae
points valid bifurcation got deleted. So to avoid it delete
all the neighboring bifurcation points which are just 1
pixel close to each other i.e. if there are n 1-pixel close
bifurcation points then delete n-1 points. This is achieved
by examining four neighboring pixels one above, one
below and one on right and one on left side of a
bifurcation point, if any of these points satisfy the
bifurcation condition (3 neighboring 1s) then remove
that point and repeat for all bifurcation points. After all
the bifurcation points are examined we can apply the
false point removal technique [2].

A. Image Enhancement

E. False Minutiae Removal

For enhancing a fingerprint image intensity adjustment

is done on the basis of threshold value. First obtain the
threshold of an image and then based on the threshold
decide whether to adjust the intensity or not. If the
intensity is to be adjusted, by how much it should be

False minutiae are the point which occurs because of

breaks, noise and gaps etc. Sometimes Enhancement
process enables to remove all false minutiaes, so the
false minutiae points are removed in post-processing of
image. They are removed by these steps 1) First calculate
the average distance D between two neighbors ridges. 2)
Than calculate the distance between two minutiae points.
They can be both bifurcations, can be one bifurcation and
one termination and can be both termination points. The
distance calculated named as d. 3) If d is less than D than
and the two minutiae in same ridge than remove both of
them 4) After removing false minutiae points marks
valid minutiae points and on the basis of these the image
is recognized [2].


B. Binarization
Here Binarization is done with NOT operation which
changes the value and color of ridges and furrows. Here
ridges represent by white or 1s and furrows represent by
black or 0s.
= 2(, )



Here I is the grey-scale image and B is binary image.
C. Extracting ROI and Ridge Thinning
OPEN and CLOSE operation is done to extract region
of interest from binary images. Open operation remove
noise in background and close operation shrinks images
to remove cavities. Ridge thinning makes the ridges just
one pixel wide without changing its basic structure. It
helps in removing the redundant pixels.
D. Minutiae Extraction
3x3 pixel window is used to extract minutiae point. A
3x3 window contain 0s and 1s values called pixels. If the
centre pixel having value 1 corresponds to its three
neighbors having value 1 than it is called bifurcation
point otherwise it is a ridge ending point. But it is a
simple method which also contains false bifurcation
points. This method is not accurate one [2].
Copyright 2016 MECS

The Existing algorithm was based on minutiae

approach and used only local features of fingerprint
image which cause inaccurate results because it include
some part of the fingerprint image which missed some
minutiae point necessary to match fingerprint images.
The proposed algorithm based on pattern approaches
which include whole structure of fingerprint image. The
algorithm based on global approach. It includes both
global and local features of fingerprint image.
Oil and dust cause noise in the fingerprint image
during capturing the fingerprint with sensors. Bad quality
of sensors also causes distortion in fingerprint image.
Image enhancement is used to remove all the noise and
bad effects.
Spurious minutiaes are breaks and gaps in the
fingerprint image. They occurred during Binarization and
thinning process most of the time. They can be removed
by applying false minutiae removal methods.

I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2016, 2, 23-29


Comparison between Minutiae Based and Pattern Based Algorithm of Fingerprint Image

Finding correlating minutiae points creates problem

and make algorithm expensive. Minutiae matching are
not affected if two fingerprints are matched, which are
twisted to each other, because it has to find correlating
minutiae with the same direction anyway [18].

A. Image Enhancement
Before minutiae extraction image enhancement is
required in some low quality fingerprint images. Image
enhancement is done using intensity adjustment method
based on threshold. This method used to adjust the
intensity levels of a fingerprint image. The intensity level
ranges from (0, 255) levels. After selecting a specific area,
create the intensity level of that specific area and
calculate the threshold value of intensity levels. The
threshold value decides how much intensity should be
adjusted or not. The MATLAB function used is imadjust()
for this method.
B. Binarization and Segmentation

Step 1: First convert an image into vector form. An

image in vector form has MXN format where M is for
column and N for rows.
Step 2: Normalization is done by removing the
common features of all images and each image left with
unique features.
Step 3: Calculate the average vector of all unique
features and name it as . Subtract average feature vector
from all normal feature vectors.
= [ ]


Where is the normalized feature vector and

= 1 , 2 , 3 . . .
Step 4: then eigenvectors are calculated by co-variance
inverse method instead of simple co-variance method
because this method reduce the eigenvectors and convert
higher dimensional space to low dimensional space.
= = [1 2 . . ], 2 (7)

