Transmission line fault location allows quick repair of the damage caused by the fault and
timely restoration of the line affected by the fault. Accuracy of the fault location is quite
important since it affects repair crews ability to physically locate the damage part quickly.
Typically, the desirable accuracy is to be able to locate a fault within a span of the
transmission line towers. This paper presents a new fault location scheme which uses
synchronized phasor measurements from different substations sparsely located near the
region where the fault has occurred. When fault occurs different Intelligent Electronic Devices
(IEDs) such as Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) and Digital Fault Recorders (DFRs)
connected to Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers and installed in some of the
substations in the region will be automatically triggered by the change in monitored signals
and will record corresponding current, voltage and status signals. Apart from these sparse
measurements, the proposed method also uses SCADA PI Historian data which is utilized for
tuning the power system model data with the pre-fault condition in real time information. The
paper presents how the technique is implemented and shows test results using actual power
system model as well as actual field data from a utility company that supported
demonstration of the technique. The results are quite encouraging since the sparse
measurement problem for such unique transmission line configurations does not allow any
other known techniques to produce accurate and reliable results while the proposed
technique produces satisfactory results.
Fault Location, Wide area measurement, Digital Fault Recorders, SCADA PI Historian data.
available and double-end methods where data from both (or multiple) ends of the
transmission line can be used. Double ended methods can use synchronized or
unsynchronized phasor measurements, as well as synchronized sample Measurements.
Time-domain based methods use transient components of the signal and distributed
parameter model of the line. Some advanced methods as Traveling wave-based fault
location also exists in the literature. Each of the techniques requires very specific
measurements from one or both ends of the line to produce results with desired accuracy. In
some applications, the measurements from both ends of the transmission line are not
available and single-ended algorithms cannot perform well due to the unique configuration of
the transmission lines (multi-terminal lines, taps, etc). In such cases some unconventional
techniques based on wide area measurements may have to be used.
Typical power system may contain hundreds of transmission lines. Installation of recording
devices at the ends of each transmission line is very expensive and it is not in practice today.
Installing DFRs in critical substations is a common practice. Although protective relays exist
on every transmission line, most of them may still be electromechanical and they do not have
capability to record measurements. Sometimes, all the DFRs installed may not be triggered
by a fault. As a result, in some cases it may happen that there are no recordings at all
available at line ends close to a fault. The proposed system-wide sparse measurement
based fault location method can be applied in such Instances. This fault location scheme
uses phasor measurements from different substations located in the region where the fault
has occurred. The measurements may be sparse, i.e. they may come from only some of so
many transmission line ends (substations) in the region. This method requires
synchronization of the measurements, which may be obtained by using either Phasor
Measurement Units or Digital Fault Recorders connected to Global Positioning System
(GPS) receivers. Besides the sparse measurements, the technique also uses short circuit
program, which is initialized utilizing power system model data and tuned with SCADA PI
Historian data associated with the time of the fault occurrence. The technique compares
measured data with data generated by the short circuit simulation of possible fault locations.
The measured and simulated data from the locations where measurements are taken is
compared while the location of the fault is changed in the short circuit program. This process
is repeated automatically until the measured and simulated values have minimal difference,
which indicates that the fault location used in the short circuit program is the actual one in the
field. The criteria for the minimal difference are based on a global optimization technique that
uses Genetic Algorithm to perform the global optimization.
k =1
k =1
f c ( x, R f ) -the cost function used for phasors for matching
x, R f
rkv , rki
Vks , Vkr
I ks , I kr
Ns , Nr
Theoretically the cost function equals to zero when the simulated and recorded waveforms
match completely. In practical solution, the cost function is not zero and should be minimized.
To obtain good waveform matching the fault search range should be extensive. All possible
faulted branches and fault resistance should be included in the search range which makes
the search two-dimensional and exhaustive. For a large system, multiple searches should be
run in parallel which can be achieved using population based optimization methods such as
Genetic Algorithm (GA) [4].
GA is a population based stochastic search technique which was inspired by the principles of
natural genetics and evolution. The main principle of GA is based on the survival of the fittest.
GA is initialized using a randomly generated population of chromosomes (consisting of
unique gene structure) within a feasible search space (determined by the problem to be
solved). The members of this initial population are each evaluated for their fitness or
goodness in solving the problem. This population evolves over successive generations with
the help of three operators natural selection, crossover and mutation. Basically, in GA the
objective is to maximize the fitness value. Therefore it can be applied to a maximization
problem. To apply GA, equation (1) can be converted into a maximization problem by
defining the fitness function as:
f f ( x , R f ) = f c ( x, R f )
Data Requirements
Several commercial packages are used to implement this solution. The static power system
is modeled using PSS/ETM 30 [3]. To tune the power grid with pre-fault data, SCADA PIHistorian data is used [5].The required data for this approach can be broadly classified into
System level data: these include power system model data (in saved case format *.sav) and
data reflecting real time changes in power system (PI Historian data). The power flow input
data (in *.raw format) contains power flow system specification data for the establishment of
a static system model used by PSS/E to run the power flow analysis. Sequence data (*.seq)
contains the negative and zero sequence impedance data needed for short circuit study.
SCADA PI Historian data contains the latest load, branch and generator data to tune the
static system data with the actual pre and post fault conditions.
Field data: these include event data recorded by different IEDs after occurrence of any
abnormality. The field recorded data (DFR data) should follow the COMTRADE format. Using
this format, the measured data (*.dat), configuration (*.cfg) should be described. The DFR
data contains analog and digital sample values for all input channels for a specific substation.
