Chapter 4: Food Safety Hazards: This Page Is Part of The Guidance Document Repository (GDR)
Chapter 4: Food Safety Hazards: This Page Is Part of The Guidance Document Repository (GDR)
Chapter 4: Food Safety Hazards: This Page Is Part of The Guidance Document Repository (GDR)
Non-federally Registered
Product Inspection
Inspection Manual
4.0 Scope
4.1 Biological Hazards
4.2 Chemical Hazards
4.3 Physical/Extraneous Material Hazards
4.4 Allergenic Hazards
4.5 Nutritional Hazards
4.6 Biotechnology-related Hazards/Novel Foods
4.0 Scope
Chapter 4 of this Manual is intended to provide inspectors with information on the various
types of hazards as they relate to food safety.
A food safety hazard refers to any agent with the potential to cause adverse health
consequences for consumers. Food safety hazards occur when food is exposed to
hazardous agents which result in contamination of that food. Food hazards may be
biological, chemical, physical, allergenic, nutritional and/or biotechnology-related.
Hazards may be introduced into the food supply any time during harvesting, formulation and
processing, packaging and labelling, transportation, storage, preparation, and serving.
For more information on Food Hazards, see the Reference Database for Hazard Identification
(This document is intended for internal use. CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) sta
can access this document using RDIMS (Records Documents Information Management
System) number 974917).
4.1.1 Bacteria
Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that exist in a range of habitats and can be freeliving (e.g. (for example) in soil, air, water) or symbiotic (e.g. (for example) in intestinal tract or
mucous membranes of animals and humans) and have a broad range of enzymatic,
biochemical and/or pathogenic properties. The principal bacteria associated with food borne
illnesses include:
Bacillus cereus
Campylobacter jejuni
Clostridium botulinum
Clostridium perfringens
Escherichia coli 0157:H7
Escherichia coli 0104:H4
Listeria monocytogenes
Salmonella spp. (species)
Shigella spp. (species)
Staphylococcus aureus
Vibrio cholerae
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Vibrio vulnificus
Yersinia enterocolitica
Cronobacter sakazakii
Ingesting food contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms and/or their toxic by-products
can lead to food-borne illness. These illnesses can take the form of infection or intoxication,
or both. Infectious microorganisms are detrimental to their host through mechanisms which
crowd out beneficial microorganisms, use up host resources, and destroy host tissue. A
food-borne illness caused by an infection can take days or weeks to manifest which often
makes it dicult to identify the causative agent. On the other hand, illness caused by
intoxication often occurs within hours of consuming the suspect food. Intoxications are
caused by toxins that are produced by the microorganism, either in the food itself or after
4.1.2 Viruses
In contrast to other microorganisms, active viruses consist of unique sections of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA (ribonucleic acid) enclosed in a thin coat of protein, and
cannot exist independently of their living hosts. Depending on the combination of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid)/RNA (ribonucleic acid) and the protein coating, viruses can be very
infectious and often pathogenic. They reproduce by inserting themselves into a host cell and
altering the function of that cell to replicate the component pieces that make up the virus.
Viruses commonly associated with food safety issues include:
Enteric Virus (other than Hepatitis A and Noroviruses)
Hepatitis A virus
Norwalk virus
Rota virus
Viruses are typically introduced into food either through poor handling practices by people
infected with the virus (i.e. (that is to say) poor personal hygiene practices) or via
contaminated food ingredients (i.e. (that is to say) water).
4.1.3 Parasites
A parasite is any organism which obtains nourishment from its host organism in order to grow
and reproduce. Unlike symbiotic organisms, which reciprocate by supplying their hosts with
other resources the host would not otherwise be able to find, parasites do not supply the
host with any resources, usually to the detriment of the host. Parasites commonly associated
with food-borne illnesses include:
Cryptosporidium parvum
Giardia duodenalis or intestinalis
Taenia spp. (species)
Toxoplasma gondii
Trichinella spiralis
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba coli
Parasites enter food through similar means as viruses (i.e. (that is to say), poor personal
hygiene practices and contaminated ingredients).
