A5 M1 Link Preferred Route

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Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers

A5 - M1 Link Dunstable Northern Bypass

Preferred Route Anncouncement
A Public Consultation on the proposal to construct a two-lane dual carriageway running east from the A5
north of Dunstable to join the M1 at a new Junction 11a south of Chalton was held between September
and December 2005. This leaet summarises the results of the Public Consultation and presents the
Preferred Route announced by the Secretary of State for Transport.

Why improvements are needed

The A5-M1 Link aims to make journey times more reliable for long distance trafc, including heavy goods
vehicles, transferring from the A5 and A505 routes through Dunstable onto the new road. It also aims to
reduce trafc travelling to junctions 9,11 and 12 from the local road network.

Choice of route
We presented both a Southern Route option of approximately 4.3km (2.7 miles) and a Northern Route option
of approximately 4.6km (2.9 miles). Also presented were options for connections to the new road from the
A5120 between Houghton Regis and Toddington, and from the B579 Luton Road and Sundon Road at the
proposed M1 Junction 11a.

Public Consultation
The Public Consultation leaet was distributed to approximately 5000 residential and business properties. A
further 350 were deposited at local council ofces, town councils and libraries. Details were also published on
our website.
Public Consultation Exhibitions were held at:
Kingsland College on 9th September 2005
Toddington Village Hall on 10th September 2005
Dunstable Leisure Centre on 16th &17th September 2005
The ofcial consultation period ended on 2nd December 2005.

Responses to Public Consultation

There were 1259 visitors to the public exhibitions and
173 written comments made. Of the 958 completed
questionnaires received, the majority (91%) expressed
that the existing through trafc in Dunstable needs an
alternative route. 43% preferred the Northern Route,
while 37% opted for the Southern Route (see gure 1).

Figure 1 - Preferred option


Comments from the General Public

The public recognised the need for the scheme and



generally supported the proposals. A number of issues arose from the Public Consultation, trafc queues,
congestion and unreliable journey times on the A5 at Dunstable. The public were also concerned about noise
and air quality, impact on the Green Belt and local amenities, and trafc problems in the local area. The trunk
road status of the A5 and potential housing development to the north of Houghton Regis were also raised.

A5 - M1 Link Dunstable Northern Bypass

Preferred Route Anncoucement

Highways Agency Publications Code: PR53/07 Printer Friendly Version

Highways Agency Publications Group [Birmingham} B060331 Page 1 of 3

This document has been printed from the Highways Agencys website.

An Executive Agency of the

Comments from local councils and other

As part of the consultation, reports on the
proposals were forwarded to
local authorities, key stakeholders, local emergency
services, parish councils and other user groups.
Responses from the general public were positive,
however a number of issues were raised which
we will consider during the detailed design of the
Views of the Highways Agency
The views expressed at the Public Consultation
showed local support for the A5-M1 Link. Having
carefully considered the information collected, we
recommend that the proposals indicated in this
leaet and at the Public Consultation are developed
for construction (subject to statutory processes
and funding). Due to the Regional Funding
Allocation the scheme is now not expected to start
construction work until 2013/14 with the road open
to trafc in 2015/16.
Decision of the Secretary of State
The Secretary of State for Transport has considered
the views of those who responded to the
consultation and our recommendations. He agrees
with the proposals shown and announces this as
the Preferred Route.
The Preferred Route
We aim to take forward the Northern Route with
an at grade roundabout junction at the A5120, but
A5 - M1 Link Dunstable Northern Bypass
Preferred Route Anncoucement

with no connections to the local roads at Junction

11a. The Link Road will connect to the A5 just
to the north of the existing A5/A505 roundabout
junction. There will be no repositioning of the
A505, which is a variation from that shown at the
Public Consultation.
The Environment
We will create earth mounds and landscape the
area to help mitigate the impacts of the scheme,
and reduce trafc noise.
The Rights of Way network will be maintained,
with several crossing points provided, although
some diversions will be necessary.
What Happens Next?
The route shown in this leaet is now designated
the Preferred Route and is protected from
We have appointed Costain Carillion Joint Venture
and their design agents Scott Wilson to take
forward the Preferred Route and to prepare
the draft Orders and Environmental Statement
required under the Highways Act 1980.
There will be further opportunities for the public
to comment on the scheme. If necessary a
Public Inquiry will be held before an independent
Inspector. The Secretary of State for Transport
will consider the Inspectors Report together with
any objections and representations made before
making his decision on whether the scheme
should proceed.

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Highways Agency Publications Group [Birmingham} B060331 Page 2 of 3

This document has been printed from the Highways Agencys website.

Further Information:
Copies of the plan showing the Preferred Route will
be given to the local authorities for planning and
development control purposes.

Grove House, 76 High Street North

We have prepared two reports:

Council Ofces, Peel Street

Report on the Public Consultation, which

summarises the responses to the Public

Houghton Regis LU5 5EY

Scheme Assessment Report, which explains the

factors that determined the choice of route.
These reports can be seen during ofce hours until
18th May 2007 at the following locations:
South Bedfordshire District Council
The District Ofces, High Street North
Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 1LF
Bedfordshire County Council

Dunstable LU6 1NF

Houghton Regis Town Council

Toddington Parish Council

Parish Ofce, Toddington Village Hall
Leighton Road, Toddington LU5 6AN
Copies of these reports have also been sent to
Luton Central Library, Dunstable Library, Houghton
Regis Library, Toddington Library and Chalton
Post Ofce. They have been asked to make them
available to local people on request. Copies can
also be purchased from the Highways Agency at
the address below (the charges cover the cost of
printing and materials only):
Report on the Public Consultation 18.00
Scheme Assessment Report 20.00

Environmental Strategy, County Hall

Cauldwell Street, Bedford MK42 9AP

Further copies of this leaet can be obtained from:

A5-M1 Link (Dunstable Northern Bypass) Team
Highways Agency, 5 Broadway
Broad Street, Birmingham B15 1BL

Luton Borough Council

Town Hall, George Street
Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2BQ


Dunstable Town Council

For real time trafc information:

For general Highways Agency information:

08700 660 115

08457 50 40 30


email: [email protected]

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

24 hours a day, 365 days a year

(Calls from BT landlines to 0870 numbers will

cost no more than 8p per minute; mobile calls
usually cost more)

(Calls from BT landlines to 0845 numbers will

cost no more than 3p per minute; mobile calls
usually cost more)

A5 - M1 Link Dunstable Northern Bypass

Preferred Route Anncoucement

Highways Agency Publications Code: PR53/07 Printer Friendly Version

Highways Agency Publications Group [Birmingham} B060331 Page 3 of 3

This document has been printed from the Highways Agencys website.

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