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Measurement of thread parameters using floating carriage diameter
measuring machine.
To measure screw thread parameters using floating carriage diameter measuring machine..
Screw threads have generally two functions to perform viz., transmission of power and
motion & to act as a fastener. The object of threaded work is to ensure mechanical strength
which is dependent upon the amount of flank contact.

The effective diameter of a screw thread may be ascertained by placing two wires or rods
of identical diameter between the flank of thread and measuring the distance over the outside of
these wires.
The effective diameter (E) is then calculated as :E=T+P
T - dimension under the wire.
Therefore, T = M - 2d
M - Dimension over wires
d - Diameter of each wire.
The wires used are made up of hardened steel to sustain the wear and tear in use. These
are given high degree of accuracy and finish by lapping to suit different pitches. Dimension 'T'
can also be determined by placing wires over a standard cylinder of diameter greater than the
diameter under wire and noting the reading R1, and taking reading with wires over gauge say R2
T = D - (R1-R2)
D = Diameter of standard cylinder.
P = 0.9605P - 1.1657d
P = 0.866P - d

[for whit worth]

[for metric thread]

P is a constant, value of which depends upon the diameter of wire and pitch of threads.
Actually, P is the constant value which has to be added to the diameter under the wire to
give the effective diameter. The expression for the value of P in terms of p(pitch), d (wire
diameter), x (thread angle) can be derived as,
From fig., since BC lies on effective diameter lineBC =1/2 pitch =1/2 .p.
OP = d.cosec (x/2)/2 PA = d.[cosec(x/2)-1]/2
PQ = QC cot(x/2) = (p/4).cot(x/2)
= (p/4).cot(x/2) - d. [cosec(x/2)-1]

AQ is half value of p
P=2AQ= (p/2).cot(x/2) - d.cosec [(x/2)-1]
Two wire method can be carried out only on diameter measuring machine described for
measuring minor diameter because alignment is not possible by 2 wires and can be provided by
only floating carriage micrometers.
In case of 3 wire method, 2 wire on one side help in aligning. The micrometer square to
the thread while placed on other side permits taking of reading.
Simplified diagram is shown in fig. As already pointed out the machine ensures that the
axis of micrometer is maintained at 90 to the axis of screw under test. The lower side is capable
of moving parallel with the axis of thread while the top slide moves at 90 to thread axis.

1. Calculate best wire size & select the same or nearest size available
2. Set the plain standard cylinder between centers and place the wires between the standard
cylinder and micrometer anvils.
3. Take micrometer reading R1, when the fudicial indicator is showing null position.( for
digital micrometer, set it to zero reference position )
4. Replace standard cylinder by gauge, place wires properly and take reading R2 .
5. Calculate the effective diameter by using above formula.
6. For measurement of major diameter repeat the same procedure without using wires.
1. Pitch of the thread , p =
2. Angle of the thread , x =
3. Diameter of Standard Cylinder , D =
4. Best wire size , d =
5. L.C of FCM Vernier Scale = 0.001
6. Reading for effective diameter R1 =
7. Reading for effective diameter R2 =
8. For major diameter, reading over standard cylinder RS =

9. For major diameter, reading over thread gauge RT =

CALCULATIONS:1) Major Diameter (MD ) :MD = D (RT - RS )mm.
MD =
2) Effective Diameter (E):E=T+P
P = 0.866p - d
Where, p - pitch
d - diameter of wire.


T = D - (R1-R2)



CONCLUSION:1) Effective Diameter of screw gauge =

2) Major Diameter of screw gauge =

Measurement of spur gear parameters
To measure the spur gear parameters by different methods.
Gears are mainly used for transmission of power & motion. In order that the rotary
motion of the driven shaft be perfectly uniform relative to the rotating shaft. It is essential
that both gears be of perfect geometrical form & be perfectly mounted on perfect shaft,
running in the perfect bearing. It is thus obvious that big factor which decides the accuracy of
gearing is the precision with which gears mounted.
For close control over accuracy of manufacture, precision measurement of gear plays
a vital role.
Measurement Of Tooth Thickness :
The permissible error or the tolerance on thickness of tooth is the variation of actual
thickness of tooth from its theoretical value. This is generally measured at pitch circle & is
therefore, the pitch line thickness of tooth. It may be mentioned that the tooth thickness is
defined as the length of arc which is difficult to measure directly.
Instruments Used For Tooth Thickness Measurement
1) Gear Tooth Vernier Calliper :
It is used to measure the thickness of gear tooth at the pitch line or choral
thickness of the teeth and the distance from top of the tooth to the chord. The thickness of tooth
at the pitch line and addendum is measured by an adjustable tongue, each of which is adjusted
independently by adjusting screw on graduated bars.
It is simple & inexpensive. However, it needs different settings for a variation in
number of teeth for a given pitch & accuracy is limited by least count of instruments.
2)Tangential Gear Tooth Calliper :
It is used for variation on the basic tooth profile from the outer diameter of spur
& helical gears.