4.2.1 Mycotoxins
Mycotoxins are natural toxins which are produced by fungi and can be toxic to humans and
animals. They are formed by moulds which grow on crops and foods under certain
conditions. There are number of mycotoxins present in the environment but only a few are
found in foods and they are usually associated with particular field crops like corn. The most
prominent mycotoxins which cause health concerns in humans are aflatoxin, deoxynivalenol,
ochratoxin, fumonisin and patulin.
Some of the general characteristics of mycotoxins are listed below.
resistant to heat
produced by fungi as secondary metabolites in response to competitive pressures from
other fungi/bacteria
can have antibiotic properties
can cause toxic damage to cells of humans and animals
can cause chronic eects such as various cancers, immunosuppression, growth
retardation, birth defects, renal dysfunction
can have serious long-term eects even at small concentrations
usually associated with particular crops (i.e. (that is to say) corn, cereal crops, apples) Aflatoxin
Aflatoxin is produced by the mould Aspergillus flavus. Commodities which have a high
potential for contamination with aflatoxin include tree nuts, peanuts, peanut butter, figs and
corn. It should be noted that contaminated feed can lead to elevated levels in milk as well.
The proliferation of Aspergillus and the corresponding production of aflatoxin are aected by
drought during the growing season and high humidity during storage.
Aflatoxin is a potential carcinogen associated with the development of liver cancer. Ochratoxin A
Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a toxic metabolite formed by Aspergillus ochraceus, Penicillium
verrucosum and other mould species. It is one of the most commonly occurring mycotoxins
in improperly stored food.
OTA (Ochratoxin A) has been found in corn, peanuts and decaying vegetation. It has also
been found in mouldy cereals such as wheat, rye, barley, oats, and other commodities,
including bread, flour, beans, peas, rice, and coee and in samples of meat where the
slaughtered animal may have consumed feed contaminated with OTA (Ochratoxin A).
Ochratoxin A is a human carcinogen which has also been found to cause lesions as well as
teratogenic and neurotoxic eects. Fumonisin
Fumonisin is a toxin produced by various species of mould, most notably Fusarium
verticilloides and Fusarium proliferatum. Fumonisin is one of the most frequent mycotoxins
found in corn. High levels of fumonisin are associated with hot and dry weather, followed by a
period of high humidity.
Fumonisin causes two animal diseases: porcine (pig) pulmonary edema and
leukoencephalomalacia in horses. This mycotoxin is a concern for humans as there is
evidence to suggest it may be carcinogenic, causing oesophageal and liver cancers, and may
contribute to neural tube defects in babies. Patulin
Patulin is a toxic chemical produced by various mould species including Penicillium spp.
(species), Aspergillus spp. (species) and Byssochlamys spp. (species) It is heat stable at a pH
(potential hydrogen)<6 and will survive thermal processing. Patulin can be found in mouldy
fruits (i.e. (that is to say) apples, pears, peaches, grapes), as well as mouldy vegetables and
grains; however the major source of patulin contamination is from apples and apple
products. The use of mouldy fruit increases the likelihood of patulin contamination in juices or
Patulin is known to be genotoxic, causing damage to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and
chromosomes, which has led to theories that it may be carcinogenic. Glycoalkaloids
Potatoes can contain natural toxins called glycoalkaloids. The major ones found in potatoes
are -solanine and -chaconine. These toxins are formed in response to stresses such as UV
(ultraviolet) light and damage (such as bruising), and cannot be destroyed by cooking. Toxin
concentrations are highest in the peel and sprout of the potatoes and can be seen as a
characteristic green color on those parts.
Exposure to glycoalkaloids can cause acute toxic eects such as burning in the mouth,
diarrhoea, severe stomach ache, vomiting and gastrointestinal irritation. Death from
glycoalkaloid poisoning is rare.
Ackee fruit
cyanogenic glycoside
Wild mushrooms
oxalic acid
goitrogens Decomposition
When certain fish, especially scombroid fish (i.e. (that is to say) tuna, bonito and mackerel),
start to decompose, histamine is formed. Histidine, a naturally-occurring amino acid, is
converted into histamine by an enzyme produced by certain bacteria during decomposition.
