Classroom Management Plan 1
Classroom Management Plan 1
Classroom Management Plan 1
The way you have your classroom set up and managed, matters a lot to not only you and
how you teach, but also to the students and how they learn. My beliefs on a classroom
environment is to always have positive reinforcement, make the students feel like coming to
class is a good thing, and have my class organized to where things run smoothly. When it comes
to discipline, I will have a set of rules that will be taught at the beginning of the year.
By using positive reinforcement, my class will have a positive environment that will help
the students learn. When a good behavior is done the students will be rewarded with a motivating
item. This assures that the student will do this behavior again, It also motivates other students to
do positive behaviors; its like a chain-reaction.
As teachers, we never know what a child is going through at home. Sometimes we can
gain hints, ideas, and learn more about that child; however, everything is not released. This
means that as a teacher, I will work towards making my student feels like coming to class is a
safe and welcomed place. Organization is the key to a managed classroom.
A way to start the year is to have everything color labeled in your classroom. When a
student needs daily class necessities, they will see these color labels and get what they need. I
will make sure to use manners and respect with my students, as they will with me. All negative
acts will be handled properly, so less will happen in the future.
In for this to be successful, I have to have a set of rules that the students will know at the
beginning of the year. These rules are; Listen when others are talking, follow directions, keep
hands, feet, and objects to yourself, work quietly and do not disturb others, show respect for
school and personal property, and work and play in a safe manner. These rules will be posted and
signed by every student in the class.
In conclusion, my beliefs about classroom environment cannot be successful unless I start
with myself. I have to have great classroom management and discipline skills, so that every child
feels wanted and has a sense of belonging. These skills have to be started on the first day of
school in order to be successful. Teaching is all about trial and error. If I do something and
realize that my students aren't engaged, then I will change my routine to fit the needs of my
students. My students will always come first, and I will plan my day around them by
corresponding my teaching abilities to the needs of the students.
Philosophy of
When having a classroom, the teacher has to make sure that it is managed in a way where
students can interact with each other. This is so that the students can collaborate together when
completing certain tasks, and the result will be more broadened. According to Vygotsky, Every
function in the childs cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on
the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child
(intrapsychological). He believes that if students are sociable while learning, then more learning
will be accomplished. The teacher can group the students desks together in fours, so that they
have friends all around them. When grouping these students, the teacher can group them on their
abilities to learn. The Tier 3 students should be placed with higher level students, or a more
knowledgeable other, so that they can learn effectively as well. Vygotsky states that, The MKO
is normally thought of as being a teacher, coach, or older adult, but the MKO could also be peers,
a younger person, or even computers. Students who are sociable have the chance to learn more
about others, and how they learn. Being shown a variety of ways to learn, helps you choose
which way you like to learn best. Two minds are greater than one, which means that when these
students are socializing, more thinking is being done.
References: Social Development Theory. (2005). Lev Vygotsky. Retrieved October 26, 2016,
In relation to Vygotsky, Banduras Social Learning Theory posits that people learn from
one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. This means that students are watching
other students, or maybe even a MKO, to learn how to do something. When the students observe
something be done in a way that they are not used to it being done, then they will imitate that
learning style if it fits their needs. When someone, not necessarily just the teacher, models how
to do something, then the person who observed that behavior will be able to imitate that
behavior. Once one person learns this, then they can teacher others, as it continues.
If the attention of one is caught, then that person is more than likely going to remember
what they just paid attention to. This means that the students are creating mental images, and
organizing these thoughts into their head. Once the image is saved, then that person can
reproduce that image with their own capabilities. If whatever is being modeled is motivating,
then that student has a good reason to imitate that behavior. This means the student is reinforcing
the model and then others can learn as well.
Reference: Social Learning Theory. (2005). Bandura. Retrieved October 26, 2016, from
Hi! My name is Miss Hulsey! I will be your second grade teacher, located in room 302! I
am a new teacher, and you all will be my very first class! I am so excited in shaping my
students future! My goal is for you to be a smarter individual before you leave my class!