The instrument consists of body, on the undersize of which there are two slides
having the tips acting like measuring contacts. The extended spindles of a dial indicator with the
contact point. A passes between the two tips along the vertical axis of symmetry of the
instrument the measuring tip are separated apart or brought together simultaneously. The contact
faces of the measuring tips are flat and arranged at angles 45 & 20 with central axis.
The caliper is setup by means of a cylindrical master gauge of proper diameter
based on the module of gear being checked. After locking adjusting the tip by means of screws,
these are locked in position by locking nuts. The properly set up instruments is applied to the dial
indicator reading snowshoe much of the basic tooth profile deviates in reference to the outside
diameter of gear.
This calliper has following advantages over gear tooth vernier:a) The measurements does not depends on two vernier reading, each being function of the other.
b) The measurement is not made with an edge of measuring jaws with the face.
Methods Of Measuring The Gear Tooth Thickness
a) By Gear Tooth Vernier Calliper :
The tooth thickness can be very conveniently measured by gear tooth vernier.
Since the gear tooth thickness varies from the tip to the base circle of the tooth. The instrument
must capable of measuring tooth thickness at specified position on tooth. The tooth thickness
generally measured at pitch circle & is therefore referred as pitch line thickness of tooth. The
gear tooth vernier has two vernier scale & they are set for the width (w), of the tooth & depth (d)
from the top at which w occurs.
Considering one gear tooth, the theoretical value of w and d can be found out
of which may be verified by the instrument.
The theoretical value of W is found out by


Nm Sin ( N

The theoretical value of d is given :d= Nm/2


cos ( )]

Where ,
N no.of teeth on gear.
m module of gear.

Gear Tooth Vernier Caliper.

b) Constant Chord Method :-

The use of calliper ( gear tooth calliper) becomes laborious and time consuming
for measuring a large number of gears. The constant chord method does away with these
Constant chord method of gear is measured where tooth flanks touch the flank of
the basic rack. The rack teeth are straight and inclined to their center angle at their pressure
Also the pitch of rack round of its pitch circle, now since the gear tooth and rack
space are in contact with the flanks, the chord is constant at its position at the point of contact of
the flanks. This is property utilized in the constant chord method of gear measurement.
Theoretical value of chord c & chordal depth d can be found out and can be
verified by the instrument.

The theoretical values are given as below:



cos .sin
d =m [1- 4
Where ,
m = module, =pressure angle.

c) Base Tangent Method :

In this method, a span of convenient number of teeth is measured with the help of
tangent comparator or tangential gear tooth calliper.
Consider a straight edge ABC being roll back and forth along the base circle. Its
ends thus sweep out opposed involutes A2AA1 & C2CC1 respectively. Thus measurement made
across this opposed involutes by span gauging will be constant and equal to the arc length of
base circle between original involutes. Further the position of the measuring faces is unimportant
as long they are parallel and on an opposed pair of two involutes. As the tooth form is most likely
to conform to true involutes of the pitch point of gear. It is always preferable to choose no. of
teeth such that the measurement is made approximately at the pitch circle of gears.

The distance between the two involutes is theoretically given by


Nm cos[ tan

2N n

Where ,
N = Total number of teeth
= Pressure angle
m = Module
S= Number of teeth over which measurement is made.

1. Determine the Parameters Analytically using the formulae given in the theory.
2. Measure these parameter using measuring instrument like gear tooth Vernier caliper (first
two methods)or flange micrometer(Third method).
3. Check these reading with Analytical value.
Observations & Calculations:
Sr. No


Analytical Value

Measured Value

in mm

in mm

Gear Tooth Vernier

Calliper Method

Width, w
Depth, d
Constant Chord Method

Chordal length, c
Chordal depth, d
Base tangent method

Span Measurement
Conclusion:- Thus spur gear parameters can be measured using above methods.

Oral Question Bank Experiment No.8

1) What is screw thread?
2) What are different types of threads?


3) What do you mean by single start and multi start thread?

4) Define pitch, thread angle, flank angle, lead and Helix angle.
5) Explain effective diameter and virtual or functional diameter of threads.
6) What is drunken thread?
7) Explain progressive and periodic pitch error.

How major diameter of internal threads is measured?

9) Explain thread micrometer in brief.

10) List various instruments used for measuring pitch.
Oral Question Bank Experiment No.9

1) List various types of gears.

2) Definea. PCD
b. Module
3) What is kinematic accuracy?
4) Which is the element of the gear accuracy to be measured?
5) What do u mean by rooling teeth?
6) What are the limitations of gear tooth vernier caliper?
7) What measurement is used for measuring the pitch error?

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