Histamine, in small doses, is necessary for the proper functioning of the human immune
system. However, histamine in higher does may trigger severe reactions when consumed
similar to those seen in allergic reactions such as rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,
headache, dizziness, burning throat, stomach pain and itchy skin. The presence of high levels
of histamine indicates that decomposition has occurred, even if the decomposition is not
obvious. Toxic amounts of histamine can form before a fish smells or tastes bad. As this
typically only occurs in scombroid fish, this is called Scombroid Poisoning.
Paralytic shellfish
poisoning (PSP)
Amnesic shellfish
poisoning (ASP)
Ciguatera poisoning
Diarrhetic shellfish
poisoning (DSP)
Neurotoxic Shellfish
Brevetoxin Arsenic
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element widely distributed in the earth's crust and is generally
found in trace quantities in soil, rock, water and air. Arsenic can take two forms organic and
inorganic. Organic arsenic can be found in fish and shellfish and is the much less harmful
form of arsenic. Inorganic arsenic compounds are found throughout the environment and can
be released into the air through various processes such as volcanic action, mining of arseniccontaining minerals and ores and by industrial and commercial processes such as copper or
lead smelting, wood treatment and pesticide application.
Inorganic arsenic is a carcinogen, and long-term exposure increases the risk of cancers of
the skin, lungs, bladder, liver, kidney and prostate. Cadmium
Cadmium is a rare element and is usually not found in nature in its pure state, but exists in
combination with other elements, forming compounds such as cadmium oxide, cadmium
chloride and cadmium sulphide. Cadmium is used in the manufacture of batteries, pigments,
coatings, plating, stabilizers for plastics, ore processing and smelting, thus it finds its way
into the environment through waste, waste water and soil uptake.
Most of the cadmium which enters the body is directly from plants grown in contaminated
soil, or indirectly, from meat-producing animals which have eaten plants grown in
contaminated soil. Cadmium and its compounds are highly toxic and are also suspected
carcinogens. Lead
Lead is a toxic heavy metal and is found in the environment in sources such as dust and soil.
It can also be found in water and some food products (i.e. (that is to say) maple syrup and
honey), that may have come into contact with older plumbing and cookware that contains
lead-based solder. Lead may be found in older paint products as well.
Lead has been shown to cause neurological disorders, reproductive problems and
diminished intelligence. Infants and young children are particularly at risk because they
absorb a higher proportion of lead from food than adults, as they are still growing and
developing. Pregnant women are also susceptible. Other eects are impaired mental
function, visual motor performance and anaemia. Symptoms of exposure to lead may also be
subtle, such as irritability, headaches, insomnia, gastrointestinal upsets, learning, behavioural
and kidney problems.
For more information on lead, see Health Canada's website on Lead and Human Health
( Mercury
Mercury is a heavy metal which occurs naturally in rocks and soils and can be found in lakes,
streams and oceans. Combustion of fossil fuels, mining, pulp and paper industries and
burning garbage can also release mercury into the environment.
There are traces of mercury in almost all foods, with very low levels in vegetables and fruits,
and high levels in certain types of fish such as shark, swordfish, marlin, escolar and orange
roughly, which absorb the mercury from the organisms they consume as well as the
surrounding water in which they live.
Mercury exists in several chemical forms. Two types are 'inorganic' and 'organic' mercury.
Methyl mercury ('organic' mercury) is the most common form of mercury found in the aquatic
environment and most fish have trace amounts present. It has been found that larger and
older fish tend to have the highest levels of mercury, due to bioaccumulation. Methyl mercury
is suspected to be a human carcinogen.
Exposure to mercury may cause several health eects: damage to the nervous system,
kidneys, and the developing foetus. Other eects include brain damage, irritability, tremors,
memory problems, changes in vision and hearing. Children are more sensitive to mercury
than adults.
For more information see Health Canada's website: Human Health Risk Assessment of
Mercury in Fish and Health Benefits of Fish Consumption ( as well as the information sheet on Mercury in
Fish (
gelling agents
Division 16 of the FDR (Food and Drug Regulations) contains a positive listing of all of the
food additives that are permitted in food in Canada as well as the purpose, the level and the
specific commodities.
A processing aid is product that is used in the manufacturing process of food products,
but is not present in the finished food product, i.e. (that is to say) there is no residue
present at the end. A processing aid is not considered to be a food additive.