Binarization converts a grey level image into a binary

image to improve the contrast between the ridges and
valleys in a fingerprint image which leads in the
extraction of minutiae. The Binarization process
determine the grey-level value of each pixel in the
enhanced image, and, if the value is greater than the
global threshold, then the pixel value is set to a binary
value one, otherwise it is set to zero. The Matlab function
for Binarization is im2bw().
The main motive of segmentation is to define which
part of fingerprint image belongs to background and
foreground area, which part is the noisy and distorted.
Background contains furrows or irrelevant part of
fingerprint image and foreground contains ridges and
relevant area. Here texture segmentation is done using
texture filters. The Matlab function of texture
segmentation is
= ();


= 2();


1 = 2(, 0.8);


Here in eq. 3 I is the image and entropyfilt() creates

texture image. In eq. 4 mat2gray rescale the texture
image E. the fifth equation threshold the rescaled image
Eim to segment the texture and 0.8 values is selected for
C. Principal component analysis
Pca is used for reducing dimensions of fingerprint
image. It is a pattern recognition technique of fingerprint
image which covert a higher dimensional space to lower
dimensional space. Pca also recognize the false minutiae
region and true minutiae region of fingerprint image.
PCA helps in determining the rotation and orientation of
Copyright 2016 MECS

objects. The Matlab function is used to perform PCA is

coeff =pca(X). Following are the main steps of PCA.

= 2 . 2
= =


Step 5: then select best k eigenvectors from lower

dimensional space. These K components called principal
components. These principal components further used in
extracting features of fingerprint image by using Gabor
D. Gabor Filter
For successful matching of two fingerprint images at
least 70-100 minutiae points are required. This algorithm
works on bank of Gabor filters. It is a product of
Gaussian envelops and wavelet transforms which also
called sinusoid. It enhances the ridges and valleys
patterns for identify and extracting feature vector so that
Euclidean distance can be calculated between two feature
vectors for template match. The algorithm work as follow:
1. Central point detection: First Extracting the centre
point of fingerprint image for identifies. It is also called
region of interest i.e. ROI. Through ROI all the feature
vectors extracted from fingerprint image. The centre
point found at same position in every fingerprint image.
It is the most upper part of the innermost region. Ridge
curvature is also necessary to determine for computing
2. Regions around centarl point: Next the circular
region is drawn around core point. The circular. Region is
of five bands and these five bands are divided into 16
regions and each band consist of 20 pixels means total
100 pixels in ROI. There is total 80 regions because
16x5=80. Then each region is normalized to their
constant mean and variance.
3. Normalization: Normalize the image. Each sector

I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2016, 2, 23-29

Comparison between Minutiae Based and Pattern Based Algorithm of Fingerprint Image

within the image is normalized so that it has a specified

initial mean and variance value. Normalization is
performed to help remove the effects of sensor noise and
gray level intensity variations due to finger pressure
differences [5]. The ROI is divided because reduces the
extra noise from the region and each region is normalize
because to eliminate the common minutiae.
4. Bank of Gabor filters: A Gabor filter is a linear filter
used for edge detection [6]. Ridges and valleys of ROI
transformed into sinusoidal waves. Gabor filters
optimally capture both local orientation and Frequency
information from a fingerprint image by tuning a Gabor
filter to specific frequency and direction, the local
frequency and orientation information can be obtained [7].

(, : , ) = { [

2 2


]} cos(2 ) (10)

= sin + cos



Here f is ridge frequency and is orientation which

represent the regions and their directions. And are
standard deviation of Gaussian envelop along the x and y
axes. Filter bank applies eight filters with different
orientation, only and produces eight different filtered
images. Now the components of feature vectors are
extracted by calculating average absolute deviation of
each sector in each of the eight filtered images. Eight
different orientation of Gabor filter are applied to extract
feature vectors. The feature vectors generated using
Gabor filters form feature maps. And this feature map is
matched with the fingerprint image stored in the database.
5. Feature map Generation: Generate the Fingerprint
feature maps. The Fingerprint feature map vector is
generated by calculating the average absolute deviation
(AAD) for each of the 80 sectors in each of the eight
filtered images. The AAD for a sector is calculated as

(| (. ) |)

feature maps is less than the threshold value than it is

match of stored template and acquired template otherwise
they considered the two different images from different