I have a bachelor's degree for K-6 Elementary Education. I enjoy helping all of the
young minds grow! I want to help you become a better reader, and explore lots of new things in
Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, Music, and Guidance.
I grew up in Bluefield, West Virginia and love to spend time with my family! I love my
dog Ruckus! He is so energetic, just like second graders! I can't wait to spend this year, learning
Letter of Introduction to the parents (bio, things planned for the year, description of
discipline plan, important dates and reminders)
Dear Parents,
My name is Christina A. Hulsey, and I will be this years 2nd grade teacher! I am from
Bluefield, West Virginia. I have lived here since I was born. I have a bachelors degree in K-6
Elementary Education, and plan on returning for online courses to get my special education
certification as well.
This year, we will be going on three different field trips. I will send letters home for each
one, when choosing which three trips we will be taking. The school will need chaperones, if you
are interested in coming along.
It is my pleasure that I welcome to your children to my class! We all look forward to a
very exciting and rewarding year! Your child's education is very important to not only you, and
the student, but the school itself! Every Friday I will send home a letter stating next weeks
skills: Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, and Homework. Also on Friday, I will give out a
homework checklist for the next week, and they will be responsible for writing down their
spelling words and homework. My website is as follows: Visit this
website for calendars with upcoming events or assignments, see your child's grades, and view or
play online games and videos for your child's practice.
My classroom is located in the main building, by the office, room 302. Along with us this
year is Granny Lou, our foster grandparent. The school looks forward for a wonderful year, and
thank you for your cooperation.
Miss Christina A. Hulsey
2nd Grade Teacher
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Key Components:
Based on College and Career
Readiness Standards
6:50 A.M. -Doors Open
7:20-Students dismissed to classrooms
7:35- Tardy Bell Rings
2:20 P.M.- Dismissal Bells Rings/Bus
2:35- 2nd buses
3:00- Late Bus
Reading: Journey's
Math: Eureka
Reading Bee
Math Field Day
Bells/ Chimes Festival
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures:
Spelling Bee
Science Fair
PE Filed Day
students up
7:30 A.M. - Breakfast served in the classroom
7:50 A. M. - Attendance and Lunch count/ Read Aloud
2:20 P.M. - Dismiss all students/ upstairs hall way duty (2:20-2:35)
2:35 P.M. - 2nd buses
2:50 P.M. - End of day
3:00 P.M. - late bus
******* When your child is to be picked-up or ride home a different way or with someone else,
the office and myself need to know how your child is getting home. Otherwise, if we are not
notified, your child will go home as normal procedure. Please let me know or call the office so I
can be informed. Thank you so much!
Tardy/Absence Procedures
1) Students must be in their seats and ready to begin class when the tardy bell rings (7:35 A.M.)
If the student is tardy, they must be checked in with the office and receive a tardy slip before
entering class.
2) when a student is absent, a note must be sent to the office or teacher, when returning to school.
If the school receives no note, the absence is entered in the computer as unexcused. Illness,
religious holidays, or death in the family are all excused absences.
Homework Procedures
All students are expected to have their homework prepared and ready to turn in when they come
to class. When homework is successfully turned in each week, students will receive bear bucks.
Twenty of these bear bucks can be exchanged for one homework pass. If anything is turned in
with no name on it, then I will deduct five points from the final grade. If students do not have
their homework, they will not have recess and will complete their homework during their time.
They will also document it on my "I didn't do my homework" sheet. This will be placed in a
binder by the entrance, for all students to date, write their name, and their reasoning for not
completing the homework assignment. The students will be responsible for this (documentation).
1) Look at me
When a student is looking at me, with their eyes big, it would tell me maybe they know the
answer to my question. Or when I am trying to get their attention I can ask them to look at me
and wait for response.
2) Raise your hand
If the student has a question, they can raise their hand to let me know they need my attention or
have a question.
3) Wait for me to answer
Once the student has their hand raised, they have to stay calm and wait on me to call their name
to answer. Then they may ask.
be me, another teacher, principal, guidance counselor, janitor, etc. Whoever they feel comfortable
telling, is who they should tell. Once it is told, the faculty can take care of the situation.