A flavour enhancer is considered to be a food ingredient under the Food and Drug
Regulations and is not currently regulated as a food additive in Canada for a number of
reasons; the level of use of these substances is small, the history of use is well established
and many international compendiums exist to substantiate their safe use.
Sometimes, food additives are found in food for which there is no provision in the FDR (Food
and Drug Regulations) or at levels which exceed the prescribed levels. In these situations, the
food may pose a risk to the consumer. Some examples of this type of situation include nonpermitted synthetic colours (Sudan, Rhodamine and Gardenia Yellow).
Reference: Food Additives Health Canada (
ethyl carbamate
Reference: Processing-induced Chemicals Health Canada ( Acrylamide
Acrylamide is a chemical that naturally forms in certain foods, particularly plant-based foods
that are rich in carbohydrates and low in protein, during processing or cooking at high
temperatures Asparagine (a natural amino acid) reacts with naturally occurring sugar
(glucose) in the food and acrylamide is formed, but only if the temperature during the cooking
process is high enough. The highest concentrations of acrylamide have been detected in
potato chips and french fries, although it has been found in other foods as well including
baked and roasted foods.
Acrylamide is a health concern as, based on studies, it is a probable human carcinogen.
For more information, refer to Health Canada's Acrylamide and Food ( Furan
Furan is a colourless, volatile organic compound that is used in some chemical
manufacturing industries and may also be found in low levels in some heat-treated foods,
such as canned or jarred foods. Furan in foods can form through multiple pathways that
A major issue associated with pesticides is that they can accumulate in the food chain and
may contaminate the environment. A classic example is dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane or
DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane). This is one of the best known synthetic pesticides
which has prevented many deaths by helping control the insect vector that spread malaria,
but at the same time, its use was controversial. It was banned in 1972 due to the damage it
caused to wildlife, especially birds, as it builds up in plants and in the fatty tissues of birds
and other animals. DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) is believed to be carcinogenic to
humans, and still remains in the environment today.
determining the general cleanliness of foods. It can be found on Health Canada's website in
Volume 1 of the Compendium of Analytical Methods.
Health Canada evaluates injurious extraneous material in food and it considers 2.0 mm
(millimetres) or greater as the threshold size for consideration as a health risk. For infant food,
any size of injurious extraneous material may be considered a risk. Besides size, the risk
associated with extraneous material is further evaluated through an assessment of shape,
hardness, material, source, target consumer groups, etc. (et cetera)
Extraneous materials can be dierentiated into two categories: unavoidable and avoidable
Unavoidable extraneous material may occur in food as a by-product of the processing
system or as something inherent to the product itself. Items such as stems in blueberries,
microscopic airborne debris, dirt on potatoes, or minute insect fragments in figs are common
examples of unavoidable extraneous matter.
Avoidable extraneous material is generally less tolerated than unavoidable because it is
preventable. It consists of foreign matter which should not be present if proper GMPs (good
manufacturing practices) are followed. Avoidable extraneous material may come in many
dierent forms such as small glass fragments, pieces of plastic, chunks of rubber, pieces of
jewellery, feather barbules, animal debris or any other unrelated foreign material.
Crystals, which appear to be glass, can sometimes form in certain food products such as
tuna (struvite), processed cheese, soya sauce and fish sauce. These are not glass; they are
mineral crystals. This can be verified by dissolving the crystals in heated vinegar or lemon
Subsequent systemic symptoms generally aect the pulmonary and cardiovascular system.
The most dangerous symptoms include breathing diculties and a drop in blood pressure or
Health Canada has defined the foods that represent 95% of allergic reactions in Canada.
These are termed 'priority allergens'.
Tree nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine
nuts, pistachio nuts, and walnuts)
Sesame seeds
Seafood (fish, crustaceans, and shellfish)
Mustard 3
Other adverse reactions to food are not IgE (immunoglobulin E) mediated, but can also be
severe. For example, Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which the body produces
antibodies that attack its own tissues in the presence of gluten, which results in inflammation
of the gut. The inflammation and consequent damage to the gut result in a decreased ability
to absorb nutrients. Individuals with celiac disease can be nutrient deficient and have a wide
range of digestive symptoms. Consumption of certain grains containing gluten put these
individuals at increased risk of lymphoma and osteoporosis.