The pattern based algorithm is slightly better than the
minutiae based algorithm as it covers the whole area of
fingerprint image. The above algorithm used Pca which
automatically remove the false minutiae points no need to
apply false minutiae removing technique. After applying
the proposed solution the number of valid bifurcation
points has increased by approximately 5-10%. The
proposed solution also finds out the missing minutiae
points which were missed earlier during previous
algorithm. Table 1 shows the number of bifurcation and
minutiae points obtained on different images before and
after applying our solution.
With the solution proposed above all the duplicate
bifurcation points are eliminated and the maximum
original point is retained which was not possible earlier.
The above implementation was an effort to improve the
extraction of minutiae points for Fingerprint Recognition
and matching thus improve the efficiency and robustness
of fingerprint matching algorithms.
Table.1. Bifurcation and Minutiae Points Compared with Previous Work
Previous algorithm

Proposed algorithm































Where is the number of pixels in sector I, (. ) is

the intensity of the pixel at location (x, y), and is the
mean intensity of sector i. The Feature map vector
representing a fingerprint is simply the concatenation of
the 640 AAD values from the eight filtered images [5].
E. Matching Using Euclidean Distance
The mean threshold value of all feature vectors is
calculated and the distance between the two feature maps
are calculated. The translation invariance in the Feature
map was established by the core. Approximate rotation
invariance was achieved by cyclically rotating the
features in the Feature map itself. In train database 5
templates were stored. Test fingerprint template was
matched with the entire 5 templates and score were noted.
The minimum score describe the best match of two
fingerprint images. If the Euclidean distance between two
Copyright 2016 MECS


Results indicate that the proposed strategy filters the

false minutiae points reliably. Also a major challenge in
Fingerprint matching lies in the pre processing of the bad
quality of fingerprint images which also add to the low
verification rate.
Running the database of 5 fingerprint images through
the first, baseline, and system resulted in matching
statistics that were similar to those obtained in the
literature. Our results were slightly better, but this was
attributed to the fact that our total minutiae points were
chosen around 100 to 150 rather than below 100. Set of 5
images in both train and test database. Total minutiae and
bifurcation points are calculated in table 1above and the
graph is plotted for the better representation of
comparison of previous and proposed work of all images
in figure 5 and 6.

I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2016, 2, 23-29


Comparison between Minutiae Based and Pattern Based Algorithm of Fingerprint Image




Fig.5. Minutiae Value Comparison




Fig.6. Bifurcation Value Comparison


This algorithm for fingerprint recognition and
matching improve overall feature extraction process
mainly the extraction of bifurcation and total minutiae
points. This algorithm improves the matching speed and
accuracy. This algorithm based on pattern matching
which is relatively fast and less expensive than minutiae
based algorithm.
The proposed algorithm is not limited to the local
features of fingerprint images rather they use global
features like ridges patterns, location and directions of
ridges, their rotations etc. PCA describe the format of
principal components which help in choosing the best
principal features. The main advantage of PCA is that it
used lower dimensionality of fingerprint image which
reduced complexity. Gabor filter helps in find out
orientation and frequency of ridges. Euclidean is best to
use for matching two templates, easy to compute, in less
time. The future work can be done on the recognizing
rate of PCA for fingerprint images.
In Gabor filter future work can be done on the core
position of fingerprint image as recognition can get faulty
if core point is not adjusted properly.







All Thanks to Mrs. Daljit Kaur who supported me in
this research work. She is an assistant Professor in
Information technology department in CEC, Landran.
Copyright 2016 MECS


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Authors Profiles
Sangeeta Narwal, born in 1992, is currently
pursuing Master of Technology (M.Tech) in
Information Technology from Punjab Technical
University, Jallandhar and she has been
completed her Bachelor degree (B.Tech) in
Information Technology from Punjab Technical
University, Jallandhar. She has published a
review paper on fingerprint Minutiaes in International Journal
of Engineering Research and General Science in August 2015.
She has published one research paper on Fingerprint


Recognition in International Journal of current Research (IJCR)

in Nov. 2015.

Er. Daljit Kaur, is an Assistant Professor in

Chandigarh Engineering College. She is an
amazing personality and has good academic
record. She has completed her Master of
technology from DAVIET Jallandhar, PTU.
She has done her B.Tech from IITT, Pojewal
PTU. She has done her Research in Image Processing field. She
has published 12 research papers.

How to cite this paper: Sangeeta Narwal, Daljit Kaur,"Comparison between Minutiae Based and Pattern Based
Algorithm of Fingerprint Image", International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB),
Vol.8, No.2, pp.23-29, 2016. DOI: 10.5815/ijieeb.2016.02.03

Copyright 2016 MECS

I.J. Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2016, 2, 23-29

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