The configuration data contains information for interpreting the allocation of measured data
to the equipment in substation. The DFR recorded data supplied in native DFR format are
converted to COMTRADE file using DFR Assistant software [6] which can generate an
analysis report (containing the type of fault and a possible faulted line) in addition to
generating the COMTRADE files.
In addition we need substation interpretation data for each substation correlating between
the nomenclature used in DFR files and those used in PSS/E file. The interpretation files
should be modified as frequently as needed to reflect the DFR configuration or system model
Data Handling
The event data obtained from DFRs should be pre-processed before using in the
applications. This section will illustrate how the data captured by DFRs are converted into
information and integrated with system level data to be used in the fault location application.
Extraction of phasors
Once the disturbance events are obtained from the IEDs, two processing steps are taken to
obtain phasors from the samples of recorded analog signals :(1) Removal of high-frequency
noise by low-pass filtering and (2) Use of an improved Fourier algorithm to effectively remove
decaying dc-offset component and obtain the pre-fault and during-fault phasors of voltages
and currents [7].The pre-fault phasor can be calculated using first cycle of the recorded
waveform. The during-fault phasor can be calculated using any fault cycle following the fault
inception and prior to fault clearance. The fault inception moment is determined from
waveforms recorded by DFR. It is possible to select different fault cycle to calculate the
during-fault phasors from the different DFR recordings. This may introduce fault location
error, especially for the arcing faults during which the fault resistance is changing. Under this
situation, selecting different fault cycles means experiencing different impacts of fault
resistance. An alternative is that the user checks the waveforms manually and specifies the
same matching fault cycles across all recordings.
Synchronization of phasors
The PSS/E load flow study based on the modified system model (the real-time power system
model obtained from SCADA PI Historian) is carried out to obtain the pre-fault phasors and
during fault phasors. For a typical fault case, several DFRs may be triggered and the phasors
calculated from the recorded waveforms may lack synchronism which will introduce phase
angle difference among phasors. Thus time synchronization of the phasors obtained from
different DFRs is necessary. The phasors calculated from each DFR recording are
synchronized by rotating them in reference to the phasors obtained by the load flow study
assuming the angle difference between the pre- and during-fault phasor, for the
corresponding recorded current or voltage, is fixed. This way, all recorded pre- and post-fault
phasors are synchronized using the same reference.
Tuning the power system model with real-time power system conditions
The saved case model from PSS/E may not reflect prevailing operating conditions of the
system when fault occurs. To obtain simulated phasors corresponding to the time when fault
occurred, the static system model should be tuned with real-time power system conditions.
This tuning procedure may consist of updating power grid topology (switching status) and
then updating generation and load data near the substations of interest. This is achieved by
utilizing information from both DFR recordings and SCADA PI Historian data. The updated
model is saved in a new saved case data (*.sav) which is used for further simulation.
Updating power grid topology: Topology describes connectivity of various components in a
power system. In our case, the topology (i.e., connectivity between different buses), line
status (whether the line is in service or not), line impedances and susceptances are
extracted from the static system model provided in the simulation tool. The topology update
is performed using information of the pre-fault breaker status and the pre-fault current
magnitudes of the monitored branches derived from the DFR data. It is assumed that a zero
magnitude (or smaller than 0.01 p.u.) of the current through a monitored branch indicates an
out-of service status of the branch. If both the current and the breaker status of a branch are
available, the current measurement will be used instead of the breaker status for topology
update. This is based on the observation that the monitoring of currents is usually more
reliable than the monitoring of the breaker status because the measurement contacts of the
breaker may be unreliable or may not be monitored. In this way the service status (i.e., in or
out of service status in the static model saved in the PSS/E file) of the branches will be
Updating generation and load data: In a typical power system, operator is able to track
changes in real time using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system.
Through SCADA database, low sampling rate recording typically used to capture short term
and long term disturbances is available. Captured data is typically scanned every few
seconds and it is usually phasor or RMS data, not sampled data. The PI Historian data
provided by the utility is load, branch and generator data scan (typically 10 sec interval) in a
period before and after fault for each substation where DFRs triggered. These data were
used to update the system.
Obtaining fault location using GA
The fault location solution using GA is performed in the following steps. First, the initial
population is chosen randomly for this two dimensional (i.e. with two variables x, R f )
optimization problem. Fault location variable can be chosen from a range of zero to the
length of the possible faulty line and fault resistance variable can be selected from typical
possible fault resistance values. Second, short circuit studies are carried out using PSS/E
and the fitness is evaluated for each of the possible fault locations. Thirdly, by using three
GA operators (selection, crossover and mutation) fault posing for next iteration is obtained.
By iteratively posing faults, running short circuit simulations, evaluating the fitness value,
updating the fault location and resistance, the GA based search engine guides the search
process for a globally optimal solution.
5. Conclusion
A system-wide sparse measurement based fault location approach using genetic algorithm is
proposed. This method locates fault on a transmission line using recordings from different
IEDs (presently DFRs used only) triggered by a fault occurrence and makes use of SCADA
data to update the power system model prior to the occurrence of the fault which makes the
approach robust and accurate as well. The main advantages of this approach are:
It is possible to calculate fault location accurately for the cases where other relay- or
DFR-resident algorithms may fail due to the lack of measurements close to the fault
The fault location is robust since the same measurements may be obtained by multiple
IEDs, which allows redundancy that can be explored to account for bad measurements
The computation may be totally automated allowing obtaining rather quick answer about
the fault location even if performing the match may involve rather complex steps