Reactions to sulphites are also non IgE (immunoglobulin E) mediated, but can be severe.
Sulphite sensitive individuals generally have asthma or other allergies and exposure to
sulphite can trigger an asthma attack.
There is no cure for food allergies (and Celiac Disease) and the only successful method for
sensitive individuals to manage food allergy is to practice complete avoidance of the specific
allergen. These individuals therefore rely on accurate information (e.g. (for example) ingredient
list) on food labels to manage food allergy. Inaccurate, undeclared or hidden allergens on
food labels can pose a significant health hazard to these individuals. Cross contamination
during processing, packaging, and storage can inadvertently produce products that contain
allergens which may not be reflected in the ingredients list on the food label. Strict adherence
to good manufacturing practices (GMP), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP),
and allergen prevention plans will reduce the likelihood of cross contamination.
Reference: Food Allergies Health Canada (
The definition of biotechnology used by CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) is:
"The application of science and engineering to the direct or indirect use of living organisms or
parts or products of living organisms in their natural or modified forms"
This definition of biotechnology takes into account that genetic modification refers to both:
1. indirect scientific processes that induce spontaneous mutations through, chemical
mutagenesis and other processes involving the indirect modification of the organisms'
original genome, and;
2. direct genetic manipulation via methods of inserting genes from the same, or from
dierent species and/or organisms.
The genetically modified (GM) food may cause hazard in developing allergenicity, transfer of
genes from GM (genetically modified) food to cells of the body or to bacteria in the in
gastrointestinal tract.
Typically it is understood that referring to products of biotechnology encompasses products
that have been, or are derived from, genetic modification and/or engineering. However, there
are instances where genetic modification or engineering is not used, but the process and/or
resulting product could be identified as a novel food. The term novel foods means:
Foods resulting from a process not previously used for food.
Products that do not have a history of safe use as a food.
Foods that have been modified by genetic manipulation, also known as GM (genetically
modified) foods, genetically engineered foods or biotechnology-derived foods.
Division 28 of the FDA/R (Food and Drugs Act and Regulations) requires that novel foods be
pre-approved for sale in Canada. Once approved, novel foods (including products of
biotechnology) are considered no dierent from their conventional counterparts and labelling
is voluntary. Although biotechnology is not new, its subsequent practical applications in
producing and manufacturing foods are a relatively new phenomenon. Consequently, it is
dicult to identify products of biotechnology in the Canadian marketplace other than by
identifying any label claims or physical characteristics that are unusual to the product, and
identify it as being novel
There have been several situations in the past whereby unapproved products of
biotechnology have entered into the Canadian marketplace. This can be the result of
improperly labelled source seed, misidentified field research trials, or the 'escape' of the
genetic material into other crops or the environment. Consequently, the volume of
unapproved material that inadvertently becomes intermingled with the conventional food
supply is usually present in relatively small amounts and is termed adventitious presence
(AP). In this scenario, HC (Health Canada) provides an opinion on the relative risk of the AP
(adventitious presence), and the resulting compliance and enforcement program is
implemented by inspectors with specific instructions as to how to identify, test and/or sample
the product Two recent examples of AP (adventitious presence) are:
1. Corn that was approved for feed, but not food in the US (United States), and not
approved for any use in Canada (Starlink corn). This corn was imported into Canada in
the form of flour and used to make taco shells and tortilla chips.
2. Rice crops became contaminated with GM (genetically modified) rice that was in the
trial phase and entered into the food supply (LLrice601).
In these instances, the primary concerns were associated with potential allergenicity and/or
toxicity arising from proteins or other products arising from unintended eects from genetic
insertion or from the inserted gene itself. All genetically modified products must undergo a
rigorous science-based safety assessment by Health Canada before they can be considered
as safe as their conventional counterparts for human consumption in the Canadian food
supply. Without completing the safety assessment, the relative risks associated with the
product cannot be accurately measured, and the product becomes a liability as its potential
hazards are unknown.
Reference: Biotechnology and Foods Health Canada (
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