If another student sees a child getting bullied, they are held responsible for reporting as well.
Since our school is a no bullying zone, all bullying should be reported so it can have handled
1) notes sent home on good behavior
2) gets a prize from the jackpot
3) school bucks to collect for a homework pass
4) gets to choose a book to take home
5) be a time keeper for an activity (ex: 5 minutes left)
On the first day of class, I will also tell the students what kind of rewards they can receive for
certain behavior. This will positive reinforcement used so the students will continue good
1) verbal warning
2) 10 minutes- no recess
3) no recess
4) teacher calls home
5) student calls home
6) change seats (ex: sitting alone)
These consequences will be given to the students to sign and turn in at the beginning of the year.
These are clear and consistent.
Type of System:
Having rules, rewards, and consequence in a classroom is a great system to go by. When giving
the students a set of rules, they are held responsible for following those rules. They do not follow
these rules, there will be consequences, which they will also be informed of. Both of these will
be signed by my students so that they know they are held responsible.
Class is always supposed to be fun, so rewards would be a good way to help students act in a
positive manner. giving the students rewards builds excitement in learning for them. This gets
children engaged and wanting to do right, because they know good will come from it.
I will have the student be responsible for their actions and make sure to document all of it.
Accountability component:
All students are treated equally. Each child will be held accountable for their own actions. Rules
are set for a great purpose and should not be broken. If they are broken, there will be
consequences and accountability held.
In my class, I will have shelves in several places. This wills tock my necessities needed for
projects, books, folders, my files, students work, art material, etc. I will have my desk placed to
where I am by the entrance and also visible to each student. I will have a reading station for
times when a group goes to the reading carpet. My lessons and personal work will be placed
behind my desk. A cubby hall way will be placed in my room for students to hang their coats and
book bags. The students will be grouped together so they have a form of collaboration.
Sample Day 1: Bell Work
For Day 1 Bell work, I will give the students a page of 100 multiplication tables. I will tell the
students that they have one minute to answer as many as I can. At the end of the week, after
teaching multiplication tables, I will give them the same worksheet and compare scores.
Prepare the outside of my door and bulletin-board with a back to school them, or with a
to give my students smiles daily. When all of the students have entered I will begin by
introducing myself. I will then tell the students to tell me their names, and something that they
enjoy doing. I will go around the room and get each student to respond.
I would select my rules in terms of thinking about classroom management. A set of rules for a
class gives that class the exact layout of what is expected from them. If the rules are disobeyed,
they have consequences that they have to go by. I will review the rules on the first day and have
the students sign that theyve been told the rules. They are presented on the wall in my
classroom, and given to them at the beginning of the year.
7:20-7:50 students arrive, sit in their seat with their name on it *Begin by
introducing myself (brief)
7:50-8:05 students introducing themselves/hang up book bags
8:05- 9:50 Go over rules and procedures (see rules and procedures)/ students can
check out a book
9:50-10:05 break (restroom)
10:05-10:25 morning bell work/ I will post this on the board
10:25- 10:35 play a game/stretch/bean bags. This is where the students will walk in
a circle and throw the bean bag up and switch hands (new method schools use)
10:35- 11:15 go over journal writing/get students their journals (already prepared)/
students can do their first journal writing "Over the summer I"
11:15- 11:30 hand out text books/ I will tell the students to look through them
11:30- 12:00 Recess
12:00- 12:15 Go over lunch procedures
12:15-12:45 Lunch
12:45- 1:00 Bathroom break
1:00- 1:15 students name placed on word wall
1:15- 1:30 Read aloud/discuss
1:30- 2:00 Do activity on Read Aloud
2:00-2:25 Show students what to do for homework/give papers to take home to
parents and to be returned/ go over portfolios
2:25- 2:30 line up for dismissal
2:30 dismissal
1) Social Learning Theory. (2005). Bandura. Retrieved October 26, 2016, from
2) Social Development Theory. (2005). Lev Vygotsky. Retrieved October 26, 2016, from
3) Sadowski, K. (2014). The Difference Between Positive and Negative Punishment -