Lesson Plan 3

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Lesson Plan


Ege Baran Dalmaz

Furkan Yldz
zlem zgven

Unit Title
My Family
Grade Level
3rd grade
2 hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
3rd grade students will define the adjectives given with the help of the concept
map 80% of the time.
3rd grade students will integrate all the topics that have been studied so far in the
quiz at the end of the lesson 70% of the time.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media
and Materials)]
Visuals, concept map, oral drills, quiz on all contents of the unit.
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
An eclectic methodology combining the student-centered and teacher-centered methods
will be followed. The teacher-centered methodology will take place when the students
are explicitly asked to orally practice the adjectives learnt at the lesson. The studentcentered methodology will take place when the students will do oral drills regarding to
the topic that has been focused on.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and
Require Learner Participation)]
1. The teacher will form a welcoming environment in the classroom by establishing
rapport with the students by greeting them cheerfully.
2. The students will be initiated into the lesson by being shown a concept map
about the topic they are going to focus on for the day.
3. The students will do oral drill activity in order to strengthen the knowledge
provided by the concept map.
4. The teacher will pair up the class and ask them to talk about their families,
utilizing the possessive adjectives, family member vocabulary, and adjectives
they have learnt all throughout the unit.
5. The students will sit a quiz where they will be focusing on what they have learnt
at the unit so far, which will also work as a way to strengthen the topics they
have learnt.
The lesson will be about reminding the students of their pre-requisite knowledge of
pronouns and slowly transitioning into adjectives which is the main focus while also
integrated with the weeks before. A concept map will be utilized in order to facilitate the
learning process. Afterwards, the teacher will pair up the class and ask them to talk
about their families, utilizing the possessive adjectives, family member vocabulary, and

adjectives they have learnt all throughout the unit. At the end, there will be a quiz of 12
questions (4 possessive adjectives, 4 family members, 4 adjectives).
Measurement & Evaluation
Teacher will determine whether they have paid attention to the topic by observing the
students during the activities. Afterwards, there will be a quiz which will evaluate all the
topics they have covered since the beginning of the unit.
Measurement & Assessment
The teacher will focus on each student also
Activities for Individual
individually while students are working on the
concept map. The students will also be
assessed individually with the help of the quiz.
Measurement & Assessment
Activities for Group Performance

The students will be evaluated in groups of two

while doing the pair activity talking about their
family members.

Homework (optional)


Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

If there is a problem about electricity, internet, or computer; teacher will implement the
blackboard to make up a chart similar to what is going to be shown as a concept map.
And the quiz will be held in paper instead of online google forms.

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